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Log of #ghostscript at

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2014/03/30)2014/03/31 
sebras ghostbot: time to sleep, good night!00:46.40 
kens Morning chrisl08:12.10 
chrisl morning kens 08:12.28 
kens Guess what, I found a reason why we can't default CompressPages to false :(08:12.38 
chrisl Oh, why??08:12.56 
kens Because of the way we process content streams08:13.20 
  We open them with a SubFileDecode filter, and set 'endstream' as teh terminator08:13.41 
  If we have any plain text in the stream which says 'endstream' then it terminates prematurely08:14.04 
chrisl Hmm, this could cause us problems elsewhere :-(08:14.44 
kens I can't think of a solution that doesn't involve some heavy rewrites.08:15.09 
  My only current solution is to alter the endstream to something more unique if we have CompressPages false.08:15.56 
  Unless you have a better thought ?08:16.19 
chrisl The only solutions I can think of would be to change to using the length of the stream, instead of a terminating string. Or scan the stream for instances of "endstream" and set the "Count" value appropriately08:16.53 
kens scanning the stream sounds expensive. I'm not sure we cna use the length on a subfiledecode filter, can we ?08:17.39 
kens goes off to consult the PLRM08:17.56 
  Ah, I see we could set EODCount and not bother with an EODStriong08:18.42 
  Well we know the count, and we know its realiable, so that probably will work, let me see if I can get it to.08:19.12 
chrisl Hmm, no, EODCount is the number of instance of EODString before we stop - that would involve scanning the stream for the string :-(08:20.20 
kens Oh, still bad then08:20.28 
chrisl I really thought subfiledecode could also take a byte length, but clearly not :-(08:21.04 
kens No, there's no provision for it, it seems08:21.21 
  Actually :08:22.01 
  EODString may also be of length 0, in which case the SubFileDecode filter will08:22.01 
  simply pass EODCount bytes of arbitrary data08:22.01 
  So there is provision08:22.11 
chrisl Oh, that's good - memory isn't failing after all.....08:22.39 
kens Yeah I just had to read on into the spec08:22.54 
  OK we retrieve the length for the stream, so this should be possible08:23.19 
  (Of course, it means that simple editing of the stream will go badly wrong....)08:23.50 
chrisl Well, we could take your suggestion and use something like ".ps2write_EndStream"08:24.47 
kens that's the only other thing I can think of, I'd only want to do it if CompressPages is false, but it would mean that ExecuteStream would have to know which terminating string to use.08:25.44 
chrisl Actually, I was wondering if we could use a random element if there (given you need to communicate the string to opdfread in some way anyway)?08:26.53 
kens Could do, I guess, though I'm not certain if that'sbetter :-)08:27.36 
chrisl I was thinking that it would be embarrassing if we documented this at some point, and we couldn't convert our own documentation!08:29.02 
kens Well, that's essentially the problem I ran into this time, it was an example of a PDF stream....08:29.33 
  Hmm, doing a random element would be harder, I'd need to store the random string and pass it around.08:31.25 
chrisl Well, just a thought....08:34.15 
kens I'm going to assume this will do for now.08:34.43 
Robin_Watts Morning mace. How goes ATS?09:09.22 
kens chrisl there turn out to be several places in the pdfwrite code where we emit endstream :-( Rather than meddle with each of them I've decided to use the empty EODString and the stream length. It does, unfortunately mean that when editing problem files I/we will need to keep the stream length correct.09:13.25 
chrisl kens: Okay, well, no worse than PDF editing, then.....09:18.13 
kens Yeah, I was just worried that if I started editing multipl e places it would turn into the usual pdfwrite can of worms09:18.39 
  So this will be tedious, but possible.09:18.59 
Robin_Watts Morning paul.09:44.19 
paulgardiner_lap Robin_Watts: hi09:47.14 
Robin_Watts pedro reviewed all but 2 of my changes, so they are in.09:47.34 
paulgardiner_lap I see you've replied to one of the SO support requests. I was just generating a bug for the other.09:48.04 
Robin_Watts Perfect.09:48.14 
  I have a bluetooth keyboard thing should you ever feel the urge to try it with the ipad.09:48.44 
paulgardiner_lap Robin_Watts: oh good about the changes. That was my next job to check if everything had gotten reviewed09:48.53 
  Robin_Watts: ah right. That would be handy09:49.13 
norbertj Robin_Watts: hello, can you setup the access for casper (regression cluster) for me, with the ssh-keyfile from peeves? Should I send the peeves ssh file to you then?10:06.55 
Robin_Watts norbertj: Hi.10:07.10 
  Yes, could you mail me that file please?10:07.21 
  norbertj: Step 1 is to set you up with ssh access on casper.10:07.56 
  The next steps depend on whether you are using windows or unix.10:08.12 
norbertj Robin_Watts: im on windows platform. At work I still have some issues with the firewall. But at home I should be able to connect.10:10.16 
Robin_Watts norbertj: And are you at home now ?10:10.27 
norbertj Robin_Watts: (file is sent). Currently I'm at work.10:10.43 
  Robin_Watts: so I can't test just now.10:11.05 
Robin_Watts OK, the normal (unix) way of working is to use rsync to transfer the files.10:11.18 
  sadly, this doesn't work well on windows, so I have a way of working using the git stuff.10:11.36 
  This will require a small amount of setup on your machine.10:11.47 
  Hence the best way to do this is to talk you through it when you are connected from home.10:12.08 
  but I will set up as much as I can now.10:12.17 
  That PPK is in putty format. I need it in openssh format please.10:13.22 
norbertj Robin_Watts: It's now 12:12 (local time), so when I'm at home I'll contact you (will be around 19:00 I think).10:13.41 
Robin_Watts norbertj: Fab.10:13.50 
jogux_mac anyone know if it's deliberate that the old picsel smart-office app (the £2.99 one) is still under the picsel account (ie wasn't transferred to the artifex account?)10:13.53 
Robin_Watts jogux_mac: That's a question for miles. He may just have missed it.10:14.20 
norbertj Robin_Watts: I just checked, and I have a putty connection with peeves ;)10:16.44 
Robin_Watts excellent!10:17.03 
norbertj Filezilla also works now.10:17.41 
Robin_Watts Did you resend the key in putty format?10:20.13 
norbertj Robin_Watts: just sent the keyfiles from peeves to you10:20.27 
jogux_mac robin_watts : okay, I'll email him then10:20.36 
Robin_Watts norbertj: Just arrived, thanks.10:20.44 
jogux_mac robin_watts : what's the protocol on that - should I cc you + paul + henry ?10:21.24 
Robin_Watts jogux_mac: Yes, that would be good.10:22.37 
  We also have tech at, which goes to all the engineers, but I'm not sure if you can write to that. We should get marcosw to add you.10:23.12 
  norbertj: Try ssh to casper now ?10:23.26 
norbertj works10:25.20 
Robin_Watts Fab.10:25.32 
  OK, so now to try to set up the cluster.10:25.37 
  What is your local username on the windows box?10:25.44 
norbertj Robin_Watts: njj10:26.01 
Robin_Watts OK. I may need to tweak stuff because of that.10:26.16 
  Can you paste the results of git remote -v please?10:27.17 
norbertj Robin_Watts: alas, I think I was connecting to peeves. But casper still does not work (our firewall I think).10:28.34 
Robin_Watts Ah.10:29.02 
  How do you commit to ghostscript then?10:29.12 
norbertj can I connect via peeves to casper?10:29.13 
  Robin_Watts: I never committed yet.10:29.27 
Robin_Watts norbertj: Yes, you should be able to.10:29.29 
  Ah, I see.10:29.35 
  You would need to have your appropriate private key on peeves though.10:30.00 
jogux_mac or generate a new key on peeves10:32.03 
  (and get Robin to add that to casper too :-) )10:32.11 
  that's probably easiest imho; just "ssh-keygen", press enter a few times, then cat ~/.ssh/ and email the output 10:33.13 
Robin_Watts yeah.10:34.49 
norbertj Robin_Watts: done it. Thanks jogux_mac for the suggestion.10:37.20 
Robin_Watts OK, you should now be able to ssh to casper from peeves?10:38.34 
norbertj Robin_Watts: yes, I'm on casper.10:40.42 
Robin_Watts great.10:40.48 
  In order to use the git cluster pushing stuff, we probably need a direct connection though.10:41.23 
  Or else we'd have to do hairy port forwarding.10:41.34 
chrisl Keep repo on peeves, commit to that first, and clusterpush from peeves?10:42.17 
jogux_mac if you use command line ssh on the windows side, you can do fruity (easy) stuff with .ssh/config. Not sure if that can be done with putty though.10:42.21 
Robin_Watts (on phone, sorry)10:42.40 
norbertj Robin_Watts: I do have GIT working on my PC (through http). So I just have to push my fix?10:43.28 
Robin_Watts norbertj: http will allow you to pull, but not to push.10:44.04 
  So... on peeves...10:44.20 
  mkdir repos.10:44.25 
  cd repos10:44.27 
norbertj Robin_Watts: then git checkout ?10:45.28 
Robin_Watts norbertj: Yeah, I'm just formulating the commands.10:45.44 
  We're going to have the whole bare/non-bare repo thing.10:46.06 
  git clone 
  That will clone you a non-bare repo. i.e. it will get you a repo with a working set.10:46.50 
norbertj Robin_Watts: /home/git/ghostPDL.git does not appear to be a git repository10:48.26 
Robin_Watts ghostpdl.git, sorry.10:48.57 
norbertj Yeah, found it too in my .git/config10:49.22 
Robin_Watts so, has that completed?10:55.52 
norbertj Robin_Watts: yes10:57.06 
Robin_Watts ok, so change into ghostpdl.git10:57.21 
  And do...10:57.25 
  gs/toolbin/localcluster/ gs lowres10:57.43 
  If we're lucky that should kick off a cluster run.10:59.27 
  If not, I should hopefully be able to see what I forgot to do from the output it gives :)10:59.56 
norbertj Robin_Watts: so cd ~/repos/ghostpdl and then gs/toolbin/localcluster/ gs lowres11:00.00 
Robin_Watts Yes.11:00.05 
pedro_ hi folks11:00.07 
Robin_Watts Hi pedro_11:00.13 
norbertj Then I miss: the cluster_key11:00.25 
Robin_Watts Right, yes.11:00.35 
  What's the exact error message?11:00.47 
norbertj Warning: Identity file /home/norbert/.ssh/cluster_key not accessible: No such file or directory.11:01.12 
  Permission denied (publickey).11:01.18 
Robin_Watts OK. just a tick.11:01.21 
  norbertj: cp ~robin/cluster_key ~/.ssh/cluster_key && chmod 600 ~/.ssh/cluster_key11:02.29 
norbertj Failed to make /home/regression/cluster/users/norbert/ghostpdl11:03.51 
Robin_Watts ok, just a mo.11:04.01 
  It's copying stuff... slowly.11:06.50 
  Try again now ?11:07.09 
  Woo Hoo!11:07.47 
norbertj did something ;) 11:07.50 
Robin_Watts Job is running.11:07.50 
norbertj With my jpeg patch.11:07.57 
Robin_Watts norbertj: I need to make you a a dashboard login...11:08.14 
  norbertj: So if you visit: it should ask you for a username/password.11:10.55 
  Your username is norbert, your password is in your email.11:11.04 
norbertj I'm in.11:13.14 
Robin_Watts OK, so the dashboard is fairly obvious. Top left is the list of machines in the cluster.11:13.59 
  Under that is the job queue.11:14.07 
  In the job queue: Red jobs have completed. green job is running, amber jobs are waiting to be run.11:14.40 
  Whenever we do a commit to either gs or mupdf, a job is queued. These are the ones that appear in the red section of the job queue.11:15.18 
  To the right of the job queue are the user links.11:15.25 
  When you schedule a user job, it will appear in the job queue, while it runs, then it will disappear when it finishes.11:15.58 
  You can look at the result of that run by clicking your name.11:16.11 
  So, the command you used to kick off the cluster run....11:16.48 
mace Robin_Watts: all the vm's are booted and on the virtual network11:17.32 
Robin_Watts In general, if you are in a ghostpdl directory and you do: gs/toolbin/localcluster/ that will kick off a run.11:17.50 
  With no options, it will run a full set of tests.11:18.11 
norbertj How long does a run take?11:18.35 
Robin_Watts You can restrict the tests it uses using: gs (just for pdf/ps), pcl (just for pcl/pxl etc), xps (just for xps)11:18.54 
  In addition, you can specify lowres to force it to omit the 300 dpi tests.11:19.40 
  Oh and pdfwrite for pdfwrite tests :)11:19.54 
  A full test takes 20-40 minutes depending on the mood of the cluster.11:20.12 
  Your test there took 11mins.11:20.21 
  So if you click on "norbert" in the user links, you should get the report.11:20.42 
  So your commit made changes in 530 simple rendering tests11:21.41 
  Plus 135 pdfwrite tests. Plus 93 ps2write tests.11:22.06 
  Were you expecting any diffs?11:22.25 
norbertj Not that many.11:22.39 
Robin_Watts norbertj: OK. So now we get to see another feature of the cluster.11:22.53 
  Now run: gs/toolbin/localcluster/ bmpcmp11:23.04 
kens Robin_Watts11:23.08 
  I just made some commits recently,possibly norbert doesn't have those11:23.20 
Robin_Watts kens: possibly, but this is working out as a nice example :)11:23.37 
kens Yep, I noticed that, just mentioning it so you know where to look :-)11:24.03 
norbertj kens: I just cloned, But perhaps the commit from 85mins ago?11:24.47 
kens norbert, yes possibly so11:24.57 
  depends what exactly your clone copied11:25.14 
norbertj bmpcmp done.11:25.19 
kens But Robin_Watts is correct, this will eb a useful exercise11:25.24 
Robin_Watts norbertj: So, you'll see that the cluster dashboard is now showing a bmpcmp job running.11:25.45 
kens Hmm, I can't get a bmpcmp result from norbert :-(11:25.48 
  Oh I see, not yet complete11:26.01 
norbertj yes, the submit was done.11:26.10 
kens No problem, my misunderstanding11:26.28 
Robin_Watts The cluster is taking the jobs that rendered differently in your last user test, and rendering them to bitmaps with the current trunk version, and your version.11:27.01 
  (it will only do the first 1000 files)11:27.23 
  Then it compares the bitmaps, and produces a series of webpages with the diffs in.11:27.39 
norbertj Robin_Watts: so I would 'git pull --rebase' to get in sync again?11:30.26 
Robin_Watts kens: seems unlikely that it will be your commits, as your commits didn't make 530 diffs :)11:30.28 
kens Robin_Watts : true, just thought that 'some' of tehm might be mine11:30.46 
Robin_Watts norbertj: Assuming you have no uncommitted changes, yes.11:30.59 
  norbertj: Did the email about the last job arrive?11:31.34 
kens So this is changes in the DCT decoder, possibly that could cause diffs11:33.02 
Robin_Watts kens: I vaguely thought the changes were pcl only.11:33.20 
kens There's some changes in sdctd.c11:33.33 
  THe others are PCL only11:33.55 
  None fo the files look like they would be impacted by my recent twiddling11:34.32 
Robin_Watts norbertj: So the run has now finished. Click on the 'bmpcmp' link to the right of 'norbert'.11:37.54 
kens Images gone missing it seems11:39.07 
Robin_Watts For each test (file/output device/resolution/banding) you'll get 1 or more triples of bitmaps.11:39.12 
  New, Old, Diff (or Candidate, Reference, Diff)11:39.37 
  As ken says, there are clearly images that aren't showing up in the rendering any more.11:40.07 
norbertj Ok, getting it. So my fix (though working for my testfile on pxl, has impact on postscript/pdf too).11:40.46 
Robin_Watts If you wave your mouse pointer in the middle image, you get a nice zoomed in magnifier thing11:40.58 
  In this case, it's very easy to see the differences between the images.11:41.33 
  and the green pixels in the "diff" image tells you where to look.11:41.51 
norbertj Nice bitmap compare tool.11:41.57 
Robin_Watts For some cases, you'll find that even with the diff the differences aren't easy to see, so there is 1 more trick.11:42.16 
  If you hold the ctrl key down on your keyboard, and roll the mouse in/out of the left hand image, the left/middle images will swap places.11:42.59 
  Thus you can do a "blink test" and it becomes MUCH easier to spot pixels turning on/off.11:43.26 
  You can download individual test files that shows the problems by clicking on the link in the title of each test.11:46.40 
  (either in the bmpcmp window, or within the report itself when viewed on the web).11:46.40 
  And the numbers in the header/footer of the bmpcmp page take you to the appropriate page of results.11:46.40 
  There are other options to bmpcmp to filter the results and do fuzzy compares etc, but we can revisit that if you ever need them :)11:46.41 
norbertj That's ok with me, I should be swamped with too much information ;)11:46.41 
Robin_Watts If you ever run tests and find that you're seeing some changes you don't understand, ask us about it. We have some files that change apparently at random. and we can tell you if this is one of those.11:47.15 
kens heads to lunch11:47.42 
norbertj I undid my changes, so if I do a clusterpush again, I should have 0 diffs.11:48.03 
Robin_Watts norbertj: Indeed.11:48.08 
  When you get it set up so that you can ssh direct from your machine, let me know and I'll talk you through the git based version.11:48.41 
norbertj Ok, I'm baselining now.11:48.56 
Robin_Watts Once set up it's basically the same stuff, just a different script to kick it off.11:49.04 
norbertj Robin_Watts: will do that. For now I'm ok.11:49.14 
Robin_Watts sure.11:49.25 
norbertj but have to rehink about my fix :(11:49.26 
Robin_Watts norbertj: Ah... every time you run a test, it shows you 2 things.11:50.00 
  1) the diff from the trunk.11:50.06 
  2) the diff from your previous run.11:50.13 
  So when you get your next report though you should see no diffs from the trunk, and then 530 diffs from the previous run.11:50.37 
  If you are not expecting this, it can be very confusing as a quick glance makes it look like all the diffs are still there. It gets me every time. :)11:51.08 
norbertj I'll try to remember it ;)11:51.55 
Robin_Watts Jogux, pedro, paulgardiner: So... other than getting these last 2 commits in, I'm up to date with everything, I think.11:52.58 
jogux_mac cool11:53.05 
Robin_Watts I have to figure out what to look at next in SmartOffice.11:53.10 
  Adding jbig2dec support to the image component is one possibility (so we'll finally be able to read baseline PDFs properly :) )11:54.04 
  or I could jump in to help with the word file appearance stuff.11:54.43 
  pedro_: I don't want to duplicate effort, or get in other peoples way though. You've been looking at this. Is there a separable bit of work you can see that I could usefully do?11:55.40 
  Also, both paulgardiner and I are off Thurs/Fri this week and Mon/Tuesday next week.11:57.17 
pedro_ robin> I'm still working mostly on the missing content/unsupported stuff, and haven't looked at much of the font/word-wrap/linespacing stuff in detail, which seems like it may be fairly closely related.12:01.11 
Robin_Watts closely related to the missing content stuff?12:01.45 
paulgardiner jogux_mac: Do you know how to add files onto the iOS simulator for use by an app?12:01.57 
pedro_ is also away from Friday this week until Friday next week (although planning to do a day or two while I'm away)12:02.15 
jogux_mac paulgardiner: just copy them in :-)12:02.22 
  paulgardiner: as a general rule of thumb I tend to do more debug on an actual device btw12:03.11 
  but let me just find the location you need to copy to12:03.17 
paulgardiner jogux_mac: I almost never use the simulator, but I have no airprint printer12:03.37 
pedro_ Robin_watts: sorry, I meant that from what I've looked at so far, a lot of the layout stuff seems attributable to font metric/linespacing differences12:03.38 
Robin_Watts pedro_: Ah, right, yes.12:03.49 
jogux_mac paulgardiner: ahhh. d'oh.12:04.15 
pedro_ much of the stuff I'm looking at just isn't supported at present :(12:04.17 
Robin_Watts I'm hoping that we should be a lot better in terms of font metrics now (so horizontal layout should be more or less OK)12:04.31 
pedro_ nods - cool12:04.45 
Robin_Watts linespacing is a different matter. Fixing the vertical spacings in the fonts does not seem to have solved the linespacing issues.12:05.06 
paulgardiner jogux_mac: just copy them in to where? I read things have changed since v 6.112:05.12 
Robin_Watts So, if I was to look at the linespacing stuff, that wouldn't be conflicting with you?12:05.39 
pedro_ no - that would be great. I'm mostly in the parsing/styling support in te msword DA & ooxml code plus the VML parsing (shapes and images) at the moment12:07.31 
jogux_mac paulgardiner: yeah, just checking the path. I don't seem to have a build handy :-S12:07.32 
Robin_Watts pedro_: Fab.12:07.45 
jogux_mac paulgardiner: something like ~/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/7.1-64/Applications/<>/Documents12:10.15 
  actually the easiest way to get that path; start the app in simulator then ps -axf | grep -i smartoffice or whatever12:10.44 
paulgardiner_lap jogux_mac: magic thanks12:10.45 
jogux_mac or just cheat and use the getting started or template docs that are bundled with the app :-)12:11.38 
jogux_mac is very tempted to suggest we should add much of the customer config information into git (ie. so the build commands in the release spreadsheet become more like scripts/ --release=ios-appstore)12:13.20 
Robin_Watts ohgodyes.12:14.03 
jogux_mac paulgardiner: I can probably try and test airprint12:14.22 
  I suspect to make tracking changes to a customer's config easier we should have a .txt per release type with one line per build option or something12:14.51 
paulgardiner_lap jogux_mac: great. I'll invite you to out testflight thingy in a minute12:15.42 
jogux_mac paulgardiner_lap: may be handy.12:16.08 
  paulgardiner_lap : oh, we already use testflight? cool :-)12:16.22 
Robin_Watts jogux_mac: Or add comments to the script where we handle the --release thing? Although git history will probably help us there.12:16.33 
jogux_mac I think, given it's current size, ideas that add the least possible to should be encouraged :-)12:17.28 
  actually I wonder if it should be a simple outer wrapper, as not all releases are tgvbuild based. (some releases seem to be done randomly with at least)12:18.56 
paulgardiner_lap He he. I was just going to say outer wrapper12:20.04 
emarsden Hi, the pdfwrite output mechanism seems to break PDF file attachment annotations and document-level file attachments. Is this a known problem?12:26.49 
Robin_Watts So, can anyone suggest a suitable build line for the windows version of smart office? To save me a few iterations of guesswork?12:27.10 
kens pdfwrite does not support certain kinds of annotations12:27.11 
  see gdevpdfm.c for supported annotations12:27.29 
pedro_ -vs2010 --dispman-ue2fileviewer app/simple12:27.47 
jogux_mac would throw a -debug into pedro's suggestion.12:28.02 
pedro_ well, yeah, that's implied ;)12:28.14 
jogux_mac :-)12:28.32 
Robin_Watts will play with -vs2005 and -vs2008 switches too.12:29.03 
pedro_ nods12:29.14 
jogux_mac -vs2005 may be the point you discover you're missing the directx sdk or winhttp.h, itrying to nstall could be the final straw that pushes you over the edge :-)12:29.56 
Robin_Watts jogux_mac: Indeed.12:30.16 
pedro_ quick question: for bugs in ghostdocs where we appear to be adhering to the ooxml specs (and match OpenOffice rendering) are we still aiming to match MSWord?12:32.20 
Robin_Watts pedro_: Leave a bugzilla bug open, but lower the priority.12:33.10 
  Our initial priority is to match cases where LibreOffice/OpenOffice/MSWord etc all agree.12:33.27 
pedro_ ok, ta. 12:33.33 
emarsden kens: OK, thanks12:39.37 
Robin_Watts TTOTD: Before going hunting through the build system looking for where a define is being enabled, check to see if you are setting it on the command line.12:47.13 
jogux_mac :-)12:47.38 
Robin_Watts pedro: Should I expect to have to do -windows7, or is that detected automatically?13:04.58 
pedro_ believes that's a maual switch13:05.30 
Robin_Watts Ass, so I need to restart my build :(13:06.21 
Robin_Watts lunches13:06.33 
jogux_mac possibly daft question, what does -windows7 do?13:06.53 
pedro_ robin> you'll still get a binary which runs on win713:06.53 
  at present, doesn't package anything (just sets up a bunc of build settigns to sensible values (as per windows8) but doesn't currently package anything13:08.20 
pedro_ doesn't think Robin_Watts needs to use -windows713:09.34 
  (basically because we have the dispman-ue2fileviewer dev build working without that, and aren't planning to do a win7-based installer at present13:12.00 
Robin_Watts Missing winhttp.h.13:46.06 
  Jogu: Was that one of your predictions?13:46.14 
  yeah. Let me move to 2008.13:46.34 
jogux_mac it was13:48.06 
Robin_Watts actually, sod it. I'll use 2010.13:48.58 
jogux_mac I'm tempted to suggest we nominally standardize on a vs version everyone has access to (which would almost certainly be one of the free express editions)13:49.17 
  2013 is a requirement for winrt stuff I think too.13:49.39 
Robin_Watts jogux_mac: Yeah, it would make sense.13:49.39 
  2013 requires windows 8 to run on.13:49.52 
pedro_ jogux> the 'express' editions will probably involve more path hacking vs. the 'full' versions of the same vintage13:50.30 
jogux_mac robin_watts : afaik 2013 runs on win7.... however you can only submit windows store apps from 8.1.13:52.11 
  pedro : seems likely, albeit I would wager that the -vs2012 flag is already setup for the free version...13:53.21 
  I'm fairly certain I tried -vs2012 and it worked with the free one, anyway13:54.48 
safa_ congrats on mupdf, a great tool13:58.06 
kens thanks safa_ on behalf of the actual developers13:59.08 
Robin_Watts safa_: Thanks. Do you have a question? I have to pop out for 15 mins in a mo.13:59.41 
safa_ running on old debian laptop, everything works perfectly14:00.16 
  only question, after looking through source, there's no way opening a pdf could reveal ip address?14:00.33 
  i don't see any socket calls, etc14:00.37 
Robin_Watts nope. no networking at all.14:00.50 
safa_ sweet14:01.07 
  you guys rock14:01.10 
  if only other pdf readers cared as much about security :)14:03.50 
  their users' security, that is14:04.00 
Robin_Watts pedro_: Doing a build under vs2010, but without -windows7, it died with: EXEC : error : Failed to execute command python D:\cvs\artifex\sot.git\epage/platform/tgv/apps/simple/postlink.py14:20.52 
  Should I expect that?14:20.56 
pedro_ that's an interesting location14:21.56 
Robin_Watts It is? It exists.14:22.28 
jogux_mac is there not another more detailed error hidden somewhere?14:22.48 
pedro_ nods - just an odd one to fail on14:23.04 
pedro_ thinks I'd have had app/simple rather than appsimple14:24.37 
  not sure whbut probably unrelated to the error14:25.01 
  : rephrases14:25.10 
Robin_Watts retries with app/simple14:25.37 
  oh, that changed the path, so it's rebuilding everything. Joy.14:26.12 
pedro_ :(14:26.24 
jogux_mac robin_watts : I wouldn't necessarily rule out their been an error earlier in that log; the output streams sometimes seem rather "interleaved"14:26.41 
  I can't otherwise understand why your system would now be refusing to start a python script it's succeeded in running before14:27.06 
Robin_Watts previously, I've seen such errors and they meant "we ran that script, but didn't show you any output from it, and it returned a failing error code"14:29.57 
  ooh, yes, earlier errors.14:31.12 
  1>d:\cvs\artifex\sot.git\epage\platform\tgv\apps\windows-alien-common\tcp\alien-tcp-types.h(32): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'openssl/ssl.h': No such file or directory [D:\cvs\artifex\sot.git\epage\platform\tgv\apps\windows-alien-vs2010\win32ui.vcxproj]14:31.51 
  1> alien-tcp-api.c14:31.53 
  where should it be finding openssl ?14:32.23 
pedro_ mm, the project files are hardcoded to assume you have OpenSSL in C:\OpenSSL14:32.38 
Robin_Watts Ah.14:32.49 
  jogux_mac: Do you have VS2010? Pedro obviously does, I do, and I think Paul does.14:33.05 
pedro_ thinks that *should* have been the same with vs2005 though...14:33.13 
Robin_Watts pedro_: I've been doing -nonet builds until now.14:33.38 
pedro_ ah14:33.50 
Robin_Watts and avoiding tgv.14:33.51 
paulgardiner I have the Express version14:34.05 
pedro_ envies your approach14:34.12 
Robin_Watts Working with test-shell is simpler/faster.14:34.15 
jogux_mac robin_watts: I don't think I have it installed, but I appear to have a vs2010 pro key from somewhere.14:34.20 
  I'm tempted to believe we should change openssl to be installed in the default location.14:34.48 
Robin_Watts Well, VS2005/2008 basically use the same project file format.14:34.55 
jogux_mac robin_watts : it's the /32 bit/ openssl you want btw.14:35.17 
paulgardiner New MuPDF Ad Hoc release is a 13MB ipa file, previous (Jan) was 8MB. Not sure what has caused the difference. Can't be mujs, surely?14:35.22 
  tor8: ^14:35.35 
jogux_mac paulgardiner> have you changed xcode version since?14:36.10 
Robin_Watts jogux_mac: I bet there is an archive on points somewhere.14:36.15 
jogux_mac robin_watts : yeah, I'd hope I can find the iso somewhere14:36.40 
Robin_Watts jogux_mac: I meant for openssl :)14:36.52 
tor8 paulgardiner: no, can't be mujs by any reasonable explanation14:37.07 
jogux_mac robin_watts : oh, right. well I'd just use the latest.14:37.17 
paulgardiner jogux_mac: possibly.14:37.21 
jogux_mac since all the earlier versions have security holes14:37.31 
pedro_ the latest works fine14:38.10 
jogux_mac paulgardiner : if you've moved xcode 4 -> 5, it may be an armv7/armv7s binary now rather than a armv6/armv7. though not sure that explains it either really.14:38.13 
paulgardiner But I thought I had to swap to XCode 5 to target my iPad so I would have been forced to do so in Jan14:38.35 
jogux_mac yeah, just install to c:\openssl (as opposed to c:\openssl-32bit or whatever it defaults to)14:38.38 
paulgardiner XCode has probably updated in that time14:39.03 
Robin_Watts jogux_mac: And that path is hardcoded in a .vcproj? or a .bld ?14:39.21 
jogux_mac probably 4 billion vcprojs14:39.39 
pedro_ the windows project files - incudes and libs14:39.58 
Robin_Watts Urgh. Would be nicer as a sysvar, but I bet that's not possible.14:39.59 
jogux_mac probably some .bld or similar too, but they're less relevant.14:40.02 
Robin_Watts We should use PENSSL_DIR% or something, and then set that smartly in the .py code.14:40.29 
  bah. stupid irc.14:40.41 
jogux_mac wonders if openssl installer sets up any env variables.14:40.47 
pedro_ reckons it could probably be added to the relevant toolchain files14:40.58 
Robin_Watts cos C is my SSD and I'd rather not waste space on that.14:41.32 
jogux_mac paulgardiner : might be worth unzipping both and diffing.14:41.38 
paulgardiner_lap jogux_mac: yeah good thought14:42.18 
pedro_ jogu: OPENSSL_CONF could be parsed to get the base (points at OpenSSL-Win32\bin\openssl.cfg)14:42.27 
jogux_mac pedro : sounds like a plan.14:42.42 
Robin_Watts pedro, jogu: I'll look into that then?14:42.59 
jogux_mac has no objection.14:43.10 
pedro_ robin> cool14:43.12 
Robin_Watts I'll invent an OPENSSL_DIR env var, and set that (if it's not already set) by deriving it from the OPENSSL_CONF one.14:43.42 
jogux_mac cool.14:43.53 
  for bonus marks, bail out saying "install openssl from htto://blalbhah/" if that var is unset :-)14:44.11 
Robin_Watts something is not right with my PC. Going to reboot.14:56.38 
paulgardiner_mac Jogux: re mupdf, the actual binaries are wildly different in size 16MB vs 26MB. I guess I cannot easily analyse any further15:04.00 
jogux_mac ah right. there's probably more you can do, but it may not be worth the time :-)15:04.38 
paulgardiner_mac I guess anything silly I might have done would show up in git history.15:07.11 
Robin_Watts jogux_mac: no openssl env vars here :(15:07.24 
pedro_ Robin_Watts: that's the same installer I used and it created them for me :-S15:08.27 
jogux_mac checks my win8.1 install; that definitely has openssl_conf set.15:08.44 
Robin_Watts pedro_: Did you change any options on the install other than install dir ?15:09.52 
jogux_mac definitely didn't.15:10.03 
pedro_ Robin_Watts: no 15:12.33 
Robin_Watts You let it copy DLLs to the windows dir? Me too.15:12.39 
pedro_ nods15:12.48 
Robin_Watts Just re ran the installer. Still no vars.15:13.24 
  I have a space in my path. Maybe that's it?15:13.34 
pedro_ re-installs15:14.05 
Robin_Watts no, even with no space, no sysvar.15:14.30 
pedro__ boggles - I've just removed the env var and the OpenSSL dir, reinstalled and now its not creating the env var when I reinstall15:21.10 
pedro wonders if it only creates that var the first time you run the DLLs...15:23.48 
Robin_Watts don't worry, I'll cope.15:29.11 
pedro_ Robin_Watts: just rebooted, et voila!15:30.38 
mvrhel_laptop kens: are you there?15:30.46 
Robin_Watts so it only shows up on a reboot?15:30.49 
kens mvrhel_laptop : yes, is it quick ?15:30.55 
pedro_ apparently so15:30.56 
mvrhel_laptop kens: bug 69511815:31.16 
kens yes ?15:31.26 
mvrhel_laptop kens never mind I see you comment15:32.42 
kens :-D15:32.49 
mvrhel_laptop typing slow today15:32.50 
  I will see if I can figure this out before the next staff meeting15:33.22 
  it really should not be too hard15:33.27 
kens ok thx michael15:33.33 
mvrhel_laptop have a good night kens15:33.41 
kens not gone yet ;-)15:33.49 
darkdrgn2k Hi All15:37.30 
  im using the GhostScript Win32 API and it works great... except when it reandomly doesnt yielding -100 durring gsapi_new_instance15:38.06 
  its running in an IIS process and works fine if i switch pools so makes me thing it may be a memory leak of some sort?15:38.25 
chrisl darkdrgn2k: I assume you are also shutting down Ghostscript properly?15:41.10 
darkdrgn2k yep looks liek it15:41.53 
  gchandleArgs.Free() api_exit(intGSInstanceHandle) gsapi_delete_instance(intGSInstanceHandle)15:42.03 
  found that my If (intReturn < 0) Then didnt gsapi_delete_instance(intGSInstanceHandle) but i dont know if that could be an issue15:42.23 
  and if i swich the IIS pool everythign starts working again15:42.45 
chrisl darkdrgn2k: I don't think that shuts down ghostscript, just deletes the dll instance......15:45.08 
  darkdrgn2k: I think before that, you need a call to gsapi_exit()15:46.38 
darkdrgn2k here is the whole function15:46.55\15:46.55 
chrisl As best I can tell, it looks okay, so you may have found a problem.15:48.40 
darkdrgn2k i hope so15:49.32 
  memory ussage on server is growing after i swiched the pool15:50.26 
  but that could just be normal oprations..15:50.34 
chrisl You're best bet would be to produce a minimal C program to reproduce your issue, and find a single job that, run repeatedly, shows memory increasing15:50.45 
  The report a bug15:50.52 
darkdrgn2k yeh... well its not my coding thought tirhgt15:51.06 
  it looks right15:51.08 
  what would cause -100?15:51.16 
chrisl -100 is gs_error_Fatal - we couldn't even initialise enough to give a meaningful error15:52.18 
darkdrgn2k so it could be memory or somethign else rigt15:52.36 
chrisl Yes, but it's going to be very hard to tell without debugging it15:52.59 
  darkdrgn2k: actually, what version of gs are you using?15:56.43 
darkdrgn2k just upgraded to 9.02 i think15:57.04 
kens O.O15:57.09 
darkdrgn2k sorry15:57.16 
  i upgraded from 90615:57.35 
chrisl We just released 9.14.... but I'm not sure that'll help15:57.47 
kens what's the device ?15:57.59 
darkdrgn2k windows 2008R2 server15:58.45 
  just using GS to thumbnail pdfs..15:58.57 
kens what GS device ?15:59.05 
darkdrgn2k ? sorry i dont understand the question15:59.30 
chrisl What kind of output are you creating?15:59.47 
darkdrgn2k oh15:59.54 
kens at least its not pdfwrite :-)16:00.13 
darkdrgn2k LoL no PDF->JPG :)16:00.28 
  astrArgs(9) = "-sOutputFile=c:\temp\" & tmp.ToString & "-%03d.jpg"16:00.29 
  and only 1 page16:00.48 
chrisl So, you should have something like -sDEVICE=jpeg in your args16:00.50 
darkdrgn2k "-dNOPAUSE" "-dBATCH" "-dSAFER" "-dFirstPage=1" "-dLastPage=1" "-dNOPAUSE" "-sDEVICE=jpeg" "-r72"16:01.32 
chrisl Seems fair enough16:02.23 
darkdrgn2k gs doensst do office docs right?16:02.56 
chrisl No, it only does Postscript and PDF16:03.14 
darkdrgn2k meh good enough for me16:03.37 
chrisl Office formats have problems as general purpose "printing" formats16:04.08 
darkdrgn2k yeh and being propriatery its a pain16:04.35 
chrisl The recent XML based ones are "open"16:04.54 
  darkdrgn2k: how easily could you temporarily handle either file types other than jpeg, or even no image files at all?16:06.10 
darkdrgn2k what do you mean?16:06.53 
  the generation of imnages is not a critical component of the page in question.16:07.10 
chrisl Well, could you accept PNG, for exmaple?16:07.49 
  Or better yet, ppm?16:08.08 
kens OK I'm off, if henrys pops up could someone direct him to bug #695123 and its two companions ans ask him for an opinion regarding rasterops please /16:12.36 
  goodnight all16:12.48 
chrisl goodnight kens 16:12.55 
Robin_Watts wasn't henrys away today? I could be misremembering.16:13.20 
chrisl I don't see a mail from him about it, but I could have deleted it.....16:14.28 
darkdrgn2k chrisl: jpgs are smaller that the only reason i was using them but pngs are fine too16:20.06 
Robin_Watts jpgs are a very poor choice for rendering pdf and ps to.16:21.31 
chrisl darkdrgn2k: all I wanted was for you try something other than the jpeg device to see if it was the device causing the problem, or if it device independent16:22.02 
Robin_Watts pdf and ps generally contain text. Text has lots of high frequency edges, and so will look awful with jpeg compression; lots of ringing.16:22.07 
  -sDEVIVE=png16m will give nicer results.16:22.27 
darkdrgn2k ok ill try it out16:22.33 
henrys_ norbertj: you can just remove the OCE #define and commit if you want now that you have an account. We do like changes to have a review by any staff member before committing16:28.00 
  norbertj: I reviewed that one.16:28.14 
Robin_Watts norbertj: You found the diffs then?16:28.53 
  extra parens in the if (A || (B && C) ) ?16:29.26 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: we generally don't like sending SSh private key files via email (unless they are encrypted, and the password is transmitted verbally) It's too easy for emails to go awry16:40.48 
Robin_Watts ray_laptop: Fair enough.16:41.35 
ray_laptop Robin_Watts: but if it was just his public keys for "authorized_keys", then that's fine16:41.50 
Robin_Watts It was.16:42.01 
ray_laptop I couldn't tell from the exchange for sure. Thanks16:42.16 
henrys_ oh I didn't see kens question because he was missing the _ in my irc name.16:42.48 
ray_laptop henrys: I just trigger on 'ray' so all of my various nicks are picked up16:43.37 
  which will work until we get someone hanging out here that confuses that16:44.10 
henrys ray_laptop: oh I didn't know I could do that.16:44.12 
ray_laptop henrys: maybe not -- it's a client feature. Chatzilla allows for it16:44.35 
chrisl I think most gui clients let you specify highlight key words, or similar16:46.36 
ray_laptop oops. have to run something home. bbiab16:48.11 
mvrhel_laptop ray_laptop: you still there?16:48.28 
  the email from customer 885 seems crazy. 16:50.29 
Robin_Watts pedro: Did you footle with "browse-tags" ?16:53.54 
pedro Robin_Watts: not that I recall - let me check16:55.52 
Robin_Watts pedro: No, you didn't. sorry.16:57.01 
pedro np - I did tweak some of the toolchain files so wasn't 100% sure ;)16:59.19 
norbertj henrys: you mean the plexity-patch I assume17:03.29 
henrys norbertj: right17:04.21 
jogux_mac pedro : robin_watts : paulgardiner : latest commit in my repo contains a very simple go at earlier discussion about keeping release build commands in git; comments welcome.17:08.16 
Robin_Watts pedro: So, I've built (without -windows7) and it says it's completed... but where is my binary?17:08.21 
jogux_mac robin_watts : scripts\ ?17:08.33 
Robin_Watts jogux_mac: Doesn't work trivially.17:08.48 
jogux_mac how does it fail?17:09.04 
pedro platform/tgv/apps/mindows-vs201-alien iirc17:09.11 
  or windows17:09.17 
Robin_Watts D:\cvs\artifex\sot.git\epage\platform\tgv\apps\windows-alien-vs2010\Debug17:09.45 
  jogux_mac: It wasn't liking the fact that I don't have GEN_ROOT set.17:10.00 
pedro tries to type 'windows-alien-vs2010 (or 2005 or 2012, depending on toolchain)17:10.15 
Robin_Watts but if i run it under it worked.17:10.16 
jogux_mac robin_watts : wtf.17:10.29 
Robin_Watts sets GEN_ROOT for me :)17:10.43 
jogux_mac oh. right. yes.17:11.10 
Robin_Watts Still building into the tree. <gerph>sigh</sign>17:11.26 
pedro Robin_Watts: mm, always has iirc17:11.43 
Robin_Watts pedro: Always has, yes. But the longevity of the shiteness does not excuse the shiteness itself.17:12.07 
jogux_mac robin_watts : we tried not building in the tree at some point, but the only sane solution resulted in two copies of all the files, and people always editted the wrong ones :-)17:12.08 
pedro apart from host tools and a few other resourcey bits and pre-processed files17:12.26 
jogux_mac although for the iphone build someone seems to have gone out of their way to build stuffi n the tree :-(17:12.49 
Robin_Watts I ran the binary... and it asserted.17:15.45 
Robin_Watts sobs.17:15.49 
jogux_mac aw17:16.02 
Robin_Watts Is this the point where I need a -windows7 flag?17:16.34 
pedro is on windows7 and doesn't need it17:16.58 
  what was the assert?17:17.03 
Robin_Watts assert(NULL == model)17:17.14 
  from within UE2FvModel_Busy_disable17:17.21 
jogux_mac try dragging it from debug up a directory?17:17.31 
pedro do you have the patch for the temp dir path fix?17:17.37 
jogux_mac I suspect it's failing to find the mcf files.17:17.39 
  actually, no, not sure I suspect that.17:18.22 
jogux_mac reckons pedro was closer.17:18.30 
  can you run it in the debugger and catch the console output?17:18.39 
Robin_Watts pedro: the what for the what?17:18.42 
jogux_mac robin_watts : pedro's patch that you fixed the url_destroy position17:18.55 
pedro Robin_Watts: that's the one17:19.05 
Robin_Watts jogux_mac: I am running it in the debugger, and it looks to me like it's failing to find the mcf files.17:19.13 
jogux_mac oh, I was right17:19.19 
Robin_Watts Yes, I have all pedros fixes (which are on golden now I believe).17:19.30 
jogux_mac try movning it up a level in the file system :-)17:19.31 
  the older builds don't generate the binary in the 'Debug' subdirectory, for whatever reason. so I suspect that of being an issue.17:20.08 
pedro dispman-ue2fileviewer builds the mcfs into an 'mcf' directory in the same location as the binary, so should work in or outside the debugger17:20.16 
  robin> which toolchain are you using?17:20.42 
Robin_Watts There is no "busy-background.png"17:20.45 
  The paths look plausible.17:20.57 
  0.463|[09]:Th 0x05071BD4:( dispManAppThread):Ignored error 'D:\cvs\artifex\sot.git\epage\foundation\platform\tgv\libraries\io\fs\file-veneer.c[1310]:Open of /d:/cvs/artifex/sot.git/epage/D:/cvs/artifex/sot.git/epage/platform/tgv/apps/windows-alien-vs2010/DEBUG/mcfs/carbon-blue-480.mcf/busy-background.png failed (:)' [30F], at D:\cvs\artifex\sot.git\epage\libraries\image\create-url.c:32317:21.18 
  oh, so scratch what I said about the busy-background.png17:21.48 
pedro genrootness17:22.46 
Robin_Watts 0.458|[00]:Th 0x05071BD4:( dispManAppThread):Ignored error 'D:\cvs\artifex\sot.git\epage\foundation\platform\tgv\libraries\io\fs\file-veneer.c[1310]:Open of /d:/cvs/artifex/sot.git/epage/epage_dir/Resource/image/placeholder.png failed (:)' [30F], at D:\cvs\artifex\sot.git\epage\libraries\image\decoder.c:120017:23.07 
  I think EPAGE_DIRECTORY is not being picked up.17:23.16 
jogux_mac the first one sounds fatal; the latter one less so.17:23.39 
  actually, no, I think that busy-background.png is non-fatal too17:24.06 
Robin_Watts let me pastebin the whole lot.17:24.18 
pedro the first one appears to have your EPAGE_DIRECTORY twice in the path17:24.29 
jogux_mac true, true.17:24.46 
jogux_mac robin may well be the first person to try doing this from anything other than c:17:24.59 
Robin_Watts The problem is the font init, I think.17:25.08 
jogux_mac yes17:25.37 
Robin_Watts and that's an EPAGE_DIRECTORY problem.17:25.47 
jogux_mac yeah. but it should 'just work'. I don't have to manually set EPAGE_DIRECTORY.17:26.30 
  (I'm not sure /why/ it just works)17:26.40 
pedro Open of /d:/cvs/artifex/sot.git/epage/D:/cvs/artifex/sot.git/epage/platform/tgv/apps/windows-alien-vs2010/DEBUG/mcfs/carbon-blue-480.mcf/busy-background.png failed17:27.06 
jogux_mac oh. hm. did you set EPAGE_DIRECTORY?17:27.15 
  the fonts should be in romfiles.17:27.22 
Robin_Watts EPAGE_DIRECTORY=d:\cvs\artifex\sot.git\epage17:27.31 
jogux_mac don't do that :-)17:27.35 
Robin_Watts Ah. Let me unset it.17:27.38 
jogux_mac we should, at some point, fix the app to not assert in an utterly random place if startup fails :(17:28.21 
Robin_Watts I suspect I have it set by default in the environment.17:28.54 
jogux_mac :)17:30.00 
Robin_Watts Thanks guys.17:30.06 
  I will now prepare some reviews with what I've learned.17:30.16 
  Was anyone waiting on reviews from me ?17:30.28 
jogux_mac robin_watts : I'm not sure it's ready for review, but comments on my release script welcome (last commit in my repo)17:30.54 
Robin_Watts yes, of course, goldfish memory strikes again.17:31.14 
jogux_mac or less politely put, it's ready to go but I'm not saying so and instead betting on you lot deciding there are 4 billion 'must have' features :-)17:31.38 
pedro does seem worthwhile for us to do some sanitisation pre-build, post-build and runtime - we seem to have a bunch of errors reported (and lost in the scrollback). Wasn't so easy when we had huge numbers of configurations, but should be feasible now with a few SOT/lib builds17:32.36 
Robin_Watts Jogux, pedro: Minor thing, but can we try to keep log file messages to a 72 char width please?17:42.29 
  otherwise gitk zaps them off the right hand side of the window.17:42.44 
  And not just gitk, git log etc too.17:43.11 
  Jogux: Can we have comments in the text files?17:44.31 
  Like "# Very important to use -define=WE_LOVE_STEVE with ios" etc.17:45.02 
  oh, it seems we can. excellent.17:45.18 
  Are we sure that calling subprocess is safe on windows? If it was safe, then why the hell are we using os.spawnve everywhere?17:45.54 
  Jogux: I'm not the best person to review the ios stuff, but it all looks sane to me.17:47.36 
Jogux robin_watts : I'm presuming subprocess postdates most of the epage build system. or at least, am hoping that.18:10.33 
Robin_Watts ok.18:11.10 
  We can try it and see. If it causes problems we can cut and paste the doCommand stuff back.18:11.32 
Jogux nods.18:11.41 
Robin_Watts If it doesn't cause problems we can probably simplify the rest to use subprocess :)18:11.50 
Jogux robin_watts : actually maybe I should allow comments at the end of lines too. I only allow purely comment lines just now.18:12.12 
Robin_Watts Jogux: ah, possibly.18:12.33 
Jogux I'm pondering taking any extra params to and shoving them onto the build line too.18:13.05 
  and maybe hardcoding it to look it epage/release-configs, and not require the .txt.18:13.25 
  so it'd be ios-appstore -debug to build the appstore release, but with debug enabled. or something.18:13.46 
Robin_Watts Yeah.18:13.56 
  Only that might encourage people to do release builds without updating the scripts.18:14.09 
Jogux yeah, sort of.18:14.23 
Robin_Watts but I do like the idea of -debug and -fortify being available.18:14.25 
Jogux need to do something about --setvers too, as we need to pass that through to releases.18:14.36 
  (filled out with issue number etcetc)18:14.51 
  I'm assuming we would still put the build command into the release spreadsheet, it would just be that the commands are a hell of a lot shorter.18:15.25 
Robin_Watts Jogux: 3 more commits on robin/master18:26.16 
  pedro: OK. I've got my commits on robin/master now (for the openssl and updated solution etc). Now I can finally start looking at the line spacing stuff :)18:57.17 
  pedro: In your travels through the docs have you found a good example .docx for poor line spacing?19:00.05 
  bug 694998 talks about a .doc file, and we've since decided that .docx is higher priority than .doc19:00.32 
norbertj Robin_Watts: I'm looking through the cmpbmp output for the jpeg-patch, pxl jobs. It seems that the images are more elongated (i.e. not missing scans). Can we compare those bitmaps with reference output?19:00.46 
Robin_Watts norbertj: What do you mean by reference output?19:01.28 
norbertj Robin_Watts: like paperoutput from e.g. QualityLogic or a reference printer19:01.55 
Robin_Watts norbertj: No. The cluster doesn't have such reference output available.19:02.24 
  It purely works spotting changes between versions of our own code (i.e. it's regression testing, not correctness testing)19:02.53 
norbertj Robin_Watts: Ok, I was just looking for a way that proves that the output now generated is correct. E.g. by printing on a HPLJ4600 and verify against ghost-output to see if it looks the same size. Some of the differences are quite clear.19:05.44 
Robin_Watts 24 and 26 would seem to be odd.19:05.52 
  24 and 28 probably easier to see.19:06.10 
  30 and 33 too.19:06.24 
  36 and 3819:06.37 
  but I could believe the earlier ones were improvements.19:07.16 
pedro Robin_Watts: cool - I'll take a nosey at the commits. I've found most of the .doc files reproduce the same layout issues when you save them as .docx19:07.18 
Robin_Watts pedro: D'Oh. That didn't occur to me :)19:07.42 
pedro as long as they reproduce the same fonts/styles they should be ok19:08.20 
Robin_Watts pedro: I am tempted to start with some very simple 1 font, 1 font size tests.19:08.49 
pedro nods19:08.56 
  I'm doing the same with most of the other MSWord bugs; creating degenerate cases. Its quite painful to debug otherwise19:09.28 
  Robin_Watts: the other thing I've noticed in passing is that there are various properties which *may* be set such as kerning levels in the document styling xml which presumably gets read by Word to modify the font rendering; iirc we only use the built-in kerning tables when rendering fonts don't we? 19:12.54 
  things like condensed/expanded etc and font synthesis in general will probably cause us a bit of grief19:13.35 
Robin_Watts pedro: AFAIK, we just use the defaults.19:14.19 
  Yeah, if we 'only' go wrong with stuff that does silly things with condensed etc, I would count that as progress :)19:14.52 
pedro heh19:15.04 
Robin_Watts Oh great. I just constructed a file with libreoffice. Just some lorem ipsum text.19:18.04 
  I save it, load it back in, and open office renders it differently.19:18.15 
Jogux :-D19:18.36 
Robin_Watts Let me install 4.2.2 and retry.19:18.57 
pedro its good that they standardised ooxml19:24.19 
Robin_Watts And 4.2.2 loads it in a completely different way.19:27.00 
fdncred Greetings fellow mupdfers/gsers. I need some help if possible. I have a pdf that mupdf.exe will not view. It keeps throwing an exception in colorspace.c on this line: assert(srcs->to_rgb && dsts->from_rgb);19:37.17 
  the dsts->from_rgb is null19:37.35 
  I can email the PDF if that would be helpful, if anyone has time to take a look.19:38.28 
Robin_Watts fdncred: Are you using the latest version from git?19:44.00 
  If so, open a bug and attach it there.19:44.09 
fdncred Robin_Watts: I downloaded it on 2/25 - so it's fairly recent19:48.31 
  Robin_Watts: downloaded from git that is19:48.53 
  i just noticed this error message in the debug console "jpx file and dict colorspaces do not match"19:51.20 
Jogux robin_watts : your commits nominally look okay to me.20:06.24 
pedro Robin_Watts: yup, all looks good to me too20:37.00 
Jogux hi marcosw_ - I think Robin was suggesting that me/pedro should be added to tech if that's possible/sensible?21:45.12 
  marcosw_ : also, we could probably do with getting at least one copy of testdocs (~576G) onto the beefy machine in your garage; I guess that means at least a 1T disc, and if we're doing one it's probably sense to upgrade 2 or 3 or nodes which would also let us spread out ATS a bit if that becomes necessary.21:47.48 
marcosw_ Jogux: will do both (adding you and pedro to tech and upgrading the storage of a couple of the machines in my garage).21:48.58 
Jogux marcosw_ : brilliant, many thanks :)21:49.12 
henrys marcosw: not sure if you saw but I uploaded a file for your plotter21:50.18 
marcosw_ henrys: I won't be home until tonight but will plot it then.22:05.08 
henrys Robin_Watts: is there a script to add files to the vcproj files or have you been doing it manually?22:06.56 
  or mvrhel_laptop ^^^ I guess you'd know about that too.22:08.40 
marcosw_ Robin_Watts: can you email me the preferred email addresses for Jogux and for pedro to use for the tech alias?22:10.01 
Robin_Watts henrys: Which vcproj files?22:45.54 
  The gs ones I add files manually.22:46.07 
  Likewise mupdf (though it harder to forget there, cos that's a real solution rather than a wrapper around a makefile)22:46.27 
  I have a script to do a recursive pass over a directory tree and spit out XML that I used to create something I could hand hack into the original Smart Office solution, but additions/maintenance will be done manually from now on.22:47.30 
henrys Robin_Watts: yes gs, I thought there was some way you could get nmake to output dependencies and we could use that. No big deal.22:47.47 
Robin_Watts henrys: There might be, but that wouldn't gather the files into functional groups.22:48.19 
  (which mvrhel can take credit for)22:48.25 
henrys Robin_Watts: ah right … I just noticed because I was testing gdevxps and noticed it wasn't in the solution explorer.22:49.04 
  in the ide22:49.09 
Robin_Watts henrys: Ah, if it's a new file that you added, then I probably missed it.22:49.27 
henrys Robin_Watts: Does it produce an error if the user takes devices out of the makefiles without changing the vcproj files?22:50.47 
Robin_Watts henrys: Not while building.22:51.08 
  Possibly while searching, but even then I expect VS should cope.22:51.23 
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