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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2014/09/19)2014/09/20 
marcosw1 chrisl_away, testing of rc2 is complete and we are go for launch.03:39.03 
NhocKun hey guy, can i change animation when read pdf file using mupdf for android04:26.40 
  some body hear me ..04:29.34 
hdon been pretty quite here for a while NhocKun, be patient :)04:35.05 
NhocKun :D ok04:37.10 
Amyn Hey I am using GS 9.14 for PDF to Image Conversions. I get the following error when my application calls gswin32c.exe multiple times07:24.57 
  Robin_Watts: I saw IRC logs and I see someone already brought forward this error and you were looking into it07:26.10 
Robin_Watts Amyn: What error?07:54.09 
Amyn "C++ Runtime error R6016 -not enough space for thread data"08:12.30 
chrisl_away I believe I now have the Windows installer for ghostscript working how I want - yay!12:26.31 
Robin_Watts excellent.12:46.49 
artf What tools do you use to view the ttfs created by mubusy extract?15:26.56 
Guest91436 Hi guys. I'm trying to compile mupdf1.5 from source for use with zathura-pdf-mupdf. after making/installing mupdf, i tried to build zathura-pdf-mupdf, and got an error that told me i need to compile mupdf with -fPIC. I did so by adding it in the Makerules, but now when compiling zathura-pdf-mupdf, I get two errors from ld, in particular "cannot find -lmupdf-js-none" and "cannot find -lopenjp2". Not sure how to proceed from here15:31.39 
ivanshmakov Guest91436: For the latter one, I guess you need the OpenJPEG library installed.15:57.43 
Robin_Watts openjp2 is the openjpeg lib.16:09.52 
  mupdf-js-none.c is a file that you're obviously not compiling.16:10.04 
Guest91436 Thank you ivanshmakov and Robin_Watts. I changed the makefile to use -lmujs and -lopenjpeg instead, and now zathura-pdf-mupdf compiles. Unfortunately when I open a pdf in zathura, I get the error "(/usr/lib/zathura/ undefined symbol: opj_stream_set_user_data_length)", looks like a problem with OpenJPEG16:24.23 
  I have a link "/usr/lib64/ ->" in /usr/lib64/, so I would think that it would be ok to replace -lopenjp2 with -lopenjpeg, is that right?16:28.21 
ivanshmakov Guest91436: Looks like it is.16:37.04 
Guest91436 ivanshmakov: any idea why I would be getting that error then? (I'm still relatively new to building software from source. I really appreciate your help :))16:38.28 
ivanshmakov Guest91436: Difference between the library versions, perhaps?16:41.12 
  Guest91436: I do not completely understand what you do, but did you note that the error comes from the file (/usr/lib/zathura/ under /usr/lib? That ought to be the version of zathura/ that comes with your distribution; the version you’ve built yourself (if you indeed did that) should reside under /usr/local/lib (or /home/jrh/lib, or something like that.)16:42.07 
Guest91436 ivanshmakov: my distro (opensuse) doesn't have zathura in its official repos, so I'm built it from source, and make install placed the mupdf plugin ( in /usr/lib/zathura16:44.57 
ivanshmakov Guest91436: ACK. But remember that /usr should generally be only managed via a package manager.16:46.35 
  Guest91436: Examine the output of $ ldd -- /usr/lib/zathura/, – it may reference the versions of the libraries other than it was built against.16:47.56 
  Guest91436: Do I understand it correctly that you took the version of OpenJPEG that comes with your distribution, BTW?16:48.36 
Guest91436 ivanshmakov: ok, thanks for the tip. I ran ldd on the file, not exactly sure how to interpret the output. yes, OpenJPEG came with my distro16:49.26 
ivanshmakov Guest91436: Was there /usr/lib64/ in the output?16:50.00 
  (Using /usr/local or one’s own HOME directory for the software built by oneself also gives a hint to us, the community, about what’s going on, BTW.)16:50.30 
Guest91436 ivanshmakov: ldd shows the following: => /usr/lib64/ (0x00007fcada9b6000)16:52.29 
  ivanshmakov: ok, I'll keep that in mind. I've been installing software using sudo make install. is there a simple way to have it put the files in /usr/local or in my home dir?16:53.22 
ivanshmakov Guest91436: When the software employs a build system based on GNU Autotools, – it’s just a matter of passing ‘--prefix="$HOME"’ (or /usr/local) to ‘configure’.16:56.25 
  Guest91436: If it doesn’t, then check Makefile for a variable called “prefix” (may be referenced from a “bindir” variable) or something like that.16:57.31 
  Naturally, when installing under one’s own HOME, no ‘sudo’ is necessary.16:57.58 
  Guest91436: Is it possible that you’ve ‘.h’ files for one OpenJPEG version while comes from another?16:59.50 
Guest91436 ivanshmakov: I suppose that's possible, i have the packages openjpeg-devel and openjpeg2-devel both installed17:05.20 
ivanshmakov Guest91436: Examine the versions of these packages and the lists of files for each.17:05.57 
  Guest91436: The preprocessor flags for your build may need to be adjusted to use -I/where/is/the/right/version. (Assuming that the linker flags already reference the proper version with -lopenjpeg.)17:08.11 
Guest91436 ivanshmakov: ah ha, there is a link "/usr/include/openjpeg.h -> openjpeg-1.5/openjpeg.h", so it appears that the header used was for openjpeg 1.5 and the .so is for version 2.017:09.24 
ivanshmakov Guest91436: So my guess is that you have to use -I/usr/include/openjpeg-2.0 (assuming such a directory indeed exists and contains the necessary .h files.)17:10.31 
Guest91436 ivanshmakov: hmm, wasn't able to resolve the problem. I tried using -I/usr/include/openjpeg-2.0, and even tried pointing that symlink to be "/usr/include/openjpeg.h -> /usr/include/openjpeg-2.0/openjpeg.h" but still having the same issue17:18.15 
ivanshmakov Guest91436: Did you re-build the code completely anew?17:19.52 
Guest91436 ivanshmakov: i rebuilt zathura-pdf-mupdf (the source that creates and installed it 17:20.57 
ivanshmakov Guest91436: It may be better to remove the symlink altogether while troubleshooting this issue. FWIW, the lack of the symlink may provoke errors at build-time, if that ‘-I’ somehow gets missed by the build process.17:21.29 
Guest91436 ivanshmakov: ok, I removed the symlink, and rebuilt/reinstalled. there were no compile errors, so it appears that the '-I' worked okay, but the issue remains17:24.35 
ivanshmakov Guest91436: At this point, I’d check the mtime for /usr/lib/zathura/, and also run $ grep -rlF -- opj_stream_set_user_data_length over the build directory.17:26.42 
  (To see if really got replaced, that is.)17:27.04 
Guest91436 ivanshmakov: interestingly, even if I remove that "-I", it still compiles. I checked the mtime for /usr/lib/zathura/ and its recent (just a couple of minutes ago)17:28.50 
  ivanshmakov: the grep command just returns pdf.so17:29.36 
ivanshmakov Guest91436: Is that in your build directory? There, the reference should’ve been brought from an .o file, so Grep should’ve found that one just as well.17:31.14 
Guest91436 ivanshmakov: I also ran "find /usr -name "openjpeg.h" " to see if the compiler was finding one somewhere else, and the only two openjpeg.h files are in /usr/include/openjpeg-1.5 and /usr/include/openjpeg-2.017:31.34 
  ivanshmakov: yes, that's in the build dir with all of the .o files, and it was only found in pdf.so17:32.28 
ivanshmakov Guest91436: Is that also recent?17:32.45 
Guest91436 ivanshmakov: yes it is17:34.42 
ivanshmakov Guest91436: It’s possible that the code actually knows that .h by a different name; did you check if there indeed are any ‘#include <openjpeg.h>’ lines in the code?17:34.53 
  Guest91436: Frankly, I have no idea how a ‘.so’ may reference a function while the ‘.o’s it’s linked from lack such a reference.17:35.58 
Guest91436 ivanshmakov: yes I'm confused too, I ran "grep -rlF openjpeg.h", and it also appears only in is it possible that's dependence on opj_stream_set_user_data_length is coming from the mupdf library? (not sure if that even makes sense)17:38.17 
ivanshmakov Guest91436: It’s certainly possible. You can run $ ldd on the MuPDF .so to check it out, BTW.17:40.04 
Guest91436 ivanshmakov: I don't have a mupdf .so, just a libmupdf.a. is that a problem?17:42.01 
ivanshmakov Guest91436: Well, you can run grep over .a; ldd is specific to .so, though.17:43.16 
Guest91436 ivanshmakov: it appears that mupdf is building its own libopenjpeg.a, and it contains opj_stream_set_user_data_length17:46.40 
  ivanshmakov: by the way, I also built mupdf from source17:46.52 
ivanshmakov Guest91436: “Contains” as in “there’s ‘t opj_stream_set_user_data_length’ somewhere in the $ nm -- libopenjpeg.a output”?17:48.32 
  Guest91436: If at all possible, I’d try to force MuPDF to use the system version of the library.17:49.20 
Guest91436 ivanshmakov: sorry, by contains I meaned I grep'ed opj_stream_set_user_data_length, and it appeared in libopenjpeg.a (and libmupdf.a, and some .o files)17:50.45 
ivanshmakov Guest91436: If you can, try to make MuPDF use the system version of 
Guest91436 ivanshmakov: I tried using mupdf from the official repos, but I think it was an old version, because it didn't have files like mupdf/pdf.h and mupdf/fitz.h in /usr/include 17:52.42 
  ivanshmakov: ok, I'm not sure off hand how to do that though17:53.29 
ivanshmakov Guest91436: Did you install the respective -devel package? (Did it have /any/ .h files under /usr/include/mupdf?)17:53.31 
Guest91436 ivanshmakov: yes, i had the -devel package, and it had .h files but they weren't the same structure as the ones called for in zathura-pdf-mupdf17:54.17 
  ivanshmakov: so I'm assuming it was an older version17:54.29 
ivanshmakov Guest91436: My guess is that libmupdf.a you’ve got is linked against OpenJPEG 1, while the Zathura is linked to OpenJPEG 2 /and/ (indirectly, via libmupdf.a) to OpenJPEG 1, – which /means/ trouble.17:54.58 
  Guest91436: ACK.17:55.03 
  Guest91436: You may try to temporarily remove (rename) thirdparty/openjpeg/libopenjpeg/CMakeLists.txt while building MuPDF, BTW.17:58.55 
Guest91436 ivanshmakov: ok, trying that now. what does CMakeLists.txt do btw?17:59.57 
ivanshmakov Guest91436: No idea; something related to CMake, presumably (if CMake is indeed used to build the OpenJPEG library.)18:00.44 
Guest91436 ivanshmakov: ok. now when i try to make mupdf it complains that it can't find package libopenjp2 and that I should add the directroy containing libopenjp2.pc to PKG_CONFIG_PATH. I don't think I have libopenjp2.pc though...18:02.07 
ivanshmakov Guest91436: I guess it may be called openjpeg2.pc or something like that in your system; check /usr/lib/pkgconfig.18:05.03 
Guest91436 ivanshmakov: i'll try changing libopenjp2 to libopenjpeg in the mupdf Makerules18:05.16 
ivanshmakov Guest91436: Either that or symlink the existing file to the non-existing alias MuPDF refers to.18:05.49 
Guest91436 ivanshmakov:ok, I'm not sure what a .pc file is though18:06.56 
  ivanshmakov: yikes, mupdf doesn't appear to be compatible with the system openjpeg, i get all kinds of errors like "unknown type name OPJ_SIZE_T"18:09.16 
  ivanshmakov: when trying to compile, that is18:09.34 
ivanshmakov Guest91436: A .pc file lists the compiler and linker flags necessary to link against some library. As that generally boils down to -lLIBRARYNAME /and/ that these library names tend to differ just the same as the .pc file names do, – I’d say that’s not exactly an effective measure to simplify builds.18:09.39 
  Guest91436: A similar issue was found and resolved in The bug report doesn’t mention the details or the patch, though.18:13.19 
Guest91436 ivanshmakov: ah ok, thanks. perhaps I should try to link zathura-pdf-mupdf to the version of openjpeg used in mupdf rather than try to get both to link to my system ones?18:13.54 
ivanshmakov Guest91436: Makes sense, yes.18:14.23 
  Guest91436: Then you’d need to point your zathura-pdf-mupdf building process at the directories the respective .h (-I) and .a (-L) files reside under.18:15.02 
Guest91436 ivanshmakov: ok. it looks like mupdf doesn't build a .a for openjpeg by default though, I'll have to figure out how to do that18:19.34 
ivanshmakov Guest91436: Didn’t you say it earlier that you’ve found libopenjpeg.a under the MuPDF build tree?18:20.43 
  Guest91436: Naturally, would fit just fine, too.18:21.02 
Guest91436 ivanshmakov: sorry, you're right, it has a libopenjpeg.a :)18:23.49 
  ivanshmakov: man... now it's "undefined symbol opj_setup_decoder"18:40.17 
  ivanshmakov: strange though, mupdf's version of openjpeg.h has opj_setup_decoder...18:45.01 
ivanshmakov Guest91436: And what about $ nm -- libopenjpeg.a? Does it list opj_setup_decoder, too?18:46.44 
  Guest91436: Be sure that you’re linking against the intended version of the library, too.18:46.58 
Guest91436 ivanshmakov: nm -- libopenjpeg.a has "0000000000000522 T opj_setup_decoder", so should be there, must be i'm not linking against the intended library. could i check that using ldd on 
ivanshmakov Guest91436: Yes, kind of: if your $ ldd -- output mentions, – it’s linked against the system’s version (perhaps together with the MuPDF OpenJPEG .h files.)18:53.14 
Guest91436 ivanshmakov: ok, even if I remove the "-I" and "-L" from in the zathura-pdf-mupdf dir, it can still compile, so I'm assuming it isn't using the .h and .a from my mupdf source dir. is there a way to ensure that it uses those?18:53.41 
ivanshmakov s/together with/while using/, etc.18:53.42 
  Guest91436: Examine the $ make output carefully; it should show all the ‘gcc’ commands in the plain.18:54.28 
  Guest91436: It’s possible that it compiles both with and without -I, -L because it can use either version of the library, BTW.18:55.15 
Guest91436 ivanshmakov: when i run make, it lists the CFLAGS. none of them have /usr/include/openjpeg, but it still compiles somehow18:59.45 
ivanshmakov Guest91436: Make shows the commands it executes by default. It became somewhat of a trend in the recent years to hide them via Makefile code, but it should be possible to get it back with something like a V=1 option to $ make, or something like that.19:02.59 
  Guest91436: The build systems differ somewhat when it comes to the variable names; for instance, the -I options are commonly to CPPFLAGS, – not CFLAGS.19:03.51 
  (Especially if there’re some other languages that use the C preprocessor in the build.)19:04.59 
  Guest91436: Anyway, does get mentioned in the $ ldd -- output?19:05.52 
Guest91436 ivanshmakov: ok, I set VERBOSE ?= 1 , and now it outputs a bunch of cc commands19:06.13 
ivanshmakov Guest91436: Are the relevant -I, -L options indeed passed correctly?19:06.55 
Guest91436 ivanshmakov: none of them have a -I for openjpeg though, and yet it still compiles. I'll try putting the path to the .h and .a and see if they appear there19:07.16 
  ivanshmakov: ok, the paths I specified are now there. btw, should I be using -l or -L?19:08.53 
ivanshmakov Guest91436: -l gives the “base name” of the file, and -L gives the directory.19:14.56 
  Guest91436: Say, for linking against /where/is/, you use -lfoo -L/where/is.19:15.16 
  Guest91436: That part about openjpeg.h is strange, though.19:15.48 
Guest91436 ivanshmakov: oops, I had included the file name in my -L command. fixed that and now zathura-pdf-mupdf works!!19:24.19 
  ivanshmakov: thank you so much for your time. I never would have figured this out on my own. learned a lot from you :)19:24.36 
ivanshmakov Guest91436: You’re welcome.19:29.57 
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