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Log of #ghostscript at

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2014/02/16)2014/02/17 
Raymond_ Hello10:31.16 
chrisl Hi10:31.25 
Raymond_ void fz_write_jpg(fz_context *ctx, fz_pixmap *pixmap,int n, int depth, char *filename, int quality){ struct jpeg_compress_struct cinfo; struct jpeg_error_mgr jerr; /* More stuff */ FILE * outfile;/* target file */ int row_stride;/* physical row width in image buffer */ JSAMPROW row_pointer[1]; cinfo.err = jpeg_std_error(&jerr); jpeg_create_compress(&cinfo); if ((outfile = fopen(filename, "wb")) == NULL) { 10:31.41 
Robin_Watts raymond: Don't do large pastes here. Use pastebin, please.10:32.13 
Raymond_ I want save a fz_pixmap object to jpeg, but it's not work...10:32.15 
  May i ask a question about mupdf?10:34.00 
Robin_Watts sure.10:34.24 
Raymond_ : ) 10:34.51 
  I 'm trying to save a fz_pixmap object as jpeg file10:35.14 
  but the result image is not same in pdf..10:36.22 
  this is my code 
  very simple10:38.04 
Robin_Watts row_stride is wrong.10:38.55 
  Oh, no, sorry. Presumably you always call with n = 8 ?10:39.27 
  depth = 8 I mean.10:39.37 
Raymond_ n=310:39.39 
Robin_Watts For an rgb image, generally n = 4.10:39.58 
  because it's rgbargbargba etc.10:40.07 
  so you'll need to cope with that.10:41.03 
Raymond_ what's "image->n" means?10:41.28 
Robin_Watts pixmap->n is the number of components.10:41.41 
  what value are you seeing for pixmap->n ?10:41.52 
Raymond_ 310:41.59 
Robin_Watts oh, ok. Let me think10:42.18 
  Well, that's very odd.10:43.33 
  If you look at fz_write_png, that calls fz_output_png_band, and that expects n to be 1,2 or 4.10:43.58 
  1 = alpha only, 2 = grey_alpha, 4 = rgb + alpha.10:44.14 
  Raymond: Does calling fz_write_png get you a valid png ?10:46.44 
Raymond_ yes10:47.00 
Robin_Watts Then pixmap->n cannot be 3.10:47.13 
Raymond_ ok , i debug it now10:47.30 
sebras Robin_Watts: can n == 3 if the input is a .png?10:48.53 
  Robin_Watts: or if the pixmap has been manually created?10:49.11 
Robin_Watts How can the input be a png?10:49.12 
sebras Robin_Watts: don't we support opening .png files? I though we did.10:49.33 
Robin_Watts sebras: They will have n=4 I believe.10:49.50 
  because the alpha has got to go somewhere.10:50.03 
sebras Robin_Watts: it ought to be there, it was just an thought that there might be some strange case where we forget to add alpha.10:50.40 
Robin_Watts sebras: everything boils down to fz_new_pixmap_with_data10:51.35 
  and that takes a colorspace pointer.10:51.40 
  If the colorspace pointer is null, n=110:51.46 
Raymond_ yes, pixman->n =410:51.47 
Robin_Watts otherwise it's colorspace->n+110:51.55 
Raymond_ and image->n=310:51.56 
Robin_Watts Raymond_: So there is your problem.10:52.00 
Raymond_ Yes10:52.28 
  Thank you very much10:52.41 
Robin_Watts np.10:52.59 
tkamppeter Can someone have a look at bug 692626, comment #9, this seems to be spam. I got notifications on 16 bugs in less than a minute, all with this spam message of a Jackie Rosen.12:48.40 
Robin_Watts oh, great, bugzilla spam.12:49.02 
jhabjan reported bug #692175 - I had a similar problem when I start using GS API in .NET .... so to share my thoughts I posted the solution...13:35.25 
chrisl jhabjan: thanks. I suspect, in the absence of further information, we'll probably consider it closed (I'm a little surprised it was still open!)13:37.38 
jhabjan n/p13:38.12 
Robin_Watts tor8: Is it acceptable to do stroking operations within a BT/ET pair for the purposes of underlining/strikeout/overlining etc?14:04.17 
tor8 Robin_Watts: page 197 of pdfref1714:08.55 
Robin_Watts Figure 4.1 ?14:09.10 
tor8 Text object, allowed operators: graphics state, color, text state, text showing, text positioning and marked content.14:09.19 
  so no, you should not be doing any path drawing inside BT/ET14:09.33 
Robin_Watts yeah. IME that table is compete and utter bollocks.14:09.39 
chrisl What would be the point of BT/ET if you can throw random graphics operations in there, too?14:10.06 
Robin_Watts My first PDF parser attempted to enforce that diagram.14:10.21 
  and nothing rendered.14:10.26 
tor8 Robin_Watts: yeah, I don't know any spec that actually follows it... but if we're generating PDF we should, IMO.14:10.48 
Robin_Watts ok.14:11.00 
tor8 be generous in what you accept, conservative in what you emit, etc etc14:11.02 
  Robin_Watts: well, I think the only real places where you can go wrong according to that figure, is mixing state setting inside a path construction (which I wasn't even aware was a problem)14:12.13 
  and BT/ET which is clearly marked as an object14:12.33 
  Robin_Watts: so, I'm updating the opengl device to the new shading prepare/process api split14:17.46 
  Robin_Watts: and I'm noticing a fair amount of extra copying that has to happen14:18.05 
Robin_Watts Really? There is half as much for the existing stuff.14:18.56 
tor8 1) copy source mesh data to fz_vertex, 2) convert color from fz_vertex to temp buffer, 3) copy temp buffer back into same vertex14:19.51 
  fz_convert_color cannot have the same pointer for source and destination, so the fz_prepare_vertex call always has to work with an internal scratch buffer14:20.29 
Robin_Watts oh, because the colour convert can't happen in place, right.14:20.39 
tor8 I'm thinking if it wouldn't be better to have two pointer arguments14:20.41 
  all of the prepare calls look to be preceded by a memcpy to make the struct14:21.15 
Robin_Watts sounds reasonable to me.14:21.35 
tor8 so maybe prepare_vertex should take the color argument as an in parameter, and create the final fz_vertex instead14:21.40 
  Robin_Watts: okay, I'll bash on it a bit then14:23.03 
henrys good morning, holiday today - president's day14:49.18 
tor8 Robin_Watts: a question about process_mesh_type2, if you've got a moment15:03.13 
  Robin_Watts: nvm that, but there are a handful of commits on tor/master for review15:22.21 
paulgardiner Robin_Watts: I've added the conversion busy indicator and cancel button to the ghostdocs demo and pushed to my ghost-docs branch.15:24.58 
Robin_Watts tor8: sorry, was at lunch, back now.15:25.49 
  paulgardiner: ah, thanks. I'll pull that in a bit.15:25.59 
  tor8: In the const commit, you've changed fz_rect_min/max15:28.43 
tor8 Robin_Watts: oh yeah, that should probably be split out in a separate commit.15:29.04 
  that (void*) cast is a no-op; no idea why it was there15:29.23 
Robin_Watts Sometimes you cast via a (void *) to eliminate alignment warnings.15:29.42 
tor8 just saw it while scanning the file for the transform_point_xy function15:29.55 
  hm. that's a new one for me. then again, I don't force cast pointers all that much :)15:30.24 
Robin_Watts Can we avoid the casting away of const in the fz_eval_function ?15:30.27 
tor8 Robin_Watts: we could if we rewrite the if-cases15:30.42 
  Robin_Watts: in fact, I think I'll do that15:31.03 
Robin_Watts ok.15:31.07 
tor8 Robin_Watts: where did you get the alignment cast warnings?15:33.01 
Robin_Watts I didn't get any (recently). I'm just saying that's why casts go via (void *) generally.15:33.40 
  The typical case is where you have a char * that you want to cast to an int *.15:34.09 
tor8 Robin_Watts: well, fz_rect is pretty much guaranteed to be aligned already, so I think in this case they shouldn't be necessary15:34.15 
Robin_Watts possibly. I just wonder why they were in there.15:34.31 
  probably me being overly cautious.15:34.36 
tor8 Robin_Watts: right. in that case I can see why. but then you're actually relying on the CPU being able to do unaligned loads/stores15:34.38 
  (which I believe pretty much all current CPUs can)15:34.56 
Robin_Watts tor8: No, sometimes you can manually have aligned the address, (or know it's safe via other routes) and the compiler still whinges.15:35.29 
tor8 Robin_Watts: right.15:35.53 
  but the warning is legit; so I can't say I agree with your policy of blindly casting things through void ;)15:36.19 
Robin_Watts In fz_paint_annulus, you now call: fz_prepare_color(painter, &t0, &c0);15:36.23 
  then fz_prepare_color(painter, &t1, &c0);15:36.35 
  I wonder if it's worth having a 'copy_prepared_color' method?15:36.59 
  so we can avoid transforming c0 twice.15:37.14 
  and just copy t0 to t1 ?15:37.19 
henrys chrisl: ordered the thinkpad w540 seems to have good linux support.15:37.32 
tor8 Robin_Watts: it might, but we're no worse off than before though :)15:37.41 
Robin_Watts certainly.15:37.47 
tor8 the problem is knowing just how much to copy15:38.05 
Robin_Watts fz_prepare_copy calls ->prepare15:38.20 
tor8 since a prepared vertex may use an arbitrary number of colors in the fz_vertex15:38.22 
Robin_Watts fz_copy_prepared would call ->copy15:38.30 
tor8 Robin_Watts: even more boilerplate functions to add :)15:39.26 
Robin_Watts Yes.15:39.30 
tor8 there are more places where we prepare the same color twice though, so it may be worthwhile15:40.01 
Robin_Watts but the commits look good.15:40.11 
tor8 Robin_Watts: I have pushed a revised set (with the const cast of fz_eval_function removed)15:40.36 
Robin_Watts Looks nice.15:44.04 
  in fz_eval_function the fakein init looks funky.15:44.50 
  We should really just memset(fakein + sizeof(float)*(func->m-inlen), 0, sizeof(float)*(func->m-inlen))15:45.47 
  (Your commit doesn't make it any worse, just there is an opportunity to be better)15:46.20 
chrisl henrys: I have a T530 for my own use, and it runs Debian just fine. Check you have the latest BIOS update, though, there was a bug in some of the Thinkpad bios last year which interacts badly with suspend/restore under Linux15:49.31 
tor8 Robin_Watts: yeah. it looks bad. lemme bash on it.15:49.49 
henrys chrisl: I still have the macpro workstation but apple has lost their appeal for me.15:52.04 
chrisl henrys: Apple lost their appeal for me some time ago.......15:53.18 
henrys it sticks longer when you have all your shit parked on one of their systems.15:54.17 
tor8 Robin_Watts: take a look on tor/master for tweaked fz_eval_function15:56.14 
henrys chrisl: are you dual booting or just linux?15:56.45 
chrisl henrys: On my own Thinkpad I just have Linux. For the two work ones, I dual boot with Windows 715:57.31 
Robin_Watts tor8: looks ok.15:57.56 
tor8 Robin_Watts: thanks.15:58.34 
Gigs- is the last comment on this bug spam 
  it's pretty sad if they've actually made spam bots to log into bugzillas now16:10.33 
henrys Gigs: yes several bugs have been changed with that.16:11.27 
Gigs- good to know, for a minute there I really wondered how someone managed to use gs on a porn chat room16:13.36 
  but I guess since I'm using it in real time on the web it seemed more plausible16:14.04 
Robin_Watts "Check out the beziers on her" etc.16:15.13 
Gigs- Nice nurbs16:17.30 
rayphone I forgot to let every one know that I won't be around SMS or call of you need me.. 18:04.09 
henrys rayphone: it's a holiday18:07.36 
mvrhel_laptop henrys: what is with all the bug changes from jackie.rosen ....19:52.36 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: spam :(19:52.52 
mvrhel_laptop crap19:52.55 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: spam I guess marcosw will look at i.19:52.56 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: New version of GhostDocs.apk in my home dir.19:53.05 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: ok. will try it out later today19:53.14 
  hoping to go skiing today19:53.20 
  road has been closed though due to too much snow19:53.29 
  it is about time19:53.31 
Robin_Watts 2 main changes. Firstly, it gets justification right (turned out to be surprisingly easy)19:53.32 
  Secondly, it puts up a spinny 'eggtimer' thing while the conversion is happening.19:53.56 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: ok. Oh I do have one file that has sideways text in a figure that gets screwed up19:54.01 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: Does it look right in the app?19:54.17 
mvrhel_laptop I will check that later today too19:54.28 
Robin_Watts I'm now working on trying to get underlines to appear. That's being harder than you would expect :)19:54.43 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: but things are looking much better for sure19:54.44 
  great work19:54.54 
Robin_Watts Paul is going to tweak the app a bit so that the proper name appears at the top rather than "MuTMPxxxx"19:55.11 
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