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Log of #ghostscript at

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2014/02/10)2014/02/11 
R4v3n_ Hi, anyone out there who can help with a ghostscriptAPI problem, for the .net framework .. Id really appreciate the help 05:03.55 
  Hi, anyone out there who can help with a ghostscriptAPI problem, for the .net framework .. Id really appreciate the help thanx05:06.43 
ray_laptop R4v3n_: The person that works on is here occasionally -- Check the logs. I think the developer signs on here as "jhabjan" 05:26.43 
  R4v3n_: as far as general gs API issues, feel free to ask here05:27.43 
R4v3n_ thanx ray_laptop i'll keep a look out for jhabjan 05:28.26 
ray_laptop R4v3n_: and as long as your question isn't a total noob "how do I use this" telling us that you haven't even read the docs, we'll try to help ;-)05:28.56 
R4v3n_ lolz sure 05:29.09 
  im having trouble with the getimages function when i access it thorugh a generic handler (.ashx) it throws an exception 05:29.51 
ray_laptop and, of course if it is specific to something that someone else developed (like the .NET interface) we can help05:29.54 
  R4v3n_: sounds like something that is a .NET function since there is no "getimages" for ghostscript05:30.45 
R4v3n_ the exception is "failed to process ghostscript command" error code :100 which is a generic fatal error 05:30.46 
ray_laptop R4v3n_: so either find the .NET developer somewhere else, or wait 'til they show up here05:31.38 
R4v3n_ i'll do that05:31.52 
ray_laptop R4v3n_: we can only help if you have the ghostscript command that fails and the input file(s)05:32.10 
R4v3n_ thanx for your help :) at least i am a step further to the solution . much appreciate your help05:33.14 
ray_laptop AFAIK, the .NET interface uses the API interface (gs/doc/API.htm) and sends special PostScript to provide the extra functionality05:34.04 
R4v3n_ i never saw it like that ... may be i should look in the source for the script thats being sent out and walk through the code there so if i can find if something is off 05:36.06 
ray_laptop sounds like we need to make closer contact with the .NET developer as we did with the developer of GSView (Russell Lang) since we want to make sure things aren't being developed that will be difficult to maintain (as CUPS was until we took it over)05:36.11 
  since we maintain and develop Ghostscript future features, we know how to steer other developers that use the gs library/DLL05:37.25 
  R4v3n_: if you can insert a "-Z:" (case sensitive) argument to the gsapi_init_with_args argument list it might help (assuming you can capture the stdout and stderr logs)05:40.29 
R4v3n_ thanx ray_laptop .. i'll try that and see if i can get the results i want 05:42.10 
ray_laptop R4v3n_: but if the .NET app sends PS sequences to use GS to perform specific functons (as I suspect) there really isn't a good debug facility that Ghostscript provides (at least yet)05:42.52 
  R4v3n_: good luck05:43.06 
R4v3n_ thanx again, you've been a great help and pointed me into the right direction, i'll see if i can find where the bug is 05:44.13 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: mvrhel_laptop: (others) please review my patches for the SeparationOrder issues with bug 694821 and other devices (tiffsep). Note that this does not address psdcmyk producing CMYK separations when they are not requested (29-07I.PS_05:56.58 
  two commits at;a=summary05:57.50 
mvrhel_laptop ray_laptop: looks reasonable to me06:00.00 
jhabjan good morning06:40.50 
  I saw in the log that someone mentioned Ghostscript.NET06:41.36 
  there is no 'getimages' function in the Ghostscript.NET06:43.01 
  so, I believe 'R4v3n_' is using some other library or code sample...06:44.17 
  but.. I'm always willing to help with Ghostscript API usage from any .NET language06:45.17 
fasteque hi all, any MuPDF developer online?09:30.52 
kens fasteque : its a bit early at the moment, you can ask your question and they will see it in the channel logs09:31.20 
fasteque yeah sure, timezone, my bad.09:31.56 
kens Not a problem, they are European, but tend to start late and work late, in roder to communicate with our US colleagues09:32.25 
  Someone will be around in an hour or so, so please feel free to ask your question09:33.37 
  Its even possible (though unlikely) that someone else will be able to help09:33.52 
fasteque ok thanks. I was just trying to understand when text annotation will be supported by the library. MuPDF is nearly perfect by it misses this important feature. I know there are two bugs opened for that, but I just wanted to know if they have any update.09:34.02 
kens Annotations are a work in progress, I'm not sure of the exact state of play but I'm reasonably sure text annotations will be in at some point09:34.33 
fasteque good, because the problem is also when you open a PDF with annonations and you can't get them. I just did a modification in the Android project to select them, but more then "delete" is not possible. Thanks for your info. Let's see if later they'll tell me something about that.09:36.54 
Robin_Watts fasteque: Well, you've summed it up quite well.10:02.50 
  We have some support for annotations, but it's not as complete as we'd like.10:03.01 
  It's on our to-do list, but it's not at the top of the priority list.10:03.16 
fasteque Hi Robin, thanks for your update10:10.01 
chrisl kens: ping10:28.55 
kens pong10:29.40 
chrisl that customer with the barcode font problem - I have a thought (I know it's not really our problem....)10:30.09 
  I they add the barcode font 10:30.19 
kens OK what's the thought ?10:30.20 
chrisl Does the PS drive have a "never embed" list?10:31.04 
kens Not normally10:31.13 
chrisl Oh well, that's that then.....10:31.36 
kens But it shares hte pdfwrite code10:31.37 
  So it can do10:31.47 
chrisl No meant the actual PS printer driver, not the backend10:32.05 
kens Oh definitely not then10:32.16 
  The only way they are going to get reliable 'correct' PDF files is to embed the font.10:33.20 
  2 seconds googling turned up half a dozen free replicas10:33.34 
  Given teh name, I suspect this is a freebie too10:33.52 
  So the forbid embedding is probably an oversight10:34.05 
chrisl Yeh, I just figured if we could stop the PS driver embedding the font, then they'd get the PDF they are expecting.10:34.15 
  And I have seen a Windows PS driver that has equivalents of always embed and never embed lists10:34.58 
kens Hmm, let me look at the WIndows driver again10:37.45 
  I mean it shouldn't be embedding the font anyway10:37.58 
chrisl It look like it's not a part of the stock Windows PS driver, it must have been customised driver....10:38.58 
kens There are some potions, but not that one10:39.08 
  THey could send them as bitmaps -)10:39.20 
  Of course that's *all* TT fonts so not a good idea10:39.29 
  Fundamentally, they should go get a font that permits embedding10:39.44 
chrisl True, but it's decidedly crap that the PS driver ignores the permissions flag like that :-(10:40.20 
kens Given that its contra the spec, causes our XPS interpreter problems, and fails PDF validation, I'm not going back to the old method of 'write an Encoding'10:40.26 
  If we oculd detect that the font was embedded in the PostScript stream, I'd be inclined to allow it to be embedded in the PDF (just as we did before)10:40.54 
  But I couldn't see a way to tell easily10:41.02 
  Hmm the font nam eseems to belong to Elfring Fonts Inc, and they have a 'free trial version'. I wonder if someone just didn't bother to buy the retail one10:44.49 
chrisl kens: I don't know if/how pdfwrite can see it, but fonts read from disk have a PATH entry in the font dict - that only works for PS/PDF of course10:45.18 
kens Ah yes, from their web site:10:45.32 
  PDF Files: These fonts will not embed in a pdf file. Embeddable fonts for pdf files require a special license.10:45.32 
  chrisl well, I oculd look at that, but it looks to me like this is deliberate policy fomr the font foundry. I think I'll add that to the bug report. Especially since I commented on white listing the font.10:46.23 
chrisl kens: yes, on that basis, I think you're right.10:47.03 
kens oh and I should check the copyright notice in the font too, I did decode it10:47.15 
  Hmm maybe its a differne tfont, it doesn't mention that foundry10:47.47 
  Copyright 1997 :-)10:48.09 
  chrisl this is kind of bizarre11:05.48 
  The font embedded in teh PostScript file has a fsType of 211:06.08 
  THe font they sent as a TT font has an fsType of 011:06.20 
  I wonder if they even bothereed to send the same font11:06.32 
chrisl That sounds dubious....11:06.47 
kens Yeah, I suspect they just grabbed a free bar code 39 font and sent it to us11:07.10 
  Nto that it really matters, but it now means I hjave to decode the actual font data in the PS file11:07.28 
chrisl I wouldn't bother - I'd leave the ball in their court now11:07.47 
kens Well I must admit I'm (lazily) inclined in that idrection11:08.04 
chrisl You have answered based on the font they supplied - if that's not the font they used, that is not your problem11:09.13 
kens Well the answer is correct no ,atter which font they used to make the PostScript file. After its been embedded and mangled by the PS driver there is no simple way to reconstruct the original and have it work11:10.05 
  Any answers (and reasons) for questions 15,18 and 19 gratefully received :)11:18.23 
kens oops, I missed 15, what was htat question ?11:24.14 
  Oh that was another squares question11:26.08 
  COUldn't see that one11:26.14 
  DOn't see 18 either11:26.39 
  Well I got 16011:29.44 
  COuldn't see the answers to those questions though11:30.03 
madmoose Robin_Watts: on 15, reading vertically, I think the difference between the first two rows is equal to the sum of the digits in the last row12:43.07 
  Which would make -5 the answer12:43.26 
kens Hmm I tried something like that, but couldn't see it, let me look again12:44.40 
Robin_Watts madmoose: Cunning.12:45.42 
kens Yeah that looks correct12:46.18 
Robin_Watts And indeed, that boosts my iq :)12:46.19 
madmoose I'll try the rest when I get home :)12:46.59 
tor8 Robin_Watts: damn, I see no pattern at all in 18 and 19 :(13:17.56 
Robin_Watts fears he has ruined productivity for today :(13:18.35 
kens chrisl, mind if I assign #695031 to you ?14:14.09 
chrisl kens: it should be me anyway14:14.32 
kens (though I'm inclined to feel 'well don't do that' is the answer)14:14.47 
  CHanged ti to fonts so you get it14:15.18 
chrisl I'll look at it at some point - I'm having to go into the bank this afternoon14:16.29 
kens NP14:16.48 
henrys meeting in 5 minutes15:24.15 
chrisl Okay, so it turns out I am here for the meeting.....15:26.32 
Robin_Watts chrisl: try harder next time.15:26.49 
chrisl Robin_Watts: I actually prefer our IRC meetings to talking to bank people...... but not when they cancel when I'm halfway there :-(15:27.27 
henrys next big event is mvrhel_laptop trip, do we have some demo files he can use yet?15:30.33 
  Robin_Watts: I added a GhostDocs section to the agenda, and font metrics is the first item.15:31.15 
  chrisl: so was your plan to do a release after the meeting? I hope so.15:32.27 
chrisl henrys: yes, given that the meeting is early in the month. I may do an RC before the meeting, though15:33.01 
Robin_Watts henrys: Nope, not yet.15:33.12 
  I'm trying to build a new ghostdocs demo now (with the new fonts and logo from Miles etc) and then once I have that, we can look for some good example docs.15:33.48 
mvrhel_laptop good morning15:34.24 
  sounds great. Thanks Robin_Watts 15:34.48 
Robin_Watts no worries.15:35.00 
henrys Robin_Watts: do you need help or do you want to do it alone?15:35.37 
Robin_Watts building the new demo? I don't think there is much scope for parellisation.15:36.11 
  or parallelisation, even.15:36.20 
henrys Robin_Watts: I was thinking about the font metrics15:36.32 
Robin_Watts henrys: Oh, that's done.15:36.41 
  kerning isn't right, but the basic metrics are.15:36.53 
  Getting kerning to be right will be... interesting.15:37.06 
  because the MS fonts have both 'GPOS' and 'kern' tables (and the GPOS takes priority).15:37.44 
  Ours only have kern tables.15:37.52 
henrys Robin_Watts: so once you have something marcosw should start testing again?15:38.41 
  or do you think we need to wait for a kerning solution15:38.53 
Robin_Watts which leads into all sorts of questions, like do things like libreoffice manage to match layout when they use freetype, that ignores lots of the tables in the fonts that make a difference?15:39.16 
  henrys: No, I think marcosw should test again.15:39.24 
chrisl Robin_Watts: they probably use a layout engine, which does use those tables15:39.48 
Robin_Watts After the meeting, if he's about, I can talk to him about that.15:39.51 
tor8 Robin_Watts: libreoffice might use ICU for opentype support (and get GPOS kerning from that)15:40.01 
marcosw morning15:40.15 
Robin_Watts ok.15:40.21 
marcosw sorry I'm late15:40.23 
Robin_Watts marcosw: Are you going to be about after the meeting ?15:40.28 
tor8 Robin_Watts: or it might use pango (the gtk+ equivalent) which uses harfbuzz under the hood for opentype layout15:40.31 
marcosw Robin_Watts: yes15:40.35 
Robin_Watts tor8: fair enough.15:40.54 
paulgardiner marcosw: Did the dll I sent fix the problem with the GhostDocs viewer?15:41.25 
chrisl Robin_Watts: although Freetyepe doesn't use those tables, it *should* give access to the data in them, IIRC....15:41.30 
tor8 chrisl: yeah. they started using the tables, then ripped that code out and made it into another project, which eventually turned into harfbuzz15:41.59 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: If you run MuPDF on an android device, and try to open a password protected file, and then cancel out, does it crash for you?15:42.16 
henrys ray_laptop: did you see the discussion about the chunk manager and memento improvements that could be made in non-memento mode?15:42.18 
chrisl tor8: yes, you can still get the (dead) freetype 1 code that did all that15:42.28 
marcosw paulgardiner: to be honest I haven't tried it yet.15:42.53 
paulgardiner Robin_Watts: Don't know. I haven't tried passworded files for a while. I don;t think I have one to hand either15:42.57 
  marcosw: No worries. Just so long as your not waiting on a solution.15:43.21 
henrys paulgardiner: how's ghostdocs + mupdf coming along out there on the bleeding edge of artifex technology ;-)15:43.39 
ray_laptop henrys: no, when was that discussion ?15:43.51 
  henrys: I thought i've read the IRC logs15:44.03 
henrys ray_laptop: couple days back. I'll look it up for you later and tell you the date.15:44.39 
paulgardiner henrys: it's moving along, but I'm yet to get to a point where I can really evaluate all that's needed. I'm still working on building without the FBS.15:45.02 
ray_laptop henrys: that's OK. I'll just search for 'memento' It isn't mentioned all that much15:45.10 
kens There's a bug report isn't there ? I think its all confused with PCL fonts as well15:45.54 
paulgardiner henrys: just today I swapped to looking at the signature creation for Raed. Shouldn't be a long job, and I thought it would be good to get out of the way.15:46.17 
henrys paulgardiner: okay good.15:46.40 
  kens: anything on the pdfwrite or interpreter front?15:47.05 
kens Not at present, except that I need to talk with Michael after the meeting15:47.21 
chrisl Does anyone have anything in the works that might influence the next release?15:48.00 
kens Still working on tje colour management, that's why I need to talk to Michael15:48.16 
henrys I didn't have much else for this week. Next week I wanted to get the agenda ready for the meeting so if everyone could look at that in advance and weigh in next week, that would be good. We don't want to sit around in Texas staring at each other with nothing to say.15:48.25 
kens And I'd like to get the PostScript configuration enhancement done (chrisl)15:48.40 
chrisl kens: I don't remember that....15:49.12 
kens TO allow thinkgs like MediaPosition to be put in the ps2write output15:49.26 
henrys anybody else have meeting stuff? how's torscript tor8?15:49.27 
chrisl kens: oh, right, of course15:49.44 
kens I'd like to wedge that into the next release15:49.56 
ray_laptop henrys: I found the discussion back on 2/6 -- what you are looking for is a better cname ?15:50.15 
tor8 henrys: going to start trying to integrate it into mupdf now15:50.23 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: I made a memento change that passed a better cname in.15:50.42 
  In retrospect I should have done that for normal builds too.15:50.55 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: right -- I saw that in the log15:51.00 
Robin_Watts Either you can do that, or I can.15:51.09 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: I've just wrapped up my last customer bug, so I'll go ahead and do it. Your busy having fun with fonts15:51.51 
henrys marcosw: we do have a release coming up if you see something that should be fixed make it a blocker. You look at the bugs most often15:53.09 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: BTW, thanks for the once over on the patches. After you saw it, I disabled the "example" code to get rid of a couple of compiler warnings in gdevcmykog.c 15:53.16 
marcosw henrys: will do. I don't think there are any open bugs that are blockers, but I'll double check.15:53.47 
Robin_Watts disabled how ?15:53.51 
henrys of course we all should look at the bugs for blockers ...15:53.54 
marcosw I've try to mark regressions as blockers as I enter them, figuring there isn't any reason to wait until a month before the release.15:54.39 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: I see. That's fine.15:55.14 
henrys let's adjourn 5 minutes early.15:55.25 
kens :-)15:55.50 
mvrhel_laptop sounds good. kens. I have to help get kids out the door for about 5 minutes then we can chat about icc profiles15:55.56 
kens No problem, I'll go get a coffee, ping me when ready15:56.08 
Robin_Watts OK, marcosw... so could you rerun the layout tests please?15:56.38 
marcosw Robin_Watts: sure. should have results later today.15:57.27 
Robin_Watts marcosw: You're pulling from which repo?16:01.08 
marcosw /home/robin/sauce/epage.git16:01.26 
Robin_Watts perfect. thanks.16:01.34 
  Oh, wait...16:01.42 
marcosw git sure is slow...16:01.45 
Robin_Watts You'll need to change the build and/or command you're using slightly.16:02.01 
  What build command are you using now ?16:02.16 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: so, the reason you didn't always pass the cname into chunk_mem_node_add was because you thought that the extra parameter would impact performance ?? Seriously ?? Or was there something else ?16:03.00 
marcosw scripts/ da/test-shell -vs2005 -nonet -romfss2 -define=ALL_DAS -define=PDF_EXPORT -debug16:03.02 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: I didn't want to change the performance of normal builds, yes.16:03.52 
  Silly in retrospect.16:04.01 
  marcosw: OK. You should be able to drop the -vs2005 :)16:04.21 
  And if you use -romfss2 the fonts will be pickled into the exe.16:04.39 
marcosw the run command looks like this:16:04.43 
  da-test -save /home/marcos/artifex/epage/test -hq home/marcos/artifex/epage/test.docx out.txt ooxml rom:libraries/image/resource rom:libraries/font/library16:04.47 
Robin_Watts Oh, you had -romfss2 already.16:05.17 
  OK. So you should omit the two rom:/ things now.16:05.34 
marcosw sounds easy enough16:06.19 
Robin_Watts assuming I've not screwed up, yeah :)16:09.11 
marcosw chrisl: when I updated from ufst to ufst-6.x for the weekly 'make uproduct' regression test I found a bunch of differences that didn't appear with the normal build. The differences included missing text and incorrectly bolded text (the latter in lots of files). Did I do something wrong or is that possible?16:09.12 
mvrhel_laptop kens: I am back16:11.03 
kens OK16:11.10 
mvrhel_laptop so I am a little confused16:11.24 
kens Hmm, by what ?16:11.33 
mvrhel_laptop I ran the original file through pdfwrite16:11.39 
kens With -dUseCIEColor ?16:11.48 
mvrhel_laptop yes16:11.57 
ray_laptop henrys: do you want the cname for adding a chunk to be the one that causes the chunk to be added even if that chunk holds multiple objects ? It's easy enough to have multiple object chunks use the "chunk_mem_node_add" string, and single object chunks to use the supplied cname.16:12.00 
kens OK16:12.02 
mvrhel_laptop let me do it again real quick here16:12.02 
ray_laptop henrys: Robin_Watts: I pushed the patch to my repo that always uses the cname. I'll change it ro use chunk_mem_node_add for multiple object allocations if you want. One of you please check the change.16:14.38 
marcosw bbiab, getting breakfast while epage compiles16:15.03 
mvrhel_laptop kens: hmmm ok now I am seeing what I would have expected. I must have been doing something wrong before16:15.08 
  sorry! let me go through and look at these profiles now16:15.18 
kens Well its non-tricial I guess16:15.20 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: Looks good to me.16:15.41 
kens THe profiles seem 'OK', but they don't have a rXYZ, bXYZ or gXYZ tag16:15.41 
mvrhel_laptop let me look at them with the inspector16:15.59 
chrisl marcosw: Well, although it wouldn't have the effects you're seeing, but you shouldn't be doing "make uproduct" because that uses the old code16:16.05 
kens WHich causes them ot be unusable in a link, At least that's what seems to come out of LCMS16:16.10 
henrys ray_laptop: ah yes that does complicate things, perhaps cname should only use the client name for objects allocated in their own chunk, I don't know.16:16.30 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: I think you're right. It would be nicer if chunks only got the "informative" name if they were single object chunks.16:16.53 
henrys ray_laptop: if we are allocating a new chunk because we are out of memory the "client" is the memory manager.16:17.24 
Robin_Watts The cname is still associated with the individual blocks within chunks, right ?16:17.25 
chrisl marcosw: the missing text is a typo, trivial to fix. The seg fault is a little more complex - I have a fix, but I'm trying to find tests for a (it seems!) rarely used path through the code.16:17.45 
Robin_Watts Interesting: 
mvrhel_laptop I don't like that it created 425 versions of a profile fromabc..... I hope it did not create the same profile that many times.16:17.53 
kens mvrhel_laptop : What created the profile ?16:18.09 
mvrhel_laptop ghostscript16:18.14 
kens pdfwrite may use it a lot of tiems, but it should spot reuse16:18.22 
  When I was testing it it did spot that it was the same space16:18.46 
mvrhel_laptop kens: it is likely not you (pdfwrite) that is the source of that issue16:18.46 
ray_laptop henrys: Robin_Watts: OK. I'll change that.16:18.49 
mvrhel_laptop a separate issue that I will need to look at16:19.04 
kens OK16:19.17 
mvrhel_laptop kens16:19.21 
  ok these have a table16:19.25 
marcosw chrisl: these changes aren't ones I've entered bugs for, those are for the standard ufst build. the ones asked about are the changes that occur with the 'make uproduct' build. I guess I'm asking if the 'make uproduct' build should have differences that the standard ufst build or if I'm doing something wrong.16:19.35 
mvrhel_laptop as opposed to the rXYZ etc type16:19.36 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: yes, the cname in the -ZA output is still that of the caller, whether or not the object was in it's own chunk16:19.41 
kens mvrhel_laptop : I guess that makes some sense.16:19.49 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: At some point I should sprinkle some Memento_label's in this code.16:20.08 
mvrhel_laptop likely due to the fact that the ICC format can't directly match up to the CIE based transform with its single matrix and curves16:20.14 
chrisl marcosw: I've no idea - if you want to mail me a few examples, I'll try them, and let you know what I think16:20.25 
kens These are created by gs_colorspace_set_icc_equivalent when I encouter a CIEBased space and there is no icc_equivalent16:20.27 
mvrhel_laptop kens16:20.29 
  there may be an issue with one of the structures16:20.46 
kens Its calling gx_cieabc_to_icc()16:20.56 
marcosw Robin_Watts: I needed to add a 'static' to get the current epage code to compile, should I push that change to your repository (the previous source needed two changes, so things are improving :-) ).16:20.56 
  chrisl: will do.16:21.00 
mvrhel_laptop the profile inspector crashed when I tried to view it16:21.00 
Robin_Watts marcosw: If you can push, go for it :)16:21.14 
mvrhel_laptop kens: that is likely our profile16:21.15 
kens mvrhel_laptop : in gsciemap.c around line 848. Oh, that doens't sound good16:21.15 
mvrhel_laptop problem16:21.18 
  kens: I will look into this 16:21.37 
marcosw chrisl: actually I'll just enter a bug, it's as easy and if you decide it's a problem it will save a step (if not you can close the bug and improve your weekly fixed bug count).16:21.48 
mvrhel_laptop sorry that I did not find this earlier kens16:21.51 
marcosw ^easy^issue16:21.59 
kens OK I'll be here for an indeteminate but reasonable length of time waiting for Stella and Melanie, let me know if I can help16:22.02 
kens dounts that I cna but still....16:22.14 
mvrhel_laptop kens: ok likely not much for you to do 16:22.16 
chrisl marcosw: okay - my answer will probably be "use the new code"!16:22.35 
marcosw Robin_Watts: you're right, I don't have permissions to push to the repository. Here's the diff: --- a/foundation/libraries/io/fs/romfss2.c16:25.14 
  +++ b/foundation/libraries/io/fs/romfss2.c16:25.14 
  @@ -310,7 +310,7 @@ Error RomFss2_read(Fcb *cb, size_t required, const uint8_t **block,16:25.14 
  return EPAGE_NO_ERROR;16:25.14 
  - *block = (uint8_t *)mine->file->data + mine->pos;16:25.15 
  + *block = (const uint8_t *)mine->file->data + mine->pos;16:25.15 
  *delivered = mine->file->size - mine->pos;16:25.16 
  return EPAGE_NO_ERROR;16:25.17 
Robin_Watts Thanks.16:25.32 
marcosw There is another if you building the pdf export code:16:25.41 
  --- a/agents/pdf-exporter/pdf-exporter.c16:25.47 
  +++ b/agents/pdf-exporter/pdf-exporter.c16:25.48 
  @@ -489,7 +489,7 @@ static Error urlFromFilename(const char *fname,16:25.48 
  ((fnameLen>=Pal_strlen("file")) && (Pal_strncmp(fname,"file", Pal_strlen("file"))==0)) )16:25.48 
  Unicode *uniUrl;16:25.48 
  - error = Uconv_toUnicode((uint8_t*)fname, &uniUrl,16:25.48 
  + error = Uconv_toUnicode((const uint8_t*)fname, &uniUrl,16:25.49 
  Uconv_Encoding_Latin1, context);16:25.49 
  if (error)16:25.50 
  return error;16:25.50 
  @@ -1029,7 +1029,7 @@ static Error loadDocument(Epage_Context *epage,16:25.51 
  /* get file mimetype */16:25.51 
  if (mimeTypeChar)16:25.52 
ray_laptop marcosw: can't be bothered with pastebin ;-)16:27.09 
marcosw pastebin? we don't need no stinkin' pastbin!16:27.52 
Robin_Watts marcosw: Well, pastebin might mean I got to see the whole diff :)16:28.53 
marcosw oops, sorry. I'll try that.16:29.05 
henrys we should fix the permissions, yes?16:29.48 
  and the first one again: 
Robin_Watts henrys: Well, we should have a central repo somewhere really.16:33.12 
  We don't currently let people push to other peoples personal repos.16:33.34 
henrys Robin_Watts: oh right of course16:34.11 
Robin_Watts But we'd need a new sort of central repo that wasn't world visible.16:34.44 
marcosw Robin_Watts: I'm getting another error, but I don't see what's wrong with the code:16:35.04 
  cc1: warnings being treated as errors16:35.07 
  /home/marcos/artifex/epage/agents/test-shell/test-shell.c: In function 'main':16:35.07 
  /home/marcos/artifex/epage/agents/test-shell/test-shell.c:2962: error: cast discards qualifiers from pointer target type16:35.07 
Robin_Watts resource_url probably needs to be a const char *16:35.47 
marcosw It's declared as a "char *" (also I tried the const char * cast)16:36.12 
Robin_Watts Indeed, but a string literal such as "rom:/...." is probably a const char *.16:36.57 
  and hence assigning that into a char * is discarding the const qualifier16:37.17 
marcosw true, but I tried casting the string to a char * and that didn't work and volatile char * didn't work either (is volatile the opposite of const? I haven't programmed in C much lately).16:39.07 
Robin_Watts marcosw: casting the string won't work.16:39.29 
  because that's implicitly what we're doing now.16:39.42 
  and we'd get the same error.16:39.50 
  volatile is not the opposite of const.16:40.00 
  Can you not just change "char *resource_url;" to be "const char *resource_url;" ?16:40.28 
marcosw I was presuming that it was not const for a reason, but apparently not, since that worked.16:41.42 
ray_laptop AIUI, volatile tells the compiler to assume that a variable may change due to another thread touching it16:42.14 
marcosw accoring to the internets:16:42.32 
  A common misconception is to imagine that somehow const is the opposite of volatile and vice versa.16:42.35 
Robin_Watts specifically, volatile says that the compiler can't assume it can optimise anything about accesses through a volatile pointer.16:43.35 
  For instance if I have: volatile int *fred; *fred = 1; *fred = 2; *fred = 3; the compiler can't remove any of them.16:44.20 
  It also can't reorder them w.r.t. other things. The classic example is where fred points to a hardware register to do polled io.16:45.02 
ray_laptop HURRAY! All my customer bugs are closed. FINALLY Still have some customer enhancements...16:47.30 
kens Congrats ray_laptop16:48.32 
mvrhel_laptop kens: blah. it looks to me like no one is following the spec. so this profile has a special structure. the structure can have a curve, followed by a matrix, followed by a curve, then an MLUT and then a curve. Any of the items can be not present to make various combinations. This is indicated by setting the offset address for that item to zero. Which I clearly do as this particular...16:49.34 
  ...profile only has a curve, matrix and then a curve. Unfortunately, it appears that this is a problem for the profile inspector and for lcms16:49.36 
kens OK mvrhel_laptop16:49.50 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: How's the eye btw?16:49.53 
kens mvrhel_laptop : if this is a problem I can punt it through the odl code for now16:50.23 
mvrhel_laptop kens: so, what I need to do is either put in identity items for those parts, or use a different structure. I may go ahead and use a different structure16:50.34 
  kens: no let me fix it on this end16:50.40 
kens OK no problem16:50.52 
mvrhel_laptop I may send this profile off to someone to look at too16:51.01 
  to me it is valid16:51.07 
kens :)16:51.13 
mvrhel_laptop from my reading of the spec16:51.13 
  I am going to see what lcms is doing with it too16:51.35 
  this is straight out of the sepc16:52.16 
  "The offsets indicatethe number of bytes from the beginning of the tag to the desired data. If any of the offsets are zero, that is anindication that processing element is not present and the operation is not performed."16:52.24 
kens well you're way p[ast my competence level16:52.31 
  But if I can help, do let me know16:52.48 
mvrhel_laptop kens: no you can move on to bigger and better things. I should have this resolved this week16:53.07 
kens Thanks mvrhel_laptop16:53.15 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: I still have the Bell's. Some people tell me they think it is improving, but I can't tell since I see myself every day. I think my eye is getting easier to close. That would be great16:59.54 
  Robin_Watts: but the eye exam yesterday went well. My cornea has a little bit of drying on the lower 20% but he said it's looking good and what I am doing is working17:01.03 
Robin_Watts Yeah, I think you probably have to trust to external viewers to tell you how you look :)17:01.35 
  Good to hear it's getting better.17:01.48 
ray_laptop it'll be nice to not have to tell people "no, I didn't have a stroke"17:02.51 
madmoose Yay, I'm a contributor 17:23.11 
Robin_Watts madmoose: Indeed. Thanks again!17:24.04 
henrys Robin_Watts: that scan build warning looks scary, didn't look at his code though17:26.16 
Robin_Watts henrys: ?17:26.46 
henrys Robin_Watts: there were compiler warning with your commit from Thomas17:27.21 
Robin_Watts which one?17:27.49 
  There were 3 Thomas commits and I can't see any warnings...17:28.05 
  "Undefined or garbage value returned to caller" in mutiff.c? That's scanbuild being crap.17:29.52 
  henrys: Where are you seeing these compiler warnings reported?17:39.37 
henrys in the email sent to you and tech with the subject New muPDF compiler warnings17:40.17 
Robin_Watts Gah. Can't see for looking.17:41.23 
  Right, so just the one new warning, and it's scanbuild being crap.17:41.39 
  scanbuild gets confused by the try/catchery.17:42.00 
henrys Robin_Watts: yes, I see17:43.00 
  I wonder if it could handle it if the jmp stuff was right in there or if it doesn't handle jumps at all17:44.55 
  not important17:45.05 
Robin_Watts henrys: The setjmp is in the fz_try macro17:46.46 
  (i.e. not buried in a function)17:47.02 
henrys Robin_Watts: I am convinced it is exceedingly difficult/impossible to have clean code without exception machinery17:47.03 
Robin_Watts henrys: Yes. IMAO mupdf is much nicer than gs in this regard.17:47.29 
  but it's not a magic bullet.17:47.35 
  There are costs to working with exceptions, but overall it's a win, I feel.17:48.08 
henrys no but having functions return values and not error codes is a huge win IMHO17:48.17 
Robin_Watts yeah.17:49.48 
marcosw Robin_Watts: the new epage/word comparison is done and on the web at the same location as before. Many documents showed great improvement, but tables are still a problem as are footnotes (epage seems not render footnotes at all).17:52.35 
Robin_Watts marcosw: Thanks.17:52.54 
marcosw some of the documents show no results for epage, I'm checking to see if there are error messages from epage or just a problem with my script.17:53.31 
Robin_Watts Did they show results before?17:56.58 
jhabjan in ghostscript, when using display device, it seems GraphicsAlphaBits and TextAlphaBits are ignored when gsapi_init_with_args is called18:00.47 
kens And on the command line ?18:01.47 
jhabjan on command line when using other devices it works18:02.21 
kens Its entirely possible the device doesn't implement it18:02.21 
  using other devices isn't relevant, has ot be the sme device18:02.36 
jhabjan hm.. how do I test 'display' device via command line?18:03.03 
kens Its hte default device in WINdows18:03.21 
ray_laptop jhabjan: you can either omit the -sDEVICE=____ or use -sDEVICE=display18:04.38 
  jhabjan: these parameters work with gsapi_init_with_args because gswin32.exe and gswin32c.exe use that and they work for me.18:07.44 
jhabjan it works via command line18:08.15 
ray_laptop jhabjan: the command line sends the args using gsapi_init_with_args18:09.08 
  jhabjan: you may have the argc wrong in your call ??18:09.40 
jhabjan args.Add("-sDEVICE=display");18:10.09 
  if (Environment.Is64BitProcess)18:10.09 
  args.Add("-dDisplayFormat=" +18:10.12 
ray_laptop jhabjan: please use pastebin or the like rather than pasting large floods here18:12.55 
jhabjan I will, sorry once again18:13.11 
madmoose I've seen nice code with error return codes, and I've seen nice code with exceptions. And I've seen crap code with either too. mupdf is very nice and readable.18:13.49 
ray_laptop jhabjan: you can try changing the -dTextAlphaBits=4 to -sTextAlphaBits=4 -- that should give you: Unrecoverable error: typecheck in .putdeviceprops18:14.44 
  (I make that mistake sometimes when typing a command line, that's how I know)18:15.24 
jhabjan yep, I got typecheck (-20) error18:17.35 
  -sTextAlphaBits=4 throws error, -dTextAlphaBits does nothing, -sGraphicsAlphaBits=4 and -dGraphicsAlphaBits does nothing18:23.17 
mvrhel_laptop kens: you still here?18:23.29 
kens for a while yes18:23.35 
mvrhel_laptop so, I now I don't think the problem is with the profiles that I am creating. 18:23.54 
  there is something else going on18:23.57 
kens I can believe that18:24.12 
mvrhel_laptop when I run the original file with -dUseCIEColor18:24.12 
  to tiff32nc for example. it uses the profiles and all works fine18:24.28 
kens Yes18:24.36 
  THe problem is I don;t use hte profile I embed it18:24.44 
mvrhel_laptop when I run out to the pdfwrite device I only get a partial file18:24.45 
kens I get a full file18:25.04 
mvrhel_laptop I dont' let me rurun again18:25.11 
kens LIke hte one I sent18:25.13 
  mvrhel_laptop : Are yo uusing current code ?18:25.34 
  I fixed a bug that caused truncated files a short while back18:25.47 
mvrhel_laptop ok18:25.50 
  let me update18:25.52 
jhabjan ray_laptop: never mind, I found a workaround, I'm setting '/GraphicsAlphaBits 4' after setting /HWResolution right before executing >>setpagedevice18:27.35 
ray_laptop jhabjan: sorry -- I was away. Yes, you can set device parameters via setpagedevice or putdeviceprops 18:29.43 
jhabjan ray_laptop: no worries, I was just expecting this two parameters will be applied by default if they are used with gsapi_init_with_args18:31.14 
mvrhel_laptop kens: so the file I get is 156K and when I try to open it with acrobat I get invalid transparency group18:32.15 
kens yes, its the progfile18:32.29 
mvrhel_laptop the file you sent me is larger18:32.44 
  let me step through the file that pdfwrite is making and I will see what is going on with it18:33.22 
kens compressed file michael18:34.02 
mvrhel_laptop ah ok18:34.40 
ray_laptop jhabjan: they _should_ be. Have you tried -Z: -- it echoes the arguments to stderr18:36.21 
  henrys: for the patch to the chunk allocator from norbetj I've put "Thanks to Norbert Janssen" in the log message. Should I mention the company as well ?18:37.40 
henrys ray_laptop: I usually just mention Norbert18:38.36 
mvrhel_laptop kens: oh I know what is going on now18:39.42 
kens Hmm that doesn't sound good18:39.56 
mvrhel_laptop so these profiles that I generate for replacing CIE color spaces are one way18:40.15 
  in that they are used for mapping from source to CIE. 18:40.41 
  not from CIE to source18:40.44 
kens I wondered if it might be something to do with that18:40.46 
ray_laptop henrys: thanks18:40.58 
mvrhel_laptop in this particular case, this color space is getting used for a transparency group18:41.04 
  which needs to be two way18:41.08 
kens ah.....18:41.13 
  THat meybe explains why its only on *some* files18:41.21 
mvrhel_laptop kens: let me do a little thinking about this18:42.21 
kens OK thanks mvrhel_laptop18:42.34 
kens is still waiting for the family to come home18:46.47 
jhabjan ray_laptop: i just tried (-Z), both parameters are listed via stderr18:47.56 
ray_laptop jhabjan: I can't imagine what's going on. 18:52.59 
jhabjan ray_laptop: no worries, I will use a workaround with setpagedevice, thanks18:54.50 
mvrhel_laptop kens: part of me is thinking that in this odd case, that we simply should simply use the appropriate DeviceGray, DeviceRGB, or DeviceCMYK for the group color space when writing the pdf color space when we have a color space that was from a PS CIE color space18:56.39 
  there are plenty of warnings not do use -dUseCIEColor18:57.06 
kens :-)18:57.14 
  I odn't think I cna tell its for transparency18:57.33 
  Its just a colour spce when I see it18:57.54 
mvrhel_laptop you don't know when you are pushing a group?18:58.00 
kens Not at the level of the colour handling18:58.10 
  I could obviously carry some state around but that owuld be ugly18:58.38 
mvrhel_laptop hmmm. the transparency code is handing you a group where one of the parameters is an ICC color space which was created from a PS color space18:58.52 
  I don't think you need a state18:59.00 
  kens: I will poke at it and see if I can make something and let you decide if you like it or not18:59.46 
kens Well I know its a CIEBased space, and there is no ICC equivalent18:59.49 
  But the code that writes the colour space doesn't know that its being called form the transparency handling19:00.10 
mvrhel_laptop kens: I am suggesting that you fix it up when you get the call of a group push19:00.29 
kens Hmm you mean change teh colour space from CIEBased to 'soemthing else' ?19:00.50 
mvrhel_laptop hmm. actually, let me make the fix in ztrans.c19:03.11 
  then you will never know19:03.14 
kens :-) Well that's easier for me certainly....19:03.30 
mvrhel_laptop we really should not be using these spaces for group color spaces19:03.39 
kens But I am not sure that will work19:03.41 
mvrhel_laptop trust me... :)19:03.50 
kens AH wait, it will be OK for CIEColr19:03.56 
  And I bet the cololur space push is fine with the UseDeviceIndependentColor flag too19:04.24 
  I shoudl check that though19:04.35 
mvrhel_laptop if the group is a real (two way) ICC color space all will be fine. Its just this -dUseCIEColor case that will be different19:05.52 
kens Yes, I was just thinking of the case where I convert the space in the pdfwrite code. There is a flag to have it emit ICCbased colour there which involves (obviously) changing the colour space. I just need to check that it works. I think it will but this has worried me slightly19:07.05 
mvrhel_laptop hmm kens, let me look at this more. I actually can't tell in ztrans.c that the profile was from a PS CIE color space19:08.53 
kens OK I may be called away at any moment now19:09.13 
  OK hte device independent colour flag is fine, it leaves the group colour spaces alone19:10.32 
  Well its been a long day, I think I'll go find out where the family is, goodnight all19:12.10 
mvrhel_laptop kens: good night19:14.45 
  I think I see how to do this19:14.50 
  will have something for you to review tomorrow19:14.58 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: Did you have stuff you needed me to look at?19:22.34 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: there is a bunch of stuff in my repos. It is far from complete but if you want to start looking at it that would be great19:23.07 
Robin_Watts so each commit is in a reasonable state, just the whole functionality isn't there?19:23.47 
mvrhel_laptop it all is self contained in the winrt platform folder (even though this particular project is not winrt)19:23.51 
  Robin_Watts: I would say the last two commits are in a reasonable state, with the one before the most recent one being a large initial commit for the "real" thing19:24.50 
  Robin_Watts: from here on out, the commits will be smaller and more contained19:25.04 
  each hopefully adding some new functionality19:25.29 
Robin_Watts So, will some of this stuff be refactored out of the winrt folder in the end?19:25.30 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: yes. just for now, it is easier for me to do it in there19:25.46 
Robin_Watts ok. I will have a look.19:26.00 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: thank you19:26.05 
Robin_Watts I have to have something to occupy me while I repeatedly rebuild the epage stuff :(19:26.28 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: so it is the win_desktop branch19:27.22 
Robin_Watts ok.19:27.35 
mvrhel_laptop gsview is the c# project19:28.12 
  MainWindow.xaml.cs is obviously the main viewer19:28.37 
Robin_Watts oh, C#. Joy.19:29.15 
mvrhel_laptop and we have an interface to gshostscript through ghostsharp.cs and through mudpf with mudocument.cs19:29.30 
Robin_Watts OK. I'll see what I can make of it.19:29.38 
mvrhel_laptop the interface to mupdf through mudocument shares the c++ code that I wrote for winRT by going through an interface DLL called mupdfnet which is included in the solution19:30.26 
marcosw Robin_Watts: one of the files that epage won't read is a bad file (it's an .html document with a .doc extension, which word seems to happy to open). The other file appears perfectly okay, but epage says it doesn't recognize the header. I've opened a bug: 
Robin_Watts marcosw: Thanks19:34.26 
marcosw should I make you the default assignee for ghostdocs bugs? 19:35.22 
Robin_Watts marcosw: Either me or paulgardiner.19:43.01 
  could we have a ghostdocs-bugs address that goes to the pair of us, as we currently do for mupdf-bugs?19:43.38 
  I thought henrys plans was that this stuff would belong to paul. I'm happy to be copied in etc, but I don't want to be 'shoehorning' myself in.19:44.24 
mvrhel_laptop kens: ok it works now19:44.42 
  hold on19:45.03 
henrys I think it is fine going to paulgardiner marcosw but I don't feel strongly about it.19:45.05 
  Robin_Watts: ugh Miles' email19:45.17 
Robin_Watts henrys: I'm replying now.19:46.01 
mvrhel_laptop darn. no it does not work. wtf19:46.02 
marcosw Robin_Watts, paulgardiner, and henrys: I'll set up a ghostdocs-bugs alias that forwards to robin and paul.19:54.35 
henrys marcosw: probably a good thing if you make the testing high priority. We are trying to make business decisions and understanding test results would be useful.19:56.49 
  marcosw: especially if a pcl bug comes in, this testing has higher priority ;-)19:57.46 
marcosw henrys: I've opened bugs for all of the issues that I've found (there are currently 15 open ghostdocs bugs). 20:04.51 
  There are probably additional issues that are obscured by the major differences that line spacing/word wrap causes (some of which seem to be much better with the newly modified fonts).20:05.39 
mvrhel_laptop kens: ok now it works20:07.09 
  so we now avoid sticking in CIE color spaces as trans. group color spaces20:07.31 
  kens: I will clusterpush and if it looks ok commit20:08.26 
marcosw okay, the ghostdocs-bugs alias is live and the existing bugs have been assigned to it. 20:10.55 
  henrys: we've received the quality logic office2013 tests. They aren't very big, so I'll check them into the tests-private repository.20:12.46 
  I'll also run them through word2013 and ghostsdocs and post the comparison pdfs.20:13.04 
henrys marcosw: okay when you get to a point where you can give some sort of opinion about the overall quality sound off.20:13.25 
  my macbook crashes periodically when moved, nothing written to the logs sigh ...23:57.06 
mvrhel_laptop henrys: I almost have my laptop back to normal23:58.19 
  back to gsview now that I got the icc problem fixed23:59.39 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: I wish I had a clue what was going on I did a hardware diagnostic and it's clean23:59.45 
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