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Log of #ghostscript at

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2014/07/28)2014/07/29 
jogux does anyone know if artifex have ever licsensed a wingdings or wingdings 2 font from anywhere?11:29.51 
kens Isn't the URW font a wingdings replacement ?11:30.22 
kens goes off to look11:30.27 
tor8 jogux: AFAIK we only have Dingbats11:30.28 
kens Ah Dingbats, right11:30.36 
jogux ah right, thanks.11:30.57 
henrys almost meeting time14:28.47 
  Wonder if that’s relevant/useful for mupdf/gs14:31.12 
henrys about the free mupdf on android we can put a free apk on the mupdf site and but sell on the app store next release. That’s what Miles will agree to.14:31.26 
mvrhel_laptop morning14:32.02 
tor8 henrys: I'm still not convinced it's a good idea to start selling the app, but I'm happy to give the finger to walled gardens of any sort14:32.39 
henrys we can also have a free ios version on the mupdf site, of course that’s not likely to be used14:32.42 
tor8 henrys: that's not possible, though. the only way to install stuff on ios is via the app store.14:33.00 
henrys tor8: no you can jailbreak the phone14:33.17 
  obviously we expect very few takers of that.14:33.50 
tor8 I thought that was still illegal in certain jurisdictions14:33.53 
kens mattchz is that more than just static analysis ? We've used those before....14:34.17 
henrys tor8: so?14:34.18 
mattchz kens: I’ve not looked in detail, but I think it’s static analysis tools.14:34.32 
henrys tor8: I don’t think there is an abetting issue, is that what you mean?14:34.45 
tor8 henrys: we may not want to advice people to jailbreak their devices14:34.46 
kens It seemed ot imply that. We've used thse in the past, GS tends to confuse them quite a bit.14:35.06 
tor8 but I'm more interested in seeing the download and purchase figures from mupdf on the ios store since we started charging for it14:35.18 
rayjj we could probably say that if your phone is unlocked, then you can use this free version...14:35.35 
henrys I don’t feel strongly about it tor8 we can just put up the android apk14:35.44 
  for the record I am completely against all of this. Miles wants to try it for 6 months14:36.26 
chrisl henrys: any indication why Miles suddenly thinks we'll money out of it?14:36.55 
rayjj mvrhel_laptop: I think I found the bug that was causing the problem with the focus jumping in gsview.14:37.05 
marcosw rayjj: in cell phone language unlocked means not tied to a carrier, jailbroken is what allows you to install apps not through the app store.14:37.22 
tor8 yeah. I fear that it will harm us and our reputation more than the income would be worth14:37.22 
mvrhel_laptop rayjj: oh great. 14:37.24 
henrys chrisl: miles is a very optimistic guy - I assume we’ll make bupkiss in 6 months and we can go back to business as usual.14:37.54 
rayjj mvrhel_laptop: that or it went away. It was hard to reproduce14:38.17 
henrys I did present everyone’s argument feel free to write to him if you feel strongly about it.14:38.50 
chrisl henrys: I'm just bemused by the change - I'm guessing that with SOT on the app store, Miles reckons app stores are a money spinner now.....14:38.59 
rayjj henrys: that sounds like a plan. Then we can announce how wonderful we are because we decided to give away this valuable ($0.99) app for free :-)14:39.33 
paulgardiner rayjj: did you get a chance to look at the tmp-file fix yet?14:40.45 
henrys then it will have all the negative reviews and be free, and people will think wow this must really suck if folks are complaining about a free app ;-)14:41.09 
  anyway onward marcosw did you see that potential customer from scott can’t download (chrisl)14:42.28 
  this seems to be a recurring theme, now14:42.40 
paulgardiner The thing that worries me is that we don't really know how good the free app is at pulling in licencees, so however much the app store makes, we wont know if it's an overall win or not14:42.57 
chrisl henrys: I called godday yesterday, was on hold for 20 minutes, and gave up..... will try again at some point14:43.08 
marcosw the guy from australia? I offered to mail him a dvd-rom.14:43.09 
chrisl Or even GoDaddy14:43.24 
henrys chrisl: okay I wonder if we should start looking for an alternative14:44.08 
marcosw henrys: every time you release a new version on the ios store the reviews get reset to zero, so as long as we do that when we change the price it won't be an issue.14:44.19 
rayjj paulgardiner: no, I've mostly been wrapped around the axle with cust 532's problem(s). When I get fed up, or right before stopping for the day I play with gsview for a few minutes14:44.40 
henrys marcosw: oh well that’s good14:44.44 
chrisl henrys: I've no idea where to look - reasonably priced, unlimited downloads are not common these days :-(14:44.47 
henrys chrisl: we’ll have to wait for marcosw to get fiber14:45.07 
paulgardiner rayjj: ah. My sympathies.14:45.27 
marcosw I'll just move to one of the google fiber cities :-)14:45.40 
chrisl henrys: we could look into if amazon had a viable cloud "plan"14:45.56 
henrys marcosw: it is rather surprising you don’t have something there, if anyplace would have the demand I would think it would be there14:46.17 
marcosw Austin, TX seems better than Provo, UT or Kansas City.14:46.22 
  San Jose is on the list, not sure if that includes Fremont (sometimes when people say San Jose they mean Silicon Valley).14:46.55 
  apparently not. as far as google is concerned San Jose means San Jose, Santa Clara, Mountain View, Sunnyvale, and Palo Alto.14:47.53 
mvrhel_laptop where is the list..14:47.59 
henrys tor8: jogux just reported 10.00 a d ay14:48.09 
  on skype14:48.26 
marcosw mvrhel_laptop: Portland is the closest city to Seattle.14:48.28 
kens henrys 10.00 what ?14:48.47 
henrys tor8: well 10 copies a day14:48.55 
kens ah14:48.59 
henrys kens: ios sales14:49.02 
jogux marcosw: the reviews don't get entirely reset for the new version btw, you can always click through to see the 'all versions' reviews.14:49.08 
marcosw Nashville is on the list, my brother in law lives there.14:49.16 
  jogux: didn't realize that. I always see apps requesting to be re-reviewed when they release a new version. I wonder how often people look at the 'all verison' reviews. Presumably they don't get shown in the search results on the app store.14:50.25 
jogux it might be worth just having a second copy of the website somewhere we can direct people to? albeit I have no idea how godaddy could mess things up enough that people couldn't download14:50.50 
tor8 henrys: jogux: what was the average download rate per day while we were free?14:51.15 
jogux marcosw: yeah, the dynamics aren't entirely clear to me. probably people do when a new version is just released and there's not many reviews.14:51.19 
  tor8: just a sec14:51.22 
rayjj mvrhel_laptop: oops. Nope. The bad news is that I can still get gsview to get messed up. The good news is that I can now easily reproduce the problem. I'll put it in the bug 69538914:51.42 
marcosw I did try downloading all of the AGPL versions and had no problems. Do we know if the problem is geographic, transient, or both?14:51.46 
mvrhel_laptop rayjj: ok. I will have a look at these this week.14:52.02 
jogux tor8: not sure I have the full data, but 110 per day is probably a reasonable average for the last month.14:52.09 
henrys marcosw: I thought last time they were throttling us.14:52.20 
jogux tor8: 2800 units for July so far.14:52.44 
  with 30 of those being paid.14:52.51 
tor8 jogux: that's more than I expected :) I recall it hovering around 30 downloads/day for months on end in the beginning14:52.58 
chrisl henrys, marcosw: I got the dowonloads to fail by repeatedly downloading - about 1 in 5 was incomplete. But not every one over 5.....14:53.28 
henrys tor8: so miles is eaget to get an android paid app out of course.14:53.35 
jogux does anyone know how much bandwidth the downloads site uses?14:53.45 
marcosw henrys: throttling suggests a reduction in speed, not failure.14:53.50 
tor8 so that's 90% of potential users we could impress gone...14:53.57 
marcosw jogux: I can tell you how much we used to use when we hosted downloads on Amazon ec2. But that was a while ago...14:54.21 
tor8 75% of who would try the app once then uninstall it, of course :)14:54.24 
chrisl henrys: the last time had these problems, it was with the previous hosting co we used14:54.26 
jogux tor8: :-)14:54.34 
henrys jogux: for ghostscript, that’s fairly heavy traffic but I haven’t checked it recently.14:54.39 
jogux tor8: we have more figures now actually, use a sec.14:54.42 
chrisl marcosw: I thought we had stats from the GoDaddy site14:55.10 
jogux tor8: crashlytics reports that, for the latest ios build, there's around 400 daily active users.14:55.36 
henrys chrisl: oh I thought we had problems with these guys. You’re sure?14:55.42 
marcosw chrisl: possibly, but I can't access those. 14:55.56 
chrisl henrys: I don't remember having problems with GoDaddy before - I could be wrong14:56.12 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: how’s gsview?14:56.25 
tor8 jogux: how big was the window between crashlytics being added and becoming paid?14:56.37 
marcosw okay...firefox crashed when I tried open an old amazon aws invoice.14:56.45 
tor8 though I guess everybody with an old copy would get automatically upgraded so probably not relevant14:57.02 
mvrhel_laptop henrys: I have rayjj up and running/building with gsview. he has found some issues that we are going to work on on the side14:57.03 
jogux tor8: the crashlytics figures include all the existing users that upgraded for free, so I don't think you can deducate anything about paid users from these figures.14:57.05 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: for printing you should add -dNOCACHE to the process arguments.14:57.21 
jogux s/deducate/deduce/14:57.21 
tor8 jogux: yeah, just realized that. my brain is a bit sluggish in this 30 degree weather.14:57.32 
mvrhel_laptop henrys: oh ok. I will do that14:57.37 
henrys anything else for the meeting this week?14:57.43 
chrisl henrys: the sales (at) mails going missing - seems to be quite a bit of that recently14:58.22 
  I wondered if we should have it go to a mailing list so more people have visibility of it14:58.53 
henrys chrisl: yes I spoke to scott about that14:59.15 
jogux chrisl: I kinda of hate to say it, but feeding it into a CRM/ticket system might help?14:59.19 
tor8 chrisl: given how badly written a lot of the questions we get are, I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of them are hiding in Scott's spam box14:59.20 
rayjj that or Scott just hits "delete"14:59.52 
chrisl Well, it's worrying because I don't imagine the ones that come on here are the only ones not getting a reply14:59.54 
rayjj at least one that I talked to him about he "found" when I asked him about it15:00.35 
henrys scott seems to think it is not an issue. I’ll add it to the agenda.15:00.54 
marcosw the last month I have data for (in 2011) had us transfering 1.6 TB. That's total from amazon to the internets, it went down to 300 GB when we stopped hosting the downloads, so (marcosw get's out a calculator), it appears our downloads of Ghostscript were 1.3 TB/month.15:01.15 
rayjj I don't know how much spam comes to that email. That may be the problem15:01.20 
henrys I’ll put my name on the sales group if you want. I don’t miss many.15:01.56 
rayjj henrys: two sets of eyes are better than one, but how will you know if Scott responds unless he cc's you ?15:02.34 
jogux marcosw: hm. well, my 10quid/month VPS comes with 400G per month included, and it's one of the less generous ones.15:02.36 
  daft question, but couldn't downloads of ghostscript etc be hosted on sourceforge or similar?15:02.53 
  at least as a backup?15:02.59 
henrys rayjj: I’ll have him cc me.15:03.07 
rayjj jogux: we tried that. sf got to be a pain15:03.20 
jogux rayjj: ah :-(15:03.31 
marcosw amazon charges $0.12/Gig so we'd be paying ~$150 with them. 15:03.33 
henrys or would you like to be on it? volunteers for this fun duty?15:03.38 
rayjj jogux: but maybe some other outfit15:03.45 
chrisl jogux: sourceforge were pushing the ads, and some other crap, and google code stopped allowing "simple" file downloads15:04.12 
rayjj henrys: I already get enough spam15:04.14 
mvrhel_laptop henrys: I have to leave in 10 minutes today. I will be back in about an hour though15:04.34 
jogux henrys: I'd really suggest some kind of CRM for both support & sales tbh.15:04.36 
marcosw google's cloud charges within 10% of amazon prices (or did when they were first announced, haven't looked lately). Same with HP.15:04.41 
jogux chrisl: ah :-(15:04.43 
  azure was cheap for a bit. but amazon's prices have come down a lot in the last year.15:04.58 
chrisl Oh, and sourceforge also went through a phase of incomplete downloads (with no error given).......15:06.17 
marcosw hp and google both charge $0.12/GB as well, reminds me of airline pricing.15:06.38 
henrys jogux: I doubt I could foist that on Scott15:07.36 
chrisl I'll try calling GoDaddy again, but I doubt I'll get anywhere, as Robin setup and paid for the account15:07.43 
henrys chrisl: I thought he gave all the access info to ron. No?15:08.10 
jogux henrys: true :-S unless you found one that actually made his life easier somehow.15:08.21 
chrisl henrys: username and password, sure, but there's stuff about pin numbers which I've no idea about15:08.40 
jogux I could mirror stuff onto our london VPS as somewhere you could point people at if they say the downloads fail, we've a few 100G per month going unused.15:09.26 
  it's 0.10 ukp per gigabyte for overage though, so quickly gets expensive over the included 400G.15:10.16 
henrys chrisl: I thought he changed everything over.15:10.39 
  billing all that.15:10.47 
mvrhel_laptop bbiab15:10.52 
chrisl henrys: payment information is still Robin's name, address etc15:11.20 
  Well, as of the last payment15:11.39 
henrys if not he really should. he’ll get impale by a mountain goat in the 16000 feet in bolivia and we’ll be screwed.15:11.48 
chrisl henrys: even if he has changed the details, it will probably be the last payment details that count. If I actually get through to them, I'll find out15:12.36 
marcosw I'd be more worrid that an easter island head falls on him. impaled by a goat isn't likely to be fatal.15:13.09 
chrisl rayjj: could you review a commit for me?;a=commitdiff;h=62d3598015:14.46 
henrys rayjj: you set up scott’s mail, how does he see spam google collects? Is the spam folder downloaded?15:17.22 
  tor8: 30 degrees I’m ecstatic we are getting a break in the heat and my race next sunday will be *only* 30 degrees, it’s a miracle15:20.02 
marcosw I'm off to uni, be back online in a while.15:20.29 
tor8 henrys: it's all relative to what you're used to :)15:20.38 
henrys tor8: yup, I guess that is warm for sweeden15:21.02 
tor8 the construction workers outside have been making so much noise I've had to keep the windows closed :(15:21.16 
kens is pleased the temperature here has dropped below 25 degrees again15:22.08 
rayjj chrisl: looking...15:22.37 
  henrys: I don't think google's spam is downloaded at all. It just downloads the inbox. Anything filtered on gmail out of the inbox isn't considered for POP download15:23.38 
chrisl You can see google's spam folder (junk mail?) if you use imap, and have your client subscribe to that folder15:25.03 
henrys rayjj: that’s what I expected, I asked him to use gmail directly on the web I think it would be best for him, but he didn’t want to do that.15:25.47 
rayjj henrys: gmail on the web is SLOW for sorting, IMHO15:28.33 
henrys rayjj:I use it and keep a sync’d copy for fast searches and such15:29.32 
rayjj chrisl: you don't need c_alone, IMHO. Where you have !imem->cc.c_alone && just use !((obj_header_t *)(imem->cc.cbase).o_alone) If the chunk has an single object, it will always be first (at cbase, right ?15:39.26 
chrisl rayjj: I thought strings would be different - that's why I opted for the new flag15:40.41 
rayjj chrisl: and there is a missing word in the log message: "The problem that occurs is when we free an o_alone object, we immediately the" s/b "The problem that occurs is when we free an o_alone object, we immediately free the"15:40.58 
chrisl rayjj: okay, I'll double check the strings case when I get off the phone with GoDaddy.15:42.20 
rayjj chrisl: TBH, I've never dug into the mess of string allocations15:42.24 
chrisl rayjj: IIRC, strings are allocated top down - so in this case, it will depend on where the padding is15:42.58 
rayjj chrisl: but are strings ever put into a chunk as o_alone ? Or I didn't understand you15:44.07 
chrisl Yes, immovable strings are o_alone15:44.27 
rayjj chrisl: Oh, ok. So the "trick" to use cbase as an obj_header_t wouldn't be valid.15:45.12 
chrisl No, if you look in i_alloc_string_immovable(), the string is at the top of the block, so any padding/rounding will get in the way15:45.58 
rayjj chrisl: and cbase doesn't ever point to an obj_header. Your patch is fine (with the log message change). Thanks for the discussion.15:46.59 
chrisl rayjj: thanks - have to say, that was a pretty nasty one to track down!15:47.35 
rayjj chrisl: I bet!15:47.56 
  I have to go now (take car in)15:52.23 
chrisl henrys: okay, so GoDaddy have reproduced the problem (or a problem) with our downloads, and they are going to investigate15:54.28 
rayjj chrisl: thanks. I'm amazed that they actually were able to find a problem15:54.58 
henrys chrisl: good news15:55.22 
chrisl rayjj: I was a bit surprised, too. We'll see if it bears any fruit, though..... I'll check the downloads tomorrow, and call again if there's still a problem15:56.00 
rayjj mvrhel: (for the logs). Should I open a bug for this "The icon in the task tray is the 'generic' icon, not the ghostie icon as with the gsview image window"15:56.13 
  mvrhel: oops. That's only when running under the debugger. When invoked dierctly, it's OK. NM15:58.08 
rayjj is glad I didn't open a bug :-)15:58.19 
chrisl I wish people wouldn't repeatedly use the same name for their test jobs for different bugs :-(15:58.32 
rayjj chrisl: I always save as Bug______.pdf so that the names may not match what they have in the bug, but at least I can associate them15:59.28 
henrys chrisl: how does that memory problem just get noticed now?15:59.37 
rayjj henrys: I'm just guessing, but resizing objects is pretty rare16:00.05 
chrisl Not in this case, the object in question was the raster buffer for buffered x11 output......16:00.38 
  So it gets resized quite a lot16:00.49 
rayjj chrisl: right -- every time the page size changes16:01.11 
  and it's big enough to be o_alone16:01.30 
  ok, really going now...16:02.04 
henrys chrisl: I wonder if we lack tests for that …16:02.32 
  other problems may lurk16:02.44 
chrisl henrys: historically, I don't think we have collected many chronically damaged PDF files - and also then, having identified a broken PDF, carried on regardless in the hope nothing horrid will go wrong later on16:03.42 
  henrys: the changes to have the PDF interpreter try to carry on in the face of broken input rather breaks the rules of the Postscript world.16:04.51 
henrys chrisl: I was thinking for real world use cases where the framebuffer is resized during the course of a job - how well tested that is.16:05.34 
chrisl henrys: probably rather well - an awful lot of our PDF tests use page sizes that are not our default16:06.16 
  BTW, with most of these fuzzing PDFs, if I run with PDFSTOPONERROR, no segfault (or whatever) occurs16:07.37 
kens is unsurprised. I feel that should be the default16:13.43 
  Night all16:24.05 
henrys marcosw: ugh I don’t think scott should have referred that to support, didn’t we agree on bugzilla? and PCL is not GPL, it is limited by the AFPL of it’s fonts.16:53.58 
chrisl henrys: the PCL code is AGPL16:58.49 
henrys that’s moot the point is the fonts are AFPL - not for commercial use16:59.34 
  alladin license16:59.50 
chrisl True, yes. And either way, support is the wrong place17:00.38 
henrys though I should get in the habit of saying AGPL17:00.42 
  yup “broken record” mode doesn’t see to work I’ll have to try something else17:02.07 
chrisl I guess the only thing might be if Scott considers them a prospect for a support contract.....17:03.18 
marcosw_ anyone have any idea why this command line: "mudraw -o test%d.pdf input.pdf" generates a output file with the name test%d.pdf instead of replacing %d with the page number?17:16.28 
henrys marcosw_: I updated with a question, just wanted to make sure you saw it.17:19.36 
marcosw__ henrys: I've updated 17:33.57 
henrys marcosw__: thanks I did the timings also but best to have them relative to your other numbers17:35.13 
marcosw__ there is a lot of noise in the data, I wouldn't trust any differences <10%. 17:35.58 
d1gital is there any character aside from unmatched parens that should not be allowed in a ()-enclosed string?20:39.34 
rayjj d1gital: If you are talking PostScript, then, yes, there are other characters that need to be escaped22:05.20 
  d1gital: and if you are sending the PS to a printer, there may be other characters that are problematic if the channel is not binary capable22:07.50 
  In PDF's, within a literal string, the backslash (\) is used as an escape character for various purposes, such as to include newline characters, non-printing ASCII characters, unbalanced parentheses, or the backslash character itself in the string. The character immediately following the backslash determines its precise interpretation. If not one of n, r, t, b, f, (, ), \ an EOL or 3 octal...22:13.31 
  ...digits, then the \ is ignored.22:13.33 
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