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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2014/09/24)2014/09/25 
marky_ Does anyone know if ghostscript is supposed to use return codes on linux ($?) at all? I don't seem to get any and can't seem to find anywhere that says it should.00:59.43 
norbertj rayjj: for the logs, did you have a look at the attachment in 694750 (remember multithread-capability)?07:36.21 
  rayjj: another peculiarity: in gxclthrd.c teardown_device_and_mem_for_thread(), lines430-444. if (bfile != NULL) then fclose(cfile) !!!! and vice-versa. Is this intentional?07:37.55 
dreamer ohai08:18.58 
  we are having a bunch of issues with a TTF and before I bug the makers of the font I'd like to know if there are some things I can figure out beforehand08:19.55 
  the font is called Lato and ghostscript gives me the following error: GPL Ghostscript 9.07: Failed to interpret TT instructions in font Lato-RegularFID126HGSet2. Continue ignoring instructions of the font.08:20.15 
kens Well, you can run various tools on fht font. Microsoft's font validation tool is one route08:20.27 
dreamer nothing on *NIX?08:21.01 
kens First hting I would suggest is you use an ip to dat eversion of Ghostscript, 9.07 is not the latest08:21.11 
  Current version is 9.1508:21.21 
chrisl_r500 dreamer: how does the font render? Usually ignoring the TT hinting instructions is pretty benign08:21.57 
kens On Linux you can use FontForge, but its not strictly a validation tool and may silently fix problems.08:22.01 
dreamer we've tried on newer versions as well. this happens to be on Xubuntu 13.04, but 14.04 was tried as well (uses 9.10 .. also not newest I see)08:22.13 
kens No0, not even close08:22.21 
  You could open a bug report, we're probably better placed to investiate such problems08:22.51 
dreamer chrisl_r500: so, using it in libreoffice atm. looks fine on the screen. a pdf looks fine as well, but our printers die on it. unless we print with adobe-reader08:22.52 
  printing from windows seems to work as well, but our organisation mostly uses linux08:23.05 
  this error is when I export to .ps from libreoffice, then run ps2pdf on the file08:23.30 
chrisl_r500 What you put above is not an error, it's a warning.....08:23.53 
kens Indeed08:24.01 
  chrisl : I thought you were on holiday today......08:24.23 
chrisl_r500 Just making up for time I missed yesterday - finishing in six minutes......08:24.52 
kens :-)08:25.01 
dreamer chrisl_r500: ah indeed, there is output I now see. looks fine, but I can't print it.08:25.20 
kens dreamer : Then there could be several problems. What kind of printers are you using ? Are you using CUPS to print to them ? What errors do you get form the pritners ?08:26.03 
dreamer ok, tis early here .. I'm obviously not completely awake so going at this the wrong way: we think that our print-issues have something to do with this warning, as it relates to the specific font that is giving problems. now I'd like to find out why we get this warning08:26.05 
chrisl_r500 Well, it does sound like the font is broken - if your printer and freetype can't interpret the instructions, it's probably broken08:26.08 
dreamer kens: cups, the printers don't even recieve the document08:26.24 
  cups doesn't give any errors08:26.29 
  it claims to have printed the docs08:26.37 
kens Hmm, sounds like you might do better starting with debugging cups08:26.41 
dreamer we only get it with this specific font08:27.01 
kens Probably CUPS is using Ghostscript to either render the files, or convert them to a pritner format (eg PostScript).08:27.34 
chrisl_r500 dreamer: You can try things like ftlint and ftdump from freetype - they might help you track down the problem08:27.45 
kens You are going to need to start by finding out what CUPS is doing08:27.45 
  If you have a PostScript printer, you cna try printing the PostScript you produced by sending it directly to the printer.08:28.50 
dreamer my colleague has tried using a different driver for our printers and then does get paper out of the printer with the message 'error: invalidfont offending command: awidthshow'08:29.32 
  so, meh08:29.37 
  chrisl_r500: I'll look in to those. thnx08:29.43 
kens Well, that tells you the font is broken08:29.45 
  Its a bit difficutl to discuss this in such vague terms. When we talk about this we need to know what Page Description Language the printer accepts (ESC/P, PostScript, PDF, PCL, XPS etc) what PDL you are sending to the printer, how the file was produced, and how you are sending it.08:31.02 
  'a different driver' doesn't tell us much08:31.22 
dreamer kens: yeah sorry. I don't know all these specific things atm. just wanted to know what this warning was08:31.39 
kens THe warning is just that, a warning. But interpreters differ, and sometimes we ignore things that other interpreters might choose not to.08:32.11 
  FWIW it does sound like your font has a problem08:32.21 
dreamer uhuh, looking at ftlint and ftdump now08:32.32 
chrisl_r500 dreamer: Fonts have a concept called "hinting" which is intended to give "hints" to renders to improve display, mainly at low resolutions or very small text sizes.08:33.03 
dreamer chrisl_r500: how do I use ftlint?08:33.19 
chrisl_r500 dreamer: read the manual? It's not something I use08:33.46 
dreamer No manual entry for ftlint08:33.59 
chrisl_r500 ftlint: Usage: ftlint ppem fontname[.ttf|.ttc] [fontname2..]08:34.41 
dreamer yes, I have no idea what 'ppem' is08:35.22 
chrisl_r500 An integer - it's the size it will use to test08:35.57 
kens Grr, network hiccuped....08:36.51 
dreamer chrisl_r500: tried a bunch. all say 'Lato-Regular.ttf: OK.'08:37.25 
kens dreamer : If you make a copy of the font available to me I can run it through the MS font validation tool and send you a report08:37.32 
chrisl_r500 As I was saying, hinting: truetype does hinting using a bytecode program which the renderer can choose to interpret or not. The warning you get from Ghostscript says we've tried to execute the bytecode program, and it has caused an error. So we'll carry on without it08:37.54 
kens (assuming I cna find my copy of the tool)08:38.01 
dreamer kens: 
kens OK give me a minute, I found the tool08:39.03 
dreamer cool08:39.08 
chrisl Hrm, okay, simply moving the file names into heap memory doesn't solve the Windows performance problem - I'll need to pick up again tomorrow.....08:39.15 
kens bb chrisl08:39.23 
  THe font has a few warnings, a few errors, at least one is essentially catastrophic, one of the gl;yphs has intersecting contours08:41.32 
  Oh and the GASP table is incorrect08:41.44 
dreamer hmmm08:41.49 
  I don't know what these things mean, but it sounds bad08:41.58 
kens *lots* of glyphs with the same problems08:42.09 
  THe HEAD tbale has some problems too (unitsperem is invalid)08:42.26 
  Now, how do I save this report.....08:42.38 
dreamer what is the tool you used?08:43.04 
  maybe it works under wine?08:43.09 
kens MS FOnt Validator08:43.13 
  Probably it works on wine yes08:43.20 
  Oh, the rasterisation tests might not, they may depend on the MS TT font rasteriser08:43.36 
  I'll try08:44.34 
kens Well if they say it works....08:45.35 
dreamer 'bronze' status08:45.43 
kens Probably good enough ofr your purposes, you can always tunr off the rasterisation tests08:46.00 
  Ah, here's the puppy08:46.18 
dreamer it installs, but doesn't run. meh08:46.27 
kens During the rasterisation tests, there was an exception 'CVT number out of range' CVT = Control Value Table, and is vital for hinting08:46.50 
  So, basically, the font is broken08:47.04 
dreamer uhg08:47.10 
  I'll send an email to the developers08:47.17 
kens GS gets away with it by ignoring the broken hinting08:47.22 
  Other interpreters may or may not do so08:47.32 
dreamer and talk to the colleagues that thought it was a good idea to use this font in the new house-style ..08:47.48 
kens THe trouble is that if you ignore this kind of error the output may be incorrect, many users would prefer an error to incorrect output, especially if it involves printing thousands of glossy brochures and not finding out there's a problem till the customer complains.....08:48.28 
dreamer we have seen prints where the kerning was off08:49.01 
kens Bear with me a couple of minutes, I'm just trying to get a report out08:49.06 
dreamer so that could be related to the broken hinting08:49.07 
  cool, that would be nice08:49.16 
kens Possibly, 'hinting' in TrueType is a bit more than in other font technologies and font foundries have been known to abuse it08:49.36 
  Aha I have a PDF file, can I email it to you ? (obfuscate your address or go private chat so its not picked up by scammers)08:51.19 
dreamer hah08:51.35 
  you can dcc it ;)08:51.40 
kens Umm, maybe.08:51.46 
dreamer I'll pm my mail08:51.51 
kens OK that's easier08:51.57 
  (for me)08:52.02 
dreamer hmm, just downloaded the font again from their site. and all the filesizes are different .. maybe they secretly did a bug-fix ..08:52.28 
kens THat's possible of course, amybe someone else complained08:53.16 
dreamer hah, and no more warning in ghostscript .. this is eerie :P08:54.04 
  let me send you the same font08:54.09 
kens OK go ahead, the original report is on its way08:54.19 
kens Hmm, well it gets much further, its actually rasterising the glyphs this time08:56.16 
kens should have limited the sizes before starting08:56.53 
dreamer heh08:57.36 
kens Its up to 15 point now08:57.52 
  I don't recall how far it goes08:58.05 
  I'd have to say the fact that it actually rasterises indicates that its definitely a changed font, and probably been fixed. You may be able to use this version without problems08:58.55 
  Sigh 25 point and counting08:59.49 
  I'd cancel it but I'm not sure that ouwld stop the whole validation09:00.07 
  I cancelled it it was going to test 4-72 at 1 point increments, I don't have all day :-)09:02.07 
  There are some warnings, but they are OK, some Unicode error, but that's not important (a range with no glyphs in it)09:03.15 
  Still a GASP error (wrong version number, and some invalid flags)09:03.38 
  Contour intersections are fixed09:03.52 
  Yes, its generally much better09:04.13 
  dreamer : second report on its way, the font looks OK to me this time09:05.44 
dreamer sweet. thnx09:06.37 
  what a suprise :')09:06.43 
kens I guess osmeone already told them their font was broken09:06.54 
dreamer kens: uhuh. must've happened in the last few months. good thing I bothered to look haha09:08.24 
kens :-)09:08.29 
dreamer I'll see if it's worth it to send your new report as well, if there are more errors in there09:08.39 
kens If you'd complained they'd probably just have told you it was fixed, so no big deal I guess09:08.48 
  There are errors and warnings, but they are pretty much harmless, I've seen fonts from MS bundled in Windows with more warnings than that. Its a pretty picky tool09:09.29 
  Which is why I use it of course :-)09:09.41 
dreamer hah09:09.49 
  too bad it doesn't run with wine09:10.01 
kens Yeah that's a shame09:10.08 
  I'd guess its the rasterisation that breaks it09:10.31 
dreamer well thnx a lot for helping with this :)09:13.15 
kens NP09:13.19 
dreamer I see you develop MuPDF. was using that recently on my netbook :)09:13.37 
kens Not me personally, but the MuPDF developers are here too :-)09:13.53 
dreamer well ok, good busy anyway09:14.05 
kens well, one of them is at the moment09:14.08 
  Robin_Watts : your email thread, they could insist on PDF/A files, that includes all fonts09:15.20 
  But I'd guess your comment is correct anyway :-D09:15.55 
amyn I have an application developed in Visual Studio 2010 (C#/C++). In that application, I want to add the functionality of converting PDF to Images. Currently what my application does is run the following command using Process Class in C#.11:04.07 
  "gs9.14\\bin\\gswin32c -Igs9.14\\lib;fonts -dSAFER -dNumRenderingThreads=2 -dBATCH -dUseCropBox -dNOPAUSE -sPDFPassword=\"\" -sDEVICE=png16m -r200 -sOutputFile=\"output\" >> \"output\\conv.tmp\" 2>> \"output\\conv.err\" " 11:04.12 
  this is time consuming as i have to start the Process again and again for different files. so now i am planning to embed ghostscript with my application11:05.11 
kens You are aware of the AGPL restrictions ? Is your application going to be open source ?11:05.37 
amyn i only us the above command so can any one tell me on how to go further with embedding GS with my application?11:05.57 
kens You need to use the GS API11:06.11 
  Are you planning on using the DLL or a static library ?11:06.32 
amyn Regarding the license, the application is for a comany. they will be using it for their internal computers only. it will not be sold to anyone else. it will be used internally only11:06.44 
  what would you suggest? what would be less time consuming and easy to understand and implement?11:07.06 
kens Either way you should read api.htm, and look at the existing Ghostscript code on Windows, which already uses the Ghostscript DLL11:07.20 
amyn i prefer using C# but i can use C++ too11:07.21 
kens I have no clue how to interface C# to a DLL11:07.49 
  With C++ you cna use the import library and you then will need to decalre the interface functions as 'C' I htink.11:08.17 
amyn oh ok i see. by any chance do u have a simple code 1 or 2 lines which is similar to running a basic command on gswin32c11:09.14 
kens There is no such sample code, the interface is not so simple.11:09.39 
  You need to at the least execute gsapi_new_instance and gs_api_init_with_args tehn you will need one or more of gs_run_string_begin, gs_api_run_string_continue, gs_api_run_string_end or gs_api_run_string_with_length or gs_api_run_string or gs_api_run_file11:11.04 
  On exit you will need gsapi_delete_instance and gsapi_exit11:11.29 
  You will probably want gsapi_set_stdio so you can see the back channel (stdout and stderr)11:11.56 
  You may want gsapi_set_poll so that you application remains responsive (or you may choose to run Ghostscript in a separate thread)11:12.46 
amyn ok before discussing further, do you think make this change would increase speed in any way? considering now i wont have to create a Process(which actually just runs the command prompt) again and again11:12.55 
kens Its definitely faster to run in job server mode11:13.07 
  THat is, without continually tearing down the interpreter and restarting it11:13.20 
  THere is an overhead of several seconds on starting up GS11:13.32 
  But that's all you gain11:13.55 
amyn so basically if my application is not restarting, this new technique would increase the speed (even if its by a small factor)?11:14.38 
kens Yes. Its quicker by several seconds to not close down and restart11:15.02 
amyn so all i will need is the gsdll32.dll file which i can import in a C++ project and then with the help of api.htm, i can achieve my task11:16.14 
kens Well you have to implement some code to do this, but technically yes11:16.45 
  As I said, the existing gswin32/gswin32c executables already use the DLL and the API11:17.06 
amyn just an estimate, if i just want to convert a pdf to images(only the above command i want to use), how much code will I have to write? and if i give enough time and dedication, is it easy to understand and implement?11:17.46 
  yes but rather then running those executables each time i want to convert, i want to make it a part of the application and move further11:18.29 
kens It doesn't matter what you want to do, the amount of code you require to interface to Ghostscript is roughly the same. I can't answer whether *you* will find it easy to implement. I suspect that you may find it tricky as the existing code is all written in plain old C. It will depend how well you can understnad the existing code.11:19.17 
  The point about the existing code using the DLL is that you can rebuild the executable yourelf, in debug mode. Reading the code and stepping through the exacutable should give you a good insight into how the existing code works. You will need to replicate at least some of the same functionality.11:20.14 
amyn well if i just create an empty project in C++, import the dll and write the code example in api.htm (4.1), it should work straight away?11:21.02 
kens I would imagine so, it's a start at least11:21.33 
  Note that there are several different examples in there11:21.51 
amyn so looks like to me this would be tricky but not time consuming. the example is written nicely and somewhat self explanatory11:22.45 
kens Note that you should be able to use the gsdll32.lib import library to ease the task of linking to the DLL. I htink we probably should consider adding a header file with teh declarations too. I wonder if they are in gsapi.h11:24.03 
  Looks like iapi.h is the relevant header file11:25.56 
  It declares all the DLL interface routines11:26.08 
kens lunches11:31.22 
meluha hi11:35.37 
ghostbot Welcome to #ghostscript, the channel for Ghostscript and MuPDF. If you have a question, please ask it, don't ask to ask it. Do be prepared to wait for a reply as devs will check the logs and reply when they come on line.11:35.37 
meluha Is there any efforts going on to make use of GPU in Ghostscript processing?11:35.47 
amyn can I use this and use C# with gsdll32.dll?11:56.38 
tor8 meluha: no. there is an experimental branch to make use of the GPU in MuPDF processing though.11:57.30 
kens amyn : I have no idea12:04.49 
  I know nothing about C#12:05.01 
amyn can u tell me how do u include .dll in C++?12:07.15 
kens I don't, I use C. However the Windows API call LoadLibrarayEx would be my first choice. Again I have no idea how/if you cna do that in C#12:07.58 
tor8 nice bash exploit :(12:09.10 
meluha tor8: where can I look for that branch?12:09.12 
kens tor8 yeah, that's a real big booboo there :-(12:09.28 
  Makes Heartbleed look minor12:09.37 
tor8 meluha:;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/opengl212:09.40 
meluha tor8: thank you12:10.33 
amyn +kens: thanks. i will look into it futher12:12.30 
kens Oh, I was about to ask if he'd looked at Ghostscript.NET......12:14.10 
  LOL turns out he asked on Stack Overflow so I was able to answer it there :-)12:19.07 
Robin_Watts kens: I pointed him at Ghostscript.NET yesterday.12:21.00 
kens Aha, then he already knows, thanks Robin_Watts12:21.11 
tor8 marcosw1: (for the logs) could you please add MuJS to the list of products in Bugzilla?12:21.58 
Robin_Watts He's on here asking a lot of questions, wasting a lot of our time, and is determined not to consider a commercial license for the bank he is working for, so I've lost interest in trying to help him.12:22.01 
kens Robin_Watts : yes, pretty much how I feel.12:22.16 
amyn +kens: i am back as soon as i saw your reply on stackoverflow12:29.18 
kens Well, I was simply going to suggest that you try Ghostscript.NET12:29.47 
  Which I believe is a C# implementation around the Ghostscript DLL.12:30.08 
amyn i have already gone over that but am not sure if that fulfills those requirements that I am looking for12:30.52 
kens Well if it doesn't, I very much doubt you are going to find anything which does12:31.15 
amyn on the Codeplex page, there are examples but it would be better to have a list of functions that it supports12:31.26 
kens You oculd ask the developer12:31.39 
amyn ok i am asking the developer. but as far as i can see in the code, i cannot find the option to convert pdf to tiff image using ccitg4 compression12:43.44 
jhabjan amyn: what exactly are you trying to achieve?12:48.21 
amyn i want to convert a pdf to image which should be in tiff format. and to reduce the size of the output images i want to use ccitg4 compression12:49.06 
jhabjan amyn; Ghostscript.NET allows you to pass parameters exactly like you would do it via command line12:49.07 
amyn to achieve this now, i run the following command on gswin32c12:49.33 
  gs9.14\\bin\\gswin32c -Igs9.14\\lib;fonts -dSAFER -dNumRenderingThreads=2 -dBATCH -dUseCropBox -dNOPAUSE -sPDFPassword=\"\" -sDEVICE=tiffg4 -r300 -sOutputFile=\"output\"12:49.43 
  how would i do the above in Ghostscript.Net?12:49.54 
kens tor8 I just tried 2 intersecting annotations in Acrobat. THey don't get fainter, and the intersection is the combination of the 2. That is, I highlighted one in cyan and one in yellow, the intersection is red12:50.18 
  Of course, because Acrobat writea na Appearance, this works when rendered in other tools12:50.41 
jhabjan amyn: take a look at the: 
  amyn: simply list your parameters like the ones in the example I provided12:51.55 
amyn i think this is what i was looking for. can u tell me if i use instead of using process class in c# and running the process for each pdf file, would there be difference in speed?12:52.33 
kens tor8 NB that both GS and MuPDF redner the Acrobat annotations correctly, even though the appearance streams are both transparent, which sort of, maybe, does indicate a problem in MuPDF.....12:53.15 
amyn jhabjan: also, if i create a new empty project in vs2010, what references would i have to add and how in order to be able to run the example code that u provided above?12:54.26 
kens Oh interesting, I added a 3rd highlight, in green, and now the intersection has gone 100% black....12:54.35 
jhabjan amyn: Ghostscript.NET is simply a wrapper for the native ghostscript library, I'm not sure for the speed difference between starting a process and dll call12:57.27 
kens jhabjan, he wants to start Ghostscript up, then run jobs one at a time, without restarting Ghostscript. That is, job server mode.12:58.09 
jhabjan amyn: you can use nuget to install Ghostscript.NET in Visual Studio Project12:58.11 
amyn in does your code simply run the desired command on command prompt and returns the output or is there something else?12:58.17 
jhabjan amyn: Ghostscript.NET uses API functions exposed by the native Ghostscript library. There is no command lines calls there.13:00.44 
kens tor8 So if I remove the appearance streams, Ghostscript still draws the same result as Acrobat. TO me that does suggest a problem with the MuPDF appearance stream generation or rendering13:00.59 
amyn jhabjan: then i guess Ghostscript.NET would be a little faster since there is a overhead when we execute gswin32c on command line each time13:01.43 
jhabjan amyn: could be13:02.59 
amyn great. thanks a lot :)13:03.17 
jhabjan +kens: yep, either that or run multiple instances at a same time...13:04.21 
kens what ? Me ?13:04.45 
tor8 kens: yeah. it could be either the choice of blending mode, or lack of merging the annotations, when mupdf generates the highlight annotations.13:05.06 
kens tor8 I have to say I'm not certain, but the appearance streams generated by Acrobat look fine. I know how the appearance streams are generated by Ghostscript when they are missing, and those seem to render just fine too. Both cases use transparent objects. So my guess is something 'odd' about the way that paul is doing the annotations. Of course, I can't try it myself.....13:06.33 
  For certain Ghostscript doesn't mege the annotations when generating the appearances, it just draws each annotation as it encounters it, so the second one will be impacted byt hte result of drawing the first.13:07.21 
tor8 kens: yet one more reason to get that minimal x11/win32 viewer to do annotation editing...13:07.24 
kens I guess I'd appreciate that :-)13:07.46 
paulgardiner The blending mode used in highlight annotations is wrong. We have a user looking at that around the time I stopped working in MuPDF.13:13.21 
  I thought he produced a patch13:13.35 
kens Ah, well that might explain the problem13:13.41 
  GS and Acrobat use a Multiply blending mode13:14.04 
kens thought paul was out today too......13:14.33 
paulgardiner Last minute change of plan13:14.47 
mvrhel_laptop good morning15:20.16 
Robin_Watts Morning mvrhel_laptop 15:20.23 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: what day do you fly out?15:21.04 
Robin_Watts Next wednesday.15:22.02 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: all the code looks good I'd like to have marcos set up regression testing though.15:22.04 
mvrhel_laptop henrys: yes. that would be a good idea.15:22.15 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: are you going early to see your folks?15:22.25 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: ie I can see a lot more potential for problems vs. the rectangles.15:22.28 
mvrhel_laptop I would like to see the pdf fts tests pushed through the xpswrite device15:22.38 
  is there an easy way for me to use the clusters to do that and look at the result?15:23.04 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: Not an easy way.15:23.23 
mvrhel_laptop ok. I will set up something here this weekend and have a look15:23.34 
Robin_Watts You *could* hack xpswrite to be called pdfwrite, and pdfwrite to be called something else, and then push that.15:23.47 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: let's ask marcos to do it.15:23.49 
  mvrhel_laptop: if we are going to get serious about this device it needs to be supported by the regression tools15:24.21 
mvrhel_laptop henrys: yes I agree15:24.31 
Robin_Watts Then the standard testing of pdfwrite would test xpswrite instead and it'd report differences from that.15:24.34 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: the set up is identical to pdfwrite. 15:24.43 
Robin_Watts but setting it up for longer term testing seems better.15:24.46 
  I can probably tweak the cluster so that it always tests xpswrite if you want.15:25.20 
henrys except gxps will be used to make the rasters not gs15:25.23 
Robin_Watts oh, hmm, yeah.15:25.37 
mvrhel_laptop yes. that is how we would want it15:25.41 
henrys the only concern I have is if we have files that will take forever, so first go should be an overnight that doesn't drag down the cluster15:26.27 
mvrhel_laptop henrys: I agree with that. I was thinking that for now, lets just do the pdf fts tests15:26.49 
  there are going to be a pile of issues15:26.55 
  I suspect15:27.00 
  I have some ideas about how we can deal with transparency. I am not going to spend much time on this but I may play with it a bit15:27.37 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: I'll send mail to marcosw1 and reference this irc discussion and we'll see how we get on.15:27.39 
mvrhel_laptop ok15:27.44 
  henrys: I am flying out Saturday to spend a couple days with my folks before the staff meeting, so my hours will likely be a bit shifted15:28.46 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: is it your read MS is going to stick it out with XPS? It isn't being adapted elsewhere and even they aren't doing anything with it?15:29.07 
  mvrhel_laptop: oh I fly saturday too.15:29.42 
mvrhel_laptop henrys: as I understand it, they like this solution for the print pipeline. but with them who knows. there is 0 work/support going on in the area15:29.58 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: Presumably you'll be back in Chicago Wednesday evening?15:35.16 
  We land at 13:35, so we'll be around for food in the evening if you want to meet up.15:35.51 
mvrhel_laptop I think any dreams they had of xps being like pdf are long gone. I was bummed to see that they added a pdf rendering in windows 8.1 and we somehow missed that potential chance15:38.24 
  Robin_Watts: yes. I will be back Wed afternoon 15:38.42 
  dinner would be great15:38.50 
henrys Robin_Watts, mvrhel_laptop oh you guys aren't going to rush over and enjoy the last day of the show ;-)15:40.25 
mvrhel_laptop oh. is the show before the meeting?15:40.44 
  henrys: does the show end wed?15:41.04 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: yup15:41.13 
Robin_Watts By the time we clear customs/immigration, get to hotel, shower, and get into downtown I think we'd be too late.15:41.43 
mvrhel_laptop I guess I could swing by there. I actually will be returning car to midway and then riding the EL downtown and out to Ohare15:41.48 
Robin_Watts (Phew, think I got away with that one)15:41.51 
kens thoguth the show was after the meeting, ah well15:42.12 
mvrhel_laptop but this all depends upon traffic etc15:42.20 
henrys last thing you want to do is drag your jet lagged selves through that nightmare ...15:42.56 
kens I don't think we could make it before 4 pm anyway, what with all the ocmplications, as Robin says15:43.17 
mvrhel_laptop that is when everyone is already packing it up15:43.35 
  and ready to get out of there15:43.41 
kens Exactly :-)15:43.45 
  Finishes at 3pm ont eh 1st anyway15:44.33 
henrys I've gone through the brochure - just don't see anything interesting going on this year. Seems to get worse each year.15:44.42 
kens I really don't think we could land at 13:35 and get to the hall by 15:0015:44.56 
Robin_Watts Stand 4: BigPrintCorp. Visit our show theatre with Hookers and Blackjack!15:45.28 
kens ROFL Miles will be happy15:45.46 
  Though I think he prefers poker ?15:45.53 
mvrhel_laptop oh 3pm. I doubt I will make it by then15:46.00 
henrys If anybody sees anything they'd like me to "recon" let me know.15:47.26 
jogux mvrhel_laptop : I have some new SOT bugs for you if you have time at some point :-)16:19.55 
mvrhel_laptop jogux; ok. let me come to skype16:20.19 
kens goodnight all16:21.38 
rayjj norbertj: (for the logs). Thanks for spotting the bfile/cfile confusion in gxclthrd.c. I just made that change.16:49.25 
mvrhel_laptop henrys: doing a cluster push just to make sure there are no major goof ups with the xpswrite changes then I will push. 22:00.02 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: why push before marcosw1 has it testing?22:16.57 
mvrhel_laptop henrys: ok. fair enough22:17.13 
  will keep cracking on SOT...22:18.29 
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