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Log of #ghostscript at

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2014/09/04)2014/09/05 
rayjj gotta love http. I started a download 2+ hours ago, shut down my laptop, opened it back up and it picked up and finished :-)01:23.32 
  I haven't had anywhere the same experience with being able to re-connect SSH sessions (which is _supposed_ to be possible)01:24.35 
snocean what's this04:21.14 
leena I saw in the documentation a section for "Rendering stack operators". The layers its referring there, is it same as layers in Adobe Illustrator? If not, whats is this layers and groups about?06:33.37 
kens leena the purpose of those operators is described in the documentation you refer to:07:06.01 
  "The interpreter state is extended to include a (per-context) rendering stack for handling transparency groups and masks (generically, "layers")."07:06.01 
  Its not the same thing as Illustrator layers07:06.14 
  While PDF has some concepts which are similar to the use of layers in Adobe applications they are not precisely the same.07:06.38 
  If you want to be able to open a PDF or EPS file in Illustrator and have it maintain the layers that were in the original document you are going to have to use Illustrator to create the PDF or EPS file.07:07.38 
richud hi08:50.00 
ghostbot Welcome to #ghostscript, the channel for Ghostscript and MuPDF. If you have a question, please ask it, don't ask to ask it. Do be prepared to wait for a reply as devs will check the logs and reply when they come on line.08:50.00 
chrisl richud: I had a look at a the gstoraster source, and it just calls the "gs" executable, so if you keep your existing gstoraster exe, you should be able to use any gs version08:51.20 
richud ah cool08:51.50 
  i just have compiled in gdb to my little system08:52.09 
chrisl But, fwiw, here's a 9.07 I built here: 
richud i am breaking at main 08:52.19 
  139 i have gs_malloc_release(mem);08:53.12 
  135 exit_status = 25508:53.22 
  (about 9 steps after main)08:53.43 
chrisl What's the value of "code"?08:54.47 
richud hang on i will rerun it08:55.18 
chrisl richud: are you actually running an i386?08:57.33 
richud code is 0 at gs_main_init_with_args(minst, argc ,argv);08:57.34 
  then if (code >= 0) it is -1508:57.51 
chrisl that's a rangecheck error08:58.08 
richud its my embedded i386 system (uclibc) on an i5 test pc08:58.20 
chrisl So which is it: i386 or i5?08:59.26 
richud sorry I am not sure what you are asking exactly, the OS is all compiled as i38609:00.07 
  linux kernel/busybox/ <stuff> gdb, ghostscript09:00.32 
chrisl And is the intention to use an i386 cpu?09:00.42 
richud its to cover various things from say a p3 to a core i709:01.09 
  so i stuck with i386 as target09:01.19 
  ive been using it for years (its for pc deployment) 09:01.37 
chrisl Well, you can try the exe I linked above - although it says i686 I'm not sure that's accurate now..... I suspect it's more basic x8609:02.35 
richud ok09:02.59 
  (i just tried running gs with --help and after printing the help text its error code -110)09:03.20 
chrisl Hrm, I don't see how it would get -110......09:05.47 
  Oh, actually, that seems to be correct, according to ierrors.h09:06.08 
kens Yes, -110 is e_Info, ie you selected --help09:07.03 
  Its a special case error for windowed executables (well WIndows really)09:07.25 
chrisl Yeh, I misread the final switch statement in main() - I initially thought all those values would get overwritten by that switch09:08.04 
richud chris: that file you linked works09:09.04 
chrisl Okay, here's the makefile and arch.h I ended up with to build that: 
  You should be able to just tweak the compiler name and executable name to your needs09:11.03 
richud right ill have a fiddle with that09:11.12 
chrisl BTW, did you get cups to cross compile?09:11.24 
richud yep09:11.33 
  everything else is ok09:11.39 
chrisl because gstoraster links to the cups libs, amongst other stuff09:12.07 
richud well fingers crossed if i can get gs working then that should still all be ok :)09:12.42 
chrisl But as I said, you really shouldn't need to build gstoraster, just replacing the "gs" exe should be sufficient09:12.49 
richud hmm some differences in the arch file09:14.36 
chrisl Like?09:16.30 
richud #define ARCH_ALIGN_LONG_MOD 8 #define ARCH_ALIGN_PTR_MOD 809:16.48 
  #define ARCH_LOG2_SIZEOF_LONG 309:16.59 
  #define ARCH_SIZEOF_PTR 809:17.13 
  those 409:17.15 
chrisl So you didn't create a platform appropriate arch.h file then - clearly, that's not going to work.....09:17.51 
richud i was under the impression genarch did that?09:18.08 
chrisl genarch runs on the host, how can it know what the requirements of the target are?09:18.39 
richud hmm09:18.53 
  look like my ignorance then is the problem09:20.01 
chrisl And it is mentioned in the gs FAQ: "generate arch.h manually and modify gs/base/lib.mak to copy your arch.h rather than generate a new one"09:20.07 
  One of the "new features" we added to aid cross compiling was to allow genarch to pull in a pre-defined arch.h instead of generating one09:21.19 
  I must admit, I thought we'd pointed you at that before......09:22.01 
richud to be honest I read the faq about that but hadnt really understood 09:22.26 
  let me fix and retry everything09:23.08 
chrisl Note that the FAQ is a little out of date, since more recent versions (including 9.07) have a "TARGET_ARCH_FILE" in the Makefile: you set that to your predefined arch.h and genarch will use that (no need to modify lib.mak). If you search the Makefile I gave you, you can see its use09:25.21 
richud i used target_arch_path, it now runs but segfaults, i am just going to check what i have done , carefully.09:40.29 
  segfaulting , lcms2/src/cmsio0.c no such file or directory (line 857) 09:45.38 
kens Missing iccprofiles directory by the sound of it09:46.30 
richudd sorry09:47.56 
  should probably use a proper irc client :)09:48.08 
  ken: shouldnt that get all compiled into the romfs by default?09:48.29 
kens If you get it right.....09:48.39 
richudd chris: could you paste me your compile line?10:00.01 
chrisl compile line? "make"10:00.31 
richudd hehe10:04.18 
  what options?10:04.51 
chrisl --without-ijs --without-libpaper --without-libidn --with-libiconv=no --with-local-cups --disable-dbus --disable-fontconfig --disable-sse2 --disable-contrib --enable-little-endian10:05.45 
  But remember I then tweak the Makefile after configure runs10:06.02 
richudd ok thanks (presume thats from 9.1x if has endian switches)10:06.10 
chrisl Er, oh, just a sec - wrong directory.....10:07.17 
  9.07 was the same, but without the --enable-little-endian10:09.08 
richudd ok thanks, i will have another fiddle in a bit , AFK10:09.28 
chrisl richudd: it occurs to me that you might be overcomplicating this a bit, though......10:10.02 
richudd chris: i ran genarch on the target and one other thing needed changing however its still segfaulting in same place, at lcms2/src/cmsio0.c line 857 (which is return Icc -> ColorSpace;12:37.16 
kens Which suggests 'icc' is not a valid memory address. Which tells you something went wrong prior to that. Time for the debugger12:37.29 
richud ken: afraid im just a beginner with gdb, could you kindly suggest what i should be looking for? (incidently strace giaves the si_code=SEGV_MAPERR , which is something to do with malloc?)12:47.03 
kens icc is a pointer to a structure, the fact that icc->ColorSpace causes a seg fault tells you that the process cannot access the memory pointed to by 'icc'. Somewhere prior to this poitn 'icc' should have been allocated and teh problem is likely to be that it has not been (something went wrong). In order to figure out what is wrong, you need to find where 'icc' is allocated, which might be quite a trial, but you can track backward12:48.03 
  s through the call stack to see where it was passed in. THen you need to grep/read teh source to find out where its allocated. Set a breakpoint at the allocation, and see why it didn't get allocated.12:48.03 
  Given that Chris' binary worked for you, it seems to me that you still have a build problem.12:48.21 
richud hmmm , his was static. I will have to do some learning of gdb as this is all rather over my head (not a c programmer)12:51.52 
kens If you're not a C programmer, then debugging this is likely to be a 'challenge'. Ghostscript is difficult even for those of us with plenty of experience in C, PostScript and Ghostscript itself12:51.58 
richud :)12:52.00 
  the irony is all i want to ultimately do is print a label out12:52.07 
  bt shows previous function as gscms_get_input_channel_count12:53.53 
  default_grey.icc is the profile12:54.14 
  gray even on the other side of the pond12:57.54 
kens Its not really going to be possible for us to debug this over an irc channel....12:59.02 
richud you are more than welcome to ssh into the box and look, its running from ram12:59.16 
kens Not me, I don't like gdb.12:59.31 
richud hehe13:00.07 
kens where don't like == can't use13:00.07 
  I use ddd under protest, or VisualGDB13:01.32 
  Which reminds me, I must pay for VisualGDB13:01.53 
tor8 Robin_Watts: the jpeg_finish_decompress to jpeg_abort change ... might that not cause us to go wrong on inline jpeg image data if we don't consume the image trailer?13:18.21 
  Robin_Watts: RunLengthDecode is bits-per-pixel agnostic, it is not guaranteed to be 8-bpc13:20.57 
  couldn't you just test image->bpc == 8 instead of using buffer_is_8bit?13:22.02 
richud ken: i just tried 9.14 and it worked13:24.38 
kens OK well from what chri said, you should be OK13:26.27 
richud could you paste what he wrote I am afraid i lost it when the browser irc thing closed13:29.23 
  gsraster is C not a wrapper script?13:29.42 
kens chrisl said that gstoraster works with gs from the command line, so if yo uhave a working gs 9.14 gstoraster should work13:29.48 
  Its an executable, I assume written in C13:30.05 
richud sorry i didnt explain myself properly - is there a way to create gsraster without needing to build 9.07 along with 9.14?13:31.25 
kens gstoraster is (as far as I cna see) Nothing to do with GS< except that it runs the Ghostscript executable.13:31.43 
  So if you have gstoraster, and a working GS, then you have all you need13:31.59 
chrisl gstoraster is a completely stand alone exe13:32.54 
Robin_Watts tor8: RunLengthDecode is always 8 bits, AIUI.13:33.18 
richud chris: ok, so i should be able to build it out of the 9.07 cups folder without building anything else?13:33.55 
chrisl Yes13:34.04 
richud right, ill get crasking with that13:34.13 
  incidently when i just did the test with 9.14 a label shot out of the machine to my amazement :)13:34.31 
  so i guess the rest of it all worked13:34.43 
kens In PostScript, RUnLengthDecode consumes bytes (i 8-bit data)13:34.43 
tor8 Robin_Watts: it's like the png predictors ... it works on bytes, doesn't care where the bits of the colors are13:34.55 
chrisl richud: well, that's a good start!13:35.12 
Robin_Watts tor8: From the PDFRM: If the image stream uses a filter, the value of BitsPerComponent must be consistent with the size of the data samples that the filter delivers. In particular, a CCITTFaxDecode or JBIG2Decode filter always delivers 1-bit samples, a RunLengthDecode or DCTDecode filter delivers 8-bit samples, and an LZWDecode or FlateDecode filter delivers samples of a specified size if a...13:35.13 
  ...predictor function is used.13:35.13 
tor8 it doesn't make much sense, but there is nothing to enforce it13:35.47 
  in any case, checking image->bpc should be both easier and independent of the actual compression format of the buffer13:38.36 
  and as such, less prone to future breakage13:38.57 
Robin_Watts Page 340.13:45.24 
tor8 Robin_Watts: yes, I have read that section. I don't trust it! (or rather, I don't trust anybody who writes pdf creation software to follow that rule)13:46.10 
Robin_Watts I agree that RunLengthDecode *could* work with other depths.14:01.33 
richud chris: oh and btw my arch file had #define ARCH_ALIGN_DOUBLE_MOD 4 when i generated it on other machine and looking around on google I found a list of arch''s somone1 made and their i386 had that too (yours had 8 if you are bothered)14:01.56 
Robin_Watts Certainly our code assumes that RLD => 8 bits currently, I think.14:01.56 
  Cos we don't store bpc for the RLD case in the compressed_buffer params.14:02.16 
  tor8: As for the jpeg_decompress_finish -> jpeg_abort change...14:02.20 
  I think we're safe, because where it matters we always consume the full amount.14:02.28 
  It's just that we now *can* break out within consuming the whole thing.14:02.31 
tor8 Robin_Watts: I don't believe that's the case. We only need the BPC in the compressed buffer for flate and lzw because of the predictors14:02.46 
chrisl richud: that shouldn't be a critical setting, it should just mean we use a bit more memory.....14:03.17 
richud ok 14:03.18 
chrisl But obviously preferable to get it right....14:03.20 
richud chris/ken, many thanks for all your help with getting this working!14:03.29 
chrisl richud: does that mean you're up and running?14:03.31 
kens hopes so....14:03.32 
richud lol ,well the label came out, i just have to find a nice way of getting gsraster out but i know it wil work one way or the other , so yes14:03.34 
chrisl richud: actually, IIRC, you might need to fiddle with cups.mak as it normally uses "cups-config" to get the libs, header paths etc......14:03.38 
richud yeah i am just looking at that, i am intending to put it back into cups 9.14 source i think14:03.40 
Robin_Watts tor8: Sure, but if we believe that RLD can have bpc != 8 we need to fix the code that's there already.14:03.44 
  hmm. maybe not.14:03.48 
  OK, so we could just amend my commit to exclude RLDs?14:03.49 
  tor8: Oh, we have image->bpc?14:03.52 
  Yeah, ok. checking image->bpc ==8 instead of buffer_is8bit seems fine.14:04.00 
tor8 Robin_Watts: we have image->bpc already! it's what I've been trying to get across :)14:04.07 
Robin_Watts tor8: yes. yes, I see that now. You're right.14:11.10 
t4nk462 Hi14:13.17 
ghostbot Welcome to #ghostscript, the channel for Ghostscript and MuPDF. If you have a question, please ask it, don't ask to ask it. Do be prepared to wait for a reply as devs will check the logs and reply when they come on line.14:13.17 
t4nk462 I have sent an email regarding ReaderView with Vertical scroll in MuPDF. If you have the source code of that vertical ReaderView, please send it to kparunjyothis@gmail.com14:14.44 
Robin_Watts t4nk462: Hi, yes, we spoke yesterday.14:15.01 
  And via email.14:15.06 
t4nk462 Yes14:15.12 
Robin_Watts And i think I made it quite clear that we don't have such a ReaderView.14:15.19 
  I said that if you came here, we might be able to give you some pointers, but we haven't suddenly come up with a new implementation overnight.14:16.03 
t4nk462 Yes, I have sent an email with changes I made, it works somewhat, if somebody can check that quick & give some pointers, it would be helpful14:16.44 
Robin_Watts t4nk462: Yes. I forwarded that mail to paulgardiner yesterday.14:17.15 
t4nk462 Yes14:17.29 
Robin_Watts The question now, is if he has time to look at the issue.14:17.35 
t4nk462 Ok14:18.00 
paulgardiner Sorry not looked yet. Caught up in problems with a release at the moment. Intend to look as soon as that's done.14:18.11 
t4nk462 Thank you14:18.26 
paulgardiner ReaderView is definitely the right place. My belief is that nowhere else in the app is there code that assumes a specific page scrolling direction.14:19.40 
t4nk462 i changed direction now it works but scrolls only if i zoom a little14:25.21 
Robin_Watts The important stuff looks to be the last couple of clauses in onLayout, right?14:27.58 
Robin_Watts must *not* get distracted by this.14:28.45 
t4nk462 yes i changed in onLayout & onFling14:28.50 
  Please refer my email, you can see the changes which I made14:29.09 
  it works vertically now when I made the changes14:29.29 
  but vertical scroll works if I zoom a little14:29.43 
paulgardiner t4nk462: I think you are close. There is some special casing with being completely zoomed out. We then stop any scrolling in the vertical direction. You'll want to make that stopping in the horizontal.14:29.51 
  Can't remember at the moment where that comes in14:30.01 
t4nk462 is this in ReaderView itself ?14:30.44 
  I am leaving to office Paul, if you are able to point some place ( which I have not done changes in my email ), please reply to my email. Thank you for your time & help14:35.51 
paulgardiner okay will do14:36.17 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: } else if (cv.getMeasuredHeight() <= getHeight()) { that line ?14:40.20 
paulgardiner Sounds very much like it14:40.39 
tor8 Robin_Watts: more demands from the test-device folks just dropped in :(14:42.03 
Robin_Watts I saw.14:42.09 
kens Me too....14:42.13 
  Moon on a stick, right now!14:42.23 
  Maybe you should ask them to suggest ways to improve the performance, they are supposed to be developers.14:44.53 
Robin_Watts I suspect those use JPX, and that decodes the whole image. There is nothing we can do about speeding them up.14:44.56 
tor8 developer: n. person who pastes chunks of code he googled on stack overflow and asks random strangers to fix it for him.14:46.09 
kens :-)14:46.19 
  I'm not sure this customer has reached that certification level yet14:47.22 
tor8 Robin_Watts: and on JPX we can't even cheat since the PDF colorspace is optional (and often in contradiction with the image data)14:47.23 
Nice_ d14:48.00 
kens You can pull the JPX colour space out (GS dos this) without decoding the image, but it doesn't get away for not trusting it14:48.09 
tor8 for separation colorspaces, we could sample it 256 times and check those values rather than each image sample14:48.44 
  likewise for indexed colorspace images14:48.49 
  but none of that applies to JPX14:49.02 
chrisl With JPX, in theory, you could decode one resolution level at a time - but the vast majority only seem to have one resolution level anyway.....14:50.42 
tor8 we should hook it up to the app store and charge in-app purchase money each time we have to decode a JPX :)14:51.27 
kens chrisl one resolution level and 1 tile :-)14:52.46 
  Again, they could use multiple instances of MuPDF to check groups of pages14:53.31 
chrisl Can you direct mutool to specific pages? Then they could just just run multiple executables......14:54.29 
kens ^^ :-)14:54.40 
  I asked that the other day I think14:54.50 
chrisl Oh, when I think "instances of mupdf" I think threads.......14:56.01 
kens I guess maybe threads would work too14:56.32 
chrisl Threads very much relies on customer having some degree of competence, knowledge, etc, etc14:57.12 
kens I'm not convinced this bunch will be able to handle multiple processes14:57.32 
Robin_Watts VectorColorBigSize.pdf looks to be weighed down by sheer volume of line art.14:57.43 
richud chris: btw i added it back into 9.14 and all ok :)14:57.47 
Robin_Watts We read in all the paths etc, only to then ignore them.14:57.58 
  Baling using an error would be much faster.14:58.11 
  Also, there look to be some indexed colors in there.14:58.18 
chrisl richud: fair enough......14:58.42 
richud thanks again14:59.41 
rayjj Robin_Watts: don't you bail once color is detected (or are these monochrome pages -- the worst case)15:01.52 
richud im off for a beer, ill have one on yours and ken's behalf in thanks15:02.08 
Robin_Watts currently, we set a flag when color is detected.15:02.12 
  and then if that flag is set don't bother to check anything else.15:02.30 
rayjj and skip to the next page ?15:02.44 
Robin_Watts but the interpreter still slaves through all the subsequent page objects, only to have the device ignore them instantly.15:02.54 
  I did have code that set the flag then threw an exception.15:03.13 
rayjj ah -- so the interpreter doesn't actually bail on the page15:03.20 
Robin_Watts That worked, but it didn't give a speedup for the file I was testing at the time.15:03.24 
  and it gave a nasty error message on every exception.15:03.39 
  I might reinstate that at some point.15:03.48 
  tor8: Updated version of fix pushed.15:05.16 
henrys Robin_Watts: feel free to share the work with tor8 if it is getting tiresome. Let's spread the hell around evenly ;-)15:58.09 
Robin_Watts henrys: No, no, SOT is tiresome.15:58.27 
  The test-device stuff is a nice stress release.15:58.41 
henrys wonders how we could get tor8 to work on SOT, it would be entertaining to try...16:00.14 
Robin_Watts I'm closer to the fallout zone than you...16:02.15 
mvrhel_laptop good morning16:04.27 
davesleep oh... 16:09.15 
  i got a question.. custom fonts when converting PDF to png.. is there a way to ignore the font and replace it?16:09.42 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: Morning16:09.44 
  davesleep: That's what happens by default.16:09.58 
  You just get a warning.16:10.02 
kens davesleep : ignore the font embedded in the PDF ?16:10.06 
davesleep no, just use a font that's available16:10.14 
kens THen right now that is indeed what happens16:10.25 
davesleep hrm.. certain PDFs is just doesnt convert16:10.38 
kens If you want to use a specific font, set a rep[lacement ujp in fontmap16:10.39 
  davesleep : GS or MuPDF ?16:10.55 
Robin_Watts If you try and get gs to render a file and it needs a font that isn't there, gs will pick a replacement.16:11.01 
davesleep exec('convert -density 220 -background white -alpha flatten '.$filedest.' -resize 50% '.$newfileloc."/".$timefile.".png");16:11.11 
Robin_Watts No guarantee is made that gs will pick a good replacement :)16:11.13 
kens THs is neither GS nor MuPDF< it is Imagemagick16:11.27 
davesleep i dont mind about the style it replaces.. but it seems to pick and choose which PDFs it'll convert16:11.28 
kens davesleep : try using GS directly, not IOmageMagick, then we can talk to you sensibly16:11.46 
Robin_Watts davesleep: So you're using imagemagick. We don't speak ImageMagick here. If you want us to help, you'll need to give us a gs commandline.16:11.56 
davesleep how can i do that inside of my php script?16:12.12 
Robin_Watts leaves this to kens, as we appear to be saying the same things in different words.16:12.15 
kens davesleep : I have no idea, I don;t spek PHP16:12.31 
davesleep so im fkd basically lol16:13.14 
  im sure i'll figure it out16:13.29 
kens I would imagine gd -sDEVICE=png16m -sOutputFile=out%d.png input .pdf woudl be a start16:13.32 
Robin_Watts s/gd/gs/16:13.49 
kens Damn,I mean 'gs' not gd16:13.51 
chrisl davesleep: can't you just call gs on the command line for testing (not in php)?16:14.10 
davesleep im on windows16:14.21 
kens THen use gswin32 or gswin32c16:14.33 
davesleep so you guys dont know of cases where it would fail to convert some pdfs?16:14.55 
  or will i get a specific error if i use commandline16:15.21 
chrisl What error are you getting now?16:15.48 
kens How can we possibly tell ? YOu have given us *nothing* to go on. We do not know if the error is in ImageMagick or Ghostscript, you don't say what version of GS you are using, and you can't give us a command line. We are fumbling in the dark.16:15.53 
davesleep none16:15.54 
kens So use Ghostscript, at the very least it will give you some feedback16:16.21 
  Steps to follow:16:16.44 
  1) Find a PDF file which didn't work16:16.44 
  2) Use the GS command line above on it16:16.54 
  3) COme back and say what happened16:17.00 
davesleep sorry one moment16:17.20 
  yeah im really really tired, friday etc. give me a bit16:17.34 
henrys 0) take a nap, then 1, 2 and 316:18.14 
kens Good idea, I'll be gone for the weekend by then :-)16:18.36 
mvrhel_laptop brb16:21.45 
rayjj great -- I have a PDf from cust 532 (no Creator info) that doesn't show an image in gs, but shows it in Adobe. mupdf totally honks up on the file, however (at least gs is close)17:00.22 
chrisl rayjj: does it happen just on the sim, or on "normal" gs?17:02.43 
rayjj chrisl: normal gs.17:05.25 
chrisl rayjj: well, if you need me to look at it, let me know - I know you've got a lot going on just now17:06.58 
rayjj HEAD, at that. I've narrowed it down to just the image, and if I keep the form before it, with most of the Contents blanked out, but keeping the Matrix and the 'cm' of that form, then the image is missing. If I zap either the Matrix _or_ the initial cm, the image is OK17:07.08 
  the image is about the only thing that mupdf shows -- it's missing the entire data from the form preceding the one with the image.17:08.29 
Robin_Watts I'd suspect something being broken about the form then.17:09.04 
rayjj hmm... the TR in the graphics state seems to be throwing gs off. It has a transfer function that is {1 exch sub} and if I change that to { } then gs is happy, but {0 exch sub} fails ???18:17.23 
  even stranger, changing the function to: { exch exch} fails while { } is OK.18:30.45 
  time for RAW_DUMP I guess :-(18:31.08 
Robin_Watts rayjj: mupdf doesn't handle transfer functions at all. If the form requires a TR to look right, we'll render it wrong18:42.06 
  tor8: For the logs: 2 commits on robin/master.22:35.31 
  They fix the problems you spotted, plus they use errors to let us bale out. Gets the 6300page file that used to take 4 minutes down to 1 minute22:36.51 
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