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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2014/03/20)2014/03/21 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: Will do in the morning.00:36.12 
kens chrisl when you have some free time could you ping me please ? Warning, need some help with memory problems.....09:20.27 
Jogux pedro_ : the --windows8 build got a lot further on the vm then failed due to an expired certificate10:35.42 
kens I've got some window installers here this morning, so I may be AFK without warning, and there could be some network outages as well....10:36.34 
Jogux I'd make some droll linux vs windows joke, but not enough caffeine yet.10:40.16 
kens Well its really more a case of them unplugging my router.....10:40.38 
pedro_ Jogux> cool10:41.10 
chrisl kens: sorry, I've working on the other computer - what do you need?10:49.33 
kens I've got a weird memory problem, I need to talk it through with someone who knows the memory manager better than me ;-)10:50.31 
chrisl Eek... :-(10:50.47 
kens Yeah....10:50.56 
  Let me know when yhou have some time10:51.02 
chrisl I'm good now - shoot10:51.28 
kens OK so this is bug #69356110:51.42 
  Alex is correct about the inefficiency and I have a patch to fix that.10:51.56 
  The fact that I'm using param lists is because I was assured this was the way to go, I;'d actually prefer to use a spec_op now we have them, but before changing it I need to understand the bug.10:52.34 
  Now in zfunc4.c there's a call to gs_getdeviceparams which trickles all the way through to pdfwrite. By tedious debugging I find that in gdevpsdp.c I read some mono image dict paraqeters10:53.59 
  ANd that's what causes the problem. I have to run this iwth -Z? in order to do pointer checking10:54.19 
  Which causes an error "Reference to free object 0x240a610(60), in chunk"10:54.45 
  I turned on -ZA to follow the allocations, and I see that the param list call allocates some memory for a gc_param_list structure, and its this which the allocator is complaining about.10:55.35 
  I see the memory allocated, and I see it freed.10:55.46 
  Then (much l;ater) I see the chunk being closed and after that it complains about the pointer being free.10:56.10 
  So I'm puzzled, if the chunk is 'closed' isn't it free ? If not what does clsing it do.....10:56.35 
chrisl No, the chunk being closed means more memory shouldn't be allocated from it, it doesn't mean it's all free10:57.15 
  So, IIRC, we can close the current chunk due to a Postscript save, for example10:57.55 
kens OK. I'm as sure as I can be that *nothing* is referencing the memory that was allocated. I only use the param list to get one boolean variable (not the one causing the problem). I free the list immediately after I retrtieve the value, so it is correctly freed. I can't see what would be maintaining a reference to the structure :-(10:58.36 
  I'm presuming that the param list code correctly closes all references to the objects in the list of course.10:59.22 
chrisl I'm just doing a fresh build, and I'll have a look - how complex is the test file?10:59.43 
kens Huge10:59.49 
  3Mb of PostScript10:59.55 
  And you need a simple change I've made as well, in order to replicate my findings. Hold on and I'll send yo ua modified zfunc4.c11:00.20 
  The test file is referenced in the bug report11:01.08 
  File is on its way11:01.36 
  With that file, at line 319 in zfunc4.c should be:11:02.08 
  gs_c_param_list_write(&list, i_ctx_p->pgs->device->memory);11:02.08 
  code = gs_getdeviceparams(i_ctx_p->pgs->device, (gs_param_list *)&list);11:02.08 
  " /* Check if the device allows the use of repeat in functions */"11:02.31 
  " /* We can't handle 'repeat' with pdfwrite since it emits FunctionType 4 */"11:02.31 
  " gs_c_param_list_write(&list, i_ctx_p->pgs->device->memory);"11:02.32 
  " code = gs_getdeviceparams(i_ctx_p->pgs->device, (gs_param_list *)&list);"11:02.32 
  If you set a breakpoint on gs_c_param_list_write, with a hit count of 18, that's the allocation which matters.11:03.05 
  The command line I'm using is :11:03.28 
  -Z? -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=\temp\out.pdf -dCompressPages=false -dCompressFonts=false11:03.28 
  Add -ZA for the allocation dump, but its 1`3Mb of output, so I wouldn't advise that immediatley.11:04.10 
  Hmm, I wonder if this is some kind of bizarre save/restore problem11:08.28 
chrisl So, I'm a bit confused: in check_psc_function() we initialise plist.....11:09.08 
  Then from psdf_get_image_dict_param () we appear to initialise the same parameter list?11:10.07 
kens Umm where's the initialisation ?11:10.40 
  It may not be the same list....11:10.58 
chrisl line 319 in zfunc4.c gs_c_param_list_write(&list, i_ctx_p->pgs->device->memory);11:11.08 
kens I thougth param_llist_write just set the procs to the write procs rather than the read ones11:11.40 
chrisl Well, it sets the mem pointer, which may be the critical thing here11:12.16 
kens Hmm, yes possibly it is11:12.33 
  Looks like psdf_get_image_dict_param maybe shouldn't be meddling with that11:13.15 
  It might explain why its a save/restore problem11:13.28 
  I see, psdf_get_image_dict_params also calls param_begin_write_dict11:14.16 
  It does seem to be the same list as well.11:14.50 
  Where is it setting mem ?11:15.23 
chrisl in gs_c_param_list_write()11:15.59 
kens As far as I can see that just uses the existing value of mem11:16.21 
chrisl hang on - phone11:16.30 
kens cplist = plsit, and it sets the mem to cplist->memory11:16.40 
  Ah, its a different list11:21.18 
chrisl Why the hell do we have to set the procs for reading and writing - that's insane.....11:21.30 
kens Tell me about it.....11:21.39 
  But the memory is set for 'dlist' which is a new list, not the existing one11:21.54 
chrisl So we have a param list, one entry of which is a param list?11:22.46 
kens That does seem to be the case yes11:22.57 
  Actually it looks like its reading a dict into a new list, which it possibly then appends to the existing list11:24.20 
  'dict' is set up as a param list (it starts as a gs_param_dict), we then call param_list_copy which copies from one param list to another, which suggests we are passing in a param list. I'm confused now......11:25.45 
  Oh I see. We seem to be maintaining some param lists in the device structure11:26.41 
  Now that's a hideous notion11:26.54 
  Presumably we use the param list stuff to set/reset/retrieve these values11:27.34 
  So what we are doing here is copying the param list from the device structure into the param list we are returning11:28.00 
chrisl I don't understand param_list_copy()11:29.41 
kens Any particular bit ?11:30.06 
chrisl The copy_persists bit - I don't see where that influences the decision to take a reference or make a full copy11:30.30 
kens IIRC it compares the memory pointers11:30.46 
  Yes " bool copy_persists = plto->memory == plfrom->memory;"11:31.09 
  If the lists have the same memory pointer then it makes them persistent11:31.34 
chrisl Yes, but then copy_persists only seems to be used to set a flag later on11:31.44 
kens True11:32.28 
chrisl My reading of the comment is that if they are using the same allocator, we can use a pointer reference, otherwise we need a full copy of the content.... but I don't see where that is applied11:32.44 
kens Essentially yes I believe that's teh case.11:33.09 
  If its persistent, tehn we don't free it when we free the list (I believe) as it is a pointer to a different list, and will be freed when that one is.11:33.39 
  Of course this is dangerous, because I see no reaosn why we couldn't free the previous list first, leaving a dangling pointer11:34.03 
  It does seem rather mad though, that arrays and dicts don't get set that way11:34.43 
  whereas strings, names int/float/string arrays do11:35.05 
  Possibly those are always copied ?11:35.28 
chrisl Possibly, I still not clear where strings/names are actually copied11:35.59 
kens "param_read_typed(plfrom, string_key, &value)" I think11:36.26 
  line 14211:36.38 
  It is possible I'm using this param list stuff incorrectly of course.11:37.25 
chrisl Of all the over complicated, spaghetti code nonsense.......11:38.47 
kens nods sadly11:39.00 
  Yeah that does seem to be where it is copied11:39.32 
chrisl And now, suddenly, applying a hit count to my breakpoints is causing a massive slowdown :-(11:46.58 
kens Ran out of hardware registers ?11:47.18 
chrisl Possibly....11:47.36 
Robin_Watts OK, so the new picsel source tree git conversion is online in /home/git-private/sot.git12:13.04 
  Jogu, pedro, paulgardiner: ^12:13.15 
  actually, it's still unpacking. Give me a couple of mins.12:13.36 
  Can anyone see anything wrong with it? :)12:13.54 
  There is also an sot.tgz in the same dir12:15.13 
Jogux let us know once it's ready?12:16.08 
Robin_Watts Should be good to go.12:19.17 
Jogux clones locally12:20.49 
chrisl kens: I'm going to lunch (my father's here) - I'm wondering if the problem is triggered by the recursive call to check_psc_function()......12:21.26 
kens chrisl I'll look at that, i@m going to get some lunch myself as well12:21.48 
Jogux and pedro_ are about to pop out for lunch too.12:22.23 
pedro_ thinks this morning went too fast12:24.31 
chrisl 's father has just gone out again, so have a bit longer before lunch......12:28.46 
kens has to go see to windows people, then will eat.12:32.21 
  I don't think the recursion is a problem, but after lunch I'll alter it so it doesn't recurse and see what happens (or rather I'll move the param stuff out so it isn't in the recursion)12:33.04 
chrisl No I agree - I think it's just coincidence I see the problem during the recursion12:33.33 
kens Robin_Watts : I can guess at the problem here, but if you or tor8/paulgardiner could answer it,it would be better:12:53.49 
  chrisl I moved the param list code to the functions calling check_psc_function and it still causes a problem with a free object13:03.16 
paulgardiner Thanks kens. I've guessed at an answer.13:10.18 
kens thanks paulgardiner13:10.27 
  Your guess wil be better than mine13:10.33 
Robin_Watts Missing fz_register_document_handlers() ?13:10.44 
kens I'm assuming that, but I could be mistaken13:10.59 
paulgardiner robin_watts that was my guess too :-)13:11.30 
  Where is it safe to create private repos within casper home dirs? Is it only "repos" that is shown on the source web page?13:12.58 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: Indeed.13:15.11 
  so anywhere other than repos.13:15.19 
paulgardiner ta13:15.36 
  robin_watts your sot repo includes CVSROOT. Is that intentional?13:17.51 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: Oh, urm, probably not :(13:18.10 
paulgardiner Easily fixed with filter-branch though13:18.32 
Robin_Watts Do you want to have a crack at that ?13:19.01 
paulgardiner Sure13:19.17 
  robin_watts any particular machine that can most easily take the load?13:23.19 
  ... on casper at the moment13:23.28 
Robin_Watts The data is already on peeves.13:23.32 
  peeved, sorry.13:23.36 
  in ~robin/PicselCVS13:23.41 
  as sot.git13:24.23 
  and is backed up in sot2.tgz13:25.01 
Jogux returns from lunch.13:35.48 
  Robin_Watts : hey, remember when I said "everyone always followed the process carefully and tagged resources when they tagged epage"...13:49.18 
pedro_ grins13:49.43 
  I like optimism13:49.50 
Jogux well, I was wrong; certainly for the latest smartoffice release tag. but we can work around that easily enough I'm sure. Probably. Maybe.13:50.18 
  basically resources isn't present on that tag. I'm struggling to get my head around how that actually works.13:51.14 
  otherwise, from a couple of diffs, it at least seems consistent with the previous repository.13:51.34 
henrys chrisl: how's the directory reorg toward language switching coming? I know ray was looking for his next project and I was hoping you were near a point where he could get involved.13:53.46 
Jogux marcosw_ : good morning morning - how are the ATS vms, do you think me/mace can start trying to get the system running?13:57.11 
chrisl henrys: I've only looked at it briefly since the staff meeting13:58.21 
pedro_ reboots to convince PC that the left mouse button really wasn't continually down14:00.02 
marcosw_ Jogux: I haven't secured my home network yet, I'll work on that today. 14:02.37 
Jogux marcosw_ : great, thanks!14:03.00 
marcosw_ I do have all the vms stored on a local usb drive. 14:03.21 
  and i think networking is working.14:03.52 
paulgardiner pedro_: my vs2010-built dispman-fileviewer is still failing. It seems to be looking for fonts in file://localhost/epage_dir/Fonts/ and not finding them14:05.43 
chrisl henrys: I got to the point where I *think* all the object files are being built on Windows for the three products, but it fell down at the link stage - I was *hoping* to the get the release out the way before picking it up again14:05.55 
paulgardiner For this build should that map to a memory file system?14:06.20 
pedro_ paulgardiner: I didn't have to do any setup for fonts (and dont have an epagedir explicitly set up14:07.27 
  paulgardiner: do you have an epagedir explicitly set in your env perchance14:08.39 
henrys chrisl: sounds good. Ray is a windows guy and he could look at what you have for windows now - test review that kind of thing - using your private repo for sharing … but whatever you think best.14:09.04 
Jogux epage_dir should be in romfss.14:09.21 
paulgardiner pedro_: I do. I'll unset it14:09.40 
chrisl henrys: Okay, that's cool. I'd *really* hoped to get each product linking before pulling Ray in for the romfs rejig, but.....14:11.11 
henrys chrisl: I did want to get him in early because he works the most with printer customers more than all of us and he could see something as the system evolves that could be better or different. But as you know adding another person to a project is not always the right play. 14:13.59 
ray_laptop I coded up the SSE2 landscape case for 4-bit and it's working, but it only seems to buy about another 6% on (a full page image)14:14.38 
  I guess I did too well in coding up the C variant :-)14:15.06 
  chrisl: pull away14:15.35 
  chrisl: if you have something you want me to pull in from your private repo, let me know14:16.06 
  chrisl: and a statement from you as to how you want the romfs to work (here or email) would be a good thing to start with (I hesitate to label it a 'spec')14:17.27 
chrisl ray_laptop: I was just going to push my latest changes to my repo, and git is throwing a fit - it seems to be rebasing the wrong way round, so give me a little while to smack it into shape14:17.43 
ray_laptop chrisl: I often just to push -f to my repo14:18.09 
chrisl ray_laptop: I which I had done that.... :-(14:18.27 
Jogux chrisl : you probably still could if you abort rebase and reset back to where you were?14:19.13 
chrisl Jogux: I just did that - I want to make sure I won't lose anything before I push -f though14:19.39 
ray_laptop I sometimes do a fomat-patch just to make sure I don't lose local changes :-)14:20.18 
chrisl ray_laptop: so, the romfs stuff. At the moment the content of the romfs is built as part of the graphics library "component", which makes it impossible to build a language agnostic graphics library14:22.45 
  ray_laptop: so I think it would be preferable to have the romfs data be built with the interpreter ("client"), rather than with the graphics library. That *may* mean providing a method for the client to "register" a romfs "root" during initialisation14:27.12 
ray_laptop chrisl: so when each language starts, it adds it's romfs to what's available (multiple subdirectories at the root level ?)14:29.43 
  such /Resource for PS, /PCLFonts and possibly /iccprofiles for all ?14:30.53 
  such as /Resource for PS, /PCLFonts and possibly /iccprofiles for all ?14:31.02 
chrisl ray_laptop: something like that, yes. *Or* the library can only have one romfs "registered" at a time, and the process of switching languages involves registering the new language romfs.....14:31.30 
marcosw Jogux: how do I want to give mace a login on the machines in my garage? Is there a public key for him?14:32.07 
ray_laptop chrisl: adding subdirectories seems better. Some stuff, like iccprofiles are language independent14:32.28 
chrisl ray_laptop: true, it would be preferable. The only thing we have to worry about is PS, since programs can enumerate the file system contents......14:33.22 
Jogux marcosw : hm. Not sure I have that handy; if you give me sudo access I can add his public key later?14:33.39 
ray_laptop chrisl: and why is that a worry ?14:33.47 
chrisl ray_laptop: I'm not sure it is a worry, it was just one of the things I thought of that *might* influence things14:34.29 
marcosw Jogux: that works14:35.08 
chrisl ray_laptop: TBH, this might be something you'd be better working on on the master code, since you'd at least be able to cluster test the resulting executables - at the moment, the build_consolidation branch cannot be cluster tested (the pcl6 and gxps executables build on Linux, but don't have the correct romfs contents).14:36.39 
ray_laptop if some whacko PS CET enumerates /* then it will get different results depending on what other parsers have added to the romfs, but that's no different to running without compile inits and having it enumerate the OS filesystem 14:37.09 
henrys marcosw: I sent a response to support about guillaume's problem.14:37.15 
  marcosw: If you're busy I'll follow up with him.14:37.38 
ray_laptop chrisl: and AFAIK, the CET doesn't ever enumerate %rom%14:38.03 
chrisl ray_laptop: that's true, but I guarantee we'll get a bug report at some point that doing filenameforall on gs gives different results to those on a (future) language_switch build!14:38.29 
ray_laptop chrisl: I can type WONTFIX pretty quickly :-)14:39.06 
chrisl :-)14:39.22 
ray_laptop chrisl: but I like the idea of a parser _init function adding its romfs contents to the %rom% system14:40.21 
  sort of like a 'mount' unix action14:41.16 
chrisl ray_laptop: how about having the graphics library have a romfs (for common files) and then the ability for each interpreter to register it's own? That would work nicely for the iccprofiles, and give us flexibility if we wanted to share fonts in the future (also for UFST, where we can have common FCOs for all languages).14:41.25 
ray_laptop chrisl: exactly what I was trying to portray. You just said it more clearly14:41.57 
chrisl It would be nice if the graphics library also registered it's own romfs root via the same API call.....14:42.38 
ray_laptop sure, why not?14:42.59 
chrisl ray_laptop: such consistency is not always the Ghostscript way......14:43.25 
ray_laptop so the %rom% IODevice just copes with a list of 'directory segments'14:43.54 
  and each directory segment has a collection of files (recall that the filesystem is actually 'flat', like Adobe's)14:45.45 
  chrisl: so each parser component will run its own 'mkromfs' to make its set of files, right ?14:47.03 
chrisl ray_laptop: yes, exactly14:47.23 
  Obviously, mkromfs will still be built by the graphics lib makefiles, and the MKROMFS_XE value set there for each interpreter to use14:49.01 
ray_laptop chrisl: sounds good14:49.25 
chrisl ray_laptop: another possibility would be to have each "registration" happen as a "new device" - so we'd have '%rom%' for the shared one, '%pclrom%', '%psrom%' etc for the language specific ones - if that makes it easier to retain the "flat" structure.....14:51.57 
  ray_laptop: but that might make things hard for libfile searches......14:53.14 
ray_laptop chrisl: Then we'd have to dynamically add IODevices, and that's harder, IMHO14:56.37 
  chrisl: I like just having one %rom% with contents added by registration from the parser as they init14:57.24 
chrisl ray_laptop: that's fine, it was just thought.....14:57.37 
tor8 Robin_Watts: ping14:58.26 
sebras tor8: EHOSTUNREACH: No route to host15:00.02 
norbertj henrys: hello, I found the problem in the jpegdecoding, but have not found a fix yet (see 695100)15:01.55 
henrys norbertj: reading it now15:03.40 
  norbertj: it seems like this would come up more often, we don't see much jpeg though.15:07.10 
norbertj henrys: and you only see this if the image is made up of seperate bands positioned adjacent to each other. If this happens the remaining scans of such a band just creep up, so if its a large band only some scans at the end will be missing.15:10.16 
Robin_Watts tor8: pong, sorry, didn't see you.15:10.31 
  oh, that reminds me, I need to look at mvrhel_laptop's stuff.15:11.16 
marcosw Jogux: I've sent you email with login information on my home machines.15:12.41 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: (For the logs) Looks good to me.15:12.45 
  marcosw: Picsel used to have a domain set up '' which had all sorts of resources on.15:13.40 
  The twiki, bugzilla, the review system etc.15:13.49 
  Jogux found the VM for this.15:14.05 
Jogux (it's the intranet2 one)15:14.31 
  marcosw : awesome, thanks, trying now15:14.38 
Robin_Watts It used to be that that was only visible on the intranet, unless you ssh tunneled in or had a VPN or something.15:14.40 
tor8 Robin_Watts: I've got a commit on tor/master that fixes the MSVC project files15:14.56 
  there's no v8 version, I'm not sure if you want to keep that as an option, but it'll make the project files more complicated15:15.23 
Robin_Watts If we can get that same VM up and running again on one of your machines, we could do the same trick.15:15.25 
Jogux robin_watts : I'm sure we had https password protected access at one point, though I think it got stamped on by the "security" people at some point for being far too user friendly or something.15:15.35 
Robin_Watts Jogux: We did. Paul and I used to use it.15:15.48 
  And then Ali wossname came over all BOFH and cut it off.15:16.04 
Jogux yeah15:16.08 
  he tried to take my ssh access away. (he failed ;) )15:16.14 
Robin_Watts but then we carried on with ssh tunneling.15:16.24 
pedro_ they didn't really provide any failsafe for the replacement VPN going fut or being inaccessible from customer sites etc15:16.59 
  nice'n'corporate approach15:17.08 
Robin_Watts marcosw: So could we try to get that VM up and running too please?15:17.46 
  That VM ran bugzilla, and ats and the review system, right?15:18.21 
marcosw robin_watts: the internet tube to my machines is small for that kind of thing, better we set it up on one of the machine in Miles' office (which have the additional advantate of static ip addresses).15:18.31 
Jogux yes. and pip and something.15:18.38 
  I think we need to colocate it with ats possibly, at least temporarily.15:19.07 
Robin_Watts marcosw: I don't think we need massive bandwidth in/out.15:19.10 
  It's more important to be (as Joseph says) colocated with ats, I think.15:19.35 
  marcosw: What would be involved in getting better bandwidth to your house? Is cable an option or are you as good as you can get already?15:20.10 
marcosw okay, I can (try to) set that up. Or Jogux can do it, since he has access to (some of) my machines now.15:20.16 
Robin_Watts certainly paul and I used to use this stuff over dial up modems :)15:20.29 
marcosw robin_watts: I have cable now, there is a faster tier but I'm not sure how much faster it is. Give me a sec and I'll check.15:21.02 
Jogux marcosw : it's the upstream that's important I would imagine15:21.16 
Robin_Watts tor8: So we're ditching v8 and no-js builds and we always build with mujs ?15:22.32 
tor8 Robin_Watts: that was my thought15:23.08 
chrisl kens: I'm confused by this: we seem to dip into and out of c_param and ref_param atr various points........15:23.17 
tor8 the unix makefiles can still build with v8, jscore or no-js15:23.20 
Robin_Watts And it's a standard thirdparty dependency now, like jpeg or freetype? Seems entirely reasonable to me.15:23.31 
kens chrisl, sorry I started working on a cut-down file15:23.35 
Jogux marcosw : I'm into fermis successfully.15:23.47 
henrys norbertj: I think I see it, the read_bitmap return value is the number of scan lines processed but in pl_image_data we always call with 1 - so code should be checked to be >= 1 and then passéd as the 5th parameter to pl_image_data. Is that something you already looked at?15:23.49 
kens I don't recall seeing anything with ref_param15:23.52 
tor8 Robin_Watts: yup. I've placed it in next to jbig2dec on our git server.15:23.52 
Jogux marcosw : it's a bit laggy just now :-)15:24.02 
Robin_Watts tor8: Then consider the review passed.15:24.06 
paulgardiner thinks it would be bad if we broke v8 or jscore builds and didn't realise it... although I guess we'd know when a commit was likely to do so.15:24.37 
henrys norbert all that is in pxReadImage15:24.38 
  norbertj: ^^^15:24.46 
chrisl kens: yes, some the values we're reading back come from a ref_param, and are written to a c_param - I'm not sure if/how those interact15:24.46 
kens Err, that doesn't sound ideal.....15:24.59 
tor8 Robin_Watts: paulgardiner: which of you two knows the android makefiles best?15:25.05 
kens FWIW its definitely somethign to do with save/restore15:25.11 
Robin_Watts I have new versions of the 'clone' fonts with kerning that should match now.15:25.17 
marcosw Jogux: that's because I'm rsycing atsmaster to fermis.15:25.24 
kens The problem occurs on a restore, whether its i nthe job or the EOJ restore15:25.26 
paulgardiner has finger on nose15:25.30 
Robin_Watts tor8: It's temping to say "he does"15:25.32 
  tor8: but ask away.15:25.39 
kens chrisl let me send you a much simpler file15:25.44 
norbertj henrys: I found that. I'll think a bit about this.15:26.04 
chrisl kens: that doesn't necessarily imply a save/restore problem, it might just be that the restore is first time we notice it15:26.09 
kens chrisl yes, true, but its the onl;y time I can see the problem15:26.32 
marcosw Jogux: the nodes in my garage are connected to the internets via a powerline ethernet thingy and the bandwidth isn't great.15:26.40 
tor8 Robin_Watts: actually, if we're happy to drop v8 with the android build I should be able to dael with it myself15:26.56 
Robin_Watts tor8: There is more of an argument for keeping v8 with the android build, cos it's potentially the android build where v8 might be present anyway...15:27.57 
  but that would require hacks to the makefile anyway... 15:28.05 
  so for simplicity I say ditch it.15:28.13 
Jogux marcosw : ahhhh15:28.14 
marcosw robin_watts: I think I currently have 25 Mbps down and 4 Mbps up. I can upgrade to 50 Mbps down but they don't quote a up bandwidth for that tier, so I suspect it's only 4 Mbps. Running the various servers you mention also violates my TOS, which I'm not too worried about.15:28.16 
tor8 Robin_Watts: fab. I'll do that then :)15:28.27 
Robin_Watts marcosw: So the slowness is the powerline adapters?15:28.44 
norbertj so then in the dumpbuffer, if gs_jpeg_read_scanlines() has generated the 9th scan, the 8th scan should be copied after the 7th scan and then 2 scans to be returned from read_bitmap().15:28.49 
henrys norbertj: there might have been a design assumption of 1 scan line at a time, and that worked for the other formats - then jpeg was added later.15:28.51 
marcosw Jogux: the rsync is supposed to be down in 27 minutes.15:28.51 
kens chrisl modified zfunc4.c and test file emailed15:28.59 
Jogux marcosw : great, ta.15:29.06 
kens chrisl can you point me at the ref_param ?15:29.14 
chrisl I'm looking now - it's very confusion :-(15:29.29 
marcosw robin_watts: the powerline adapter runs at about 20 Mbps, so for downstream it is the limiting factor but not up.15:29.32 
chrisl confusing15:29.32 
henrys norbertj: yes "code" should equal 2 after read_bitmap()15:29.37 
paulgardiner pedro_: windows exe still not working :-( Now it fails to load null://model/fileviewer.model. Somehow it works its way to File_getLocalFilename and there decides "model" isn't a sensible authority. Any thoughts?15:29.45 
Robin_Watts marcosw: Is that real world speed or quoted speed?15:30.02 
kens chrisl which file ?15:30.04 
chrisl psi/iparam.c15:30.19 
marcosw robin_watts: real world, quoted is 100 or 200 (I forget which model I ended up getting).15:30.22 
henrys norbertj: I'm concerned though there may be some other 1 scan line assumptions but first I'd try passing code as the 5th parameter and check for explosions ;-)15:30.33 
kens grr breakpoint in the wrong place....15:30.49 
Robin_Watts OK. Then that's as fast as my ADSL is then, so as long as no one else uses it while I want to, we're golden :)15:30.55 
kens chrisl I never seem to be in iparam.c15:31.25 
Jogux paulgardiner : boggle.15:31.28 
paulgardiner Jogux: more or less my thoughts15:31.49 
marcosw robin_watts: I could run ethernet to my garage, but up until today those machines have only been cluster nodes and so bandwidth has not been an issue.15:32.02 
chrisl kens: ah, it's possible I ended up there on a different call - like I say, this stuff is a real mess......15:32.08 
kens Its equally possible I've not detected me getting in there ;-)15:32.24 
  pdfwrite certainly does a lot with ref_param stuff15:32.47 
Jogux so. this new sot git. I can't figure it out. 'resources' isn't on the smart-product-v2_2-release-baseline tag. but it wasn't removed by any of the commits.15:32.56 
henrys marcosw: are we getting to the point where we should consider a proper facility for all this stuff?15:32.58 
Jogux robin_watts : err, the sot git seems to be missing all the branches? :-(15:33.09 
Robin_Watts Jogux: Eh?15:33.22 
Jogux wonders if I did something wrong15:33.30 
marcosw henrys: probably.15:33.50 
Jogux hm. yes. I clearly did15:33.50 
tor8 paulgardiner: Robin_Watts: are any of you set up for building the android app?15:33.55 
Robin_Watts tor8: We both are.15:34.02 
Jogux I cloned it from a clone, the second clone is missing all the branches. odd.15:34.05 
tor8 when you got a mo, mind testing the android build fix on tor/master? not sure I'll have time to get my android build system up to date today.15:34.33 
pedro_ paulgardiner: are you running the exe in vs2010 or standalone?15:34.34 
paulgardiner Jogux: I think you have to create local branches in the first clone for that to work15:34.38 
Robin_Watts Jogux: paulgardiner is currently doing a filter-branch to remove the CVSROOT.15:34.46 
Jogux paulgardiner : sounds odd!15:34.57 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: Really? That would be against my understanding. a clone should be a complete clone!15:35.05 
tor8 Robin_Watts: but if you're neck deep in SOT don't sweat it, I've got all weekend :)15:35.16 
marcosw henrys: we don't need much rack space, a total of 6U for the nodes. Power is a bigger problem, we'll need two 15 amp circuits (I think we peak at 24 amps total when running cluster jobs).15:35.21 
Jogux robin_watts : but the branches may don't exist in the second clone as such. until you check them out?15:35.27 
paulgardiner The clones have only remote branches until you make local copies15:35.32 
Jogux yeah, what paul said :-)15:35.38 
Robin_Watts That makes more sense.15:35.47 
Jogux Robin_Watts : good. but I'm not quite sure how to fix this issue with resources being missing on branches.15:36.01 
Robin_Watts tor8: I was looking at the twiki, but if we're going to run a VM, I can stop that.15:36.07 
  Jogux: Is it a flaw in the original CVS repo ?15:36.22 
Jogux robin_watts : I believe so.15:36.28 
  problem is I can't get my head around how to fix it.15:36.49 
Robin_Watts So the problem is that people didn't tag across epage/resources?15:36.53 
Jogux robin_watts : yes15:36.59 
tor8 Robin_Watts: if it would be a public wiki, please continue setting it up. I've long thought a wiki would be valuable for all our open source projects for stuff that doesn't really belong in bugzilla.15:37.00 
paulgardiner robin_watts oh. Might I be running filter-branch on a repo with one branch?15:37.02 
Jogux [without fixing cvs then redoing the import]15:37.09 
tor8 but if it's only to get the SOT pages back up, then nvm15:37.15 
paulgardiner I'll take a look15:37.17 
Robin_Watts Jogux: Redoing the import is not impossible.15:37.32 
  It'll take a day of unattended time.15:37.48 
Jogux I think it there was to be a proper artifex wiki, there may be better choices than twiki (eg. foswiki)15:37.50 
Robin_Watts tor8: I'll carry on with then.15:38.39 
marcosw Jogux: the rsync to fermis finished earlier than estimated, so bandwidth to fermis and plancks should be better.15:38.41 
Jogux marcosw : ahh, yes. nicer now :)15:38.59 
paulgardiner robin_watts if we need to redo the import. We could this time try importing just the resources and stiching them together. Might be faster15:39.09 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: faster elapsed time maybe. faster in use of engineers time... unlikely :)15:39.43 
marcosw and all of the machines are in /ats on fermis now. I'll leave it to you to setup ssh keys and move them to plancks.15:39.43 
paulgardiner robin_watts true15:39.58 
  and good point15:40.11 
Robin_Watts Jogux: So, how do we go about fixing the CVS repo ?15:40.18 
paulgardiner robin_watts should I kill my filter-branch?15:40.27 
Jogux robin_watts : that is also a good question.15:40.44 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: Dunno yet. Let it run until we're sure :)15:40.46 
paulgardiner okay15:40.53 
Robin_Watts can do questions. It's answers I have problems with.15:41.00 
Jogux find all branches that missed resources, figure out date there were created, check out resources from that date, branch resources, repeat...15:41.16 
paulgardiner If it has all the branches but with resources not stretching along all of them it might be fixable in other ways15:41.27 
Jogux is tor8 our resident git expert? possibly he can tell us how to fix it in git and then we can do it as/when we find it's broken in git?15:41.53 
Robin_Watts Jogux: To fix it in git (other than at the tip of all branches) would change all the SHAs that follow on.15:43.24 
  Actually... how can it not be right?15:43.49 
paulgardiner I reckon filter-branch can be tricked into doing it15:43.55 
Robin_Watts A given hash in git gives the WHOLE state of the repo, both in epage and resources.15:44.30 
Jogux robin_watts: yeah; it would only affect the hashes for /that/ branch aiui though, which is fine.15:44.51 
  robin_watts : the "how can it not be right" thing is puzzling me. The commit that the branch is taken from has resources; the first commit on the branch does not; the first commit does not delete resources afaics. puzzle.15:45.44 
marcosw Jogux: I'm afraid to ask, but why is intranet2 a .raw file and not a .img file like the ats virtual machines.15:46.00 
Jogux marcosw: I don't know. I think it's uncompressed, for not obvious reasons. I think possibly a config difference between vhost1 and vhost2.15:46.32 
  marcosw : if you rsync, enable compression - I think a lot of it is 0s...15:46.51 
Robin_Watts Possibly the intranet2 thing was ripped from a real server, where the others were rebuilt from scratch as images ?15:47.05 
Jogux robin_watts : that sounds like a reasonable theory, yep.15:47.34 
Robin_Watts Jogux: Which branch are you looking at?15:47.37 
marcosw file suggests that the .raw file is a disk image15:47.38 
Jogux robin_watts : smartoffice-2-1-28-release15:48.09 
  marcosw : yep. kvm should grok it just fine regardless.15:48.23 
  I believe / hope / pray.15:48.32 
marcosw okay, rsyncing it now.15:48.46 
kens chrisl I definitely don't seem to be ending up in iparam.c which function are you in ?15:49.28 
Jogux robin_watts : uh, wait, that's not a branch. confuse.15:49.37 
Robin_Watts Jogux: Does it matter? In git branch=tag15:50.01 
chrisl kens: I'm not getting there from anywhere important for this problem - ignore that. I must have set a hit count incorrectly at some point15:50.40 
Jogux robin_watts : not quite. And I don't know. I'm still confused.15:50.42 
kens chrisl OK that's fine. DO you see the problem with the much reduced test file ?15:51.01 
chrisl kens: yes, I get the same error15:51.19 
kens I believe the problem must be that we are sharing something between this param list and a previous one15:51.42 
Robin_Watts smartoffice-2-1-28-release is a tag.15:52.06 
kens Whenwe free this param list it frees the object pointed to by the previous list, resulting in a free object.15:52.08 
paulgardiner pedro_: sorry, only just noticed your reply. Running outside of 2010 works, thanks. Why did that matter? Is it using files other than in resfs/memfs (whatever it is called)?15:52.25 
Robin_Watts Midway along the origin/smart-products-v2_1-release_branch branch15:52.25 
chrisl kens: yes, something, somewhere is taking a reference to an array of integers parameter, instead of a copy, I think15:53.06 
kens That's about as far as I've got with this :-(15:53.27 
Robin_Watts and when I'm standing on that tag: git diff master -- resources tells me that the resources have been deleted.15:53.32 
pedro_ paulgardiner: shouldn't make any difference at all (I'm runningboth within vs2010 and outside)15:54.18 
chrisl kens: this stuff with persistent keys/values seems really flaky to me.....15:54.28 
paulgardiner pedro_: strange15:54.43 
kens Well I'm definitely concerned about the dangling pointer I mentioned earlier...15:54.49 
Jogux robin_watts : right. but there's no commit I can see that deletes resources.15:55.45 
pedro_ paulgardiner: you don't have any custom 'run/debug' settings in your project file(s) do you? only thing I can think of is that the execution environment is different (although I can't immediately see what would impact the fs resolution stuff)15:56.23 
paulgardiner pedro_: Ah I see. In amongst all the messing about while tracking down the problem with epage_dir, I swapped to a debug version that was partially created outside the FBS.15:57.27 
pedro_ ah, cool15:58.06 
paulgardiner It all seems happy now. Presumably I should be able to add -debug to the build line to generate a working debug version?15:58.13 
Jogux robin_watts : gah. some of the commits start 'Description:' :(15:58.18 
pedro_ yes15:58.22 
paulgardiner ta15:58.30 
pedro_ np15:58.33 
chrisl kens: I believe the problem is in c_param_write()16:00.09 
kens chrisl any call to psdf_get_image_params seems to cause the problem16:00.15 
  Hmm c_param_write gets called all over the place I think16:00.37 
  Or possibly not16:01.02 
chrisl Er, actually, I believe wrongly - what a f*cking mess :-916:01.43 
Jogux robin_watts : Ah. I sort of see. that branch has someone ended up a child of both master and libpng_1_2_2; the latter is missing resources. I wonder if it can be 'deparented' from libpng_1_2_2 and if that would fix it.16:02.10 
kens I find that if I comment out all calls to psdf_get_image_params then the file works. If I leave any of the three calls in place, it fails.16:02.24 
Jogux robin_watts : possibly rebase might do that.16:02.48 
chrisl kens: Yes, the psdf_get_image_params() builds loads of parameter lists that it seems are then merged in some fashion which bemuses me.16:03.34 
kens THis does look like its the problem area, I admit I don't understand htis code....16:03.54 
Jogux robin_watts : hm, but I guess rebase wouldn't fix up the tags; they'd still point at the broken (missing resources) commits.16:06.35 
Robin_Watts I wonder if there is a switch we can use on the original cvs import.16:07.20 
Jogux robin_watts : gtafts might fix this.16:07.43 
Robin_Watts <scrabble>That's not a real word</scrabble>16:08.16 
Jogux grafts :)16:08.57 
  Grafts enables two otherwise different lines of development to be joined together by recording fake ancestry information for commits. This way you can make git pretend the set of parents a commit has is different from what was recorded when the commit was created. Configured via the .git/info/grafts file.16:09.23 
  it sounds fun. I'm not sure if it's actually a solution, or just a way to make the problem more confusing.16:09.42 
Robin_Watts hmm.16:09.44 
paulgardiner Jogux: robin_watts if we decide we are reasonably sure it is correct to extend the most recent version of resources along the branch, I'm pretty certain filter-branch can fix it16:09.55 
Robin_Watts So smartoffice-2-1-21-release~818 is where the resources disappear.16:10.02 
Jogux robin_watts : Is it? I reckoned it was smart-products-v2_1-release-baseline16:11.10 
Robin_Watts The two may be equivalent/16:11.29 
Jogux is the ~818 a typo?16:12.00 
Robin_Watts but I binary searched backwards along the branch to find where git blame resources stopped saying "WTF is resources?"16:12.06 
  no, that's deliberate.16:12.12 
Jogux ohh, you're talking to me in git syntax.16:12.26 
Robin_Watts X~818 means "818 commits before X"16:12.27 
Jogux Yes. We're talking about the same commit.16:13.03 
  that commit has two parents. removed 8d9e925 will 'fix' it I think.16:13.28 
  removing, even.16:13.34 
Robin_Watts I'm not sure what 'removing' a parent will do.16:14.33 
Jogux tbh, neither am I. but it is a great theory.16:14.57 
Robin_Watts Possibly nothing, except to change the internal history tree. Git is not actually doing any merging itself here.16:15.01 
  It gets a repo state from the git fast-import blob that cvs2git produces.16:15.18 
Jogux robin_watts> hrm.16:15.22 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: How would you tickle git format-branch into doing it ?16:15.51 
Jogux I now release that I don't understand how the git filter-branch thing you did preserved the tags.16:16.45 
paulgardiner I "believe" that the --commit-filter would allow you to spot resources being removed and then not do so.16:16.57 
  the --comnit-filter option, that is16:17.18 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: Right... but at certain points in history we presumably *have* deleted stuff from resources.16:17.26 
paulgardiner I mean spot the entire thing being deleted, or is that not the correct thing to do?16:17.59 
Robin_Watts Oh, right, yes.16:18.10 
  So what would the command be?16:18.19 
paulgardiner Ah you confuse me for someone with a fully thought out plan :-)16:18.42 
  I was about to look into it deeper, but then I thought I'd wait to see whether you might come up with something else simpler16:19.45 
Robin_Watts git filter-branch --commit-filter bob -- --all16:20.10 
paulgardiner yes16:20.18 
  but bob is probably not trivial16:20.25 
Robin_Watts where bob is a script we need to write16:20.36 
paulgardiner it needs to analyse the tree blob it is passed16:20.45 
Jogux the analysis should be easy; "if resources doesn't exist".16:21.41 
paulgardiner yeah. The bit I'm not certain of is whether there is something in the tree linking you back to the previous state from which to recreate resources16:23.51 
  You have access to the parents I believe, but I haven't looked into exactly how16:24.22 
marcosw tor8: I get an error when trying to build the latest mupdf:16:25.28 
  GEN generated/gen_js_util.h16:25.29 
  /bin/sh: build/debug/cquote: not found16:25.29 
  make: *** [generated/gen_js_util.h] Error 12716:25.29 
paulgardiner --tree-filter would be simpler, but I'm pretty sure you cannot recreate the resources with that method, unless you could copy them from the previous iteration or something (doesn't sounds a great idea)16:25.50 
marcosw I tried a clean git clone and get different error:16:26.04 
  GEN generated/gen_cmap_cns.h16:26.04 
  /bin/sh: build/debug/cmapdump: not found16:26.04 
  make: *** [generated/gen_cmap_cns.h] Error 12716:26.04 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: git checkout HEAD~1 -- resources? :)16:27.02 
paulgardiner If the already sot.git still looks to be a good starting point then I need to wait out the current --filter-branch I'm running in any case16:27.04 
  robin_watts possibly something like that would work16:28.04 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: And as Jogu says, we need to refilter again to remove 'Description:" :)16:28.08 
paulgardiner Yeah, sorry I should have predicted that. I found my old filter and it mentiioned Description.16:28.56 
  I was looking at a different aspect of it and didn't twig16:29.23 
Robin_Watts I can't see a way to do this *except* with git filter-branch --commit-filter16:31.11 
  I'll have a quick play on a test repo to see what form this stuff is in.16:31.35 
paulgardiner Yeah, pretty sure that's the case16:31.36 
Jogux robin_watts , paulgardiner : will regardless of the fact that it would lose tags, rebase is a failure as you get failures because of the darn $Id$ tag expansions.16:44.22 
henrys marcosw: see my message about Guillaume above?17:08.20 
Robin_Watts git filter-branch is not behaving as I would expect.17:18.41 
pedro_ reboots17:23.43 
tor8 marcosw: hm, seems like I must've broken the makefile somehow :(17:26.36 
Jogux Robin_Watts : git grafts are sort of doing what I expected. I have a feeling the solution may be what I'm trying to do /and/ what you're trying to do.17:27.28 
  with a git graft, I now have 910b806426baab69baffd4e7419c491d8c66702f (which is the commit we were talking about) showing as deleting resources & CVSROOT.17:27.54 
  so I suspect what you're doing can now fix that commit17:28.04 
  robin_watts: Josephs-MacBook-Pro:sot joseph$ cat .git/info/grafts 17:28.24 
  910b806426baab69baffd4e7419c491d8c66702f 3ea04bf4e8efc3027789f4715150b078ac781d0c17:28.24 
  try that perhaps.17:28.31 
Robin_Watts I'm confused.17:28.46 
Jogux more or less so than before I started talking?17:28.58 
Robin_Watts %17:29.08 
Jogux I don't know what % means in this context :-)17:29.42 
Robin_Watts a) I don't understand what I am seeing here.17:29.44 
  b) I don't understand what git grafts do for us17:29.56 
Jogux nods17:30.02 
Robin_Watts c) I'm clearly so confused that I'm typing shell commands into an irc window.17:30.12 
Jogux I believe one of the core issues we have is that this release branch is a child of both libpng_1_2_2 /and/ a child of master.17:30.35 
  git grafts allow us to make git believe it is not a child of libpng_1_2_2. I feel that is a step in the right direction.17:30.54 
ray_laptop chrisl: So, should I pull in stuff from your repo and start looking at romfs, or are you going to keep working on it.17:31.29 
Robin_Watts While it *may* be nicer to not have that dependency in the history, that dependency has no bearing on the contents of the tree.17:31.38 
tor8 marcosw: should be fixed now. sorry.17:31.44 
Jogux with that git graft, git believes that the first commit on the branch is deleting resources and CVSROOT. that sounds like something that is emminently fixable filter-branch.17:31.45 
chrisl ray_laptop: I think it would be best if you do the romfs work on the master code, and I'll merge it with my stuff when you're ready17:32.32 
Robin_Watts But the thing that's really confusing me...17:32.57 
Jogux robin_watts : what you say is correct. My current position is that having a commit that deletes resources is an easier thing to fix than having resources vanishing because a commit has two parents.17:33.00 
Robin_Watts I disagree with your characterisation.17:33.38 
  We have a commit that deletes resources. It happens to have 2 parents.17:33.58 
  To say that it's deleting resources because it has 2 parents is misleading, I believe.17:34.27 
Jogux my characterisation may be skewed by how gitk is showing me the commit.17:34.39 
Robin_Watts Certainly changing it only have one parent will not stop it deleting the resources.17:34.47 
Jogux that I agree with.17:34.55 
  and that is also what I actually see happening when I make it only have one parent :-)17:35.13 
Robin_Watts Therefore I am more interested in fixing the deletion than in removing the second parent.17:35.20 
  Is there any truth in this being a merge of 2 parents? Or is that completely spurious ?17:35.44 
Jogux that is the completely spurious thing.17:36.12 
Robin_Watts Ok, so fixing the parents is presumably better done by using a git format-patch --parent-filter ?17:36.57 
Jogux if that command you mention fixes it without losing the tags: yes.17:37.30 
Robin_Watts git filter-branch --parent-filter, sorry.17:37.53 
  But I think that's a separable task to the one of not deleting the resources.17:38.31 
Jogux that may work, combined with "--tag-name-filter cat" to preserve the tags. if I understand correctly.17:38.58 
Robin_Watts so... looking at git filter-branch --commit-filter " $@" test-tag17:39.12 
Jogux and yes, I agree with seperable task, probably.17:39.28 
Robin_Watts Or, more properly:17:39.49 
  git filter-branch -f --commit-filter '~/PicselCVS/ "$@"' test-tag17:40.01 
  My perl script currently outputs all the args to a log file, and does "git commit-tree $arg" where $arg = $ARGV[0]17:40.58 
Jogux you sound like you know what you're doing so I'll agree :-)17:41.24 
Robin_Watts essentially it shouldn't change anything, and should let me see what args I'm being called with.17:41.27 
  But here is the thing that's hurting my head... my log file shows that the args I am getting are simply hashes.17:41.58 
  I was expecting the occasional hash -p hash -p hash for merges.17:42.14 
  and I never see that.17:42.18 
Jogux and you test-tag is on the 2.1 branch?17:43.08 
Robin_Watts yes.17:44.04 
Jogux then I don't understand that either17:44.40 
Robin_Watts This is git 
  ok, documentation for shows the same. so it's not that it's a later added feature.17:46.09 
Jogux is it possible you just didn't wait long enough?17:49.43 
Robin_Watts Maybe. Trying git filter-branch -f --commit-filter '~/PicselCVS/ "$@"' test-tag~100..test-tag17:50.04 
  Aha! I have -p17:50.29 
  Phew. So I have something vaguely sane.17:50.43 
Jogux okay, you're doing better than me, I still don't :-)17:51.46 
ray_laptop robin_watts: based on the SSE code (which was only 6% faster) I modified the C code slightly and it is now within 3% of the SSE code, so I'm not going to bother with SSE. I'll keep it in a local branch in casse we think it might help later17:52.25 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: Cool.17:52.37 
Jogux ah, maybe I have the same 'not waiting long enough' issue.17:52.48 
Robin_Watts (It was mvrhel_laptop's SSE code I think :) )17:52.50 
Jogux robin_watts : can you write down what you do in case we later find more similarly broken branches? :-)17:53.26 
Robin_Watts Jogux: Now I need to understand how the hashes I'm getting relate to the commit hashes.17:53.31 
  Jogux: I am trying for a solution to fix ALL branches.17:53.45 
ray_laptop robin_watts: The 4-bit SSE was mine, adapted from the 4-bit you did for cust 80117:53.48 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: My point was that mvrhel did the thresholding SSE code I think.17:54.16 
ray_laptop robin_watts: the 1-bit code, yes17:54.32 
Robin_Watts I did write some SSE code, but I can't remember what for.17:54.51 
ray_laptop did he do the 4-bit code as well ? (I didn't think he was involved in the cust 801 work)17:55.10 
Robin_Watts was it this? Gawd, my memory sucks.17:55.13 
  oh, I did the 4bit C version? Did I?17:55.45 
ray_laptop robin_watts: and the 4-bit code you got working was partly based on the cust 801 starting point17:55.52 
Robin_Watts right.17:55.59 
Jogux robin_watts : ahhhh, awesome.17:56.04 
Robin_Watts oh, wait, I vaguely remember.17:56.18 
ray_laptop robin_watts: np17:56.27 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: You know those scenes in movies where they have the geriatrics sitting around a room looking vacant and every now and then one of them comes up with a non-sequitor about the war? That's my house.17:57.14 
ray_laptop actually, rather than keep the 4-bit SSE code on a private branch, I'll just put it in there #if'ed out17:57.22 
Robin_Watts Jogux: The plan is to look for commits where 'resources' disappears.17:57.58 
Jogux yes, sounds good.17:58.08 
Robin_Watts and to rewrite that commit to not delete resources.17:58.11 
ray_laptop robin_watts: hehe. Actually, my bringing up SSE code to you was rather a non-sequitur since you've mostly been wrapped up in SOT stuff17:58.23 
Jogux actually I bet I can find a list of the problem commit hashes if that would help; I think they're all off the libpng branch.17:58.41 
Robin_Watts Jogux: Actually... why are we using commit-filter?18:00.43 
  Can't we use tree-filter ?18:00.48 
Jogux I don't know. can we? :)18:00.58 
Robin_Watts tree-filter seems a better bet. commit-filter is for editing the commit message/parents18:01.18 
Jogux nods18:01.35 
Robin_Watts so I can simply check if resources exists, and if it doesn't, do git checkout HEAD~1 -- resources18:02.16 
Jogux I don't understand what HEAD~1 means in the context of a commit with 2 parents.18:02.35 
Robin_Watts HEAD~1 means first parent.18:02.49 
  ~ always follows the first parent back.18:03.10 
  There is another one for selecting which parent. ^ maybe?18:03.21 
Jogux ah, right18:03.27 
  first parent appears to be the correct thing in the commits I just checked.18:03.38 
Robin_Watts In general if you merge B into A, then A is the first parent.18:04.08 
Jogux that makes sense to me. the tree we currently have with the fictituous merge commits doesn't :-)18:04.43 
Robin_Watts :)18:05.00 
kens goodnight all18:09.35 
Robin_Watts I fear tree-filters may be slow :(18:10.29 
  oh hell, it doesn't update HEAD as it goes :(18:14.35 
  so I have no way of getting to the previous revision to get resources.18:15.00 
  Jogux: This filter is slow.18:47.55 
  If you can figure out the set of branches that need fixing, that would probably reduce it to practical time.18:48.18 
tor8 tree filters are ridiculously slow. what are you trying to accomplish?18:50.50 
  if you just want to prune out directories, I think there is a subdir filter of some flavor that will remove files18:51.07 
Robin_Watts tor8: We want to avoid a directory being pruned.18:52.19 
Jogux robin_watts : "longer than the weekend" slow?18:58.37 
Robin_Watts yes.19:02.07 
Jogux d'oh :(19:02.13 
  hrm, I'm sure I had a way to do it but can't figure it out again.19:05.27 
  as a random thought: it'll probably not break /this/ way if we make the cvs import ignore the libpng branch. Not sure having it broken in a different way helps ;)19:05.59 
  I reckon the children of a045cf9398bb3a19710c0f21295fc4249649d7cf may be the first commits on the broken branches.19:07.36 
Robin_Watts We may have a better way of doing it.19:07.47 
Jogux I also suspect every commit with the message 'This commit was manufactured by cvs2svn to create ...' is broken too.19:08.39 
  though not necessarily all in this way.19:08.45 
Robin_Watts Jogux: It is possible, that by editing the stream produced by the converter that usually gets fed to git fast-import we can do all this in one hit.19:12.02 
Jogux that sounds feasible19:12.24 
Jogux is sure I saw a mention of a tool for editting the git fast-import input - repo<something>19:13.23 
mvrhel_laptop robin_watts thanks for looking over the code19:28.08 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: No probs.19:28.34 
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