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Log of #ghostscript at

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2014/07/14)2014/07/15 
SpNg I’m trying to rasterize an EPS at various sizes. Currently I use -dEPSfitpage -g1000x1000 or some dimension for g and then trim the image. Is there a better way to do this?00:17.12 
mattchz marcosw> please would it be possible to change that alias from testdrive@ -> testflight@ ?09:18.22 
jogux mattchz: is platform/ios/ missing a #!/bin/bash ?09:25.14 
  oh, wait, no, that's not a new script09:25.31 
  it's fine09:25.35 
mattchz yeah, the other script had #!/bin/sh09:25.43 
  that one was correct already.09:25.53 
jogux nods09:25.58 
mattchz I might move the scripts out of platform/ios in a follow up, actually.09:28.35 
jogux mattchz: mupdf changes all look fine, although I believe the addition of 'bash' to the xcode pbxproj etc isn't necessary (though neither does it do any harm I guess).10:28.42 
mattchz ta.10:29.04 
  it’s to avoid issues with permissions being wrong on files.10:29.15 
jogux ah right10:30.05 
Robin_Watts ooh... Is that mail to support the freeloader finally trying to pay something?12:33.04 
chrisl It looks that way - but reading it, you can bet they won't be happy with the quote!12:33.57 
  It probably also means they've got a stack of issues they want looked at, and once they are complete, it'll be "goodnight vienna".....12:35.35 
Robin_Watts possibly someone should mail miles gently reminding him of the history...12:37.01 
  They can do the "X hours a year support, after which we change Y per hour".12:37.31 
mattchz jogux/robin_watts: please would you mind looking at the latest commits on mu-pdf private please?12:38.08 
  I can’t remember how far back you looked, but I think it’s the most recent 3.12:38.18 
  there’s now a top-level script to handle the entire build process.12:38.28 
chrisl Robin_Watts: I'll drop a mail to Miles and add Scott in.....12:38.32 
mattchz the one thing it doesn’t do is do the tagging before uploading.12:38.40 
  I can change this if necessary, although I’m in two minds.12:38.55 
  (prefer to change it as a separate commit though, as it’s vaguely non-trivial)12:39.17 
  (tagging is done at the end atm)12:39.42 
Robin_Watts The optional upload step should be the final thing, IMHO.12:40.03 
  I'm strongly of the opinion that we should never upload without everything having been pushed into golden.12:43.37 
  but tor8 is the supreme arbiter here...12:43.48 
  Other commits look OK.12:44.04 
  though I wonder if shouldn't be a git config thing.12:44.33 
  git config -g alias.check-untracked=! or something like that.12:45.16 
mattchz oops, forgot to switch a path back after testing, i’ve fixed that and repushed.12:46.07 
  robin_watts: in that case, we should probably push too, as part of the script, which I’m a little nervous about.12:46.46 
  robin_watts: I didn’t know about git-config aliases.12:47.07 
  that might be a plan, although the only reason it is actually a separate script is that I can’t use a shell function for it, as it gets passed into git submodules foreach.12:47.44 
mattchz lunches. brb.12:48.11 
  robin_watts/jogux: so are you ok for me to push those changes then?13:45.50 
  I’ll look at the upload final step thing separately.13:46.04 
Robin_Watts tor8: You about?13:46.22 
  mattchz: Unless tor8 is here, and able to look now, sure.13:46.45 
mattchz it’s all in the private repo anyway.13:47.02 
Robin_Watts yeah.13:47.45 
tor8 Robin_Watts: mattchz: sorry, my IRC window was hidden...13:47.51 
mattchz at some point I’ll do the actual release this was all intended for ;)13:48.00 
tor8 how do I access the private repo?13:48.01 
mattchz tor8: at the moment just git clone 
Robin_Watts On casper: /home/matt/private-repos/mupdf-private.git13:48.45 
mattchz (I will push it to /home/git-priv/… something tho)13:49.01 
Robin_Watts The private repo has mupdf.git as a submodule. It seemed the cleanest way.13:49.12 
mattchz a bit fiddly, sadly, but seem to work.13:49.38 
tor8 Robin_Watts: yes, I think a private repo with the public one as a submodule is the right choice, even though it is fiddly13:50.07 
  having private/public repos and automatic scripts that filter out the private files on publicly accessible gits is even more fiddly13:50.37 
mattchz keeps meaning to look at google’s ‘repo’ tool that they use for android.13:51.21 
tor8 mattchz: another option would be to have the entire platform/ios directory as a private git that you just check out in your private workspace, but then you don't get the benefits of having the public and private repositories in sync13:52.55 
mattchz nod.13:57.37 
  there’s no real “nice way"13:57.42 
tor8 mattchz: not having to keep secrets is the "nice way" :)13:58.05 
mattchz :)13:58.16 
  it’s possible that we can distribute the sdk, and perhaps pass the api keys through the environment or something.13:58.34 
  but, Crashltics haven’t got back to me.13:58.45 
tor8 mattchz: if it's just a matter of where to keep the Crashlytics.framework, I'd work on the main repo and only check in a placeholder13:58.50 
  and a blank key13:59.05 
  then .gitignore the key file :)13:59.26 
  I don't like the idea of checking in binaries in the main repo, and even less so proprietary binaries...14:00.39 
mattchz Could perhaps have done that. I’m tempted to just go with this though if everyone is happy because it works and might be useful for other stuff in the future, potentially.14:01.02 
  and it took me ages :-)14:01.08 
tor8 it doesn't affect the main repo, so you (and any successors who end up with the task of building the ios binaries) are the only ones to be affected14:01.54 
mattchz that was the main goal tbh, not to affect the main repo.14:02.27 
tor8 (yeah, sorry, I wasn't paying attention when you discussed this before)14:02.35 
mattchz no probs14:02.46 
  I guess there’s no “nice” solution, but this on balance seems one of the best.14:03.11 
tor8 but this solution would have been my other alternative (to placeholder the framework and a blank key file protected against accidental checkins with .gitignore)14:03.27 
henrys_ chrisl: were you using a debug build for the xpswrite timings? There’s a huge difference, lots of checking code.14:04.27 
mattchz nods.14:04.31 
  arguably we could just .gitignore the framework too.14:04.38 
  it would leave ‘red’ entries in the Xcode project view, but probably would be harmless.14:04.57 
tor8 I might also have suggested using .bash as the suffix for shell scripts that use bash specific features, but I'm as guilty of that as anyone14:05.34 
chrisl henrys_: I can't honestly remember - but it was the same build for both xpswrite, pdfwrite and ps2write14:05.58 
tor8 ... and prefix git commits with "ios:" or "android:" or "x11:" or "win32:" if they're specific to a platform, but I'm not consistently doing that either :)14:06.28 
mattchz heh14:06.50 
tor8 makes it easier to skip over the git commits that you're not interested in :)14:07.02 
  when looking through what's changed14:07.12 
mattchz nod. I’ll try and do that in the future.14:07.15 
  (in the main repo at least; the private repo pretty much everything is ios specific)14:07.32 
tor8 yeah. we're not doing it consistently, but I will try to remember to do it myself14:07.46 
tor8 nods.14:08.03 
henrys_ chrisl: apparently pdfwrite and ps2write don’t have very good robustness checking in the debug code, I’ll report a bug to ken ;-)14:09.23 
  paulgardiner: about the fringe dead people are not allowed to come back to the show unannounced, that really got us upset.14:10.38 
  last night14:11.01 
paulgardiner henrys_: who was that then? It's been a while.14:12.02 
paulgardiner Ah. I do remember being confused by one or two episodes. Was that the one with the credits changed to have a seventies feel?14:14.38 
henrys_ paulgardiner: I haven’t noticed that14:15.12 
Robin_Watts Yeah, that was a hangover from season 1.14:15.43 
  You have to imagine that one being shown 'out of order'.14:15.57 
  But hold onto your hats, because he's in later episodes too :)14:16.28 
paulgardiner You shouldn't have more problems like that. Dead people coming back becomes far more common place and acceptable in later seasons. :-)14:17.15 
henrys_ Robin_Watts, paulgardiner I can deal with that kind of ‘coming back'14:18.03 
mattchz robin_watts: did you recommend Banshee? I seem to have that now I have Now TV.14:18.13 
Robin_Watts mattchz: Yes. We're just watching Season 2 now.14:18.25 
mattchz good?14:18.55 
Robin_Watts Yes.14:19.08 
  It's from Alan Ball (Six Feet Under, True Blood (while it was good) etc)14:19.46 
mattchz there’s just too much stuff to watch. Currently watching the new 24 and Orange is the New Black S2. And I noticed all the Sopranos are now on Now TV.14:19.48 
  robin_watts: cool14:19.57 
paulgardiner Oh that has to be worth a go then14:20.04 
Robin_Watts Got the last 24 episode tonight, and started OITNB S2 last night.14:20.13 
mattchz oh, is the last one tonight? I wondered when it was.14:20.31 
  Any idea if that Silicon Valley thing is any good?14:21.12 
Robin_Watts Supposed to be, yes.14:21.22 
mattchz ah, it’s HBO, probably good then.14:21.45 
  tor8: robin_watts: stuff is pushed into a private repo on casper. I’ll update the wiki.14:25.23 
  I’ll probably delete most of what I wrote yesterday, now the script does all the magic for you.14:26.20 
Robin_Watts mattchz: Or leave that there as as subsection of "what the script does for you" ?14:27.40 
mattchz could do. script does a bit more possibly.14:28.18 
henrys_ not much for a gs and mupdf meeting. kens and mvrhel_laptop are out and ray isn’t about. Anybody have anything?14:30.04 
  chrisl and ray have bugs to review.14:30.33 
chrisl henrys_: you mentioned trio last night..... I've been thinking maybe we should go with the approach Robin took for mupdf instead...14:30.48 
Robin_Watts nothing from me. Just a reminder that I'm away from next saturday (26th) for 2 and a half weeks.14:31.19 
chrisl henrys_: I posted my thoughts on Bug69420514:31.46 
henrys_ chrisl: I was surprised it figured highly in the profile. Is there a way to build without it so I can see how it compares to std14:31.56 
chrisl henrys_: not directly, you can hack the source easily enough. But with the distros wanting it shared, and Tim Waugh found some problems, I'm considering alternatives14:33.06 
henrys_ chrisl: ah okay so we’ll let shelly test that and go from there14:33.11 
  tor8: anything for the meeting?14:34.04 
chrisl henrys_: obviously trio is a bit slower than the "stock" implementation, because glibc and co have a load of special (often assembly) code for major platforms.14:34.48 
henrys_ chrisl: I must have missed Tim’s issue. Is there a bug for that?14:34.59 
rayjj morning, all. Logs lag (at least I don't know what chrisl and henrys are discussing) -- /me waits...14:35.05 
chrisl henrys_: yes, there is a bug - it's about a rounding issue.....14:35.35 
Robin_Watts yeah, it's a lot easier to do printf formatting of FP numbers fast if you can access the FP representation directly.14:35.41 
chrisl Robin_Watts: on the other hand, doing the post process replacement of the decimal takes time, too :-(14:36.20 
henrys_ chrisl: my performance complaint is really unsubstantated yet so don’t let the muddy things yet14:36.21 
marcosw rayjj: Did you see the email last week for you with the subject "Follow-up on fts-09-0920.pdf"?14:36.57 
chrisl henrys_: your comment is just another factor in my thinking, not the progenitor of the thought 14:37.26 
rayjj marcosw: yes, that's what I'm working on. I was going to give Len an update yesterday PM, but had laptop problems.14:37.35 
henrys_ rayjj: I responded to your xpswrite bug report(s)14:38.14 
marcosw rayjj: great, I did try the file with the stock Ghostscript and didn't see any issues, so I presume it's specific to their version/modifications.14:38.17 
chrisl henrys_: Bug69523514:38.19 
rayjj marcosw: et al., in case anyone needs peeved, I can only fire it up for limited times. AC problems that won't be fixed until Friday14:38.48 
  marcosw: yes, I'm able to reproduce it, but tracing down the 'invalidrestore' is painful -- what in the mess of pasta is leaving something on the op stack ...14:39.51 
  chrisl: have you come up with any techniques for tracking invalidrestore ? I use PDFDEBUG coupled with -ZAI but that's a LOT to plow through which is what's taking the time14:41.09 
marcosw rayjj: I was going to ask about peeved. I assumed hardware issues since it's been down for ~4 weeks. 14:41.37 
chrisl rayjj: I tend to use PDFDEBUG to narrow down the area, and then use old skool stack and pstack14:42.01 
  rayjj: do you still see gs-devel?14:43.04 
rayjj chrisl: OK. It's an AP dict and the 'restore' doesn't happen until after the print page14:43.24 
  chrisl: yes, I see gs-devel14:43.46 
henrys_ so we have a skype discussion at the hour all are invited.14:44.12 
chrisl rayjj: did you see the question from Dwight Kelly? I wondered if you had any insight14:44.13 
  rayjj: I can't remember that area of the pdf interpreter very well - but if you want me to take a look at it, I can certainly do so14:44.51 
rayjj well, maybe I don't see gs-devel. There are some in my inbox, but only from back in March.14:45.40 
chrisl rayjj: here's the question: 
  and my reply: 
rayjj chrisl: I'll continue to struggle with it, but if I have any info or questions by the end of the day, I might ask. 14:47.34 
chrisl rayjj: the other thing is judicious use of .setdebug can cut down the information overload considerably14:48.40 
rayjj chrisl: on genht, we have toolbin/halftone/gen_ordered.c but those functions are written in C14:49.28 
  chrisl: I did put .setdebug off/on around the PDFDEBUG printing. Thanks, but I knew that 'trick'14:50.17 
chrisl rayjj: genht: I figured that was the case, I just wanted to check I hadn't missed some arcane piece of gs "magic"14:51.13 
rayjj chrisl: well, you didn't mention gen_ordered.c -- I think that might be of more use to the submitter. Do you want me to follow up ?14:52.05 
  chrisl: in the meantime, I'll look to see why I don't get gs-devel14:52.28 
tor8 henrys_: did you send the font metrics and glyph lists off to URW?14:53.22 
henrys_ tor8: yes I did14:53.38 
chrisl rayjj: Dwight specifically mentioned PS spot functions, so I assumed he has custom ones he wants threshold arrays from. It's not worth spending time on, it was just the Ken and I know Dwight of old, so I wanted to at least reply14:53.56 
henrys_ tor8: he’ll send a status soon when he gets back to Germany… vacationing in the states14:54.24 
tor8 henrys_: yeah, I doubt we'll hear anything until august given that July is the great european vacation month.14:55.00 
chrisl rayjj: oh, and on gs-devel: I regularly get "too bouncies, go here ... to reactivate subscription" - despite the fact there is no evidence of mail bouncing14:55.14 
rayjj chrisl: I'll reply, because we also have 'threshold_from_order' in the code that lets someone that want to use GS and is not afraid of programming14:55.17 
chrisl rayjj: okay, thanks14:55.42 
henrys_ tor8: could be july and august with a world cup win14:56.05 
rayjj chrisl: you load the screen using GS (from the PS source) and call 'threshold_from_oder' to get it into a threshold array. That lets you have a PS spot function.14:56.29 
  chrisl: reply sent to Dwight via gs-devel. If he worked with you two, then I'm sure he's bright enough to (ab)use ghostscript for what he wants15:36.46 
chrisl rayjj: he was actually a Jaws customer - but one of the better ones to deal with (usually!)15:37.42 
rayjj chrisl: Oh, wait -- I think Scott and I visited him somewhere in Canada ?15:38.33 
chrisl No, he's US.....15:39.07 
  Alpharetta, GA15:39.25 
rayjj chrisl: the name rings a bell, but I've never been there. Maybe I met him at a show15:39.42 
  it would have been several years ago15:39.59 
chrisl Very likely - he's been around for quite some time15:40.05 
  henrys_: so, there does seem to be a bit of a hit with trio vs "native" sprintf (but note, without the locale "compensation") - but it's pretty small compared to the difference between xpswrite and pdfwrite: 
henrys_ chrisl: thanks, there is really no way xpswrite is going to be anything like pdfwrite with no fonts. If you force pdfwrite to outlines they should be similar15:45.44 
  rayjj:don’t know if you saw my comments about your xpswrite bug, but I’m a bit confused, see the bug15:47.40 
chrisl henrys_: I don't think there is any way to run pdfwrite like that because of how it handles fonts. I'm not surprised xpswrite is slower (for various reasons), but I am quite surprised by how much slower.....15:48.04 
henrys let me compare with pxlcolor15:49.36 
chrisl I get about 5 seconds for pxlcolor15:50.50 
henrys chrisl: you did set the cache to 0?15:51.23 
chrisl Yes15:51.46 
henrys chrisl: I’ll look further xps is very bulky of course15:53.02 
mattchz tor8: robin_watts and I were discussing the tagging of builds with this script.15:53.51 
chrisl henrys: yeh, I was expecting 4-5 times slower than pdfwrite - but I had no real basis for that expectation.15:54.07 
mattchz at the moment, the upload of the build to TestFlight is done /before/ we tag the git trees15:54.16 
rayjj henrys: I've updated and rebuilt and am trying the bug.15:54.17 
mattchz (we tag both mupdf and mupdf-private with the same tag for the release)15:54.26 
  I felt it was better not to tag until after the build had uploaded, because if it failed to upload, then we might end up with a tag for a build that doesn’t exist.15:55.12 
  robin_watts thought the opposite - i.e. we shouldn’t have any builds uploaded that have no corresponding tags.15:55.30 
  in practice, the difference is pretty minor; the script tags the trees before it exits, and reminds the user that they should push the tags to the repos manually.15:56.20 
Robin_Watts We can always retry the upload.15:56.21 
  but I know how lazy programmers are.15:56.34 
mattchz I was vaguely against the script pushing to the golden repos, because that seems too risky.15:56.46 
  in which case the difference is possibly moot.15:57.06 
Robin_Watts mattchz: What I'm hearing there is you arguing against using a script at all :)15:57.12 
mattchz not really; all changes are local.15:57.32 
chrisl henrys: but based on the other problems, and the performance deficit, I think I'll look at removing trio and going with Robin's solution for mupdf15:57.38 
mattchz the user can then inspect them if they like, check that they are happy, then push.15:57.46 
  once something’s been pushed, it’s a PITA to undo.15:57.57 
  because someone might have checked it out.15:58.20 
  which is why I wasn’t wanting to push from the script. But I’m happy to change it, if everyone thinks that is preferable.15:58.51 
  if we go down that route, effectively the upload failing would be a soft failure, and the user would then have to upload the build manually using the web interface.15:59.34 
  but they can’t just re-run the script to do it, because the tags etc. have already been set and pushed.16:00.13 
rayjj henrys: I retested and updated the bug. If you want separate bugs, let me know (PLRM-3rd, tiger.eps and ALL have problems)16:05.14 
  henrys: Note this is on Windoze 7 with 32-bit build16:05.54 
  chrisl: Dwight replied privately (not on gs-devel) so I just cc'ed tech. I guess he likes the gen_ordered approach16:07.20 
  I forgot to mention that was mvrhel_laptop's code16:07.48 
mattchz robin_watts: tiny commit in mupdf-private which just adds the upload API key if that’s ok…16:07.52 
chrisl rayjj: great, thanks for doing that!16:08.21 
rayjj chrisl: np16:09.03 
  off for coffee. bbiab16:09.09 
Robin_Watts mattchz: lgtm.16:09.44 
mattchz ta.16:09.49 
  arse. we already have a 1.5-ios tag from my previous release attempt. I suggest from now one using tags like 1.5-rc1 for testflight builds.16:10.40 
  and leaving 1.5-ios for the final thing.16:10.53 
  is there any sane we can delete the existing tag without breaking it for people who have already pulled?16:11.24 
jogux well you probably want to do 1.5-rc<something> now right :-)16:12.16 
mattchz oh, indeed.16:12.36 
jogux I suggest just using ios-1.5-appstore or something for the final build this time :)16:12.37 
chrisl I don't remember there being problems deleting tags - I've messed up gs releases/candidates a couple of times, and no one complained when I deleted them16:12.54 
  I’m guessing it’s perhaps not dangerous to delete a tag like it is change a branch history.16:13.12 
chrisl That's my feeling - but I'd try to check with tor8 first.....16:13.44 
jogux yeah, I don't think it's a massive issue, this only issue is if you've not pulled your tag will still exist and point at the wrong place16:14.00 
mattchz chrisl: cool,good to know, thanks!16:14.13 
  jogux: true.16:14.19 
  in that case I could delete 1.5-ios, and use -appstore this time.16:14.53 
  but we’ll see what tor8 says :-D16:15.08 
Robin_Watts mattchz: Deleting a git tag is fine, as long as we don't have a build somewhere that refers to it.16:16.30 
mattchz actually, there is an issue iirc that it’ll just get reinstated the next time someone else pushes.16:17.07 
chrisl tags shouldn't be pushed automatically in that case16:18.23 
  In fact, don't you always have to explicitly specify --tags to push tags.....16:20.51 
mattchz chrisl: oh?16:40.35 
chrisl Huh?16:41.17 
mattchz chrisl: was just wondering when tags are pushed otherwise...16:41.41 
chrisl Maybe they push automatically if you've created them, but I seems to remember having to specify --tags - that *might* be after deleting a local tag, though16:42.42 
mattchz ah right.16:42.54 
  this link claims you have to do voodoo to actually delete a remote tag: 
chrisl Hmm, maybe it's when I've deleted and made new local flag, then. It's something I try to avoid doing too often!16:44.31 
mattchz yeah, best avoided, I guess :)16:45.42 
  I’ve updated the page: 
  it’s really hard to describe git stuff in english :)16:46.12 
  new RC build for mupdf uploaded to testflight16:52.08 
rayjj mattchz: is that android ?16:52.29 
mattchz rayjj: ios16:52.40 
rayjj mattchz: OK, thanks16:52.48 
mattchz all being well, it’ll get uploaded to Apple soon.16:53.01 
henrys exhausts all posibilities before using windows egads.17:36.11 
  rayjj:can you attach your tiger.xps output to the bug when you get a chance.18:15.21 
  for the logs18:15.30 
rayjj henrys: I attached the tiger.xps18:29.47 
henrys rayjj: same weird numbers as the plrm page 1. How come Michael doesn’t see this? I certainly don’t get it on linux or mac so it must be specific to windows18:41.08 
  nvm I’ll look at I’m sure it’s something I’ve fouled up18:42.08 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: you around?18:44.32 
rayjj henrys: did you try 32-bit linux ?18:44.54 
mvrhel_laptop what bug/issue are you looking at rayjj and henrys?18:45.23 
rayjj the xpswrite bug 69536718:45.41 
  mvrhel_laptop: ^^^18:46.38 
  mvrhel_laptop: as I understand it, you use xpswrite (with gs) to print from gsview. Is that correct ?18:47.29 
mvrhel_laptop yes18:47.56 
rayjj mvrhel_laptop: BTW, is there a 'master' repo for gsview ? And what toolchain do I need to build it ?18:48.04 
mvrhel_laptop rayjj: it is in a branch on my mupdf repos and you would need VS201318:48.47 
  need to go get kids lunch now. bbiab18:49.12 
rayjj mvrhel_laptop: there's a bunch of "small" enhancements that would probably (at some point, after learning curve) be easier to fix than to open bugs18:49.16 
  mvrhel_laptop: but I don't need to run Win 8, do I ?18:49.54 
rayjj hopes not18:50.00 
mvrhel_laptop yes. I think so, but I am not sure. also the code is in C# with xaml UI18:50.33 
rayjj mvrhel_laptop: you think i *DO* need Win 8 ?18:51.02 
mvrhel_laptop rayjj: see if you can install VS201318:51.08 
  I dont know18:51.10 
rayjj mvrhel_laptop: OK. I'll give it a whirl18:51.49 
SpNg what’s the best way to output an EPS to specific bitmap size without needing to trim it. Currently I use -dEPSfitpage g1000x1000 and then trim…18:59.14 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: Sorry, yes,I'm around. Talking to you on skype.19:09.02 
rayjj SpNg: if you use EPSCrop with -r___ it will produce an image that has the width and height, but there is no way (AFAIK) to have gs scale to the largest dimension and trim the other dimension19:21.45 
SpNg rayjj: ok, that’s what I’m seeing too. I’m just having problems trimming images after they are created. Sometimes the color white is trimmed when it shouldn’t be. 19:24.09 
rayjj SpNg: you can use -sDEVICE=bbox -dEPSCrop to show you the BoundingBox (or just grep for BoundingBox), then compute the value for -r19:24.13 
SpNg rayjj: that’s an interesting idea. 19:24.38 
rayjj SpNg: BTW, there is no guarantee that the %BoundingBox (that EPSCrop uses) is correct. It depends on how good the creator of the EPS was19:32.54 
  I think I found who left the crumbs on the opstack (cust 532's issue)21:13.20 
tor8 mattchz: Robin_Watts: (for the logs) deleting tags is fine; as long as you don't reuse the same tag name later and someone has pulled the tag in between21:43.22 
henrys rayjj: weird I’m betting on a trio bug - one of those sprintf is giving bogus data back but I don’t see anything wrong with it.22:41.53 
mvrhel_laptop rayjj you there?23:33.53 
  I have a small list of things that I am going to fix up on gsview. not sure if you had been playing with it or not. if you have some things you thought needed fixed let me know23:34.29 
  I may spend a few minutes fixing my things23:34.40 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: Did you get the testing working to your satisfaction?23:37.32 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: yes I think I would like you or Joseph to review my commit. I will then move on to see if I can fix up some of the remaining issues that I see23:39.51 
  my repos shows up now in projects23:40.33 
Robin_Watts eh?23:41.07 
  mvrhel_laptop: We can't have that.23:41.33 
mvrhel_laptop ah 23:41.53 
Robin_Watts I've moved it :)23:42.12 
mvrhel_laptop ok. so where do I find it then...23:42.50 
Robin_Watts It's now in private-repos23:42.54 
mvrhel_laptop and how do I see it with the web browser23:43.18 
Robin_Watts You can't.23:43.23 
mvrhel_laptop like 
Robin_Watts Currently we have no web git interface for the private repos, which is a shame.23:43.53 
mvrhel_laptop that was why joseph said private-repos23:44.01 
  and I just stuck it in repos23:44.08 
  makes sense to me now23:44.15 
Robin_Watts You're not the first person to have done it :)23:44.24 
mvrhel_laptop I need to change things here though with respect to that 23:44.38 
Robin_Watts yeah, you need to change the remote.23:44.48 
  I have been doing: git fetch pete then gitk pete/master to do reviews.23:45.23 
  That's what I mainly use the web view for.23:45.57 
mvrhel_laptop ok23:46.05 
Robin_Watts I'm going to lose a couple of hours tomorrow. It's my dads 70th birthday, so we're going out for lunch.23:58.57 
mvrhel_laptop nice. have a fun time23:59.15 
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