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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2014/03/14)2014/03/15 
Robin_Watts I dislike, because it's not mu-pdf.com00:06.31 
  but I dislike less than I dislike paying cybersquatters that much money.00:06.50 
henrys who would think to buy What sense does that make outside of Artifex?02:28.36 
tor5 henrys: robin_watts: I dislike almost as much as I dislike paying cybersquatters.09:39.03 
Robin_Watts We should offer them $500 and be done with it. It's the best deal they are likely to get.09:41.39 
tor5 Robin_Watts: yes.09:44.17 
Jogux is it important that code/docs delivered to customers doesn't say (C) Smartoffice Tech on it, or do we not care too much at this stage?19:17.26 
toothrot Smart Office supports Microsoft® Word, Excel, PowerPoint 97, 2000, 2003, Adobe PDF v1.0 to v1.7, plane text and many image types.19:21.24 
  plane text19:21.25 
Jogux toothrot> where did you see that text? :-)19:22.50 
Jogux ah, d'oh.19:23.23 
  possibly mace may be able to fix that :-)19:23.29 
ray_laptop Jogux: is mace Miah ?19:26.15 
Jogux yeah19:26.22 
ray_laptop Jogux: thanks.19:26.33 
  Jogux: We discussed Copyright headers a bit the last staff meeting, but I'm not sure that "Smartoffice Tech" is a valid entity anymore. Best to send an email to henrys and Miles to clarify. The dust on all of the legal aspects is still settling19:28.16 
Jogux Ah. Ta.19:28.59 
  afaik Smartoffice Technology Ltd still exists, but no longer owns the copyright on the code. maybe.19:29.23 
  I'll check with Paul as he may have already figured it out (he's doing the android release, I'm doing iOS)19:30.19 
ray_laptop Jogux: sounds fine. At least you and Paul should do it the same way :-)19:31.20 
Jogux :-)19:31.45 
  it all sounded so simple when Paul said "just build a release".19:34.05 
ray_laptop Paul was speaking in 'management' ;-)19:34.29 
  as opposed to something clear to developers 19:35.09 
Jogux hehe19:35.25 
ray_laptop in management classes they taught us to be as vague as possible so as to not expose ignorance, and to provide plenty of wiggle room when things don't get done correctly ;-)19:38.09 
  in management psychology (an upper division course) they teach self hypnosis to aid in 'selective memory'19:39.22 
  but if you read Dilbert, you know all this :-)19:39.48 
Jogux has a passing familiarity with Dilbert ;)19:40.22 
Jogux presumes noone will mind me hacking away at Robin_Watts CVS repository so that I can actually commit to it :-) [the is bailing out due to not recognising the host it's running on]20:39.49 
  this seems unnecessarily painful :-S maybe we could move the release spreadsheet somewhere else?20:43.27 
  hm. it just send an email to I wonder where that goes.20:45.21 
Jogux manages to commit s/sheet to cvs. yay.20:56.48 
  wahey, builds done! hopefully. assuming my interpretation of 'build a release' is correct :-)21:04.14 
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