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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2014/02/08)2014/02/09 
xplop Could someone please tell me how to show the index in MuPDF?16:41.41 
Robin_Watts On what platform?16:48.23 
xplop Trisquel GNU/Linux 6.016:49.54 
Robin_Watts You mean show the Outlines ?16:50.35 
  I'm not sure the viewer shows the outlines on windows or linux.16:50.49 
xplop The bookmarks of the file, its a dictionary16:52.09 
Robin_Watts yeah, technically in PDF, I think it's called the outlines.16:52.58 
  I can see that we load it.16:53.18 
  I just can't see it being displayed anywhere.16:53.26 
xplop Oh ok. I really like the speed of muPDF but I think being able to show the outlines is an important feature.16:56.59 
Robin_Watts It's supported it the core, just not exposed in the current windows/linux app.17:05.31 
  Other platforms apps have it.17:05.37 
  and you can see the outlines using mudraw.17:05.50 
  If you wanted to add it, we'd consider a patch.17:05.58 
xplop Ok thank you. I would really like if you could add it.17:07.55 
Robin_Watts our attentions are elsewhere at the moment.17:09.21 
xplop Ok. Maybe you could add it to your 'to-list'. ;-) Thank you anyway!17:10.46 
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