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Log of #ghostscript at

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2014/10/02)2014/10/03 
jogux hmm. actually I forget to ask where breakfast actually is :)01:06.30 
paulgardiner_lap In the enclosed square of the hotel that we look over from the lifts01:10.20 
jogux wonders if mupdf is 64bit safe.01:10.27 
robin_watts_mac It is.01:11.00 
  well... on what platform?01:11.18 
  actually, i think it should be safe everywhere.01:11.39 
jogux yeah, it's okay... the 32bit build dies in exactly the same way01:13.05 
  paul: ah, great, thanks :)01:13.24 
  maybe I've broken something (though I've only been fiddling in iOS code)... or xcode6 has. It died in DERROR(typeerror, TypeError) with an access violation for address=0xfffffffc during pdf_new_js.01:16.32 
robin_watts_mac jogux: There are various different implementations of pdf_new_js01:21.26 
  depending on which js engine you are using.01:21.35 
  chrisl recommended the cornetto style ice creams from the gift shop. He was right.01:22.08 
jogux I just pressed run in xcode ;) I'll check more tomorrow, I may have done something stupid.01:22.14 
robin_watts_mac oh, gawd, I have no idea how old the xcode project is.01:22.34 
jogux you really take this 'not dieting on trips' business seriously01:22.42 
robin_watts_mac I set one up years (literally) ago.01:22.48 
  calories in a different time zone don't count.01:22.57 
jogux robin: I'm sure it worked last time I tried it, and that it's what we use to release for the app store :-)01:23.00 
chrisl robin_watts_mac: given how seldom I have ice cream, if I recommend it, it ought to be good...... ;-)01:23.05 
robin_watts_mac oh, sorry, is this the ios build? I deny all responsibility then.01:23.42 
  And my laundry has arrived, so I can go to bed.01:24.06 
jogux yeah, ios :)01:25.38 
  although it seems to have selectable targets for "my mac" in the project. not sure if that is deliberate...01:26.04 
Terminus- hello. i'm trying to use ghostscript to convert pdfs to png. i've tried the -r300 option which is supposed to specify 02:25.44 
  hello. i'm trying to use ghostscript to convert pdfs to png. i've tried the -r300 option which is supposed to make it 300dpi but when i check with identify (imagemagick), it says it's 118.11 dpi. is there anyway to get it to be 300 dpi and adjust print size depending on geometry?02:33.18 
  hmmm... i guess this would be problematic if the geometry isn't divisible by 300 along both the x and y axis.02:35.14 
kens ROFL, Robin_Watts "Flame on!"11:57.37 
robin_watts_mac kens: Just making my case...12:04.26 
reteko hello16:41.16 
ghostbot Welcome to #ghostscript, the channel for Ghostscript and MuPDF. If you have a question, please ask it, don't ask to ask it. Do be prepared to wait for a reply as devs will check the logs and reply when they come on line.16:41.16 
reteko I'm having issues when using pdf2ps 16:41.38 
  the problem occurs when I try to convert a pdf file in landscape16:43.17 
  anybody knows which options should I pass to pdf2ps in order to correctly create the landscape .ps file?16:43.59 
kens reteko, we'll need to see the PDF file, and know which version of Ghostscript you are using16:46.29 
reteko version 9.1516:46.46 
kens You also haven't said what your 'issues' are.16:46.51 
reteko the pdf is in landscape format16:46.57 
  when I convert it using pdf2ps, the ps file turns into portrait format16:47.24 
  therefore some contents of the page are automatically cut16:47.38 
kens I take it you are sending the pOSTsCRIPT TO A PRINTER ?16:48.55 
reteko yes16:49.05 
kens And the printer has landscape media ?16:49.22 
reteko yes16:49.29 
kens Then it should work.16:49.42 
  Assuming the landscape tray is the default one.16:50.02 
reteko if I open the ps file with gsview it shows the document as being portrait16:50.03 
kens reteko haven'stion; whit answered the question as to which version of Ghostscript you are using.16:50.55 
  Yu can't rely on GSView Iin my opinion16:51.08 
  As it will process teh DSC comments16:51.16 
reteko but if I send the ps to the printer, it prints the document as shown in gsview16:51.42 
kens We are all in a meeting at the moment, your best bet is probably to open a bug report and attach the PDF file to it.16:51.56 
  And state what version of Ghostscript you are using16:52.19 
reteko ok, I'll do that16:52.52 
  thanks for you help :)16:52.58 
joelkuiper Hey! 21:51.20 
  So I have a document which I'd like to convert to PDF/A, however the original document has text ... the resulting document doesn't 21:52.20 
  which, albeit probably correct, doesn't sit well with my own archival purposes ... since now I just have images .21:52.40 
  is there a way to avoid this?21:52.48 
robin_watts_mac joelkuiper: What version of gs are you using?21:53.37 
kens joelkuiper sounds like you are using an old version of Ghostscript, but it could be that you have a PDF file which uses fonts in a way which we don't support, or which cannot be embedded in a PDF/A file. Can you post the file where we can look at it please ? Also we need the command line and version of Ghostscript21:57.04 
joelkuiper kens: the file 21:57.50 
kens Might be the CIDFont, code2000, is that the text causing you problems ?21:59.15 
joelkuiper version 9.07, commandline args gs -q -dPARANOIDSAFER -dSAFER -dNOOUTERSAVE -dPDFA=2 -sPDFACompatibilityPolicy=1 -dFastWebView -dUseCIEColor -sProcessColorModel=DeviceCMYK -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=pdfwrite21:59.36 
  kens: could be, it's weird though; it does say it replaced all the fonts with, proper,substitudes ... but the resulting file is just images 22:00.09 
kens Where do you see the problem ? This is a 13 page file....22:00.17 
joelkuiper everywhere, first to last ... this is what I get when I run it 
kens current code (9.15) produces a 1 Mb PDF file which contains fonts.22:03.11 
joelkuiper ah could be that the issue was fixed between 9.07 and 9.15 then, let me check that22:03.35 
kens If you use 9.15 then do not set -dUseCIEColor or -dProcessColorModel. nstead use -sColorConversionStrategy22:04.15 
  Hmm, I think -sPDFACompatabilityPolicy should be -d, not -s22:07.51 
  The docs don't say, which is an oversight, it should be -d I'm fairly sure22:09.11 
joelkuiper it appears the bug was fixed somewhere between 9.07 and 9.15, so that's good!22:12.57 
  makes more sense if was a -d, got the -s from this stackoverflow question 
  but in general the documentation of the flags is ... spotty ;-) 22:14.33 
kens Integers use -d, names use -s, since its an integer I'd suggest -d22:14.36 
  We're travelling at present or I'd check22:14.54 
  documentation is not my strong suit22:15.41 
joelkuiper hehe, it's never fun to do :p it's an excelent piece of software though ... so I have no problem with some digging 22:16.25 
  just checking sColorConversionStrategy=CMYK is correct?22:19.03 
kens -s22:23.47 
  I thnk CMYK is teh correct setting22:24.02 
  Hmm if that throws an error (I hitnk it will) try /CMYK22:24.48 
joelkuiper it didn't, so cool ... in the end it was just running an old version :-) 22:25.15 
  Thanks for all the help! 22:25.19 
kens NP glad to hear its working22:25.29 
kens heads to hotel room22:25.39 
mvrhel_laptop robin_watts_mac: thanks again for the tea. have a great flight back22:39.36 
robin_watts_mac mvrhel_laptop: Np. You too.22:41.15 
marcosw the cost of internets on airplanes has gone down to $2/hour (and you don't need to use the hour all at once). The speed is reasonable at 20 Mbps down though the ping time is ~700 ms and up is only 0.25 Mbps.23:21.22 
  I can even ssh to my machine at home. oddly the lag between typing a character and seeing on the screen isn't that annoying.23:22.32 
joelkuiper marcosw: it's the reason they invented vim ;-) 23:47.16 
  marcosw: or ed, vi ... rather. The idea to create a language for manipulation over /really/ slow connections 23:47.51 
marcosw joelkuiper: yes, I remember using 1200 baud modems...23:48.49 
joelkuiper marcosw: hehe good times, sometimes it seems that all the old is new again with "mobile" 23:49.35 
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