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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2014/07/09)2014/07/10 
mattchz robin_watts: yes, Crashlytics works on iOS, although I’ve not separate out the repos. I’ll do that today.09:12.12 
  btw, Crashlytics asked me a few questions about our use of the NDK (if we use SDL, and how we did our builds).09:12.52 
  the response was “stay tuned"09:12.58 
Robin_Watts ok.09:16.17 
paulgardiner tabstops have a tjc and tlc. Whatsat then?10:54.02 
  Ah justification10:56.58 
Robin_Watts hmm. jbig2dec seems... unfriendly.11:45.25 
  want to know how big the image is? well, you'll have to feed us all the data, then we'll decode it, then you can look at the thing we produce.11:45.53 
  So doing layout without decoding? urm, no.11:46.21 
  Doing decode in strips? no.11:46.30 
jogux :-(11:46.46 
Robin_Watts tor8, chrisl, kens: You have some experience of this thing I believe. Am I missing anything?11:47.18 
tor8 Robin_Watts: I'm not familiar with jbig2dec's internals11:51.03 
  but there is a chunk ("segment") in jbig2 which gives the image size11:54.32 
  so it should be fairly easy to scan the segments, look for a "type 48 (page information)" segment and get the width and height from that11:55.26 
  but from what I can see in jbig2dec it only does that as part of complete decoding so we'd have to extend jbig2dec11:57.16 
  or do it externally11:57.21 
  decoding in strips would only save you some memory, you'd still have to decode the complete image due to how the arithmetic coding works12:00.07 
henrys Robin_Watts: I wonder if luratech would be easier12:55.24 
Robin_Watts hadn't considered that.13:06.39 
  I think I'm close to having this done (or at least, the decoder interface part of it done)13:07.06 
AhmEico hello... i have a Q about mupdf licensing13:31.45 
  is anyone here able to help?13:31.55 
henrys you might read this first if you haven’t: 
  AhmEico: ^^^13:33.16 
AhmEico I hadn't seen that page. I am reading it now... it might not answer my Q though.13:34.52 
Robin_Watts AhmEico: MuPDF is licensed in 2 ways. Firstly, if you can abide by the terms of the GNU AGPL you can use it under that license.13:37.22 
AhmEico Okay... so here's the Q.13:37.38 
Robin_Watts Among other things that would mean that you had to be prepared to give copies of the source for your full application away to anyone who wants it (not just the bits derived from MuPDF)13:38.12 
AhmEico If I write, say, an android app... and make it available in the store under a free-ad/non-free-noad model... but make the source code available... do I need a commercial license?13:38.24 
Robin_Watts AhmEico: Anyone who (say) paid for the non-free-noad version, would be entitled to demand a copy of the source code.13:39.14 
  The complete source code.13:39.19 
AhmEico yes13:39.27 
Robin_Watts They could then rebuild from source, and put that version on the store for free.13:39.36 
AhmEico and they could compile their own no-ad version13:39.38 
  if they felt like it. sure13:39.48 
vtorri_ hey13:40.09 
ghostbot Welcome to #ghostscript, the channel for Ghostscript and MuPDF. If you have a question, please ask it, don't ask to ask it. Do be prepared to wait for a reply as devs will check the logs and reply when they come on line.13:40.09 
vtorri_ tor8: is it normal that the CHANGES file is not updated in the 1.5 release (not in git btw) ?13:40.43 
  tor8: for mupdf, of course13:40.53 
  nor* in git13:41.20 
Robin_Watts AhmEico: Google play *can* be used with GNU GPL stuff it seems.13:42.20 
  But Apples app store cannot.13:42.27 
AhmEico Another Q about licensing ... if an app calls a library or function or something from another project, does the source from that other project have to be included?13:43.34 
Robin_Watts AhmEico: If the two are statically linked together, yes, unquestionably.13:43.57 
AhmEico dynamically linked13:44.13 
Robin_Watts If dynamic linking is used, it's more complex, but there are those who say yes.13:44.17 
AhmEico From the muPDF perspective?13:44.31 
jogux In this context, where they are both shipped together in a signed app bundled, it seems likely that you would need to treat the entire combined worked as AGPL, imho.13:44.57 
Robin_Watts If you install both things as one, then yes.13:45.01 
AhmEico What about data files or defs... Eg, if I had to include some dev keys or whatever for the Play store or the ad system or whatever13:45.51 
Robin_Watts If you install MuPDF as a completely separate app, so it can be installed/uninstalled/upgraded separately, then the situation is less clear.13:46.01 
  AhmEico: People are entitled to ask for 'a complete set of source'.13:46.19 
jogux so your ad system would need to have the source available I think.13:46.41 
Robin_Watts I suspect you could get away without the signing keys, because they can build and run without that.13:46.43 
  but the ad system is trickier.13:47.02 
jogux robin_watts : I'm not 100% sure about the signing keys - particular with reference to the definition from the AGPL ""Installation Information" for a User Product means any methods, procedures, authorization keys, or other information required to install and execute modified versions of a covered work in that User Product from a modified version of its Corresponding Source. The information must suffice to ensure that the continued functioning of the13:48.11 
  modified object code is in no case prevented or interfered with solely because modification has been made."13:48.11 
Robin_Watts jogux: It's a tricky one, yes.13:48.29 
  But without the signing keys, you can build a version of the app that will work on all your devices.13:48.48 
  You just can't reupload it to the original distribution site as if you were the author.13:49.19 
jogux Yes. I agree it's not 100% clear cut.13:49.27 
  That clause is really the 'tivo' one, so I don't believe was intended to cover Android apps13:49.52 
henrys AhmEico: IMHO if you can’t get an answer from the web page you should seek legal advice, which can’t be found here ;-) No lawyers here just engineers13:49.56 
Robin_Watts The GPL says you must have the freedom/ability to distribute, it does not say you should have the freedom/ability to supplant the existing one.13:49.58 
  (on the existing distribution platform)13:50.26 
  jogux: The tivo clause is intended to cover where a piece of software needs to be signed in order to be run.13:51.06 
  and that is not the case for android.13:51.20 
  (the default debug key is sufficient to allow it to be run)13:51.48 
jogux nods.13:51.58 
AhmEico Also, what if the app pulls data from the web. Eg, suppose the app uses pdf to display data. Does that data fall under the AGPL? Because it's constantly changing... how can anyone be expected to provide it all?13:52.09 
  So I guess... if the app is able to run without personal signing keys or other personal data, it might be okay to exclude it? Like data that anyone can substitute with their own?13:53.50 
jogux ahmeico : pdfs that mupdf is being used to display would not fall under the AGPL afaics.13:54.01 
Robin_Watts AhmEico: If the app is tied to a web service, and it ships with magic keys to let it activate that web service, then people have the right to get those magic keys too, I think.13:55.13 
henrys chrisl: are you familiar with the duplex implementation in ghostscript?13:55.24 
Robin_Watts If the app is used *on* the webserver, then we're into the whole AGPL vs GPL thing.13:55.35 
AhmEico no. what is the the duplex implementation?13:55.49 
Robin_Watts but if it's run on a device and merely accessing a webserver over the net, that's fine.13:56.01 
AhmEico It would just access the webserver for data that is liable to change.13:56.38 
Robin_Watts AhmEico: That's fine.13:56.50 
AhmEico That data could be provided by any web server13:57.00 
  And anyone would be able to make their own data that the app would use13:57.20 
  And most likely, I wouldn't bother encrypting the data. So they could use mine if they wanted; as long as they don't overload the servers I might end up using.13:58.13 
  This was helpful, I think.14:00.30 
  How much does the commercial license cost?14:04.30 
  Eg, what if I just make the app completely free of cost, but don't want to have to worry about whether I have to distribute private keys or whatever. Then it wouldn't make sense to spend a whole lot of money on the license.14:05.24 
tor8 vtorri_: there are no changes in 1.5, only bugfixes14:08.43 
Robin_Watts AhmEico: We have no set price for the license, it's on a case by case basis.14:14.49 
  You need to contact scott.sackett at and ask. He'll send back a massive list of questions. Just answer them as best you can.14:15.44 
  Lots won't apply to you, but the idea is to give him the clearest idea you can of what you want to do.14:16.10 
  He'll then give you a quote.14:16.17 
AhmEico Okay. I don't even know at this point if I want to make this app b/c at this point, I don't know how to program for Android14:16.32 
Robin_Watts Sure, well, at least with MuPDF you can experiment before you commit yourself.14:17.09 
AhmEico Thanks for your help. Guess first step is learn to program for Android.14:18.49 
henrys paulgardiner: no response from Good (Matt).14:21.11 
paulgardiner henrys: no. Not a word14:22.40 
chrisl henrys: I haven't had cause to look at duplex in Ghostscript - I assume it follows the PLRM requirements14:23.02 
henrys chrisl: I’m looking at a pcl bug and it is sort of tricky figuring out what the device should do vs. the language. For pcl I really need a way to query the device for Duplex capability to do everything right.14:24.36 
Robin_Watts sounds like a job for devspecop.14:25.56 
  Unless there is already a mechanism for asking about duplex?14:26.10 
chrisl henrys: given the way the Postscript interacts with devices, I'm not sure there will be a way to make that determination currently14:26.10 
jogux paulgardiner: could you upload the dsyms for the appstore release of SO2 somewhere please? or possibly the whole archive if that's easier.14:28.05 
chrisl henrys: you might be able to make use of the duplex and duplex_set values in the device - I must admit, I understood the meanings at one time, but I can't remember now :-(14:29.00 
paulgardiner jogux: it's in /home/releases/issues/8120, I believe14:30.02 
  on casper14:30.10 
jogux ah, great, thanks :)14:30.14 
chrisl henrys: ah, it looks like if Duplex_set >= 0 the device should support duplexing - but I don't think you can interrogate that currently14:30.32 
paulgardiner I zipped up everything from the archive, so I'd hope the dsyms are there14:30.53 
jogux looks like they are, yep - fetching now14:31.16 
henrys chrisl: oh yes I remember that mess.14:33.15 
paulgardiner ah good14:33.38 
chrisl henrys: well, other than the poor naming, it's hard to see a better approach (although, possibly the implementation could be nicer).....14:34.25 
  Hmm, the spec_op implementation isn't ideal for this type of case :-(14:37.34 
  Oh, actually, I take that back - reading the wrong bit code!14:38.04 
jogux paulgardiner: hm. xcode is still refusing to symbolicate the crash I downloaded from itunesconnect. :-S14:38.51 
paulgardiner That's a pain.14:40.34 
Robin_Watts I think "symbolicate" may be my new favourite word.14:41.51 
chrisl Sounds like a Glaswegianism14:43.22 
  Derivative of "maulicate".....14:44.21 
jogux I got it to symbolicate in the end :-)15:07.24 
Robin_Watts chrisl: That'd be "needs symbolicating."15:07.57 
  sorry, "needs symbolicated."15:08.24 
chrisl I prefer the former....15:11.33 
Robin_Watts the former is gramattically correct. The latter is more scottish, I think.15:12.09 
rayjj chrisl: I saw your comment about the use of sgray.icc with png16m. I don't know why it works, I just tried it and it works. It may be a fluke, or that the documentation does need some change.15:39.39 
  mvrhel_laptop: do you know off-hand why I got by with using -sOutputICCProfile=iccprofiles/sgray.icc -sDEVICE=png16m 15:40.41 
mvrhel_laptop I don't understand the question?15:41.27 
  I need to head out for about an hour15:41.51 
rayjj it's for a free (PITA) user so I am not inclined to do much/any work.15:41.53 
  mvrhel_laptop: I posted a method that works for bug 695353 and chrisl pointed out that according to the docs it should not have worked.15:42.37 
  I was mainly interested in putting an end to that extensive interchange from a PITA submitter15:43.17 
mattchz is there some place I can put the private git repository containing the crashlytics stuff?15:43.37 
  presumably the same location as SOT?15:43.46 
jogux mattchz: I would presume so, yep15:43.52 
rayjj mattchz: we have 
mattchz cool.15:44.55 
  looks like I have access to that.15:45.08 
chrisl rayjj: tbh, it wouldn't have been that extensive if a certain other contributor hadn't stuck his oar in! Also, the PITA user being oddly cryptic about what they wanted to do15:45.10 
rayjj mattchz: that's where the sot.git resides15:45.16 
mattchz stuff in ~/private-repos — is that special?15:45.31 
rayjj chrisl: you refer to HT ?15:45.34 
mattchz i.e. is it accessible from a web interface?15:45.35 
chrisl rayjj: yes15:45.40 
mvrhel_laptop rayjj: so what is confusing about the documenation?15:45.41 
Robin_Watts mattchz: No.15:45.52 
  mattchz: It's just convention.15:46.11 
mattchz ok.15:46.14 
Robin_Watts You'll note that I don't use private-repos :)15:46.18 
  I should move over to be consistent.15:46.30 
mattchz private_repos ? :)15:46.38 
rayjj mvrhel_laptop: chrisl final comment on that bug says that using an ICC profile that has 1 component (Gray) with a device that has 3 components (RGB) is problematic15:46.39 
mvrhel_laptop That is a case of let the user beware certainly15:47.06 
Robin_Watts mattchz: I use 'sauce'.15:47.15 
mvrhel_laptop I suspect it could have problems rayjj15:47.22 
mattchz robin_watts: saucey15:48.22 
chrisl mvrhel_laptop: I assumed, from the wording in the document, that it was totally incompatible - i.e. would throw an error15:48.35 
mvrhel_laptop The output and result is certainly not well defined. It depends upon the content of the source, the profiles etc. 15:49.58 
  it would be something that I would not advise one should do15:50.31 
rayjj I haven't dug into why it works -- I just tried it and it worked, so I'm inclined to not go further (although it is puzzling) 15:50.39 
mvrhel_laptop but I can't guarantee that and error would be thrown15:50.54 
  have to take kids out to breakfast15:51.23 
rayjj mvrhel_laptop: enjoy15:51.34 
chrisl mvrhel_laptop: actually, I wonder if a "proper" solution would be to set a grayscale device like profile, and leave the RGB device profile in place.....15:53.38 
  rayjj: ^^15:53.45 
mattchz robin_watts/paul_gardiner/tor8: mind reviewing the latest two commits on my master please?16:07.45 
  and the single commit in my private repo ‘mupdf-private’16:08.01 
  basically: we now have a script to do the TestFlight builds.16:08.26 
  This script and Crashlytics itself are checked into the private repo.16:08.39 
  The next step is to add some additional logic to:16:09.03 
  (a) uplaod automatically to TestFlight (we already a script to do this)16:09.19 
  (b) add an option to generate for App Store distribution instead16:09.33 
  (i.e. use a different code signing identity).16:09.39 
  This does mean that appstore/testflight builds will be done from the command line instead of the GUI, but after discussion with jogux we decided this was the easiest way of making the Crashlytics stuff conditional and in a private repo.16:10.49 
  It’s probably a good thing anyway tbh.16:10.59 
  it’s all based on magic scripts by Jogux :)16:11.36 
jogux uhoh :)16:11.44 
mattchz well, I assume you wrote it ;)16:11.50 
jogux hopes you have the version that uses xcode to generate the ipa instead of manually zipping stuff :)16:12.08 
mattchz I’ve not done the IPA bit yet, but I will. At the moment it just creates an archive.16:12.33 
  thought it would be easier to review as a separate commit.16:12.43 
jogux ah right. cool.16:12.49 
  there's an xcodebuild command or something that'll spit out an ipa.16:13.00 
mattchz was quite fiddly to get the options all passed in. But I think I’ve done it in such a way that if we want to add additional options in the open source project, they shouldn’t get trampled on.16:13.22 
  the only thing that worries me slightly is whether or not they’ll be an issue with Crashlytics updating itself, now it’s not in the project folder.16:14.46 
  I guess we’ll see.16:14.48 
jogux I think it copes. I've moved it around before.16:15.19 
mattchz Is it the ‘run’ thing that does the update?16:15.34 
jogux nods16:15.40 
mattchz I guess it would be nice to detect that it’s changed after the build script, and ask the user to commit the new version.16:15.55 
jogux as far as I know anyway. It seems to be triggered by doing a build, anyway.16:15.58 
mattchz nod16:16.16 
  jogux: I guess you may want to review as well, if you’re bored ;)16:16.50 
jogux what's the link again?16:17.08 
  oh, and the parent commit of that.16:18.20 
  there’s also: 
  but I can show you that on my machine if it’s easier ;)16:19.22 
Robin_Watts mattchz: Just looking for those reviews...16:19.45 
mattchz thanks16:19.51 
Robin_Watts They are on your public repo, right?16:20.01 
mattchz robin_watts: last two commits on my public repo, yes. And the only commit in the new private repo:16:20.32 
kens chrisl I feel sure it should be possible to make a profile which creates R=G=B RGB output. But frankly its time to stop talking on that bug, I agree....16:20.41 
mattchz git clone 
  (I’ll create a golden version of that once it’s been reviewed)16:21.02 
Robin_Watts ok, the two ios ones look plausible enough.16:21.12 
  but it would be better if someone with any ios-clue looked at them.16:21.25 
mattchz yeah. I think Jogu’s reviewing it too.16:21.34 
chrisl kens: Oh, yes, my last comment about using a device link profile was purely thinking out loud (testing the limits of my vague understanding!) - I wasn't suggesting we do it for the user16:21.50 
jogux mattchz: is the NSLog deliberate?16:22.34 
kens chrisl I suspect that a combination of Ray's 'pageneutral' changes, and a redefinition of setpagedevice to catch the ProcessColorModel would work for them16:22.55 
mattchz Yes; just to make it obvious that the code has worked16:23.01 
  although perhaps that shouldn’t be committed. I didn’t think it was too harmful though.16:23.14 
chrisl kens: the worst thing is, despite all the asking, it's still not even slightly clear what they're trying to do! If the just want to know if the page has color, then psdcmyk + pageneutral will give them what they want, I would think16:24.07 
Robin_Watts mattchz: I'm not sure about this private stuff.16:25.08 
  how does it work?16:25.11 
mattchz simples.16:25.19 
Robin_Watts Do you have to check out both repos and copy one into the other ?16:25.19 
mattchz you check it out, at the same level as the public stuff.16:25.28 
  then just run the shell script to do a build.. That’s it.16:25.38 
Robin_Watts 'check it out' ? You mean clone it?16:25.45 
mattchz erm, yeah.16:25.49 
kens chrisl I 'suspect' they want to know if the pages will print in gray on a printer. Either because they are specified in gray or because something has set device-specific commands to do so.16:25.53 
Robin_Watts How can you have 2 different repos in the same dir?16:26.02 
mattchz sorry, I meant the parent directory is the same.16:26.16 
  so checkout to :16:26.21 
rayjj kens: chrisl: As I read the bug report, they don't want to just know if the page is neutral, but want to force color data to be output as gray. Totally different to GrayDetection16:26.22 
mattchz git/mupdf16:26.23 
  and git/mupdf-private16:26.26 
Robin_Watts Oh, right.16:26.30 
chrisl rayjj: in that case, just using pnggray would work for them16:26.48 
kens chrisl but their insistence that 'this is a bug' p*ssed me off enough to stop being interested.16:26.50 
Robin_Watts Would it not have been possible to have the private one live within mupdf/private ?16:26.55 
mattchz users of the public repo won’t notice any difference.16:26.57 
  robin_watts:how would I achieve that? I guess I could use a git submole16:27.19 
Robin_Watts That way we keep the 'just copy the repos by copying a single top dir and rename it as you will' property.16:27.23 
chrisl kens: like I said, I would have left it if our "friend" hadn't gotten involved16:27.24 
kens rayjj My reading is that some jobs have colour data, but print in gray on the printer becaus ProcessCoknow in advance.tehy want tolorModel is set, an16:27.29 
  chrisl me too16:27.35 
Robin_Watts mattchz: Doesn't need to be a submodule.16:27.43 
mattchz robin_watts: you mean check them both into a single repo?16:27.46 
Robin_Watts No.16:27.51 
rayjj kens: I understand and agree, but as it isn't really even an enhancement, but just needing info on *how* to use existing gs, I went ahead and commented16:27.59 
Robin_Watts You create a 'private' dir in mupdf.16:28.01 
  You add the private dir to mupdf/.gitignore16:28.15 
jogux mattchz: I think the -configuration to xcodebuild isn't necessary if the scheme is setup properly. It's worth making sure the scheme(s) are set to shared too [and hence checked into git], so that people realise if they've changed them.16:28.26 
Robin_Watts You go into the private git and do git init16:28.34 
kens yeah, *if* that's what they want, then it should besible to do relatively easily. po16:28.37 
mattchz jogux> oh, okay, ta.16:28.46 
Robin_Watts You go into the private *dir* and do git init16:28.48 
mattchz ok16:28.55 
Robin_Watts That should give you a git repo within a git repo. both completely independent.16:29.11 
rayjj kens: well, at least they are quiet (so far)16:29.13 
kens :-)16:29.19 
jogux iirc you should add the child to the .gitignore for the parent too.16:29.31 
kens The inkcov one amused me16:29.36 
mattchz I can move my existing repo to that location.16:29.37 
  and change the paths to suit.16:29.43 
Robin_Watts mattchz: Right, that would do it.16:29.45 
chrisl kens: at least he was polite!16:29.53 
mattchz I’m not convinced it’s any better though, personally.16:30.10 
kens chrisl, absolutely!16:30.11 
rayjj kens: chrisl: I didn't realize that we have two ink coverage devices !16:30.16 
Robin_Watts mattchz: Suppose I want to have 2 copies of mupdf.git on my machine.16:30.30 
  At the moment I can just copy mupdf.git to mupdf2.git and I'm sorted.16:30.44 
kens One was added after the other, because the first didn't do quite what smeone wanted, so they modified it and submitted it16:30.45 
chrisl rayjj: No, if I'd reviewed the second one, I'd have insisted on a more distinct name!16:30.59 
kens is somewhat surprised to have network access :-)16:31.09 
chrisl kens: I did wonder - bored already??16:31.38 
rayjj kens: oh, that's right. You're supposed to be on holiday ?16:32.13 
kens chrisl been riding 3 hours today, including 2 hours over cross-country jumps. Really quite tired now......16:32.14 
mattchz robin_watts: ok, I sort of see. it means you don’t have to copy the private one.16:32.15 
kens will admit that the jumping was huge amounts of fun, melanie and I thoroughly enjoyed ourselves16:32.58 
Robin_Watts yeah.16:33.12 
mattchz Is it possible to add it as an optional submodule do you think?16:33.13 
  I’ve hardly used submodules.16:33.34 
  i’m also tempted to call it ‘mupdf-private’ rather than ‘private’16:34.08 
Robin_Watts I think using a submodule would be bad, as people will git clone the original, then do: git submodule update --init and it'll die with an error.16:34.09 
mattchz yeah - was wondering if there could be optional ones.16:34.20 
Robin_Watts I am not aware of such.16:34.27 
  yes, mupdf-private would be better as a name of a repo.16:34.45 
mattchz generally, I think it’s less confusing if repos are named with the same name as their .git on the server.16:34.47 
Robin_Watts yes.16:34.51 
mattchz one downside to this whole scheme is that we’ll need to tag both repos.16:35.16 
Robin_Watts Hmm. submodules take care of that...16:35.31 
mattchz and to remember to update, etc.16:35.48 
  hmm. I guess mupdf could be a submodule of mupdf-private.16:36.10 
Robin_Watts tor8: ping16:36.10 
  mattchz: Ooh. That might work well!16:36.23 
  Yes, that's a really nice idea.16:36.41 
  We should get tor8 to weigh in on this.16:37.00 
mattchz lots of articles on the web like: “Why your company shouldn’t use Git submodules"16:37.12 
  We’d still need to tag the public repo though, so external users can check out a particular release.16:37.48 
Robin_Watts mattchz: Yeah.16:38.05 
  Attempting to use fine grained submodules is painful I think.16:38.29 
  but for what we want (periodic imports of third party libs) it works well.16:38.47 
  I don’t think those issues will affect us, if we’re careful.16:39.40 
jogux I presume submodules can have submodules?16:40.14 
mattchz I hope so :)16:41.28 
kens chrisl in /home/ken/pictures on casper, 3 photos. Numerically the first is me over one of the smaller jumps (near the beginning), second is Melanie over the same jump. Third is us galloping up a field, I'm in the centre, Melanie is behind me.16:41.49 
Robin_Watts Prof Google says yes.16:41.52 
kens OOps, copied wrong picture16:43.38 
chrisl kens: gotta go - I'll look at the photos later......16:46.08 
mvrhel_laptop back16:48.33 
jogux presuamably git submodule update only applies to whichever level you're currently in then16:49.09 
Robin_Watts --recursive is the magic flag for that, I think.16:49.31 
jogux neat16:49.37 
jogux has no strong feeling that either approach is better, both 'work' so long as the release process wiki is updated and people actually follow it :-)16:51.06 
mattchz bn16:51.58 
  new commit to make xcode schemes shared:;a=commit;h=a2b7169dfa61e0c7c3ed268e8da56e0e80767a3216:52.07 
Robin_Watts I am intrigued that kens felt the need to tell us which one of the first two pictures was him and which was melanie :)16:52.32 
kens Well I just meant it wasn't some random other rider16:53.03 
  Or Stella....16:53.11 
  (Stella isn't doing jumping, just us lunatics)16:53.34 
mvrhel_laptop this is interesting16:54.48 
kens The reason there are any pictures is because Stella was on the ground with a camera, but obviy she couldn't follow us for 2 hours on foot.16:54.52 
  mvrhel_laptop : Wot no PostScript ?16:55.46 
mvrhel_laptop :)16:56.00 
kens I presume CofeeScript is something related to Javascript16:56.35 
mvrhel_laptop who knows16:56.58 
kens is pleased to see C right up there though16:57.31 
jogux I can't believe C is the second most popular language for Mobile.16:58.23 
  cz> looks good.16:58.51 
kens Ah you can click the for a description16:59.02 
  coffescript is an alternative to javascript, supposed to be easier to use16:59.26 
mattchz robin_watts/jogux: I’ve added a suggestion to clean your tree:;a=commit;h=803470e161539f9013f854188e57505f4878e89117:04.54 
kens mvrhel_laptop : you might have some insight into this:17:07.25 
mattchz jogux> I think I remember why I added -configuration Release for other projects.17:07.41 
  if you don’t, then the clean action only cleans the release stuff.17:07.51 
  so, i think it’s potentially harmful /not/ to have the release flag.17:08.45 
mvrhel_laptop kens: that is a tricky issue. 17:09.42 
jogux mattchz: ah right. fair enough.17:10.49 
mattchz jogux/robin_watts: happy for me to commit the non-private changes then?17:11.07 
mvrhel_laptop kens, so if he has an orange spot how does he think he is going to "color" the separation correctly17:11.16 
  it really is not clear to me what he is trying to do17:11.33 
jogux matt: think so17:11.50 
Robin_Watts mattchz: Go for it.17:13.02 
mattchz thanks.17:13.08 
  tor8/robin_watts/paulgardiner: please remember to clean your trees to remove the per-user Xcode schemes.17:14.11 
  if you don’t, I’m not sure what badness will happen :)17:14.36 
jogux mattchz : I think only Paul actually has a mac :-)17:28.03 
mattchz robin has one :)17:28.18 
jogux he has some evil vmware thing he doesn't usually admit to having :)17:28.30 
Robin_Watts but I don't admit to it.17:28.36 
mattchz no, he has a mac :)17:28.36 
jogux oh right ;-)17:28.43 
mattchz or did17:28.51 
paulgardiner Oh. Thanks for heads up17:29.19 
mattchz ok, the submodule thing (with mupdf-private as the parent seems to work).17:31.55 
  it’s all a bit magic though, and concerns I have:17:32.09 
  git submodule update —recursive, doesn’t seem to remove any local changes from the submodules.17:32.27 
Robin_Watts it shouldn't do.17:32.47 
  git diff should show the submodule as being 'dirty'17:33.07 
mattchz If I make changes in the submodule, can I then commit and push those to the original repo?17:33.14 
  robin_watts: it does.17:33.22 
Robin_Watts mattchz: The procedure is to commit the changes to the submodule.17:33.28 
  Then you do a commit in the parent that changes the SHA that the submodule points to.17:33.45 
mattchz (although the submodule is a detached HEAD state)17:33.49 
  or maybe not. I read that it was, but it appears to be in origin/master on my machine.17:34.26 
jogux so the downside of the this submodule thing is that releases would really be tagged only in the private repo.17:34.33 
mattchz jogux: that’s my other concern.17:34.46 
Robin_Watts No.17:34.57 
jogux we could tag the submodule too, but it wouldn't be canonical.17:35.04 
Robin_Watts You tag the release in the normal mupdf repo.17:35.06 
  Then you checkout to that (in the submodule)17:35.21 
  Then you move into the private repo and "git add mupdf"17:35.51 
  Then git commit that.17:36.03 
  Then tag that.17:36.07 
mattchz right.17:36.15 
Robin_Watts So the private repo has a tag that specifies the value of the public repo to be the tag.17:36.39 
mattchz in that case, what would be nice then is a script that given a tag as an argument (which has already been tagged in the public repo), we automate all of the above.17:37.09 
Robin_Watts It is a quirk of the way that submodules work that submodules are always considered to be checked out to an SHA, rather than to a tag/branch.17:37.16 
  Hence submodules often appear to be in detached head state even when they are actually on the same SHA as master or something.17:38.08 
mattchz so, we should probably never actually use the submodule for development, or make changes there - always commit to golden first, then update the submodule?17:38.30 
  and build from a clean tree.17:39.15 
Robin_Watts All changes in submodules must be committed there first, yes.17:39.46 
  and build with clean submodules, for releases, yes.17:40.03 
mattchz I mean, commited in a second clone of the repo and pushed.17:40.09 
Robin_Watts mattchz: No, you can cd into the submodule and git checkout to anything you want.17:40.43 
jogux offs, night all. I'm probably finishing up lunchtime-ish tomorrow btw.17:41.08 
Robin_Watts it's just that when you do: git submodule update, and that adjusts all the submodules, they will be left on an SHA rather than on a named branch/tag17:41.09 
  jogux: You holidaying?17:41.20 
mattchz robin_watts: presumably you need to push to golden though before you commit any changes to mupdf-private.17:41.32 
jogux just got visitors :)17:41.35 
mattchz because otherwise your SHA1 won’t exist on the server.17:41.43 
Robin_Watts oh, right. I forgot it was friday! :)17:41.50 
mattchz it’s thursday17:41.56 
Robin_Watts I forgot that tomorrow was friday.17:42.07 
mattchz :)17:42.19 
Robin_Watts Woo Hoo! I have jbig2 images.17:43.25 
  inverted, but...17:43.29 
mattchz nice one :)17:47.24 
  Right, home time.17:49.02 
  nn all17:49.05 
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