IRC Logs

Log of #ghostscript at

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2014/03/18)2014/03/19 
Robin_Watts wow. I step away for 3 hours and you get it all working :)00:02.30 
  just imagine how productive you'd be if I stayed away for longer.00:03.01 
Jogux not hugely different given I'm about to collapse into my keyboard :-)00:03.24 
Jogux notes that the ATS stuff seems to be devoid of a mac VM (perhaps not surprisingly).00:05.08 
  I guess we need a real Mac00:05.27 
Robin_Watts Jogux: One of the cluster nodes is a MacPro.00:07.04 
Jogux is that in marcos's garage too? :-)00:07.22 
Robin_Watts No, that's in henrys house :(00:07.31 
  which is in denver.00:07.42 
Jogux ah :-)00:11.22 
  I think that's enough for me. night all.00:14.12 
Robin_Watts night.00:15.15 
ray_laptop Jogux: did you cc tech on the API docs that you sent to henrys ? Generally we do that to make sure everyone has access to info.00:30.41 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: Jogux may not be able to post to tech.00:37.38 
ray_laptop mvrhel_laptop: in gximono.c the compiler notes that 'xrun' may be uninitialized, and it looks to me like it will be for the landscape case. Can you double check me on that ?01:35.26 
  mvrhel_laptop: I'm going to try and come up with a test case.01:35.47 
  (unless you have one laying around)01:36.25 
mvrhel_laptop ray_laptop: it does appear that way. gxht_thresh_planes is using xrun and it is not set in the landscape case03:21.27 
ray_laptop mvrhel: (for the logs) Thanks for cross checking me. I've thrown together a test case so I can figure out what it should be set from.03:29.52 
  The 4-bit halftoning is ready for review on my repo (Robin_Watts, mvrhel, or anyone). Gray case is improved by 1,8 x. CMYK by 3.2 x (even without SSE2).03:43.39 
  BTW, the chunky mode CMYK for the image is 2.5x the original planar mode (sort of surprised at that) -- Our tile caching must be pretty effective I guess. That makes the fast planar code come in at 2.1x the chunky mode.03:51.58 
  that's for portrait images. For landscape images, CMYK is 2.8x faster, Gray is 1.8x faster03:55.00 
  makes me want to do the SSE2 next :-)03:56.09 
  but first, I need to look into printing to the Pi over wireless (zero conf discovery mode, first)03:58.30 
  henrys: unless you know of some other high priority for me.03:59.06 
  henrys: I also thought about trying the example printer discovery on Android. The first was brought up at the staff meeting.04:00.53 
  I might be back online later -- in nay case, I'll check the logs when I come back. Bye for now04:01.37 
marcosw chrisl: ray_laptop's latest commit not only fixed the segfaults but also the problems that mentioned with some files during this morning's meeting (the ones that I thought were caused by michael's commit). 04:01.45 
ray_laptop marcosw: Hurray! Good news to finish the day. I might be back on later, but I'll check the logs when I come back04:02.36 
chrisl marcosw: thanks, I've pulled that fix and mvrhel's black point fix in. *But* I realised after I'd pushed that I had amended the documentation commit, so you'll need to reset to an earlier commit, and then pull the new commits from the branch. Sorry, I won't do that again...... (p.s. I'll send a mail with this in it, too)09:13.14 
sebras kens2: did you get inspired by tor5/tor8? :)10:45.12 
kens2 No just had a network hiccup10:45.27 
Robin_Watts tor8, paulgardiner_lap: Am I right in thinking that we never compress any streams?11:18.46 
  In particular any appearance streams we generate are uncompressed?11:18.57 
paulgardiner_lap AFAIK, we dont11:19.24 
tor8 Robin_Watts: you mean xref objects that we update with new stream data?11:19.30 
  afaik, we don't do anything to compress them.11:19.37 
paulgardiner_lap Although, I would imagine that is more to do with saving than appearance-stream synthesis11:20.06 
pedro paulgardiner_lap: just a note on where I'm at just now; spent some time on Friday looking at device build for android on windows and investigating some of the GhostDocs layout bugs; I stopped the android stuff for now as Jogux said you'd been working on it too. 11:22.48 
  I have vs2010 and vs2012 builds of dispman_ue2fileviewer running now on windows7, and have been going through layotu issues to identify the bigger issues11:23.33 
paulgardiner_lap pedro: yes, there are some commit to the main repo now for windows-hosted android builds. I have nother further since commiting them11:23.54 
  pedro: that sounds great11:24.20 
pedro various missing content problems look related to differences in parsing between 'new' and 'legacy' ooxml DTDs, so that seems like a good one to tackle first11:24.24 
  also the missing header/footer problems look like mis-hanlding of some external refs in the document fragments11:24.54 
  if its ok i'll go for them first then move on to some of the other PPT problems?11:25.24 
paulgardiner_lap Yes, all sounds good to me.11:25.48 
pedro cool11:25.55 
paulgardiner_lap Do you have any notes/commits connected with getting the windows buids working.11:26.34 
Jogux paulgardiner_lap Robin_Watts pedro : I'm very tempted to suggest that we rewrite the all the git history to remove the 'Summary:\n' at the start of all the picsel commits, as some of the git tools (eg. the gitk I have) like to display just that when showing a oneliner summary for the commits, which is less than helpful.11:27.33 
pedro Robin_Watts: I did also try (briefly) to get a vs2005 on Windows7 build, but its full of issues and it seemed more productive to focus on the vs2010/win7 config if that's ok11:27.37 
Robin_Watts Jogux: That's probably sensible.11:28.27 
  pedro: I can cope with vs2010 I think.11:28.46 
Jogux seems better to do it now than once development is in full swing11:28.48 
pedro paulgardiner_laptop - just going to commit the build changes if that's ok - I'll stick build instructions up on the twiki if that's ok? (basically a -vs2010 --dispman-ue2fileviewer app/simple' build I'm using)11:29.06 
Robin_Watts Jogux: Yes. The existing epage -> git conversion took about 15 hours to run.11:29.19 
Jogux pedro : we don't have a twiki :-)11:29.28 
Robin_Watts If we have to reconvert I wonder if it would be worth rolling resources into the epage git repo too ?11:30.05 
paulgardiner_lap Jogux: my git mirroring we used to have at Picsel removed the "Summary" line from each commit11:30.22 
pedro Jogux: yeah, but will have soon-ish I guess? ;)11:30.24 
Jogux robin_watts : I would suggest just editting the logs rather than reconverting11:30.25 
Robin_Watts Jogux: OK.11:30.50 
Jogux but... we could do your thing too. resources is a pain the way it is at the moment. ish.11:31.04 
  I made the build checkout resources automatically from your PicselCVS when needed, which makes it less of a pain.11:31.26 
Robin_Watts If we roll resources in, we are still left with a build system that won't actually build though.11:31.32 
Jogux (it only checks out the files it wants)11:31.35 
Robin_Watts cos the build system will try to checkout from cvs, and won't realise we have it in git already.11:32.18 
  So we might as well just add resources to epage as we need them, fixing the build system as we go.11:32.34 
paulgardiner_lap pedro: just rough notes in an email would be good, pending the reanimating of the wiki. I need to get the windows builds working here too and would be useful to know what you had to install on your machine and any config11:33.42 
Robin_Watts Jogux: Do you want to go ahead and do that git change? Would make sense to do it sooner rather than later.11:34.03 
tor8 pedro: Robin_Watts: filtering out the Summary: lines from the epage git is easy to do with 'git filter-branch'11:34.47 
  Jogux: ^11:35.17 
  Robin_Watts: you got a minute to talk about printf?11:35.45 
Robin_Watts tor8: sure.11:35.52 
tor8 Robin_Watts: so, having grepped through the code I see why you want separate %c for raw bytes and utf-8 encoding11:36.16 
Jogux robin_watts : the build system checks if the files are there before trying to get them from cvs11:36.45 
tor8 and now I'm wondering if we don't want a "quoted string" formatting character11:36.45 
  that will escape binary as octal and do the usual \n and quote character escapes11:37.18 
Jogux tor8 : yeah, filter-branch is what I was thinking off11:37.24 
paulgardiner_lap robin_watts: I saw your note about making points readable by everyone. Should it also be made non-writeable seeing as we have only the one backup and we are intending to make copies of anything we change?11:37.33 
Robin_Watts Jogux: So maybe it *does* make sense to reconvert with resources attached?11:37.51 
  paulgardiner_lap: possibly.11:38.07 
  tor8: quoting for what system though?11:38.17 
paulgardiner_lap filter-branch could attach be used to combine resources and epage11:38.38 
Robin_Watts I'd like to see %c and %s stay exactly as they are.11:38.40 
  i.e. C standard.11:38.47 
tor8 Robin_Watts: that's my main question :) C and PS/PDF have similar rules (octals, \r\n set)11:38.57 
  but differ in which quote characters need quoting11:39.07 
Jogux robin_watts : I'm happy either way. adding resources would be another 15% or so on top of the current ~1G to clone the repo11:39.37 
tor8 we could make sure to quote all possible quote characters: ', ", (, ) or have separate codes for C and PDF quoting11:39.37 
Robin_Watts We were going to have and %S for utf8 ones, but we could use %u and ?11:39.40 
paulgardiner_lap Jogux: where did you put the notes on getting the iOS library build working?11:39.52 
Robin_Watts Jogux: 15% is nothing if it saves us grief along the way.11:39.54 
tor8 %q and %Q was my first thought, but then maybe %(s and %"s came to mind11:40.03 
Jogux paulgardiner_lap : I emailed them to you :-)11:40.07 
Robin_Watts If we use %u and $U then and %S would be available for quoted stuff.11:40.18 
Jogux and put them in my home directory11:40.20 
  robin_watts : do you want to do that then?11:40.29 
tor8 %c and %C, then it would make sense with %S for UTF-16 strings to be printed as utf-8 but I'm still not convinced of the need11:40.46 
paulgardiner_lap Jogux: ah okay ta11:40.47 
Robin_Watts Jogux: I can't say it's a burning desire :)11:41.03 
tor8 100% would be more worrisome, but the repo is already ginormous enough :(11:41.11 
Robin_Watts let me see if I can find my script from before.11:41.13 
Jogux robin_watts : :-)11:41.22 
Robin_Watts This presuably means we'd need to introduce a new top level dir.11:42.33 
Jogux nods.11:42.50 
Robin_Watts sot say. so we'd have sot/epage and sot/resources all within the sot repo.11:42.53 
Jogux yup11:43.29 
Robin_Watts is that going to give the tools conniptions ?11:44.02 
Jogux robin_watts : btw, I noticed the conversation didn't track renamed files at all afaics - I don't support there's an option in the tool for that?11:44.02 
Robin_Watts Jogux: Not that I know of.11:44.19 
  but it might benefit from another set of eyes on it.11:44.27 
Jogux which tool?11:44.33 
  robin_watts : the use of git is going to make ATS throws fits; anything else is relatively minor by comparison I think.11:44.59 
tor8 Robin_Watts: submodules? :)11:45.23 
Robin_Watts cvs2git --blobfile=cvs2svn-tmp/git-blob.dat --dumpfile=cvs2svn-tmp/git-dump.dat --username=cvs2git /home/robin/PicselCVS11:45.47 
tor8 (I have no idea how ofter the resources change, but it's worth mentioning)11:45.48 
Robin_Watts tor8: The problem is that we have all the source in a cvs module called epage.11:46.07 
  and we have resources for that in another cvs module called resources that lives at the same level.11:46.28 
Jogux tor8 : resources rarely changes if ever.11:46.33 
Robin_Watts so to put them into a single repo we'd need sot/epage and sot/resources.11:46.48 
  It involves extending the directory structure upwards by 1 dir.11:47.01 
tor8 Robin_Watts: hence my suggestion for a super repo which would use git submodules11:49.17 
  and then you could check out the sot/epage or sot/resources repositories independently as well11:49.32 
  dunno if that's useful11:49.37 
Jogux has no obections to submodules.11:49.45 
tor8 and it makes it easy to add more modules to the sot/ super-repo as we want11:50.03 
Jogux but also no option on whether they help or hinder11:50.04 
Robin_Watts It's an interesting idea.11:50.33 
Jogux robin_watts : that doesn't appear to have any options for better handling of renamed files :(11:50.44 
Robin_Watts I think it would be very hard to generate a super repo that had epage and resources as submodules that tied the dates of the 2 submodules together in the correct way.11:51.33 
Jogux I'm not necessarily sure we need to.11:52.08 
  (anytime we need to go back in time we'd be using tags I would think)11:52.30 
Robin_Watts tags don't cross repos11:52.40 
Jogux actually my statement probably wasn't 100% true anyway.11:52.54 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner_lap: You had an alternative cvs -> git tool, didn't you?11:53.19 
Jogux perhaps just go for Robin's way for now - we can always submodule later (there's a git filter-something for doing it)11:53.23 
Robin_Watts Jogux: what was my way?11:53.47 
paulgardiner_lap robin_watts yes, a ruby-based thing called from-cvs/to-git11:53.52 
Jogux robin_watts : a single repository containing epage & resources directories.11:54.31 
paulgardiner_lap It kept an up-to-date git mirror of the cvs repo11:54.37 
Jogux pailgardiner : the config for that could well be on the NAS :-)11:55.09 
Robin_Watts IIRC I did this on peeved, not casper cos it was faster.11:55.19 
tor8 Jogux: git subtree11:55.23 
Robin_Watts Jogux: oooh.11:55.40 
Jogux tor8 : that sounds right, yep, thanks11:55.44 
paulgardiner_lap Jogux: I also have the config here11:55.48 
tor8 but yes, if you want to keep them in sync with submodules that needs more scripting voodoo11:55.52 
Jogux ah, even handier11:55.54 
paulgardiner_lap Jogux: it used to run on snake at picsel's offices11:56.10 
  I think git filter-branch could probably link resources into epage as a submodule with the versions linked correctly11:57.06 
  Jogux: just read your previous comment. Yes, robin_watts suggestion first then submodule later if we wish11:58.12 
tor8 if they both have the same tags, you could iterate over the tags with a script in the super-repo, check out the submodules to the tag and make commits and tags in the super-repo from that11:58.47 
  shouldn't be more than an afternoon's work (famous last words)11:58.58 
paulgardiner_lap Does the resource repo have the same branch structure as the epage repo?12:00.04 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner_lap: resource and epage are the same CVS repo.12:00.23 
Jogux paulgardiner_lap : yes.12:00.29 
Robin_Watts Different modules within that repo.12:00.30 
Jogux or should. people were meant to tag / branch both if they tags/branchedd one.12:00.48 
Robin_Watts IIRC, paulgardiner_lap's solution was MUCH faster than my conversion tool.12:00.55 
paulgardiner_lap Ah, I forget how cvs works12:00.58 
Jogux Paul's one possibly didn't do branches, or am I misremembering?12:01.22 
Robin_Watts <- That's the docs for mine.12:01.53 
paulgardiner_lap Yeah it did branches.12:01.59 
Jogux Ihave no idea if Paul's one was any better at renamed files.12:03.21 
paulgardiner_lap has no idea either12:03.42 
  Hmmm, I think the android lib we just released was built with the master branch of resources and the smart-products branch of epage. Oops! I'm definitely in favour of combining them.12:06.42 
kens2 heads for lunch12:10.19 
paulgardiner_lap Too late now, but I'd have thought it was better for resources not to be under version control at all. Make it something you only ever add to. If you want to change someting, add a new version with a new name and change the point of use within the source12:12.46 
  That way every version of the source can use the latest version of resources12:13.16 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner_lap: No. You want to be able to rewind to a particular place in history and reproduce what you shipped.12:15.34 
  hence resources and code should be in sync.12:15.52 
paulgardiner_lap But you still can12:15.57 
  The add-only resources will always give the correct thing12:16.15 
  It's always a superset of past versions12:16.39 
Robin_Watts Oh, I see what you mean. Bloat city arizona.12:16.49 
  revision control is better, I feel.12:17.08 
  If you want to do a build with the latest resources, just update the resources on the appropriate branch and do a commit.12:17.29 
paulgardiner_lap Resources will bloat a repo anyway because they are often binary12:17.34 
  robin_watts still seems simpler to me "just always use the latest version of resources"12:18.12 
tor8 paulgardiner_lap: but your approach will bloat both the repo and the workspace12:18.14 
paulgardiner_lap tor8: true, but so will a git repo12:18.44 
  Actually I doubt it. I bet most changes to the resources are additions in any case12:19.16 
tor8 a git repo will only bloat the .git, you don't have to pay twice for the working directory as well12:19.32 
paulgardiner_lap But with resources not under version control you pay twice even less12:20.09 
  It's a thought anyway... maybe not a great one. :-)12:20.55 
Robin_Watts A git repo only ever stores one version of a blob.12:22.01 
  so if the same font is used in lots of different places git only ever stores it once. not sure how we can do better than that with what paulgardiner_lap is suggesting.12:22.35 
tor8 paulgardiner_lap: Jogux: git doesn't track file renames at all in the repository structure; that's all done in the clients if at all12:23.33 
  so any file rename information from cvs would be lost no matter what you do, and at the mercy of the file rename heuristics in the git client tools12:24.03 
Crocell hi12:24.34 
ghostbot niihau12:24.34 
tor8 Robin_Watts: mind taking a look at tor/master, there's a slightly revised printf (that does %c and %C separately) and a draft of %q12:25.27 
Robin_Watts looking now.12:25.41 
paulgardiner_lap robin_watts I was assuming resources didn't contain repeated files, at least not many... but in any case we couldn't do what I suggest now even it it were a good idea12:25.57 
Robin_Watts tor8: The printf one looks good. Looking at next one now.12:27.31 
Jogux tor8 : ah. I suspect the problem I saw was actually because I'd missed off --follow to git log. d'oh.12:27.35 
  so. yes. ignore all my whittering about renames. oops.12:27.50 
Robin_Watts tor8: Looks good to me.12:29.34 
  While I am doing this... is there anything other than resources we should include?12:30.07 
paulgardiner_lap Here's the alternative conversion tool, btw: 
Jogux robin_watts : epage-docs is the only thing that might be relevant. not sure it's worth it.12:32.28 
tor8 Robin_Watts: thanks. running a cluster test now with your content cleaning12:34.07 
Robin_Watts Jogux: Not customer-aliens?12:36.28 
Jogux afaicr there's nothing useful in any of those.12:38.53 
  unless we happen to still have any of the customers relevant to customer-aliens.12:39.14 
paulgardiner_lap Ah, hadn't thought before, combining epage and resources is going to interleave the history12:39.58 
Jogux ue2sdk is just the c# editor thing. never finished. not sure about thirdparty but I suspect unlikely to be relevant.12:40.22 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner_lap: That's the whole point.12:41.24 
  ok, conversion running now. If this is anything like before, I'll be restarting it a few times and it'll take a few days to actually get us something that works.12:42.26 
  Then we'll need to do the filtering of the names.12:42.39 
  Then we'll need to pull in the changes from the existing repo.12:42.52 
Jogux presumes the changes can just be cherry-picked across fairly quickly.12:43.36 
Robin_Watts well, with some editing because there will now be an 'sot' in the path or something.12:44.27 
Jogux robin_watts : oh yes, of course.12:45.31 
Crocell i'm trying to use ghostscript to generate 128px (largest dimension) png thumbnails of the first pages of pdf files of various aspect ratios.12:46.36 
  trouble is: while i do get a square 128x128 thumbnail with -g128x128 -dPDFFitPage=true, the aspect ratio is lost, i.e. the background is white or transparent on the _whole_ square so that the original aspect ratio of the document is no longer visible.12:46.46 
  is there an easy way to12:46.55 
  * either have thumbnails with 128px largest dimension and the smaller dimension being smaller so as to keep the aspect ratio of the original document12:47.02 
  * or have square 128x128 thumbnails, but with the padding being transparent or black so that the original aspect ratio of the document remains visible?12:47.08 
Robin_Watts Crocell: Don't use gs.12:47.30 
  Use mupdf, specifically mudraw.12:47.38 
  mudraw -o out%d.png -w128 -h128 in.pdf12:48.30 
Crocell ok thx. but i had hoped gs would do it too (as i don't just have to do it on _my_ machine but also via calling program on other machines where i know ghostscipt is installed as it is used for ps->pdf printout conversion but don't believe mudraw is installed and i don't know if i can get it installed everywhere)12:50.25 
Robin_Watts Well, it's harder with gs. You probably need to get gs to tell you the aspect ratios, then select w/h in a second run yourself.12:51.31 
chrisl Crocell: If you're forcing the page size to 128x128 pixels, surely you're losing the aspect ratio anyway?12:51.51 
Crocell Robin_Watts: ok thx. i'm cool with that. i just don't know how to get the aspect ratio information via gs12:52.14 
Robin_Watts chrisl: No, I think he wants a thumbnail that fits within 128x128 but maintains the aspect ratio.12:52.27 
  it's a common request.12:52.36 
Crocell chrisl: yeah i don't mind as long as the padding is black or transparent so that the _visible_ aspect ratio remains that of the document12:52.50 
  chrisl: even if the image file has a fixed square aspect ratio12:53.17 
  Robin_Watts: yup exactly12:53.42 
chrisl It should be possible, but maybe the stupidities of the PDF interpreter get in the way :-(12:56.48 
Robin_Watts tor8: PDF clean commit is ready to go I think:;a=commitdiff;h=33a77bc8c2ca1815ff902acfc5be3c208740e59b12:57.13 
Robin_Watts runs.12:57.46 
  Crocell: Mupdf is still a better idea.12:58.24 
  It'll do antialiasing better than gs too.12:58.37 
chrisl Crocell: maybe "-sDEVICE=png16m -dDEVICEHEIGHT=128 -dDEVICEWIDTH=128 -dFIXEDMEDIA -dPDFFitPage=true" ? Or that might do the same things.....12:59.45 
kens THat will produce a fixed 128x128 output file13:00.00 
  You need to get the page size, figure out the scaled down size and set the page size to that, then do -dPDFFitPage (I think)13:00.26 
  It would be fairly easy to do thi in the PDF interpreter I think13:01.12 
chrisl kens: with the commandline above I get a 128x128 pixel image, but the PDF contents are drawn with their original aspect ratio13:02.33 
kens I htought the desire was for the page size to be a maximum of 128 X or Y but the other dimension to be scaled appropriately13:03.26 
chrisl kens: above Crocell said "even if the image file has a fixed square aspect ratio"13:03.59 
kens OK fair enough, I was at lunch13:04.09 
chrisl For thumbnails, I'd have thought a consistent, tilable image size would be preferable, anyway13:05.26 
Crocell ahm i'm not sure to understand that above stuff. with that command line i get a square file where the padding is white (and thus the aspect ratio of the original document is not visible inside the square)13:11.56 
  as for solutions that rely on previous knowledge of the pdf page or box size: would be nice if getting that information was possible with gs13:13.41 
kens It is possible13:13.50 
chrisl It might depend on the content of the file: for the example I tried here, the pixels outside the original aspect ratio were transparent with pngalpha13:13.53 
kens ghyostpdl/gs/toolbin/ will retrieve a lot of information about a PDF file13:14.44 
  That includes Media sizes13:14.52 
Crocell chrisl: yeah but with pngalpha, the background pixels _inside_ the original aspect ratio are transparent too on some documents13:15.20 
  chrisl: thus also losing the aspect ratio there13:15.39 
kens Start by running a PostScript file which paints the contents black....13:15.49 
  To get the size of a given page :(filename)13:17.08 
  (filename) (r) file runpdfbegin pagenumber pdfgetpage /MediaBox get ==13:18.07 
chrisl kens: I'm not sure painting the backdrop works, I suspect the PDF interpreter foxes that one somehow :-(13:18.30 
kens chrisl it might, but its worth a try.13:19.00 
chrisl Doesn't *seem* to work for me :-(13:19.49 
kens OK guess not then13:19.58 
chrisl PDF interpreter's setpagedevice probably buggers that13:20.41 
kens Ah yes, that's true, that's an implicit erasepage13:20.59 
  Best bet then is probably to get the media size, figure out the desired dimensions and set the page size to that13:23.08 
Crocell so pardon my n00bish ignorance: how do i tell gs from command line call to give me that media size?13:23.52 
chrisl Crocell: if you find the PS utility and look at the comments at the beginning of the file13:25.15 
kens Crocell : that line of text above, feed ti to GS inside "" preceded by -f and followed by -c. Or put it in a file and send the file to GS13:25.41 
  Obviously replacing 'filename' and 'pagenumber' with the relevant data13:26.08 
henrys_ chrisl: not sure if you saw my question to you buried in the email to Peter at URW.13:27.31 
chrisl henrys_: Yeh, I'm about to look at getting the images now13:28.10 
tor8 Robin_Watts: I'd rather add another flag for content stream sanitising than tack on another 'g'13:28.39 
  -s clean content streams13:28.58 
Crocell ok thx (installed ghostpdl now, trying)13:32.36 
kens Umm you mean Ghostscript ?13:32.57 
Crocell well i did have ghostscript installed, but was not in there13:33.18 
kens It should be, and it won't be in 'GhostPDL' because that's not a real thing, its a collective term for the family of products...13:33.44 
  Where did you get GS from ?13:33.53 
chrisl kens: most distributions don't include toolbin for some reason13:34.45 
kens Well tht would do it13:34.52 
Crocell well, on windows i have it from here: 
kens Ah, chrisl that looks like we don't distribute toolbin in our installer ;-)13:38.13 
chrisl No, I don't think we do. TBH, I think PS utilities like that should be in lib....13:38.37 
kens is inclined to agree , the 'bin' part of the name is misleading13:38.59 
chrisl I'll do that for the next release.13:40.33 
marcosw chrisl: I did the git reset ... ; git pull ... that you mentioned in your email but I do not see a ghostpdl-9.12rc2 tag. Any ideas?13:46.00 
chrisl marcosw: I haven't done an RC2 - I wanted to ask if you were planning to restart the testing?13:46.31 
marcosw chrisl: yes, I am.13:46.45 
chrisl marcosw: okay, give me 20 minutes or so, and I'll do the new tag13:47.10 
  marcosw: it should be there now (remember the "-t" to fetch new tags)13:49.14 
marcosw btw, I do not see the git pull fail you mention in your email: 
chrisl That's odd... oh well....13:50.11 
  marcosw: Oh, no fetch will be okay, but when you try to rebase into your working copy, you'd get the error13:50.50 
  marcosw, henrys_: do you think I should do a full RC2 archive, too? I'm leaning towards "not" given how niche Ray's changes were....13:52.09 
marcosw you mean with git pull --rebase? that worked as well.13:52.11 
chrisl marcosw: oh, well, <shrug>....13:52.37 
henrys_ chrisl: I don't think it's needed.13:53.10 
marcosw perhaps because I didn't have any local changes in that repository, so the rebase didn't need to do anthing?13:53.48 
chrisl marcosw: possibly, I'm not too worried - I just didn't want you getting stuck if the error did happen.13:54.49 
  henrys_: Good, thanks13:55.11 
paulgardiner_lap henrys_: was reading back through the logs regarding the printer module earlier. One of tkamppeter's comments seemed to suggest that Airprint does most of what a cups port would do, or did I misunderstand?14:05.18 
chrisl paulgardiner_lap: I wouldn't be surprised if AirPrint has a lot of CUPS stuff in it.....14:11.15 
Crocell ahm another n00bish question: when i try these ghostscript commands to get pdf information, a window pops up where some text is displayed - that window looks like that which i get on errors, but unlike the error cases it disappears again right away.14:11.39 
  how do i a) get the window to not disappear and14:11.52 
paulgardiner_lap chrisl: oh yes, probably true14:12.01 
chrisl Crocell: are you using gswin32.exe or gswin32c.exe?14:12.13 
Crocell b) get it to not pop up but instead get its text redirected to a file14:12.21 
kens Crocell : use gswin32c for the console14:12.26 
Crocell oh is that the difference ok thx14:12.32 
kens Or don't set -dBATCH14:12.52 
chrisl And then use the normal pipe to write to a file14:13.06 
Crocell ok thx14:13.19 
henrys_ paulgardiner_lap: yes but I'm concerned about legacy printers14:15.28 
  paulgardiner_lap: I also know 0 about windows mobile printing.14:16.24 
  paulgardiner_lap: speaking of which should we be working toward something for the windows store. Picsel said windows mobile is coming soon ;-)14:17.03 
paulgardiner_lap Oh my god! :-)14:17.36 
henrys_ coffees14:18.28 
  chrisl: everything I've read about cups and AirPrint talks about a linux server in the mix.14:29.22 
chrisl henrys_: it's hard to know, but given that CUPS is core to OS X printing, I would not be surprised if they butchered parts of it to make AirPrint14:30.39 
Jogux airprint is IPP, bonjour and PDF I believe.14:31.33 
ray_laptop Crocell: PDFFitPage retains the aspect ratio. Perhaps you need pngalpha ? This has transparent bg14:32.32 
  if PDFFitPage is changing the aspect ratio, it's a bug14:33.02 
kens ray_laptop : it seems this is not the case14:33.43 
  the problem seems to be transparent background (or not transparent)14:33.59 
tkamppeter paulgardiner_lap, note that AirPrint is rather limited, as it requires either a printer with explicit support for AirPrint (Apple's intended way how it works) or a Ubuntu or Debian machine which shares a printer (my hack of AirPrint printer emulation). If we would use our stack, we could print on a wide range of network printers and on all printers shared from machines running CUPS (including Mac OS X).14:35.42 
ray_laptop tkamppeter: and printers shared by Windows machines ? Or are those printers not supported ?14:37.45 
  tkamppeter: and what do you mean by "a wide range of network printers" ?14:38.32 
Robin_Watts tor8: I started like that, but changed my mind. Will fix.14:38.49 
ray_laptop kens: which is not the case? that PDFFitPage does not change the aspect ratio ? or that pngalpha has transparent background ? Note that 9.12 will be different to older GS since I fixed a bug on that14:40.28 
kens ray_laptop : that the aspect ratio is unchanged, it is unchanged14:40.52 
ray_laptop so it is not the case that we have a bug ?14:41.16 
kens ray_laptop : depends, this is not a supported use case :-) THerefore its not a bug14:41.37 
  The problem seems to be whether or not the unused area is white, or transparent.14:41.58 
ray_laptop kens: sorry for being dense. Coffee hasn't hit the brain yet ;-)14:41.58 
  the unused are is supposed to be transparent with pngalpha14:42.38 
kens Its also possible that this is something which you fixed14:42.47 
ray_laptop kens: the fix is in 9.12 commit 174cfd14e4d34a37cdcf2e0372bd0b4334310e8b14:43.36 
kens ray_laptop : yes so chrisl will be using that, and Crocell weon't be14:43.53 
chrisl kens: no, I specifically used an older release14:44.18 
kens No idea then14:44.27 
ray_laptop chrisl: and it worked for you ?14:44.47 
chrisl ray_laptop: IIRC, the command line Crocell posted gave the wrong aspect ratio to the page markings14:45.36 
norbertj hello henrys_14:45.38 
ray_laptop the older pngalpha would have transparent outside the specified media size (I think) but the entire media rectangle filled would not be transparent.14:46.04 
norbertj henrys_: I just entered a bug 695100 on rastergfx handling (jpeg color image not correctly rendered).14:46.43 
ray_laptop the "fixed" pngalpha has transparent everywhere on the page not actually painted by the page Contents14:47.01 
tkamppeter ray_laptop, for machines shared by Windows CUPS needs parts of Samba in addition, especially the "smb" backend which is a symlink to smbspool (or smbclient?) and smbclient for the discovery.14:47.14 
ray_laptop chrisl: So, are we good to go on the release ? no more blockers ?14:47.34 
chrisl ray_laptop: as far as I know, yes14:47.45 
ray_laptop tkamppeter: OK. Thanks14:47.55 
tkamppeter ray_laptop, with "a wide range of network printers" I mean IPP printers which understand at least one of these languages: PWG Raster (IPP Everywhere), PDF, PostScript, PCL XL. PCL 5e, or PCL 5c.14:48.25 
ray_laptop chrisl: Great! So we are waiting for marcos' final release testing ? Or is that done ?14:48.29 
chrisl ray_laptop: marcosw is restarting the testing with your fixes and mvrhel's fix14:49.01 
ray_laptop chrisl: OK. Thanks.14:49.12 
Crocell oops sry was away14:56.50 
paulgardiner_lap tkamppeter: ah right. Thanks for the explanation.14:57.29 
Crocell ray_laptop: yes pngalpha renders the padding as transparent. it works for some pdfs (document part with white background, padding with transparent background) but on others there is a transparent background everywhere14:58.40 
henrys_ hi norbertj, yes I just saw that.14:58.53 
Crocell i guess some pdfs just don't set a background color, and in that case the aspect ratio is not visible any more14:59.13 
kens Crocell that's the way its meant to work I believe, only the areas marked are not transparent14:59.32 
henrys_ norbertj: is that a regression?15:00.24 
norbertj henrys_: I don't think so, it was already in 9.0415:01.16 
Crocell my problem is that i have no way so far (that is: without extracting and re-injecting size information, which i haven't got working yet) to handle the cases where the original pdf sets a background color and those pdfs that don't15:02.09 
kens You can't get the media size, or are having trouble setting it ?15:03.41 
Crocell kens: so far i had problems getting the MediaBox15:03.59 
kens Let me try it, give me a mnute15:04.09 
Crocell i do get the whole sizes with -dDumpMediaSizes15:04.20 
kens Right15:04.28 
Crocell but that other line that was supposed to just print the MediaBox size just gives me15:04.51 
kens You shold have said ;-)15:05.14 
  Lost the line, have to go to the logs to see it15:05.43 
henrys_ norbertj: so if I had this entire image that white line would repeat?15:05.48 
norbertj Yes, on the complete page there are multiple black stripes (i.e. the image is underlayed with a black rectangle). But it's (a piece of) a customer job which we found when printing on a b&w printer.15:06.42 
Crocell kens: (filename) (r) file runpdfbegin pagenumber pdfgetpage /MediaBox get ==15:07.33 
kens Its OK I read it from our logs15:07.44 
  (/temp/source.pdf) (r) file runpdfbegin 1 pdfgetpage /MediaBox get ==15:08.24 
henrys_ norbertj: did you already try pulling that ROP out?15:08.30 
kens returned hte result [0 0 500 328] for me15:08.37 
  So lower left x,y is 0,0 and upper right x,y is 500,32815:08.55 
norbertj henrys_: n, but I don't think its the rop. I added some extra info to 69510015:09.22 
kens Crocell you did remember to put a fully qualified path in replacement for (filename) and changed pagenumber to an integer value (1 is good) ?15:10.00 
Crocell oh ok just tried again, prob was a typo: 15:10.12 
  when i added the "quit" without which i got an error, i somehow removed one "=" inadvertently15:10.46 
  ok i get a box now too15:10.58 
kens RIght, so there's you r media size15:11.11 
Crocell ok thx 15:11.17 
kens You probably want to ignore the lower left15:11.19 
norbertj henrys_: if I remove the ROPs from the file I loose the color, but the white stripe is still there (I'll attach this testfile also).15:12.21 
kens Theoretically you can probably use tht to set the media size, but I'm not sure you can set fixed media frominside PostScript. Maybe Ray knows15:12.28 
norbertj henrys_: can you reproduce?15:14.38 
Crocell btw about the direct conversion (without injecting size information): if there was a way to pass a parameter that said "if the pdf document doesn't specify a background color, then use white as a background color", then pngalpha would work as is and show the aspect ratio15:16.05 
kens But then the people that want' pngalpha to only show the marked area woudl complain.15:16.40 
henrys_ norbertj: yes I'll look at it.15:16.53 
kens Documents *never* specify a background colour, that's not the way the imaging model works15:17.02 
  Becausew this is, at heart, a print model, so the page is whatever colour paper you use15:17.25 
ray_laptop to set FIXEDMEDIA from within PS, use: /FIXEDMEDIA true def15:17.29 
kens OK so there you go Crocell15:17.39 
Crocell ?15:17.43 
kens Take the last two entries from the width array, use those as the argument to /MediaSize in setpagedevice, and set /FIXEDMEDIA true15:18.12 
Crocell ah ok thx15:18.53 
kens That will get you a PNG whihc has hte aspect ratio you want. Obviously you'll have to play with the media sizes, since those are in 72nds of an inch15:18.55 
  You'll need to work with the resolution to figure out what size that is, then divide the two values by the scale factor so that the largest is 128.15:19.40 
Crocell ok thx15:20.40 
  so do i understand correctly that those pdfs that show a white background actually draw a white rectangle as a background?15:22.41 
kens Yes, that's right15:22.49 
henrys_ norbertj: strange how destination width is 4761 in the PXL, likely irrelelevant15:22.56 
kens Sometime people do that15:23.00 
ray_laptop Crocell: actualluy, I just started gs with -dPDFFitPage, then did: << /PageSize [ 400 400 ] >> setpagedevice /FIXEDMEDIA true def (examples/annots.pdf) run 15:26.18 
  Crocell: and the pages were scaled to the page size I set15:26.37 
Crocell ahm i don't get that with the << and >> 15:27.59 
  i mean was that one same command line?15:28.36 
kens << and >> are dictionary delimiters15:28.51 
  setpagedevice takes a dictionary as argument (this is PostScript)15:29.21 
ray_laptop from what kens said, I thought you needed PS.15:30.12 
kens ray_laptop : the input is PDF15:30.29 
Crocell thumbnails: input: pdf, output: png15:30.49 
ray_laptop kens: right, that's why I used annots.pdf as the input for my test15:30.59 
kens Seems reasonable15:31.09 
ray_laptop Crocell: so, it sounds like you want thumbnails of a maximum size, (say 128 x 128) but you want those thnumbnails to be of varying dimensions according to the MediaSize (or CropBox) in the PDF15:32.49 
  gs can do that :-)15:33.03 
Robin_Watts tor8: You didn't test printf under vs did you?15:33.25 
Crocell ray_laptop: yeah either that (i.e. the smaller dimension being <=128 following the aspect ratio)15:33.35 
ray_laptop the "magic" of InputAttibutes with page sizes that are ranges15:33.46 
  Crocell: give me a minute or two...15:33.59 
Crocell ray_laptop: or square icons are fine too, if the padding is transparent and the background color is white 15:34.11 
kens Hmm, never thought of that, I wonder if it will work15:34.17 
ray_laptop begins tracing pentagram on floor in chicken blood while mumbling incantations :-)15:34.50 
Crocell lol15:34.56 
Robin_Watts or... you could call mupdf and it would do exactly what you want...15:35.12 
henrys_ norbertj: there is an underflow in the image so the problem is further upstream, the jpeg decoder or more likely the pxl interface to the decoder, running -ZB "premature end_image"15:35.41 
Jogux Robin_Watts is intend on driving the chicken blood suppliers out of business15:35.44 
ray_laptop robin_watts: Pleasse go ahead and tell me how15:35.48 
Robin_Watts mudraw -o out%d.png -w128 -h128 in.pdf15:35.56 
  as I said about 3 hours ago :)15:36.20 
ray_laptop I missed it15:36.27 
Robin_Watts :)15:36.31 
kens THe only problem there was that MuPDF miught not be available, and GS is (so we are told)15:36.34 
Crocell yeah that for one15:36.51 
Robin_Watts at some point it becomes easier to say "you need mupdf installed". It's not like it's a hard build.15:37.02 
kens depends if you're on WINdows and have a compiler ;-)15:37.46 
henrys_ norbertj: do you want me to look at it now, or did you want to study it more? We can give a bounty to your favorite charity if you want to look at it.15:38.08 
Robin_Watts for windows it's a simple binary.15:38.20 
kens was joking15:38.28 
henrys_ norbertj: I don't think it is going to be that painful a problem but I could be wrong.15:38.39 
Robin_Watts curses MSVC and it's non standard C runtime.15:38.54 
norbertj henrys_: I think I have some time this week, so I could give it a try. ;)15:39.02 
henrys_ norbertj: okay and if you need anything let me know.15:39.32 
norbertj henrys_: will do, bye15:39.48 
Robin_Watts FWIW: I have no mobile phone for the next 3 days while I wait for a new SIM.15:42.11 
kens changed network ?15:42.27 
henrys_ Jogux, pedro any preliminary thoughts on how difficult these bugs will be?15:42.33 
Jogux henrys_ : did you see what pedro said earlier?15:43.58 
Robin_Watts kens: changed handset.15:44.09 
Jogux robin_watts : boggle15:44.26 
henrys_ Jogux: you were akin about a mac earlier marcosw does have an iMac on his network at home. Is that enough horsepower?15:44.33 
kens Oh thought you could just use same SIM, or is it a micro or something ?15:44.34 
henrys_ Jogux: I have an 8 core mac pro15:44.47 
Robin_Watts Jogux: S3 takes a micro sim, I had a regular.15:44.47 
henrys_ Jogux: I'll check the logs15:44.58 
Jogux henrys_ : imac should work fine. just needs to do occasional iOS builds really.15:44.59 
  robin_watts - yeah... but usually they send out the new sim, and switch over after it's arrived...15:45.37 
Robin_Watts Jogux: Nope, they cancel this sim as soon as they send the new one. Which is fine, cos I tried cutting the sim down to size last night... and now I don't have a working sim anyway :)15:46.19 
Jogux henrys_ : it's best (at least for the moment) if the mac is close to the rest of the ATS system, network wise - ie. it's on marcos's lan.15:46.25 
  Robin_Waitts : lol15:46.29 
kens ROFL15:46.36 
Robin_Watts The Internets said it would work!15:46.49 
kens If you were Americna you would now need to sue someone :-)15:47.14 
Jogux has utterly, utterly failed to get the ATS windows build VM to run in parellels or vmware fusion. And it sounded like such a nice way to get a pre-setup working windows build environment :-(15:50.00 
Robin_Watts Jogux: How come?15:50.43 
  I mean, any idea why?15:50.51 
Jogux robin_watts : parallels insists the vm needs to be upgraded, does so, shutdowns down, then starts up again, says the vm needs to be upgraded, ....15:51.12 
  robin_watts : vmware blue screens almost on boot saying the disc is corrupt15:51.23 
kens O.O15:51.32 
Robin_Watts Is it possible that the disc is corrupt?15:51.40 
Jogux I possibly used too old a version of qemu-img to do the conversion to vmware.15:51.53 
Robin_Watts i.e. might it have been broken during transfer?15:51.54 
Jogux Robin_Watts : I really hope not.15:52.00 
Robin_Watts md5 it?15:52.06 
Jogux I'll try booting it up in kvm tonight15:52.07 
  Robin_Watts : ah, the md5 sum I have matches what's on the NAS, yes15:52.19 
  Robin_Waitts : it's the "working vm" -> NAS bit I'm worrying about.15:52.31 
  I'm 90% certain it'll be fine.15:52.42 
Robin_Watts yes, me too :(15:52.43 
pedro henrys_: there are a few bugs (aka unimplemented features) in the ooxml handling for linked images and some broken external reference handling - they're basically a case of identifyin the missing paths in the parsing code. Not 'hard' but fiddly, time consuming changes. The other layout probelms (lineheight etc) I haven't looked at yet. We'll likely have some issues with text flowing around...15:53.04 
  ...objects and column handling as some of it isn't currently supported15:53.05 
Robin_Watts pedro: Lineheight is probably the most crucial issue, I think.15:54.51 
pedro moreso than missing half the contwent? :)15:55.08 
kens likes the sound of contwent :-)15:55.48 
  But ownders where it went15:55.55 
pedro :)15:56.00 
chrisl Is that what you get when Word crashes?15:56.19 
Robin_Watts pedro: Oh, I hadn't noticed the "missing half the content" stuff so much. but that does sound worse.15:56.53 
Jogux Robin_Watts : yeah, one of the top 50 docs is missing 3 pages of tables and 2 pages of graphs just for a start :-)15:57.20 
Robin_Watts But I'd count lineheight problems as being worse than the occasional missing image.15:57.23 
  but maybe the missing images are easier to solve, where the lineheight stuff is an infinitely deep rabbit hole.15:57.48 
  damn. I thought I had this cleaning stuff parked, but it's fighting back.15:58.29 
pedro yup - I'm just concerned by the type of failure (works ok if you re-sav the ooxml docs *not* in compatibility mode - that's potentially likely to show a cause a lot of problems15:58.29 
  think my wireless keyboard is losing way too many keystrokes :(15:59.19 
kens I have that problem too (or at least I blame the keyboard)16:00.56 
pedro ;)16:01.05 
Jogux my wired keyboard just keeps on producing wrong letters. and words.16:03.20 
Robin_Watts sad f dsfsd f assad df sdf 16:05.05 
Jogux conjectures that Robin_Watts now has a cat16:05.28 
Robin_Watts half life of cats in this house would be measured in minutes.16:05.48 
kens robin using MSVC again :-)16:06.13 
paulgardiner_lap pedro: I want to build SO for Windows. Any source changes I need and/or host installs and configurations?16:19.38 
pedro paulgardiner: yep - it'll be on casper in 2 minutes16:31.29 
paulgardiner_lap pedro: magic thanks16:31.56 
pedro do you havewin7/vs2010?16:32.25 
paulgardiner_lap Yes. I might see if I can tease vs2005 on W8 into life too, but w7/vs2010 is fine16:33.16 
  Well w7 will be fine when evetually my shoulder recovers and I'm able to sit at my desk for longer than 5 mins without pain16:34.16 
pedro ah :(16:34.34 
Jogux introduces Paul to vnc ;-)16:35.18 
chrisl paulgardiner_lap: what you done to your shoulder?16:36.15 
paulgardiner_lap chrisl: Don't know. Just slowly became painful, like sciatica but upper body. Had Physio yesterday, so hoping it'll improve soon. It's fine in reclining chair though16:42.37 
kens Sounds like a frozen shoulder16:43.38 
paulgardiner_lap Jogux: that's a point. W7 to W8 I should be able to just use remote RDP or whatever its called16:43.53 
chrisl paulgardiner_lap: nasty, I hope it improves soon.....16:43.59 
Jogux paulgardiner_lap : er, yeah, that's even better :-)16:44.31 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner_lap: Remote desktop.16:44.36 
  Windows versions < 8, you couldn't remote desktop into by default unless you had Pro, rather than Home.16:45.32 
  You want to remote desktop from 8 to 7, right?16:46.01 
  There is a hack you can do to enable remote desktop on Windows & Home.16:46.20 
paulgardiner_lap Let me take a look. I think I have Premium16:48.13 
  Okay providing enabling it takes 5 mins or less :-)16:48.48 
paulgardiner_lap thanks but turns out I have professional16:52.39 
pedro paulgardiner_lap: ~pedro/dev/epage - the toolchain_vs2010 branch has the changes for vs2010/win716:54.24 
  paulgardiner_lap: -debug -vs2010 --dispman-ue2fileviewer app/simple16:55.16 
  paulgardiner: -debug -vs2010 --dispman-ue2fileviewer app/simple16:56.19 
Robin_Watts tor8: ping.16:56.20 
  tor8: New version of the clean commit on robin/master16:56.34 
  Testing it shows up something nasty though.16:56.42 
  When we mutool clean and subset the pages, we correctly remove the named destinations that point outside of our new ranges.16:58.09 
paulgardiner pedro: thanks16:58.23 
Robin_Watts We do not however remove the links that point at these names.16:58.45 
paulgardiner likes his new W7 laptop although the graphics seem a bit slow16:59.06 
Jogux paulgardiner : :-)16:59.17 
Robin_Watts So when we next access those pages, we get errors through when we load the annots.16:59.48 
paulgardiner pedro: might the push have failed? I just pulled from your repo and have pete/w7toolchain at the same point as robin/master17:11.51 
pedro paulgardiner: seems to be in the log on casper17:12.29 
  (git log I mean)17:12.35 
  there's nothing in the w7toolchain branch (yet) btw17:14.45 
Jogux thinks Paul wants pete/toolchain_vs201017:15.25 
  which is definitely there on casper for me17:15.31 
pedro nods17:15.36 
Robin_Watts So, you're doing different bits of development on lots of different branches.17:23.44 
paulgardiner Something odd going on here. I have only branches pete/master and pete/w7toolchain and no commits on either17:24.25 
Robin_Watts That's fine, but generally the way we work with gs and mupdf is that we never merge those down to the trunk.17:24.43 
kens maybe that -t thing marcosw had ot do yesterday paulgardiner17:24.48 
paulgardiner kens: oh could be17:25.09 
kens I can't remember what it was exactly17:25.21 
Robin_Watts We rebase them on master so that they are at the 'tip' of master, then commit the whole branch at once.17:25.25 
pedro that's for updating tags17:25.29 
Robin_Watts That way we get a nice linear history on master with no confusing merges etc.17:25.42 
chrisl If you've pulled branches from the remote, that does not automatically create "local" branches for you17:26.05 
paulgardiner chrisl: I'm viewing with gitk and looking at the remote branches17:26.48 
chrisl So you can see the branch <pete's repo>/<branch name> ?17:27.51 
Robin_Watts Where is petes epage repo on casper?17:28.38 
pedro ~pete/dev/epage17:28.57 
Robin_Watts ok, ta.17:29.06 
kens I've had enough of counting bits today, goodnight folks17:29.17 
Robin_Watts I see w7toolchain and master as being the same (4fe3e7c)17:29.45 
  With toolchain_vs2010 being 1 commit on from that as 277d55517:30.02 
pedro yup, ignore w7toolchain - there's nothing on it yet17:30.12 
  Robin_Watts: yup17:30.28 
chrisl "Add support for vs2010 and vs2012 builds of dispman-ue2fileviewer......."17:30.59 
paulgardiner It may just be gitk playing up, It just gave an error about tag secsel. I rember that being a problem when I set up the mirror. There were several tags I had systematically rename17:31.40 
chrisl So, yeh, definitely stuff on that branch17:31.41 
paulgardiner Also my gitk is fairly old17:32.03 
sporadicsoftwre Hello. Is there anybody here that could assist me with a mupdf bug/issue?17:32.19 
Robin_Watts sporadicsoftwre: sure.17:32.31 
  sporadicsoftwre: Interesting. You make a pdf reader based on MuPDF for blackberry ?17:33.46 
sporadicsoftwre I have code that allows the user to add annotations to a PDF. This works well. A user has recently complained that they cannot save annotations to a PDF with an owner password. I tried authenticating with the owner password but mupdf did not accept the correct password.17:34.54 
marcosw Jogux: I've installed kvm on one of the linux boxes in my garage and am trying to run kvm with the debian64ats01.img but the boot gets stuck:17:35.08 
  [ ok ] Starting deferred execution scheduler: atd. 17:35.10 
  [ ok ] Starting system message bus: dbus. 17:35.10 
  [info] Setting NIS domainname to: 17:35.10 
  [....] Starting NIS services: ypbind[....] Starting MTA: 17:35.10 
Robin_Watts sporadicsoftwre: Creating annotations in an encrypted PDF... not sure we've tested that.17:35.54 
marcosw wait, it timed out and got past that with a failed message17:35.55 
Robin_Watts sporadicsoftwre: Where can I get the source code for your PdfReader please?17:36.07 
marcosw it's now Starting automount17:36.08 
sporadicsoftwre I looked at mupdf on android and it was able to save the file. mupdf on android is only at version 1.2 so I noticed that the difference is 1.2 does not use opts.do_incremental. If I remove that then I can save the PDF without using the owner password17:36.44 
  I can send you the link for the source if you like17:37.05 
Robin_Watts That's because the password is removed on saving I think.17:37.08 
  sporadicsoftwre: Looking on I can see no reference to the fact that it uses MuPDF. Nor can I see a statement of the fact it's licensed under the GNU GPL.17:38.04 
sporadicsoftwre It is present in the app itself. Do I need to update the App World page as well?17:38.42 
Robin_Watts It would be nice to :)17:39.24 
marcosw Jogux: the debia64-ats01 system booted and I'm now presented with a login: screen. What next?17:39.34 
sporadicsoftwre I will submit the request to BB, they will have to approve the change so it won't be immediate17:39.54 
Robin_Watts I don't have a blackberry myself, so I have no way of knowing that it's GNU GPL licensed without buying one, downloading it and running it :)17:39.57 
  paulgardiner: Annotation question here...17:40.26 
  (see the logs)17:40.31 
pedro marcosw> Jogux is cycling home - probably online in around 30 minutes or so. Guess its the root password you need next?17:41.05 
sporadicsoftwre True but my understand (and I am very likely wrong) is that the source only has to be given to users of the app upon request so i though the license could be in the app itself17:41.11 
Robin_Watts You may be right.17:41.55 
  We are a bit sensitive to this as lots of people use MuPDF and never acknowledge it anywhere.17:42.33 
sporadicsoftwre Understandable. I will update App World regardless17:43.06 
marcosw pedro: that would helpful, though even with that I'm not sure what's next. Getting kvm running one of the ats images was what I was trying to do and I've done that :-)17:43.14 
Robin_Watts sporadicsoftwre: Thanks.17:43.28 
  sporadicsoftwre: paulgardiner is the annotation expert.17:43.59 
  but I think that if you don't set opts.do_incremental, we completely rewrite the file upon saving, and passwords etc are all removed.17:44.23 
paulgardiner I'm just taking a look17:44.24 
Robin_Watts Hence if you don't set opts.do_incremental, you'll never get prompted for a password, and the problem won't occur.17:45.02 
sporadicsoftwre And mupdf doesn't "care" about the owner password to begin with?17:45.05 
Robin_Watts AIUI, you're opening a file, giving it the password, and then editing it.17:45.42 
  Is that right?17:45.49 
pedro marcosw> cool :) Guess we can manually check the builds on each VM and build there, but it'll really need the ATS server set up to get the real value17:45.57 
Robin_Watts So MuPDF is 'bad' in that we are effectively stripping the password off the file as we save it.17:46.10 
sporadicsoftwre That as the idea but mupdf does not accept the owner password. The same code works for a user password17:46.31 
  I added checking PDF permissions and requesting the owner password as required but pdf_authenticate_password dos not accept the owner password17:47.14 
Robin_Watts sporadicsoftwre: Sorry, maybe I'm being thick here.17:47.32 
  So open the file in MuPDF. It asks for a password. You give it the owner password and it's not accepted?17:47.53 
pedro goes for the train - biab17:48.12 
Robin_Watts This is a file before you've made any changes to it ?17:48.18 
sporadicsoftwre When I say mupdf I just mean the library. So, yes, I check and see the user does not have permissions to make changes or notes so I request the owner password. I use pdf_authenticate_password but that does not return successfully and the permissions have not changed. This is before any changes are attempted17:49.27 
  I am using fz_meta to check permission FWIW17:50.08 
Robin_Watts sporadicsoftwre: This is a file that mupdf has had nothing to do with writing ?17:51.58 
sporadicsoftwre Robin_Watts: Correct17:52.14 
Robin_Watts So what does this have to do with annotations?17:52.24 
sporadicsoftwre I am allowing the user to add annotations but per the PDF permissions they cannot without the PDF owner password17:53.05 
Robin_Watts Right. So the bug report is actually "MuPDF will not accept the owner password on a file".17:53.52 
sporadicsoftwre I think so17:54.03 
Robin_Watts Sorry, I'd got sidetracked by the mention of annotations.17:54.08 
sporadicsoftwre My apologies, I was just trying the explain the whole situation17:54.22 
Robin_Watts That does sound like a bug. Can you go to please, and open a bug.17:54.26 
  Attach a file that shows the problem, and give us the user/owner passwords in the bug description.17:54.55 
  Then we have have a look.17:55.04 
sporadicsoftwre Will do. Thank you for your assistance!17:55.08 
Robin_Watts No problem.17:55.15 
  IIRC the exact encoding in which we expect passwords differs a bit from version to version of PDF.17:55.54 
  do user and owner passwords have any 'strange' chars in them ?17:56.16 
sporadicsoftwre No, the PDF I am testing as no user password (its hat the issue?) and the owner pass is test17:56.46 
Robin_Watts sporadicsoftwre: I can't say until I (or one of my colleagues) has had a chance to look.17:57.27 
sporadicsoftwre FYI I opened bug 695101. Thanks again18:01.46 
Robin_Watts Thanks.18:01.59 
sebras 2/msg Robin_Watts hm...18:33.37 
Jogux marcosw : sorry, I've been away from my computer - let me catch up18:36.51 
  marcosw : okay, that sounds awesome. I think there are two things to do now18:40.20 
  1) carry on and get all the other vms to boot18:40.27 
  2) let me and mace know how we can access these systems18:40.38 
Robin_Watts ooh. It seems we have mujs.com18:43.59 
sebras Robin_Watts: are you sure? whosis seems not be updated.18:47.46 
Robin_Watts sebras: No, Miles just mailed to say he's agreed the deal.18:48.03 
  It'll take a while to actually come through.18:48.12 
Jogux robin_watts : awesome :)18:52.58 
marcosw Jogux: giving someone access to the systems is going to take some reconfiguration on my part. My home machines are all behind a firewall but there is little (none, really) security behind it. 18:54.53 
Jogux marcosw : ah. oh. er.18:55.15 
Robin_Watts marcosw: We can ssh into the linux personas of those machines, right?18:55.57 
marcosw also the debian64-ats01 system did not request an ip address from my dhcp server, so presumably I have to login via the remote console and change the ip address to system in my local space (or figure out why networking isn't working).18:56.15 
Robin_Watts Or into at least 1 of those machines?18:56.22 
Jogux marcosw : oh. damn.18:56.40 
  marcows : security wise, your worry is essentially that if you give me/mace access to this system, we also end up with access to all your personal systems?18:57.38 
Robin_Watts If we can get into one of the linux boxes, then we can run an ssh tunnel to get into anything behind the firewall. But it obviously does require you to get networking working :)18:57.43 
marcosw robin_watts: in theory yes, but I think they have my .ssh private key on them (and currently I can only get qemu to run under sudo). Both these issues are fixable.18:58.08 
Jogux ah18:58.43 
Robin_Watts marcosw: I wonder if it's worth configuring all the VMs onto a different subnet.18:58.45 
marcosw Jogux: yeah. if I remove the my private key and setup a whole in my firewall that should be okay.18:58.45 
Jogux marcosw : okay, great, that sounds good18:59.07 
marcosw also, I'm running qemu under curses, since I couldn't get it to work with X (the error message was "Could not initialize SDL(No available video device) - exiting").19:00.22 
  google suggests it's a missing library.19:00.37 
Jogux that sounds absolutely fine - we don't need anything graphical19:00.43 
marcosw that's what I figured.19:00.54 
Jogux afaik these boxes won't even have gdm/x11/installed.19:01.14 
  oh. except windows. gah.19:01.23 
marcosw what about the windows?19:01.27 
Jogux I hate windows.19:01.32 
marcosw I knew I liked you for a reason :-)19:01.42 
Jogux it'll have rdp setup, so if we can figure out the ips we should be okay.19:01.51 
Robin_Watts Jogux: Presumably you can remote desktop into the windows boxen?19:01.53 
Jogux marcosw : hehe19:02.12 
Robin_Watts If we put all the picsel stuff onto a different subnet, we can probably open an ssh tunnel to henrys macpro.19:02.37 
marcosw Does windows boot without a display? I guess it must, since amazon aws has windows images.19:02.53 
Jogux marcosw> good question. actually I believe kvm will expose the raw console via vnc too.19:03.18 
  so it must be faking up displays19:03.34 
marcosw how fast a mac do we need? I have a spare imac that isn't doing anything. I also have a macpro, but that's my personal machine and so I'm hesitant to use it as an ats machine (it's currently a cluster node, but that's pretty low impact).19:04.22 
Jogux marcosw : I think anything will be fine for now.19:04.43 
  I assume it can run mavericks?19:04.49 
marcosw Jogux: I think it's running Mountain Lion, so Mavericks will work (afaik Mavericks runs on all the machines that Mountain Lion supports).19:06.40 
Jogux sounds right. actually ML is probably fine; iirc xcode 5.1 runs on it.19:07.07 
ray_laptop Jogux: I have a mac mini as well (I'd have to upgrade the OS). It's 5+ years old, but it belongs to Artifex19:07.23 
Robin_Watts 5+ years old won't run mavericks, I believe.19:08.29 
  (or ML)19:08.44 
  Actually, maybe I'm being unfair. I have a (late) 2009 macbook and that runs mavericks.19:09.21 
marcosw robin_watts: apple orphaned some machines with Mountain Lion that weren't very old.19:13.19 
Robin_Watts mac mini Early 2009 or later required19:14.57 
marcosw according to the MacMini Early 2009 is the latest one that will run Mountain Lion (or Mavericks).19:14.58 
Robin_Watts So 5 years old is OK, 5+ is not :)19:15.06 
  tor8: 2 commits on robin/master19:15.56 
  henrys, paulgardiner, tor8: So, assuming tor8 OKs these commits, I think I'm in a position to park the mupdf work I'm doing.19:16.48 
Jogux stops for food. biab.19:16.50 
Robin_Watts This will leave Raed without his desired Bates numbering.19:17.05 
  This will leave Christophe without his watermarking.19:17.19 
  but the step on the way to those things has been done.19:17.35 
marcosw my imac is the Mid-2007 model and runs Mavericks (as does my 2008 MacPro). 19:17.41 
Robin_Watts marcosw: Have you considered asking Miles to pay for your garage to be fortified? :)19:18.16 
marcosw agrees with Jogux that lunch sounds good19:18.24 
  robin_watts: you mean for security? :-) If someone breaks into my garage a bunch of 4 year old dell servers is not going to be what they take.19:19.12 
Robin_Watts henrys, paulgardiner, tor8: The one thing that I'm a little unhappy about leaving in the current state is that we never compress streams before we write them out.19:19.18 
  marcosw: Oh, Porsche boy, right.19:19.27 
  This means that whenever we clean files and write them out, they get much larger.19:20.29 
  Also, whenever we make appearance streams they end up written uncompressed too.19:20.50 
  Is it worth me spending a day or so extending the pdf-write.c stuff so that it can optionally deflate streams on writing?19:21.24 
  tor8: Oh, ass. Something I forgot. My fz_printf changes had deliberately made it so that output to both buffer and file went through the new printf stuff so we got equivalent results for both.19:23.10 
  I fear that your new commit doesn't do that.19:23.24 
  oh, ignore me, it does.19:24.28 
Jogux is bakc.19:50.43 
Jogux is back.19:50.46 
henrys_ Robin_Watts: can tor8 take that over? (compression)20:21.14 
Robin_Watts absolutely.20:21.32 
henrys_ or it's a good bounty right - fairly isolated.20:21.36 
Robin_Watts also, there is a bug of mvrhel's about bouncy text.20:21.56 
  but basically I can move to SmartOffice for tomorrow.20:22.57 
  I am tempted to finish the kerning fixes to the fonts.20:23.09 
  It's not going to make a huge difference, but it means we'll be able to be sure that we have got equivalent metrics in all cases.20:23.53 
  and hopefully by the time I've finished that, we'll have ATS up and running, and I can work with paulgardiner/Jogu/pedro to figure out what to do next where we won't all be tripping over each other.20:24.35 
henrys_ Robin_Watts: sounds good to me.20:39.38 
djcreedy Hey, was wondering if any of the MuPDF devs were around?20:40.45 
Jogux djcreedy : there's a couple hanging around20:50.17 
Jogux finally gets this VM to boot. yay.20:50.32 
Jogux has no idea what the logins for the windows boxes are.20:55.48 
Robin_Watts djcreedy: On irc, it's always best to ask your question, not ask to ask :)21:07.10 
djcreedy Robin, this is true. 21:07.45 
  I just wanted to ask about MuPDF commercial licensing, and whether it was a per-app bases or perpetual single license. And also if someone could give a ball park price for it. 21:08.27 
Robin_Watts We don't deal with commercial licensing on here, we're just engineers, so we point people to Scott Sackett ( for that.21:09.24 
  But, I am 99% sure that we don't do perpetual single licenses. It's always a per year (or quarter) figure.21:09.49 
  There might be revenue sharing options - you'd have to ask Scott.21:10.14 
  I can't give a ballpark figure, cos our licenses are tailor made to what people want.21:10.44 
djcreedy Awesome. Appreciate you taking the time to respond mate. I'll reach out to Scott. 21:12.25 
Robin_Watts no worries.21:12.32 
tor8 Robin_Watts: two commits on robin/master LGTM21:50.05 
  do you want the third one in as well?21:50.21 
zeniko Robin_Watts: are rendering changes to be expected from the "fix operator buffering of inline images" patch?22:00.07 
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