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ari hi, i "open" a pdf file with ghostscript. The input.pdf has formular fields which can be filled with acrobat reader. the open.pdf contains no formular fileds. i use this command: gswin32c.exe -q -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=e:\open.pdf -c.setpdfwrite -f "e:\input.pdf" maybe i have to add an additionel parameter. can anybody help please. thank you08:31.28 
kens pdfwrite doesn't preserve many kinds of annotations (in this case form fields)08:32.05 
  Also, some kinds of forms can only be created by Adobe applications. Forms which can be filled in with Reader fall into this category. There is no way for pdfwrite to create PDF files of this type (this is proprietary to Adobe). If you use pdfwrite with this kind of input, the resulting PDF file will not be a fillable form in Reader.08:34.05 
ari thank you, now i can stop searching ;-)08:36.16 
kens No problem, I'm sorry its not the answer you wanted...08:37.04 
ari bye08:37.13 
Robin_Watts kens: hmm. I wonder what ari was trying to achieve there...08:51.47 
kens Robin_Watts : I have no idea :-) Possibly a smaller PDF file.....08:52.01 
Robin_Watts tor8: Morning.11:39.02 
  Patch for review on robin/master to update the test-device.11:39.16 
  zeniko also pointed us at a possible mupdf infringement last night, that I haven't looked at.11:39.43 
  One thing that I was slightly surprised at when doing the test-device thing...11:40.12 
  I was hoping that when we detected a color page we could stop the device using the cookie and thus avoid having to run through the rest of the page etc.11:40.54 
  but the cookie isn't available to the device.11:41.06 
  something to ponder on for future, maybe.11:41.44 
tor8 Robin_Watts: we could stop processing by throwing an exception...11:51.14 
Robin_Watts tor8: A special class of exception that is swallowed so the caller doesn't see it?11:51.40 
tor8 I feel that this is a very narrow use case, not worth complicating the interpreter or interface for11:51.42 
  Robin_Watts: the interpreter/null-device already knows to swallow errors11:52.14 
Robin_Watts tor8: it does?11:52.32 
tor8 now, the easiest way to speed up processing is to set the ignore images/shadings flags once we've detected color11:52.45 
  yes, the null device catches errors and sets the cookie and error count, doesn't it?11:53.04 
  but I was thinking the test device would eventually grow to detect all manners of things11:53.21 
Robin_Watts It does.11:53.22 
tor8 and as such, shorting out early might not always be desirable11:53.38 
Robin_Watts fair enough.11:53.54 
  In other news, I had company K skype me last night, asking if we were planning to support epub.11:54.18 
tor8 telling the interpreter to stop decompressing images via the flags is probably going to have the only noticeable impact on performance11:54.20 
  company K, are they the ones that got bought by company I?11:54.46 
Robin_Watts yes.11:54.51 
tor8 right.11:54.54 
Robin_Watts Sumatra has epub support.11:55.05 
tor8 well, I have a rudimentary start of an epub viewer11:55.06 
  it parses the CSS and XHTML, but currently only processes it enough to do some heuristics and clean up the formatting11:55.35 
Robin_Watts I wonder if zeniko would be interested (and if we would be interested in) moving sumatras epub viewer into mupdf.11:55.43 
  tor8: oh, right, didn't know you'd got even that far.11:55.52 
tor8 I use it to clean up crap formatting in ebooks, but extending that to do actual layout and rendering shouldn't be too much work11:56.06 
  I suspect the sumatra epub viewer is all C++11:56.23 
Robin_Watts tor8: Interesting. We should mention this to henrys.11:56.24 
tor8 and from what I've seen when I tried to use it, it doesn't cope very well with CSS styling11:56.41 
Robin_Watts and it's quite possible that it leverages HTML to actually do the display as it's windows only.11:56.44 
tor8 it ignores text-indent and margins, which makes it IMO quite unusable :(11:57.03 
  I suspect the biggest stumbling block for company K with epub is going to be DRM11:57.33 
Robin_Watts tor8: I suspect they will roll their own.11:59.02 
tor8 Robin_Watts: right. if they're not interested in reading general epubs then I expect it'll be quite a bit easier12:00.43 
  and we can focus on supporting the formatting that they specifically need12:00.57 
Robin_Watts tor8: Want me to send an email between you and company K where we can discuss their needs?12:04.05 
tor8 Robin_Watts: we might want to get henry in before we commit to developing yet another tech...12:04.34 
Robin_Watts tor8: Wasn't suggesting we commit to it, just we find out what they want, but yes.12:05.05 
tor8 even probing for what they want sends a signal...12:05.21 
  now, I wouldn't mind taking this project on at all! in fact I'd love to. but scheduling's a bitch.12:05.43 
Robin_Watts tor8: email sent to miles/support summarising this. Please follow up if you feel I've misrepresented the situation in any way.12:19.48 
tor8 Robin_Watts: looks good.12:23.58 
  Robin_Watts: wouldn't it be easier to store the grayscale difference in a float?13:29.20 
  s/easier/more appropriate/13:29.26 
  Robin_Watts: and I'm not convinced we need the test_image_data flag, we should just be doing that by default13:32.05 
  so I'd rather see fz_new_test_device(ctx, &colorness) and let the user test the max value coming out13:32.35 
  then it'll be easier to add more test parameters to the device without upsetting the interface13:33.06 
  also, you've rewound the mujs thirdparty submodule with the commit13:33.14 
  I'm not happy about the amount of boilerplate-style code is needed for the shading13:35.03 
  but if we don't care about raw performance, just calling fz_convert_color is a much easier interface than using the cached color converter with callbacks13:35.48 
  which we should do, if we intend this to be a device we point users to to look at how easy it is to write a custom device13:36.12 
henrys kens:didn’t you say the pcl->pdf problem from potential customer Hans was fixed?13:43.26 
kens henrys I believed it was, did you try it and find out its not ?13:43.46 
henrys kens: no I was being lazy and asking you.13:44.00 
kens :-D13:44.06 
  I'd check it before responding to them, but I seem to recall its fixed13:44.25 
henrys yea I’ll look13:44.34 
rayjj it looks like Acrobat and mupdf are doing TilingType 2 even when 1 is in the pattern. mudraw -r73 fts_31_3124.pdf has 'gaps' every 7+ cells horizontally. Adobe has a double dot (as they both do vertically)13:49.55 
tor8 rayjj: I don't think we differentiate between the TilingTypes in mupdf13:50.43 
Robin_Watts tor8: possibly, we should store the greyscale difference in a float.13:50.56 
  for the external API at least.13:51.04 
  I would be reluctant to use FP internally though.13:51.28 
tor8 Robin_Watts: yes. internally in the image test we could use ints and then convert to float at the end.13:51.41 
rayjj apparently gs _does_ respect TilingType. It matches Adobe if I change the file to TilingType 2 (except Adobe fills in with dots and gs leaves a gap (bot vertically and horiz.) similar to mupdf13:54.00 
Robin_Watts tor8: So what floating point range do you consider reasonable?13:56.46 
  0 to ... ?13:56.54 
tor8 I would say just have the squared sum, but using the original float color values in 0..1 range13:57.20 
Robin_Watts ok.13:57.33 
tor8 I don't understand how you arrive at the 43350 number though13:58.25 
  oh, difference from grayscale13:58.37 
  not total color difference13:58.44 
Robin_Watts yeah. 43350 was the largest I could come up with. I'm open to other suggestions.13:59.18 
tor8 no, that's reasonable, just use the same math but unscaled floats for the interface13:59.38 
henrys tor8, Robin_Watts: did you see the message from zeniko about nva and report it to Miles or should I? They claim to be 100 programmers from Hanoi. I don’t know if Miles can shut them down but he can make the road a little bumpy.14:26.24 
Robin_Watts henrys: I saw the message, I mentioned it to tor this morning. I haven't investigated it further, or mentioned it to Miles14:27.11 
henrys tor8: do you want to verify it or can I just report zeniko’s finding to miles? Or obviously you can talk to miles.14:28.30 
  windows users: any uninstall recommendations? something that removes all the related files? 14:31.41 
kens Create a restore point before you install.....14:32.14 
  Other than that, only the application uninstaller knows what went where14:32.29 
henrys kens: that’s what I feared14:32.56 
Robin_Watts henrys: What did you install?14:33.03 
henrys lots of stuff - dropbox goole drive etc. why can’t I remove it properly. I use the stupid thing in the control panel and it leaves all kind of droppings. What a mess.14:34.33 
Robin_Watts yes, windows is shocking in this regard.14:35.52 
kens Poor uninstaller. To be honest, the whole thing has been a mess since Microsoft introduced the Registry and started recommending against putting all the application in a singel directory/tree. In the days of .ini files and everything in one place, it was easy14:35.53 
Robin_Watts tor8: Updated patch online.14:37.00 
  Separate for simplicity of reviewing. I will squash together.14:38.45 
  for the commit.14:38.52 
henrys kens: yes restore points look like the way to go. I also did something to corrupt my user profile which might have been easily fixed with an restore point. 14:40.22 
kens Oh, corrupted user profiles are effectively unfixable, I've found :-(14:40.49 
  Have you considered re-installing Windows ?14:41.03 
henrys kens: I backed up my home directory created a new account and copied everything except the NT* files back, does hell await me?14:42.04 
kens has no iddea....14:42.26 
jogux henrys: just get a mac ;)14:42.50 
kens He's got one :-)14:43.05 
  And Mac OS is even more opaque when it goes wrong.14:43.31 
  Though MS seems to be trying hard to catch up14:44.02 
jogux :)14:44.15 
henrys kens: from my experience, the frequency of problems seems much higher on MS but perhaps I’m just less familiar with it and more likely to step on the mine.14:45.31 
kens I rarely have roblems, but when I do, they tend to be impossible to fix.14:45.59 
tor8 Robin_Watts: looking better. but: use floats with the f suffix (0.5f, etc) or the C compiler will generate double precision math14:51.48 
  Robin_Watts: I'm about to head out for dinner. I want to look at the patch in more detail later.14:52.34 
Robin_Watts tor8: OK.14:54.18 
  Oh, have any of you been watching "Silicon Valley" ? You really should.14:55.35 
kens Haven't noticed that, what channel's it on ?14:56.37 
Robin_Watts kens: Sky Atlantic over here :)14:57.04 
kens Can't get it then14:57.18 
Robin_Watts It's very well observed.14:57.24 
  tor8: updated patch with f suffixes online.15:00.11 
jogux robin_watts : hm, I intended to and never did :)15:08.31 
Robin_Watts henrys: Did we get an answer from Miles about getting copies of Office 2013?15:56.04 
henrys Robin_Watts: last I heard joann was working on it.15:56.30 
  I got 415:56.44 
Robin_Watts henrys: Ok. It should just be a question of giving them a credit card, and they give you some numbers.15:57.23 
henrys sorry for the delay I would have done it myself but didn’t want to expense it.15:57.31 
Robin_Watts np. I'm in a similar position :)15:57.45 
henrys Robin_Watts: I imagine we’ll be set up when she gets in today, but I never hear from her until the afternoon. I don’t know her exact work hours.15:59.10 
Robin_Watts ah, of course.15:59.25 
  I forget that Joann actually has to go to an office, and that not all USers spring out of bed as early as you lot.15:59.49 
henrys Robin_Watts: she is only part-time also.16:00.28 
Robin_Watts I sprang out of bed early this morning so I could be up in time for the solar installers.16:00.31 
  And an hour later I phoned the company to say "where are they?" and they said "we opened the panels this morning, and they were portrait".16:01.03 
henrys Robin_Watts: I thought you had that all setup, are you adding more panels?16:01.11 
Robin_Watts and I said "I wanted portrait, not landscape".16:01.18 
  and they said "oh, right. Well, can we come tuesday?"16:01.27 
  This is for hot water, rather than PV.16:01.38 
  I can't add more PV panels, as I'm at the max allowable under the govt scheme.16:02.41 
henrys Robin_Watts: I’ve never seen the sun in the UK I’m amazed it works ;-)16:02.50 
Robin_Watts We get 66% of the sun of spain, apparently.16:03.26 
jogux henrys: they work even when it's cloudy ;)16:03.49 
Robin_Watts jogux: ish :)16:04.20 
kens Our panels heated our tank to 52 degrees (centigrade) today, and its not that sunny today16:04.23 
Robin_Watts kens: Do you have it set so that the tank gets topped up by normal heating methods each day ?16:05.14 
kens Robin_Watts : yes, but the hot water is switched off, we just turn it on as needed16:05.32 
Robin_Watts (I gather you're supposed to, to avoid legionairres)16:05.37 
  (bloody french, getting everywhere...)16:05.58 
henrys kens, Robin_Watts, jogux : the payback times are too high, the UK gov’t will suck it up. I don’t think it would work without large subsidies. 16:10.42 
kens Our was fitted by previous occupants....16:11.06 
jogux henrys: the subsidies have been reducing16:11.23 
kens henrys that seems to be PV, we don't have PV (well Robin does)16:11.52 
Robin_Watts This is costing me 4400 quid, and I get 2100 back from the govt over the next 7 years.16:11.59 
jogux I think there's some key underlying thing, like we'll get fined by the EU if we (as a country) don't achieve certain renewable targets.16:12.35 
Robin_Watts my heating oil costs 1000-1500 quid a year currently, of which 35-40% is likely to be for hot water.16:12.48 
kens We reckon we save 300-500 per year, though obviously it depends how much hot water you use16:12.48 
  Having a teenage daughter pushes that up....16:13.03 
Robin_Watts figure on this system saving half of that. So thats 250quid a year or so.16:14.25 
  figure that heating oil has been going at at 8% a year... it should pay for itself with 10 years.16:14.48 
kens That sounds simimlar to us, given there are 3 of us16:14.49 
henrys Robin_Watts: oh right you tax the shit out of gas. Point is I think if the government stepped out of the whole thing and it was a free marketplace hard to imagine many solar panels…. 16:15.41 
Robin_Watts 5% VAT on heating oil, I think.16:16.02 
jogux henrys: yep.16:16.10 
Robin_Watts The price of PV installations has plummetted since I had them done.16:20.06 
  which is kind of an indication that the subsidies worked to kickstart the market.16:20.25 
kens You certainly see a lot more new builds with PV round here. I'm less convinced its useful in Glasgow....16:21.06 
jogux or that the price went up when there was government money sloshing about :-)16:21.15 
  kens : government targets again - new builds have to hit certain efficiency targets16:22.03 
henrys you do have pretty good wind resource right?16:22.07 
Robin_Watts Wind is a farce.16:22.20 
kens yes, but wind is less useful in many ways16:22.20 
jogux henrys: according to Donald Trump ;-)16:22.23 
kens its especially less useful on domestic installations16:22.35 
Robin_Watts onshore wind, certainly16:22.38 
kens OK time to go, night all16:27.24 
Robin_Watts henrys: That web page is out of date now. Most installations are now mono-crystalline I think.16:28.51 
  It's more efficient (20% more maybe? I can't remember)16:29.06 
henrys Robin_Watts: I’m sort of surprised the govt didn’t get more behind wind. Here in some areas wind competes with cheap US gas and is much cheaper than solar except in very hot places.16:37.49 
Robin_Watts henrys: We have huge wind subsidies here.16:42.19 
  But (onshore) wind farms are a really bad idea in the UK.16:42.41 
  It's a different trade off to the states; you have land to burn.16:43.26 
  wind farms are generally unpopular with the public.16:43.58 
henrys Robin_Watts: true.16:44.18 
rayjj anyone available, please have a glance at my commits on;a=summary18:12.19 
rayjj probably will wait for kens since everyone else is on SOT18:12.52 
Robin_Watts the last 2 ?18:23.26 
  the tag one looks fine.18:25.45 
  trying to get my head around the last one.18:25.58 
  You're keeping an extra pointer to the icc_struct, so that it doesn't get rc_decremented away?18:27.53 
  No, that'd be a nasty hack.18:29.16 
  I'd better leave that one to someone that understands it.18:30.29 
rayjj Wow! confirmed that forcing gs to use TilingType 2 matches Acrobat. A real easy to see one is comparefiles/Bug688728a.pdf20:23.25 
  there are many more progressions. Now the question is, do we have gs 'respect' TilingType, possibly with a parameter, or only do it for PDF input, or always do TilingType 2 ?20:24.48 
  check this page to see it in bmpcmp 
  files such as comparefiles/Bug690637.pdf suggests that we shouldn't do it -- gaps are visible even at 300 dpi, but with Acrobat I see lines coming and going depending on zoom20:34.35 
  Bug692517.pdf on looks like a progression, however. Some white stitch lines are "fixed"20:40.48 
  tests_private/comparefiles/PP0001G0.pdf at 72 dpi is interesting -- most of the patterns become "transparent" (on the people's clothing toward the bottom left). Acrobat looks pretty ugly at 144% zoom20:55.02 
Urchlay can anyone name a linux application that uses libmupdf, besides mupdf itself and zathura-pdf-mupdf? packaging mupdf for, want to make sure stuff that tries to link with it is able to23:37.00 
  (in the slackbuilds repo, nothing uses libmupdf except zathura-pdf-mupdf, which for long and boring reasons isn't suitable for testing my libmupdf.a)23:38.06 
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