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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2014/07/24)2014/07/25 
kens Morning Robin_Watts10:03.34 
Robin_Watts kens: Morning.11:01.59 
  Were you after me for something? Or was it just that my internet dropped?11:02.14 
kens Both, I was wondering if someone had responded to the queries baout the android build and strtof11:02.33 
  MuPDF of course11:02.50 
  THere's a bug report, an SO query and 2 people here yesterday asking11:03.02 
  Sadly I know zero about building for Android.....11:03.19 
Robin_Watts I didn't see any of that.11:10.50 
kens Hmm, let me look at the irc logs, one second11:11.02 
  OK right at the start of the log yesterday, from callamits and then later (10:49) from govind_coll referencing bug #69538111:12.02 
  I can't now find the SO one, maybe I made that up11:12.47 
Robin_Watts Ta. will look when I get a mo.11:13.16 
kens No rush, I know you're off tomorrow, so feel free to pass it to someone else, I don't know who would be appropriate11:13.41 
  Off to grab some lunch, bbl11:16.06 
jogux the android one is presumably a problem with building the dll but I can't imagine what :-S it'd probably be worth sending the guy a pre-built library to prove that. (or suggesting he extracts one from the apk on 
Robin_Watts tor8: ping13:20.10 
  I think android simply doesn't provide strtof.13:20.46 
kens I was wondering if that was the case, I found a web page which claimed it was defined but not implemented13:21.31 
Robin_Watts oh, they weren't in older versions of the ndk, but they are in r5 and later.13:21.35 
kens That was going to be my next comment......13:21.49 
Robin_Watts Given that the ndk is at v9 or higher now, I have little sympathy with him.13:22.00 
  r10 in fact.13:22.21 
kens That I didn't know, so that sounds reasonable to me.13:22.22 
  I'd suggets sticking that in the bug report and closing it13:22.55 
  Wow, serious rain suddenly....13:23.11 
jogux I'm relatively amazed it would actually build with r4 to be honest.13:23.17 
kens Oh and thunder,I guess that's why my network keeps dying13:23.25 
jogux although I guess mupdf has a less 'involved' compilation process than SOT :)13:23.36 
Robin_Watts mupdf is deliberately kept very simple in it's needs.13:24.59 
jogux to play devil's advocate: appears to imply any NDK will do :-)13:28.45 
Robin_Watts Yeah, well, blame tor8 for that. He said the version in platform/android/Readme.txt was too scary :)13:30.05 
jogux :-)13:30.39 
  the README at the top of mupdf should perhaps include references on how to build for android / iOS / ...13:30.58 
  ie. say "go look at platform/android/README.txt"13:31.38 
Robin_Watts TBF, if you google for the error message it's pretty obvious what the problem is.13:32.01 
kens THBH I thought the error message itself was reasonably clear13:32.25 
  I just thought it weird that strtof wouldn't be present13:32.37 
tor8 Robin_Watts: well, it is! the people coming up with these questions obviously haven't read your instructions and don't have enough clue to follow mine :(13:35.17 
kens There's a *lot* of SO questions from obviously clueless people.......13:35.55 
tor8 SO needs a bigger clue stick to beat these people with...13:36.55 
jogux robin_watts: right, I suck then, but I googled it and failed to figure it out from the first few results I looked at :-)13:43.39 
  I'd argue that tor8's instructions are missing the fact that ndk r6+ is required, though I'm fairly certain it wouldn't have helped if they had :-)13:44.34 
tor8 ndk r6 is several years out of date by today13:44.55 
  jogux: but I can certainly add a sentence to that effect13:45.09 
jogux oh, indeed, no argument there :-)13:45.12 
  kens: the more worrying tend is the upvoted SO answers from obviously clueless people :-(13:46.11 
kens :-)13:46.19 
tor8 jogux: thankfully, one upvoted answer will pay for ten downvotes in their ranking game.13:46.59 
jogux nods13:47.30 
mattchz In general, I think I was told that it was best to use the latest and greatest SDK/NDK.14:04.06 
jogux mattchz: excluding the broken Android L one? :-)14:10.37 
mattchz well yeah. Actually, you probably want to use the latest NDK, and whichever SDK the source is already configured to use.14:11.16 
  although i’d hope Google have fixed the L sdk by now ;)14:11.51 
cats tor8: I sent you an email about this but I'll ask it here for completeness - what is the preferred way to extract field data from a fillable pdf using the mupdf api?14:41.20 
tor8 cats: I don't have time for a full answer right now (I need to go AFK soon)14:47.14 
  the form field interfaces are still a work in progress, and setting up a convenient API for accessing this sort of data is on my TODO list14:47.39 
  for now, you'll probably need to access them at the pdf_obj level14:47.53 
cats tor8: ok, cool. If you have the time, could you quickly show me how I'd bridge the gap between a pdf_document and pdf_obj?14:48.47 
Robin_Watts cats: Do you understand the structure of a PDF document? and what pdf objects mean within that context?14:49.50 
cats Robin_Watts: tbh, I'm not too clear on PDF document structure, nor on the subject of objects within one14:51.14 
Robin_Watts OK, well, it's not going to be a quick question then.14:51.33 
  PDF documents are basically a list of objects.14:51.43 
  together with some tags at the beginning/end of the file so you can recognise it as being a PDF file, and then get a list of the positions of the objects within the file.14:52.24 
cats ok, gotcha so far14:53.15 
Robin_Watts You can call 'pdf_trailer(doc)' to get a pointer to the trailer object.14:53.16 
  Everything can then be traversed by looking up objects from the trailer object.14:53.42 
  Basically objects in a PDF file are a directed graph. Mostly acyclic, but not always.14:54.11 
  So from the trailer you can lookup 'Root' to get the root object, then from there 'Pages' will give you the top of the page tree etc.14:54.50 
  somewhere hung off either Root or the Page tree entry will be the list of Fields.14:55.11 
  each of which will be an object.14:55.19 
cats ah ok14:55.39 
Robin_Watts Read the sections of the pdf reference manual to do with file structure, objects and fields, and you'll be in a good place to start from.14:55.46 
cats awesome, thanks so much14:56.03 
Robin_Watts np.14:58.32 
rayjj cats: note that the Fields dictionary is accessed from the Root via the AcroForm dictionary (the Interactive Form Dictionary) See Section 8.6 of the PDF Ref Manual16:04.44 
  AFAIK, there aren't any accessed via the Page objects16:05.15 
cats rayjj: perfect - thanks16:08.19 
rayjj darn, this might be tedious. The HEAD code handles the 2526 FTS OK even with my provisional small pattern clist band changes, but cust 532's code gets it wrong. Time to set some gs_debug flags and compare the output :-(16:08.54 
  cats: Note, that I know PDF structure pretty well, but NOT mupdf (my primary area is ghostscript)16:09.40 
  oh, better. I forgot another difference to cust 532's config. They default to a smaller MaxPatternBitmap, so it wasn't using pattern-clist. So it's my changes that don't work, but at least I can debug on our code16:43.10 
kens night all.16:59.47 
mvrhel_laptop brb17:54.45 
henrys turning off henrysx6 and macpro have air conditioning problems at home.18:16.13 
e98 any mupdf devs listening?20:12.13 
rayjj mvrhel_laptop: I have a newbie XAML question for you if you have some time. Please let me know (or call if I am online and unresponsive)22:28.01 
  (obviously gsview related)22:35.24 
  mvrhel_laptop: please check logs if you missed above ^^^22:39.21 
mvrhel_laptop hi rayjj22:40.04 
  what is it that you want to do?22:40.08 
  changes to the xaml code can be tricky due to all the data bindings that exist22:40.26 
rayjj mvrhel_laptop: trying something that *should* be simple -- add a hotkey for PageDown PageUp22:40.58 
mvrhel_laptop I thought I already had that22:46.38 
rayjj mvrhel_laptop: after my change I am getting an Exception during Initialize_Components. My changes are at 
mvrhel_laptop but I guess not. I 22:47.29 
rayjj mvrhel_laptop: the "Additional information" doesn't seem very useful "Provide value on 'System.Windows.Baml2006.TypeConverterMarkupExtension' threw an exception." Line number '132' and line position '10'.22:50.16 
mvrhel_laptop hmm. let me open up the project and take a look22:50.27 
rayjj mvrhel_laptop: if you are busy, that's fine. This is a "back burner" for me when I get fed up with cust 532 issues22:51.16 
mvrhel_laptop I need this as a back burner too. SOT has so many things that need to be done just in the chart area it is a bit overwhelming.22:51.55 
rayjj mvrhel_laptop: well, you could always work on Zoltan's "unique" (to put it kindly) issues ;-)22:53.21 
mvrhel_laptop I was really hoping someone would grab that one. 22:53.52 
  but I suspect it won't go away22:54.07 
rayjj seriously, though, I recommend staying away from him as much as possible. If I get inclined to work on his issues and need help, I'll holler.22:54.42 
mvrhel_laptop rayjj: thanks! I owe you one22:54.59 
  actually I owe you several for all that you have helped me with over the years22:55.12 
rayjj mvrhel_laptop: np. Likewise22:55.27 
  mvrhel_laptop: if you want to ignore my newbie attempt at adding the hotkey ans show me how you would do it (the easier way, no doubt) that's fine22:56.55 
mvrhel_laptop rayjj: I will look this over a bit. iirc the command bindings are "special" in some sense22:57.28 
  we may need to do this in the way that I did the up and down arrow keys22:57.58 
rayjj mvrhel_laptop: from all the frustrated questioners on stackoverflow, I got that impression22:58.03 
  mvrhel_laptop: oh, right. I didn't think of that. you use that to "scroll"22:58.40 
mvrhel_laptop yes22:58.45 
  sigh. I am frustrated how quickly I forget what I wrote22:59.55 
rayjj mvrhel_laptop: I see the OnKeyDownHandler let me try hacking that.23:00.50 
mvrhel_laptop yes, that is the place to do it23:01.59 
  then you can do a call to OnForwardPageClick or OnBackPageClick23:02.35 
rayjj mvrhel_laptop: OK. Thanks. I'll let you know. Have a good weekend23:02.42 
mvrhel_laptop rayjj: thanks, you too. have fun with c#23:02.54 
rayjj mvrhel_laptop: yeah, right :-/23:03.10 
mvrhel_laptop ;)23:03.14 
rayjj am I having fun yet ?23:03.36 
mvrhel_laptop hehe23:03.39 
rayjj hi, marcosw: Sorry for the premature comment on the JPEG2000 bug. I'll blame it on a brain fart23:05.28 
  I better go see about helping with dinner...23:06.40 
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