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Log of #ghostscript at

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2014/09/13)2014/09/14 
f2oo hi. im trying to shrink a pdf document using ghostscript. the process starts, but i get "segmentation fault (core dumped)" when its about 70% done10:03.54 
Robin_Watts f2oo: What version of gs are you using?10:08.53 
  If it's anything smaller than 9.14, try a newer version.10:09.50 
DusXMT This is a quastion to the MuPDF people, who're supposedly here: Why does mupdf depend on two different jpeg libraries?10:12.18 
Robin_Watts It doesn't.10:23.51 
  It depends in the international JPEG lib (jpeglib) to do jpeg decompression.10:24.08 
  It relies on openjpeg to do jpeg 2000 decompression.10:24.20 
  jpeg 2000 and jpeg are unrelated standards.10:24.29 
DusXMT Ah, thanks for explaining10:24.42 
Robin_Watts np.10:24.49 
f2oo Robin_Watts, it worked!10:48.07 
Robin_Watts no worries.12:08.51 
f2oo quit14:15.05 
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