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Log of #ghostscript at

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2014/05/21)2014/05/22 
marcosw pedro_pc is up early and henrys is up late...06:25.33 
  googles pdf reader was open sourced today.07:01.42 
  the one for chrome.07:01.57 
  oh. this was originally developed by foxit.07:04.09 
chrisl reboots08:10.16 
sebras Robin_Watts: do you think pdfium has something interesting in it?08:49.05 
Robin_Watts sebras: I haven't really looked.08:52.02 
tor8 Robin_Watts: one-line bugfix on tor/master for the optimized CMap bug I found yesterday10:58.40 
kubilayrd hi all11:02.05 
  I am using GS to convert PDF file to PNG image(s)11:02.15 
  however, the color tones of converted image differ from the original file11:02.33 
  I was wondering if we have any optional parameter for colors11:02.47 
tor8 how can you tell, if the PDF is the original file?11:03.09 
kubilayrd what do you mean?11:03.28 
tor8 which colors are you comparing11:03.33 
kubilayrd some text's color on the pdf file and converted image11:03.57 
tor8 and how do you know which color is in the PDF except by converting?11:04.15 
  well, more accurately asked: how do you know which color is in the PDF?11:05.01 
kubilayrd I open the pdf file and see?11:05.16 
chrisl Open it in what?11:05.29 
kubilayrd I preview colors with DigitalColor Meter tool in OS X11:05.44 
  and see there are differences in values11:05.51 
  open it in preview app11:06.00 
chrisl Could be Ghostscript is right, and preview is wrong.....11:06.39 
kubilayrd Allright, I think I was mistaken11:06.39 
  I see11:06.51 
  how can I convert these PNG files to JPG with GS?11:07.06 
tor8 there's a ton of things that could be different. Preview app might be using your system's display colorspace conversion, where GS doesn't.11:07.08 
kubilayrd Or can I?11:07.09 
  I am using mogrify at the moment and it messes up the colors11:07.23 
chrisl No, why not just have GS output jpeg?11:07.30 
kubilayrd I think I had issues with the quality in text11:08.05 
  hold on a second, I will convert to JPG and try to remember what the issue was11:08.17 
tor8 jpeg is always going to have text quality problems11:08.18 
kubilayrd that's why I firstly convert to PNG11:08.31 
  then convert to JPEG so the text doesn't get corrupted that much11:08.43 
  can mudraw do this conversion?11:09.01 
chrisl That's.... odd11:09.03 
kubilayrd PNG to JPEG I mean11:09.05 
tor8 kubilayrd: try going via PPM instead of PNG (since mogrify might be doing weird stuff to PNG colorspaces) and see if that makes a difference11:09.20 
kubilayrd Allright, trying now11:09.35 
  current command is:11:09.56 
tor8 kubilayrd: mudraw can do it, but gs has better colorspace handling11:10.03 
kubilayrd gs -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=pngalpha -dUseCropBox -sOutputFile=target_%d.png -r190 source.pdf11:10.09 
  What should I change for PPM?11:10.18 
tor8 try changing pngalpha to ppmraw11:10.26 
  and %d.png to %d.ppm11:10.37 
kubilayrd OK, thanks11:10.41 
tor8 my guess though is that Preview is applying colorspace correction for your display, which will make the color values differ from the uncorrected values output by gs11:11.26 
chrisl Can't think why converting to something else then to JPEG would improve text quality......11:11.35 
tor8 chrisl: you have better control over the -q value in the conversion11:12.05 
chrisl You can set it in gs too11:12.22 
tor8 right.11:12.41 
chrisl -dJPEGQ=N (integer from 0 to 100, default 75) 11:12.44 
tor8 that default is pretty low :)11:12.56 
kubilayrd PPM is quite.. messy11:13.10 
  and the size is 10 times larger11:13.16 
chrisl It's uncompressed11:13.23 
kubilayrd I am now trying dJPEGQ option now with 10011:13.37 
tor8 kubilayrd: PPM is uncompressed. if you gzip it, it should be comparable in size to png.11:13.39 
kubilayrd but the quality is not good as PNG11:13.58 
chrisl No, it's lossy compression, JPEG will never be as good an PNG (which is lossless)11:14.21 
tor8 PPM should be identical to PNG, but I expect you mean JPEG is not as good as PNG?11:14.43 
kubilayrd no, PPM is not good as PNG, the text borders are strong way too crispy11:15.19 
chrisl -dTextAlphaBits=2 then11:16.09 
kubilayrd what's the max value for this?11:17.23 
chrisl 411:17.29 
kubilayrd 2 got it better, just not enough11:17.31 
  OK, trying11:17.36 
  better than before, I need to check out on tablet because the images will be used in a mobile app11:19.47 
  OK, the last command is:11:19.51 
  gs -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=jpeg -dJPEGQ=100 -dTextAlphaBits=4 -dUseCropBox -sOutputFile=out_%d.jpg -r190 in.pdf -c quit11:19.53 
  any more suggestions on this?11:19.58 
  for crispiness or JPG quality?11:20.08 
chrisl Well, you can probably drop the -dJPEGQ=100 since what you apparently wanted was "fuzzier" text, not "better quality" text.....11:20.49 
kubilayrd page are from a magazine, both contains text and images...11:21.21 
chrisl Images were probably JPEG encoded already11:21.40 
tor8 -dJPEGQ=90 is what I tend to use as a compromise between small size and compression artefacts11:21.45 
chrisl You can simplify to: -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=jpeg -dTextAlphaBits=4 -dUseCropBox -sOutputFile=out_%d.jpg -r190 in.pdf11:21.57 
kubilayrd what does -dBATCH stand for?11:22.16 
tor8 -sDEVICE=jpeg -dTextAlphaBits=4 -dUseCropBox -r190 -o out_%d.jpg11:22.25 
chrisl It runs gs in batch mode instead of interactive11:22.33 
tor8 the NOPAUSE and BATCH and OutputFile are all implicit with the -o option (IIRC)11:22.44 
chrisl True, yes11:22.54 
kubilayrd OK, trying the commands now11:23.09 
chrisl You might also want -dGraphicsAlphaBits=4 too11:23.14 
kubilayrd Okay11:23.45 
chrisl So lineart gets fuzzy to match your text11:24.05 
kubilayrd executing now, 68 pages11:25.32 
Robin_Watts Morning mace.11:43.08 
kubilayrd thank you guys, it saved my from 2 more steps and quality/size satisfying11:43.24 
Robin_Watts tor8: 1 line fix looks plausible to me.11:44.03 
kubilayrd I have to convert these images to smaller width version as well 11:46.26 
  Do you recommend conversion from the source with different -r valur11:46.37 
  or using mudraw -w option?11:46.45 
sebras if the pages in kubilayrd's PDF are full-page images then it might be better to extract those than to resample the drawn pages..?11:51.04 
  I'm not sure what the source is, this is just an idea.11:51.20 
kubilayrd sebras: No, they are text and image combined, magazine papers.11:54.17 
sebras kubilayrd: ok. nermind me then. :)11:54.35 
tor8 Robin_Watts: thanks. there's one more commit for review now too.12:09.49 
Robin_Watts lgtm12:18.04 
  I think the 1.4 slowdown is down to me changing flate to work 1 byte at a time.12:18.40 
tor8 Robin_Watts: ohhh, you did?12:18.53 
Robin_Watts I need to ponder that a bit. Putting it back to work in larger blocks will bugger inline image handling.12:19.13 
tor8 Robin_Watts: you could write your own flate code, that is designed to work a byte at a time :)12:19.36 
  does that only affect flate, or do all filters work a byte at a time now?12:19.51 
Robin_Watts It's only flate.12:20.09 
tor8 right. because of the zlib api?12:20.19 
Robin_Watts Essentially, I only want it to decode as much as it needs, not as much as it can.12:20.45 
  It may be that there is something I can do to ameliorate it. I need to get some time to think on it.12:21.19 
tor8 even if you hand a big buffer to zlib, you can tell how much it didn't consume at the end of the deflate call12:24.26 
Robin_Watts but I can't know... something that I needed to know.12:25.13 
jhabjan hi, is there a way to tell ghostscript to translate ligatures to normal characters?12:54.45 
kens2 No12:54.56 
  THere is no way to be certain a glyph is in fact a ligature12:55.45 
jhabjan ah, ok, got it, thanks12:56.20 
tor8 kens2: in theory, it should be possible to find ligatures by looking at the ToUnicode CMap if there are any 1-to-many mappings13:12.00 
  not very reliable in practice though13:12.10 
kens2 and no use in PostScript at all.....13:12.34 
henrys pedro_pc, paulgardiner_lap looks like we got what we needed, I had requested a meeting with Good and I can set that up but I don't know if we need one now, let me know if you want one.13:27.40 
paulgardiner_lap possibly not.13:29.39 
  Probably best to wait at least until we run into the next pit fall13:30.14 
henrys paulgardiner_lap: the threat of a meeting usually is enough ;-)13:31.14 
paulgardiner_lap With the info they gave us, I've been able to send docs to their app for saving or emailing, so it looks like the updates for the sake of the newer SDK have worked.13:31.38 
henrys paulgardiner_lap: is there anything with Good integration that would hinder normal SOT performance?13:32.21 
paulgardiner_lap henrys: you mean render speed, UI liveness, that sort of thing?13:32.54 
henrys paulgardiner_lap: yes13:33.10 
paulgardiner_lap Hmmm. I was about to say no, but there is a mysql database that we keep in the secure area, which implies access to it is via the GOOD GDFileSystem.13:34.25 
henrys paulgardiner_lap: a large potential client complained of performance problems so it is something for us to test once we have something. I'll add it to the agenda so it doesn't get dropped13:35.55 
  client of Good that is13:36.06 
  paulgardiner_lap: but we don't really know when SOT last worked with Good, do we?13:36.59 
paulgardiner_lap Okay. Did they have knowledge of both versions, or were they just saying the one version they tried was slow?13:37.10 
henrys Robin_Watts: is there something I can do to help with testing, I can assign others or can do some of it myself. Let me know.13:37.56 
paulgardiner_lap henrys: we have a record of the last release, with date, source version etc.13:38.09 
tor8 Robin_Watts: one more tiny fix on tor/master13:39.59 
  Robin_Watts: if you find my pinging you for every tiny fix annoying, maybe I should just go ahead and close bugs before the fixes land on golden master.13:40.41 
Robin_Watts tor8: no problem.13:40.51 
henrys paulgardiner_lap: when was that? I'll send you the email if you want. I told them we aren't investigating until we have a real working Good integration.13:40.53 
  ugh another performance regression.13:41.27 
Robin_Watts tor8: lgtm.13:41.35 
  tor8: Should we be considering other unicode whitespace chars too ?13:42.04 
paulgardiner_lap henrys: looks to be August 201313:42.49 
tor8 Robin_Watts: possibly, we could use the JS list of whitespace chars but I doubt they're very common13:43.26 
paulgardiner_lap henrys: yeah, would be interesting to see the email13:43.29 
  in some strange sense of the word "interesting"!13:43.44 
henrys paulgardiner_lap: yes I'm afraid it did not make my interesting list ;-)13:45.13 
paulgardiner_lap just to test my stalk match alarm: paul13:53.36 
  just to test my stalk match alarm: paul13:54.05 
Robin_Watts apaulling ?13:54.14 
paulgardiner_lap Only matches whole words :-)13:54.28 
chrisl paul: it might have to be someone else?13:54.37 
paulgardiner_lap 'tis broken.13:55.23 
chrisl What client are you using?13:55.56 
paulgardiner_lap chatzilla. I thought I just copied the config from a working client on my desktop to this one on my laptop13:57.31 
  Maybe I need to set "aggressive notification"13:57.45 
Robin_Watts Have you set the volume for chatzilla to 0 or something in the system mixer?13:58.25 
paulgardiner_lap Ah spelling mistake13:58.26 
Robin_Watts pual!13:58.34 
paulgardiner_lap That's it13:58.40 
  just to test my stalk match alarm: paul13:59.08 
  Can you try again?13:59.25 
Robin_Watts paul13:59.51 
paulgardiner_lap pah!13:59.58 
pedro_pc henrys,paulgardiner_lap: we'll have to go hrough our internal test before we go to Veracode so we should probably factor in soem performance test as part of that process. I'm not sure just how much slower it would be - should be roughly the decryption cost for individual files (unless of course the Good File() instantiation is slow - we do that on each access I think13:59.59 
rayjj morning, all14:23.55 
kens2 Hi ray14:24.26 
rayjj kens2: I mentioned it in the logs yesterday after opening the transparency pdfwrite bug, that if you don't get to it, I'll look into it after the other customer issues on my plate.14:24.46 
kens2 I read the logs ray, I'm currently looking at your previous report14:25.14 
rayjj kens2: but I'll check with you first to see if you've started looking at it. It is NOT a customer issue14:25.21 
Robin_Watts rayjj: Did you see tkamppeters question yesterday?14:25.42 
rayjj Robin_Watts: umm... no. Someone mentioned something abotu byte ordering of 16bpc color -- that one ?14:26.32 
kens2 Yes thaAT ONE14:26.39 
rayjj looks at logs ...14:27.00 
kens2 ray I did very briefly look at the file today, and the text is present, so its omething weirdly tansparency/form related14:27.02 
rayjj kens2: right. I knew the text was there because gs prior to my patch shows it (but Adobe and new gs don't)14:28.06 
kens2 Ah, well like I said, somethgin weird with transparency and forms14:28.34 
  reduce the file and hte problem goes away14:28.42 
rayjj that's why I thought I wasn't able to reproduce the issue because at first I was looking at the pdfwrite output with old gs14:28.48 
kens2 I'm currently looking at your last report though14:29.06 
tor8 Robin_Watts: I wonder if 695233 might be related to the stack overflow bug with fz_vfprintf14:29.52 
Robin_Watts tor8: could be.14:31.04 
rayjj OK, for the 16 bpc issue, gs writes whatever color is returned from the device's 'encode_color' proc. The bits in the color index can be totally scrambled.14:32.20 
tor8 given the presence of two or three stack overflow/overrun bugs we've fixed since 1.4 it might make sense to do an early 1.5 release14:32.27 
rayjj so I have to look at gdevcups encode color (yuck)14:32.50 
Robin_Watts If we're going to do that, let's try and get to fix the slowdown too first.14:33.03 
kens2 ray I don't think you need to look at cups, just do you know what hte byte ordering is for 16 bpc rasters14:33.58 
tor8 Robin_Watts: yeah. let's not do the release before the staff meeting.14:34.04 
Robin_Watts rayjj: Urm... the question was, (if I'm remembering correctly), when he does a getbits for 16 bits per component, does he get a pointer to big or little endian data?14:34.33 
rayjj kens2: that's what I mean -- the byte ordering is whatever is in the color_index14:34.47 
Robin_Watts or "native".14:34.48 
kens2 doesn't understand, but hey....14:35.17 
Robin_Watts either.14:35.25 
  the ordering in the color index is "what order do components get packed into a color_index"14:35.48 
rayjj the data returned by get_bits is from the raster buffer, with the color_index values for each pixel packed with the first pixel first.14:35.56 
  Robin_Watts: thus the need to look at how cups loads the EncodeLUT for 16 bpc color14:36.23 
Robin_Watts The ordering of the 16 bits per *component* data in the actual memory is a different question entirely.14:36.26 
  rayjj: So if I give you a color index that is RRRRGGGGBBBB14:36.53 
  (assuming a 64bit color index)14:37.10 
  that has to get stored into memory.14:37.19 
rayjj that's only 48 bits14:37.25 
Robin_Watts 48 bits stored within a 64bit color index, yes...14:37.38 
  (my point is it wouldn't fit into a 32bit color index :) )14:37.55 
rayjj we pack the 'depth' number of bytes14:38.21 
  well, depth/814:38.31 
Robin_Watts So suppose I give you a color index of 0x11223344556614:39.13 
rayjj and the packing is the highest bits of the color index (that we keep) in the first byte of the buffer14:39.20 
Robin_Watts Right. So big endian. That was the question.14:39.41 
  so writing 0x112233445566 into char * raster, raster[0] would be 0x11, raster[1] would be 0x22, etc?14:40.36 
rayjj so if a 16bpc gray color_index for 50% returns 0x00008000 color index, the buffer will contain 0x80, 0x0014:40.37 
Robin_Watts So big endian.14:41.41 
rayjj Robin_Watts: if the 16bpc color index is 0x00112233445566, then the bytes in the buffer will be: 0x11, 0x22, 0x33, 0x44, 0x55, ... yes14:41.57 
Robin_Watts tkamppeter: Does that answer your question?14:42.20 
rayjj a device that has an encode color that is not big endian can change that. GS doesn't care what's in the bits. In your example, the 16bpc RGB could have been R=0x4411, G=5522, B=0x6633 14:43.50 
Robin_Watts rayjj: Color indexes don't have endian issues.14:46.52 
rayjj in fact, look at lines 4178-4815 in cups/gdevcups.c and you will see that when setting up the EncodeLUT that is used, it uses ARCH_IS_BUG_ENDIAN14:47.10 
Robin_Watts because they are always 'native' objects.14:47.16 
rayjj Robin_Watts: not sure what you mean by 'native' objects. color_index is opaque to the memory device.14:48.17 
  one doesn't even have to have the same number of bits per component14:48.42 
Robin_Watts rayjj: I mean that a color_index is (as far as gs is concerned) a single native value that gets passed around.14:49.55 
  Values in registers aren't big or little endian.14:50.43 
  Only values in memory have endian issues.14:50.57 
rayjj Robin_Watts: OK. Right. and the memory devices pack 'depth' bits into the bytes of the buffer with the most significant bits in the highest bits of the first pixel14:51.07 
Robin_Watts Right, so the memory devices are big endian by convention.14:51.37 
rayjj yes14:51.44 
Robin_Watts which is what till was asking, AIUI.14:51.49 
rayjj that's why I had to look at the encode color (or the filling of EncodeLUT) to see how it set up the values. It calculates an integer value, but then swaps bytes #if !ARCH_IS_BIG_ENDIAN14:53.34 
  it wouldn't have to do that if it wanted native endian component values out of the buffer from get_bits14:55.01 
Robin_Watts Urm... surely it *must* do that if it wants native endian components out?14:55.58 
rayjj which might be the case for a 12 or 16 bit device that was going to do more 'munging' of the data and didn't want to have to repack the componets according to the endian-ness14:56.08 
Robin_Watts If it passes in a vanilla gx_color_index, then it will get big endian out, always, regardless of platform.14:56.53 
rayjj Robin_Watts: it will get the bytes in the buffer with the highest bits of the color index first14:57.37 
Robin_Watts If it wants to get native endian out, then on little endian targets it must shuffle the gx_color_index styff.14:57.42 
  Hence it doing extra work on #if !ARCH_IS_BIG_ENDIAN makes sense to me.14:58.25 
rayjj Robin_Watts: I think we are in agreement14:58.44 
  w.r.t. to the cups device.14:58.57 
Robin_Watts yes. I was just confused by "it wouldn't have to do that if it wanted native endian component values out of the buffer from get_bits"14:59.21 
  as the reason it does it is because it *wants* native endian component values out.14:59.43 
rayjj Robin_Watts: sorry for the confusion. I hope tkamppeter got the info he needs.15:00.33 
kens2 night all16:15.28 
Robin_Watts tor8: Have you tested any windows builds recently?16:21.41 
tkamppeter rayjj, Robin_Watts, I am looking through your byte order discussion currently and try to find out what is going on ...16:33.08 
Robin_Watts tkamppeter: short answer: ghostscript writes the bytes from a gx_color_index into the raster buffers in big endian format.16:56.16 
  So when you do a get_bits you'll get a pointer to a buffer with those bytes stored in big endian form.16:56.44 
tor5 Robin_Watts: no. are they broken?16:56.56 
Robin_Watts BUT... cups does some internal wriggling to permute the bytes in the little endian case, so you should probably always get native endian out.16:57.20 
  tor5: yes. I have a fix here. Just some solution problems.16:57.30 
  I may also have a fix for the slowdown.16:57.41 
  I'll get them up for review later (or tomorrow)16:57.57 
tor5 ok.16:58.02 
chrisl tor5: how are you getting a "too many hints" error from Freetype if you disable all hinting?17:12.14 
rayjj tkamppeter: see the EncodeLUT setup in cups/gdevcups.c circa 417817:12.40 
tor5 chrisl: good question, but I guess it's a general freetype parser problem17:26.48 
  chrisl: but sometimes we do enable hinting, if the font starts with the dynalab font prefixes...17:27.23 
chrisl tor5: IIRC, that error should only occur if freetype actually tries to execute the hints. I think in gs, we retry with the "tricky" flag disabled when that happens17:28.24 
tor5 hmm, I guess I should try that too17:29.24 
chrisl tor5: the case for which I introduced that change it was the notdef glyph that caused the error - how a notdef can have anything more than trivial hints is beyond me!!17:31.57 
  henrys: OpenJPEG 2.1.0 update done....17:35.52 
henrys chrisl: yes just reading the commit - awesome17:36.10 
  chrisl: any word from shelly?17:36.33 
chrisl I haven't pinged him since I had dinner with him last week17:36.57 
  As I said, he's a bit snowed under with "real" work17:37.23 
  henrys: I've sent Shelly a mail, and I'll try to get to talk to him in the next few days, and devise a plan of action.......17:45.16 
henrys great chrisl it certainly isn't critical but it would be nice to get it done17:46.12 
chrisl henrys: well, honestly it would have been done quite some time ago with a little more cooperation from the OpenJPEG folks..... or even no cooperation at all - at least then, we'd have a clear conscience in just doing a fork.....17:47.30 
  Right, that's me for the day - bye......17:57.08 
Adam__ Hi! I'm converting with GhostScript CMYK PDF to CMYK TIFF with no colour conversion and i would like to saveTIFF without any ICC profile attached. Is it possibe? How to do that?19:12.36 
henrys Adam__: so you are using -dUseFastColor and there is a profile in the tiff output?19:29.02 
Adam__ I didn't found that switch, just a second i will test it.19:29.51 
henrys -dUseFastColor=true19:30.31 
Adam__ It does't work. Profile 'Artiflex CMYK SWOP' is still embedded.19:37.54 
  But colours seems to be untouched.19:38.29 
  My command line parameters are:19:48.45 
  -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -dSAFER -sDEVICE=tiff32nc -r100 -dTextAlphaBits=4 -dGraphicsAlphaBits=4 -dDOINTERPOLATE -dUseFastColor=true -sOutputFile=test.tif test.pdf19:48.48 
  What can be wrong?19:48.56 
henrys Adam__: unfortunately the color expert is out of town. It does seem odd to me a profile would be embedded would you report a bug at 
Adam__ I will look around internet to see what people say. If i no find solution i will report a bug. Thank you for help Henry. Bye!19:53.33 
tor8 chrisl_away: (for the logs) the hints error in that file is because the glyph header has number of instructions > max instructions in the maxp table20:20.26 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: are you there?22:05.45 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: howdy, where are you?22:14.16 
mvrhel_laptop henrys: in korea22:31.57 
  heading to breakfast now22:32.01 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: -pdfexport file://localhost/out.pdf ../../MyTests/prop.pdf out.txt pdf22:49.54 
  mvrhel_laptop: Skype died on me :(22:50.03 
mvrhel_laptop thanks Rob23:02.12 
  Robin_Watts: 23:02.16 
Robin_Watts np.23:04.27 
  Why are you playing with pdf export ?23:04.39 
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