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Log of #ghostscript at

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2014/09/12)2014/09/13 
Atom2 configuration has been running - as is the case with BSD in a menu driven style; I want a slim system and have deselected almost everything00:01.04 
  can't seem to figure out what gdev_vector is00:01.28 
rayjj Atom2: you may want to just hand edit the ugcclib.mak00:02.48 
Atom2 o.k. found that file, but need to understand what it is ...00:03.56 
rayjj that way you can leave in the devices you actually need00:04.08 
  Atom2: the DEVICE_DEVS= has the devices that are selected. Get rid of the x11 ones if you are really "minimal"00:05.08 
Atom2 well actually I don't require any devices at the moment; ghostscript is only a dependency for cups (using samba)00:05.48 
  currently looks as follows: DEVICE_DEVS=$(DD) $(DD) $(DD) $(DD)\00:06.09 
rayjj "only a dependency" -- yeah, right.00:06.16 
Atom2 $(DD) $(DD) $(DD) $(DD) $(DD)\00:06.30 
rayjj if it is a dependency, then it probably needs it00:06.30 
Atom2 $(DD) $(GLD)bbox.dev00:06.43 
  yes, it's a dependency for installing cups00:07.01 
  what I find interesting is that the DEVICE_DEVS list contains a few x11... entries despite me having deselected all x11 stuff in the configuration menu00:09.16 
rayjj Atom2: cups uses Ghostscript to convert PostScript (and maybe PDF) to cups raster format. It probably needs the "cups" device00:10.02 
Atom2 also (assuming that refers to an HP 500 DeskJet printer) was not selected in the menu00:10.17 
rayjj Atom2: the ugcclib.mak is not ordinarily used -- the Makefile created by configure is usually used, and probably won't have th x11 devices in if you've told it (properly) without x1100:11.04 
Atom2 on second look the ugcclib.mak file seems to be unused as the timestamp dates back to Aug 201200:11.08 
rayjj the ugcclib.mak is a "top level" make (similar to Makefile) that is hanging around for those that want to hand edit00:12.07 
Atom2 I have currently selected (in the menu system) CUPS FONTCONFIG ICONV GS_cups and GS_oprp00:12.30 
  all other stuff is deselected00:13.04 
rayjj Atom2: I don't know what "menu system" that is, so, sorry00:15.14 
Atom2 well BSD pops up with a cli ncurses menu which allows to select the config options00:16.02 
  I assume those names in there are linked to standard configure options00:17.22 
  BTW the version is 9.06 if that is of any relevance00:17.45 
rayjj Atom2: Fist, there was a 9.14 release, and there is a 9.15 release candidate. Clearly your BSD provider is seriously out of date. I think you need to take the issue up with your BSD distro00:19.59 
  This probably is NOT a Ghostscript issue, but something they've honked up. The "menu" is entirely theirs.00:20.40 
Atom2 o.k. - I'll have chat with those guys; just thought as the error messages points to a gs library there's no harm asking here00:21.18 
  In any case thanks for trying to help00:21.38 
rayjj Atom2: true -- at least somebidy was here to tell you to go elsewhere ;-)00:21.55 
  TBH, I don't think I've heard about any 9.06 issues, but you may want to search to see00:22.55 
Atom2 searching the bugs database sounds like a good idea - off to do my research. TX00:23.51 
rayjj since it's been out since Jan 201300:24.23 
  have a good evening (and don't stay up too late)00:24.55 
Atom2 it's already 02:25 here - so well past my time; have a nice weekend00:25.32 
rayjj Atom2: you, too00:25.54 
uwjesq Hello. I was told to come here for questions about mujs. When linking I get a lot of errors like "undefined reference to `js_tostring(js_State*, int)'04:58.52 
sebras uwjesq: you are at the right place.08:02.41 
  uwjesq: the mujs developers are mostly here during european weekday business hours though, so you may have to wait for sometime to get an answer. or come back on monday. :)08:03.33 
Robin_Watts js_tostring is defined in jsrun.c. I don't see how you can't be getting it defined unless you are missing files out from the compile.08:06.18 
  Or maybe building it as C++ rather than C or something.08:06.36 
kens rayjj (for the logs) empty PDF files are a pretty good indication that a stream wasn't closed when it should have been, which results in all the subsequent content being stored into the 'aside', including the xref, trailer etc. I'd have to guess that replacing the SMask with None is not terminating the accumulation of the SMask, or something similar to that.08:20.24 
  rayjj actually, I'd guess its because you started a transparency group (.begintransparencygroup) but you specifically don't end it.08:49.26 
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