IRC Logs

Log of #ghostscript at

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2014/03/01)2014/03/02 
ray_laptop marcosw: I just saw ghostbit leave and rejoin -- it had been about 1 hour since I had joined last. Is the "timeout" now 1 hour.00:14.17 
sebras ray_laptop: ghostbot seems to restart at about 00:00 UTC. it last restarted at 17:43 UTC.02:26.39 
marcosw ray_laptop: ghostbot is relaunch under three different cirumstances:04:24.02 
  if "ps -ef | grep infobot" show it's not running04:24.10 
  if the 'tail' logfile contains "not connected to a server" 04:24.48 
  or if there is no updated to the logfile for >30 minutes (which never happens, since ghostbot forks 'RSSFeeds' every 30 minutes).04:25.57 
  Btw, the restart that just happened was because I typed "not connected to a serveR"04:26.51 
  as sebras pointed out there is a bug in my check if ghostbot is running code that causes a spurious restart at 00:00 UTC, this happens because the logfile is of the format YYYYMMDD and so at midnight the filename changes and that generates false positive.04:29.03 
  I'll be performing an update on casper in a bit, this will require a reboot.04:33.16 
  sebras: I'm ready to reboot casper.04:47.21 
Srinivasa Hi all07:24.29 
  any mupdf developers online?07:24.42 
Robin_Watts Srinivasa_: If you have a question, ask it, don't ask to ask it.10:39.21 
sebras pretty hard to deduce what they were aiming to do.11:38.22 
Robin_Watts Supposedly they've optimised the android portion.11:46.51 
  oh, banded rendering.11:47.13 
sebras Robin_Watts: aha!12:00.07 
  Robin_Watts: I like the comment /* TESTING; this looks terrible */ :)12:00.21 
  I was, adding a new project I'm contributing to on and noticied that I had surprisingly contributed to this project. so I was tempted enough to take a quick peek.12:01.37 
 Forward 1 day (to 2014/03/03)>>>