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Log of #ghostscript at

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2014/03/25)2014/03/26 
Jogux (and will drop Miles an email as soon as it's live)00:06.22 
Robin_Watts Jogux: I can't find any references to what the build line for the customer might be in any of the docs.00:20.54 
maxiaojun could win32 binary be install-able on restricted account?03:47.25 
chrisl starts release process again..... :-(07:25.51 
maxiaojun could win32 binary be install-able on restricted account?07:32.26 
chrisl maxiaojun: it will be subject to the same restrictions as any installer - which I suspect means "no"07:33.22 
maxiaojun firefox installs fine07:34.17 
chrisl wonders what the point of a restricted account would be, then07:34.47 
maxiaojun some installers (include ghostscript) pops up uac at very beginning07:35.15 
  but others don't07:35.20 
  university lab07:35.37 
chrisl Yeh, I think we don't offer the option of "for this user only" installs, hence we need the full access07:36.05 
maxiaojun maybe a zip version also good enough07:36.24 
  annoying that i cannot read ps on windows machines07:36.38 
chrisl Ask your admin, they'll often install Ghostscript for you07:37.01 
maxiaojun still your fault though07:37.40 
  installer basically extract a bunch of files, right?07:38.12 
chrisl And sets stuff in the registry07:38.33 
  I'm surprised a restricted account can write to "Program Files", tbh07:38.54 
maxiaojun personal registry is writable07:38.58 
chrisl And your point?07:39.11 
maxiaojun your installer is among the craps that pops up UAC at very beginning, pointless07:39.41 
chrisl Blame MS, we didn't put the UAC stuff in there07:40.05 
maxiaojun oh, you put some crap installer to troll ms?07:40.28 
  most *nix access is restricted too07:41.17 
  but your give an archive07:41.25 
  so no problem07:41.55 
chrisl Yes, but Unix has an established way to avoid installing into the system paths, and doesn't have a crazy central registry where you have to store your stuff07:42.16 
maxiaojun gconf, dconf, kconfig?07:42.35 
chrisl Those store your settings in your user directory07:42.57 
  And you are not obliged to use them - we don't07:43.13 
maxiaojun i'm not obliged to use registry too07:43.31 
  i may not need the "integration"07:43.46 
chrisl Tell you what, GS is open source, if you don't like how it works, you can change it. If you submit a patch, we'll review it, and often accept it07:44.05 
maxiaojun don't repeat such lie07:44.26 
chrisl Huh?07:44.36 
maxiaojun patch needed to release a zip version?07:44.58 
chrisl With a zip version, you don't get the stuff written to the registry, which limits your functionality07:45.38 
maxiaojun isn't 1000 easier if you do it yourself?07:45.39 
  why you think i need the registry stuff?07:46.10 
chrisl Why do you think you don't?07:47.26 
maxiaojun your GS cannot operate without registry?07:47.51 
chrisl It can07:48.06 
kens obviously arrived in the middle of a conversation :-)07:48.30 
maxiaojun so it is optional at best, right07:48.41 
kens Ah, anoffensive troll,I see07:49.40 
chrisl It's highly preferred for general use07:49.45 
maxiaojun source?07:49.57 
  otherwise i can claim it is totally useless for general use07:50.17 
kens maxiaojun : If you don't like it don't use, it. Now please stop with the trolling07:50.36 
maxiaojun kens: it's your software trolling users by a crap installer07:50.59 
kens maxiaojun : use of words like crap is trolling07:51.11 
  You are being deliberately offensive07:51.20 
chrisl BTW, it's quite possible to extract the installed files from the nsis installer archive07:51.54 
maxiaojun kens: your software are being deliberately offensive crappy07:51.59 
kens There we go, trolling again07:52.17 
maxiaojun kens: fuck off07:52.35 
kens Andtehre we have it07:52.41 
maxiaojun chrisl: show me how07:52.50 
chrisl maxiaojun: no, you've stepped way over the line, there, you're on your own, now07:53.21 
kens Ghostscript is supplied as an installer on WIndows as a *convenience* for Windows user who are generally not able to build applications from source.07:53.32 
maxiaojun kens: convenience of UAC popping?07:54.06 
  chrisl: see the lie of "open source"?07:54.52 
  open source, closed mind07:54.59 
kens Like I said, its a convenience, if you set up a machine to be restricted, this is not our problem, go hassle your sys admins. Perhaps they enjoy being told they are cr*p and to F... off07:55.02 
maxiaojun kens: like *nix, windows access is nowadays often offered as limited account07:55.33 
kens refuses to feed the troll07:56.04 
maxiaojun kens: they do not enjoy installing crapware ask for pointless permission07:56.17 
kens chrisl how did we manage to not build eps2write into the release, did I forget to turn it on ?07:56.36 
chrisl kens: you didn't add it to the Unix or PDL builds, only the Windows gs one07:57.11 
kens Oh damn....07:57.18 
chrisl I've fixed that locally, will push it later07:57.31 
kens OK sorry about that, I didn't think to check the devices when I installed it on Linux07:57.51 
chrisl One of those things07:58.08 
  maxiaojun: FWIW, we take a lot of suggestions, enhancements etc from end users - just not ones that are abusive (and swear at us)07:59.16 
  I need to run my car up to the garage, I'll be back a half hour or so07:59.41 
kens OK I'm going back to the type 3 fonts again07:59.52 
kens fetches large ball of string08:00.02 
maxiaojun chrisl: still crappy after a lot of suggestions, good luck for you08:00.17 
  btw, your installer not openable with winrar/winzip08:01.30 
chrisl 7zip will open it08:01.38 
maxiaojun ok, it works, thank you very much08:06.50 
  forgot to check also08:09.25 
chrisl What's most annoying is, he's probably got a point - we probably should have a "this user only" option......08:45.27 
kens chrisl Maybe, but he didn't present his case well.08:45.47 
chrisl No, that's what's most annoying - I was about to say I'd look at it for the next release when he kicked off08:47.08 
kens chrisl I'm classing the HaveTrueTypes thing as a documentation issue, I've sent you an email08:47.23 
  Just updating the docs as well.08:47.33 
  For your purposes you should be able to use -dHaveTrueTypes I think08:48.42 
  10 point text at 720 dpi caches and emits a tyep 308:49.15 
chrisl is MaxFontItem settable as a -d option?08:49.28 
kens Its a user parameter, so no08:49.36 
  It is actually documented in the PLRM, rather to my surprise08:49.52 
chrisl IIRC, some user params are settable via -d - probably ones that gs had before they were standard08:50.37 
kens Hmm, well its possible, give it a try :-)08:50.49 
  put a breakpoint in gs_setcacheupper08:51.03 
  Didn't work for me08:51.56 
  but does as a setuserparams08:52.16 
  It gets called 4 times before we get started, so it may be in the startup code, let me look08:52.52 
  Hm, no can't find it at the moment08:54.49 
chrisl No problem, setting a rather large MaxFontItem got me a file he can try. That should get us a workaround09:00.24 
  kens: I wonder how much hassle it would be to have ps2write emit a real Type42.....09:05.13 
kens chrisl I'm not sure, but my guess would be quite a lot09:09.31 
  ps2write is totally written round the premise that we emit a PDF file and stick a header on the ftont to interpret it in PostScript.09:10.10 
  Of course that's no longer true, but we're still a very long way from a proper streamed PostScript output09:10.28 
chrisl And I'm not even sure that's the issue.....09:10.53 
kens Given my way (and infinite resources) I'd rewrite it totally09:10.59 
chrisl But I have a feeling that emitting a real Type42 would take less resource to interpret09:11.30 
kens Well, hopefully writing a type 3 should get you pas the problem ?09:11.41 
  chrisl undoubtedly true09:11.48 
  But to be honest that's the least of our problems09:12.03 
chrisl I've posted the file, we'll see what he says - he's been quite quick responding09:12.17 
kens If you actually write a large (ie lots of pages) PostScript file, the performance degrades per page until it becomes unacceptable09:12.41 
  Or throws a VMerror09:12.49 
  chrisl fingers crossed....09:12.56 
  Its also possible that sorting out the TT font code would resolve the problem too09:13.15 
chrisl Really? I wonder why - I thought pages were bounded by save/restore09:13.20 
kens chrisl I'm not certain. FOr the user with the problem I suggested he use th e%d syntax and cat the pages together. That worked well enough09:14.00 
  THere's obviously some document wide allocations09:14.29 
chrisl Hmm, I wonder if it's trying to do some dumb caching09:15.10 
kens No idea, I can only go by the result, and since it was a free user and I was busy at the time, I didn't investigate any further. I think it may have been on Stack Overflow somewhere09:15.55 
chrisl Off to squash....09:28.53 
kens heads out as well10:20.49 
Robin_Watts Jogux: When I cloned the repo from /home/git-private/sot.git last night, it all seemed to work, but then I got hundreds of lines like: error: refs/tags/yuv_scaler-samsung-beta-1-0-b6-release does not point to a valid object! 10:43.36 
Jogux odd; I don't think I did10:44.50 
Robin_Watts I don't think that's the one you cloned :)10:45.03 
Jogux though I cloned paul's then added that one as a remote10:45.04 
Robin_Watts git fsck --full gives the original a clean bill of health.10:45.39 
  I'm wondering if the clone got corrupted.10:45.53 
Jogux tries clone it10:47.03 
  hm, was it the clone that gave the errors for you?10:52.49 
Robin_Watts yes.10:53.00 
  I was cloning using msys git on windows.10:53.12 
  git clone sot.git10:53.25 
Jogux that was fine for me; git on mac os10:53.33 
  git clone 
Robin_Watts ok, so either it's an msys git specific problem, or it's a network glitch in my clone.10:54.17 
Jogux fires up windows VM.10:54.58 
Jogux hopes bandwidth on isn't too expensive :-)10:55.10 
Robin_Watts It's ec2. pretty cheap, I think.10:56.22 
Jogux clones with git version 1.9.0.msysgit.010:57.39 
  on win8.110:57.42 
Jogux wonders why it's so slow then. best I get is 4 megabytes/second. though maybe my isp's transatlantic bandwidth is the bottleneck.10:58.23 
Robin_Watts I have 1.7.7.msysgit.1 on win 710:58.44 
  I am recloning now. If this fails, I'll try 1.9.011:00.10 
Jogux only seems to get 400 kilobytes/sec on the VM.11:00.48 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner_lap: Might have been my clone at fault. Jogux has tried it, and it worked for him.11:19.29 
  so I'm retrying.11:19.33 
paulgardiner_lap A bit strange. You'd expect a network glitch to abort it completely.11:20.41 
  oh. Didn't we decide I might have the same problem here though? git show-ref June displayed a sha-1 hash that didn't exist11:22.31 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner_lap: oh, did it?11:23.11 
  Jogux: Can you try a git show-ref June on your newly cloned thing please?11:23.53 
  paulgardiner_lap: git --version ?11:24.07 
Jogux server:sot joseph$ git show-ref June11:24.23 
  b751144934c24ad327455ffd73883f96d0558cfa refs/tags/June11:24.23 
  (that's on the Mac)11:24.29 
Robin_Watts Can you checkout to that?11:24.41 
Jogux it appears so.11:24.56 
paulgardiner_lap Well, gitk said it couldn't find it, but I'm beggining to get suspicious of gitk11:25.05 
Robin_Watts ok, you have a newer git than me.11:25.55 
Jogux my msysgit clone is only at 85% so far :(11:25.57 
Robin_Watts mine is at 31% :)11:26.12 
Jogux Paul has the same one as me.11:26.16 
Robin_Watts I will install 1.9.0 when the clone finishes.11:26.34 
paulgardiner_lap Hmmm. I appear to be able to checkout June. So gitk was lying11:27.17 
  ... or I pasted the sha wrongly, perhaps11:27.32 
Robin_Watts I cannot checkout to June :(11:27.58 
Jogux balls says I, as I discover that the root 'thirdparty' directory in CVS may actually be in use.11:28.42 
paulgardiner_lap "This commit was manufactured by cvs2git to create tag June"11:29.02 
Robin_Watts Jogux: As in, the third-party thing at the same level as epage ?11:30.18 
Jogux yeah :(11:30.24 
Robin_Watts ass.11:30.33 
Jogux looks like it's only for one particular customer, so solvable if they turn out to still be live.11:30.39 
Robin_Watts If we have to reconvert, I have the commands recorded.11:30.49 
Jogux would just add the necessary files by hand tbh. I think we've spent enough time doing cvs->git stuff :-)11:31.19 
Robin_Watts Yes. there is unlikely to be much history in third-party (he said confidently)11:31.40 
paulgardiner_lap There may be other ways to add thirdparty without reconverting11:32.09 
  git-splice, or something like that.11:32.19 
Jogux right. my windows vm clone has finished. 'gitk June' shows me the June tag fine. And none of the errors Robin saw.11:33.16 
paulgardiner_lap Good. Looks like the repo is okay after all11:33.54 
Jogux and checkout of June works fine. although that must be the most useless tag ever.11:34.10 
Robin_Watts Jogux: I wonder if my version of git doesn't pull in objects that are tagged, but not on a branch.11:34.41 
  Would seem odd, but...11:34.50 
paulgardiner_lap Robin_Watts would explain the symptoms11:35.21 
Jogux not impossible I guess. git fetch doesn't pull over tags that are on branchs you don't have, but not should about git clone.11:35.25 
Robin_Watts :goes for a run while git churns.11:36.10 
paulgardiner_lap I fetched without tags and then later with tags. The second fetch pulled in a few hundred megs of objects, so there are certainly a few tags not on branches11:36.15 
Jogux paulgardiner_lap : I suspect the tags probably are really on branches, it's just that the git import had to generate a whole bunch of fake commits (not on branches) to cope with people not tagging everything :(11:43.13 
paulgardiner_lap yeah, I'd imagin so11:44.44 
  Jogux: I can no longer remember how cvs branching works, in particular what you get when you check out a branch and some files weren't branched11:46.20 
Jogux you don't get those files afaicr.11:46.32 
paulgardiner_lap I wondered if it used the longest prefix of the version11:47.41 
  So if didn't exist for a file, you get 1.2011:48.07 
Jogux nah, I don't believe it would ever do that11:48.33 
  and the 1.20 stuff will vary from file to file anyway11:48.58 
paulgardiner_lap Ah yes. Because the files don't change in lock step, branches come off different places for each file11:49.48 
Jogux yup :)11:55.11 
tor8 chrisl: kens: I see we had someone with anger management issues on this morning...12:00.08 
paulgardiner_lap rereads this morning's logs with more care than he did earlier. Oh what fun!12:02.18 
tor8 Robin_Watts: ping12:23.59 
chrisl tor8: indeed we did - bit of a tw*t....12:29.50 
  tor8: as I said to kens, what's most annoying is he had a point, but I sure as hell wasn't going to admit that after he kicked off!12:32.30 
tor8 I don't blame you for that! But he did have one or two valid points, behind all that vitriolic abuse.12:33.10 
  like a portable zip file that you can just unzip and run from; what exactly does gs use the registry for storing?12:33.44 
chrisl Various paths and persistent options12:34.18 
tor8 for compatibility with XP, a non-UAC program sometimes gets a "virtual store" directory where writes to c:\program files get redirected12:34.28 
  not sure how that is enabled, but I've seen it happen12:34.43 
chrisl I actually thought that the nsis installer had an "extract only" option, but I couldn't see it at a glance and, again, wasn't inclined to devote much time it12:35.31 
paulgardiner_lap Bah. Can't vnc into my Mac Mini. Window opens momentarily and dies12:36.53 
chrisl tor8: but I do think it would be nice to have a "install for all users", or "installer for this user" option - I just don't know how, right now12:37.45 
Robin_Watts tor8: pong13:03.41 
tor8 Robin_Watts: so, the const warnings on windows...13:03.55 
Robin_Watts yeah.13:04.14 
tor8 const char **, the array points to const strings, but the array itself isn't const13:04.18 
  so that *shouldn't* give any warnings unless I'm grossly mistaken13:04.39 
Robin_Watts So you're saying a const char ** is a pointer to a const char * ?13:05.03 
tor8 now MSVC may just be conservative and gripe when any const is lost due to void* conversions13:05.07 
  Robin_Watts: yes. "char * const *" is a const pointer to char*13:06.09 
Robin_Watts or rather const char ** is a pointer to a pointer to some constant chars13:06.18 
tor8 yes.13:06.32 
  const char * is a pointer to constant chars13:06.39 
Robin_Watts OK, then I agree that MSVC is wrong, I think.13:06.48 
tor8 "char * const" is a constant pointer to mutable chars13:06.54 
  the syntax is dreadful13:07.00 
Robin_Watts I won't argue that.13:09.30 
tor8 the other thing is the unreachable code madness13:09.56 
  clang (sort of rightfully) considers a default: case in a switch with an enum that has all the enums covered to be unreachable13:10.32 
Robin_Watts We could have a #define THIS_NEVER_HAPPENS(a)13:10.33 
tor8 but gcc (and I expect MSVC) don't do unreachable code warnings13:10.48 
Robin_Watts oh.13:10.49 
  well, in that case, pick any one of the existing cases and add a default: to it ?13:11.15 
tor8 and they don't do the code flow analysis so drop off the end and you get the missing return value warning instead13:11.18 
  so warning free -Wunreachable-code with clang is mutually incompatible with warning free gcc/msvc13:11.48 
Robin_Watts tor8: right, but we can come up with something that works.13:11.58 
tor8 ifndef __clang__ and #define IMPOSSIBLE(x) x comes to mind13:12.29 
Robin_Watts instead of case JS_TOBJECT: return 1;13:12.35 
  do: default: /* JS_TOBJECT */ return 1;13:12.52 
tor8 hm, that might work, let me look.13:13.04 
Robin_Watts That will satisfy all compilers I think.13:13.09 
tor8 they all have many cases that return the same value13:13.34 
Robin_Watts I consider MSVC to be better than gcc/clang here.13:13.39 
tor8 what does MSVC warn about?13:14.05 
Robin_Watts cos while conceptually an enum may have only 5 values, we know it's represented by an int and so could have many more.13:14.10 
  MSVC spots that the switch doesn't cover all possible int values (int not enum) and therefore complains that there might be cases that fall through and hit the end of the function where there is no return.13:14.46 
  If we add a default: case, it keeps msvc happy.13:15.00 
tor8 Robin_Watts: yeah. I'm inclined to consider clangs behaviour here broken.13:15.16 
Robin_Watts yeah, just checked a default makes it happy.13:15.35 
tor8 switch on enum can get invalid values in13:15.36 
  Robin_Watts: I've set up a personal repo for mujs as well13:16.16 
  there's a potential fix on tor/master that should silence MSVC and gcc, and I'll live with the warnings on clang13:16.36 
  until such a time as they fix it13:16.44 
Robin_Watts Unnamed repository; edit this file... :)13:17.04 
  oh, mine says that too. oops :)13:17.19 
tor8 Robin_Watts: Hey, you too! I was about to say :)13:17.44 
Robin_Watts So the fix there now, doesn't use default ?13:18.05 
tor8 it does the fall off the end of the function13:18.16 
Robin_Watts Doesn't the default fix make all 3 compilers happy ?13:18.19 
tor8 clang is never happy. it thinks the default case never happens, and as such anything after the switch is also unreachable13:18.49 
Robin_Watts eh?13:19.16 
  We don't have anything after the switch.13:19.29 
  and you replace the last case: statement with a default:13:19.36 
  so it certainly WILL happen.13:19.45 
tor8 oh, that. yes, that should silence them all. I'll do that, it looks better than UNREACHABLE macros.13:20.33 
Robin_Watts dives into shower. brb.13:20.49 
tor8 Robin_Watts: even simpler, just make a default: that falls through to JS_TUNDEFINED :)13:26.16 
  that silences both gcc and clang13:26.33 
Robin_Watts tor8: oh, I figured clang would whinge at that as the default case is unreachable.13:29.16 
  but that's nicer, yes.13:29.27 
tor8 yeah, but the default case doesn't have any code that executes :)13:29.30 
  so it's a sneaky underhanded approach that actually does the right thing (handle corrupt data safely)13:29.57 
  I've pushed it to tor/master13:30.24 
  I guess we should start code reviewing mujs changes as well, if you feel up to it?13:30.58 
henrys knew hp plotters would be a huge fiasco13:33.21 
Robin_Watts tor8: yeah.13:36.53 
  looks good to me.13:37.16 
paulgardiner_lap tor8: just tried building mupdf for iOS. Undefined symbol _js_dostring.13:44.35 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner_lap: Did you add one.c into the build ?13:44.59 
paulgardiner_lap No. I must hace missed any talk of that13:45.30 
Robin_Watts I meant to ask tor about that.13:46.10 
  AFAICT all of mujs is compiled in a single one.c file. Any particular reason?13:46.29 
  paulgardiner_lap: js_dostring is defined in jsstate.c, but we don't compile each c file in turn for some reason. We just compile one.c that #includes them all.13:49.00 
  Presumably that's for optimisation reasons.13:49.08 
  It's a bit of an ass, as it means you can't search for stuff in the solution.13:49.23 
  tor8: How much benefit do we get from that?13:50.06 
paulgardiner_lap I was hoping iOS would just work because (if I understand correctly) it makes use of the main makefiles13:50.28 
tor8 paulgardiner_lap: don't forget git submodule update --init13:50.35 
  Robin_Watts: it's a noticeable performance boost13:50.50 
paulgardiner_lap tor8: yeah, I think I just did that13:50.52 
tor8 Robin_Watts: and I don't know MSVC well enough to include C files that don't get compiled13:51.09 
Robin_Watts tor8: I don't think you can easily.13:51.35 
tor8 Robin_Watts: it's certainly possible to include all other C files and not one.c if you prefer to be able to search13:51.49 
Robin_Watts tor8: Would you be averse to a bit of #ifdeffery?13:51.56 
tor8 what do you have in mind?13:52.28 
Robin_Watts surround every file with #ifdef MUJS_COMPILE ... #endif13:52.34 
  Then have one.c #define that at the top.13:52.51 
  That way we could include every file in the solution.13:53.03 
tor8 Robin_Watts: is it possible to have different file lists in release and debug mode?13:53.28 
Robin_Watts Perhaps we could have one.c be surrounded by #ifndef MUJS_COMPILE #endif13:53.44 
tor8 if so, we could make the debug build have js*.c and then one.c in the release build13:53.58 
Robin_Watts That way people could choose whether to have a 'solid' or a 'fragmented' build.13:54.07 
  tor8: I don't think I can do that.13:54.23 
paulgardiner_lap I think MSVC can do that13:55.14 
tor8 on fib.js, mujs takes 2.6s and mujsone takes 2.3s13:56.21 
  which is a very noticeable performance difference...13:56.40 
Robin_Watts tor8: With what I just described, you'd include all the files, and the only one that would actually compile to anything would be one.c13:57.03 
  perhaps we could use MUJS_FRAGMENTED_BUILD rather than MUJS_COMPILE13:57.30 
tor8 Robin_Watts: yeah. I'm just not liking the #ifdef COMPILE macros.13:57.38 
Robin_Watts It would work on all build systems, not just mujs.13:57.54 
tor8 Robin_Watts: 
Robin_Watts OK, that'll work.13:59.54 
  tor8: OK, that works.14:04.32 
  tor8: If you push your warning fix, I'll rebase and put this up for review.14:05.12 
  paulgardiner_lap, jogu: My clone failed in the same way. It must be a git 1.7 thing.14:05.34 
  I'm trying a git fetch --tags to fix it.14:05.44 
tor8 Robin_Watts: I have pushed.14:06.04 
Robin_Watts You've pushed to mujs. You need to update the submodule in golden too, right?14:07.27 
tor8 oh, right. you need to pull from mupdf and update the submodule.14:08.06 
Robin_Watts I was expecting to see a commit from you on mupdf golden/master saying "Updating the mujs submodule with windows warning fixes" or something.14:09.01 
tor8 Robin_Watts: yeah, I misunderstood. sorry. I've pushed that now.14:09.58 
ray_laptop chrisl: I see that we are doing a 9.13 release. Sorry if I jinxed 9.12 when I asked you about moving HEAD to 9.14 to allow for 9.12 to need a re-release14:17.59 
  chrisl: BTW, that was a royal "we". I guess the whole task falls to you14:19.03 
chrisl ray_laptop: I can't blame you ;-) But I'm doing this release as 9.14 - I can't remember why I decided on that rather than 9.13 (it was early this morning!)14:19.32 
kens 13 is bad voodoo14:19.45 
ray_laptop chrisl: and a reminder to get the release scripts in shape in case one of us has to do it next time14:20.08 
  chrisl: Seriously? You are afraid on '13' ?14:20.42 
chrisl ray_laptop: This (last) release, I have written down *every* step, and I'll type it up14:21.02 
paulgardiner_lap tor8: The iOS build_libs script is still calling make with JSCORE_PRESENT defined. I can change that, but - as it is - shouldn't that have built correctly with jscore?14:21.03 
chrisl ray_laptop: no, as I said before, I really moved to 9.14 just as a little dig about also not using 9.11. This morning I considered using 9.13, but opted for 9.14, and I honestly can't remember why...... hectic morning!14:21.59 
Robin_Watts tor8: 2 commits on robin/master then.14:22.33 
ray_laptop chrisl: I won't bug you any more about 9.13. You had too much fun already in the dialog with maxiaojun14:23.30 
chrisl ray_laptop: that, and dealing with another Ubuntu printer bug, and taking my car into the shop..... plus another release <sigh>14:24.29 
paulgardiner_lap tor8: oh, have we changed from XXXX_PRESENT to HAVE_XXXX14:25.59 
ray_laptop chrisl: I might have a look at NSIS without UAC (for the next release). It seems pretty simple according to 
  but it doesn't discuss offering BOTH all users and current user only modes, which would be nice14:31.13 
chrisl ray_laptop: yeh, I had a quick look, and it looks fairly straight forward - the only thing I'm not clear on is deciding where to write the registry values14:31.58 
ray_laptop that article mentions HKCU (HKey Current User)14:34.31 
chrisl ray_laptop: yeh, I know *where* to write the keys in each case, but I'm not clear on to switch the installer between them14:35.31 
ray_laptop chrisl: right, or how to offer both options14:35.53 
chrisl ray_laptop: I was reading this: 
ray_laptop chrisl: and how to abort the install with an extremely cryptic message in a pop up dialog that requires a reboot to dismiss if the user is on a blacklist ;-) (we both know the first name that will be on the list)14:37.20 
  chrisl: did you correct the typos in News.htm and maybe add tkamppeter's comments that he wanted (something about PWG raster)14:41.04 
chrisl ray_laptop: nobody mentioned any typos to me, so no - I did add tkamppeter's new stuff, though14:43.07 
ray_laptop_ oh, great :-( looks like I'm going to have network problems today.14:43.19 
ray_laptop__ chrisl: Also, News.htm has two misspellings: ColorConverionStrategy and transparenct.14:44.27 
chrisl ray_laptop__: well, too late now14:45.00 
ray_laptop__ it was just before Williiam's signature14:45.07 
chrisl Oh, missed that :-(14:45.17 
  ray_laptop__: I really don't want to start again :-(14:46.37 
ray_laptop___ kens: were you going to close bug 695114 ?14:48.11 
kens oops yes14:49.27 
ray_laptop___ kens: np. Just thought you might have done what I do often -- put in the comment that I'm going to close it, but then forget to14:50.51 
kens exactly so :-)14:51.03 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner_lap: tor8 seems to be afk. Can you nod at the 2 commits on robin/master for me please?15:13.56 
tor8 paulgardiner_lap: you might want HAVE_MUJS=no HAVE_JSCORE=yes both on the command line15:16.22 
sebras tor8: ohh.. this means HAVE_MUJS is now the default?15:16.51 
tor8 to make sure you ignore MuJS in the build (though if you still have JSCore leaks, maybe that's not desirable)15:16.59 
  sebras: yes, mujs has been integrated with mupdf now.15:17.07 
sebras tor8: I know, but it might not be the default still..15:17.19 
paulgardiner_lap tor8: I have it linking now with HAVE_MUJS=yes, but calc.pdf doesn't respond to taps.15:17.56 
tor8 Robin_Watts: does the MSVC project become smaller if you set the build action to none on the "source" filter rather than just the individual files?15:18.44 
paulgardiner_lap tor8: I'm wondering if I put in some runtime tests for the presence of js using calls that are no longer supported (but then I'd expect it not to link)15:18.51 
Robin_Watts I tried, and failed to do that.15:18.57 
tor8 Robin_Watts: okay. in that case, *nod*15:19.13 
Robin_Watts To both commits?15:19.21 
tor8 Robin_Watts: yes.15:19.46 
Robin_Watts ta.15:19.55 
tor8 paulgardiner_lap: have you done any of the event hooks for js in the ios app?15:21.20 
  paulgardiner_lap: you might have missed doing a pdf_enable_js call15:22.00 
  which is now required15:22.10 
Robin_Watts Is that a new thing because of the split ?15:22.18 
tor8 Robin_Watts: yeah.15:22.29 
  and also, because it might make sense security wise to not always enable javascript.15:22.43 
  paulgardiner_lap: the first time you open the document and call pdf_specifics(), also call pdf_enable_js on the idoc15:23.17 
paulgardiner_lap tor8: ah yes of course. pdf_enable_js. I reviewed that commit even! :-)15:24.49 
chrisl I have to pick up my car - bbiab15:35.59 
paulgardiner_lap tor8: all seems to work now15:36.55 
mvrhel_laptop good morning15:41.38 
logikos i'm useing ghostscript to merge a bunch of pdf files together into one, then pdftops to conver to postscript then rlpr to send it to a printer, is it possible to convert the merged pdf's to post script in just one step?15:41.52 
kens yes, use ps2write15:42.17 
paulgardiner_lap tor8: can you give the fix on paul/master a quick check over?15:42.41 
logikos this is what i'm doing now: gs -q -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=/temp/merge.pdf file1.pdf file2.pdf file3.pdf then pdftops /temp/merge.pdf - | rlpr --printer=hp@ 
kens use -sDEVICE+ps2write instead of pdfwrite15:43.50 
logikos ps2write can merge pdf's and conver to postscript all in one ?15:43.52 
  did you mean -sDEVICE=ps2write 15:44.26 
  i assume?15:44.30 
kens yes15:44.40 
  And neither device 'merges' PDF files15:44.50 
  each takes a number of input files, interprets teh contents and writes a new file15:45.08 
  In the case of pdfwite its a PDF file, in the case of ps2write its a PostScript file15:45.30 
logikos so do i nee d-sOutputFile then?15:46.05 
kens Yes15:46.11 
logikos if i want to send directly to rlpr ?15:46.12 
kens You can't send directly to a rip15:46.19 
logikos so i cant just do this: gs -q -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=ps2write -sOutputFile=/temp/merge.pdf file1.pdf file2.pdf file3.pdf | rlpr --printer=hp@ 
  or will that work but also create the merge.pdf15:47.05 
  or now i guess it would be a merge.ps15:47.09 
kens Yes but you might call the output file merge.ps15:47.14 
  I am doubtful that piping toyour printer will work15:47.38 
  But I am no linux expert15:47.46 
logikos me neither15:47.58 
kens THe file must be written first, and that requires a seekable file system15:48.01 
logikos i know that pdftops {$file} - | rlpr --printer=hp@ 
  that works15:48.14 
kens ps2write is not pdftops15:48.45 
logikos i was just saying to print a pdf file that works15:49.12 
kens Yes but I'm saying that it might not with ps2write as it needs a file system15:49.31 
  All I cna suggest is that you try it15:51.21 
tor8 paulgardiner_lap: that will segfault on non-pdf files16:04.45 
  if (idoc) pdf_enable_js(idoc)16:04.59 
paulgardiner_lap Bah. That's what I intended16:05.45 
tor8 paulgardiner_lap: if you are building against MuJS by default, you don't need to pass HAVE_MUJS on the command line (the presence of the thirdparty/mujs directory will be enough)16:06.00 
ray_laptop logikos: it should work it you use -sOutputFile="| rlpr -- printer=hp@" (assuming your pipe command will actually send raw data to the printer.16:09.36 
kens is not sure16:09.52 
ray_laptop logikos: this _should_ work because the ps2write device collects all of the stuff in temp files, then outputs it (with the PS header) when it closes16:10.30 
  kens: are you sure that it needs a seekable file system for output ?16:11.00 
kens No, not certain16:11.10 
ray_laptop goes to check...16:11.17 
  kens: it looks like it callse gdev_vector_open_file which calls gdev_vector_open_file_options with open_options == NULL16:13.50 
kens ray, you may be right, I'm not certain, seemed like the easiest way to find out was to try it....16:14.36 
paulgardiner_lap tor8: repushed fix16:15.23 
ray_laptop logikos: Note that you also want -sstdout=/dev/null -sstderr=/dev/null -q 16:16.56 
  these will throw away the noise16:17.18 
  logikos: I tried this on Windoze and it worked, so ps2write doesn't need a seekable output: gswin32c -sDEVICE=ps2write -o- -sstdout=x.log -q examples/annots.pdf > x.ps16:17.54 
  logikos: note that you can capture gs's stdout to a file as well (see the docs). Also on linux, this worked for me: bin/gs -sDEVICE=ps2write -o"|cat >" examples/annots.pdf16:21.44 
  logikos: as mentioned in the docs, -o___ is the same as -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -sOutputFile=___16:22.50 
tor8 paulgardiner_lap: LGTM16:25.24 
paulgardiner_lap ta16:25.44 
logikos ray_laptop: thanks for the help16:48.20 
  i'm currently testing this: gs -sstdout=/dev/null -sstderr=/dev/null -q -sDEVICE=pswrite -sPAPERSIZE=letter -dNORANGEPAGESIZE -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -sOutputFile=- ./invoice.pdf ./test.pdf | rlpr -h -H10.0.6.2 -Praw16:48.26 
kens pipe is in the wrong place, needs to be in OutputFile16:48.57 
logikos kens: according to the manpage -sOutputFile=- will work with the pipe16:49.19 
kens Yes, but you haven't put it there16:49.32 
  -sOutputFile=- is what you put16:49.48 
  Mind you,it may work with teh pipe at the end16:50.01 
  I'd do it the way Ray suggested16:50.08 
  -o"|ripr -h -H10.0.6.2 -Praw"16:50.35 
  also, we don't write the man pages, so don';t trust them too far16:53.33 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner, Jogux: git fetch --tags failed too.16:53.35 
  Time to upgrade git, I think.16:54.14 
logikos kens: it did work, but i'll take your advice, gonna test this now: gs -sstdout=/dev/null -sstderr=/dev/null -q -sDEVICE=pswrite -sPAPERSIZE=letter -dNORANGEPAGESIZE -o"|ripr -h -H10.0.6.2 -Praw" ./invoice.pdf ./test.pdf16:56.19 
kens well if it works, np16:56.28 
logikos he said -o replaces dBATCH dNOPAUSE and sOutputFile16:56.40 
  correct ?16:56.43 
kens yes16:56.46 
logikos useing the pipe outside the shell is directing the output, useing it inside ghostscript i assume is doing it internaly16:57.30 
  so inside seems better if my logic is right16:57.38 
kens has no clue16:57.44 
logikos sh: 1: ripr: not found16:58.40 
  that is what i get when i run gs -sstdout=/dev/null -sstderr=/dev/null -q -sDEVICE=pswrite -sPAPERSIZE=letter -dNORANGEPAGESIZE -o"|ripr -h -H10.0.6.2 -Praw" ./invoice.pdf ./test.pdf16:58.57 
  where as this worked: gs -sstdout=/dev/null -sstderr=/dev/null -q -sDEVICE=pswrite -sPAPERSIZE=letter -dNORANGEPAGESIZE -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -sOutputFile=- ./invoice.pdf ./test.pdf | rlpr -h -H10.0.6.2 -Praw16:59.13 
  i copie dwhat you typed16:59.38 
  rlpr 16:59.42 
  assuming that works17:00.47 
  my boss also wants the stuff printed duplex (double sided)17:01.12 
  any idea how i do that?17:01.16 
  from what i read there are postscript commands for duplex so i assume ghostscript has a switch for it17:01.52 
kens No, the output from ps2write is deliberately device independent. With the 9.12 release you can add device-specific PostScript to the output, and so you can add commands to enable duplexing yourself if required17:03.27 
  Sorry for the typo btw17:03.54 
  See gs/doc/ps2ps2.htm "PSDocOptions"17:04.39 
logikos what is the difference between -sDEVICE=pswrite and ps2write17:04.39 
tgurr hi, could you please update the sourceforge mirror with the tarballs for ghostscript 9.12?17:04.44 
kens Don't use pswrite17:04.46 
  pswrite emits very ppor level 1 PostScript, and is deprecated, it has been removed in recent versions17:05.10 
chrisl tgurr: we've dropped sourceforge, for various reasons17:05.34 
tgurr chrisl: ah thats good to know, thanks!17:06.14 
chrisl tgurr: we've actually had a little issue with 9.12, and I'm currently uploading a new version - otherwise I'd have already updated sf with a proper announcement and a link of where to get it now17:07.12 
Robin_Watts chrisl: Do we have log in details for the sourceforge site?17:07.42 
ray_laptop logikos: did the 'cat' example I tested work OK for you ?17:07.44 
chrisl Robin_Watts: I have admit rights for the Ghostscript project (as does Ray)17:08.05 
ray_laptop the '' file should start out with: %!PS-Adobe-3.017:08.25 
tgurr chrisl: oh okay I see. same tarball name, different checkums?17:09.13 
Robin_Watts IMHO, it shouldn't point to any more, but to Also, it should start with "DO NOT DOWNLOAD FROM HERE UNLESS YOU WANT OLD VERSIONS. GO TO FOR UP TO DATE VERSIONS"17:09.25 
chrisl tgurr: no, this will be a new tar ball with a new version number - quietly replacing caused too much confusion previously17:09.56 
logikos ray_laptop: I didnt test it with cat, i just tested it with rlpr directly and it worked that way17:10.07 
chrisl Robin_Watts: yeh, I actually realise it still pointed to svn.....17:10.18 
logikos is the test with cat useful beyond knowing if the pipe worked or not?17:10.26 
kens any way that works is good17:10.27 
ssured Hello everyone! Can you maybe help me? I just installed ‘apt-get install mupdf-tools’, which runs fine. pdfdraw is not installed/linked though, any idea how to get it running; is this a bug?17:11.18 
tgurr chrisl: indeed, that's why I asked. thanks for making the life easier for packagers :)17:11.24 
Robin_Watts ssured: Do you have mutool ?17:11.36 
ssured Robin_Watts: mutool? nope...17:11.52 
chrisl tgurr: well, it confused us just a much, so......17:12.01 
ray_laptop logikos: Oh, I thought it didn't work for you.17:12.02 
Robin_Watts ssured: Hmm. pdfdraw was renamed mudraw.17:12.12 
ssured Robin_Watts: is that the new package?17:12.23 
Robin_Watts and the tools part of mupdf all got rolled into a single exe, mutool.17:12.45 
ray_laptop the irritating thing about sf is that the first 2 downloads when you search for Ghostscript aren't ghostscript at all, but are other pdf tools17:12.59 
Robin_Watts ssured: What version of mupdf are you getting ?17:13.03 
tgurr chrisl: :) it's 9.14 then as I can see?17:13.25 
chrisl tgurr: indeed17:13.32 
tgurr chrisl: thank you17:13.52 
chrisl ray_laptop: Ghostscript came up first when I searched for it17:14.01 
  tgurr: no problem17:14.05 
ssured Robin_Watts: mupdf-tools 1.3 - which package should I install on ubuntu?17:14.30 
Robin_Watts ssured: I have no idea how ubuntu packages it.17:14.48 
  but if mupdf-tools isn't giving you a mutool or a mudraw, then I can't understand what it's doing.17:15.17 
ssured Robin_Watts: I do have a mudraw :)17:15.19 
logikos regarding duplex printing according to this page: i should be able to insert %BeginPageSetup << /Duplex true >> setpagedevice %%EndPageSetup (on 3 lines) above the first %%Page line to acomplish it17:15.20 
Robin_Watts Ah, well, mudraw is the new name for pdfdraw.17:15.31 
logikos but beings i'm sending the output directly to the printer i cant parse the resulting .ps17:15.39 
  is there a way to inject this option into what i'm already doing?17:15.51 
ssured Robin_Watts: the internet still talks about pdfdraw, thanks for helping me!17:15.57 
Robin_Watts np.17:16.03 
kens logikos you probably don't wnat the %BeginPageSetup and %%EndPageSetup (thos are just comments) but basically yes that should work17:16.18 
  And you don't need to insert them manually if you use the latest code17:16.39 
  Use the PSDocOptions command and it will insert the string for you17:17.03 
logikos i'm reading the docs here: 
  and i dont see PSDocOptions17:17.34 
kens logikos we don't write hte man pages17:17.55 
  Or make the packages17:18.00 
logikos alright, can you give me a link to a better resource telling me how to do it, or give me an example ?17:18.24 
kens You need the *current* versionof Ghostscript (ie 9.14, but 9.12 will do) andthen you need to look at the *Ghostscript* documentation17:18.26 
logikos how do i check my version17:18.45 
kens If the packager doesn't include our documentation, well they should, and you shoudl complain17:18.46 
  whenever you run GS it states the version....17:19.04 
logikos i have GPL Ghostscript 9.0617:19.08 
kens THen that's not recent enough17:19.17 
logikos k, looking into how to upgrade17:20.45 
kens at the moment, probably the only way is to get the source and uibld it17:21.03 
  I imagine we're ahead of even Till at teh moment17:21.21 
logikos kens: when asking in #ubuntu on how to updage ghostscript i was told: "you need to find a repo hosting the package - but beaware there is a risk it will break things"17:22.32 
kens logikos gthat sounds like FUD or arse-covering to me17:22.56 
logikos k17:23.07 
kens and also its not true. GS is open-source, so you can always build it17:23.11 
logikos where is the repo i want to use17:23.15 
kens The source repository ?17:23.31 
logikos yes17:23.36 
kens Umm, fgoo question :-)17:23.45 I think17:23.55 
Robin_Watts logikos: The latest code can always be found on, but if you want the latest release look at downloads.ghostscript.com17:24.09 
kens That's true, I think chrisl posts a Linux binary17:24.32 
  So if you are using Linux on x86 it shoudl work17:24.48 
chrisl That I do.... for all it's worth17:24.49 
Robin_Watts Of course, we are (well chrisl is, really) doing a new release today, so be prepared for slight oddnesses while we get it sorted.17:24.57 
chrisl I *believe* it's all done on our site - still the sf and google code edits to do.... 9.14 lives.....17:25.31 
logikos server is 64bit17:25.49 
chrisl There's a 64 bit Linux binary there, too17:26.04 
kens I believe there are 64-bit binaries17:26.07 
  (though presumably a 32-bit binary would actually work)17:26.26 
chrisl Depends on the system, but usually, yes17:26.47 
kens is off for the night17:32.08 
  Goodnight everyone17:32.14 
logikos ok, i have ghostscript 9.14 now17:46.30 
  so now how do i use psdocoptions to add << /Duplex true >> setpagedevice17:47.09 
  to the postscript 17:47.12 
  currently i'm doing: gs -sstdout=/dev/null -sstderr=/dev/null -q -sDEVICE=ps2write -sPAPERSIZE=letter -dNORANGEPAGESIZE -o"|rlpr -h -H10.0.6.2 -Praw" ./invoice.pdf ./test.pdf17:47.32 
  how do i have it add the option for duplex printing please?17:47.46 
Robin_Watts see gs/doc/Ps2ps2.htm and look for the PSDocOptions stuff.17:50.02 
logikos domain?17:50.56 
  tried ghostscript.com17:51.08 
Robin_Watts within the gs source you downloaded.17:51.10 
logikos its on a server, and not in a location i can access with a browser17:51.33 
  terminal only17:51.40 
  the file is not published publicly by itself?17:52.01 
logikos ty17:52.33 
chrisl Okay, I have edited the sourceforge page, but I cannot see how to edit the google code one - I hate these sites :-(17:54.15 
logikos ok i tried adding it: gs -sstdout=/dev/null -sstderr=/dev/null -q -sDEVICE=pswrite -sPAPERSIZE=letter -dNORANGEPAGESIZE /PSDocOptions "<< /Duplex true >> setpagedevice" -o"|rlpr -h -H10.0.6.2 -Praw" ./invoice.pdf ./test.pdf17:55.21 
  clearly that isnt correct (tested it)17:55.29 
  would be nice if there were examples17:55.51 
Robin_Watts logikos: Indeed, no, that's clearly wrong.17:56.02 
chrisl I think PSDocOptions is a pdfmark, isn't it?17:56.09 
Robin_Watts It's a distiller param.17:56.32 
  (a gs specific one)17:56.40 
tkamppeter chrisl, thanks for adding my changes to the release notes.17:56.57 
Robin_Watts The documentation could really use an example, as logikos says.17:57.07 
logikos so how do i do it please?17:57.08 
chrisl tkamppeter: no problem - as I said, I did feel they were worth mentioning17:57.27 
tkamppeter One question: What were the problems of Ghostscript 9.11 and 9.13, why did they not get published.17:57.34 
Robin_Watts logikos: No idea. This isn't my area. You really need kens, and he's gone for the day.17:57.39 
  tkamppeter: 9.11 and 9.13 were felt to be "bad" numbers, so they were skipped.17:57.56 
chrisl tkamppeter: we skipped 9.11 because of 9/11, and in the light of that I just made a bad joke by skipping 9.13 as an unlucky number 17:58.31 
  logikos: give me a few minutes to look at the PSDocOptions stuff, and I'll possibly have an answer for you17:59.06 
logikos tyvm17:59.16 
tkamppeter chrisl, like with the hotels where the upper part of the 14 to the last floor is somehow floating over the lover part, the ground flor to the 12th, as there is rarely a 13th.17:59.57 
logikos i did not expect the printing to be so complicated so I suggested to my boss i'd have this application done today .. if i have to wait until tomorrow and talk with ken ... it is what is is, but if you can figure it out .. you rock :)18:00.23 
Robin_Watts tkamppeter: Indeed. And the way few planes have row 13.18:00.25 
tkamppeter Robin_Watts, I did not know that, I must look on my next flight. I already had a ticket with a seat number which did not exist in the plane (but not row 13), but fortunately, the flight was not full.18:01.52 
Robin_Watts tkamppeter: Yeah, Helen and I had that on the way back from a recent staff meeting.18:02.34 
  The plane had 47 fewer seats than expected.18:02.46 
tkamppeter Robin_Watts, were there seats free? Or did you have to travel on a jump seat, the toilet, in the cockpit?18:03.44 
Robin_Watts tkamppeter: They kicked various people off the plane and we made it on.18:04.04 
  oddly most people are happy to spend an extra day on hawaii at the airlines expense :)18:04.27 
Jogux hehe18:05.08 
chrisl logikos: so, you're going to want something like this: 
logikos ty, testing18:08.51 
chrisl tkamppeter: hopefully, tomorrow I'll have time to write up the workaround for the Toshiba printer bug (launchpad #978120)18:11.27 
logikos chrisl: worked! God bless you :)18:12.34 
chrisl logikos: cool!18:12.43 
  logikos: so, if I were you, I'd take the stuff between the "-c" and the "-f" and put it in a plain text file, called something like "" (leaving out the "-c" and "-f" sections.......18:13.52 
tkamppeter chrisl, OK, then I can issue cups-filters 1.0.50 and put it into Trusty.18:14.48 
chrisl logikos: so your command line would look like: 
  tkamppeter: sorry it's taking some time, with the release stuff, I've been a bit swamped18:15.41 
Robin_Watts chrisl: You confused the makefile dependency checker I think :)18:26.49 
  with ee4458618:27.03 
chrisl Robin_Watts: I saw that, I've no idea why, though....18:27.11 
Robin_Watts either that, or you broke lots of stuff :)18:27.14 
chrisl Equally possible18:27.25 
  I can only assume it's moved stuff around so the pre-existing warnings aren't filtered properly18:29.00 
  tor8: do you know how to edit things like the project description on 
logikos chrisl: so in the file i would put "<< /PSDocOptions (<< /Duplex true >> setpagedevice) >> setdistillerparams"18:40.46 
  includeing the quotes ?18:40.52 
chrisl logikos: sorry, no without the quotes18:41.04 
logikos or excluding the quotes18:41.08 
  figured but wanted to make sure18:41.13 
chrisl The reason I suggest that is that it's short enough to be manageable with the -c...-f command line syntax, but two or three more things to setup, and it gets very unwieldy on the command line18:42.09 
  logikos: ^^18:42.13 
logikos ty, this command works: gs -sstdout=/dev/null -sstderr=/dev/null -q -sDEVICE=ps2write -sPAPERSIZE=letter -dNORANGEPAGESIZE -o"|rlpr -h -H10.0.6.2 -Praw" ./invoice.pdf ./test.pdf18:51.31 
  however i have 2 hp printers, one supports duplex and the other doesnt if i send to the one that doesnt even leaving out the, i get an error out in the printer (not in the shell)18:52.05 
  Error: configurationerror OFFENDING COMMAND: setpagedevice STACK: --nostringvalue-- false 845 595 0 0 842 595 --nostringval-- 618:52.49 
chrisl logikos: you really shouldn't: it should ignore the unsupported option18:52.56 
logikos nearly each peice of that is on its own line18:52.59 
  i figured that but beings i got the error i removed the variable..18:53.28 
  so all i did was remove and change to 
  it printed to the correct printer but instead of the document i got error output on the page18:54.16 
Robin_Watts logikos: What does your look like then ?18:55.03 
chrisl logikos: Clearly, the Postscript is correct, as one printer works18:55.32 
logikos Robin_watts: i can show it to you, but i'm not useing when i get the error18:55.37 
Robin_Watts Your error suggests that it is dying after getting a "setpagedevice" command18:56.10 
logikos << /PSDocOptions (<< /Duplex true >> setpagedevice) >> setdistillerparams18:56.25 
  is the contents of settings.ps18:56.30 
Robin_Watts ok, and the command line is?18:56.54 
chrisl logikos: try adding -dSetPageSize=false to your command line?18:57.05 
logikos gs -sstdout=/dev/null -sstderr=/dev/null -q -sDEVICE=ps2write -sPAPERSIZE=letter -dNORANGEPAGESIZE -o"|rlpr -h -H10.0.6.3 -Praw" ./invoice.pdf ./test.pdf18:57.30 
  root@kona:/var/todd/kona# /opt/gs/gs -sstdout=/dev/null -sstderr=/dev/null -q -sDEVICE=ps2write -sPAPERSIZE=letter -dNORANGEPAGESIZE -dSetPageSize=false -o"|rlpr -h -H10.0.6.3 -Praw" ./invoice.pdf ./test.pdfrlpr: error: check_ack: timed out waiting for ACK to our job requestrlpr: fatal error: unable to send job request to lpd19:02.07 
  printer outputed on a page: Error: ioerror OFFENDING COMMAND: image STACK: -mark- -mark- mark-19:02.43 
chrisl Looks like you have a buggy printer ;-(19:03.08 
  logikos: er, actually, that looks like the comms dropped mid-file, rather than a problem with the PS19:06.51 
logikos ....19:08.58 
  not what to do with that information19:09.16 
  i could have sworn i had it working on this printer before i tried the duplex stuff (which caused me to start testing on the other one)19:09.40 
  incase the printer is just being weird, i powered it off the nback on again19:09.54 
  who knows .....19:09.57 
  cant hurt lol19:09.59 
  didnt help19:14.02 
chrisl Same error?19:16.15 
  logikos: I have to go - if you're around tomorrow, Ken or I may be able to give you some pointers....19:19.36 
logikos k19:20.06 
  i tried the same command to another printer like this one, and it output the same error19:20.20 
  hp laserjet 4000 n19:21.20 
mvrhel_laptop robin_watts: are you still up?20:24.23 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: H,21:00.00 
  Hi, even.21:00.39 
mvrhel_laptop hi robin_watts21:02.24 
  so I am trying to figure out how best to handle the text copy in gsview with mupdf21:02.41 
  I was looking at fz_analyze_text and trying to understand what it gives me21:03.11 
  ah shoot have to head out for a minute to pick up son21:03.53 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: So, you create a text extraction device, and run that, and it fills in some structures for you.21:21.11 
  These are 1) a set of styles (fz_text_sheet), and 2) an fz_text_page.21:23.01 
  An fz_text_page is made up of a sequence of fz_page_blocks. Each block can either be a text block or an image block.21:23.41 
  text blocks are made up of lines, which are made up of spans, which are made up of chars.21:24.13 
mvrhel_laptop robin_watts ok21:25.17 
Robin_Watts The text extraction device basically populates these structures in a fairly naive manner; it assumes (broadly) that the order in which text appears in the file is the order it should come out.21:25.20 
  We do a bit of smartness to try and establish words/spacing etc, but it's designed to be fairly fast and on the fly.21:25.48 
mvrhel_laptop right21:25.53 
  so question then21:25.56 
Robin_Watts You can use that data exactly as it is.21:26.00 
  OR... you can feed it into fz_analyse_text, which will do all sorts of horrible hairy heuristics on it.21:26.32 
mvrhel_laptop is there any information in there about the location of the text on the page?21:26.35 
Robin_Watts The output from fz_analyse_text are updated versions of those structures.21:26.51 
  Every char on the page has a bbox.21:27.09 
mvrhel_laptop ok I guess I need to take a look at fz_page_blocks21:27.31 
Robin_Watts fz_text_char = the point in device space at which the char is placed, the char (unicode) and the style.21:27.45 
  The span contains a bbox for the span, plus details of the baseline of the text, so we can cope with diagonal text etc.21:28.44 
mvrhel_laptop ok21:28.54 
Robin_Watts After analysis, there is information here about indents and columns etc, though frankly it scares me every time I look.21:29.17 
mvrhel_laptop essentially I want to be able to select and copy chunks of text on page, showing a selected region similar to what AR does. I am thinking that the spans etc in the text blocks should give me what I want21:30.26 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: If you're trying to do cut and paste, then basically, you want to look at the code that does text search.21:30.36 
mvrhel_laptop ok. I have text search working21:30.48 
Robin_Watts The text search code already produces a list of rectangles to highlight based on the text, right?21:30.59 
mvrhel_laptop yes21:31.03 
  that works fine21:31.12 
Robin_Watts So it seems to me like this is the same thing.21:31.21 
  That takes the structures and searches in them for text and makes rectangles from it.21:31.47 
  What you need to do is to take the structures and make a rectangle for each each char and see if it intersects with the region you are selecting, right?21:32.18 
mvrhel_laptop yes. I am a little worried about running every page through the text device though and how best to handle the data. or is this going to be so fast it does not matter21:32.42 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: You only need to run the current page through, right?21:33.01 
mvrhel_laptop i.e. when I render the page for display, I would also render it through a text device to get all the positions21:33.10 
  current page. unless we are zoomed out21:33.19 
Robin_Watts Or are you thinking about offering an "extract this whole document as HTML" option?21:33.21 
mvrhel_laptop then i window of pages21:33.25 
Robin_Watts I think it's fast enough.21:33.33 
mvrhel_laptop robin_watts that is a different animal21:33.34 
  the HTML case21:33.39 
Robin_Watts For this stuff you don't need to call analyse.21:33.43 
mvrhel_laptop I am thinking of a save as HTML 21:33.49 
Robin_Watts which means it'll be fast enough as is.21:33.51 
mvrhel_laptop robin_watts ok cool. I will work on this tomorrow21:34.03 
  so far things are looking pretty decent with it all21:34.11 
Robin_Watts To do save as html, use the fz_print_text_page_html function :)21:34.19 
  And for xml: fz_print_text_page_xml21:34.33 
mvrhel_laptop cool21:34.38 
Robin_Watts fz_copy_selection might be of interest too.21:34.50 
mvrhel_laptop oh what is that?21:34.58 
  where is the manual for all of this.....21:35.12 
Robin_Watts Return a newly allocated UTF-8 string with the text for a given selection rectangle.21:35.12 
mvrhel_laptop nice21:35.17 
  yes that would be good21:35.20 
Robin_Watts structured-text.h21:35.21 
mvrhel_laptop ok21:35.25 
Robin_Watts OK, Windows git users may want to consider upgrading to 1.9.0 rather than the 1.7.something we all installed when we first started.21:36.37 
  Cos 1.9.0 checks out sot.git perfectly, wheras 1.7 has problems.21:36.53 
mvrhel_laptop oh I think I have the lastest let me check21:37.00 
Robin_Watts git --version21:37.05 
  mvrhel_laptop: You've probably set up your laptop many times since we first did it :)21:37.18 
mvrhel_laptop oh 
Robin_Watts That's still much newer than what I was using. You're probably fine.21:37.34 
mvrhel_laptop ok. I may update anyway21:37.41 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: So, are you OK with this stuff?21:37.55 
mvrhel_laptop robin_watts with the text ?21:38.02 
Robin_Watts The sofa is calling for my ass.21:38.02 
mvrhel_laptop yes21:38.04 
Robin_Watts yeah.21:38.05 
mvrhel_laptop thanks!21:38.06 
Robin_Watts no worries.21:38.11 
mvrhel_laptop you have me pointed in a direction21:38.16 
Robin_Watts I almost have pdf export of image filled paths working in smart office.21:38.44 
mvrhel_laptop nice21:38.52 
Robin_Watts Just the Y entry in the transform is wrong. All the others are spot on.21:39.04 
  I hate matrix maths.21:39.12 
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