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Log of #ghostscript at

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2014/09/10)2014/09/11 
rayjj kens (for the logs): are you still playing with mooscript ? It would sure be nice to be able to scrap all of the SMask and transparency group nonsense in and work in C.00:02.06 
  when I told my son (15 yr old) about the new mupdf customer it was a ROFL for him (and a high five for us)00:03.26 
kens henrys (logs) rayjj, chrisl, robin and I probably ought to talk about compressed image data pass-through at the next meeting. Porbably worth sticking on the aganda as a reminder (not for discussion at the meeting probably).07:10.39 
  rayjj I'd *like* to get back to Mooscript, but I've done nothing with it since the last staff meeting. Long-haul flights seem to bet the only occasion when I have time for projects these days.07:11.28 
  And yes, the new MuPDF customer is definitely LMAO time07:12.02 
casper366 hi, I've got a problem. I've got a pdf-File (made from Latex) which presumably doesn't have a CropBox. I'd like to Crop it, that the massive borders dissapear10:46.47 
kens What exactly do you mena by crop in this case ? Do you mean you want to add a CropBox, or do you want to redefine the media and translate the content onto the reduced media ?10:47.42 
casper366 my end goal is to have the pdf in 800x600 or a5 on my kindle. Now its A4 plus has borders which i don't need10:48.32 
kens So do you want to add a CropBox or alter the MediaBox and translate the content ?10:49.23 
casper366 I guess (if I understood the definitions) i want to alter the Mediabox10:50.49 
kens Tricky.10:51.09 
casper366 is it easier to add a cropbox and then just output that?10:51.54 
kens You will need to set a fixed media size, and apply a BeginPage procedure to translate the content by an appropriate amount.10:52.09 
  I htink pdftk will let you add a CropBox, otherwise you can do it with Ghostscript and a pdfmark I htink.10:52.41 
casper366 media size in points, correct?10:52.42 
kens MediaBox is given in PostScript/PDF units, which are 72 to the inch unless a UserUnit is applied10:53.11 
  There's a partial answer to adding a CropBox here:10:54.26 
  And there's a couple more suggestions here:10:55.08 
casper366 thanks I'll process these links and be right back10:57.10 
kens And another one10:58.25 
  me lunches11:10.42 
casper366 thanks. I know the last one already, but when I use that the output is the same as the input-file11:23.41 
  Hi, I've found a prog that does just the trick ( Unfortunately I can't read java, so I have no clue how it works.11:46.06 
  Thanks for your help :-)11:46.15 
dddddddd hi11:49.45 
ghostbot Welcome to #ghostscript, the channel for Ghostscript and MuPDF. If you have a question, please ask it, don't ask to ask it. Do be prepared to wait for a reply as devs will check the logs and reply when they come on line.11:49.45 
dddddddd is this the right place to ask a question about mupdf project building in android sdk, on eclipse?11:50.41 
Robin_Watts The MuPDF devs are here, yes.11:50.53 
  I am one of them, but I don't use eclipse.11:51.07 
dddddddd hmm, ok11:52.23 
paulgardiner I have used eclipse with MuPDF11:52.42 
dddddddd So I followed the steps in 
  I have the NDK installed, and I can run successfully the HelloJNI project11:54.31 
Robin_Watts including step 10? everyone skips step 10 and then wonders why it doesn't work.11:54.35 
dddddddd what is step 10, sorry?11:54.48 
Robin_Watts oh, those instructions. I was thinking of platform/android/ReadMe.txt which has more detail.11:55.17 
dddddddd I installed cygwin, I am on Windows11:55.29 
  ant and make also11:55.34 
Robin_Watts but the important step that everyone skips is the "make generate".11:55.36 
dddddddd ohh, I haven't checked it11:55.54 
kens Its in those instructions11:56.11 
Robin_Watts It is, yes, it's just not "step 10" :)11:56.22 
kens last step in 'prepare the source'11:56.26 
dddddddd Could it be that ignoring that step makes the project crash when loading the native library, in openfile()?11:57.03 
Robin_Watts dddddddd: No. It wouldn't have built.11:57.19 
dddddddd Ok11:57.23 
Robin_Watts If it's crashing when loading the native library, it's probably googles fault.11:57.33 
dddddddd It is building, so lets put that option down11:57.39 
Robin_Watts They broke the latest ndk by missing out a function.11:57.42 
dddddddd it is running11:57.45 
Robin_Watts strtod (or strtof, one of them)11:57.52 
dddddddd but when I choose a PDF and open it, it just crashes11:57.56 
  I can show the Exception message, if you want11:58.07 
Robin_Watts When the shared lib is loaded, it can't resolve that function, and then it dies.11:58.15 
  What version of the ndk are you using?11:58.36 
dddddddd let me check11:58.43 
Robin_Watts Try using r8e11:59.29 
kens I thought you fixed that in the MuPDF source....11:59.43 
dddddddd ok, I'll try12:00.16 
Robin_Watts kens: So did I, but we've had one report that the latest version still doesn't work.12:01.40 
dddddddd Just to let you know, it is crashing on line 14 of MuPDFCore class12:01.49 
kens :-(12:01.49 
dddddddd System.loadLibrary("mupdf");12:01.50 
Robin_Watts dddddddd: Yes, that's an unhelpful error, alas, as it gives no clue as to why.12:02.12 
dddddddd in LOgCat, I get: Caused by: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Cannot load library: reloc_library[1307]: 1386 cannot locate '__isnanf'...12:02.33 
kens Similar, but that's a new one to me12:02.53 
Robin_Watts Ah, a new one. thanks.12:03.04 
kens Sounds like they've really messed up the NDK this time12:03.09 
dddddddd When I download the MuPDF app from the playstore, everything works fine12:04.17 
  That is why it must be something in the building process12:04.33 
Robin_Watts yeah. It's the ndk stub lib, I suspect.12:04.43 
dddddddd Ok12:06.24 
  If you need some more info about my install, I can provide it to you12:06.39 
  For now I will try with ndk r8e12:07.00 
Robin_Watts dddddddd: Thanks.12:07.12 
dddddddd Thanks a lot, I didn't expect to have quick help like this12:07.37 
Robin_Watts dddddddd: Yeah, apparently the NDK is broken :(12:10.55 
  got time to try a test for me?12:11.21 
dddddddd yes12:16.10 
Robin_Watts In include/mupdf/fitz/system.h12:18.16 
  Look for a #ifdef __ANDROID__ line (line 125ish?)12:18.46 
  In that block do #undef isnan12:18.59 
  and see if that solves it.12:19.13 
  bbia mo12:19.20 
dddddddd ok, let me try12:19.56 
  where do i put the #undef isnan?12:21.51 
  the below line?12:21.55 
  before #include <android/log.h>?12:22.10 
kens SOmewhere between #ifded __ANDROID__ and the corresponding #endif12:22.12 
  #ifdef that shoul dbe sorry12:22.20 
dddddddd ok12:22.44 
  shoul I do ant debug and ant debug install again?12:23.19 
kens You'll need to rebuild, I'm not an Android developer so I don't really know I'm afraid12:23.47 
  OK you should just need to buidl the native libraries so ndk-build12:24.22 
dddddddd ok12:24.37 
kens I'd start from that point and do all the steps12:24.47 
dddddddd When running ndk-buil, I get this warning: Android NDK: WARNING:jni/ LOCAL_LDLIBS is always ignored for static libraries12:25.16 
kens so ndk-build tehn ant debug, ant debug install12:25.18 
dddddddd Is this relevant or not?12:25.23 
kens Again, I don't know sorry. Hopefully Robin will be back shortly and he (or paulgardiner) can tell you12:25.45 
  But it sounds lik eyou can ignore it to me12:25.54 
dddddddd Right12:26.44 
  Now I get this error:12:26.50 
  android-ndk-r10/build/core/ recipe for target 'obj/local/armeabi-v7a/objs/mupdfcore/__/__/__/source/fitz/stext-device.o' failed make: *** [obj/local/armeabi-v7a/objs/mupdfcore/__/__/__/source/fitz/stext-device.o] Interrupt12:26.51 
  when I do ndk-build12:27.12 
kens OK *waaay* outside my competence now....12:27.15 
tor8 dddddddd: that warning has been present (and harmless) for quite some time12:27.28 
dddddddd ok, good12:28.06 
kens Any idea about the build error tor8 ?12:28.37 
tor8 kens: no, sorry.12:28.46 
  I guess I could try to install the latest ndk and see if I can get that to build.12:28.58 
kens Ah well, we need someone who speaks to droids12:29.02 
  C3P0 :-)12:29.12 
dddddddd I guess running ant clean will erase my change to the system.h file, right?12:29.43 
kens I wouldn't think so no12:29.59 
  I would expect that to clean the intermediate object files12:30.12 
  and teh final binaries, but not change the soruce12:30.27 
  Worth a try I would think12:30.41 
dddddddd ok, because ndk-build terminated successfully after that12:31.24 
  doing ant debug now....12:31.39 
tor8 dddddddd: okay, I've got ndk-r9d on linux and ndk-build succeeds just fine with that12:31.53 
kens OK sounds like one of the object files was out of date compared to the source. Sos, carry on :-)12:31.57 
tor8 updating my sdk now, then I'll test ant debug and then the emulator12:32.14 
kens H'e susing 10 I think tor812:32.19 
tor8 kens: right. I guess I could download that too.12:32.34 
  just looking at what I had installed already12:32.39 
kens Oh fair enough, didn't realise you had that already12:32.55 
dddddddd I some of you could try it on Windows I would appeciate12:33.11 
kens runs away screaming12:33.22 
tor8 dddddddd: I don't develop on Windows, so I'm afraid I can't help you there.12:33.25 
dddddddd :D12:33.30 
tor8 dddddddd: ndk-r10b?12:33.51 
dddddddd yes, that's the version I am using12:34.07 
  it's the latest12:34.13 
tor8 dddddddd: okay, I'll try that next12:34.14 
kens I'm kind of astonished this keeps happening....12:34.47 
tor8 kens: google has fumbled with android native development since forever...12:35.09 
  ...and nobody notices because everybody is hypnotized by apples shinies12:35.21 
dddddddd I am getting a slightly different Exception message, now12:35.27 
  Caused by: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Cannot load library: reloc_library[1307]: 1386 cannot locate 'rand'...12:35.34 
kens Sure, but to keep on dropping bits of the libraries, and different bits on every release....12:35.35 
dddddddd on the same line12:35.37 
  as before12:35.40 
kens Oh dear, rand is gone too by the sound of it12:35.54 
  No random number generator :-(12:36.06 
dddddddd I'll have lunch now12:39.13 
kens OK thanks for trying that12:39.19 
Robin_Watts dddddddd: Try adding #define rand(x) ((int)lrand48())12:39.23 
  dddddddd: Try adding #define rand (int)lrand4812:39.41 
  The latter one, sorry.12:39.59 
dddddddd where, exactly?12:40.01 
Robin_Watts same place as you added #undef isnan12:40.24 
dddddddd ok12:40.43 
  My block is like this, now:12:40.50 
  #ifdef __ANDROID__ #undef isnan #define rand (int)lrand48 #include <android/log.h> #define LOG_TAG "libmupdf" #define LOGI(...) __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO,LOG_TAG,__VA_ARGS__) #define LOGE(...) __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_ERROR,LOG_TAG,__VA_ARGS__) #else #define LOGI(...) do {} while(0) #define LOGE(...) do {} while(0) #endif12:40.55 
  Sorry, the format is messy12:41.04 
Robin_Watts perfect.12:41.07 
dddddddd let me try12:41.13 
  Caused by: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Cannot load library: reloc_library[1307]: 1386 cannot locate 'rand'...12:49.25 
  It didn't help12:49.40 
kens Might be best to wait for tor8 to download and try the latest NDK ?12:50.02 
dddddddd I just finished downloading r8e12:50.28 
  I'll try12:50.31 
  But first, I got to eat something12:50.42 
  So, I'll be back in one and half hour12:51.01 
tor8 kens: bah. I need to update my SDK because it's apparently too old as well...12:51.02 
dddddddd thanks for helping me12:51.11 
tor8 did I mention I hate software that has to be updated constantly?12:51.21 
dddddddd Yeah, the usual12:51.23 
  Long downloads all the way12:51.41 
Robin_Watts Urm... we don't use rand...12:52.39 
tor8 all smartphones drive me nuts with their incessant nagging about pointless updates I couldn't care less about...12:53.02 
  Robin_Watts: we do, in the test buffer and in mujs Math.random() implementation12:53.20 
Robin_Watts test buffer is disable.12:53.34 
  ah, Math.random is not showing up for me when I search...12:53.52 
tor8 grep -R 'rand()' source thirdparty12:54.29 
Robin_Watts yeah, I see it with grep, but not in the solution, for some reason.12:54.50 
kens chrisl I believe I understand the problem with the corrupted glyphs. Its due to using tiny numbers with FreeType. I solved this before for type 3 input fonts by multiplying the CTM by 100, looks like I need to do the same for the new code too.12:55.28 
  Which means hackery with the CTM at various places, but it works for type 3's so I'm sure I can solve it eventually for fallback outline type 3 fonts too.12:56.29 
tor8 *sigh* so parts of the android sdk is 32-bit, even on a 64-bit machine ... which means you need to use multi-arch13:19.34 
  android dev really is a noisome pile of manure...13:20.16 
kens chrisl, working text from my new code! Outlines are good, positioning is fine, kerning works. Slightly different to what Distiller produces, but its a mtter of pixels here and there really.13:53.42 
henrys kens: sure I'll add it to the agenda - I haven't seen a customer ask for it though, have you?13:54.33 
kens henrys, yes, on occasion. The problem is that a DCT encoded image in the input either ends up larger in the pdfwrite output, (because we don't use DCT) or with ugly artefacts (because we do)13:55.17 
  Its not a huge important point though, more a reminder that me ray chris and robin should probably talk about it13:55.55 
  So on the Friday if we have time after Joseph finishes13:56.32 
henrys kens: okay13:58.52 
chrisl kens: that's very cool. It will be interesting to see how much difference it makes to the ps2write output....13:59.51 
kens Hmm, Acrobat renders Arial MT with distinct flattening of curves. My new output actually looks slightly better (IMO) than the DIstiller code.13:59.58 
  chrisl just kiscked off a cluster run to see what breaks :-(14:00.33 
chrisl Could it be relying on the default flatness setting?14:00.50 
kens Code isn't finished yet, I haven't added checks for exsiting CharProcs, which is (partly) where the win will be14:01.00 
  chrisl Well, my outlines are just outlines, so the flatness hsould be the same....14:01.20 
  But when I view both at 600% I can see the 'o' looks rather polygonal in the Disitller file. It must be something to do with rendering the TT outline14:01.59 
  Of course, this is with smoothing turned on, it may be better without, but I'm interested in what a regular user would see14:02.23 
chrisl Oh, maybe it doesn't convert the curves, and just flattens them?14:02.44 
kens That's distinctly possible, though it does look better (not polygonal) when I turn off smoothing14:03.14 
  There's not really anything to choose between the Distiller font and my type 3 with smoothing off14:04.00 
chrisl I'm fairly sure Acrobat uses some library for TTF rendering - if Distiller does too, there may only be limited options about the form of the output14:06.29 
kens well, its acrobat doing the rendering, distiller just embeds teh TT font (I think).14:06.52 
  Acrobat says its using an embedded subset TT font14:07.17 
chrisl Oh, I thought you had convinced Distiller to output Type 3 outlines14:07.49 
kens Nope, I just wanted a comparison for my type 3 font14:08.06 
  TO see if it lookd right, was positioned correctly, sized appropriately and with sensible widths14:08.28 
  I'm surprised to see so many differences, I must be kicking into this code when I shouldn't be14:09.04 
chrisl *Lots* of PDF's with pointless CIDFonts around.....14:09.39 
kens That shouldn't normally cause this code to activate, its only supposed to be active for the fallback (bitmap) case.14:10.23 
chrisl ps2write.....14:10.47 
kens CIDFonts should just go through as CIDFonts14:10.48 
  There's 1800+ diffs with pdfwrite14:11.09 
  Incl;uding some PCL cases14:11.31 
Robin_Watts git cluster bmpcmp -w314:11.32 
kens No, no, I really do want to see them14:11.45 
chrisl PCL might be stick font?14:11.59 
kens If the code is activating inappropriately I need to stop it doing that14:12.04 
  chrisl yes, but the stick font is hjandled same as a PS type 3 font, so no bitmap fallback14:12.29 
  THe bitmap fallback is supposed to be rare (for pdfwrite at least)14:12.40 
  I suspect I'm not testing properly to see if I'm accumulating a charproc14:13.13 
chrisl I'll stop making pointless suggestions, then :-)14:13.29 
kens Hopefully it'll be easier to fix than this code was to write.........14:13.41 
  bmpcmp is just coming to an end, so that'll give me something to look at, from that I shoudl be able to see why its happening14:13.59 
  Well, first dumb mistake located14:31.06 
dddddddd Hi again, guys14:35.15 
  Is it normal that, when executing make generate, I get as output: make: Nothing to be done for 'generate'.? 14:35.52 
kens I would htink that's possible, all the files are laready present14:36.15 
Robin_Watts dddddddd: Sure, if you've done that step already, yes.14:51.51 
dddddddd Thank you all15:10.58 
  I managed to get it working with ndk-r8e15:11.17 
kens congrats :-)15:11.37 
dddddddd Just one more thing15:13.36 
  Is there some way to bookmark a page15:13.44 
  or to register comments in the PDF file?15:13.57 
Robin_Watts nope.15:14.52 
dddddddd ok, is it planned for the future or muPDF is only for rendering/reading?15:15.47 
Robin_Watts If you mean a way of bookmarking a page where the bookmark information is stored in the app, then it would be easy to add to the app.15:15.58 
  and could be done entirely in java.15:16.04 
  If you mean a way of bookmarking a page where the bookmark information is stored in the PDF, then that wouldn't be that hard, but it would require C level programming.15:16.31 
dddddddd Yes, I just wanted to know if that feature was built-in in the muPDF or not15:16.56 
  Thank you once again15:17.02 
  and good luck trying to solve Google's mess in the NDK updates15:19.14 
Robin_Watts bye15:19.15 
dddddddd :D15:19.16 
rayjj mvrhel_laptop: can you glance at my fix for cust 532's issue? It looks fine for the regression run except for tests_private/pdf/sumatra/586_-_missing_images_gs_SMask_not_applied.pdf which was wrong before, and is still wrong, but different.16:25.48 
  mvrhel_laptop: the commit is at;a=commitdiff;h=ea6290b302598f13e7fb4c29aff73657989e693d;hp=3b2d19e8a459610ba50560ee004eae8736644dc116:25.58 
mvrhel_laptop rayjj: sure16:26.04 
rayjj mvrhel_laptop: it uses the method that you (sort of) suggested to me 16:26.39 
  mvrhel_laptop: at least I didn't have to add any new compositor operations -- just (ab)used the .begintransparencymaskgroup16:27.37 
  mvrhel_laptop: sorry about all of the whitespace changes in (I trimmed trailing blanks) The only real change to that file is the first part of the diff16:30.05 
mvrhel_laptop np. making my way through it16:30.27 
  rayjj: looks like a reasonable way to do it.16:32.57 
rayjj mvrhel_laptop: thanks.16:38.40 
henrys rayjj: curious about the company m board, we should be able to get help on that one.17:52.43 
  rayjj: you said I'd do it and I did ... can you edit the logs?17:53.28 
Robin_Watts I will.17:54.48 
rayjj henrys: sorry -- I wasn't paying attention. I have been swamped with fixes for cust 532, but I will pulse company C again, and in the meantime (once 532 is happy) get on to the company M board (which should be a lot more fun)18:11.05 
henrys rayjj: if you can give 532 stuff to chrisl_away feel free, miles really wants the board stuff done.18:11.58 
aksr guys, any way to detect/extract italic/bold words from pdf or ps?18:12.47 
Robin_Watts aksr: In general, no.18:13.01 
  But there are heuristics you can apply.18:13.14 
aksr Yes?18:13.19 
Robin_Watts If you use MuPDF to do text extraction, you get details of the font sizes/font names used for each char.18:13.48 
  You may be able to spot bold/italics from that.18:14.05 
aksr Ok, anything else?18:15.07 
Robin_Watts gs also does text extraction, which will help with PS, as MuPDF doesn't do PS. Dunno quite what the gs output looks like though.18:15.50 
rayjj henrys: I just shipped off one fix -- it was the transparency related one, and that one would have probably needed mvrhel, not chris to dig into (without a big learning curve)18:16.38 
  henrys: I have one more (6th gen) one from 532 to look at. If I can foist that onto chrisl, I will.18:17.22 
  Robin_Watts: I think that the txtwrite device on gs has output similar to mudraw's18:18.41 
Robin_Watts rayjj: mudraw has at least 3 different output modes. Not sure how many txtwrite has.18:19.09 
  but yes, I am aware they are (superficially at least) the same.18:19.33 
rayjj Robin_Watts: -dTextFormat=0 | 1 | 2 | 3 (default is 3) 
Robin_Watts ah, great.18:22.46 
rayjj Robin_Watts: it even mentions MuPDF :-)18:23.15 
Robin_Watts MuPDF attempts to reorder text to get better output, which I don't believe gs does, but if your input files are sane, that shouldn't matter18:23.52 
rayjj Robin_Watts: I think that's what Format 1 does, but as it says: "attempts similar processing to MuPDF, and will output blocks of text. Note the alogrithm used is not the same as the MuPDF code, and so the results will not be identical."18:24.39 
Robin_Watts rayjj: MuPDF does that processing in all cases.18:27.56 
  I'm not claiming that MuPDF is better than gs here, just highlighting the fact that there are differences.18:28.18 
rayjj Robin_Watts right.18:28.19 
  I suppose it is expecting too much to share the heuristics code :-/ 18:29.29 
  since, presumably, we are starting with the same font, position size and strings18:30.18 
Robin_Watts MuPDF pulls stuff out to a well defined structure of chars/spans/lines/blocks.18:35.22 
  and then operates on that.18:35.27 
  If gs pulled out to the same format, the same code could be used.18:35.45 
  but then the first version of txtwrite was written before MuPDF, so it would have required ken to do lots of rewrites.18:36.12 
rayjj Robin_Watts: We'll have to see if kens can be convinced :-)18:36.20 
Robin_Watts I hate the heuristic code anyway.18:36.39 
rayjj heuristics are rarely "clean"18:37.09 
  at least you didn't start with a neural network -- those are *TOTALLY* unmaintainable18:38.21 
rayjj hasn't looked at the mupdf code18:39.19 
aksr Robin_Watts: I need to use mudraw, right?18:41.57 
Robin_Watts Yes.18:42.23 
  Unless you want to work at the C level yourself.18:42.30 
aksr mudraw -t -t input.pdf18:42.37 
  Not atm.18:42.48 
  Robin_Watts: It works.18:50.41 
Robin_Watts fab.18:50.55 
aksr Thank you.18:51.22 
  Robin_Watts: Still it bugs me: how so there isn't any need for something like this?18:51.57 
Robin_Watts PDF was not designed for this to be an easy thing to do.18:53.09 
aksr Still, if there's a need...18:54.34 
Robin_Watts Is there a need?18:55.06 
  If the information is not there in the file, we can't return it (reliably)18:55.29 
aksr That's understandable.18:56.03 
  'Was wondering in general.18:56.19 
mvrhel_laptop bbiaw19:18.04 
rayjj hurray! Hit the ball back to cust 532. Now I can play with the Company M board :-)20:40.30 
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