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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2014/06/30)2014/07/01 
pedro_mac morning folks06:32.52 
kens Hi chrisl, how was the IoW ?07:02.05 
chrisl morning kens. IoW was really nice - almost surprisingly so07:03.49 
kens At least you (mostly) had decent weahter07:04.04 
chrisl The weather was all great - only rain was ~3am, and we weren't out at 3am!07:04.29 
kens Ah that was handy, it was wet here on Satuday afternoon07:04.47 
chrisl That's probably the rain we had - it was 3am on Saturday morning07:05.32 
kens Hmm GMail marked Zoltan's mail as spam :-)07:08.34 
pedro_mac chrisl: that’s pretty good going :)07:08.52 
chrisl pedro_mac: yeh, we were pleasantly surprised - we kept thinking we'd get caught in a deluge miles from anywhere, but it never happened07:15.46 
jogux_mac good morning08:54.56 
kens Morning08:55.03 
jogux there's something fabuously wrong with Glasgow's weather this summer08:55.49 
Robin_Watts morning08:55.50 
pedro_mac hi Robin08:55.59 
kens I take it you can see the Sun ?08:56.08 
jogux kens : I can barely look in the direction of the sun08:56.36 
kens :-)08:56.44 
chrisl Got to get all that good weather out the way before the Games start!08:56.58 
sebras good morning!08:58.45 
jogux chrisl : hehe08:59.55 
Robin_Watts pedro_mac, jogux: So, are either of you at all interested in the font engine?09:00.13 
  I think I want to bend it a bit to make handling spaces better.09:00.35 
pedro_mac Robin_Watts: that’s leading question… ;)09:00.41 
jogux remembers what happened when I mentioned knowing about styling09:00.45 
Robin_Watts Every Font_Handle is basically a transform + set of OpenFonts.09:01.09 
jogux nods.09:01.20 
Robin_Watts where each OpenFont is the actual object that corresponds to a real font. And that set is used as the list of fonts to 'fall back' through.09:01.57 
  One of those fonts is a 'Spaces' font, that exists purely to offer widths/metrics/null outlines for the common unicode space chars.09:02.28 
pedro_mac yup09:03.07 
Robin_Watts In the current code we have hardwired widths for the spaces that it supports, but there are 6 space chars that it does not support, supposedly because their size is should be calculated from the actual fonts in use.09:03.44 
  for example, the width of the 'ideographic space' should be set to be the same as an ideograph.09:04.03 
  likewise there is punctuation space and figure space.09:04.32 
  Now, it was the ideographic space that was causing the [] in Artifex 2014.09:05.01 
  so that's the one I need to get supported.09:05.11 
chrisl Wouldn't it be better to add those space glyphs to the actual fonts, instead of relying on some fallback?09:06.02 
Robin_Watts chrisl: what if the fonts involved aren't ours?09:06.24 
kens ideographic languages don't generally use spaces at all.....09:06.34 
chrisl Then there's a missing glyph, and the file is wrong09:06.46 
kens And a fixed width space probably onl;y works if its a fixed width font09:06.52 
Robin_Watts kens: I have many examples here of files that do.09:07.02 
kens Robin_Watts : do what ? Use spaces ?09:07.16 
Robin_Watts yes.09:07.20 
kens Hmm, for what purpose ?09:07.30 
  Though since this is MS Offcie, nothing surprsies me09:07.47 
Robin_Watts specifically I have lots of files with japanese/chinese fonts in that have ideographic spaces in the middle of runs of ideographs.09:08.08 
paulgardiner jogux: I believe I can see what difference between master and the branch is affecting this spreadsheet-ruler problem.09:08.10 
kens In any event, a fixed width space is only correct for a fixed width font. THere are proportional CJKV fonts too09:08.13 
Robin_Watts kens, sure.09:08.29 
kens ie the space may not be the size of an ideogram09:08.36 
  Robin_Watts : How would you have one 'space' which works for all fonts ?09:09.12 
Robin_Watts kens, well, presumably if people are using proportional fonts, then the ideographic space will be some value near the average of the ideograms.09:09.18 
paulgardiner jogux: We have the DOCVIEW_ZOOMSET feature enabled. It's part of removing simplelib, but master has it independently of REMOVE_SIMPLELIB.09:09.23 
Robin_Watts kens: I wouldn't, that's the point.09:09.25 
kens OK then I misunderstand, I thought you were saying that you would add an ideographic space to the 'spaces' font09:09.47 
pedro_mac Robin_Watts: are you thinking of synthesising the spaces metrics on open of each font?09:10.00 
paulgardiner jogux: it completely changes how rulers are controlled and it doesn't currently allow for separation between the focus area and where the rulers are, AFAIKS09:10.12 
Robin_Watts My first attempt was to hardwire a value in for the ideographic space in the spaces font. And that works, but it's not ideal as you just predicted.09:10.25 
  pedro_mac: Kinda.09:10.38 
  My new plan is to:09:10.44 
kens Robin_Watts : can't you just look in the font for a space glyph ? Then you only need to synthesise one if its not present09:11.06 
Robin_Watts kens: Fallback already gives us that.09:11.27 
kens I guess I don't understand the problem then.....09:11.44 
Robin_Watts If there are spaces in the original fonts then those will be supplied and everything is fine.09:11.51 
kens is unsurprised by that09:11.56 
Robin_Watts The problem is if the font we are using does not have an ideographic space.09:12.13 
kens Oh, then I think I'm with Chris, but this isn't printing so....09:12.16 
  Can't you check for other kinds of spaces first ?09:12.28 
Robin_Watts kens: how would that help?09:13.01 
paulgardiner jogux: so possibilities are - 1) update the zoomset feature to allow for the separation between rulers and focus area, 2) turn off DOCVIEW_ZOOMSET until we have more time, 3) go with my current fix that changed the focus area behaviour to a small extent09:13.06 
kens Well presumably *a* space is more likely to be correct in a given font, than a random synthetic space09:13.23 
Robin_Watts kens: Not really, no.09:13.41 
kens Well, you have the examples, not me....09:13.53 
Robin_Watts The width of a vanilla space in (say) Arial, is likely to be completely unrelated to the widths of an ideograph in that font.09:14.17 
  or at least will be related in a non-standard way.09:14.28 
kens Turue, but in such a font the average of all widths seems no more likely (to me) to be correct either09:14.53 
  It will presumabl;y only be correct in a font mostly composed of ideographs09:15.09 
Robin_Watts kens: right, but I wasn't suggesting we'd use the average of all widths.09:15.15 
kens I should shut up and let you finish09:15.33 
Robin_Watts So each openfont has a 'getWidths' method that is called to fill in the widths for the given used unicode values.09:16.08 
  Each openFonts getWidths method is called in turn until all the widths for the required string are filled in.09:17.19 
  The spaces one, just looks up the widths for the space chars that it knows about in its hardwired table, and fills those in.09:17.44 
jogux paulgardiner: ah, cool... I guess that kinda of makes sense.09:18.33 
  paulgarinder: I'm not 100% sure I know what the 'focus area' actually is09:18.43 
  my temptation would be to go with 3), but I don't know if end users might see that as a regression.09:19.08 
Robin_Watts I propose to try and change it so that for things like 'ideographic_space' or 'punctuation_space' etc, it will look up the width of an ideograph/punctuation in the earlier fonts and will then use that.09:19.09 
  So it'll still be a guess, but it'll be a guess based on the characteristics of the actual font(s) in use.09:19.48 
paulgardiner jogux: it would be a change only in the iOS version09:19.53 
  a regression I mean09:20.01 
mattchz morning09:20.07 
jogux robin_watts : well it can't be worse than a box. :)09:20.25 
kens Robin_Watts : Well its a reasonable last ditch attempt I guess.09:20.52 
paulgardiner I'm just trying out turning off DOCVIEW_ZOOMSET and that may be problematic. Looks like there have been changes since it was enabled that rely on it09:21.13 
pedro_mac Robin_Watts: that sounds like a reasonably decent option in this situation09:21.15 
chrisl Seems to me this stuff (M$ Office, not SO) pretty much guarantees varying degrees of wrong, and never right, in portability terms.......09:22.00 
jogux paulgardiner: I'm not sure I'd be overly keen on turning it off, it's moving the code in the wrong direction. and you already found out it probably won't work straight off either :-)09:22.08 
Robin_Watts jogux, pedro_mac: I probably need to be prepared to look up several ideograms, and several pieces of punctuation until I find one that is there.09:22.10 
  which means it might be a bit slow.09:22.15 
  which means I need to cache the results.09:22.26 
jogux robin_watts : yeah, I was about to ask09:22.27 
paulgardiner I could have a brief look at option 109:22.41 
Robin_Watts which means, I think, that I need to have some storage in the Font_Handle.09:22.42 
jogux robin_watts: wouldn't the cache go in OpenFont ?09:23.26 
Robin_Watts and it means that the getWidths function needs to be able to get to the other openfonts in the Font_Handle, rather than just being an entirely local thing.09:23.36 
  so it harms the modularity a bit.09:23.44 
  but I think it's the 'right' thing to do. Just wanted to float the idea in case anyone could immediately think of a better option.09:24.06 
  kens, chrisl: It would, of course, be much nicer to assume that all fonts properly gave 'a' value for all the different spaces in unicode, cos that should be at least as accurate as any on-the-fly guess we can make.09:27.21 
paulgardiner jogux: turning off DOCVIEW_ZOOMSET does seem to work, provided I remove a few asserts (that in any case look wrong anyway), but as you say it's a backwards step.09:27.22 
Robin_Watts but sadly, we aren't as in control of the fonts as we'd like.09:27.34 
kens wonders what MS do....09:28.09 
chrisl Use their own fonts.....09:28.17 
pedro_mac can’t think of an obvious way to make this more modular just now. What you suggest sounds quite logical and shouldn’t introduce any real binding between modules09:28.19 
Robin_Watts jogux: We have one 'spaces' openfont for the entire system, I believe.09:28.31 
  and the width of the spaces depends on the other fonts that are "fallback"ed through09:29.00 
  (fallen-back? falled-backen? hmm)09:29.17 
  hence the space widths are a property of the set of openfonts, not a single openfont, I think.09:29.40 
  thus Font_Handle is the place to store them.09:29.49 
jogux robin_watts : oh. hrm. but you can cache the first punctation / ideograph character of your search into the openfont though?09:33.03 
  ie. the slow bit of trying to figure out which character you want actually exists?09:33.14 
  feel free to tell me I'm being stupid if I missed some part of the logic :)09:34.00 
  (my belief is there there are 10s or less of OpenFonts and potentially 100s of Font_Handle)09:35.07 
Robin_Watts jogux: Not into the spaces openfont, not.09:42.05 
jogux oh, yes, I was thinking to cache the resultts into the *other* openfont(s)09:42.26 
  intermediate results, even.09:42.44 
Robin_Watts Possibly, though that's nastier.09:45.57 
jogux isn't sure quite how slow it'll be tbh. we cache all the width metrics in RAM anyway?09:46.58 
Robin_Watts yes, looking up char widths can't be that slow.09:49.26 
  and we'll only do it where we actually need them.09:49.37 
  I'm not suggesting doing it on every single font_handle open.09:49.49 
kens For TTF you just consult the HMTX table09:49.51 
jogux robin_watts: nod.09:50.33 
paulgardiner pedro_mac: is there anything we want to be asking the new Good contact relating to the Android app?09:55.22 
jogux robin_watts : I think I'm essentially happy with your plan09:57.54 
pedro_mac paulgardiner: I think its primarily how we go about editing - either through sample apps from them or access to other editing apps (probably more difficult). I’ve still had no response from support on the issues with singleTop/singleTask activity model, and whether they have plans to remove the restriction, despite prodding them09:57.55 
  paulgardiner: file transfer works fine, which I think is all the iOS app supports so the editing stuff *could* be deferred in order to get android available (but obviously needs the task model problem sorted)09:59.10 
paulgardiner I think the iOS app supports editing.10:00.00 
  And several picsel-specific services10:00.50 
  Just telling the new contact that we have had no response to the support requests sounds worth doing.10:01.59 
  You could give me something to send on to him, or probably just as good to email him directly.10:02.35 
pedro_mac paulgardiner: I’ve reverted to an ‘old’ SDK model of having a separate singleTop activity for good authentication and invoking the singleTask PicselViewer activity through a (cached) intent but we still have issues with switching between tasks10:03.39 
  paulgardiner: ok, I’ll email him.10:03.49 
  paulgardiner: the marketplace listing for iOS has edit file, save edited file but not file-transfer or picsel doc service10:04.30 
paulgardiner Oh! I knew it didn't have file-transfer. That's because SDK 1.4.x had the GDSecureDocs class for passing docs between apps. The file-transfer service is something I added as part of the update to the later SDK10:07.05 
  I'm surprised though that it doesn't mention the picsel services. I think they show up in the console.10:07.53 
pedro_mac they show as available, but they’re not associated10:08.13 
paulgardiner :-) at some stage I should probably try to understand the distinction between associated and available10:09.39 
  pedro_mac: is that the case for editing too?10:10.08 
pedro_mac nope - edit/save edit are associated. I guess we’ll need to add file-transfer once we publish10:10.42 
paulgardiner yes. Probably the lack of that is why my tests failed. Brad had told me to use com.picsel.smartoffice2gd when testing file transfer.10:11.52 
  I had been intending to point that out to him, but then I didn't want to mention too many thing at once when I couldn't even authenticate the apps.10:13.24 
pedro_mac grins - joined up thinking is a step too far...10:13.49 
paulgardiner :-)10:14.46 
  Separate activity for authentication sounds like a good thing to try, but are you saying that required using an older Good SDK?10:16.47 
  I'm probably in a position to help on the Android side now, but the whole single-top single-task business is something I know little about.10:17.55 
pedro_mac paulgardiner: I’m using the newest SDK, but I had updated the app using the current ‘best practice’ as it was completely broken at first; Good android apps used to use a separate activity for auth, but recommend using the new state manager (rather than old event system) and implement the auth handling interface in each activity 10:25.00 
  paulgardiner: its much nicer, but has the issue that their auth lib doesn’t support being launched as singleTask (which we use for the PicselViewer activity to guarantee single instance)10:25.55 
  so… I’ve reatianed all the other SDK mods and reverted the auth to a separate singleTop activity, but still see crashes in certain circumstances switching in and out of the app.10:26.45 
  the crashes are actually *worse* with the seaparate-activity model :-/10:27.07 
  basically we’re seeing alien calls with no PicselContext set up10:27.35 
  its quite possible there’s a simpler explanation so another pair of eyes on it would be good10:28.03 
  if you have time10:28.07 
paulgardiner Worth a go at least I guess10:28.27 
pedro_mac I have the ‘new’ auth model of android-sog branch in ~pete/private-repos/sot.git10:29.21 
  the fallback model I haven’t pushed yet, but can do that now10:29.46 
paulgardiner Okay thanks10:30.26 
tor8 hi chrisl. so, I've looked at the glyph lists now.10:49.45 
chrisl tor8: oh, yeh, I'd forgotten about that....10:50.16 
tor8 I've assembled WGL4, W1G, UFST (from the existing URW fonts and your list of diffs) and MES-2 glyph lists10:51.53 
  and extracted the metrics from the microsoft fonts10:52.05 
  the MES-2 is some official subset of unicode for european languages10:52.37 
  W1G is something that Linotype and Monotype and other font foundries use10:53.03 
chrisl Ugh, nice to have "a standard" :-(10:53.35 
tor8 chrisl: yeah...10:54.58 
  your glyph list has several duplicates with the same glyph under different names10:55.26 
  like Dslash and Dcroat10:55.32 
  not sure how you handle that in the ps interpreter, but in the worst case I think some scripting with fontforge can solve that trivially10:56.00 
  in case you want the same glyph with both names10:56.12 
  chrisl: if I make supersets of everything but MES-2 I end up with 748 glyphs, with MES-2 then 1137 glyphs. the current fonts all have 242 glyphs.10:56.43 
  my question now is -- which subset do we ask for?10:56.53 
  we could take one subset and do the intersection with what the microsoft fonts have10:57.40 
  which means we can supply them with the exact metrics we want10:57.50 
chrisl Well, it really depends on what we want..... my work was all based on having a fully UFST compatible alterative, which I've no clue whether that's still relevant10:58.04 
tor8 I see two motivations for the fonts -- one as a microsoft compatible font set, and the other as a more general substitute font10:59.08 
  the microsoft fonts all have arabic and hebrew and 2500 glyphs give or take a few hundred10:59.34 
chrisl I don't see much value beyond what we're required to have for PDF support10:59.50 
tor8 which is overkill for us I think10:59.51 
  chrisl: yeah, in that case I'd pick the smaller subset11:00.56 
  chrisl: do you have access to the UFST fonts?11:01.32 
  there are roughly 50 glyphs which are in your UFST set but not in the microsoft fonts11:01.46 
  so I can't provide metrics for those11:01.58 
  the arrows, set and math symbols11:02.23 
chrisl tor8: depends what you means "access" - the microtype fonts aren't "fonts" as such.11:02.40 
tor8 nothing that you can get fontforge to open up or somehow extract the metrics from?11:03.20 
mattchz Re: 
chrisl No, not even close. You can only access them via the UFST11:03.47 
  tor8: ^11:03.52 
tor8 urgh11:04.01 
chrisl That's why I produced the list in the way I did11:04.15 
mattchz Tor8/Robin_Watts/paulgardiner: I can only partially reproduce this. I’ll bring in my HTC desire tomorrow to test it.11:04.40 
tor8 that's the list of UFST glyphs that are missing from the microsoft fonts11:04.47 
mattchz but, the main thing seems to be that mupdf is started as part of the Download apps task.11:05.07 
  i.e. we don’t have a separate entry in the task manager for mupdf, because it’s being as a viewer within Downloads11:05.31 
  QuickOffice does the same.11:05.41 
  SmartOffice and Amazon Kindle both open a new task, and the app appears as a separate entry.11:06.06 
  I think either is valid. Was there an intention of how MuPDF should behave?11:06.55 
chrisl tor8: the font metrics files only contain metrics for a subset of the glyphs in the Microtype fonts......11:07.11 
mattchz A side effect of the way things are right now is that it is possible to have multiple documents open at once — one in the MuPDF app ‘proper’ and others as an activity running in other tasks.11:07.35 
paulgardiner thinks for second time today that he must get to grips with Android's task vagaries11:07.49 
mattchz Note that despite the separate UI tasks, all actually run within the same linux process11:08.04 
  Was MuPDF designed that should she safe? And what behaviour do we actually want?11:08.22 
  paulgardiner> paul, yeah, I have to do that every time I revisit one of these issues :(11:08.39 
  it’s not entirely clear how it should work.11:08.49 
  (from a usability pov)11:08.58 
pedro_mac amen to that11:09.00 
paulgardiner Robin did some work on allowing multiple simultaneous tasks amd that seemed to work.11:09.40 
tor8 chrisl: right, so unless you can get the metrics for that list I guess we'll have to live with whatever URW come up with?11:09.51 
mattchz paul> ah, so that’s intentional then?11:10.31 
  If so, I might just close this bug.11:10.38 
tor8 nobody I know knows how android tasks are supposed to work. it's all black magic and never does what you expect...11:11.06 
paulgardiner I'm not sure we knew what the alternatives were11:11.08 
mattchz tor8: indeed11:11.15 
chrisl tor8: I can probably get things like the advance width accurately-ish using a Postscript program11:11.18 
tor8 ...from a user perspective11:11.22 
  chrisl: if you could get that (just enumerate all the fonts and do it by glyph name) I can merge that in with what I'm assembling11:12.00 
  just the advance width, I don't think anything else really matters11:12.27 
mattchz paul: there are potentially a few alternatives. But the most obvious one would be just to have a single instance of MuPDF, showing only a single document. And that would run in its own task.11:12.32 
tor8 the advance width is the crucial bit not to get messed up layouts11:12.37 
paulgardiner If all Android devices had the words "Anything could happen" written on the back button, things would be fine,11:12.39 
mattchz I notice sebras reported that bug…maybe he knows more11:13.00 
tor8 paulgardiner: indeed!11:13.00 
chrisl tor8: FWIW, the monotype supplied TTF equivalents of the MT fonts ("for screen use") also only contain a subset of the glyphs in the MT fonts - which I think is "enlightening"11:13.09 
mattchz paul: hehe11:13.13 
  you’ll be pleased to know, it’s all changing a bit in Android L!11:13.29 
tor8 mattchz: I just pinged him on ICQ, but I think he might be away being furious in a meeting.11:13.32 
mattchz hehe11:13.38 
paulgardiner mattchz: in that case, what would happen if someone tried to open a document in MuPDF when it already had an open document?11:14.16 
mattchz presuambly it’d close it and open the new one, possibly warning if a save was needed.11:14.37 
chrisl tor8: I'll see about getting the advance widths when I get a bit of time11:14.38 
mattchz I’ll see what QO does, ooi11:14.44 
  I think the current behaviour is fine, assuming its intentional.11:15.08 
tor8 chrisl: I was thinking sending them the list of unicode characters the fonts need, and lists of advance widths for each character for each font would be good enough11:15.50 
mattchz oh, weird. QO does the same as us too. I’m sure it was doing something different before.11:16.20 
chrisl tor8: yeh, that should be enough - we easily provide other specifics if they ask11:26.56 
tor8 chrisl: okay. when do you expect to get a bit of time for the advance widths? I think henry is itching to get this done.11:27.56 
chrisl tor8: I'll have it done for tomorrow at the latest11:28.57 
tor8 chrisl: fab, thanks11:29.17 
  just mail me the lists and I'll massage them into the same format the rest is in and see if there are any incompatibilities11:29.40 
chrisl Can't be that important, though, given how long it's festered.......11:29.48 
tor8 well, I'd like to see it happen so I can close some of my bug reports :)11:30.05 
Robin_Watts mattchz: If you start mupdf as an app, then hit the home key, and back out, then open a file that launches MuPDF you can have 2 instances running.11:33.39 
  That used to confuse MuPDF because we had globals in the lib.11:33.59 
  That's why we now have a 'globals' object.11:34.05 
  I wonder if this bug has been solved now.11:34.35 
  sebras? You awake?11:34.39 
pedro_mac paulgardiner: I’ve just rebased my current stuff - on the ‘android-sog-gdauth’ branch in my private repo. 11:35.18 
paulgardiner Right. I'll grab that. Thanks.11:36.23 
pedro_mac should be able to build using the solution - there’s an android-sot-gd project in the solution on that branch11:37.25 
pedro_mac suspects it is probably having similar issues to the muPDF multi-instance stuff. That’s what I’d been looking at sorting in the alien. It’s a bit of a mess based on when it was originally done though (the alien that is) :(11:39.12 
  for now I’d much rather do the simpler option of getting the existing singleTask activity working with whatever-good-auth-method-works11:40.04 
sebras Robin_Watts: hi!11:49.39 
  mattchz: Robin_Watts: ok I've read the logs now.11:55.24 
  I'm not sure how android apps ought to behave in these situation, but this was not what I expected.11:56.44 
  so I reported it.11:56.48 
  tor8: btw, did you find a way to improve the parse speed of those destination links?11:57.11 
tor8 sebras: haven't looked yet, been busy digging with font character sets11:57.52 
Robin_Watts sebras: Does MuPDF still render the wrong document in step 13?11:58.11 
sebras tor8: ok, let me know if you want me to report is as a bug proper.11:58.20 
  Robin_Watts: I have my old HTC sensation at home and I can update mupdf later tonight and test again.11:58.53 
  Robin_Watts: in the mean time I can test on my HTC One.11:59.02 
tor8 sebras: "interesting" /Outlines tree. "/Count -65"11:59.50 
Alex90 Hi guys, could someone point me to a way of geting the coordinates of an image from a pdf? I have the fz_image and the fz_pixmap but it seams that the left and top coordinate is always 0 (note in the rendered pdf almost all the images start from a diferent position not 0).12:00.25 
tor8 sebras: I don't think it's a bug, it's just a file with way too much to parse12:01.15 
  it might make sense to parse lazily though?12:01.37 
sebras Robin_Watts: mattchz: on my HTC One (using a later version of android and HTC Sense) I can no longer do step 7. when I try I immediately go back to the mupdf task/view/whatever that is displaying a.pdf12:02.17 
Robin_Watts Alex90: You want to get the position/scale etc of each image within a PDF page?12:02.41 
sebras Robin_Watts: mattchz: could this be a problem in HTC's Download app in that you could restart it even if you were displaying other documents before..?\12:02.49 
  tor8: strictly we only care about the links on the current page.12:03.08 
Alex90 i am interested in the position12:03.18 
sebras tor8: I don't remember if we can find out which ones are on the current page though.12:03.31 
Robin_Watts Alex90: Sounds to me like you need to use a new fz_device.12:03.32 
Alex90 i already have the list with the images12:03.44 
Robin_Watts What list?12:03.53 
tor8 sebras: it might be slow because that's what we do... we look up stuff in the name tree lazily12:04.05 
Alex90 i have the fz_page_block and each fz_image_block12:04.29 
tor8 and the name tree is *gigantic*12:04.29 
Robin_Watts Alex90: Ah, right. Just a mo then.12:04.37 
sebras tor8: oh, ok.12:04.44 
  tor8: it was just a dramatic difference in startup time, so I got curious and bisected a bit to figure out what happened.12:05.09 
tor8 yeah, it used to fail on the first entry and then abort12:05.33 
Robin_Watts Alex90: OK, so you've run the text extraction device, and that's kept you a list of images too.12:06.14 
  It doesn't keep positions/scales etc though.12:06.26 
tor8 sebras: we have a function to pre-load (and flatten) the name tree into a single pdf_obj12:06.26 
  but that isn't being called anywhere in the code other than pdfclean12:06.36 
Alex90 hmm it keeps only the images width and hight?12:06.54 
Robin_Watts If you look in source/fitz/stext-device.c at the fz_text_fill_image_mask function, for example.12:06.55 
  Alex90: It doesn't even keep the displayed width/height.12:07.12 
  That function is part of the page device interface.12:07.26 
tor8 sebras: adding any sort of pre-loading and caching becomes problematic now that we allow editing of files12:07.31 
Robin_Watts When you run the page through the text extraction device, that gets called.12:07.37 
  fz_image *img is the source image12:07.50 
  That clearly has a width/height.12:07.56 
tor8 though I guess we could have a set of 'preloaded' objects that get invalidated on every pdf editing operation12:08.08 
  the problem is knowing the set of pdf edits, since pdf_obj's aren't immutable12:08.27 
Robin_Watts conceptually that fills a square from (0,0) to (1,1) and that is scaled onto the page by applying the fz_matrix *ctm.12:08.41 
tor8 or maybe that's been solved already with various dirty flags etc12:08.42 
Robin_Watts what that code does is to store img into the list of page blocks.12:09.07 
  What you want to do is to make it store the ctm too.12:09.23 
Alex90 aha thx will read a bit more about the fz_matrix to see how should i store it or retreive it 12:11.59 
rayjj morning, all12:19.25 
kens Hi rayjj12:19.38 
Robin_Watts morning rayjj. Still in a strange timezone?12:19.46 
chrisl morning rayjj12:19.51 
rayjj Robin_Watts: yes, still in CDT (St. Louis area)12:20.09 
  two hours closer than CA12:20.29 
  kens: are you replying to Chitra re: fax 2.1 ?12:23.32 
Robin_Watts rayjj: marcos is back, so presumably he is?12:24.28 
rayjj it looks like Wipro could (should) become a customer12:25.58 
  since if they need JBIG2 (which isn't clear) they would need to commercial version in order to get the Luratech encoder12:26.37 
pedro_mac excitement! Just received an email from Good support12:28.41 
  â€œHi Pete,12:28.53 
  I am getting this case up to our Good Dynamics Engineering and Development teams.12:28.55 
  On a side note, have you been to the Good Community development network forum?”12:28.56 
  now that’s impressive. issue raised on the 24th, and after a week of unresponsiveness its going to be handed off to engineering. 12:29.47 
  I wonder where engineering requests usually go12:30.01 
rayjj pedro_mac: be careful not to bite your tongue when it's in your cheek ;-)12:30.32 
pedro_mac :)12:30.42 
henrys pedro_mac: laurel and hardy err… richard and brad12:31.38 
pedro_mac henrys: :)12:31.53 
  it would be funny, apart from the fact its costing us a lot of time&money12:32.19 
henrys pedro_mac: very unfortunate we would probably be much further along on the bugs if you and paulgardiner weren’t wrapped up in this. We’re going to try and bill them for the time but that won’t make up for it.12:34.11 
kens rayjj my email is currently in a black hole (forwarded from GMail into Spamcop whcih has eaten it), so no I'm not trplying to anything right now12:34.20 
rayjj kens: sorry to hear that12:35.20 
kens Yeah me too12:35.28 
pedro_mac henrys: indeed12:35.36 
chrisl kens: warned you spamcop was spiralling :-(12:35.52 
kens CESMail claim a 'catastrophic server failure' and 'the needed parts are not available in Atlanta'12:36.15 
  chrisl and I agreed, but I can't get GMail to talk to Eudora any more12:36.32 
chrisl Odd, I'm okay with tbird.....12:36.51 
kens Some kind of password/authentication screw up that I can't diagnose12:37.15 
rayjj kens: I use tbird12:37.17 
kens I tried Tbird, it wouldn't import my Eudora mail archive12:37.42 
chrisl I seem to remember having a major faff with gmail when I reset my password12:37.44 
kens chrisl its something like that yes12:37.57 
rayjj kens: I recently upgraded to 24.6 (not much difference, thankfully012:38.06 
kens Actually, I could get newly arrived mail sent to another account, but that won't retrieve the stuff that's been blackholed. I'm assuming its somewhere in CESMail unabel to escape12:38.54 
paulgardiner henrys: no reply to my email to Matt Sturges so far. :-(12:39.06 
rayjj kens: Tbird's folder format for mail is quite simple. It should be simple enough to write a converter to allow import. ISTR, Eudora was also not too bad about storing emails in an understandable form12:40.00 
kens rayjj I just used the tbird import and it failed catastrophically (killed tbird)12:40.29 
  Which kind of dented my confidence before I started12:40.39 
rayjj kens: understandable12:40.52 
chrisl When I converted Eudora -> tbird, it imported all the mails, but lost the attachments12:41.09 
kens I wouldn't care about the attachments, but it failed importing the mail12:41.32 
chrisl Well, my mail archive was probably rather smaller than yours is now!12:41.59 
kens 15 years worth of records, yes.....12:42.14 
  OK I can forward elsewhere (found the setting in GMail at last), let me set that up and test it12:42.55 
chrisl kens: you could try using Eudora with gmail again - possibly the password changes will have filtered onto the pop server by now12:44.14 
kens I may give that a bash12:44.29 
  lets try this first, its probably easier12:44.36 
  Great, now I need to wait for the confirmation email....12:45.27 
  OK rayjj can you forward me a copy of that mail please ?12:46.07 
mattchz sebras: excellent, thanks.12:48.03 
  is your HTC Sensation running 2.3 or 4.x?12:48.55 
sebras mattchz: 2.3 I think..12:49.15 
  mattchz: probably 2.3.5 IIRc.12:49.21 
mattchz nods.12:49.26 
  I’ve tested on 4.4 but I couldn’t reproduce it. I’ll bring ing my 2.2 HTC device tomorrow.12:49.50 
  Assuming there isn’t a problem on HTC Sensation, I think we can close that bug?12:50.14 
  The behaviour is consistent with some other Android apps12:51.36 
  (The lack of a separate task).12:52.27 
sebras mattchz: as longs as we are happy with the behaviour then we can of course close it. :)12:52.50 
mattchz If the other parts of the bug are still happening (wrong file opening etc), then I’d say that it is a bug we need to fix.12:52.50 
Robin_Watts mattchz: I don't think we care about the lack of separate task (I don't, certainly). Displaying the wrong file is the problem.12:53.00 
mattchz Robin_Watts: cool. I couldn’t get it to display the wrong file in 4.4 (it wasn’t possible to open the downloads list without explicitly backing out of the MuPDF view)12:53.57 
  So, I guess we just need to test that bit of thje bug on the Sensation.12:54.18 
kens chrisl still getting authentication failures with GMail/Eudora12:54.20 
Robin_Watts mattchz: Hmm. Does MuPDF hide the top bar then?12:54.32 
mattchz the MuPDF toolbar? nope.12:55.22 
  should it?12:55.25 
Robin_Watts mattchz: In that case, set a download running.12:56.01 
  then start mupdf and open a PDF.12:56.07 
  Then when the download completes you'll get a notification in the top bar.12:56.20 
chrisl kens: odd, does it seem to be failing on the p/word or encryption?12:56.34 
Robin_Watts Drag that down and click on the notification, and it should open mupdf with the PDF file in.12:56.38 
  (the download should be a PDF file, obviously!)12:56.46 
kens chrisl I'm assuming password since it says its an authentciation failure12:57.01 
Robin_Watts That should start a second mupdf without you explicitly having backed out of the first.12:57.13 
chrisl kens: of course, I'm using imap, so the settings may not be the same12:57.32 
Robin_Watts Then when you hit 'backup' from that, you should return to the original file in mupdf.12:57.39 
kens I tried IMAP and that failed also12:57.42 
chrisl security ssl/tls and "normal password" authentication12:58.22 
kens What's hte mailbox prefix ?12:58.38 
mattchz Robin> oh, possibly. That shouldn’t be a problem though, should it?12:58.52 
jogux IMAP authentication is a PITA :(12:59.04 
kens Well POP is failing so....12:59.15 
  THough I have no cinfidence in IMAP eikther12:59.25 
chrisl I don't know where the prefix is set12:59.32 
kens :-)12:59.36 
  I'#ll google it12:59.41 
Robin_Watts mattchz: I would hope it should work. It's the closest thing I can think of to do to be able to replicate the conditions of the original problem.12:59.41 
sebras Robin_Watts: I'll try that on my phone.12:59.55 
  mattchz: Robin_Watts: ok so I opened a pdf in mupdf, then switched task to the browser and downloaded a file. when it was finished I opted to open it in mupdf, and then it showed the downloaded pdf. then I click back and it showed the first pdf that I opened.13:02.15 
  mattchz: Robin_Watts: not the browser as you might have expected.13:02.26 
  but as I mentioned before I don't know how android stuff is supposed to work in this area. :)13:02.46 
mattchz sebras: nobody does :)13:02.53 
Robin_Watts sebras: I think that's how android works.13:02.56 
  certainly I am not aware of us having any input into what tasks swaps to what :)13:03.10 
mattchz robin: there are lots of complicated flags that interact with each other in confusing ways.13:03.35 
Robin_Watts is now forced to imagine mattchz as kim jong il.13:03.36 
mattchz ?13:03.47 
Robin_Watts "It'll be like 9/11 times ...."13:04.15 
  Team America? Never mind :)13:04.24 
mattchz what did I say that made you think of that ? ;)13:04.45 
  Good film13:04.53 
  sebras: were you in the browser when you decided to open the downlaoded file?13:05.25 
Robin_Watts mattchz: There is a running joke through the film, where they say "it'll be like 9/11 times 100", "9/11 times 100? That'd be..." "yes, 91100"13:06.19 
mattchz yes, in fact the same happens for me.13:06.26 
  sebras: I’m surpried it didn’t return to the browser too.13:06.35 
chrisl rayjj: I'm not sure it's a good idea to commit to doing JBIG2 in TIFF output..... we certainly can't leverage libtiff for it13:06.42 
mattchz sebras: but I’m not sure if it’s “wrong” or not :(13:06.58 
  ah right :)13:07.08 
Robin_Watts and it culminates with KJI saying "It'll be 9/11 times 1234" "that'll be... I don't even know what that'll be". and KJI says "nobody does!"13:07.08 
mattchz ah :)13:07.17 
henrys chrisl: he left I was just thinking that13:07.20 
mattchz did you see this btw?13:07.51 
  robin_watts/sebras: I’ve read this document many times: 
  and every time I’ve come away utterly confused.13:10.27 
  how we are launched also depends on how the ‘source’ app constructs the Intent.13:11.15 
jogux mattchz: so does Android L properly fix this?13:11.58 
mattchz it’s possibly that the downloads app is constructing the intent differently to the browser app, and hence why in the downloads case we appear as part of the downloads task, but in the browser we appear as part of the MuPDF task.13:12.00 
  jogux> fiik :)13:12.07 
jogux did mupdf work okay on Android L btw?13:12.10 
mattchz yes. although I didn’t check this task stack behaviour. I think we need to use special APIs to do the new Android L multiple docs in task switcher behaviour.13:12.54 
jogux ah :-S13:13.14 
mattchz I only expect it to be even mroe confusing ;)13:13.27 
jogux possibly that should go into bugzilla as an enhancement-ish thing if user's will expect the new behaviour :-S13:13.30 
mattchz yeh13:13.44 
pedro_mac suspects users are too confused to know what’s going on13:13.52 
mattchz well, if we can’t understand how it’s supposed to work, I suspect users have no chance ;)13:14.31 
jogux pedro_mac : I was, perhaps mistakenly, presuming the new Android L behaviour might be clearer :-)13:14.55 
mattchz the new behaviour in L though makes these multiple tasks visible to the user, so they would probably expect it to work.13:15.07 
  I might be wrong about the new API.13:15.16 
rayjj chrisl: I mentioned that we already have JBIG2, and the we could do JBIG for TIFF (tag 34661)13:17.23 
kens rayjj looks like the WiPro mail may be referring to Bug #693594, sinceit has exactly the same title:13:17.24 
rayjj since that's built in libtiff :-)13:17.31 
chrisl rayjj: I'd worry that was too fine a distinction for these folks13:18.33 
rayjj kens: I didn't look at our tracker. Thanks. But in any case, it sounds like somebody has a bug in another tracker, which implies a product.13:19.20 
  chrisl: from the bug, it looks like you (also) confused JBIG2 (which isn't in libtiff) and JBIG (which is all that fax supports)13:20.05 
chrisl rayjj: yep, looks like I did.....13:21.03 
rayjj what isn't clear from the bug (Avadhut) is whether or not this is for HP's commercial product, which I didn't know sent faxes13:21.43 
chrisl There's a at least one name in the CC list of that mail that looks very like one from cust 130 - may not mean anything, though13:22.26 
rayjj but if Wipro gets back to us and says they already are a commercial customer, we can clarify that it is HP's product13:22.33 
omni_ hi everyone. i was brought here because i visited and used mupdf. it was stated in the website the developers are hanging out here. i just want to know if its possible to load a NSData instead of the file path of the PDF in Mudoc? btw, mupdf is really great. 13:22.47 
chrisl rayjj: I must admit, I thought JBIG died years ago!13:23.13 
mattchz omni_: the core library supports loading from a data array, I’m not sure if the iOS layer does, but if not it should be easy to add13:23.43 
rayjj omni_: paulgardiner is the iOS expert here (afaik, NSData is an Apple thingy)13:24.02 
Robin_Watts omni_: The core library is all written in terms of fz_stream's.13:24.09 
  That's a generic class that can be implemented on top of pretty much anything.13:24.27 
  so, while I am not familiar with what an NSData is, the answer is almost certainly, "yes, if you're prepared to do a bit of coding"13:25.01 
jogux an NSData trivally converts to a char * or similar + a length.13:25.29 
Robin_Watts jogux: Ah, well, then we already have a fz_stream that works from a memory buffer, so that should be easy.13:26.38 
mattchz there is code which does a similar thing for Android, except it takes a java array of bytes.13:26.47 
omni_ Thanks everyone for the reply.13:27.05 
  i think im on the right track when you mentioned about the fz_stream13:27.23 
Robin_Watts lunches, back in a bit.13:27.30 
rayjj jogux: Are you also an apple developer ? (for mupdf, paulgardiner was stuck with the app)13:27.49 
omni_ i've been playing with it since morning and trying to figure out the correct way to convert NSData to unsigned char13:28.00 
  I was just hoping there is a method already which i can use and just pass the actual NSdata13:28.45 
mattchz omni_: [NSData bytes] should do it.13:28.49 
jogux rayjj: I'm primarily an iOS developer, but not for mupdf. mattchz is doing iOS + Android mupdf.13:28.52 
rayjj that's why I like plain ol' C -- there's lots of ways to 'convert' (just pass pointers around :-) )13:29.02 
mattchz If you have:13:29.14 
tor8 omni_: [NSData bytes] and [NSData length]13:29.15 
mattchz NSData *myData = ….. ;13:29.23 
  then you can do13:29.29 
  const unsigned char *bytes = [myData bytes]13:29.44 
omni_ im also trying this (Byte *)[dd bytes]13:29.46 
tor8 stm = fz_open_memory(ctx, [NSData bytes], [NSData length]);13:30.02 
omni_ thanks mattchz and tor813:30.22 
rayjj wow! help from every corner :-)13:30.23 
tor8 doc = fz_open_document_with_stream(ctx, "pdf", stm)13:30.40 
mattchz omni_: np13:31.10 
paulgardiner tor8: typo? did you mean myData not NSData?13:31.16 
tor8 paulgardiner: yeah, make that myData not NSData13:31.25 
omni_ thanks guy! i will implement all those things. this is a big help.13:31.28 
chrisl henrys: it's just dawned on me that it's tuesday, and I have an appointment at 3pm, so I'll miss the IRC meeting.....13:32.51 
mattchz So, what process do we need to go through to release MuPDF for iOS?13:37.26 
  is there a testing process?13:37.36 
henrys chrisl: okay main thing was to double check whatever tor8 comes up with for the fonts or at least nod.13:39.12 
chrisl henrys: tor8 and I spoke earlier - I'm getting some extra info together for him (should be done for tomorrow), then we can review where we stand.13:40.08 
henrys chrisl: great13:40.23 
chrisl henrys: tor8 might want some feedback from you about the character set(s) we want to support, though13:40.48 
henrys chrisl: right, I’d like to be careful we cover everything in the PCL set since I might use these new fonts in pcl - they are providing t1 and tt13:41.52 
chrisl henrys: I'm not sure sure if the PCL set even crossed tor8's radar....13:42.38 
henrys I’m sure it crossed nobody’s radar but mine ;-)13:43.07 
  which is probably best13:43.17 
tor8 chrisl: henrys: is there a list somewhere?13:43.19 
  all I need is a a list of the glyphs (by ps glyph name or unicode value) and preferably advance widths13:44.01 
henrys tor8: okay I’ll prepare it today.13:44.23 
chrisl tor8: actually, if we get all the glyphs from my list from the UFST/MT fonts, we should be good for PCL13:44.26 
henrys chrisl: if you built in a shared language configuration with the UFST13:45.16 
chrisl henrys: I was using the pcl5ps3 FCO13:45.37 
henrys chrisl, tor8 : okay so we are good13:45.57 
chrisl But that doesn't actually matter in terms of glyph coverage, only font coverage13:46.00 
henrys chrisl: I also think the ufst will synthysize pcl fonts - unstyled characters like boxes and such and you may not have enumerated those glyphs.13:47.19 
jogux mattchz : I believe testing is essentially all adhoc by as many of us on this channel as you can persuade to try it :-)13:52.17 
mattchz fair enough :)13:52.37 
  please try it ;-)13:52.42 
paulgardiner which usually means by no one!13:53.11 
mattchz ship it :)13:53.20 
jogux paulgardiner: who actually makes the "ship it" decision?13:53.28 
  paulgardiner: I wonder if we should do a release of iOS SO+ too (maybe a week or two after SO2, in case there are issues?)13:54.30 
paulgardiner Well Miles has said something like "the worse that could happen is it's a disaster and we have to revert back to the old version", which I took as a sort of go ahead13:54.38 
  So far the few people who have tested versions have found problems which we've felt were serious enough to need adressing.13:56.07 
jogux paulgardiner: cool13:56.19 
  paulgardiner: so. SO2 bug, testflight version, iOS 8, ipad: open getting started, save->open pdf in, transfer to ibooks or mupdf, the artifex logo on the last page gets pixelated to hell13:57.03 
paulgardiner Okay thanks. Probably not worth holding the release for. Presumably it can't be a regression because the currently-on-sale version would have no images in pdf conversions.13:59.40 
jogux paulgardiner: urm. I tried it in the appstore build and the picsel logo appeared fine14:01.05 
paulgardiner Really! I thought Robin_Watts added image support to pdf out14:01.30 
jogux did Robin do rotated images maybe14:02.23 
  I'm not sure if it's a bug or not, but when you use "open in mupdf" in iOS, you can end up with multiple documents opens, stacked in the navigation stack.14:05.43 
paulgardiner Maybe we don't use pdfexport on iOS14:05.46 
jogux paulgardiner: I'm sure we do. I don't know how else we'd do it :)14:06.29 
  paulgardiner: ah, it copes with ImageURLs before, now it copes with Images too. Which document formates/features use Images rather than ImageURLs I'm not sure.14:08.09 
henrys kens:feel free to miss the meeting and work on your email - I don’t think there is much gs stuff to talk about.14:08.46 
jogux I thought one of their fixes for the patent issue was to stop using 'Image' but maybe I misremember.14:08.48 
  is anything new in mupdf 1.5 that we should explicitly check?14:09.34 
tor8 mattchz: the file type registration for CBZ doesn't seem to work on iOS. XPS works though. want me to open a bug report for it?14:11.31 
jogux curious. I have one particular pdf that iOS mupdf won't let me draw annotations on.14:12.41 
  are there types of pdf mupdf can't annotate?14:12.57 
kens2 henrys my email is fine at the moment, its forwarding to another account, its only the overnight mail which is AWOL, I just have to hope it'll show up eventually14:13.08 
tor8 jogux: it might have the permissions set to disallow annotations, I have a vague recollection of paul adding something to respect that flag14:13.14 
paulgardiner I have no such recollection, but I guess I may have.14:14.24 
jogux :-)14:14.29 
  bah. it crashes when I try to delete a file :(14:14.36 
rayjj henrys: should we (I) do a binary for Sriram of HCL ? (for customer 534). It's easy enough, but I'd sooner push back and tell them how to build it themselves14:14.58 
jogux wonders if we should stick crashlytics into iOS mupdf14:15.00 
rayjj henrys: I was just about to send the email to them telling how to build it themselves, but thought I should ask if that seems reasonable14:15.43 
henrys tor8, mattchz : I see lots of stuff is going back to mupdf core? Have we scanned all the bugs for reassignment.14:15.52 
Robin_Watts rayjj: So a customer is getting someone else to do work on gs for them, and that company is not capable of doing builds?14:16.13 
  what exactly is that company doing then?14:16.24 
rayjj Robin_Watts: typical of consultants 14:16.45 
henrys rayjj: I like to leave that with marcosw 14:17.05 
paulgardiner jogux: testing on Android, I get the same result as you from "getting started", but with another file I created and added an image to, it seemed to work fine.14:17.30 
rayjj henrys: it's been since 6/23 and marcosw hasn't replied yet.14:17.39 
jogux paulgardiner: :-S14:17.49 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: open it as a bug, I'll look into it.14:17.50 
kens2 marcosw may have missed it, it came in while he was on vacation ?14:17.52 
rayjj I noticed it because the associated Bug 695298 is still open and I'd like to close it14:18.02 
paulgardiner Not a blocker on release thought, right?14:18.23 
rayjj henrys: marcosw was back on 6/20 AFAIK14:18.50 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: no.14:18.53 
paulgardiner On the other hand, it shows that we do need to test.14:18.54 
kens2 rayjj I'm happy to tell them *how* to build GS, I'd rather we didn't do a 'one off' build for them, I'msure you feel the same :-)14:19.01 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: before my work it would have been exported as missing, so it's clearly an improvement.14:19.15 
henrys rayjj, kens2: assing the bug to marcosw 14:19.23 
kens2 ROFL :-)14:19.34 
rayjj kens2: yes, that's the email I have drafted14:19.37 
paulgardiner Robin_Watts: jogux claimed that it worked for him on the app store version.14:19.49 
rayjj henrys: I'll just forward my reply to marcos / support for him then14:20.06 
Robin_Watts oh, well, that's odd then. I didn't change anything...14:20.11 
jogux henrys : mattchz is just making tea btw, he'll be back in a few minutes14:20.19 
  robin_watts : the changes is to getting-started.pdf14:20.26 
Robin_Watts The app store version presumably didn't have an artifex logo?14:20.31 
jogux it now have an artifex logo instead of a picsel one14:20.33 
kens2 chat logs finally caught up to where my network hiccuped......14:20.34 
jogux yes14:20.34 
Robin_Watts right.14:20.38 
jogux I'm presuming the new pptx breaks in the old build, but got distracted by mupdf crashing :)14:20.58 
kens2 mvrhel_laptop : you there ?14:21.03 
henrys rayjj: did you see that crash gigs reported, I assigned it to you, looked worrisome14:21.20 
kens2 saw it but didn't look at it yet14:21.38 
rayjj henrys: when was that ? 14:22.04 
paulgardiner yeah, that's all we need to confirm - that the new "getting-started" breaks in the old build.14:22.31 
kens2 bug #695333 ?14:22.38 
paulgardiner seems likely14:22.41 
kens2 rayjj:14:22.59 
rayjj kens2: thanks.14:23.04 
  henrys: yes I did see that, but haven't dug into it14:23.18 
mvrhel_laptop kens2: yes I am14:23.28 
henrys rayjj: you’re still in STL right?14:23.53 
kens2 mvrhel_laptop : I had a first pass at the V2 ICC profile, and it crashed, can we talk it through after the meetings ?14:24.07 
mvrhel_laptop kens2: yes14:24.20 
kens2 OK thanks14:24.25 
rayjj kens2: BTW, just mentioning Bug ###### is enough for me. Chatzilla knows to open with just that and takes me right to the bug14:24.32 
kens2 rayjj yes, but URL is nice too14:24.48 
henrys coffees before meeting in 5 minutes14:25.16 
rayjj henrys: yes, I'm officially on vacation until 7/7 (next Monday)14:25.17 
kens2 thinks rayjj shouldn't attend meetings whil eon vacation14:25.32 
rayjj henrys: but I wake up earlier than my kids, so spend time doing something I enjoy 14:25.50 
kens2 Which reminds me. henrys I'll miss the next 2 meetings14:25.56 
rayjj not that doing stuff with the family isn't also enjoyable, but watching them sleep isn't that entertaining 14:26.37 
henrys rayjj: I guess your kids have done the arch trip.14:28.41 
rayjj kens2: yes, we did the arch and the City Museum14:29.50 
kens2 thinks that was henrys you meant rayjj :-)14:30.05 
rayjj henrys: kens2: yes, oops14:30.26 
henrys we are getting ready to order fonts from URW, if anyone wants to weigh in, see the glyph list and make suggestions let me know.14:32.01 
mattchz jogux> multiple docs things, hrm, don’t know.14:32.37 
  I guess if it doesn’t crash, it seems ‘reasonable’, if perhaps confuing for the user.14:32.56 
  tor8: yes please, that would be good (CBZ bug)14:33.11 
henrys kens2, mvrhel_laptop :any gs stuff?14:33.42 
mattchz jogux> annotations etc.14:33.50 
jogux mattchz: it perhaps has the potential to eat memory14:33.51 
kens2 Not really, except that I need to talk to Michael re the V2 ICC profile code14:33.59 
henrys more profile problems I noticed14:34.05 
mvrhel_laptop not really other than that I have the icc stuff with kens214:34.09 
mattchz You can’t annotate encrypted documents anymore (because we can’t save them).14:34.11 
  You can’t annotate non-PDF files either.14:34.16 
mvrhel_laptop and I have a question from a customer I see in support14:34.30 
jogux I don't think it's encrypted, or at least I don't need a password to open it.14:34.33 
kens2 henrys you mean the bug reports ? I just fixed that one, and it wasn't really profiles, it was the new colour code14:34.36 
  I'm glad Marcos is back, the support list has been much quieter this last week14:34.58 
henrys kens2: no I just saw you said here it crashed14:35.01 
kens2 henrys oh yes, but this is all new stuff, first time I've had a chance to try it out. Likely I'm doing something silly14:35.25 
henrys kens2: I’m sure he’s talking to the customers14:35.27 
mattchz jogux> mm14:35.40 
kens2 I only just finished the code changes a few minutes back14:35.46 
mvrhel_laptop have any windows users been using gsview?14:36.25 
kens2 I have, but not extensively14:36.39 
mvrhel_laptop I have it set up as my default viewer for pdf, ps, xps 14:36.45 
kens2 I need to use Acrobat a lot for comparisons14:36.51 
mvrhel_laptop just to excercise it14:36.57 
  maybe set it on your wife's computer :)14:37.18 
henrys mattchz: I was asking earlier how much mupdf stuff is getting reassigned back to core - it might make sense to go through all the bugs at once looking for core problems14:37.27 
kens2 doens't thnk so.....14:37.31 
mvrhel_laptop even I debated that one and decided no14:37.54 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: I need to reinstall the later gsview I’ll do it right after the meeting.14:38.16 
kens2 Domestic Hell desk duties are bad enough as-is.....14:38.19 
Robin_Watts henrys: it might make sense to unleash mattchz on some of the core ones.14:38.36 
marcosw1 mvrhel_laptop: did you see the email from Zoltan asking about Type 103 images and transparency? It may have been put in your spam folder.14:38.42 
Robin_Watts Or, if not that, then to let him loose on the JNI stuff.14:38.55 
kens2 It went to my spam folder, don't know why14:39.05 
mvrhel_laptop marcosw1: yes I see it. I will respond to him today. 14:39.26 
mattchz henrys: yes, I went through them all and bounced stuff back to core14:39.38 
  I think all the remaining ones are android/ios specific14:39.47 
  did I miss anyone’s comments btw? I think that was everything (reading the scrollback)14:40.31 
henrys Robin_Watts: I was more leaning towards tor8 jumping on those and mattchz doing SOT - Miles really has his hopes up for September …14:40.32 
  mattchz: okay great14:40.59 
marcosw1 mvrhel_laptop: thx14:41.19 
mattchz jogux> crashlytics. That sounds a great idea, but are there GPL issues?14:41.25 
Robin_Watts mattchz: Our appstore apps are not GPL licensed :)14:42.01 
mattchz ah, right.14:42.17 
henrys marcosw1: we wanted to disable CLUSTER_UNTESTED and any other keyword that are similar14:42.20 
mattchz I thought they were AGPL?14:42.32 
marcosw1 support received an email with the subject: FIRST BANK OF NIGERIA PLC. Are they not even trying to fool us anymore?14:42.32 
jogux robin_watts : paulgardiner : I've confirmed that the new artifex getting started is broken in the current appstore build. so sort of not a regression.14:42.50 
Robin_Watts jogux: cool. so it should be opened as a bug for me to look at.14:43.12 
paulgardiner jogux: good14:43.13 
marcosw1 henrys: not sure what you mean. CLUSTER_UNTESTED is something you can put in a commit message. disabling it would involve sending out an email to everyone telling them to stop using.14:43.30 
Robin_Watts mattchz: We own our own apps. We release them under the GNU APGL, and also under a commercial license.14:43.47 
rayjj henrys: I've been using gsview.14:43.50 
henrys marcosw1: we don’t want it to be recognized14:43.52 
rayjj Is it ready to start opening bugs, or should I wait ?14:44.13 
mattchz robin_watts: cool. Can we go with the crashlytics thing then? it’s proved to be very helpful in other projects14:44.19 
Robin_Watts Other people need to stick to the AGPL. We don't need to :)14:44.30 
mattchz :-)14:44.36 
Robin_Watts mattchz: I don't really know what's involved, but I can't see why not.14:44.48 
marcosw1 henrys: done.14:45.16 
mattchz I guess it might cause issues, as we’d need to build from a slightly different tree that we wouldn’t want to make public (probably)14:45.20 
jogux henrys : do you want to keep mattchz beyond the mupdf mobile stuff being sorted then? It wasn't too clear how long you wanted him for :)14:45.47 
Robin_Watts mattchz: yeah, I was just about to ask if it would require the build to be bent at all.14:46.02 
rayjj will adding crashlytics bloat it much ?14:46.20 
Robin_Watts If it's just a build option, then that's fine.14:46.41 
mvrhel_laptop so rayjj: is Zoltan thinking that he won't have to deal with softmask images? I guess I am a bit confused by his question14:46.45 
mattchz robin> you need an additional framework, some hooks in the postlink stage and a single-liner to initialise Crashlytics with our API key.14:47.02 
  rayjj: it’s quite lean14:47.09 
henrys jogux: stay with mobile for now. I think we’d reprioritize tor8’s list before we put mattchz on core mupdf stuff14:47.16 
rayjj mvrhel_laptop: I haven14:47.21 
  mvrhel_laptop: I haven't read the email in detail. And I certainly have no idea what he's thinking :-)14:47.58 
Robin_Watts mattchz: The stuff that needs to be added to the git tree is relatively small, right?14:48.10 
mvrhel_laptop ok. well I will reply the best I can14:48.10 
henrys anything else for gs or mupdf?14:48.19 
Robin_Watts Can we have it as a build option?14:48.21 
jogux henrys : sure. would still be useful to know the "how long" anwer though as we have other customers asking us to plan in work for them :-)14:48.23 
mattchz robin_watts: yes. not sure if it’s stuff we can make public or not.14:48.25 
rayjj mvrhel_laptop: should I start opening bug reports against gsview, or do you want me to hold off ?14:48.54 
mvrhel_laptop rayjj: that would be great14:49.05 
Robin_Watts mattchz: If we can have a build option, that controls an include, and all the non-public stuff is in that include file, we should be OK.14:49.06 
mvrhel_laptop do we have it as an option in bugzilla?14:49.19 
Robin_Watts Then we can check in a 'blank' include file.14:49.21 
mattchz some of the stuff will be in the project file.14:49.24 
mvrhel_laptop marcows: can you add it?14:49.34 
mattchz so, possibly not.14:49.35 
henrys jogux: if mobile finishes he can have SOT hours. I don’t have any sense how much mobile is left to do.14:49.35 
Robin_Watts mattchz: Ah.14:49.38 
mvrhel_laptop that is gsview as a option in bugzilla14:49.44 
  to many conversations...14:49.58 
Robin_Watts henrys, jogux: It sounds like we'd like to commit to keeping mattchz busy until at least september?14:50.22 
  "On average, Crashlytics adds less than the size of a single image to the weight of your application."14:50.29 
henrys jogux: yes we can commit to september at current hours. Does that help?14:50.59 
jogux henrys : that helps immensenly, thanks :)14:51.17 
mattchz it doesn’t say if that image is a RAW 50Mp image though :)14:51.24 
  henrys> cool, thanks!14:51.34 
henrys jogux: assuming he’s available to do SOT - 14:51.36 
  some folks don’t seem to like that stuff ;-)14:52.00 
jogux henrys : yeah, we'll just have to up our order of psychotropics14:52.08 
pedro_mac looks around14:52.10 
mattchz I’ll do anything for love, but I won’t do that14:52.20 
  No, just kidding, it’s fine14:52.25 
paulgardiner :-)14:52.31 
henrys pedro_mac, paulgardiner : I was expecting matt to kick engineering. I didn’t necessarily expect a response.14:53.13 
paulgardiner It would have been a much shorter song if it had been about working on SOT14:53.16 
jogux henrys : I think there was a question with mupdf if any of the enhancement stuff should be tackled (there's some general enhancements, plus stuff to work with new features in android l / ios8 )14:53.35 
mattchz if there’s a choice, I would of course rather do MuPDF ;)14:53.52 
Robin_Watts mattchz: I think that's a song on meatloafs *next* album,14:54.22 
pedro_mac henrys: to be honest, any kind of kick will help. It really feels like a few hours with some knowledgeable engineer(s) would get us through all the issues we currently have between us and releasing14:54.25 
  henrys: have we had anything back on Veracode ?14:54.38 
henrys pedro_mac: nothing ugh14:54.57 
  pedro_mac: but I thought you notice a little activity after the email to matt or you think it was unrelated14:55.49 
pedro_mac henrys: I’ve done all the testing I can on android preparing for veracode (whcih is mostly handling policy changes, revoking, and the supported services like file-transfer) and they seemed ok (in between crashes swithcing in and out of the app that is…)14:56.09 
henrys jogux: I would like to do the enhancements but I feel it would be going against what miles wants generally.14:57.01 
pedro_mac henrys: it might be related, and good to get at least some response14:57.06 
paulgardiner henrys: Hmmm. MattS may have assumed the questions I sent to him had already been sent to their support department.14:58.57 
  Well, hopefully he'll send them on to an engineer.14:59.27 
henrys pedro_mac: so maybe paulgardiner should follow up with a response request and ask what became of his original I’ll wait until end of business, if I don’t see anything Miles and I will get him on the phone.14:59.48 
jogux henrys : ah, right, ok.14:59.51 
mvrhel_laptop henrys: I think I am good as far as SOT right now. jogux and Robin_Watts talked me through a rough idea of what I need to do. So far the code as made some sense. In some respects the EDR/display list of SOT may be easier to work with than the clist in gs. Of course I am not going to be doing anything dealing with editing files with what I am doing.14:59.53 
  and I am working in a very compartmental part of the code (charts)15:00.32 
pedro_mac henrys: cool, thanks. 15:00.56 
henrys mvrhel_laptop, jogux : one of the things I was hoping to accomplish is getting anything mvrhel_laptop trips over documented. How does a new person dive into this stuff type of thing.15:00.57 
mvrhel_laptop and working with ooxml makes things easier too15:01.04 
  henrys: I will keep some notes and we can update the twiki with what I have found to be asier15:01.38 
henrys but I’m not sure if that is practical, it may just be a matter of jumping in and asking questions15:01.40 
pedro_mac It may be useful for us to just start with a ‘cookbook’ of issues/resolutions/comments on the wiki first then sanitise it later 15:02.01 
paulgardiner henrys: sorry didn't follow. Who am I trying to ilicit a response from?15:02.07 
henrys paulgardiner: matt - a followup to your last email requesting a response to it and veracode feedback.15:02.38 
paulgardiner Ah. Okay got you15:02.54 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: possibly we should make a list of every question you had on a twiki page?15:03.03 
  and then we can put the answers in there too?15:03.16 
  Maybe that will turn into something useful?15:03.24 
henrys paulgardiner: if nothing comes back by this afternoon miles and I will call him15:03.36 
  (my time)15:03.44 
pedro_mac it should certainly give us a list of areas where the existing docs need expanded15:03.45 
Robin_Watts I can't think of any questions/answers so far that that would likely help with...15:03.51 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: perhaps. I think just a few notes/comments about what I see in the code and what I did not know starting out and what I now know after digging through the code can be useful15:04.31 
jogux is mupdf meant to require ios 6.1?15:04.47 
  hm, guess so, current appstore version does15:05.22 
Robin_Watts Last time I tried, it worked on my ipod touch (5.1.1)15:05.22 
henrys jogux: what was the release policy at picsel? I guess you know we schedule mupdf and gs 2x a year, we haven’t completely settled on an SOT policy yet.15:05.25 
mvrhel_laptop more like use this VS tool for looking at ooxml files. I did not know that the output text dump had the EDR and the display list information in it15:05.36 
  simple things like that15:05.47 
Robin_Watts henrys: I think the policy at picsel was to release to customers as and when required.15:06.11 
henrys other SOT issues, anything I should convey to Miles?15:06.12 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: That ooxml tool is VERY useful.15:06.24 
jogux henrys : I'm not sure there was a consistent policy for the appstore releases. nominally their policy was the appstore build was a few months behind in terms of features vs the OEM customers.15:06.53 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: yes I would still be struggling if I did not stumble upon that tool15:08.09 
henrys jogux: makes sense.15:08.19 
jogux henrys : but there are some oddities, eg. the expensive £20 quid SO+ is much older than SO2 at the moment, for no obvious reason.15:08.49 
Robin_Watts jogux: maturity.15:09.10 
jogux robin_watts : I suspect "low sales" or "got forgotten".15:09.28 
henrys like wine ;-)15:09.31 
Robin_Watts jogux: not low sales, "exclusivity".15:09.49 
jogux :)15:09.52 
pedro_mac henrys: I’m away from saturday for 2 weeks, but I’ll probably do between 3-4 hours a day before the lazy ones get up. I guess some of that time may be worth spending on SOT bugfixing?. While we wait on Good responses paulgardiner has offered to put another pair of eyes on the android activity swithcing issues to see if I’m missing something 15:09.57 
pedro_mac clarifies that the ‘lazy ones’ are the womenfolk :)15:10.51 
henrys pedro_mac: yeah the bug fixing would be good. I’m also wondering if we should get marcosw to report more bugs.15:11.00 
jogux robin_watts: the 1.4 build on the appstore definitely won't install on your ios5 ipod...15:11.25 
  robin_watts: I guess/hope someone deliberately changed that15:11.33 
Robin_Watts henrys: I keep hoping that the styling fixes that jogux is working on will solve a lot of problems.15:12.14 
pedro_mac henrys: yeah, there are a lot of ooxml issues we could report which aren’t on the existing list. Styling should be a big help15:12.25 
Robin_Watts so if marcosw reports bugs now, we might just get to close them again.15:12.36 
  but if he can spot things that clearly aren't styling related, they would be good to have.15:12.56 
jogux robin_watts : it doesn't seem to fix that much in ATS iirc.15:13.07 
Robin_Watts jogux: aww...15:13.24 
pedro_mac there are also various things we don’t support like center-aligned tabs, footnotes, watermarks, smartart etc; bigger chunks of work but I’d wager that things like smartart would be seen by a lot of customers as a core feature15:13.55 
henrys marcosw: may have a feel for what is there and can come up with some orthogonal issues. I’m not sure.15:14.03 
Robin_Watts smartart is a scary amount of work.15:14.19 
pedro_mac yup15:14.24 
paulgardiner henrys: I'd like to book a week off in August (not sure exactly when yet). Would that be a problem?15:16.21 
henrys another path is to have an “expert” look at xml and make more educated guesses at what to report as a bug.15:16.23 
pedro_mac I had been wondering about subsets - there may be some commonly used elements we could support without doing the whole thing….*if* we’re wanting to cover ‘commonly used’ features initially- like the ‘3d’ button backgrounds in PPT15:16.34 
henrys paulgardiner: nope, it’s summer15:16.45 
paulgardiner Ta15:16.50 
  It's even summer here, which is very unusual.15:17.19 
rayjj marcosw: I think you are confusing issue #2 and #3. AFAIK, all they downloaded was the later which doesn't require rebuilding15:17.43 
Robin_Watts pedro_mac: The problem is that even the 'subsets' of smart art that you pick would rely on the core framework.15:17.46 
  Unless you do it very crappily and special case it all.15:18.02 
jogux henrys : both mupdf / smartoffice have some relatively nasty bugs interacting with the OS in the iOS 8 beta. I reckon they're unstability on the OS side, but may be worth keeping an eye on.15:18.12 
pedro_mac yeah, I haven’t looked at what the split would be15:18.25 
jogux henrys : also, smartoffice crashes a lot on the new Android L, that's probably fairly important to look at.15:18.28 
henrys paulgardiner: a guy I’m training with (a brit) always complains about the UK weather - we did a 100 mile bike ride in 35 C he was ready to go home…15:19.07 
marcosw2 rayjj: I just send customer 532 a patch for gsicc_create.c (the email subject is fts_19-1904.pdf). You might check to make sure the patch works on the simulator.15:19.38 
paulgardiner henrys: :-) Like it15:19.56 
henrys any other SOT stuff or shall we call it?15:19.56 
rayjj marcosw: OK. will do.15:20.08 
jogux robin_watts : for that PDF issue15:20.47 
Robin_Watts jogux: Ta.15:20.55 
paulgardiner jogux: are the Android L and iOS 8 problems likely to be worse than one would see from the current app store versions?15:21.01 
jogux henrys : I guess, where are we with forums? That's the other piece we need before releasing new app store.15:21.07 
  paulgardiner: no, I don't believe they're regressions.15:21.17 
henrys jogux: oh yes thank you for reminding me.15:21.24 
jogux paulgardiner: the Android L one we're certain to need to fix before September, we're 99% certain it's on our side.15:21.46 
  paulgarinder: iOS 8 stuff is just keep an eye on, and panic if it still seems broken in the next but one beta :)15:22.09 
Robin_Watts henrys: Also, I worry that when september rolls around, we're going to have a massive problem when we try to do builds for all the customers at once.15:22.15 
henrys jogux: the forums and I’ve asked ron to share his problems with the CMS picsel was using… he’s just banging his head against the wall. I was hoping you guys might be able to help15:22.34 
Robin_Watts I'd really rather arrive at september having done at least one build for every customer.15:22.47 
jogux robin_watts: SOT? by then it'll be a button push in ATS ;-)15:22.47 
  henrys : I recall everyone hating that's touched it hating that CMS :-)15:23.21 
Robin_Watts Partly to prove that we have all their toolchains working, and partly that we are supplying exactly what they expect.15:23.34 
jogux robin_watts : historically SOT upgrades haven't really been pushed to customers at once - it was more if a customer actually *asked* for a new build with new features.15:24.27 
Robin_Watts jogux: Right, but come september, we are going to have to push to all customers at once.15:24.48 
henrys jogux: we make all crashes P115:24.49 
jogux robin_watts : oh right. I didn't know that.15:25.22 
Robin_Watts which I suspect will mean that we won't actually get everything out to all customers until at least october :)15:25.28 
jogux do the customers know that? :-)15:25.29 
pedro_mac has to pop out for half an hour - back at 515:25.37 
Robin_Watts jogux: I think miles has been promising "a september release" to customers as he signs them up.15:25.52 
jogux robin_watts : right, ok.15:26.08 
henrys Robin_Watts: I think that is something worth talking miles out of. We can say we made the improvement and they can have them if they want them. I’m betting many wouldn’t upgrade - embedded upgrrade == pain15:26.30 
jogux I don't think we even have a list of all the builds for all the customers right now :-(15:26.39 
  (which would actually be useful to know what we should put into ATS)15:26.51 
Robin_Watts jogux: Which is part of the issue I am trying to raise.15:27.08 
jogux robin_watts : yeah, sorry, I'm stepping on your toes a bit :)15:27.26 
Robin_Watts jogux: Not at all.15:27.34 
  It would be good to get a list of all the customers that are expecting a september release in advance, together with an up to date contact at each company.15:28.12 
paulgardiner is so impressed at people not so overwhelmed by present problems that they can think ahead towards avoiding future ones.15:28.48 
Robin_Watts That way we can do a test build to confirm that a) it works, b) it's what they expect etc. and it gives us something to put in ATS as an autobuild so we can be sure we don't break it.15:28.51 
mattchz The L thing can almost certainly be reproduced on KitKat (4.4) by enabling the preview of the new Android runtime.15:30.05 
jogux paulgardiner : so I've beaten about your testflight build of iOS SO2 and feel relatively happy with it.15:30.07 
mvrhel_laptop henrys: I have to step out for bit15:30.31 
paulgardiner mattchz: KitKat 4.4. Damn! I'll need a new phone.15:30.55 
jogux henrys : the CMS stuff doesn't need to hold up the SO appstore releases, correct?15:31.04 
henrys jogux: no15:31.18 
paulgardiner jogux: thanks. That's good15:31.54 
mattchz paul> :)15:31.58 
rayjj marcosw: It looks like the patch uses check_range vs. check_internal_range. There is no check_range in their simulator code, although there is a declaration in base/gxcie.h15:32.05 
mattchz I can look at the Android L/KitKat ART thing if necessary15:32.20 
jogux henrys : but we are awaiting forums, is there an ETA on them?15:32.41 
  (I mean, we're waiting for the forums before we release)15:32.55 
paulgardiner The CMS thing. I don't understand. So is it that the web pages for the help documentation are autogenerated by the CMS from some simpler form?15:33.42 
jogux paulgardiner: I think so.15:34.24 
henrys jogux, paulgardiner I’ve only spoken to Ron a few times I have no idea15:34.26 
paulgardiner So could we just save the result as html/css etc?15:34.43 
jogux henrys : we decided on discourse, didn't we?15:34.46 
  did someone tell Ron that? :-)15:34.56 
henrys paulgardiner: correct about autogenerating and he can’t find where the “picsel” logo lives 15:35.11 
jogux paulgardiner: Yes. But I think we generate mutiple forms (android, ios, phone, tablet, etc), so that's likely replacing one problems with a much worse one.15:35.35 
henrys jogux: I did tell Ron we decided on discourse and the hostname we agreed to.15:35.45 
paulgardiner Oh I see15:35.57 
Robin_Watts henrys: Dunno what CMS it is, but I know with the artifex one, it required a specific browser (IE) to be used in order to see all the content.15:36.24 
paulgardiner I wouldn't mind taking a look if someone can direct me to where.15:36.32 
Robin_Watts chrome didn't work at least.15:36.34 
jogux paulgardiner: we may be able to ask someone that knows :-)15:37.04 
paulgardiner right :-)15:37.12 
  What's Neil G doing these days?15:37.27 
jogux paulgardiner: working for us15:37.32 
  us == emobix in this case :-)15:37.37 
paulgardiner Oh right.15:37.40 
henrys it uses expressengine15:37.40 
paulgardiner That could be handy.15:37.54 
rayjj marcosw: I sent a corrected version to Len (cust 532)15:37.55 
jogux paulgardiner: he's already been fixing zoomset code ;-)15:38.12 
henrys paulgardiner, jogux I just need to follow up with him.15:38.13 
paulgardiner jogux: exactly where I thought he might be handy, not that I'd put much restriction on where he might be handy15:38.43 
  jogux: he might be able to confirm my interpretation of that ruler problem15:39.14 
mattchz Please could someone review the last two commits here please:15:41.00;a=summary15:41.00 
  (from an IPR point of view, I think it’s ok, the OP suggested we just create a new patch ‘inspired’ by his which I did)15:41.52 
kens2 Looks like my missing email is coming in now15:44.59 
paulgardiner mattchz: look good, but a comment near isInEditMode might be good because I can imagine staring at it wondering how it was related to editing documents.15:45.07 
mattchz yeah, good point.15:45.23 
  paulgardiner: how’s that:;a=commitdiff;h=a2ed894eaf6782c7616f7d13fdc8a6002271a03915:49.08 
paulgardiner Fine... other than it looks like the word "do" has gone missing.15:50.53 
mattchz D’oh. Not having a good day today :(15:51.15 
paulgardiner henrys: did you see the automated response to my email to MattS? :-(15:51.39 
chrisl henrys: *all* microtype fonts are essentially "synthesised" and as far as I am aware, all available glyphs are available via glyph names15:51.59 
mattchz paulgardiner:;a=commitdiff;h=bae042e93be9e516d950b317349f206cf1921aea15:52.31 
paulgardiner mattchz: laaavely15:52.58 
mattchz ta15:53.03 
henrys paulgardiner: no auto responses usually just go to the original sender. Can you forward?15:53.03 
jogux paulgardiner:;a=commitdiff;h=d4a69b3f changed the iOS build to need iOS 6.1, do you think that was intentional? :-)15:53.13 
mattchz If that *is* intentional, we could perhaps enable ARC.15:53.43 
marcosw rayjj: thx.15:54.43 
paulgardiner jogux: it was. It is necessary to using their latest SDK, and so presumably will be a condition on all GD apps.15:55.51 
jogux paulgardiner: that's a mupdf commit :-)15:56.01 
paulgardiner :-) oh! I didn't look because I remember the SOT commit. :-(15:56.29 
jogux hehe15:56.36 
  oh, that reminds me, we should try that new SOT on an old iOS version15:57.10 
  it claimes it'll work on iOS 4.3 :)15:57.48 
paulgardiner jogux: strange concerning MuPDF - I have a recollection of having to change the target to 6.1 for some reason, but not to do with that commit.16:00.01 
henrys chrisl: I used to think that as well but I wonder if that didn’t change at sum point. Just eyeballing this it doesn’t look synthesized to me: but that might be something separate from the microtype fonts we are using.16:01.31 
jogux paulgardiner:;a=commitdiff;h=08ca7372 set it in more places :-)16:01.39 
henrys s/sum/some16:01.41 
jogux paulgardiner : albeit, I guess the root question is, you believe it *should* be iOS 6.1 and upwards only?16:02.21 
paulgardiner jogux: well that may be down to missing knowledge of iOS on my part.16:02.54 
mattchz I’m glad I’m not that hte only one that struggles to remember why I changed bits of code ;)16:04.00 
paulgardiner It might have been a mistaken belief that that was necessary for submission to the app store, whereas I guess that concerns the max version16:04.05 
Robin_Watts jogux: A quick google suggests that ios 4 and 5 account for less than 4% overall.16:04.10 
paulgardiner My current thoughts are the lower we can support the better16:04.30 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: Sure, but if it's going to require us to do extra work, I think we can safely drop 4%.16:04.53 
chrisl henrys: that's not microtype, that's some method of coding/compressing TTF fonts - I think the use of the "Microtype" name is marketing nonsense, and misleading at that16:05.04 
jogux robin_watts: actually it's 2% [for devices currently active on the appstore]16:05.26 
paulgardiner I have to go, but I'll be in an out.16:05.35 
Robin_Watts jogux: OK, I think that reinforces my point :)16:05.58 
jogux I wonder what we tell paying customers we support.16:06.27 
henrys chrisl: that makes sense16:06.28 
jogux robin_watts: in fact I wonder that for SO2 too.16:06.46 
paulgardiner The most recent change I made was to add AirPrint support. Could that effect this?16:07.09 
jogux paulgardiner: don't think so.16:07.16 
henrys chrisl, tor8 so let’s just go with whatever you guys have now and not worry about pcl16:07.20 
chrisl henrys: the fact it mentions loca table, CVT table, hmdx etc - it's probably an extension of their "ACT" fonts "format"16:07.52 
paulgardiner The lowest value for which it builds without extra work sounds good.16:08.08 
jogux paulgardiner: we would have to actually test it you know ;-)16:08.22 
mattchz I have a 3.1.3 ipod on ebay right now if anyone wants to buy it btw :)16:08.50 
paulgardiner jogux: yeah I just realised the testing issue as I walked out to the kitchen16:09.30 
jogux paulgardiner: I'm inclined to agree with Robin that we should forget it, though I am curious as to what we tell paying customers we support for both mupdf & SO216:10.34 
paulgardiner and if there's anyone who likes mattchz's 3.1.3 iPod so much that they want a second one...16:10.50 
jogux we are not supporting iOS 3 :-)16:11.11 
  In fact there's some iOS 2 code I need to delete.16:11.16 
paulgardiner Is no support old kit better than potentially broken support? Just thinking do we really have to test16:13.07 
jogux paulgardiner: yes - if it's listed as not supported, people get to install/keep an older known working (hopefully) version16:13.36 
  unless we want to get them to test for us :-)16:14.04 
paulgardiner yeah good point16:14.09 
Robin_Watts So, I need to pick a few unicode chars to look at to guess the ideographic space width from.16:14.33 
  Anyone want to suggest a good set of 'prepresentative' ideographs?16:14.51 
  or representative if you prefer.16:15.00 
jogux robin_watts : I don't really know :-S16:30.37 
kens2 Goodnight all16:32.24 
pedro_mac bye kens216:32.46 
Robin_Watts jogux: I picked a random set.16:44.20 
mattchz tor8: do you mind reviewing this please? (fixes CBZ on iOS);a=commit;h=e7d36663c7b8385476d0d51fdab65213f98050c916:50.45 
jogux robin_watts: cool :-)16:58.13 
  mattchz : I take it you did test that and it now works in some particular circumstance? :-)16:58.59 
mattchz it works on my iPad, and it didn’t before :)16:59.19 
  I generally do test my code before review, yes ;-)16:59.32 
jogux well, I mean: with an email attachment, when viewing from safari, when viewing from dropbox?16:59.35 
mattchz I tried with an email attachment.16:59.48 
  I can try with dropbox if you think that’ll work differently.17:00.02 
  It don’t think it should, as it should be based on the file extension.17:00.16 
jogux and possibly it could be different on ios 6 vs 7 (I have a recollection of Paul deliberately adding .zip)17:00.18 
  mattchz: safari would work off the mimetype presumably17:00.34 
  although maybe it maps that to fileextension17:00.46 
mattchz the only case that I imagine wouldn’t work is if another app exported a UTI for public.cbz-archive, without specifying CBZ as an extension17:00.49 
  jogux> very possibly; we don’t specify mimetypes for any our types17:01.01 
jogux you should get a choice of apps if there's multiple ones?17:01.04 
mattchz yeah, I got a choice of apps from email.17:01.14 
  the mimetype in the email is actually application/octet-strema17:01.51 
jogux git blame says I'm wrong about Paul having added .zip :-)17:02.45 
mattchz yeah, it was tor8 :)17:02.52 
  seems to work in Safari17:03.20 
jogux cool17:03.26 
mattchz this website uses the mimetype “text/plain"17:03.58 
jogux nice17:04.45 
mattchz perhaps we should add mimetypes though.17:04.58 
jogux I never 100% understood exactly how this stuff worked :)17:05.10 
mattchz I have seen mention of ‘application/x-cbz'17:05.18 
  jogux> yeah, me neither. It’s confusing.17:05.29 
pedro_mac finds a few lines in his copious android logcat output which suggest some class lookup failure in the SOT alien… might be good to sort that before we do anything else…17:06.51 
jogux btw, why aren't there binary releases of mupdf libraries for Android? wouldn't that save people that want to incorporate it into their app a whole bunch of pain fiddling with ndk, etc? (I feel there must be an obvious reason that I missed)17:11.55 
pedro_mac too hot here - its around 26 degrees C. Why am I going to Turkey for an insane 40 degrees?17:19.37 
pedro_mac gets the thermometer and its 29. I must be in the wrong place17:30.29 
Robin_Watts jogux: We could do such releases.17:31.54 
  but then the published API for mupdf is a C level one.17:32.07 
  so people would need to do their own JNI classes.17:32.16 
tor8 mattchz: application/x-cbz is the common mimetype for CBZ files17:32.22 
mattchz yeah.17:32.39 
jogux robin_watts : I presume (perhaps incorrectly) that people would try to take the JNI files that are already there17:32.47 
tor8 that's becoming a standard format now I think, a lot of the comic book ebooks are distributed in that format17:32.52 
Robin_Watts and IME most android devs don't understand JNI.17:32.55 
tor8 mattchz: have you tested the change?17:33.13 
Robin_Watts jogux: The JNI files there do not reflect the underlying C api.17:33.14 
  They offer a much smaller set of APIs packaged up in a way that makes sense for our app to sit on top of.17:33.40 
tor8 private type identifiers are supposed to be domain based (like the and com.adobe.pdf)17:33.56 
Robin_Watts If people try to just extend them willy nilly they will hit all sorts of problems.17:34.00 
mattchz tor8: yep17:34.05 
tor8 but I don't think there's an "owner" for cbz ... com.example.cbz? ;)17:34.12 
mattchz I’m currently testing a new patch, which adds the mimetypes:17:34.13;a=commit;h=2fc6ce674a746af2a0b20731f302cac7ea120f0f17:34.14 
jogux robin_watts : Hm. I am tempted to sum that up as "most android developers shouldn't try and use mupdf" but I suspect that wasn't what you meant :-)17:34.18 
Robin_Watts One of the jobs on our list is to do a proper JNI reflection of the C API and to make the example app use that.17:34.34 
jogux but I guess this is what your new jni... mm17:34.40 
tor8 mattchz: yeah, that commit looks more complete17:34.55 
Robin_Watts jogux: No, most android devs want to take the existing app and just fiddle at the java level.17:34.56 
mattchz tor8: 
  I found that earlier17:35.02 
pedro_mac I hate our SO jni layer too (where my head is just now)17:35.05 
mattchz tor8: and 
jogux robin_watts : if they want to do that, isn't that an argument for binary releases of the C bit?17:35.28 
tor8 mattchz: might make sense to look at what CloudReaders has registered17:35.40 
mattchz public.cbz-archive and public.archive.cbz looked the most standard17:35.52 
Robin_Watts jogux: for paying customers we'd build it for them :)17:35.54 
mattchz tor8: ok.17:36.00 
jogux robin_watts: :)17:36.06 
tor8 mattchz: ok. I'll take your word for it :)17:36.06 
Robin_Watts for free users, if they aren't capable of building it, I don't want 'em hacking on it :)17:36.12 
jogux Hm. :-)17:36.20 
mattchz tbh, I’m not sure the UTI name matters that much.17:36.27 
  So long as it doesn’t clash with another that registers a different file extension17:36.40 
tor8 mattchz: might cause collisions if more than one app registers the same file extension with a different UTI17:36.52 
mattchz which I presume was the problem with the ZIP one17:36.54 
tor8 yeah. well, go with the mest common one (public.cbz-archive I guess)17:37.19 
pedro_mac Robin_Watts: TRUE, BUT THEY’LL JUST END UP ON HERE ASKING HOW TO BUILD… ;)17:37.19 
  oops - capslock failure17:37.29 
tor8 pedro_mac: I thought you were emulating the users who end up here asking how to build ;)17:37.44 
pedro_mac curse my stubby fingers17:37.45 
mattchz tor8: does that matter though? I guess it depends where the extension -> UTI mapping occurs.17:37.52 
pedro_mac tor8: :)17:37.52 
jogux haha17:38.04 
mattchz multiple defintions of the same UTI would be bad, I think17:38.22 
tor8 mattchz: I'd say let's worry about it if someone reports the bug. as long as I can open my application/x-cbz downloaded comics in mupdf I'm happy :)17:38.25 
mattchz :-D17:38.29 
tor8 I used to get by with using the file transfer to the app directly in iTunes ... but I don't have iTunes installed on any machine anymore which complicates matters17:38.57 
mattchz I’m just testing with and safari. it seems to work fine from email. I also need to test oxps now I’ve split that into a separate UTI.17:39.06 
  (I’d not heard of OXPS and CBZ until today!)17:39.30 
Robin_Watts mattchz: Few people have ever heard of OXPS. Even fewer use it.17:47.33 
mattchz are they only available in win 8? In Win 7, I can output to XPS, but no idea how to do OXPS.17:48.46 
Robin_Watts I'm not sure MS supports OXPS.17:51.17 
  OXPS is just the "open" version of XPS. Essentially it's XPS with a very slightly different header, I think.17:51.51 
  like a different id in the XML or something.17:52.01 
mattchz do you have any OXPS test files?17:52.48 
Robin_Watts not me, but there may be some in our repo on casper.17:53.10 
  failing that tor or mvrhel may have some.17:53.18 
mattchz ta. where’s the repo on casper?17:56.02 
Robin_Watts It's an SVN repo.17:57.45 
  so it's not terribly convenient to check stuff out of.17:57.59 
jogux so it turns out we don't have any iOS 4.3 devices to test on (the ipod I thought had 4.3 only has 4.2 as latest available), so I think we should change SO2 to be minimum 5.0 at least.17:58.02 
Robin_Watts Unless you want the whole lot.17:58.14 
  jogux: That sounds sensible.17:58.23 
mattchz perhaps I don’t need to actually test OXPS in practice ...17:58.36 
Robin_Watts mattchz: I wouldn't bother.17:58.43 
jogux I'd be tempted to suggest higher, but would really want to know that customers weren't insisting on ios5 support first :)17:59.20 
Robin_Watts jogux: I'd be tempted to change to ios6, and then if customers complain we can rethink it.18:01.03 
jogux that would save on testing18:01.22 
Robin_Watts it's not like by changing to 6 now, we are making it harder to change back to 5 later on, right?18:01.29 
  Just don't go culling the ios5 paths from the code yet :)18:01.40 
jogux that sounds about right.18:01.54 
Robin_Watts Anything that saves developer time has got to be good.18:02.09 
jogux we should probably explicitly tell customers iOS 5 is no longer supported when we send out releases18:02.11 
Robin_Watts jogux: No, we explicitly tell them that this release supports ios 6 and above :)18:02.32 
jogux yes, that :-)18:02.44 
  paulgardiner: ^^^ that ;-)18:03.02 
mattchz tor8: is that latest patch ok?18:05.27 
  I tested with CBZ/PDF/XPS from Email, DropBox and Safari, on iOS 7 and iOS 6.118:05.45 
tor8 mattchz: yes, LGTM18:10.43 
mattchz excellent ta.18:11.17 
  oh, I also found a CBZ which crashed the app, but I’ll look into that more tomorrow18:11.41 
  â€œopen document '/var/mobile/Applications/7C960E53-9417-48BC-8210-456D5631A395/Documents/Elf Receiver Radio-Craft August 1936.cbz'18:11.53 
  error: cannot find end of central directory18:11.54 
  uncaught exception: cannot find end of central directory18:11.55 
  if that gives any clues...18:11.57 
jogux sounds like a corrupt zip18:12.21 
mattchz yeah, was thinking that.18:12.36 
  ok, nn all.18:13.45 
pedro_mac cya mattchz 18:13.56 
Robin_Watts rats, missed mattchz.18:14.12 
  That sounds like we're cocking up the exception handling somehow.18:14.29 
jogux hometime! goodnight all.18:27.50 
Robin_Watts night.18:27.57 
pedro_mac goes in search of food18:29.55 
sebras mattchz: (for the logs) my HTC Sensation runs Android 2.3.3. I just compiled Mupdf 1.5 (b2f096d) for my device.23:42.46 
  mattchz: I just verified that the behaviour is still the same.23:45.11 
  mattchz: if you manage to see the same with your Android 2.3.x device then I guess we can conclude that this is a behaviour change in Android itself somewhere between 2.3.x and 4.3 that I used on my HTC One.23:46.17 
  (no, I haven't upgraded yet)23:46.26 
sebras sleepz.23:47.37 
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