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 <<<Back 1 day (to 2014/10/03)2014/10/04 
sebras_ tor5: tor8: I think he wants to call mujs from c# and wants you to provide an example of how to do it.07:24.16 
lhf I get this error compiling muPDF 1.6:12:56.08 
  scripts/../source/fitz/ftoa.c:30:23: error: redefinition of typedef 'ulong' 12:56.15 
  Apple clang version 3.1 (tags/Apple/clang-318.0.54) (based on LLVM 3.1svn)12:56.36 
robin_watts_mac lhf: Should be easy enough to patch around. Thanks for telling us.12:59.25 
lhf I used "make -k CC=cc AR=ar RANLIB_CMD=true" because I don't have full Xcode, just the command line programs.13:00.24 
  scripts/../source/fitz/strtod.c:30:23: note: previous definition is here13:00.39 
jogux lhf: hm, interesting - I get that building in xcode, but it's a warning rather than an error.13:01.22 
robin_watts_mac eh?13:01.37 
lhf I guess -Wtypedef-redefinition is defined by default in cc but not in Xcode.13:01.50 
jogux hm, no, actually I get a slightly different warning about ulong.13:01.52 
robin_watts_mac How are you getting both those files in the same compilation unit?13:02.17 
jogux hm. I have clang 6.0 installed. I guess 3.1 is fairly old?13:03.26 
lhf robin_watts_mac: I get that here: In file included from scripts/cmapdump.c:19:13:03.58 
robin_watts_mac right, but ftoa.c and strtod.c are separate c files.13:04.10 
  So we need a little #ifndef DEFINED_ULONG #define DEFINED_ULONG ... #endif in each file.13:05.08 
  lhf: Wrap the definition of ulong in each file with that, and you'll be sorted.13:05.54 
  I need a shower to dry out/warm up.13:06.18 
lhf thanks for looking into it. and for mupdf!13:10.39 
  this hack worked:13:13.27 
  #include "../source/fitz/strtod.c" #define ulong myulong #include "../source/fitz/ftoa.c"13:13.28 
  in cmapdump.c13:13.40 
jogux sticks a commit to fix it like Robin suggested on my repo. I guess I need someone to add a symlink to /home/git/user to my repos.13:18.44 
josh8 Hi. I want to crop a pdf file with gs. I have tried those commands:17:56.12 
  gs -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -o cropped.pdf -c "[/CropBox [70 103 490 682] /PAGES pdfmark" -f p6.pdf17:56.21 
  gs -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dDEVICEWIDTHPOINTS=595 -dDEVICEHEIGHTPOINTS=842 -dFIXEDMEDIA -c "70 103 translate 0 0 490 682 rectclip" -o cropped.pdf -f p6.pdf17:56.32 
  But with both commands, the cropped area is still present in the file and is also shown in evince. How can I truely remove the cropped parts, not just set a CropBox?17:57.42 
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