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Log of #ghostscript at

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2014/08/24)2014/08/25 
kens OK so it seems generating an appearance for a missing Tx field in an AcroForm just doesn't work. Now to figure out why :-(07:55.11 
jogux it'd probably make sense to package the iOS mupdf as a proper iOS framework, should avoid questions like the one over the weekend. packaging it as a cocoapod might also be good, lots of people use those to import third party sources into their apps and it makes sure all the compiler setting are right etc...10:29.17 
kens didn't understand any of that :-)10:29.38 
Robin_Watts either.10:36.15 
paulgardiner Coo, I did... but would have no idea how to do it :-)11:04.10 
  Sounds well worth doing though11:04.28 
Robin_Watts I vaguely understood it as "It would be nice to package mupdf into a form that other ios users could easily reuse", and that does indeed sound nice.11:07.40 
  If that's just a "take the existing unchanged code and wrap it into a specific format xcode project" then great.11:08.36 
  Except for the obvious fact that xcode is a huge steaming pile of shite that seems to break everything between every release,11:09.13 
  If it's a "just write this new layer of interface code to cope with apples latest ideas of how to interface between things" then fuck that.11:09.47 
chrisl Now, Robin_Watts, I'm tired of you holding back, I do wish you'd just say what you mean..... ;-)11:10.53 
Robin_Watts chrisl: Don't get me started on ms word...11:11.39 
kens No need, seems the SF authors already did11:12.10 
chrisl WordStar is where it's at!11:13.46 
tor8 Robin_Watts: two commits on tor/master ready to go, two others up for discussion11:21.38 
ken488 Hi guys. I have a question for you about MuPDF11:26.18 
  If you load a PDF page with some text on. Is it possible to remove that text, and possible save a .png file without the text in but just the picture??11:26.58 
Robin_Watts ken488: Using vanilla MuPDF, no.11:27.44 
  But using a slightly hacked version, sure.11:27.50 
tor8 ken488: if you're just looking to get the images from a pdf, you can extract them using "mutool extract"11:28.09 
  but rendering a page without the text, not with vanilla, but it should be an easy hack to modify it to do so11:28.35 
Robin_Watts tor8: I only see 2 new commits.11:28.39 
ken488 I know, thanks :) I know how to extract text etc. But I would like to know if it is possible to remove the text from a PDF page, so you only have the picture left, where the text was placed.. But it seems like that is not possible11:29.06 
  I will have a look into it :) Thanks!11:29.25 
tor8 Robin_Watts: 0afbc91 Fix uninitialized variable, d291833 Add a paragraph, 6287c81 Revise test-device, cf81a4b (tor/master, master) WIP test device11:29.27 
  maybe you already approved the first two before the weekend and I forgot to push11:29.48 
Robin_Watts I did.11:29.54 
tor8 Robin_Watts: ah, thanks. then ignore those and we can fight about the test device :)11:30.19 
Robin_Watts The revised test-device. You don't allow a configurable threshold.11:31.05 
tor8 I don't, that's in the following commit which I'm unsure of11:31.27 
Robin_Watts And the hardwired threshold you have put in is applied as being 'differences between components' not 'difference from greyscale'.11:31.41 
tor8 it adds complication and I'm not convinced it needs to be configurable11:31.43 
  Robin_Watts: that ends up being equivalent11:32.08 
Robin_Watts The customer has specifically requested a threshold.11:32.24 
tor8 Robin_Watts: it's the same test (and threshold) as is hardcoded in the equivalent ghostscript test11:32.24 
Robin_Watts Right, and gs is being updated to have a user specified threshold I think.11:32.47 
tor8 Robin_Watts: right, in that case we should merge in the WIP commit which adds the threshold11:33.15 
Robin_Watts The WIP one looks wrong to me.11:34.05 
  threshold is a float, so presumably between 0 and 1.11:34.20 
  so it's application in is_rgb_color_u8 is wrong.11:34.33 
tor8 it's pre-multiplied by 255 before the call to is_rgb_color_u8 in fz_test_fill_image11:35.05 
Robin_Watts tor8: Hmm. My code worked with threshold being the sum of the squares of the component differences.11:36.28 
  So it's a more accurate difference.11:36.51 
tor8 mine is the same as gs, the absolute color value difference from grayscale to trigger11:36.57 
Robin_Watts Right, but gs is 'suboptimal'.11:37.18 
tor8 the distance from equivalent grayscale you had is strictly better, but it's harder to explain to non-computer-graphics people11:37.30 
  in any case, I feel we should be using the same math in both places11:38.10 
Robin_Watts I think you don't need much maths before you appreciate that the difference between things is calculated using pythagorus.11:38.34 
tor8 and if we're reworking gs then maybe we should have the squared distance threshold rather than single-component difference11:38.45 
Robin_Watts I'd contend that mine is better cos it's at least documented in the header files :)11:38.47 
  My code was also more flexible; it could be used to calculate the actual 'greatest distance from greyscale' for a page, rather than just "does this page exceed a given threshold".11:40.04 
  fz_new_test_device is broken in that it seems to call fz_new_device twice.11:40.26 
tor8 Robin_Watts: oh, oops. yeah, that's a typo.11:40.53 
  Robin_Watts: I feel that a greatest distance from grayscale is too much precision, without actual accuracy. (red space character, etc)11:41.43 
  if you want that detail, get a histogram of a render11:41.53 
Robin_Watts Well, this feels like a step backwards to me.11:42.16 
  At the very least it needs documentation in the form of some header comments.11:42.40 
  Mine was constructed the way it was,because I was hoping to offer a way for the device to bale out as soon as it had made the 'color' determination using the cookie.11:44.00 
  but that wasn't possible, so possibly pushing everything through a single function to record thresold differences was overkill.11:44.40 
  I think we should talk to ray/michael and see what their plans are for updating the gs device.11:45.48 
  If they plan to move to squared sum of differences, then we should adopt the same.11:46.03 
  squared sum of differences sounds better to me, but I'll go with whatever the majority decides.11:46.29 
tor8 squared sum of difference would be my preference as well11:46.53 
  but michael may have a better grasp on the color science involved11:47.22 
Robin_Watts I'm pretty sure that squared sum of difference would be consistent with how lcms interpolates colors etc.11:50.12 
tor8 Robin_Watts: we should be using the proper rgb-to-grayscale conversion math then as well ( r * 0.3f + g * 0.59f + b * 0.11f)11:51.13 
Robin_Watts For some definition of proper. But, yes, probably.11:51.41 
  tor8: Did you see the reply from the epub potential customer?12:02.52 
tor8 Robin_Watts: yes. they wanted the moon on a stick by tomorrow, as henry put it12:03.28 
Robin_Watts that was me, I think.12:03.39 
tor8 oh, maybe it was you :)12:03.47 
  this push for EPUB 3 and "fixed layout" seems backwards to me ... why not just use PDF in that use case?12:03.59 
Robin_Watts tor8: Yeah.12:04.17 
tor8 but I guess it's all the HTML madness ... and media overlays and javascript interactivity and videos in ... books.12:04.26 
Robin_Watts I can understand (possibly) the idea of wanting to offer multiple fixed layouts.12:04.35 
  So as people change the font size, content like tables stays optimally laid out.12:05.08 
  but having a single layout seems bonkers.12:05.19 
tor8 is that even possible? the fixed layout in EPUB 3.0 comes from the newer version CSS they include by reference with position: absolute12:05.19 
  but maybe that's possible with different media selectors in CSS12:05.36 
Robin_Watts Right, I don't know what EPUB does.12:06.07 
tor8 anyway, it's all madness and none of the current crop of e-ink based devices can barely do plain static html layout12:06.14 
  Robin_Watts: think of EPUB 3 as HTML5 in a zip-file12:06.30 
  with all the hype attached12:06.40 
  Robin_Watts: okay, somewhat cleaned up revised test-device on tor/master12:07.06 
  should be easy to change to use a different threshold metric should we decide to make gs based on a squared-distance metric as well12:07.47 
  Robin_Watts: so, if they want all this EPUB3 interactive madness, IMO just embed chrome or awesomium or firefox or something12:08.29 
Robin_Watts Will fz_process_mesh accept NULL as a function argument.12:09.16 
tor8 but if they want a good small-sized low-footprint EPUB 2 with "static" content we can deliver reasonably12:09.25 
  Robin_Watts: hm, actually, I think it might. if not, we could make it.12:09.38 
Robin_Watts Possibly it should. And if we made it do so, you could pass NULL in.12:09.43 
tor8 Robin_Watts: I'll make the necessary changes12:10.09 
Robin_Watts tor8: random thought... indexed images...12:10.33 
tor8 Robin_Watts: possible optimization ... too rare that I'll consider bloating the code with the special case?12:11.20 
Robin_Watts I'd be tempted to say explicitly that threshold should be a value between 0 and 1.12:11.30 
kens I don't think /IOndexed is rare12:11.41 
  Or even /Indexed12:11.47 
Robin_Watts tor8: I don't care about speed. I was just wondering it we'd checked that it worked :)12:11.56 
kens I'm fairly sure we have quite a number of example sin the test suite12:11.58 
Robin_Watts but otherwise looks good.12:12.13 
tor8 Robin_Watts: ah, right. well, they'll go through the cc.convert to rgb case12:12.45 
Robin_Watts tor8: So possibly someone should write back to the potential customer saying what we feel we could offer.12:12.53 
tor8 and the first non-gray color we hit will jump out of the loop12:13.04 
Robin_Watts and why etc.12:13.06 
  Video and Audio aren't really our issues.12:13.40 
  Those would be down to the app writer. We can certainly give an API for them to get access to such data.12:14.00 
tor8 Robin_Watts: yeah. I'm confident we could get fixed layout to work eventually, but in my estimate of 'by christmas' I was thinking of the more basic CSS layout stuff (just flowed text with floating images in the margins)12:14.05 
Robin_Watts yeah.12:14.17 
tor8 not any of the fancier new relative, absolute, madness rules12:14.25 
Robin_Watts mmm.12:14.31 
  I think be honest, say what we feel we can deliver, and see what they say.12:14.55 
  (might be worth drafting a reply and running it past henrys).12:15.12 
tor8 yeah. but once they have video and audio, they'll then want javascript, and while we do have a javascript interpreter, I'm not willing to implement the full HTML DOM12:15.14 
  if that is on the table, we should just say no12:15.26 
Robin_Watts Better to under promise and over deliver etc.12:15.47 
tor8 given that their target is text books, I do believe them when they say they want EPUB 3 with the fixed layout stuff12:16.03 
  and embedded video12:16.11 
  and then javascript to make the questions at the end of the book atuo-verify and all that insanity12:16.34 
  Robin_Watts: yes, I agree. we should let them know what we feel we are confident we can deliver and when and then let them see if they want that or the pain of embedding a web browser using the readium extension.12:17.27 
kens chrisl Robin_Watts re bug #695444 I can't see any reason why we should do what is requested, this should just work with Unicode filenames, right ? What is required when using gsapi_init_with_args ?12:18.06 
Robin_Watts kens: It should work.12:18.49 
  kens: gsapi_init_with_args always takes the args as 8 bit strings.12:19.20 
chrisl Isn't he calling the API? So would need to convert to UTF-8 first12:19.20 
kens Already, a difference of opinion :-)12:19.40 
Robin_Watts What format the args is in depends on what gsapi_set_arg_encoding has been set (or some function like that whose name I forget)12:19.48 
kens Hmm, let em look in the main WIndows source12:20.08 
chrisl My first question would be: does it work in the gswin32/64 executable?12:20.41 
kens Or cansomeone point me at documentation ?12:20.43 
  chrisl I bet it does12:20.49 
  Yes, it works fine12:21.40 
Robin_Watts cor, I got the function name right.12:21.54 
  OK, so from the docs:12:22.04 
kens Docs would be ideal12:22.10 
  I can point hiim at that then12:22.16 
Robin_Watts By default we12:22.19 
  expect args to be in encoding 0 (the 'local' encoding for this OS).12:22.21 
  On Windows this means "the currently selected codepage". On Linux this12:22.23 
  typically means utf8. This means that omitting to call this function12:22.25 
  will leave Ghostscript running exactly as it always has. Please note12:22.27 
  that use of the 'local' encoding is now deprecated and should be12:22.28 
  avoided in new code.12:22.30 
kens Which file Robin_Watts ?12:22.33 
Robin_Watts API.htm12:22.41 
kens OK thanks, I'll write something now.12:22.51 
Robin_Watts He should call gs_set_arg_encoding to set UTF8 after calling gsapi_new_instance and before gsapi_init_with_args.12:23.20 
  and then obviously pass a UTF8 encoded string in to gsapi_init_with_args :)12:23.38 
jogux oops. lost this window. robin_watts: packaging mupdf as a proper ios framework or cocoapod would essentially just be a packaging exercise, no new code needed I believe.12:58.19 
  we'd probably really want to add the standard 'ios appstore' exclusion to the license too though. (normal GPL & appstore T&Cs conflict otherwise, making it impossible to use mupdf in an opensource iOS app, you just need a clause saying "distribution on iOS appstore is not considered a violation" or something like that.)13:04.09 
kens I'd be inclined to get Miles' rubber stamp on that before making such a statement.....13:05.53 
jogux kens: oh, indeed, would definitely need to be approved by the appropriate parties.13:06.42 
tor8 jogux: that clause would have to be carefully worded to not negate the GPL though13:07.50 
jogux indeed. I believe there is a standard wording.13:08.04 
tor8 OTOH, an "oh, you want it on the app store? pony up some $$$." is a compelling story for Miles13:08.32 
jogux tor8: Yeah. I don't know where the line lies. I presume we'd probably want to encourage (or at least allow) mupdf to be used in opensource iOS apps, but I could be wrong.13:09.42 
tor8 given how anti-open source the whole apple/ios ecosystem is these days, I don't feel too compelled to play nice with them13:11.37 
  but that's just me13:11.40 
henrys tor8: zeniko said we should look at nvareader for infringement. They’ve denied it, I also looked at the windows binary and didn’t find anything, didn’t check the mobile apps. Do you know anything about this?13:11.50 
tor8 henrys: I haven't looked.13:12.06 
  henrys: I'd have to fire up a virtualbox to install the windows version to look13:14.44 
  the screenshots of their iOS app has elements that look *extremely* similar to our app though13:15.13 
  and the android app looks like a carbon copy of our android app13:15.34 
  so I'd say their denial is just so much hot air13:15.57 
kens Want me to grab a copy ?13:16.14 
  Or maybe Robin woudl be better suited13:16.27 
tor8 it's a paid app, so I think Robin or sebras would be best suited13:16.41 
henrys tor8: I have the windows thing don’t see any familiar symbols13:16.42 
kens I htought there was a trial version13:16.55 
tor8 henrys: the windows thing may indeed be different, let me try the install in a scrap winxp virtualbox13:17.07 
kens Yes, thre's a free windows version13:17.15 
  The windows executable is certainly small13:17.52 
tor8 kens: yeah. I was going to install that in a sandboxed environment to look at the exe file for suspicious strings13:17.54 
henrys they may have just used our ui code for android and have their own core13:18.00 
tor8 henrys: that sounds doubtful, given how tied our ui code is to the core13:18.13 
  the android app has the exact same annotation UI that we do (maybe different icons) but the page number overlays and preview of annotations looks spot on like ours13:18.47 
kens Well, it won't load Bug692447.pdf...13:19.19 
tor8 and the library view in the ios has the same delete icon, and the page scrubber on ios looks identical to ours13:19.20 
kens The file selection dialog on Windows is frankly broken13:19.43 
  It says 'all supported document's and fails to find any. *,pdf shows loads though13:20.05 
  Ah, the Windows app only loads NVA files13:20.20 
henrys tor8: some evidence from disassembly is preferable. Saying it looks like something is weak.13:20.29 
kens I don't believe the windows app opens PDF files at all13:21.01 
jogux I could have a quick look at the iOS app if wanted?13:21.10 
henrys kens:it worked fine for me.13:21.32 
kens Doens't open any PDF files for me13:22.02 
  NVA file avasilable here:13:24.05 
tor8 henrys: the windows app is a sumatrapdf reskin, that can't open pdf files13:24.11 
kens just going to see if I can open that.13:24.15 
tor8 but it handles CBZ files identically, the dialogs are the same, the menu options are the same13:24.27 
kens The NVA file is 'basically' a PDF file it seems13:25.33 
  Changed %PDF to %NVA13:25.43 
henrys kens:that post is from july I wonder if they obfuscated since then I don’t see anything13:25.53 
pedro_mac Failed to unpack Reader_NVA.pdblibmupdf.pdb13:26.13 
  that’s from the binary for nvareader13:26.21 
tor8 henrys: the windows exe has *tons* of mupdf strings13:26.23 
pedro_mac mm13:26.37 
kens henrys, that's entirely possible. It *looks* like MuPDF, and teh file format is certainly a mangled PDF file13:26.39 
tor8 ..\mupdf\source\fitz\pixmap.c etc13:26.46 
kens Well that seems like a giveaweay to me.13:26.56 
tor8 libmupdf.pdb13:27.02 
  etc etc etc13:27.04 
kens Seems it evne ahs some errors:13:27.58 
  Failed to unpack Reader_NVA.pdblibmupdf.pdbReader_NVA-no-MuPDF.pdbFailed to unpack libmupdf.pdb or Reader_NVA-no-MuPDF.pdb13:27.58 
henrys tor8: give me a a specific string?13:28.47 
kens \mupdf\source\pdf\pdf-lex.c13:29.00 
  Or just search for mupdf13:29.07 
  In the binary13:29.11 
henrys kens: I did I must have a different binary13:29.21 
kens I have the free windows version13:29.31 
henrys NVA Reader.exe is the name of mine13:29.34 
kens "NVA Reader.exe"13:29.44 
tor8 henrys: I've uploaded the installed exe on casper in ~tor/NVA\ Reader.exe13:29.56 
  not the installer, so the copy on casper can be grepped for strings13:30.09 
kens henrys 5,651,968 bytes, the installer was downloaded 10 minutes ago13:30.20 
  This is the installed version, not the NSIS installer which is what gets downloaded13:30.46 
tor8 strings NVA\ Reader.exe |grep mupdf13:30.53 
  strings NVA\ Reader.exe |grep -i sumatra13:31.09 
  strings NVA\ Reader.exe |grep cannot13:31.14 
  for our unique error strings13:31.20 
henrys oh silly me I’m grepping the installer13:31.38 
kens There is absolutely no acknowledgement of MuPDF, no GPL licence, no indication that its GPL, and no way to rebuild the app even if all the above were not true, so in no way GPL cvompliant13:31.47 
henrys okay I’ll follow up with Scott and Miles13:32.01 
kens Note from their blog:13:33.06 
  "We are planning a big update on Windows version with more functions. The structure of the application will be changed totally because we will use a NEW CORE."13:33.06 
tor8 kens: you think they found a stolen copy of acrobat? ;)13:33.34 
kens I suspect they are lying actually :-)13:33.51 
Robin_Watts tor8: No. gsview.13:33.55 
kens They seem to be Vietnamese, so probably the best we cna do is get them pulled from the app stores13:34.13 
tor8 kens: we should equip robin with a big pointy stick and send him on paid vacation ;)13:34.57 
kens :-)13:35.21 
Robin_Watts Hmm. NVA = North Vietnamese Army, right? :)13:36.17 
kens Ah, so its riddled with ,alware as well then. Best delete that VM13:36.44 
henrys there are 100 of them so I’d be careful with that stick13:38.37 
kens No, they *say* there are 100 of them......13:38.50 
tor8 henrys: so, make it a multi-pronged stick?13:39.27 
henrys I’m pretty sure I could trade you guys in for about 100 of them so that seems about right ;-)13:39.54 
tor8 henrys: what? only 100 of them!? I'm disappointed...13:40.22 
kens We're too cheap clearly13:40.33 
Robin_Watts remembers spending hours making that run fast enough/properly on picsels flash player.13:41.35 
kens So... You've been practicing with your stick and are confident of taking on 100 of them?13:41.51 
Robin_Watts That's Darins job, surely? :)13:42.38 
henrys I’ll have to check the numbers but a few years back I met a guy at a show and he was farming out a team of 100 Vietnamese engineers.13:42.41 
kens Crumbs, an error messag from the GS PDF interpreter that I've never seen before O.O13:42.58 
tor8 henrys: did you see our earlier discussion about epub?13:43.28 
henrys I have a sneaking suspicion these are the same guys that stole cups and made it into a printing module … but that’s a skype discussion13:43.56 
Robin_Watts henrys: That was china not vietnam, I believe.13:44.16 
henrys no I think the company in china used these guys13:45.13 
Robin_Watts oh...13:45.20 
henrys tor8: no I didn’t read the logs, I will look now13:45.57 
kens continues playing whack-a-mole with the GS PDF interpreter13:46.48 
henrys Robin_Watts, tor8 : yeah let’s tell them what we could do by christmas, what we can do in the near future, and what we’ll never do.13:52.07 
  tor8: do you still have a mac, it seems the ibook implementation is pretty good.13:52.58 
tor8 henrys: no, but I still have my iPad13:53.14 
  in an emergency, I could take my mac back from my sister13:53.46 
henrys tor8: okay, we might ask them if they had some target of emulation - a product that we have to match but I don’t know if that is important here.13:54.08 
tor8 iBooks is probably the best of the best in terms of ebook readers available13:54.29 
  a shame it's mac/ios only and tied to the P.O.S. that is iTunes13:54.43 
mvrhel_laptop mornign14:12.25 
  or morning rather14:12.37 
henrys tor8: we’ll try them again, I reread scott’s mail and it’s bad questioning. He just asks if they are distributing MuPDF… to which they could answer no. I’ve worded something better for him to send.14:22.53 
rayjj I saw the logs about the gray detection and threshold. I agree that gs should be updated to have a dynamic threshold (parameter) and using the 'distance' instead of a component to component delta15:04.05 
  but having mupdf search the entire document for 'maximum difference from gray' seems like it would take longer on a color document15:05.09 
  I think tor mentioned 'first non gray color' jumps out and classes the page as 'color'. Is that how it's ending up ?15:05.59 
  oops. forgot to mention names (the above was for Robin_Watts and tor8)15:07.01 
Robin_Watts Currently, when the page is found to be colorful, we set a flag to say it's colorful.15:07.32 
  And all the tests say if (!colorful) { ... check this new object }15:07.54 
  so once we detect that a page is colorful, subsequent objects are skipped quickly.15:08.13 
tor8 and when the flag is set, we don't bother decompressing images or converting any other colors15:08.14 
  what robin said15:08.23 
Robin_Watts We do NOT stop the enumeration of objects though (cos we can't in our device mechanism yet)15:08.38 
tor8 s/yet// if I have anything to say about it :)15:09.08 
Robin_Watts I did a version of the device that was capable to being asked to find the maximum difference from greyscale, but tor8 has dropped that in the latest version.15:09.29 
rayjj Robin_Watts: tor8: OK. Thanks. I'll open a reminder bug to make gs operate similarly (maybe even use -T :-) )15:14.25 
tor8 we should decide which difference metric to use in both mupdf and gs, so we can keep them the same15:15.25 
rayjj tor8: agreed. I don't know color theory well enough to know if the more time consuming 'distance from neutral' in RGB space is appreciably better than the simple threshold on the difference15:24.02 
Robin_Watts rayjj: I suspect it makes relatively little difference when the threshold is small, and more when it's larger :)15:26.27 
mvrhel_laptop unless you are willing to do distance measures in a perceptual color space, doing a norm 1 (i.e. abs value component distance difference) is as good as any heuristic way15:27.55 
rayjj Robin_Watts: sounds reasonable. So, why not just stick with the threshold on the delta then15:28.15 
  mvrhel_laptop: thanks.15:29.04 
  mvrhel_laptop: yeah -- I wasn't going to bring up delta e :-)15:29.32 
mvrhel_laptop :)15:29.39 
  on top of that differences in images pixel by pixel would really use a different measure compared to solid graphical objects15:30.45 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: We're always doing distance comparisons in rgb.15:30.46 
mvrhel_laptop if you wanted to get picky15:30.58 
sebras tor8: henrys: pong! do you still want me to take a look tonight? do you have a URL?15:36.42 
tor8 sebras: we've looked, but if you're curious it's nvareader.com15:39.11 
mvrhel_laptop this is too funny15:40.39 
Robin_Watts Thanks for that image. :)15:42.06 
mvrhel_laptop hehe15:42.17 
rayjj Robin_Watts: what UI did you have to the threshold -T # -- I notice that tor8's has a fixed threshold of 0.02f )15:52.36 
Robin_Watts rayjj: I didn't expose the threshold value in mudraw.15:54.08 
  It was exposed at the api level, but not in the mudraw level.15:54.20 
rayjj Robin_Watts: I see -- so tor8 has that also in fz_new_test_device as the third param16:00.19 
Robin_Watts yes.16:00.44 
kens2 congratulations Robin, you'e inherited the idiot.....16:06.57 
henrys my UK calendar says it’s a holiday16:07.31 
kens2 Your calendar is correct16:07.39 
  late August bank holiday16:07.54 
  BTW, you're still writing weird things for apostrophes henrys16:08.53 
  The one above came out acircumflex, Euro, TM for me16:09.16 
jogux henrys: only in England ;-)16:09.30 
kens2 Really ? My calendar usually lists UK wide and regional holidays, and it has today as UK wide16:10.20 
mvrhel_laptop henrys: i got the package today from company M16:10.23 
henrys kens2: yes the irc logs show other problems also.16:10.25 
mvrhel_laptop did you talk to Miles?16:10.36 
jogux anyone know when MarcosW is next working btw? (I sent him an email)16:10.37 
  kens2: yeah. or actually just except scotland - it's england/wales/NI I believe.16:10.52 
kens2 marcos sent an email saying he'd be back 'in about 6 hours' I think that measn about 8pm UK time16:10.56 
  He was in JFK at the time16:11.05 
jogux kens2: oh, of course, he's been on hols hasn't he, I recall moaning about support now. ;) thanks.16:11.31 
kens2 :-)16:11.38 
  henrys, yes the irc logs are even worse than my log here, even more weird characters16:13.03 
jogux is that the irc log problem the mac os one? I figured out a fix for that I'm sure.16:14.02 
henrys jogux: yes I did too, but I think I reinstalled and it’s back. Forgot what we did.16:14.44 
kens2 jogux, it seems to be Mac specific yes16:14.50 
jogux I think it was system preferences -> keyboard -> text tab and untick 'use smart quotes and dashes'.16:14.56 
kens2 THat sounds about right16:15.07 
henrys let's see what that does16:17.34 
  kens2: apostrophe okay?16:18.00 
kens2 Yes, looks great!16:18.09 
  Much, much easier to read16:18.15 
Robin_Watts kens2: Get a decent irc client :)16:18.29 
henrys thanks jogux 16:18.38 
jogux robin: it breaks the logs too :-)16:18.39 
  henrys: np!16:18.44 
kens2 Precisely :-)16:18.45 
Robin_Watts jogux: Well, the logging scripts are a horrible hack :)16:19.10 
robbyman Hey everyone!16:19.36 
Robin_Watts ETOOMUCHENTHUSIASM.16:20.02 
jogux robin: that's not a real error :P16:20.19 
  hello robbyman16:20.29 
kens2 It shoudl be a warning at least16:20.33 
Robin_Watts EENTHUSIASMOVERFLOW ?16:20.34 
robbyman can I use ghostscript + imagemagick to convert illustrator (ai) to png?16:20.56 
kens2 WHy use ImageMagick ?16:21.05 
  And the answer is 'it depends'16:21.13 
robbyman or not!16:21.19 
  I'm trying to make a web app that converts ai, psd, or pdf to png16:21.48 
kens2 .ai files are not PostScript, they look like PostScript, they can often be treated as PostScript, but its not guaranteed. Oh, except for the ones that look like PDF files16:21.49 
  For files which work (the majority) you just use the png device and Ghostscritp will consume the file and produce one or more ONG files.16:23.15 
  For those files which don't work, you get an error.16:23.30 
  Those can only be handled by opening in Illustrator and saving sa 'something else'16:23.48 
robbyman kens2: I see, thank you16:24.03 
rayjj and for psd, you are on your own (maybe imagemagick handles those, I don't know)16:24.07 
robbyman I think imagemagick handles those16:24.19 
kens2 I suspect ImageMagick will open at least the simple cases .f Photoshop files16:24.25 
henrys Robin_Watts: nice 5 "As I said before"'s in one email. certainly a record ;-)16:24.44 
kens2 Yeah, but they don't listen.16:24.55 
rayjj robbyman: the .ai files that are problematic are those that are saved without the Adobe Illustrator "ProcSet".16:25.02 
kens2 Wagers on how long it takes for them to ask the same questions again ?16:25.08 
kens2 is off. night all16:26.23 
rayjj robbyman: and if you want to get "tricky" (do some work on your own) it is possible to look at the problem .ai and having grabbed a copy of the ProcSet from a matching Illustrator file that was saved with it, load that into gs before running the .ai file16:26.57 
robbyman kens2: gotcha. I need to make a quick prototype and see what happens.. thanks for all the help16:27.50 
rayjj robbyman: that will probably require some reading parts of the PLRM and some experimentation. 16:27.52 
robbyman is there an alternative that might work better?16:27.58 
rayjj nope16:28.02 
  other than Adobe Photoshop CS 16:28.24 
robbyman yeah16:29.25 
rayjj I *think* PhotoShop CS can load Illustrator files (at least most of them). The CS products all seem to 'convert' as needed16:29.37 
robbyman well it does open them, turns it into jpg or png16:29.55 
rayjj robbyman: I mention that possibility of using gs with the AI ProcSet because I did something like that years ago (at a previous company)16:30.22 
robbyman I'm trying to build something on the web that would convert ai/pdf/psd to png... pdf/psd are a breeze, but ai is tricky16:30.43 
  rayjj: appreciate the help16:33.20 
Robin_Watts henrys: I hope they spot that :)16:33.33 
henrys Robin_Watts: I wouldn't count on it.16:34.05 
rayjj Robin_Watts: in order for them to spot those, they have to read, and that is doubtful16:48.41 
Robin_Watts They started by thanking me for a detailed reply. I did wonder about asking "but did you actually read it?"16:50.02 
mvrhel_laptop henrys: ping16:53.24 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: yup16:57.18 
mvrhel_laptop so I got the package from company M. did you get a chance to talk with miles? Just wanted to double check that I should forward it to Ray. I will do that today16:58.32 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: I sent him email but did not get a response. I'll take responsibility for it.16:59.12 
mvrhel_laptop ok. thanks.16:59.22 
  I will let ray know it is coming16:59.44 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: thanks17:00.09 
Robin_Watts Has anyone spoken to Miles since the earthquake?17:01.36 
  I think it was a bit closer to Miles that Scott was making out.17:01.51 
henrys Robin_Watts: no he's out until tomorrow17:03.19 
  Robin_Watts: napa is 30 miles from miles17:08.06 
Robin_Watts 30 miles doesn't sound a lot for a 6.1 earthquake?17:10.21 
henrys Robin_Watts: according to the "shake map" he felt it weakly no damage17:27.56 
Robin_Watts ah, cool.17:28.09 
jogux that's good news.17:34.51 
mvrhel_laptop bbiaw17:53.58 
Robin_Watts heh: Big earthquake in Napa this morning. Locals described it as "vibrant and intense, but not overly flamboyant with a clean, earthy finish."18:07.00 
henrys Robin_Watts: I guess we'll be seeing a lot of Napa blends soon19:31.36 
Robin_Watts Has anyone else managed to enable their Office for Mac ?19:32.06 
  oh, works now. Stupid installer.19:33.48 
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