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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2014/09/09)2014/09/10 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: can I go ahead and push the win_desktop merge to golden?00:07.28 
  it is all as it should be on my repos if you want to check00:07.43 
  I did the folder rename and fixed a bug and a couple other issues and then did the merge00:08.10 
  it all went smoothly00:08.19 
  Robin_Watts is probably in bed I imagine....00:08.31 
  off to take care of a couple things around here. bbiab00:09.40 
Mario__ Hello Team, just a quick question. Is the clist Ray is talking about on this bug in the PDF itself or in Ghostscript?07:57.18 
kens clist is 'command list', its the Ghostscript implementation of a display list07:57.37 
Mario__ OK, thank you07:58.26 
tor8 Robin_Watts: "developers" who don't have enough clue to redownload a file when it's obviously been aborted halfway through? *sigh*09:39.00 
davesleep 'lo, is anyone using ghostscript 8.70 ?09:45.24 
tor8 davesleep: far too many people, considering its age :(09:45.48 
davesleep i tried updating on centos and hrm.. i think i have to reinstall imagick aswell09:46.07 
  has anyone had any problems with it when it's converting fonts.. or using PDFs created on old macs? (i think that's the issue)09:47.36 
  it converts the font successfully then errors out09:47.37 
tor8 apple has had several problems with creating invalid and broken PDF files throughout modern history09:48.35 
  so you really ought to upgrade to a newer, more fault resistant, version of gs09:48.59 
davesleep i can imagine this going horribly wrong.09:50.06 
tor8 imagemagick (IIRC) uses the gs command line, not library09:50.26 
  and it's perfectly possible to install a newer version of gs alongside the old, but making imagemagick pick that up in preference might be trickier09:50.55 
  but if all you're doing is converting pdf to images, you don't need imagemagick since you can just call gs directly09:51.16 
davesleep yeah i am calling it directly, thought it may fix it09:52.03 
  it works on my windows machine, but not on the server09:52.18 
  ill need to test again09:55.28 
  is there a way to limit the width of the pdf converted?10:30.49 
  for instance.. all GS conversions to png will make pngs 1440px wide10:31.21 
tkamppeter I have posted some OpenPrinting projects at the VALS Semester of Code (, for getting some students to work on. Under them there are also MuPDF-related projects. Would someone of you be willing to mentor them?10:36.47 
davesleep what is dGraphicsAlphaBits ?10:51.18 
Robin_Watts davesleep: That's just not true.10:54.16 
davesleep what isnt true?10:54.36 
Robin_Watts If all your PDFs are on the same size paper (the same size media box), then all conversions to PNG at the same resolution will give the same width.10:54.56 
  but if you vary the resolution, you'll get different sizes.10:55.11 
davesleep aye, i am10:55.16 
  yeah, i just realised that10:55.20 
Robin_Watts tor8: utter fuckwits, yes.10:56.15 
davesleep its a pain in the arse to update it11:02.33 
  i think you gotta uninstall imagick aswell 11:02.48 
  maybe that's only true on windows11:02.56 
  hrm.. so i tried to update ghostscript and something's gone wrong.. :S11:12.26 
  the guide im using says it will untar/zip w/e to ghostscript-9.x11:17.41 
  but mine has untarred to ghostpdl-9.14, is this an incorrect version?11:17.56 
Robin_Watts davesleep: No, that's just fine.11:18.24 
  change into ghostpdf-9.14/gs and build from there.11:18.35 
  change into ghostpdl-9.14/gs and build from there.11:18.42 
davesleep grr permission denied even though im as root and owner11:19.15 
  do i need gcc?11:28.57 
  k.. that's installed11:29.52 
  this is why people dont update Robin_Watts XD11:29.56 
Robin_Watts davesleep: No. It's why people shouldn't use a distribution that uses key packages that are over 4 years old.11:32.37 
  s/old/out of date/11:32.57 
davesleep easy to say when you know what you're talking about and doing11:35.53 
chrisl_away Centos is a PITA, I wish people would stop using it - or at least, understand and accept the implications of using it11:35.59 
davesleep but.. i dont 11:36.02 
  bbiab, lunch11:36.18 
chrisl every Wednesday someone steals my chrisl nick - it's very annoying.....11:39.55 
davesleep you not regged it?12:03.28 
chrisl Yeh, which is why I can ghost the other user - but it's still a bit annoying12:04.24 
tor8 chrisl: you'd figure the other user would catch on...12:04.36 
chrisl tor8: hmmm, I'd hope, but my expectations are quite low these days!12:05.25 
Robin_Watts *utter* fuckwits.12:06.05 
tor8 Robin_Watts: *nods*12:06.36 
  Robin_Watts: and I have confirmed that it works for me as well, so it's def not casper12:06.59 
chrisl snapshots don't include the git sub-repo thingies12:08.06 
Robin_Watts indeed.12:08.26 
  but they have downloaded snapshots before.12:08.39 
chrisl Now you know why kens was so happy to hand them off to you!12:09.09 
paulgardiner robin: build is uploaded to casper12:17.17 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: Thanks.12:17.43 
paulgardiner np12:17.52 
kens catches up on the logs and chuckles evilly12:29.52 
davesleep soo i try and go up a version of ghostscript.. try to install latest version of imagemagick.. autoconf is out of date.. and i cant update autoconf for some reason :[13:34.57 
  very frsutrating13:35.04 
henrys artifex ought to provide download lessons, let me prepare an nre proposal.13:35.29 
chrisl davesleep: what do you need autoconf for??13:36.06 
davesleep for imagemagick13:36.20 
  autoconf ./configure make make install13:36.30 
  that's what it tell sme to do13:36.37 
kens2 henrys : It would probably be cheaper to burn a CD ands send it to them. Plus, we'd get peace and quiet while they waited for teh courier each time.13:36.44 
davesleep but centos uses autoconf 2.63 or something13:36.46 
chrisl Nope, just ./configure13:36.48 
davesleep okay, i'll see how that goes13:37.04 
chrisl then make, then make install13:37.05 
henrys kens2: put the courier on a slow ship13:37.08 
kens2 Send it via pony express.....13:37.44 
chrisl Send it on a bunch of 5.25" floppies - that'll flummox them!13:38.38 
kens2 It would stump me these days13:38.47 
  I don't think I have a 5.25 floppy drive any more13:38.58 
chrisl Nope, neither do I: but we could legitimately say we'd supplied the update, and since they probably couldn't try it, no new problems!13:39.45 
kens2 Mind you, its an interesting idea for complying with the Feds demands for encryption keys13:39.52 
chrisl davesleep: where did you download imagemagick from??13:42.09 
davesleep imagemagick.org13:42.24 
chrisl The instructions on there don't mention autoconf.....13:42.51 
davesleep it;s okay its installing now13:42.55 
kens2 Oh good grief. The cursetomer's 'wrapper' is actually a modification to the device.....13:48.31 
  I'mglad I punted that one back to Marcos, I know nothing about the PCL device.13:49.02 
  Hmm, in fact it appears to be a device of their own, not even a modified version of one of ours, though its possible I just can't find the one trhey modified13:55.04 
davesleep chrisl14:07.25 
  that's what im following14:07.30 
  upgrading ghost/imagick on centos6.514:07.40 
chrisl Well, those instructions are misleading.....14:09.32 
  autoconf is what creates the configure script - the developers are supposed to run that when they do a release, so the configure script is ready to run on any given machine - and very specifically, does *not* require autoconf to be installed14:11.21 
davesleep k14:15.49 
  but i installed ghost script and imagick14:15.59 
  and it doesnt seem to be picked up14:16.03 
  mayb ecentos doesnt support a higher version of image magick14:16.58 
chrisl You may need to mess with some paths.....14:17.04 
  Distributions normally install the executables in /usr/bin14:17.53 
  But when distributed as source, executables are usually install in /usr/local/bin or similar14:18.37 
davesleep i see gs and magickwand++ in /usr/local/bin14:19.34 
  and autoconf which i installed in /usr/local/bin14:20.19 
  i take it i should have been pointing them to /usr/bin14:20.26 
chrisl It shouldn't really matter, just add /usr/local/bin to your PATH variable, and it should be fine14:21.07 
  But I would expect all the imagemagick tools to be in /usr/local/bin too14:21.27 
davesleep im a proper nub14:22.40 
  ah one moment14:23.52 
  in phpinfo() Environment.. i take it that's what you mean14:24.49 
chrisl erm no....14:25.16 
davesleep add the usr/local/bin as currently its /bin:/usr/bin14:25.17 
chrisl TBH, I know nothing about php......14:26.41 
  I'm basically talking about the command line - when you type commands in a terminal, the shell maintains a list of directories to search for executables. I'm saying add /usr/local/bin to that list14:28.27 
davesleep i do echo $PATH and /usr/local/bin is there14:30.58 
chrisl So if you call gs at the command line it should run14:31.24 
davesleep yup14:31.46 
  it's there14:31.47 
chrisl And it's the new version you built and installed?14:32.12 
davesleep yup 9.0714:32.18 
Robin_Watts why 9.07?14:32.48 
davesleep because14:32.53 
Robin_Watts why not 9.15?14:32.54 
  If 9.07 doesn't work, you know what we're going to tell you, right?14:33.06 
davesleep just for now, leave it, it's been enough hassle14:33.11 
  yeah, i know i'll do 9.15 then14:33.17 
chrisl Well, 9.14 is the latest release...... 9.15 isn't actually out yet14:33.24 
davesleep imagick is installed14:33.33 
  kk, ill go ask in php now that they'r eboth installed14:33.42 
chrisl You mean your PHP is finding the *new* imagemagick?14:34.07 
davesleep nah, i uninstalled the old imagemagick14:34.31 
  and ghostscript14:34.33 
chrisl Right, so is your php finding imagemagick at all?14:35.04 
davesleep nope, ill keep googling14:35.22 
  i think i have to set it in the php. ini14:35.26 
  and possibly move a file across14:35.35 
chrisl Don't move the file(s), create links instead14:35.50 
davesleep i hate linux, but when everything ends up working, i love it.14:37.18 
chrisl Well, don't use centos!14:37.47 
davesleep i use debian on my netbook14:37.56 
  but this is a VPS ;/ and it uses centos14:38.02 
  cpanel for easy mode server control14:38.07 
chrisl Well, centos (and debian stable) are notoriously out of date14:38.32 
davesleep aye but isnt debians respository up to date?14:39.07 
chrisl Not stable, no....14:39.25 
  IIRC, debian stable is still using gs 9.0514:39.55 
davesleep centos 6.5 is using 8.7 XD14:40.24 
  right brb, gonna make a coffee14:40.52 
kens2 chrisl finally got my outline fallback fonts updating the text state and the currentpoint. Now I only need to work out why the curves go berserk in the outlines. And test it of course.....14:42.49 
chrisl kens2: that sounds good. Shame the curves didn't just fall out of it14:44.32 
kens2 I'm fairly sure the curves are some kind of clipping problem with the control points, I was always pretty certain they were 2 different problems14:45.08 
  Getting the text state and currentpoint sorted out has been enough of a trial though, coffee time14:45.37 
davesleep .. messed up loL :/ time to reinstall centOS16:30.11 
chrisl WTF? How?!16:30.44 
davesleep i messed up the php.ini for some reason then tried to get it back using easy apache and closed it half way through16:31.25 
  and root stopped working16:31.33 
chrisl I cannot imagine why that would stop root working......16:32.26 
davesleep i dont know why it is16:32.31 
mvrhel_laptop hi Robin_Watts 16:37.58 
Robin_Watts hi16:38.14 
ghostbot Welcome to #ghostscript, the channel for Ghostscript and MuPDF. If you have a question, please ask it, don't ask to ask it. Do be prepared to wait for a reply as devs will check the logs and reply when they come on line.16:38.14 
mvrhel_laptop are you fine with me pushing the merge that is on my repos to golden for mupdf?16:38.15 
  or tor8...16:38.37 
Robin_Watts I have no problem with you using a merge, rather than a rebase.16:38.55 
  Indeed, I think a merge is right in this case.16:39.01 
  I have not looked at the commit to have an opinion on it other than that though.16:39.20 
  Does it change anything outside winrt ?16:39.30 
mvrhel_laptop no nothing outside winrt16:39.39 
Robin_Watts sorry, platform/windows16:39.45 
mvrhel_laptop right. I did the rename.16:39.52 
Robin_Watts Then, I can't imagine I'd have a problem with it. Tor8 ??16:39.57 
mvrhel_laptop I did fix one bug that had to do with text selection 16:40.04 
  but that again was in the c# code16:40.12 
  I am guessing that tor8 will be fine with this.. 16:45.37 
Robin_Watts I would think so.16:45.44 
mvrhel_laptop going to go ahead and do the push 16:45.47 
Robin_Watts All the commits have been reviewed as they went in.16:45.54 
mvrhel_laptop yes. 16:46.03 
Robin_Watts and it can't break anything as it's self contained, so go for it.16:46.18 
mvrhel_laptop ok thanks16:46.23 
  ok. done. henrys: I am going to take a quick look at adding print page selection on gsview today and then I will get back to SOT charts16:47.53 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: do I need to contact fred or is he good to go?16:48.34 
mvrhel_laptop then I will see about getting it up on gsview.com16:48.37 
  henrys: he is good to go. I was going to ping him today and let him know that I did this merge and make sure things are going OK16:49.01 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: bloody hell. the cluster is checking every one of those commits.16:53.25 
  It's not supposed to do that.16:53.34 
  It looks very much like you pushed a rebase, rather than a merge.16:55.03 
  but hey, no harm, no foul.16:55.18 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: I guess you could warn folks about the email bomb but not big deal.16:56.42 
mvrhel_laptop darn16:57.16 
  sorry about that. I did the merge here on my repos. and then pushed. I guess that is not the way to do it16:57.54 
  Robin_Watts: what should have been the sequence so that I know in the future16:58.21 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: Well, you've obviously been rebasing your branch as you've been going on, so it's always based upon the latest version of the trunk, right?16:59.11 
  That's a perfectly reasonable way to work, and is absolutely fine.16:59.26 
mvrhel_laptop yes. I was good about rebasing as I went along16:59.27 
Robin_Watts So working in that way, you did nothing wrong.16:59.44 
mvrhel_laptop I would fetch golden in my master here and rebase my branch on my master17:00.09 
Robin_Watts If, on the other hand, you'd be collaborating with someone else on the branch, then rebasing the branch makes it hard for you to share it with them.17:00.10 
  So in that case, rather than rebasing the branch every now and then, you'd have merged master into the branch occasionally.17:00.40 
mvrhel_laptop oh merge the master into the branch17:00.59 
Robin_Watts That way the hashes of the commits on the branch never change, so it's easy for all the collaborators can work together.17:01.08 
mvrhel_laptop then the commits will be interweaved17:01.23 
Robin_Watts At the end of that, you pretty much have to merge the branch back to master.17:01.25 
  So you didn't do anything wrong. You just hadn't done what I'd expected.17:01.44 
mvrhel_laptop I see. If I had done the periodic merge then it would only have checked the merge commit17:02.27 
Robin_Watts With SOT, for example, if we do work on a branch, and build releases from the branch, it's important we don't then rebase the branch,because we want the branch to keep its sequence of hashes the same.17:02.30 
mvrhel_laptop ok. all good to know17:03.09 
tor8 Robin_Watts: mvrhel_laptop: I have no problem with merges, especially on long-standing branches.17:14.58 
mvrhel_laptop tor8: ok thanks17:17.20 
tor8 mvrhel_laptop: but you've pushed a rebased branch, so that's all academic at this point :)17:17.50 
mvrhel_laptop yes. sorry about that17:17.59 
tor8 not a problem, at all. this way is more linear, which helps when bisecting :)17:20.06 
tkamppeter I have posted some OpenPrinting projects at the VALS Semester of Code (, for getting some students to work on. Under them there are also MuPDF-related projects. Would someone of you be willing to mentor them?18:04.17 
Robin_Watts tkamppeter: Depends what's involved in mentoring.18:06.16 
  If it's just answering questions, giving guidance etc, then possibly yes.18:06.40 
  Can we view the projects?18:06.56 
mvrhel_laptop ok so I think the way that this gsview print stuff needs to be done is to do our own print dialog. Create the xps content based upon page selection settings etc and then feed that to the windoze print pipeline. currently I am creating the xps content for the document and then using the ready made print dialog which 1) needlessly may create xps pages we don't need and 2) doesn't seem to...18:31.00 properly in terms of page range etc. 18:31.01 
  the conversion to xps when there are images present is still painfully slow. I wonder if there is anything we can do there?18:34.12 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: So printing is all done via xps creation?18:35.04 
mvrhel_laptop yes. 18:35.13 
  I question if this is the best way though18:35.28 
  this printing stuff is really the one part of gsview that makes me go to AR now and then18:36.12 
  other than that, I have been using it as my default PDF viewer18:36.25 
Robin_Watts So, if I'm following what you just said... Currently you generate an xps for the whole document, and the standard windows print dialogue then chooses pages from that?18:36.27 
  and your alternate suggestion is to do our own print dialog, and based on that create an xps with exactly the pages in we want?18:37.31 
mvrhel_laptop well that was the original plan. unfortunately, the print ticket that is generated is ignoring my requests to choose pages. not sure what is going on there. but yes on your most recent post 18:37.48 
  I want to avoid creating xps until I need it and only those pages that we need18:38.11 
Robin_Watts So it's asking for the whole xps before it puts up a print dialog?18:39.02 
mvrhel_laptop yes. that is 1 thing I want to fix18:39.20 
Robin_Watts I guess that makes sense so it can do a print preview/know the number of pages etc.18:39.31 
mvrhel_laptop yes exactly. I already have thumbnails of the pages18:39.43 
  and can show those in the preview18:39.48 
Robin_Watts So doing our own print dialog would seem to get around that.18:39.49 
  Can we query print margins etc? So we can do shrink to fit etc?18:40.03 
mvrhel_laptop I believe so18:40.10 
  that is what I am going to look at first18:40.18 
Robin_Watts Ok, so you also said that "creating xps that include images is slow"18:40.35 
mvrhel_laptop to see if I can get the list of printers and their properties. 18:40.39 
  Yes. 18:40.50 
Robin_Watts I bet in gs we have to recompress images.18:40.54 
mvrhel_laptop I am doing a small test here to see what is going on now18:41.26 
Robin_Watts There is probably no easy way to pass the already compressed images across the device boundary.18:41.35 
tkamppeter Robin_Watts, it is more or less like GSoC. Astudent works for 3 months on a project and you give him some guidance.18:41.35 
Robin_Watts tkamppeter: Then we can probably get involved. Certainly we could 'co-mentor' with you, I'd think.18:42.32 
  Obviously henrys has the final say on this.18:42.41 
  but we'd probably like to see the project definitions...18:42.54 
tkamppeter Robin_Watts, theproject is "Add printer output backends to MuPDF" on 
  I also would perhaps need some co-mentorship on "Add MuPDF support to cups-filters for a lightweight mobile printing stack", which you can see on the same web page.18:43.53 
  They will bepublished on for students to apply from Friday on.18:44.30 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: I bet we can do something to get compressed images passed across the device boundary.18:45.03 
  I had to make a change to mupdf to do exactly that.18:45.28 
  The trick will be to do it without breaking existing devices.18:45.44 
  Every bitmap passed across the device boundary has a bitmap id.18:46.28 
  One way to do it would be to have callers say "Here is how to get the compressed data for bitmap 'x'" just before making a call and passing bitmap x.18:47.16 
  Gotta go, being called for dinner. I will ponder some more.18:47.28 
mvrhel_laptop thanks Robin_Watts 18:58.37 
  ok. so for example, in this particular case, these images are jpeg images. xps supports jpeg images directly. there must be some way just to pass them through19:11.55 
  and my 2 page 1.38 MB pdf file is blown up to a 311MB xps file19:13.05 
  henrys: any thoughts about how we could fix this?19:13.23 
  interesting. the contrast is different in the pdf vs xps file19:14.57 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: yes, I've been avoiding it.19:14.59 
mvrhel_laptop :)19:15.02 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: OK. I reckon we do it by having a new device call.19:15.08 
  (or a new dev spec op)19:15.14 
  Where the caller announces an 'image bank' to the device.19:15.49 
  The device can then call the image bank to say "do you have the compressed data that makes up bitmap x?"19:16.14 
  and the image bank can either say yes, here it is, or no.19:16.26 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: but it's correct right ? ;-)19:16.45 
Robin_Watts That way pdfwrite/xpswrite etc can get the original data, if it's available and reuse it.19:16.47 
  The only downside to that I can see, is that we'll always be decoding to a bitmap and passing it, even if the device doesn't need the bitmap.19:17.25 
mvrhel_laptop henrys: the content is there (at last page one which was gray scale). page 2 which is color is still trying to be drawn by the windoze xps viewer. It seems to be having issues with page 2... 19:18.03 
henrys I thought we were talking about gs xpswrite19:18.11 
Robin_Watts The only way to avoid that is to change from passing bitmaps to passing 'images' across the device boundary (or, in more gs style, to add new device calls that can fall back to the bitmap ones).19:18.22 
mvrhel_laptop henrys; we are. I don't quite understand what Robin_Watts means by always decoding19:18.51 
Robin_Watts At the moment, the device functions take decoded bitmaps.19:19.11 
mvrhel_laptop oh I think we want to take coded data19:19.22 
Robin_Watts so the caller decodes the JPEG (or whatever) to a bitmap and passes that across.19:19.30 
  I was proposing a way that devices could say "give me the uncompressed version"19:19.46 
mvrhel_laptop and if a high level device understands JPEG for example, then it is passed in its compressed form19:20.06 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: Passing the compressed version would be a better plan, yes.19:20.13 
  It's what I recently changed mupdf to do.19:20.19 
  BUT, if I try and change the device interface, ray will pitch a fit :)19:20.41 
mvrhel_laptop henrys: yeah! it finally displayed page 2. Took about 4 minutes :)19:20.46 
Robin_Watts so, we'd need to add new device functions that can fallback to the old ones.19:21.08 
henrys mvrhel_laptop, Robin_Watts : we need high level images in gs xpswrite. Now it is rectangles, that should be good enough19:21.16 
mvrhel_laptop well does pdfwrite decode and reencode?19:21.17 
Robin_Watts Oh gawd.19:21.27 
  mvrhel_laptop: It does.19:21.31 
mvrhel_laptop I see19:21.40 
Robin_Watts but encoding and decoding is still a million times better than rectangles.19:21.47 
mvrhel_laptop :)19:21.52 
  ok. perhaps I can add that in to the xpswrite device19:22.34 
  a nice break from SOT?19:22.43 
henrys I'm confused are you using xpswrite in mupdf or gs?19:23.28 
  mvrhel_laptop: 19:23.30 
mvrhel_laptop waiting to see what henrys says...19:23.35 
  henrys: in gs19:23.41 
  mupdf has no xpswrite capability19:23.48 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: I thought Robin_Watts had started something rudimentary19:24.23 
mvrhel_laptop oh. Do we have xpswrite in mupdf Robin_Watts ?19:24.40 
Robin_Watts urm...19:24.48 
mvrhel_laptop :)19:24.51 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: the exact high level image code is already implemente in the the pclxl devices. I was just going to pull that over, it looks the easiest.19:25.25 
  but it has to output xps19:25.35 
mvrhel_laptop ok19:25.40 
Robin_Watts aha. found it. 
mvrhel_laptop :)19:26.07 
Robin_Watts I don't think we have an xps write device in mupdf.19:26.46 
  Possibly I was going to start looking at it, but it never happened.19:26.59 
  We have an SVG device.19:27.23 
  and a PDF device.19:27.28 
  both unfinished.19:27.31 
  but usable.19:27.36 
mvrhel_laptop right. I am using them in gsview19:27.51 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: have at it.19:27.58 
mvrhel_laptop to write out linearized pdf etc19:28.02 
  henrys: ok. I will only work on it for an hour or so each day and keep pushing on SOT.19:29.00 
  henrys: and if you can review what I do, that would be great19:29.28 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: sure19:29.59 
mvrhel_laptop that and the print dialog seem to be the thing that is really screwing up my use of gsview (and it would make people not use it)19:30.12 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: one of the issues is a lot of stuff doesn't get into the high level image code for various reasons. I was wondering if we could stitch together rectangles at the device level and create a new image, that would capture everyting. But it's hard to do.19:31.14 
Robin_Watts henrys: ew!19:32.27 
mvrhel_laptop ok. let me take a look. the only place I have played with high level images is going into the clist. 19:33.12 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: doing it otherwise there will always be cases where the file size explodes with rectangle as far as I can tell.19:33.41 
mvrhel_laptop henrys: so you are saying that there are cases when going from PDF that we currently dont capture high level data in you current pclxl device?19:34.55 
  but do rects instead?19:35.04 
  I know there are cases that this occurs in the clist19:35.20 
  usually funny decode cases19:35.31 
Robin_Watts AIUI, we NEVER capture compressed data. We always decode to bitmap.19:35.56 
mvrhel_laptop right19:36.02 
Robin_Watts But in some cases, we fail to even reuse a single decoded copy of a bitmap.19:36.23 
mvrhel_laptop not sure how that would happen19:36.41 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: yeah it's been a while since I looked but I know the file size explodes for some stuff19:37.08 
mvrhel_laptop I think step one is to simply do high level image support like is done in other high level devices19:37.19 
  and package the image data in a form that xps supports. png, tiff, jpeg etc19:37.41 
  then if we want to look at passing compressed data directly, we will need to change the device commands19:38.10 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: agreed19:38.50 
mvrhel_laptop this way we can handle formats like jpeg2000 that xps does not support19:38.50 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: Probably always into png as a first step.19:38.55 
mvrhel_laptop I was thinking png too Robin_Watts 19:39.04 
Robin_Watts at least that way you can guarantee it won't degrade more.19:39.15 
mvrhel_laptop right19:39.19 
  although tiff would work too and has the nice feature of supporting cmyk19:39.41 
  avoiding color conversions19:39.48 
Robin_Watts True.19:40.03 
  That's a compelling argument.19:40.18 
mvrhel_laptop ok. so let me try that and see what wall I run into :)19:41.01 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: now that I look the image problem might be to do with what XL can't handle ... I think XPS is richer image wise - nothing skewed in xl stuff like that.19:47.30 
mvrhel_laptop ok 19:48.23 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: the condition is at gdevpx.c:1997, the begin image call is there. You could look at pdfwrite but I imagine it will be more complicated.19:48.54 
mvrhel_laptop henrys: ok great. thanks19:49.09 
kens Robin_Watts : regarding decompressing images, I'm not sure there is any way to avoid decompressing a DCT encoded image (or other input type) in PostScript, as I don't think the parser would be able to return to the correct point in the input stream without doing so. BUt its a bit late for me to think about it at the moment.20:14.27 
  I'd *like* to ba able to pass DCT encoded data to pdfwrite, at least optionally, because of the file size bloat or recompression artefacts problem.20:15.13 
Robin_Watts I wasn't thinking about PS so much, as PDF.20:15.52 
kens I have considered recompressing the data with the original paramters, which I *think* should result in no new artefacts, but I've never had the time to investigate it properly and prove (or disprove) it20:15.54 
  Robin_Watts : Don't forget the GS PDF interpreter runs PostScript20:16.09 
  And I'd be less happy about a solution which didn't work with PostScript as well.20:16.24 
  runs *on* PostScript....20:16.36 
  THough admittedly any improvement would be nice20:16.57 
  xpswrite falls back to rectangles / No wonder its slow and bloated......20:17.40 
  (still reading through the logs)20:17.47 
rayjj marcosw: mvrhel_laptop: I am sure glad that Marcos (or Robin?) added the facility to the cluster to prioritize user cluster runs over 'gs-commit' runs. Otherwise I'd still be waiting for mvrhel_laptop's flood of gsview/mupdf comits to be tested20:19.35 
mvrhel_laptop sorry rayhh20:20.16 
kens mvrhel_laptop : (for the logs) if you get looking at high level images feel free to punt questions my way, pdfwrite does hits, but pswrite always fell back to rectangles, so I have a reasonableidea of how both approaches work. The rectangles fallback was probably coded because its real easy to code.20:20.28 
mvrhel_laptop kens: ok. I am looking carefully over the pswrite and the xl write devices20:22.43 
kens pdfwrite handling high level images is mostly comlicated because it does colour conversion, and also tres to figure out which compression scheme to use (when AutoFilterImages is true), as well as downsampling. You cna forget all that for a first pass. Later you will presumably want to deal with images in odd colour spaces, and proabbly consider downsampling to the prtiner resolution (or lower)20:22.50 
mvrhel_laptop the xl device seems to be straight forward20:23.00 
kens hopes Micahel means ps2write......20:23.00 
mvrhel_laptop yes ps2write20:23.11 
kens :-)20:23.17 
  The complications mentioned above make the code look complicated for ps2write/pdfwrite20:23.32 
  Its actually a lot simpler than it looks20:23.42 
mvrhel_laptop kens: my plan for now is to pack them all as tiff since this lets me handle just about everything without conversions. as well as packing in an icc profile20:24.05 
kens Ah, I didn't consider an ICC profile. Presumably you cna handle spot colours/DeviceN that way ? (does xps allow that ?)20:24.38 
  Downsampling images might get you faster printing, or you can just leave that to the XPS print pipeline. Not sure what would be better20:25.26 
mvrhel_laptop ok. so deviceN is interesting. xps allows up to 8 but I suspect such a thing has to be in the windows image format. 20:25.54 
  kens: plan in this case is alternate tint transform20:26.10 
kens Yes, that's what I do in pdfwrite20:26.21 
mvrhel_laptop and back into tiff20:26.24 
kens But I'd ignore weird colour spaces to start with20:26.38 
  If ytou get stuck trying to figure out what ps2write i sup to let me know20:27.33 
mvrhel_laptop ok thanks20:28.10 
davesleep right. okay finally reinstalled centos and all other things21:04.44 
  how do i set its path? 21:06.17 
  yes. it was an old version of ghostscript causing the problem23:25.18 
  i'm also a total idiot, not realising that using exec doesnt even require imagick to work (as its command line)23:25.42 
rayjj mvrhel (for the logs): I saw the discussion on pre-converting images into TIFF or png -- the problem with JPX images is that they can have "SMaskInData" (alpha) channel. Otherwise, it makes sense23:56.23 
  For Ghostscript, I think we need a new device proc corresponding to begin_typed_image that can accept the source data (particularly for JPEG) but also it allows for pdfwrite to avoid the codec pass if AutoFilterImages=false and when not downsampling -- just use the original data23:58.34 
  just as for other device procs, if the device can't handle it, it punts to the current graphics lib implementaion23:59.49 
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