IRC Logs

Log of #ghostscript at

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2014/06/27)2014/06/28 
kens For the logs, mattchz I see two problems with the annotations in bug #695130, both should be easy to fix. Ping me on Monday and I'll explain. (One of them appears to be that teh PDF Reference is incorrect, or Acrobat implements it incorrectly....)09:38.07 
bencc I have a pdf file with several pages13:21.57 
  I have svg files that are drawings on pages13:22.13 
  can I generate a pdf from the original pdf file and the svg annotations?13:22.29 
sebras bencc: the ghostscript developers are normally during normal us/eu work hours on weekdays. so you may have to wait for some time before you get any response to your question during weekends. just so you know. :)13:28.53 
  normally during -> normally here during13:29.04 
bencc thanks13:31.42 
  sebras: looks like pdftk has something related. background, multibackground, stamp and multistamp13:32.17 
veprbl hi everyone!19:43.04 
  I'm experiencing some problems with gs on OSX19:44.09 
  specifically "/NotAFont findfont" is not working for me19:45.14 
  I expect that to end with "Substituting font Courier for NotAFont." along the lines19:45.49 
  but since 9.09 I don't get this19:46.01 
  I've bisected and found two commits that break things and want to submit a bug report19:46.43 
  Can someone check findfont on windows or linux please?19:47.40 
  yes. the bug doesn't show up on linux20:14.27 
  thanks for reading. bye20:14.32 
 Forward 1 day (to 2014/06/29)>>>