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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2014/05/19)2014/05/20 
kens Going to exercise your superpowers chrisl ?08:55.19 
chrisl I was going to kick xymox it's getting pretty annoying.....08:55.38 
kens Agreed08:55.44 
chrisl Oh, the power......08:56.55 
kens :)08:57.12 
chrisl Well, that didn't work, and I don't really want to ban xymox......09:08.47 
kens Hmm09:08.57 
Robin_Watts If you're going to start kicking/banning people for falling on/off the channel, then marcos is in trouble.09:15.11 
kens me too :)09:15.25 
purb pdf_array_get(annots, i); return the ith annot object............ but how to update this object?09:16.10 
  and how to save the updated object with the existing annot list09:16.54 
Robin_Watts Well, if we look at where pdf_array_get is defined (object.h) the very next line declares pdf_array_put.09:19.01 
  That seems a reasonable thing to try :)09:19.14 
  Or are you talking about doing: o = pdf_array_get(annots, i) and then wanting to tweak o?09:20.05 
purb I can't change the Ap values of any annotation.... how can I do this?10:34.22 
tor8 sebras: curl is not portable. we shouldn't encourage its use as a regular third party dependency for mupdf11:12.29 
sebras tor8: the reason I'm asking is that it is kind of neat to be able to build _only_ the mupdf source and see that there are no errors.12:12.51 
  tor8: so sometimes I do make third and then make just ot check this.12:13.09 
purb how can I create a line annotation and how to add this annotation with the existing annotation list??????12:14.57 
  I can't figure out to solve this problem.........12:15.38 
Robin_Watts purb: Let's look in mupdf.c, where I pointed you before.12:18.41 
  in MuPDFCore_addInkAnnotationInternal12:19.16 
  You'll see that we allocate pts to be a list of fz_points, and fill them in.12:19.44 
  Then we call annot = pdf_create_annot(idoc, pc->page, FZ_ANNOT_INK)12:20.16 
  Then pdf_set_ink_annot_list(idoc, annot, pts, counts, n, color, INK_THICKNESS)12:20.50 
purb How many fz_points are requeired? 12:21.02 
  only 4?12:21.09 
Robin_Watts How many do you need?12:21.26 
  ink annotations can be complex.12:21.33 
  In your case, for a simple line, possibly only 2 are required.12:21.43 
tor8 sebras: right. I guess it shouldn't be too difficult to make that work.12:26.29 
  -third: $(THIRD_LIBS)12:27.46 
  +third: $(THIRD_LIBS) $(CURL_LIB)12:27.46 
  sebras: like on tor/master12:31.18 
purb what is the use of jfieldID?12:37.18 
  I have write 12:40.19 
  void pdf_addInkAnnotationInternal(pdfapp_t *app)//JNIEnv * env, jobject thiz, jobjectArray arcs) { fz_context *ctx = app->ctx; fz_document *doc = app->doc; pdf_document *idoc = pdf_specifics(doc);12:40.22 
  after that?12:40.34 
  after that?12:53.47 
  how can do for any sample annotation?12:54.30 
  I change the JNIEnv variable by pdfapp_t variable 12:55.29 
  but how to manupulate others?12:55.53 
  but how to replace other variables?13:01.27 
  Can't see the structure of JNI structure elements...............13:02.11 
  anybody there?13:05.34 
  but how to replace other variables?13:10.03 
  hi xymox???????????13:12.02 
  are you there?13:12.11 
  but how to replace other variables????13:12.41 
  xymox: can you see the problem?13:13.16 
Robin_Watts purb: I had stepped away for lunch.13:16.31 
  The JNIEnv stuff is all specific to the JNI interface.13:16.45 
  That's the interface between java and native methods.13:17.01 
purb yes,, I know 13:17.08 
  I change the JNIEnv variable by pdfapp_t variable 13:17.14 
Robin_Watts You don't have to deal with any of that, as you are coding on Windows.13:17.14 
  purb: Don't try and cut/paste the code.13:17.30 
  Write yourself new code based upon what you learn from reading this.13:17.42 
purb I chage the code from android version to pdfapp version13:18.03 
  but jfieldID is an opaque type of variable13:19.15 
  how can I find the structure of jfieldID type13:19.45 
Robin_Watts You can't. That's part of the JNI interface.13:21.18 
  We use the jfieldID values just to read stored values out of java objects.13:22.10 
  For instance, this field is called witha list of java 'Points', and we need to read the actual 'x' and 'y' values out of those java objects.13:22.41 
  You don't have to cope with any of that, so this should be utterly irrelevant to you.13:23.07 
Fabio_ Hi everyone13:27.56 
Robin_Watts Fabio, hi.13:28.04 
Fabio_ Hi have a question about the signal handling of the native muPDF code on the android platform 13:29.15 
Robin_Watts I don't think there is any :)13:29.52 
Fabio_ As the native library it is used by the upper Java application by means of JNI 13:30.05 
  is there a way to catch the native signals in the Java app?13:30.41 
Robin_Watts I am confused by what you mean by signals?13:31.37 
  You mean like signals as in SEGV etc?13:31.48 
Fabio_ I would explain my problem ... sometimes the library is not able to render the PDF pages therefore the core process died with some signal (SIGSEV, SIGBUS, etc). In such a case I would like recreate a new core instance without crashing all the app 13:32.41 
Robin_Watts Fabio_: Right.13:33.18 
  It would be nicest for us to fix the core so it didn't SEGV :)13:33.37 
  but if you wanted to add signal handling to catch such things, I suspect you'd need to add a signal handler at the mupdf.c level.13:34.17 
  And then you could propogate that back to the java layer using a new 'checkCoreIntact' method or something.13:34.54 
Fabio_ yes ... exactly however solves all bugs requires time ... as workaround we could catch the signals and propagate them as Java exceptions13:35.00 
  ok ... do you mean that it is not already implemented so far? Should I have itself to change the mupdf.c code ?13:35.55 
Robin_Watts It is not implemented so far, no.13:36.35 
  You would need to change mupdf.c13:36.41 
  There may possibly be android mechanisms for catching such signals as exceptions, but I am not aware of them.13:37.15 
  scary. taxman.13:37.44 
kens Yeah I thought that13:37.50 
chrisl Robin_Watts: Just thought exactly the same - after our discussion yesterday!13:38.09 
Fabio_ I looked for an answer on Google too but I got the same answer ... the native code should catch the signal and propagate it to Java ... however I hoped that there was something already implemented without changing the native code 13:39.20 
kens is warming up Marcos' garage again, I wonder how hot it is in SFO today......13:40.30 
henrys kens:I'm curious how my machines will warm things up this summer in the new place.13:43.50 
kens Hmm, could be a warm summer :-)13:44.13 
  Ah, has Marcos come to complain ? Or just early for the meeting.....13:46.21 
Fabio_ Anyway thanks for your answer ... My problem is that I know Java but not so much about JNI and C ... anyway I'll try to found and maybe implement a solution :-)13:47.30 
Robin_Watts Fabio_: Good luck!13:47.44 
  Let us know how you get on, or if you have any more questions.13:47.57 
marcosw kens: what am I supposed to complain about?13:50.13 
kens Me heating up your garage....13:50.23 
henrys kens:actually we should move the entire operation to one of your houses in the UK as your demand for heat is higher than Marcos'13:50.36 
kens True. Chris has hte best broadband I htink13:50.57 
Robin_Watts electricity prices are probably higher here...13:51.19 
  Morning mvrhel_laptop. All packed?13:53.20 
marcosw kens: it's cooled down considerably, the high is forecast at 68 day (which is 4.85 stone).13:53.25 
Robin_Watts 11.3333333 fathoms.13:54.14 
kens Hmm, what's that in linguine ? Or Olympic swimming ppols ?13:54.16 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: no. spent a lot of yesterday getting other stuff wrapped up around here13:54.21 
Robin_Watts 0.04 wales'13:54.27 
marcosw I did looked at moving to a colo when it was 100 last week but the lowest quote I could find was $600. The problem is that the machines need 40 Amps total power at their peak.13:54.40 
kens Hmm that's qwuite a bit13:55.02 
marcosw the highest allowed ambient operating temperature for the servers is 95 and even when it's 100 outside I don't think it gets about 90 in my garage, so we should be okay. though the fans are running really fast even at idle :-)13:55.42 
henrys marcosw: maybe test file reduction should be added to the agenda again13:57.06 
rayjj morning, all14:09.31 
Robin_Watts morning, ray14:12.08 
henrys meeting in 15 minutes14:16.29 
rayjj have my (large) coffee and am ready to go14:29.20 
sebras tor8: ok. what you pasted looks good, but of course I haven't tested.14:29.33 
henrys I didn't really have much for the mupdf/gs meeting, other than looking at customer bugs and updating the agenda.14:29.46 
  marcosw: are you going to be able to take on SOT testing at your "facility"?14:30.45 
marcosw_ henrys: I don't know what's involved. I havne' been in the SOT testing loop.14:31.05 
Robin_Watts The plan is to move ATS over to an uberserver in marcosw's garage once we have it in shape.14:31.18 
henrys marcosw: I have to think you are reaching near limit of what is reasonable at a residence.14:31.28 
Robin_Watts At the moment it's at Josephs place because it's more convenient for him to work on it locally14:31.57 
  (although he's in DC until the end of this week)14:32.09 
henrys Robin_Watts: it might be interesting for marcosw_ to know the joules involved before volunteering.14:32.50 
marcosw_ henrys: my goal is to be listed on, so I have a way to go.14:33.07 
paulgardiner_lap Had one bad review of the iOS app saying "Does not support JavaScript". Not sure what they mean by that.14:33.29 
Robin_Watts henrys: Well, this would be reusing existing hardware.14:33.30 
henrys rayjj: did you want to beat on COLOR INDEX more?14:33.46 
Robin_Watts but it would be additional load of course.14:33.48 
henrys looking at Robin_Watts 695153, can't we simply have a limit on when to punt with interpolation?14:38.09 
Robin_Watts henrys: We could, but then you run the risk of having a sharp discontinuity in the middle of the image.14:38.47 
  interpolation becomes more important as we scale up mode.14:39.05 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: good luck on the trip! Do you need anything?14:39.07 
mvrhel_laptop henrys: no I think I am all set. 14:39.44 
  This is the 4th trip. I think we have everything dialed in pretty well14:41.50 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: Are you revisiting places, or going to new places?14:42.30 
mvrhel_laptop I am going to try to get out a newer gsview release today for people to try if all goes well14:42.47 
  Robin_Watts: A bit of each14:43.00 
  Korea is all new obviously14:43.05 
Robin_Watts oh, of course.14:43.29 
henrys Robin_Watts: so we'll just leave the bug open? I don't see how else it could be fixed without a limit.14:44.14 
rayjj mvrhel_laptop: I hope Takena-san is able to help you navigate Korea as well as he does .jp14:44.18 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: is Takani going to korea also?14:44.42 
mvrhel_laptop rayjj: We have some other people helping us there I believe. Also, I am not sure he is going to be there in korea. It is just Scott Miles and I14:44.54 
rayjj mvrhel_laptop: Oh, OK. Well, have a good trip. At least Miles limited how many places you go each day in japan, iirc14:45.44 
mvrhel_laptop so tomorrow will be a long day. fly to SFO. Fly to korea, meeting about 3 hours after arrival14:46.06 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: oh korea first?14:46.37 
mvrhel_laptop yes. We will be there until Sunday14:46.52 
rayjj henrys: Bug 695153 is somewhat related to my enhancement bug 69368414:47.00 
mvrhel_laptop Scott did arrange a trip to the DMZ on Saturday14:47.09 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: naturally, practice ducking14:47.34 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: I hope you remember the correct procedure for what to do if you tread on a landmine.14:47.36 
rayjj mvrhel_laptop: did you pack a helmet ?14:47.42 
mvrhel_laptop all good suggestions14:47.54 
rayjj Robin_Watts: what are your concerns about limiting interpolation causing a discontinuity ?14:48.31 
tor8 mvrhel_laptop: I hope you like chili and fermented cabbage :)14:49.07 
Robin_Watts rayjj: Imagine I have a 2x2 image, with black pixels in the top left and bottom right corners, and white pixels elsewhere.14:49.10 
henrys paulgardiner: is this review at the apple store?14:49.12 
mvrhel_laptop tor8: Yes I am wondering about the food. I have not really had much Korean food14:49.30 
Robin_Watts Now scale that up to fill the background of a page.14:49.30 
paulgardiner Yes.14:49.32 
pedro_pc mvrhel_laptop - depends what you like, but its pretty good14:49.48 
Robin_Watts rayjj: With interpolation, that's a nice graduated effect. Without it's a hard discontinuity.14:50.03 
tor8 mvrhel_laptop: sam-gyeop-sal is one of my favorites. very unhealthy :)14:50.04 
paulgardiner I'd have been interested to know what he expected to be able to do14:50.12 
Robin_Watts I have never eaten Korean food, but a friend had to go there on business, and she had real problems.14:50.37 
mvrhel_laptop tor8: I will keep an eye out for that14:50.42 
pedro_pc mvrhel: bi bim bap too, and the obligatory korean barbeque :)14:50.47 
rayjj Robin_Watts: OK, so limiting interpolation as with my (someday) enhancement will let the interpolation load be reduced, but not eliminated14:51.10 
tor8 if you can't cope with chili, or are vegetarian, korea is not a place to eat14:51.16 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: how long are you in korea?14:52.18 
mvrhel_laptop We arrive Thursday and we fly to Japan on Sunday14:52.31 
rayjj mvrhel_laptop: so meetings Thur and Fri ?14:52.55 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: I was big on hotel food in taiwan.14:53.00 
tor8 mvrhel_laptop: make sure to try some of the soups (dwen-jang-chige). cold noodle soup (mul naeng-myeon) is also quite nice and not so spicy.14:53.04 
mvrhel_laptop Yes meetings Thursday and Friday. Saturday is free and Sunday travel.14:53.22 
  tor8: ok thanks. I will jot these down14:53.33 
rayjj mvrhel_laptop: don't let Miles cajole you into eating what he's having. He eats all kinds of strange stuff14:53.41 
tor8 mvrhel_laptop: if the food is too strange for you, grilled fish is a pretty nice safety net. that, and pizza :) oh, and if you go to mcdonalds or burger king, bring your own salt.14:54.47 
henrys anything else for the meeting, tor8? mupdf, mujs business? 14:56.15 
tor8 henrys: not much news. I've been beating down the mupdf bug list to something manageable, about to start triaging the enhancement list.14:56.41 
  nothing has happened on the mujs front, bugs have been keeping me too busy to write docs like I ought to14:56.56 
  henrys: there's less than a dozen unassigned mupdf bugs left. most of the others are all in paul's area of expertise (mobile apps and forms work)14:57.47 
  but I guess paul won't be able to get to those for quite some time...14:58.01 
henrys tor8: probably not - one idea I had was Robin_Watts and paulgardiner could rotate in and out of SOT - so if Robin_Watts wanted to hack on Good while paulgardiner switched to those issues that would be fine. Let's see what they thing about that.15:00.32 
Robin_Watts anything that limits my exposure to SOT is a good thing :)15:01.30 
  but I'd be starting from scratch with the Good stuff, as I haven't been following it.15:01.47 
  pedro_pc and paulgardiner have been bearing the brunt of that.15:02.08 
henrys that sort of blends us into the next meeting.15:02.10 
pedro_pc nicely done ;)15:02.24 
Robin_Watts Jogu can't be with us for today.15:02.26 
paulgardiner Good SDK changes are possibly complete, until tests show otherwise that is.15:02.28 
Robin_Watts But he says: "still just plugging away at ATS to try and get other bits working (eg. mac client, seeing if we can drop wheezy, getting valgrind going)"15:03.15 
henrys okay but I we still waiting for access to the test servers pedro_pc ?15:03.22 
pedro_pc Good are going to set us up with an account for their mobile messaging so we'll be able to test the interop between the GoodforEnterprise mail/chat app and SO15:03.58 
paulgardiner Found a few more pngs mentioning Picsel that need altering but besides that the Good work on iOS will likely be stalled until we have the server access we've been promised15:04.10 
Robin_Watts We think we are almost at the point of wanting to do new app store releases.15:04.51 
  There are 2 big things standing in the way.15:05.09 
pedro_pc I'm pretty much at the same point (a couple of bits to sort out here) but can shift onto more bugfixing until Good sort out the login15:05.25 
Robin_Watts Firstly, the font metric changes haven't gone into master yet.15:05.40 
  There is no problem with putting them in, except for the fact they change the layout of pretty much every test file.15:05.59 
henrys paulgardiner, pedro_pc - I am getting frustrated with them, they are constantly pinging for status and we seem to be waiting for them to do something.15:06.02 
paulgardiner Or I could do some PDF bugs!!!!!15:06.04 
Robin_Watts Now, for gs, we'd commit it and be done with it, but the problem is that the ATS tests test interactive behaviour.15:06.29 
henrys paulgardiner, pedro_pc and it seems what we are waiting for is trivial.15:06.40 
pedro_pc henrys> I prodded Brad yesterday but I mentioned to paul I'm going to ping agan today if I haven't had any response15:06.49 
Robin_Watts 'click on this bit of text', 'scroll this much', 'click this button' etc.15:06.50 
  so we probably actually need to spend some time looking at the scripts working out which ones need updating.15:07.12 
henrys Robin_Watts: I'll catch up I wanted to finish Good.15:07.14 
Robin_Watts henrys: Sure, sorry.15:07.26 
paulgardiner Another pressing issue is the thing that Robin is describing. Maybe the only blocker on app store releases (non-GOOD that is)15:07.41 
Robin_Watts There are something like 12000 image differences with the font changes.15:08.27 
paulgardiner That and getting the apps reasonably hand tested15:08.28 
Robin_Watts Item 2 on the blocker-for-release is testing.15:08.46 
  ATS is great, but probably we need some hand testing.15:09.07 
  And this probably should involve us pulling in other people to test.15:09.23 
rayjj paulgardiner: let me know if you need me to photoshop out anymore Picsel15:09.34 
Robin_Watts cos fresh eyes are always better.15:09.37 
henrys paulgardiner, pedro_pc okay so miles and I will also work on pushing good from the other end. They have reported a disgruntled customer with a list of vague problems - and I'm pushing back that we need to get things running before fixing a hypothetical list of issues.15:09.55 
paulgardiner Thanks rayjj. Will keep that in mind. So far it's looking like images for which we have no photoshop files, though. :-(15:10.31 
pedro_pc henrys: do we have any bug reports from them we need to chase?15:11.04 
rayjj paulgardiner: I'm reasonably good at using phototshop on just images15:11.09 
henrys Robin_Watts: are the font metrics buying us a lot?15:12.02 
paulgardiner rayjj: Oh okay. That might be handy15:12.27 
Robin_Watts They are not critical.15:12.33 
  We'll still go wrong with them in, but they need to go in at some point unless we completely abandon the idea of trying to match layout.15:12.57 
  So we could push them past the release, but it's just delaying the work to some later date.15:13.25 
henrys Robin_Watts: trying to figure out how we squeeze in all the resultant testing though?15:14.04 
paulgardiner And the font metrics is one of the few improvements we have to show. The vast majority of work has been just getting control of what we've inherited.15:14.06 
  I don't think the font metric changes add to our need for hands on testing15:15.21 
rayjj having to reverse engineer Microsoft's text layout that's beyond what's given in the font metrics sounds like a nightmare15:15.32 
Robin_Watts rayjj: Indeed.15:15.48 
rayjj it's what we sort of thought was already in the product :-(15:16.17 
  oh, well15:16.32 
Robin_Watts I have a really simple file with just a couple of lines of text in a known font that breaks at a different place than expected.15:16.37 
henrys paulgardiner: I guess I'm confused I thought the font metric changes motivated a lot of manual testing?15:16.41 
rayjj Robin_Watts: breaks as in the line break happens at a different place ?15:17.11 
Robin_Watts When I reach a sane stage I'd like to dig through the font engine to compare its measurement of the text with (say) freetypes.15:17.28 
henrys also to be consider do we want to make more progress on the layout so we only have to check it once?15:17.31 
Robin_Watts rayjj: Yes.15:17.31 
  henrys: There are 2 types of manual testing required here.15:17.53 
paulgardiner I was halfway through typing that same sentence15:18.17 
Robin_Watts 1) Is the app built from the master branch with all the latest fixes in still stable/working properly (as opposed to the old version built from the 2-1-28-release-branch)15:18.46 
paulgardiner One is actual manual testing the other is more the manual alteration of the automated tests15:18.51 
Robin_Watts 2) Manually updating the automatic testing scripts to cope with the fact that the stuff that needs clicking on has moved around the page.15:19.33 
  As an example of 2)...15:19.41 
pedro_pc there's a lot of compexity in the Word layout which makes it very difficult to match exactly (and different versions of Word running on different platforms dnt match exactly)15:20.04 
Robin_Watts suppose i have a test that loads a document. This document contains text, plus an image flowed with the text.15:20.07 
  The test might click on the image and rotate it.15:20.14 
pedro_pc I think we can get a lot closer if we want true fidelity as there are quite a few unsupported features15:20.39 
Robin_Watts now, if the font causes the text to layout differently, the image might be in a different place, so the test will click on something else.15:20.45 
  pedro: Yes, we are never going to match exactly in all cases.15:21.07 
henrys pedro_pc: yes but we agreed to match Libre Office and Word if they match. Doesn't that make this doable?15:21.07 
Robin_Watts henrys: We agreed that we'd *try* to match Libre Office and Word if they matched :)15:21.42 
pedro_pc its technically feasible, but I guess what I'm trying to say is that its not necessarily all quick fixes15:22.26 
Robin_Watts The picsel font engine works in fixed point rather than floats, and there is lots of rescaling of widths going on.15:23.32 
henrys pedro_pc: I have no doubt it is hard but it bring it into the realm of doable, we aren't expecting word only or word legacy compatibility15:23.39 
pedro_pc SO was compact embedded product, whereas openoffice/libreoffice were desktop oriented form the ground up15:23.55 
Robin_Watts I'm hoping that that accounts for some of disparity between the line breaks, and further hoping that it might be possible to improve it to give a better match.15:24.26 
  but even so, I'm not expecting to be able to match 100% in all circumstances.15:24.46 
henrys Robin_Watts, paulgardiner : my issue with the testing is simple if you change the layout all the files change and we have to look at them, so do we do *all* the layout changes on a branch over a long period and look at the them once or do we incrementally update and look at a lot more test files?15:25.07 
paulgardiner_lap henrys: but there are extra problems with the interactive tests15:25.42 
Robin_Watts henrys: It is possible that if I found a problem in the font engine and fixed it, we'd have to revisit some files again, yes.15:26.50 
paulgardiner_lap "interactive tests" was a bad phrase15:27.17 
Robin_Watts But I hope that the font metrics changes make an order of magnitude more changes than other things would.15:27.21 
paulgardiner_lap I meant automated texts that perform interaction15:27.31 
pedro_pc agrees - if we don't have the metrics right then we can't expect antyhing else to layout with fidelity to Word/PPT15:28.01 
paulgardiner_lap With those, as Robin described, we may need to update the test to ensure it still tests what it is supposed to15:28.04 
  s/texts/tests/ in last but one message15:28.35 
henrys Robin_Watts: how have you verified the metrics? Comparison with the word fonts on android, do we know if iOS is different?15:29.04 
Robin_Watts henrys: word fonts?15:29.32 
  The Picsel fonts are very good visual clones of the standard windows fonts.15:29.59 
  but the metrics were wrong.15:30.06 
henrys Robin_Watts: MS Word fonts used on android or iOS. I would imagine it likely they were tweaked for the mobile platforms, no?15:30.44 
Robin_Watts so I ripped the metrics out of the windows fonts, and updated our fonts to have the same metrics.15:30.50 
  MSWord fonts aren't on android or ios.15:30.59 
  Your iphone will not have Arial or Tahoma :)15:31.33 
  (possibly unless you've installed Microsoft Office)15:31.54 
rayjj Robin_Watts: I thought MS had office for Android.15:32.05 
henrys Robin_Watts: oh when you install the new Office on iOS you don't get the fonts.15:32.10 
  Robin_Watts: let me look I'm sure you must.15:32.34 
tor8 henrys: not surprising, you can't add to the base system so any fonts you add will be local to your app15:32.40 
rayjj so, presumably those fonts exist then. Are they the same ? And does MS's android office "get it right", i.e. match the desktop office ?15:32.50 
Robin_Watts henrys: You might get fonts installed as part of office.15:33.19 
  but they are not there as standard, so we can't rely on them.15:33.33 
chrisl Why would you "tweak" fonts for a mobile platform?? Surely the point of scaleable fonts is not having to do that kind of crap.......15:33.37 
Robin_Watts chrisl: seconded.15:33.45 
  You have to figure that if MS are offering identical rendering on all platforms they must install fonts as part of their office offering, otherwise they fall at the first hurdle.15:34.56 
  The fonts aren't there as standard, so we provide our own.15:35.10 
  It seems reasonable that the clones we provide really ought to have the same metrics as the things we are trying to clone.15:35.26 
henrys Robin_Watts: fair enough15:36.46 
Robin_Watts But you are right, we could delay putting the font changes in, and keep them on a branch.15:37.12 
  and we could keep rebasing that up and maybe do a few ATS files at a time.15:37.35 
paulgardiner_lap I'd say it was definitely not worth delaying a Good release for the font changes, seeing as we are without an app there at the moment, but then again we're not ready to go with Good15:38.29 
Robin_Watts And we could try to do further font engine/layout fixes on that branch, so we only take the pain of sorting the ATS stuff once.15:38.46 
  But the longer we delay, the longer until we get any of the benefits this (hopefully) gives.15:39.15 
paulgardiner_lap For the non-Good versions of the apps, I'm less certain what we gain by releasing before we have the font changes in.15:41.24 
henrys okay so let's bite the bullet and look at a lot of tests. marcosw_ and I can help.15:41.47 
paulgardiner_lap I guess the sooner we have a version we've released out there the better, in that we'll know that all reported bugs are with reference to something we're able to build.15:42.23 
Robin_Watts henrys: It's not just looking at the tests.15:43.37 
  It's figuring out which ones need to be updated, and doing that updating.15:43.52 
henrys Robin_Watts: so you don't simply look at the file I'd "press a button" to update?15:47.03 
Robin_Watts henrys: Nope.15:47.14 
  I run the tests, and we'll get a (set of) webpage(s) of differences.15:47.47 
  we then need to look at each file (control, new, diff, similar to bmpcmp) to see if they look noticably different.15:48.31 
  If they do, then you need to look through the script that this tests images are for (again, this can be done on the web interface).15:49.04 
  You need to decide if the script is actually still testing the functionality it was meant to (maybe it's selecting a different word to turn it pink, say), in which case it's fine.15:49.43 
  but if you see that the script is now failing to test what it was supposed to, then someone needs to fix that script.15:50.07 
  That involves editing the text of the script in an editor and us rolling that updated script into the commit.15:50.29 
henrys and why would a script need to change if we are only changing the metrics?15:51.10 
paulgardiner_lap The scripts have cooridinates in them15:51.36 
Robin_Watts henrys: Suppose I have a test script that does:15:51.41 
pedro_pc because the layout may have changed a button position for example, and the script was emulating a click on a screen position15:51.47 
Robin_Watts LOAD_DOCUMENT blah.pdf15:51.48 
  CLICK 100,10015:51.52 
  DRAG 50,5015:51.57 
henrys I see15:52.00 
Robin_Watts etc.15:52.03 
henrys get rid of those tests and do what gs does ;-)15:52.28 
henrys gets more coffee15:52.38 
pedro_pc :)15:52.45 
  makes testing of editing functionality a bit tricky ;)15:52.57 
Robin_Watts henrys: Testing GS is not the same as testing SOT. Testing SOT is equivalent to testing GhostView, including page flipping, searching, page extraction etc.15:53.34 
  It's the "canned interaction" nature of the tests that makes it hard.15:53.51 
rayjj Robin_Watts: If we get to a point where we match Office layout on static tests, that's a better first step IMHO. And a LOT simpler since there is no messing with "fixing scripts"15:54.58 
Robin_Watts rayjj: So you propose that until we get to match office layout on static tests we abandon all the existing tests on SOT?15:55.40 
rayjj no, just ignore the "interactive" tests until we have the layout working for the static files15:56.33 
henrys Robin_Watts, pedro_pc we do have to get the testing in line with our resources and this does sound too "heavy" for us to handle.15:56.44 
rayjj it's not my call, but just my opinion15:56.54 
Robin_Watts rayjj: We can't realistically do that and continue to ship a product with any degree of confidence.15:57.37 
  The interactivity *is* the product.15:57.49 
  Having something that doesn't render quite right is annoying. Having a product that just fails to work is unacceptable.15:58.26 
pedro_pc I thinkn all these views are valid, but imho we're trading some customers priorities for others; if I'm buying SO on the appstore I'd be less worried if some of the content didn't display exactly like the dektop than if someone had completely broken my ability to edit text in a word doc15:58.29 
  if I was a printer mfr I may have a different view15:58.40 
rayjj presumably 'fixes' in the layout won't break editing, but it will break scripts that have canned coordinates since what they are diddling with might have moved15:58.41 
paulgardiner_lap rayjj: these tests that involve interaction check that we haven't completely broken a feature, like copy and paste, rotating an image. There not so much about matching office15:58.42 
pedro_pc all valid - just need to decide who we're prioritising15:58.57 
paulgardiner_lap s/There/They're/15:59.09 
Robin_Watts rayjj: You might reasonably hope so, but the cross dependencies in this stuff are incredible.15:59.40 
rayjj projector companies and printer companies will be much more concerned about getting the image right.15:59.42 
paulgardiner_lap rayjj: the fong changes wont break the features these tests check, but they may break the tests themselves15:59.58 
rayjj Robin_Watts: yeah, I smelled that16:00.00 
Robin_Watts rayjj: Until we ship them a version that crashes whenever they flip page too fast.16:00.17 
  or go backwards a page etc.16:00.23 
pedro_pc rayjj: the scripts may need updateing, but if we take the approach of dumping the difficult ones and focussing on layout fidelity then we need to be pretty careful what we release on the appstores in the meantime16:00.29 
Robin_Watts We could dump all the widget tests (that would make joseph happy, I think).16:01.06 
paulgardiner_lap ... so once the font metrics break some of our editing-features tests, we are flying without a parachute on later changes to those features16:01.26 
rayjj paulgardiner: yes, my point. every time we 'fix' the layout, then the scripts might break since stuff moved. So fix the layout first (and hopefully not have to change it too often). Then worry about fixing the scripts16:01.32 
pedro_pc agreed - we're not shipping them (but they implictly test stuff that may not be done elsewhere)16:01.36 
Robin_Watts yes, once we dump a test, bringing it back is hard.16:02.38 
paulgardiner_lap rayjj; I get you now, but sadly I think fixing the layout will be a very long winded thing that goes on over a period of years and we wont be able to hold off on all other types of change until it's done16:03.00 
Robin_Watts Yes.16:03.59 
  The font changes are (I hope) special because they result in pretty much every file changing.16:04.20 
paulgardiner_lap ... but that does bring up the point that this is probably not a one-off problem. We are often going to need to update the interaction tests when we alter layout16:04.29 
Robin_Watts layout changes should hopefully be much smaller after that.16:04.42 
henrys so let's say you change the metrics - what is the man hour estimate to fix the scripts, just so I can get my head around this?16:04.43 
paulgardiner_lap Robin_Watts: yeah that's a point16:04.43 
Robin_Watts but if there are changes to font measurement in the font engine, that could do a similar thing. So maybe it makes sense to try to do those together.16:05.18 
  henrys: That's a good question.16:05.28 
  I looked at the diffs once, then ran screaming away.16:05.41 
  We probably need to look back at them and see how far down the rabbit hole goes.16:06.16 
  Is it the top 20 scripts that need fixing or the top 200?16:06.30 
henrys I thought perhaps in the history of picsel a change of this magnitude was done and you had a sense of how long it took but I guess that wasn't your department ;-)16:06.59 
rayjj how many scripts are there ?16:07.13 
Robin_Watts No, I have never been involved in such a widespread change.16:07.31 
rayjj guesses from Robin's comment there are over 20016:07.37 
Robin_Watts find . -name *.ath | wc -l running now.16:08.09 
pedro_pc henrys: yeah, there was a test team (from 10-30 people across the sites) and a tools team handling ATS/review/bugzilla etc (5-10 depending on time of year)16:08.22 
rayjj Robin_Watts: find . -name "*.ath" | wc -l I hope16:08.44 
pedro_pc we can possibly grep the scripts for interaction commands and do a more top-down approach16:08.50 
Robin_Watts 387716:08.53 
rayjj gawd!16:09.13 
Robin_Watts rayjj: indeed.16:09.30 
henrys pedro_pc: right so the QA is completely disproportionate to artifex engineering resources and it has to be changed.16:11.17 
rayjj and the effort seems disproportionate to the revenue16:12.00 
pedro_pc nods - that was based on continuous test across a whole range of products and platforms - I think we're targetting a lot less now16:12.12 
rayjj if I recall what we were originally looking for it was a package that would let us import office docs into our products and push that to our licensed customer base16:14.19 
Robin_Watts Right. We are targetting a smaller range of platforms (I hope).16:14.20 
  and the point of having these scripts is that they actually reduce testing in the long run.16:14.35 
rayjj we've sort of drifted off that goal16:14.35 
pedro_pc rayjj: quite possible - there was significant licencing revenue from the embedded & phone markets and high expectations on QA. We need to figure what makes sense now16:14.37 
Robin_Watts rayjj: That train sailed ages ago :(16:14.50 
rayjj that train sailed out of the barn ;-)16:15.31 
Robin_Watts ooh, I like that.16:15.49 
rayjj or, that train sailed off the dime and out of the barn16:16.18 
Robin_Watts I think it's fair to say that we wouldn't consider working on gs without the cluster now.16:17.09 
rayjj Robin_Watts: right. but that's where the amount of effort in maintaining the cluster scripts is "reasonable"16:17.54 
Robin_Watts Similarly, I don't believe we'd want to consider shipping SOT without ATS (or something similar) doing regression testing for us.16:17.54 
rayjj even mujstest is not subject to breaking the js when appearance changes for an unrelated reason16:18.42 
Robin_Watts rayjj: And the effort of maintaining the ATS scripts is generally reasonable. It's just this is a special case.16:18.55 
pedro_pc one thing we could look at is keeping core & feature tests in ATS and having soem interactive smoke tests for interaction, but that's a trade-off between deveoping tests and bums on seats16:19.10 
Robin_Watts rayjj: That's because mujstest is rendering PDF, which has no reflow involved.16:19.20 
rayjj Robin_Watts: I hope so. But I guess we will find out the hard way, by having to do it (at least) once16:19.34 
Robin_Watts One possibility is to cheat at this.16:20.45 
pedro_pc seems to be losing more charcaters on the wifi kb again16:20.55 
rayjj of course management (henry and miles) will be asking all during the process "how much longer will this take" :-)16:21.02 
  Robin_Watts: ooh. Cheating. I like that16:21.18 
  just on principle16:21.24 
Robin_Watts We don't push the font changes to master.16:21.29 
  When we want to do a release we sort out a place in git to release from.16:21.51 
  Do all the ATS tests on that.16:21.56 
  Then cherry-pick the font stuff onto that, tag and build.16:22.09 
paulgardiner_lap I see where you are going16:22.10 
Robin_Watts Our human testing should spot any problems.16:22.20 
rayjj Robin_Watts: so we leave the font metrics as now for the ATS ? and work on layout changes *with* the font metrics fixed ?16:22.45 
Robin_Watts That would enable us to postpone the pain of the font stuff until we do any font changes later.16:22.53 
  rayjj: Yes, we can juggle the font stuff in and out on our dev branches.16:23.14 
rayjj Robin_Watts: that makes sense (I think)16:23.34 
Robin_Watts Ideally, when we think it's all settled down, we should take the font pill at some point, but hopefully it'll be a combined font+font engine pill then.16:24.21 
  and maybe we can cull some ATS tests in the meantime.16:24.43 
rayjj Robin_Watts: and hacks to the layout engine, possibly16:24.46 
Robin_Watts rayjj: I suspect that hacks to the layout engine are going to produce a much smaller changeset.16:25.06 
rayjj Robin_Watts: and for the layout improvements, we focus on comparison of static tests16:25.27 
  Robin_Watts: right16:25.34 
marcosw Robin_Watts: are the ATS test results available to look at?16:26.09 
Robin_Watts The layout improvements, if the change sets are reasonable, can go in in advance of the font stuff too.16:26.23 
  marcosw: Yes, ish.16:26.32 
rayjj because getting the image "right" is what projector and printer companies will want. And people doing editing will only care if they happen to export their edited document to real office and see it different16:27.06 
  marcosw: You need to follow the SSH tunnel section there.16:27.30 
  and that probably requires you having sent Joseph (or pedro?) a public_key16:27.53 
rayjj marcosw: once you do that, you are inside the event horizon :-)16:28.37 
marcosw Robin_Watts: seems simple enought.16:28.55 
Robin_Watts pedro: Are you in a position to update the required public keys?16:30.54 
pedro_pc Robin: i don't have sudo access on toast so can't add marcosw; I'll prod joseph16:30.55 
Robin_Watts OK. Probably everyone should mail joseph a public key. You're all going to want to have a nosey at it at some point :)16:31.21 
marcosw I've sent my public key to everyone I could think of.16:31.36 
  (i.e. jogux and pedro_pc).16:31.46 
henrys Robin_Watts: is there some reason not to all share an account for tech staff say?16:31.53 
pedro_pc its possibly worth having an 'artifex' user on toast so that we can ssh16:31.54 
rayjj we probably want a few people with sudo access (at least henrys and marcos)16:32.02 
Robin_Watts henrys: It makes sense to have separate users on, because that way you can see your jobs on ATS vs anyone elses.16:32.47 
  but for the ssh tunnel, one user would be OK, except that would mean sharing a private_key around a group of people.16:33.15 
  if we can't do that securely, possibly Joseph/Pete would object as that would be an entry point into their system.16:33.39 
  rayjj: At the moment, the ATS stuff is set up inside emobix's network.16:34.05 
  hence root on the gateway machine is restricted to joseph (which seems reasonable)16:34.35 
  when it goes onto the uber server in Marcosw's garage, then it can be opened up.16:34.49 
  It's currently at emobix towers cos it's easier to do some of the VM hacking that joseph has been doing locally.16:35.31 
rayjj Robin_Watts: I just noticed an anomaly on bug 69515316:36.56 
henrys Robin_Watts: okay can somebody send me one of these scripts so I can understand this a bit better, preferably and interesting one?16:37.12 
marcosw Robin_Watts: I think we should start looking at the differences and just flag those that are different just because of font differences (i.e. the script still tests what it's supposed to). I don't see any way around looking at the thousands of differences.16:39.31 
Robin_Watts henrys: Do you have an SOT checkout?16:39.42 
henrys Robin_Watts: yes16:39.51 
pedro_pc can add marcos's public key to my account for now16:40.00 
Robin_Watts henrys: epage/ats/ath/.../*.ath16:40.02 
pedro_pc marcos: want to see if you can ssh in as pete?16:40.23 
henrys oh sorry though all of that stuff was on the server16:40.31 
Robin_Watts henrys: No, the scripts are part of the code tree. Hence you commit updated scripts to cope with updated code behaviour.16:40.57 
rayjj Robin_Watts: that makes sense16:41.18 
marcosw Robin_Watts: the scripts seem simple to edit; the ones I've just looked it are even commented.16:41.31 
pedro_pc henrys: it keeps the scripts in sync with the code based on cvs/git tags16:41.35 
Robin_Watts marcosw: Yeah, this is quite a sensible system.16:41.52 
marcosw we should use it on GhostView :-)16:42.35 
Robin_Watts marcosw: If we are going to test ghostview interactively, then yes, we'd need something like this.16:43.03 
kens OK off now, goodnight all16:44.48 
rayjj I'd recommend scripts that are 'logical' as in 'Right-Click File-Menu' instead of click (20, 30) 16:45.02 
henrys so a screenshot based system would use too much space? I can see having a corresponding image for each edit, then the script would not need manual updates. 16:46.12 
Robin_Watts rayjj: If you're testing stuff with a single UI, yes.16:46.50 
  ATS is not testing stuff with a single UI :)16:47.02 
  henrys: I don't follow, sorry.16:47.16 
pedro_pc rayjj> there have been instances of that, but you need a full command set per app and the UI was what changed most often between customers16:47.16 
rayjj Robin_Watts: I was talking about gsview16:47.22 
pedro_pc ah :)16:47.37 
rayjj where things are more controlled16:47.49 
Robin_Watts rayjj: Sure.16:47.55 
  rayjj: The smart way to do that would be to be able to map screen locations to commands.16:48.22 
pedro_pc for HTML testing (when we used to do html) we had a DOM mapping so that we could interact with named objects16:48.47 
Robin_Watts So if we ever change the position of the file menu etc, it'd just be a single definition that changed.16:49.04 
  I think the ATS scripts try to do something a bit like that using includes, but I don't think it's pervasice.16:49.29 
henrys Robin_Watts: I mean capturing the screen image for each edit and testing that against version n - 1's screen image.16:52.31 
Robin_Watts henrys: That's what happens.16:53.00 
  Whenever we run these tests they dump out screenshots.16:53.25 
  Those are compared to the previous versions screenshots.16:53.33 
  If they all match, good news! If not, you get to view the differences on the web.16:53.49 
henrys Robin_Watts: oh I thought these script were formulating there own idea of what the screen should look like based on coordinates and such. So now I'm not really seeing the script updating should be common but I'm probably still missing something.16:56.50 
Robin_Watts The idea is that you write a script once to test a given feature.16:57.17 
  Every commit it produces a screenshot, compares to the last one, and 99% of the time they match and there is no problem.16:57.38 
  and you can be confident that your feature is working.16:57.47 
henrys the usual case should be just replace the old screenshot no change to script16:57.58 
Robin_Watts Every now and then, something might change (say you update an icon or something). Then you look at the diff, you see it's correct, you just go ahead and accept the change.16:58.34 
  In *rare* cases, something shifts around on the screen, and the coords the script was clicking on are wrong. That requires a script update.16:59.12 
  The problem is that the font update potentially causes lots of these 'rare' cases all at once.16:59.32 
marcosw Robin_Watts: I hope the definition of *rare* is better for SOT than it is for Ghostsript/GhostPCL. There seem to be changes very 6 months or so that require me looking at tens of thousands of bitmaps (though many of those were for color management changes, which presumably isn't an issue with SOT).17:01.29 
Robin_Watts bulk bitmap changes are less rare than bulk script changes.17:02.13 
henrys Robin_Watts: got it.17:02.24 
Robin_Watts I had realised that the font changes were going to produce bulk bitmap changes.17:02.38 
  I was blissfully unaware of the bulk script changes until the middle of last week.17:02.59 
  My screams were heard in neighbouring towns.17:03.11 
henrys Robin_Watts: but there are other ways of navigating without coords, - next word etc. presumably we could eliminate many of these coordinate dependent tests, no?17:03.45 
Robin_Watts henrys: The point is that these scripts are intended to simulate driving the app as a user would do it.17:04.54 
  The user has a touchscreen, and maybe a keyboard.17:05.02 
  We could build more smarts into the app to recognise different commands, but then we'd be testing the test code, not testing the real code.17:05.42 
  but if you want to recode 3877 scripts, feel free :)17:05.54 
kim0 Hi folks, I'm working on converting a bank from Windows to open-source desktop. I'm hitting a problem getting a dot-matrix printer to print correctly. I traced the driver to here .. Am I in the right place to ask questions .. Thanks17:12.42 
Robin_Watts kim0: Potentially, yes.17:13.20 
  I'm assuming you're using ghostscript ?17:13.25 
kim0 Robin_Watts: mm, I'm using the cups printing system .. I assume it uses GS under the hood ?17:14.00 
  The printer is: 
Robin_Watts kim0: For some things, yes.17:14.14 
kim0 That's the printer, and the driver used was "epsonc"17:14.32 
  tell me I'm in the right place :)17:15.12 
Robin_Watts The first thing we'd ask you to do here is to reproduce your problem using ghostscript.17:15.12 
  If you can do that, then maybe we can help.17:15.20 
kim0 mm lovely .. Any docs how to do that 17:15.32 
Robin_Watts We won't go digging into cups problems.17:15.37 
  You possibly want to speak with the cups people. I think there is a #cups ?17:15.53 
  Failing that tkamppeter may be able to point you somewhere.17:16.02 
kim0 printing from low level "lp" commands are also broken17:16.02 
  I'm sort of quite sure it's a low level driver issue .. but whatever you say17:16.30 
  It does print, but the characters are hazzy .. things that are middle-centered, become left centered ..etc17:17.09 
Robin_Watts kim0: yeah, but the problem might be with cups, or with your distros gs installation etc.17:17.18 
kim0 Robin_Watts: Very well .. so what I should do, is print from app to PS file .. Then start GS on that PS file, and have it talk to the printer ?17:18.06 
  any hints/docs how to do that please ?17:18.14 
  Robin_Watts: Another thing .. The printer seems to speak those 3 protocols (DPL24C+ : ESC/P2 : XL24E) .. Is any of them recommended ? 17:19.19 
Robin_Watts kim0: The cups people can probably tell you how to get the exact commands that cups is calling out of it.17:19.32 
  That will tell you if gs is involved, and if it is, what the command used was.17:20.45 
kim0 Robin_Watts: Thanks, very helpful!17:21.49 
  Let me know if you have any thoughts on if I should follow the path of changing the printer protocol17:22.11 
Robin_Watts kim0: To be honest I haven't got a clue. You'll probably want to experiment and pick whichever one works best for you.17:29.31 
kim0 Thanks17:30.19 
marcosw Robin_Watts: I have access to the SOT results. Now what to I do? Clicking on results takes me to a page of results but I can't find the bitmaps.18:09.49 
Robin_Watts Ok. so at the top of the page, you have the ATS bar, right?18:10.25 
rayjj Robin_Watts: I know you're having too much fun with SOT, so I'll have a look at the '153 issue. I was going to look at making sure we 'skip' above/below left/right outside the clip path, but we'll still need to process 'support' source lines/pixles outside the clippath for the filter to work "reasonably". Do you want me to take that bug, or do you want it for when your sanity fades ?18:10.30 
marcosw yeah18:10.31 
Robin_Watts And in Results you have "scheduled jobs"18:10.39 
  (click on that)18:10.43 
marcosw okay18:10.50 
rayjj Robin_Watts: first I'm trying to look at why -r17 is so much worse than -r1818:11.05 
marcosw all red except for 28 and 2918:11.06 
Robin_Watts Then if the User name field is set to marcos you won't see anything.18:11.13 
  ah, ok.18:11.15 
marcosw I'm logged in as atsadmin.18:11.28 
Robin_Watts Ok, clear the username and then you'll see the same as me.18:11.43 
  Do you have a '95' ?18:12.13 
marcosw yes.18:12.19 
Robin_Watts TaskRun ID 95 that is.18:12.21 
  actually... use 91.18:12.41 
marcosw okay.18:12.50 
Robin_Watts anything which says "ATH" in the right hand side is a test that uses the scripts I was talking about.18:13.07 
  So, in the "ResultID" column for that job, you should have 401 ?18:13.31 
  click on that.18:13.34 
marcosw for 91 the results id is 39818:13.51 
Robin_Watts Not if you go up 3 to the most recent run of 91.18:14.15 
  but that was a bad example.18:14.34 
  Let me find a better one.18:14.39 
  Put 'robin' in the username field18:15.00 
  and look at the top one. Should be result 36218:15.13 
marcosw yes, 36218:15.37 
Robin_Watts That's still a bad example. hold on...18:15.56 
marcosw oops, nearly ra-ran a test. better stop clicking on stuff at random :-)18:16.31 
Robin_Watts Ok, let's try 34218:16.33 
marcosw Says Not valid for Image updates:...18:16.54 
Robin_Watts indeed.18:17.00 
  don't worry about that for now.18:17.07 
  So we have an expandable list of the different scripts.18:17.19 
  186 diffs in all.18:17.28 
  185 of which are in ue2fileviewer.18:17.39 
marcosw hold on, I was clicking on random stuff again. let me find the ue2fileviewer18:18.09 
Robin_Watts product -> lomond -> ue2fileviewer18:18.31 
  You can either drill down like that, or you can click at the top on "All failing images"18:18.53 
  If you click on "All failed images" you'll see we have 4 pages of diffs.18:19.18 
marcosw all failing images is what I trying randomly clicking on (not really random, but you get the idea).18:19.29 
Robin_Watts I was testing a change to the app that caused the pan behaviour to be different in some circumstances.18:19.51 
  I think the net effect was that some pans to display newly selected things weren't happening.18:20.25 
  hence stuff appearing in different places.18:20.33 
marcosw yup. 18:21.13 
Robin_Watts but the scripts for these examples obviously load a document, select a cell or two, then bring up formatting options to change it.18:21.27 
  results 300 and 301 are the font changes I was talking about.18:22.05 
marcosw what is lomond vs. non lomond?18:22.58 
  lomond runs much faster...18:23.16 
Robin_Watts OK. In the olden days Picsel used to hardcode the apps.18:23.39 
  Then they had the idea that it'd be a really good idea to build an SDK whereby other people could build apps etc using our spiffy graphics libs.18:24.10 
  So they developed a system whereby you could build an app using a set of 'controls'.18:24.46 
  These controls would range from buttons, to bits of text, to ways of moving other controls around in 2d and 3d etc, and other controls that showed files.18:25.25 
  The idea was that you could build powerful, graphically rich apps without knowing about how it all worked underneath.18:26.02 
  That project was called lomond.18:26.18 
marcosw and presumably were portable across platforms.18:26.25 
Robin_Watts In practise, the only people that ever really used it were picsel themseles.18:26.28 
  It was known as "Picsel UX" (or "Picsel'sUX" for obvious reasons) or UE2.18:27.08 
  You'll frequently hear us refer to UE2. Normally prefixed by an expletive, and followed by "how can you *have* this many macros?" etc18:27.43 
  The main Smart Office app is based on Lomond.18:28.25 
marcosw I see. seems like a bit of a muddle.18:31.06 
Robin_Watts Writing apps with lomond is not so bad.18:32.05 
  extending lomond itself is where it gets painful.18:32.15 
marcosw do the same set of test files get run with both lomond and non lomond or are they distinct?18:32.33 
Robin_Watts distinct.18:32.41 
  but certainly, when you have umpteen different customers all wanting to differentiate their offering by modifying the UI, it's a semi-sane strategy18:33.09 
  At one point Picsel tried encapsulating the app UI inside flash movies.18:33.42 
  So people would write the UI in flash and have the actionscript call down to drive the underlying libraries.18:34.22 
purb what will be the value of n and count in the function """pdf_set_ink_annot_list(idoc, annot, pts, counts, n, color, INK_THICKNESS)"" --------- If I want to draw a line annotation18:35.09 
marcosw I wouldn't want to debug such a thing, nor support it :-)18:35.10 
Robin_Watts marcosw: indeed.18:35.28 
marcosw I just realized you said "tried", so it didn't work?18:35.44 
Robin_Watts turns out that flash is really bad on battery powered devices.18:35.47 
  it worked, but it never took off.18:35.58 
marcosw I believe Apple told us that a long time ago...18:36.07 
Robin_Watts Yeah, but that was for a whole other slew of reasons :)18:36.35 
marcosw if one were so inclined and wanted to look at the 301/302 results and mark ones that were clearly different due to just font differences and therefore didn't require changes to the test scripts how would one do that?18:37.15 
Robin_Watts "mark ones"? No idea.18:37.29 
marcosw accept the difference? Whatever term is appropriate.18:38.05 
Robin_Watts The way I'd do it would be to pick "All failed images" or "Weighted failed images" and to look at pages of results, making a list of those that need further attention.18:38.32 
  That way we can divvy up the pages of results etc.18:39.06 
marcosw There isn't a button in the ATS user interface to mark results? I'm shocked!18:39.31 
Robin_Watts Once we have a list of the files that fail, we can fix them locally, then roll them into a new commit and retest.18:39.33 
  marcosw: It used to be hooked up to the review system.18:39.57 
  You'd post your patch, test it, you'd mark it as "passes, with expected bitmap changes" and then when your reviewer marks it as being passed it's committed, and ATS updates automatically.18:40.41 
  We're not using the review system though, cos it was CVS based.18:40.55 
  So generally after we do a commit we rerun tasks 5 and 6 and they update the baseline bitmaps.18:41.22 
  Honestly, I understand a fraction of ATS.18:41.42 
  It would cope with running autobuilds and all sorts of tests, including on wierd and wacky hardware.18:42.12 
marcosw Robin_Watts: that's 100% more than I do.18:42.20 
Robin_Watts Picsel had a cabinet full of ipaqs running wince and linux etc.18:42.41 
  Ideally, we'd do all our release builds through ATS.18:43.14 
  It's just not feasible to have all the toolchains that Picsel used on every dev machine.18:43.57 
marcosw I'll leave that for people above my pay-grade to sort out...18:44.14 
Robin_Watts especially when some were expensively licensed compilers.18:44.19 
marcosw which is probably anyone else :-)18:44.31 
  Looking at the 301 results it appears the differences are in line spacing, but for 90 rotated text this manifests itself as character spacing. These seems "wrong".18:45.02 
rayjj Have the bug for 0920 fixed. Turns out BT / ET aren't the right place since the SMask is not yet processed. I had to bury it more places. Now to try a regression run...18:45.11 
Robin_Watts marcosw: What page?18:45.38 
marcosw test #47 on the All Failed Images page 118:46.06 
Robin_Watts marcosw: No, I suspect that I've changed the metrics for the characters with a '18:47.40 
  If you waggle the mouse pointer in/out of the left hand image it changes.18:48.02 
purb hiiii Robin_watts: what will be the value of "n and count" in the function """pdf_set_ink_annot_list(idoc, annot, pts, counts, n, color, INK_THICKNESS)"" --------- If I want to draw a line annotation18:49.43 
marcosw I see. How do we want to divide up looking at the differences? Who else besides me is stupid enough to volunteer for this.18:49.54 
Robin_Watts marcosw: I suspect this would work best if we allocated everybody 15 pages or so.18:51.44 
  Then once we have a list of the scripts that need fixing, that can divvied out between fewer people.18:52.15 
  purb: So the header file says:18:52.45 
  pdf_set_ink_annot_list: set the details of an ink annotation. All the points of the multiple arcs18:53.19 
  are carried in a single array, with the counts for each arc held in a secondary array.18:53.20 
  void pdf_set_ink_annot_list(pdf_document *doc, pdf_annot *annot, fz_point *pts, int *counts, int ncount, float color[3], float thickness);18:53.22 
  So pts points to an array of points.18:53.43 
  counts points to an array of ints.18:53.58 
  ncount is the number of entries in the array of ints.18:54.11 
  Each count entry identifies how many control points there are for that segment.18:54.42 
  so counts[0] = 118:54.56 
  For a single line, you probably want:18:55.13 
  counts[0] = 1, counts[1] = 1;18:55.24 
  points[0] = start point, points[1] = end point.18:55.40 
  and ncount = 2.18:55.46 
  purb: OK ?18:55.48 
  marcosw: Possibly we could use a twiki page to make the list on?18:57.36 
rayjj I guess I could have run the regression with some filters and just lowres :-/19:01.53 
marcosw Robin_Watts: back (was on the phone)19:08.04 
Robin_Watts marcosw: I'm about done for the night.19:19.11 
  If you want to, start working forwards through 300 and 301 all failed images. Let me know how far you get.19:19.46 
  I'll do some tomorrow, and try and rope pete/paul in to help for a bit.19:20.08 
  and we'll see how long it's going to take.19:20.24 
  seem fair?19:20.30 
  If it's taking hours then we can reconsider the approach.19:20.43 
marcosw Robin_Watts: If you are still around could you make a twiki page and I'll update it with how far I get today. I'm not sure where to put it on the twiki.19:39.34 
henrys marcosw: it looks like open office and friend do regression testing like we do then don't even attempt to automate the interactive or editing stuff: 
  presumably interactive testing is done much less frequently.20:42.50 
marcosw henrys: I suspect they have a lot more volunteers to help with testing than we do as well.21:15.15 
Robin_Watts marcosw: back.22:29.19 
  marcosw: Just email me wherever you get to (or mention it here)22:30.30 
  stupid rebooty windows.23:15.21 
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