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hdon hi all :) I have a question about programming in ghostscript... can i convert character in a string to its numeric value using ascii encoding?06:27.40 
  (and vice versa)06:28.15 
  i can do: GS>StandardEncoding 65 get == and the result is /A06:29.25 
  and i think that will suffice for the vice versa case06:29.37 
  i'm thinking that my other option is to create my own dict for reversing this mapping06:29.48 
  but i also don't know how to convert between nametype and stringtype06:30.12 
kens hdon, I think you misunderstand the way text works in PostScript. You can't 'convert a character in a string to its numeric ASCII encoding'. There are no characters in strings, just bytes, depending on the font type one or more bytes constitute a character code. For simple font types character codes are converted to names using the Encoding (which may or may not be StandardEncoding), the name is then used to consult the CharStri07:21.27 
  ngs dictionary to get the glyph program07:21.27 
  CIDFonts work differently, these use a CMap instead of an Encoding, but the principle is broadly the same.07:21.55 
  Acumen Training have a series of technical journals which are very useful:07:23.18 
  See in particular the November and December 2001 issues.07:23.38 
  Note that you are not programming in 'Ghostscript', the language is called PostScript, and Ghostscript is an interpreter for that programming language07:24.12 
  And finally, you can use cvn to convert and object to a name, and cvs to convert an object to a string. If you don't already have a copy you need the PostScript Language Reference Manual, which is available somewhere on the Adobe web site, and you should probably also look for the Blue Book and Green Book which I htink are also available there (all in PDF format)07:25.33 
Kunmyt hi09:40.27 
ghostbot Welcome to #ghostscript, the channel for Ghostscript and MuPDF. If you have a question, please ask it, don't ask to ask it. Do be prepared to wait for a reply as devs will check the logs and reply when they come on line.09:40.27 
Kunmyt i have problem with mupdf 1.5 build for android, plz help me09:40.54 
  this is my problem: Exception Ljava/lang/UnsatisfiedLinkError; thrown while initializing Lcom/artifex/mupdfdemo/MuPDFCore;09:41.16 
tor8 Kunmyt: are you by any chance using the NDK for 64-bit targets?09:42.12 
Kunmyt no 09:43.00 
  before i start it very well09:43.19 
tor8 there are two variants of the NDK. one for 32-bit targets, and one for 64-bit targets.09:43.54 
  there is a problem with the 64-bit target variant, which causes unsatisfied link errors09:44.09 
Kunmyt i'm using NDK for 64-bit09:44.12 
tor8 we're investigating the issue.09:44.30 
  you can use NDK for 32-bit until we find the problem09:45.13 
Robin_Watts Kunmyt: Can you remember the exact URL of the ndk that you downloaded?09:45.14 
Kunmyt i'm download NDK in,d.dGc09:46.03 
tor8 Kunmyt: use one of the Platform (32-bit target) downloads09:46.39 
  the 64-bit targets have a problem09:46.49 
  we're trying to find it, but it could take some time09:47.01 
Kunmyt ok, i will try with 32-bit 09:47.07 
  tks u very much09:47.31 
  ah, could you tell me using drawPage to generate Bitmap ?09:48.42 
Robin_Watts Kunmyt: The question was which *one* of those URLs you used.09:48.52 
  I know where to get the ndks from. I don't know which particular version you used.09:49.22 
  Kunmyt: Could you ask the question more clearly please?09:49.39 
Kunmyt i'm sory my bad language09:50.04 
Robin_Watts no problem. Your english is better than any of my second languages :)09:50.25 
Kunmyt :D09:50.37 
  i wan't to get Image of first page in pdf file09:52.09 
  sorry, i want to get Image of first page in pdf file09:52.23 
Robin_Watts Kunmyt: OK, that's easy to do. Look at docs/example.c for C code to render pages.09:53.13 
  Starting from the android viewer source code is probably not the thing to do, cos that's all tied up in specifics for being a viewer.09:53.54 
  This means you will need to be working at the C level, not the java level.09:54.06 
Kunmyt i'm new programer, i don't know that09:54.32 
Robin_Watts Then I take it back. It will not be easy to do.09:55.01 
Kunmyt You can told me how to do that09:55.12 
Robin_Watts I am not going to do lessons in C programming and JNI over irc :/09:56.00 
  I'll help with how to call the mupdf API from C, but I'm not getting dragged into more general questions. I just don't have time. Sorry.09:57.42 
Kunmyt uhhm, what is the i need to do now09:57.45 
  first step, i need is ?10:01.24 
tor8 Kunmyt: what do you want to do?10:01.36 
Kunmyt tor8: I need drawPage first page in pdf file10:02.28 
tor8 in Java?10:02.36 
Kunmyt in android10:02.45 
tor8 in Android you can use native C code, or Java. which one you use is important here.10:03.34 
  so I'll assume you want to open a PDF file, and draw a page to a bitmap from Java.10:04.02 
Kunmyt ok, next step ?10:04.29 
tor8 in that case, you'll need to create a Java class that uses JNI to call some C functions that call MuPDF10:04.44 
  we have something similar to this in our android project, but it is specific to the viewer. it cannot do what you want.10:05.16 
Kunmyt thanks you so much10:06.03 
tor8 you can start from that and rewrite platform/android/jni/mupdf.c to create your own interface to MuPDF which has a drawPage function10:06.04 
  in docs/example.c is at example of C code you need to draw a page to a pixmap10:06.42 
  the platform/android/jni/mupdf.c code is matched with the platform/android/src/com/artifex/mupdfdemo/ class10:08.26 
Kunmyt i will try use JNI, tks agian!10:08.27 
tor8 so you need to rewrite those two files (and delete the other java files) and you can do what you want10:08.55 
  Robin_Watts: okay, I think I know what's broken with the android 64-bit target ndk12:15.27 
Robin_Watts <drumroll>12:15.38 
tor8 the on android devices does *not* have a rand symbol12:15.45 
Robin_Watts <cymbal-crash>12:15.55 
tor8 the 32-bit target defines rand as a static inline in the header12:16.00 
jogux ahhhhh12:16.11 
tor8 the 64-bit target declares rand as a plain old function that's supposed to be in the lib12:16.14 
Robin_Watts and on 64bit androids, it possibly is.12:16.41 
tor8 Robin_Watts: quite. so *unless* you're targeting a 64-bit android, you really must be using the 32-bit NDK12:17.02 
Robin_Watts or we could define our own fz_rand ?12:17.17 
tor8 which poses a problem, because the L preview only has header files in the 64-bit tarball12:17.19 
  Robin_Watts: I'm opposed to working around obviously broken C runtimes12:17.32 
jogux wait. what. you can build an android app with the 64 bit sdk and it runs on 32 bit devices?!12:17.41 
tor8 jogux: yeah.... the 64-bit NDK builds both 32-bit and 64-bit targets12:17.57 
Robin_Watts jogux: I think the 64bit stuff is actually... what tor8 said.12:18.04 
  but the 32bit side of the 64bit support is borked.12:18.15 
tor8 but I would not be surprised if the 32-bit targets in the 64-bit target NDK have not been tested at all12:18.20 
jogux Ahh. right.12:18.32 
tor8 Robin_Watts: I shall update the web page instructions to clarify that you should be using the correct NDK for the target12:19.17 
jogux sounds like a mess :-S but at least you got to the bottom of it!12:19.18 
Robin_Watts tor8: So, a strongly worded note in platform/android/ReadMe.txt and on the web instructions saying "don't use the 64bit target etc.."12:19.22 
tor8 Robin_Watts: yeah.12:19.28 
Robin_Watts and say "if you do use it, you will hit this problem... (and maybe others)"12:19.50 
kens It would make a nice FAQ entry, if we had an FAQ......12:20.19 
jogux kens: just post it on stackoverflow :-)12:20.32 
kens Where everybody will then misunderstand it for the next decade....12:20.50 
jogux if the only problem is rand (I guess that's a big if), it might be easier all round to just workaround it?12:22.33 
chrisl Can't we get some we know at google to go round and bang repeatedly on the desk of the personal responsible until it gets fixed??12:23.34 
tor8 jogux: strtof, atof, abs, labs, rand, srand, random, srandom12:27.40 
Robin_Watts that we know of, so far.12:27.50 
tor8 and who knows what other land mines hide in there12:27.51 
Robin_Watts chrisl: s/desk/head/12:28.08 
tor8 just by grepping for static inline in stdlib12:28.08 
Robin_Watts chrisl: I'm not sure I see Raph in "enforcer" mode.12:28.38 
chrisl No, possible not - this is really poor, though. Google are getting to be worse than Apple.....12:29.10 
  My typing seems to be poor today.....12:29.45 
jogux tor8: oh, urgh :-(12:33.07 
  you could report it in google's bug tracker; there's a very small chance they'd look at it in about 3 years time12:33.43 
Robin_Watts "It's been fixed internally, dunno when it will make it to a public release." etc.12:34.30 
tor8 Robin_Watts: fixes on tor/master for review12:34.32 
Robin_Watts tor8: I reviewed the 26 hours ago ones before, they are all fine.12:38.06 
tor8 Robin_Watts: fab, thanks12:38.53 
Robin_Watts The external storage crash one seems OK.12:38.54 
  as long as you've tested what happens when we don't call mPositions.put there.12:39.16 
tor8 Robin_Watts: in the absence of external storage, the activity gets put to sleep12:39.46 
  and then we crash because we don't have an mDirectory12:39.54 
Robin_Watts I'd quibble with the text in README.12:39.58 
  Not all ARMs are 32bit.12:40.02 
tor8 Robin_Watts: feel free to rewrite it12:40.15 
Robin_Watts If you're targetting a 32-bit platform (such as most ARMs) ?12:40.23 
  Otherwise it's great.12:40.47 
tor8 isn't 64-bit arm called ARM64?12:42.09 
  I think for our target audience, ARM == 32-bit ARM and if you know better then good for you :)12:42.27 
Robin_Watts I think Android devs are frequently morons who will seize on every opportunity to misunderstand stuff.12:43.05 
  If you're targetting a 32-bit platform (such as all ARMs other than those explicitly described as ARM64) ?12:43.45 
tor8 (such as "ARM EABI v7a" or "Intel x86 Atom") then? to mirror the terminology in the android SDK12:43.48 
Robin_Watts that assumes that people actually read the sdk. :(12:44.28 
tor8 I wonder how to test the 64-bit targets ... I can't find a system image in the android tool12:44.33 
  "If you're targeting a 32-bit platform (which you are, trust us)."12:45.44 
Robin_Watts hehe12:46.39 
  I'm expected arm64 androids to hit the market before the end of the year, possibly as early as october when L is supposed to ship.12:47.27 
tor8 Use the 32-bit target NDK unless you are explicitly targeting a 64-bit platform.12:47.34 
  no, that implies you can use the 64-bit NDK...12:47.55 
Robin_Watts I suspect that most android devs just think "I have a 64bit PC, so..."12:48.27 
tor8 Robin_Watts: yeah. most likely they just read "64-bit" and ignore the "target platform" heading12:50.13 
  the "ARM EABI v7a" wording is used in the "android" tool when you download a system image, so I'm inclined to go with that wording12:50.42 
Robin_Watts What's the ARM64 equivalent of that ?12:51.03 
tor8 Robin_Watts: dunno, I can't see any other system images :(12:51.20 
chrisl It's also called aarch64 in various places.....12:52.25 
Robin_Watts is summoned for lunch.12:53.32 
tor8 Robin_Watts: and in the AVD manager it's ARM (armeabi) or Intel Atom (x86)12:57.26 
Robin_Watts henrys: I think the time for NRE is upon us.14:35.40 
henrys Robin_Watts: okay14:36.39 
  Robin_Watts: I gave miles 2 choices "go away" or very high priced NRE14:42.59 
kens Trying to match another application seems daft, especially when the colour conversions will almost certainly be different.14:43.30 
Robin_Watts I was tempted to say "at this point, I feel it's incumbent upon you to do some debugging. It should be a simple job for any competent programmer."14:44.11 
kens Seesm to me if they like hte other application, and they have it, they should just use it.14:44.20 
  Robin_Watts : yes......14:44.30 
chrisl Robin_Watts: to which they would say: "Please write us suitably witty retort as we cannot write one ourselves....."14:45.56 
henrys Robin_Watts: just don't respond hopefully miles' price will scare them into working more independently. 14:46.19 
  as marcosw would say "sorry you aren't smart enough to be our customer" ...14:47.24 
rayjj robin_watts: I must say that you have been much more patient than I would have been. The other issue is that they aren't even our customer, just doing work for a customer.14:53.13 
  Maybe we should contact cust 535 and tell them of the difficulty we are having supporting their contractor. 14:53.51 
kens Goodnight all16:36.58 
norbertj rayjj: just a question. Do you have any new insights on 694750 , Why (on Winy) NumRenderingThread>3 has no perf improvements?17:14.12 
rayjj norbertj: I don't know yet. I've been working on another project, and sort of waiting until after our release (imminent). I am adding per-thread instrumentation to determine where the threads are waiting17:17.00 
  norbertj: but since some of the "waits" during clist playback for for a variety of mutexes, it is needing some minor surgery to be able to track the thread_id throughout17:19.33 
norbertj rayjj: If I can help with this ...17:20.45 
rayjj norbertj: your results weren't quite the same as mine. Do you think my results are similar enough to yours ? (you had almost 14 vs < 10 seconds, but I saw some improvement 19.6 down to 18.5 for 4 threads) 17:30.25 
  your 13.37 sec time was for 5 threads, 9.95 for 0 threads17:31.10 
  but I _do_ see that the CPU % is less than 30% even with NRT=417:32.01 
  norbertj: I have to run an errand and will check back later. Since you mention this, I'll spend some time on it today. My other project is needing some support from vmware17:33.52 
  (or I have to actually boot into linux :-( )17:34.16 
norbertj rayjj: the 4.42 secs is probably the overhead for clist generation (in memory) en creation of the threads. And I did see no improvements on the 14secs (no matter how many threads I used). I have a quad-core with hyperthread, so 8 'cores' in total.But the CPU usage in taskmanager does not get above 13% (i.e. 1 full core).17:34.30 
rayjj I'm tempted to just fire up an old machine with lnux so I don't have to reboot my laptop17:35.13 
norbertj rayjj: no problem. I'm at home now, but at work I can also try some investigations (if I knew where to look for ; which mutexes in the clist playback are used).17:36.00 
rayjj norbertj: oh, so the 9.95 second was not in clist more ?17:36.12 
  norbertj: I was focused on clist mode for all timings. it's easy enough to measure clist creation time.17:37.44 
norbertj rayjj: no it was without clist (i.e. it is the equivalent to the perf we get in our current pdl-implementation, which due to the pcl-creep-perf was becoming too slow). That's why I was investigating the NumRenderingThread approach.17:38.14 
rayjj norbertj: if you could do that and confirm (on bug 695374) that the difference is clist creation time, that would help -- then I can continue to focus on why NRT>0 shows such small improvement17:39.00 
norbertj I do remember though that a few years ago I also tried this, and with XP (which was our platform at the time) it only got worse with the number of threads. But with WIN7 then I did get the improvements. But that is not working anymore.17:39.10 
  rayjj: will do.17:39.31 
rayjj norbertj: thanls17:39.45 
mvrhel_laptop bbiab18:51.38 
  grumble grumble. I have all the mark up correct and the rels stuff all set up and the image in the proper spot. something is not quite right though with my xps file. running it through gxps to see what might be wrong21:23.44 
  huh. gxps gave me a segv on start up21:34.47 
  updating and rebuilding...21:35.01 
  ok false alarm. 21:47.35 
  well that is interesting. AR opens my xps output just ine23:27.50 
  gs draws a blank page and ms complains about the file23:28.16 
  ah. gs does work23:44.30 
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