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Log of #ghostscript at

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2014/03/11)2014/03/12 
Robin_Watts I'm turning my PC off because of the power cuts scheduled tomorrow.00:24.08 
jroo I was able to cross compile working binary for PowerPC (at least the pcl6 works). Now I just need to copy all the required files to test further10:11.49 
  So to cross compile GhostPDL you need to 1) generate arch.h manually; 2) set the CCAUX variable to your cross compiler; 3) patch the configure script so that libtiff configure has --host switch and set LCMS_BIGENDIAN to 0 or 1 in configure script where choss_compile is tested and remove the error message10:13.50 
  also I configured with --without-x 10:14.06 
  apparently GhostPDL's make does not respect DESTDIR (i.e. make DESTDIR=path/to/root/dir install) because regardles of that it tries to install under /usr/local (so even the --prefix was not working)10:15.50 
chrisl GhostPDL's makefiles are considerably less complete on things like that than Ghostscript's - and Ghostscript's aren't exactly complete either.....10:16.34 
jroo yeah, I've noticed10:16.43 
chrisl I'm surprised --without-x made any difference, too10:16.59 
jroo but now it's just manually listing required files. I think I'll use PKGBUILD from as a starting point10:17.04 
  chrisl, I had issue with missing libraries10:17.24 
  libSme (or similar) is not available on my target10:17.32 
  the target's Linux distro is very old10:17.44 
  ...and very stripped down10:18.02 
  but thanks for the help. Saved a lot of time10:18.15 
chrisl No problem.10:18.34 
jroo would it be helpfull if I uploaded a patch file for the changes I made to configure to get the cross compilation to work and the other steps required?10:18.51 
  I mean would you use that info to make GhostPDL more easy to cross compile10:19.17 
chrisl jroo: I actually have a project to integrate the GhostPDL builds into the Ghostscript build system, when that's done, cross compiler will be easier10:19.19 
  jroo: for example, instead of messing around with libtiff, for your use, you could just leave it out.....10:19.52 
jroo ok, I thought of that too but then when the cross compilation for libtiff was easy I thought I just leave it there so that I won't end up having some dependency issues10:20.40 
chrisl libtiff is only used by the tiff* output devices, so not really required for conversion to PDF10:21.37 
robin_watts_mac My UPS is really unhappy.10:26.01 
  My house is running on a generator at the moment (leccy board have disconnected mains power and reconnected it to a generator for the day)10:26.43 
  The UPS can clearly see something odd about the power, cos it's flashing lights and basically having a fit.10:27.11 
chrisl robin_watts_mac: what are they doing that they cut the power?10:27.22 
robin_watts_mac I suspect they are either working on a substation, or connecting power into a new housing devlopment over the road.10:27.58 
chrisl jroo: note that the configure script has --enable-big-endian and --enable-little-endian so you shouldn't need to change it for setting LCMS_BIGENDIAN10:34.17 
henrys paulgardiner: I wonder if the android print api in 4.4 will make these printing modules moot, I understand windows mobile already has good printing.14:09.52 
paulgardiner henrys: Oh. I should keep up with these things. :-) I hadn't heard about that.14:11.05 
  Would we need to support old phones that cannot upgrade?14:11.47 
henrys paulgardiner: sure that is an issue, arguably less of an issue with fast moving mobile than traditional environments though14:13.48 
ray_laptop chrisl: I got distracted yesterday working on fast 4-bit per channel CMYK halftoning and forgot to send you the information on the crash I tripped over (with 1-bit per component case). I just opened a bug and assigned it to you.14:18.18 
chrisl ray_laptop: I see it - I'll take a quick look now14:18.40 
ray_laptop chrisl: Note that I found it with a debug build on Windows. I didn't try linux14:20.13 
chrisl I see a seg fault here, but I need to double check it's not related to the changes I have in my tree14:20.58 
  ray_laptop: the crash I get on Linux is in do_validate_chunk() during gs_main_finit() :-(14:27.59 
ray_laptop chrisl: I just ran it on HEAD and I also see a segfault in the GC do_validate_chunk. I had something different, but that was with my code under development (but, presumably not on a path that I changed)14:41.26 
  chrisl: so someone is probably stepping on memory. valgrind *might* help14:42.11 
chrisl ray_laptop: I don't know if it's related, but mememto suggests we're writing off the end of the raster buffer in ppm_print_page_loop()14:42.40 
ray_laptop chrisl: if you get busy with the release and don't want to dive into it, I'll take it back14:43.00 
  chrisl: Oh. That's a good thing to not do14:43.16 
chrisl ray_laptop: I'm wondering if this should be Robin's....14:43.56 
ray_laptop VS sometimes detects that (there are 0xfd guard bytes on the end of buffers)14:44.04 
  but it didn't seem to detect it this time14:44.19 
chrisl ray_laptop: I don't fully follow gx_device_raster() at the moment14:45.36 
ray_laptop The gxht_thresh.c code is somewhat prone to writing past normal bounds, but the allocations are /supposed/ to take the over-writing into account14:45.48 
chrisl Ah, so possibly gx_device_raster() isn't accounting for that?14:46.59 
ray_laptop chrisl: does sound like having Robin take a look would be useful. He did the obj_align_mod and pad additions as well as dabbling (or more) in the gxht_thresh code14:48.58 
  kens: your update to Projects.htm made me remember this old file (pre-datiing enhancement bugs). Looking at it, I see some things that we have done, some that are no longer relevant, and some that we probably don't want to do.14:58.33 
kens ray_laptop : I thought that might be the case14:58.59 
  I'd behappy if other people would update it too. Also issues.htm, I found a load of stuff in there that was no longer correct14:59.32 
ray_laptop I'll take a crack at pruning this and send email if there are things that I think should be dropped (WONTFIX), and add a reference to the enhancement bug list14:59.38 
  things that are done, I will just remove.14:59.56 
kens Yes, that's what I did with the RAM file system ;-)15:00.13 
  mvrhel_laptop : you got a minute ?15:00.27 
chrisl ray_laptop: we talked about removing Projects.htm, but I don't remember coming to a conclusion about it. It seems pointless now.....15:00.31 
kens I think it would be good if you could look at issues.htm chrisl, I was amazed at the amount I removed from that. THere may be more that can come out too.15:01.44 
chrisl kens: again, I think that's a bit irrelevant nowadays....15:02.12 
kens In projects.htm 1.1 should be dropped, and presumablky 1.2 as well (the 'Netscape' browser ;-)15:02.34 
  chrisl possible, but we should either drop it or update it15:02.49 
mvrhel_laptop kens: I have to run my daughter to school this morning15:03.13 
kens mvrhel_laptop : OK I'll be here for a couple more hours15:03.25 
  at least15:03.27 
mvrhel_laptop ok15:03.30 
kens Give me a ping when you have a few minutes15:03.35 
mvrhel_laptop I did get your email about the v2 profiles15:03.46 
kens And I have your reply ;-)15:03.53 
mvrhel_laptop ok bbiaw15:04.39 
chrisl ray_laptop: we're writing off the end of the buffer in planar_to_chunky(). So I'm guessing we're allocating memory for a planar row, and for some reason writing chunky data into that buffer, and off the end of it15:13.13 
  ray_laptop: so it looks like pbm_print_page_loop(), although it producing planar data, must allocate space for chunky data in case the fallback case it required15:15.00 
  Okay, I suppose it would be a silly question to ask why gx_default_get_bits() sets the GB_PACKING_CHUNKY option for a planar device......?15:30.22 
dev-zero hi everyone15:47.19 
  I have the problem that when I disable "Type 1" fonts in fontconfig, ghostscript won't render some of the PDFs I have15:47.46 
chrisl robin_watts_mac: I've assigned to you as it seems like your input would be useful. You might want to punt it to ray_laptop once you've said anything you want to day....15:47.57 
kens So.... Don't do that then, dev-zero15:48.09 
chrisl dev-zero: ghostscript fonts are type 1, so......15:48.16 
dev-zero so, it can really only use type 1 fonts, correct?15:49.23 
kens No,Ghostscript can use type 1 and TrueType as well as CIDFonts, CFF fonts andt OpenType15:49.50 
chrisl dev-zero: no, but the default fonts required to be present by the pdf spec are all type 1 fonts15:50.05 
kens But the base 35 fonts supplied with Ghostscript are PostScript type 1 fonts15:50.10 
dev-zero ookay, I think I begin to understand :)15:51.00 
chrisl dev-zero: is there a reason you disabled type 1 in fontconfig?15:51.28 
dev-zero the problem that I have is that when I don't disable Type 1 fonts, then fonts like Helvetica or Courier are rendered using "Nimbus Sans"15:51.36 
  fc-match Helvetica15:51.45 
  n019003l.pfb: "Nimbus Sans L" "Regular"15:51.46 
kens Tht's the name of the equivalents supplied with GS15:51.58 
  SOme of the names are trademarked,so we cna't supply fonts with those names15:52.11 
  Why doe sit matter ? They are equivalent15:52.20 
dev-zero ... disabling Type 1 fonts is the default config for the infinality patchset15:52.20 
  well, Type 1 fonts render poorly here15:52.50 
chrisl In ghostscript?15:53.04 
dev-zero no, on the display15:53.11 
kens They generally render well, at least as well as TrueType and better than the crappy ones people usually use15:53.14 
  SO don't use type 1 fonts in the display15:53.26 
chrisl dev-zero: okay, so you generally don't want type 1's to be found by other applications, but Ghostscript needs to find them15:54.02 
dev-zero as far as I tested it, I had the impression that when a page suggests "Helvetica" as its font, Firefox does a 'fc-match' and then uses Nimbus instead15:54.13 
  chrisl: exactly15:54.21 
  the only way I found was to provide /usr/share/ghostscript/9.10/Resource/Font15:54.41 
chrisl That is probably the default font search path for your Ghostscript build15:55.18 
dev-zero and what is the order of lookup?16:01.59 
chrisl I can't remember, it's in the documentation16:02.21 
  IIRC, it *should* check the default path first....16:02.47 
dev-zero ah, so for Helvetica for example it consults the fontmap and then looks for Nimbus, if that isn't found it asks fontconfig instead?16:04.38 
chrisl Yes16:04.50 
dev-zero hmm, so we can't provide /usr/share/ghostscript/9.10/Resource/Font as a generic fallback then (on Gentoo I mean)16:07.15 
chrisl I don't follow - the Ghostscript fonts are the *primary* fonts, not fallbacks for Ghostscript16:08.02 
dev-zero well, on Gentoo we don't install /usr/share/ghostscript/9.10/Resource/Font but install the SIL fonts separately and let ghostscript find them via fontconfig (as it seems)16:09.07 
  disabling Type 1 fonts (by enabling infinality) then breaks ghostscript16:09.31 
chrisl Yes, we'd expect that to break ghostscript16:09.50 
  dev-zero: are all the type 1 fonts (as found by fontconfig) in the same directory?16:11.02 
dev-zero no16:11.19 
  well, have to check16:11.26 
  but they're not named correctly16:11.33 
  since fontconfig has a cache and can do arbitrary lookups16:12.03 
chrisl Well, frankly, /usr/share/ghostscript/9.10/Resource/Font should be installed - those are the fonts we ship, and that we test with.16:12.32 
dev-zero seems that the Type 1 fonts are all in /usr/share/fonts/Type116:13.03 
chrisl You *might* get Ghostscript working then using FONTPATH command line argument (IIRC)16:13.38 
  So, -sFONTPATH=/usr/share/fonts/Type116:14.13 
  If that works, you should be able to set the environment variable GS_FONTPATH to that path, and gs should pick that up16:15.24 
dev-zero unfortunately the font files are not named NimbusSanL-ReguItal, etc. but c0582bt_.pfb, etc.16:15.32 
chrisl dev-zero: did you try it?16:15.42 
dev-zero yes16:15.56 
kens Sounds to me like the simple answer is just to install our fonts in the expected location16:16.09 
dev-zero yes, it probably is16:16.22 
  thanks a lot guys, I'll report this back to my fellow Gentoo devs16:16.39 
chrisl I think that's best. As I said, we test with, and support those fonts.16:16.50 
dev-zero ah, found the correct path for the urw-fonts, sorry16:23.19 
  export GS_FONTPATH=/usr/share/fonts/urw-fonts works perfectly16:23.35 
  and there we have the upstream copy of the urw fonts16:23.46 
chrisl Those should be what we supply16:24.06 
mvrhel_laptop missed kens17:05.28 
chrisl He might return given it was a read error, and not an exit.....17:05.51 
mvrhel_laptop ok17:06.40 
  brb. need to restart17:09.33 
  chrisl: are you available for what is likely a very simple question17:50.55 
chrisl mvrhel_laptop: sure17:51.09 
mvrhel_laptop so in PDFX_def.ps17:51.34 
chrisl Okay, go it17:52.17 
  got it17:52.20 
mvrhel_laptop I am supposed to put replace ISO Coated sb.icc with a path to my ICC profile that I want embedded as the output intent17:52.32 
  I have been putting in C:/vrhel/Artifex_laptop/Docs/icc/default_gray.icc17:53.14 
  and I keep getting an error from gs17:53.22 
  about invalidfileaccess17:53.36 
chrisl invalidfileaccess suggests we can't open the file, for some reason17:54.00 
mvrhel_laptop The Operand stack has the file name on it17:54.20 
  I guess I need to step through and see17:54.34 
chrisl Only the file name?17:54.36 
mvrhel_laptop well it has --nostringval-- --nostringval-- (C:/vrhel/Artifex_laptop/Docs/icc/default_gray.icc) (r)17:55.00 
chrisl Well, that looks okay17:55.45 
  mvrhel_laptop: what happens if you just use "(default_gray.icc)"?17:56.53 
mvrhel_laptop let me try that17:57.06 
  same thing :(17:58.36 
  that file is in the romfs17:58.48 
  but I dont' know how this part of the code is looking17:58.59 
chrisl Yeh, that's what I was thinking....17:59.06 
  Okay, how about trying "(%rom%iccprofiles/default_gray.icc)" - I think that's the right path for where they are in the romfs18:00.28 
  mvrhel_laptop: ^^18:00.41 
mvrhel_laptop good diea18:01.20 
  ok. it seems to be making it through that one18:04.22 
chrisl You're not setting -dSAFE or -dSAFER?18:04.42 
mvrhel_laptop although it is complaining about my second file (the one that I am converting to X) 18:04.44 
  yes I am18:04.49 
chrisl Ah, that might cause problems accessing random files18:05.11 
mvrhel_laptop ok18:05.17 
chrisl IIRC, -dSAFER won't allow you to open any non-"libfile" other than the one specified as the input file on the command line18:07.05 
mvrhel_laptop ok18:07.15 
  let me try now18:07.19 
  chrisl: ok that seems to have fixed that issue18:08.27 
  thank you18:08.29 
chrisl NP18:08.39 
  I suppose it might be an idea to add code to to throw an error if it's called with -dSAFER....18:09.18 
mvrhel_laptop yes. alright. now it all seems to be working. thanks again chrisl18:10.38 
chrisl Cool!18:10.51 
  mvrhel_laptop: note that the same issue will arise with, too18:13.57 
mvrhel_laptop chrisl: right18:15.51 
  a question is, when do we want to use -dSAFER18:16.07 
chrisl Well, SAFER is mainly intended to prevent Postscript files from accidentally executing malicious code from elsewhere on your file system without your knowledge18:17.42 
  Personally, I think it's over very limited use in preventing compromise of your computer because, to get the bad file onto your computer, a cracker would already need access to your file system18:18.51 
  For my part, I never use it, and usually recommend others drop it when I see them using it.......18:20.05 
  mvrhel_laptop: it might be a good idea to get Ray's opinion on -dSAFER, though, he knows more of the background than I do18:26.24 
mvrhel_laptop chrisl: ok thanks18:27.16 
  so all the conversions seem to be working X3 Gray and CMYK and A1 and A2 RGB and cmYK18:27.44 
  now I will do the trick ken gave me to extract PDF pages and reassemble18:28.04 
  and then the trick of the media size to select a region on a page18:28.30 
chrisl mvrhel_laptop: Ken mentioned possibly adding something to the pdf interpreter to make extracting/reordering pages easier, maybe talk to him before you implement that?18:29.19 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: Extracting PDF pages can be neatly done using mutool clean.18:30.35 
chrisl Robin_Watts: but not if you want PDF-X, PDF-A or Postscript out.....18:33.30 
Robin_Watts chrisl: True indeed.18:33.52 
chrisl It would probably good to do a simple "extract pages" with mutool, though18:34.09 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: and I can merge pages 3 7 9 and 13 into a new pdf?18:35.51 
  with mupdf?18:35.59 
  that is what kens showed me with ghostscript this weekend18:36.25 
  and is what I want to be able to do18:36.47 
chrisl mvrhel_laptop: mutool takes a list of pages to process, I assume it will dump them to a new PDF18:37.56 
mvrhel_laptop so this is not to do with PDF-X or PDF-A18:37.56 
  I will have a look at it18:38.18 
chrisl mvrhel_laptop: no, but what if I want to select pages for a conversion route?18:38.37 
mvrhel_laptop chrisl: then I would tell you that you are being difficult18:39.10 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: You can't merge pages from 2 pdfs.18:39.12 
mvrhel_laptop ;)18:39.13 
  Robin_Watts: no just pages 3 7 9 and 13 from a single PDF.18:39.36 
  and save them as a new PDF18:39.43 
Robin_Watts mutool clean in.pdf out.pdf 3,7,9,1318:39.59 
mvrhel_laptop very good. I need to look over the source code for that then18:40.16 
chrisl mvrhel_laptop: :-) I figured you'd want both a simple extract/merge (mutool) and the extract/convert (Ghostscript), without the latter being a two step process18:40.25 
Robin_Watts and if you do: mutool clean -ggg in.pdf out.pdf 3,7,9,13 you'll drop any unused fonts/images etc too.18:40.30 
  The advantage of mutool over gs is that things like structural content aren't lost.18:41.16 
mvrhel_laptop chrisl: I can see that. for now though I am going to keep them separate. my thoughts being that someone has what they want then they convert to X or A type. 18:47.37 
  Robin_Watts: so the question for me now is, do I have mutool included with the whole solution and call the process or bake it in. I am leaning towards baking it into my winRT interface to mupdf since I could add this option int the windows 8 app too. 18:49.21 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: either should be possible.18:50.34 
  mutool is actually a front end for lots of tools.18:51.02 
  mutool.c has a main function that looks at argv[0] and [1] to figure out how it's been called, and then calls a main_<toolname> function to actually do the work.18:51.57 
  so pdfclean_main is the function you want to call.18:52.34 
  and that's implemented in pdfclean.c18:52.38 
  Oh, and if you add -l then it'll linearise things too.18:53.15 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: ok. I will look this over. I would prefer to be able to call it as a library rather than a process. I will see what I can do18:54.16 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: It's just a tiny tweak to the way it builds. It shouldn't be a problem.18:55.15 
mvrhel_laptop ok cool18:55.35 
Robin_Watts Do you have libmupdf in your solution in the same way that the normal solution does?18:55.42 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: pretty much. 18:55.57 
Robin_Watts Then just add pdf-clean.c to that.18:56.10 
mvrhel_laptop ok. that is easy enougy18:56.18 
  thanks Robin_Watts . I am going to grab some lunch now then I will give it a try18:56.45 
Robin_Watts ok.18:56.56 
mvrhel_laptop need to commit this stuff though too...18:57.04 
chrisl Robin_Watts: did you see what I said about the gs bug I assigned to you?18:57.53 
Robin_Watts chrisl: sorry, almost certainly not.18:58.08 
chrisl Okay, give me a sec....18:58.35 
  Robin_Watts: I've assigned to you as it seems like your input would be useful. You might want to punt it to ray_laptop once you've said anything you want to say....18:59.13 
Robin_Watts ok, ta. I will take a look at that tomorrow.18:59.48 
  I *really* want to fix the stuff I'm working on now. I'm nested about 3 rabbit holes deep :(19:00.08 
chrisl Robin_Watts: I know how you feel... it's just that bug seems to be around the planar stuff, and you probably know what as well as anyone19:01.09 
  g'nite all19:18.17 
Robin_Watts Gah. Twice today I've gone hunting for why my revised fz_stream stuff is giving errors on files, only to discover that these particular errors were in the old version too.19:41.22 
Jogu_ hello19:41.27 
Robin_Watts Morning Jogu_ 19:41.33 
  henrys: Jogu_ = Joseph19:41.41 
Jogu_ apparently still vaguely remembers how to use irc :)19:42.32 
henrys oh hello Jogu_19:43.29 
  Robin_Watts: paulgardiner should be forwarded that mail - have you done it or shall I?19:43.59 
Jogu_ apparently I may be working with some of you folks soonish on something :-)19:44.06 
Robin_Watts henrys: I have not.19:44.31 
henrys Robin_Watts: I've done it.19:46.07 
Robin_Watts Jogu_: So, the biggest short term thing facing us is sorting out the printing from SmartOffice. Currently it's using the embedded-general libs (Anprint on android, ticprint on ios).19:46.27 
  Our current license for those ends at the end of the month.19:46.39 
  Miles is trying to negotiate an extension, but it's possible we will need to remove them and/or replace them.19:47.05 
Jogu_ nods. what's the plan? (is there a plan? :) )19:47.12 
Robin_Watts We should find out which later today.19:47.16 
  paulgardiner has been looking into the options.19:47.28 
Jogu_ afaik airprint on iOS doesn't rely on that btw, if you're lucky enough to have exactly the right model of HP.19:48.26 
Robin_Watts Longer term, the desire is for us to address some of the grosser differences in layout/rendering between us and msoffice/libreoffice etc.19:48.27 
  The exact division of tasks has not been figured out yet.19:49.14 
Robin_Watts is being called for dinner though.19:49.35 
henrys Jogu_: yes paulgardiner said he had no luck getting it work with his epson.19:51.11 
Jogu__ uh. cool. trying to access my airprint printer's webinterface crashed firefox.19:56.26 
Jogu___ okay... accessing my airprint printers web interface /reproducibly/ kills firefox. I'll maybe stop trying to do that.19:57.41 
Jogu_ airprint seems to work fine for me, in the current appstore build, talking to my cups server.20:05.11 
  in fact that same release doesn't seem to see my non-airprint printer. odd.20:07.12 
henrys Jogu_: I don't think paulgardiner was using a server but trying to connect directly to a printer.20:11.19 
  but I don't know the details20:11.34 
Jogu_ it's the same protocol (my cups server is setup to accept airprint jobs)20:12.41 
  I'm deeply suspicious about why the current build doesn't see either of my non-airprint printers. Previous builds did.20:16.19 
henrys Jogu_: you mean what is current at the app store or some other build?20:17.14 
Jogu_ current app store20:17.18 
  of smartoffice 2.20:17.25 
henrys Jogu_: what protocol was used to see them?20:18.04 
Jogu_ the embedded general stuff use to see them20:18.23 
  they're both HPs.20:18.41 
henrys Jogu_: oh like eprint20:18.48 
Jogu_ I think the embedded general stuff was speaking pcl directly to them20:19.25 
henrys my app says airprint along the way in the print dialog and I assumed that was all that was supported? Where in the epage tree do I find this stuff?20:19.33 
Jogu_ you /should/ see other printers in the print dialog. that's the whole point of the embedded general stuff - it should show most printers on your network there.20:20.30 
  in the tree... I think it's in the iphone alien20:20.44 
henrys no it doesn't and I have 2 printers on the network here - neither airprint20:21.06 
Jogu_ you should see a list like 
henrys I wonder if it was disabled to avoid paying the third party and just a native printing solution (airprint) was cobbled together.20:22.25 
Jogu_ iirc, it use to have airprint /and/ the embedded general stuff20:23.19 
  but it does seem very possible they've disabled it. I wouldn't necessarily say they deliberately disabled it though.20:24.00 
henrys Jogu_: so there is no source for the embedded-general stuff AFAICT20:26.48 
Jogu_ yeah; binary only license as far as I know20:29.00 
  should be in epage/third-party or thereabouts.20:30.00 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: so it is not quite as simple as adding in pdfclean.c to the library. pdfclean.c uses globals for the doc and ctx. I certainly could use this code just with a different interface20:32.24 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: Oh, right.20:32.45 
  I can fix that.20:33.18 
mvrhel_laptop oh20:33.23 
  one other request then20:33.29 
  Robin_Watts: pdfinfo looks like it would be useful to use to. but it is dumping out to stdout . any chance we could make it go out to something that I can set up like is done with gs20:34.59 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: I'm sure we can do something with it, yes.20:35.20 
  I can probably make it use an fz_output * rather than stdout.20:35.43 
  Then you can redirect it to file or memory buffer.20:35.57 
mvrhel_laptop ok. I should be able to hook into that.20:36.03 
  I know you have your plate full. just ping me when you think you have something . I will move on to doing the extraction of a small region from within a page using gs20:37.36 
pete_mcl hi 21:15.29 
Robin_Watts Aha. Hi pete_mcl 21:20.07 
  henrys (et al), pete_mcl is the other director of emobix.21:20.25 
pete_mcl hi Robin_Watts, henrys21:21.05 
Jogu_ Hi Pete21:21.52 
  I suspect that's enough for me for today; have a good night everyone21:21.55 
Robin_Watts night Jogu_ 21:22.53 
henrys hello pete_mcl 21:27.40 
Robin_Watts marcosw_: We need to make shell accounts on casper for Joseph and Pete.21:32.43 
  I'll take a run at it tomorrow unless you fancy doing it.21:33.21 
marcosw_ either way. have they sent you public ssh keys?21:33.42 
Robin_Watts marcosw_: Not yet.21:33.54 
pete_mcl not yet - but can sort that out21:34.21 
marcosw_ Robin_Watts: I'm traveling tomorrow so if I get the ssh keys tonight I can make the accounts, otherwise I'll leave it to you.21:35.25 
henrys marcosw:they probably need a bugzilla account also to see ghostdocs bugs.21:37.51 
Robin_Watts marcosw_: Could you make the accounts, and I could insert the keys tomorrow ?21:38.19 
henrys marcosw:I see they're locked I guess that is the right thing to do for now21:38.23 
  I can make the accounts no big deal for me.21:38.45 
Robin_Watts marcosw: I just about trust myself to insert the keys without screwing up :)21:39.13 
marcosw_ henrys: yes, the bugzilla accounts need to be set up first and then set to be allowed to access the ghostdocs bugs.21:39.31 
  Robin_Watts: sure, do we have preferred account names? joseph and pete?21:40.00 
  and also their complete names21:40.50 
Robin_Watts Joseph Heenan21:41.14 
pete_mcl marcosw - that sounds cool21:41.19 
Robin_Watts Peter McLaughlin21:41.32 
marcosw_ Robin_Watts: will do it now.21:44.07 
  Robin_Watts: okay, accounts created with --disabled-password so login disabled without ssh key. Insert the public key into ~/.ssh/authorized_keys and that should be it. 21:47.52 
Robin_Watts marcosw: Thanks.21:48.04 
marcosw_ henrys: Peter already has a bugzilla account, should I give him ghostdocs bugs access?21:49.47 
pete_mcl thanks marcosw_21:52.05 
henrys marcosw_: yes21:52.19 
  if you guys want to have a brief look at the bugs: 
marcosw_ pete_mcl: I couldn't find your bugzilla account; just Joseph's. Do you have one?21:53.52 
pete_mcl thanks henrys - will have a look. 21:54.01 
  marcosw_> probably not yet - don't have any details for one yet21:54.38 
marcosw_ go ahead and create one so I can add ghostdocs access. 21:57.17 
pete_mcl ok, I've set up an account ( 
marcosw_ and you should be able to view the bugs.22:01.13 
pete_mcl yup, sorted - thanks marcosw22:02.31 
Robin_Watts marcosw_: Much more better :)23:48.40 
marcosw_ you mean the private attach tag or something else?23:49.07 
Robin_Watts the private attach tag.23:50.11 
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