IRC Logs

Log of #ghostscript at

 <<<Back 1 day (to 2014/10/06)2014/10/07 
Lolxdnub Test07:14.59 
jogux_ is still knackered. but at least I had first decent nights sleep in about 5 days.10:29.03 
kens I slept about 10 hours last night, still feel tired though10:31.49 
rayjj morning, all13:37.26 
kens Morning rayjj13:37.37 
pedro_mac hi rayjj13:37.46 
rayjj I'll leave my laptop on while I do the school runs, but may be back a bit late in case we have a meeting13:37.58 
kens No meeting13:38.08 
  henry sent an email13:38.14 
zlnk hi, is there someone?13:50.48 
norbertj kens: can you explain to me how bisect works? I have a performance drop in pcl between 9.10 and 9.14 and want to find out where it comes from. Can I do this myself?13:51.29 
kens norbertj its pretty easy13:51.36 
  give me a minunte while I get up the man page13:51.57 
  OK so you start with a revision, eiother good or bad (NB bisect can be confusing in this regard)13:52.28 
  You start the process with git bisect start13:52.39 
  declare your current revision as "git bisect good" or "git bisect bad"13:53.03 
zlnk I had some difficulties integrating mupdf 1.6 to an android project, are there some tutorials to follow?13:53.38 
kens Then check out another revision. Again, declare it either "git bisect good" or "git bisect bad"13:53.39 
jogux zlnk: where about did you get stuck?13:53.55 
  ie. what error are you getting, or what goes wrong?13:54.02 
zlnk when I try to compile, it throws that doesnt found the libraries13:54.39 
henrys hi norbertj nice to see marten and remco in chicago. We went swimming in the lake quite cold.13:54.41 
kens norbertj : then Git will checkout a new revision between those two. You build it and tell Git whether it was "good" or "bad". Git will then repeat hte process. Each time, build the commit it gives you, test it and say "good" or "bad"13:54.42 
zlnk I'm trying to update from 1.2 to 1.613:54.55 
norbertj henrys: lots of goosebumps then. ;)13:55.27 
kens norbertj : the tricky bit is that bisect always assumes you are looking for a bug being introduced. So the earliest "good" revision must predcate the "bad" revision. FOr you that's the correct way round, so it should be easy13:55.41 
henrys norbertj: we didn't stay in long this year13:55.42 
  norbertj: marten looks great he's lost a lot of weight since last year.13:56.22 
kens norbertj : start with the head code, do "git bisect start" and "git bisect bad"13:56.35 
jogux zlnk: when you compile mupdf, or when you compile the your application? (they exact error message may answer that question if you paste it)13:56.44 
norbertj henrys: I can imagine. Should be something like the NewYears dive they do here in the Netherlands (either in the see or in a lake).13:56.45 
kens then checkout 9.10 (as you say that's OK) and do "git bisect good"13:56.49 
  Then its just a case of trying it out13:57.06 
zlnk when compiling my app, with mupdf I had no problems,13:57.47 
  the error is this: [armeabi-v7a] Compile thumb : mupdf <= mupdf.c jni/mupdf.c:15:24: fatal error: mupdf/fitz.h: No such file or directory compilation terminated. make: *** [obj/local/armeabi-v7a/objs/mupdf/mupdf.o] Error 113:58.05 
norbertj kens: just a reminder: checkout 9.10 is done how? with the large number?13:58.23 
kens with the commit, but you only need the first 4 or 5 digits13:58.38 
henrys norbertj, kens unfortunately there are cycles in performance during that time period which makes git bisect tend to zero in on something you aren't looking for.13:58.40 
kens Well, that is certainly awkward13:59.00 
norbertj henrys: I know, but 9.10 was ok for this particular file.13:59.10 
kens I was going to try a quick check with a profiler to see what was different13:59.16 
tor8 nsz: hi. I've read your messages in the IRC log (I've just got back from traveling and am still a bit jet lagged)13:59.58 
norbertj I made a BUG for this 695568, but I thought I could try to find it myself too, to get to know how to use bisect.13:59.59 
tor8 nsz: thanks for making bug reports in bugzilla, I'll try to fix them both soon14:00.20 
henrys norbertj: righ but because of the cycles I would be more inclined to start at 9.10 and jump back say 50 revs ... and continue in that manner, but either way.14:00.31 
kens norbertj : I did a "git checkout" 7fcadf to get the 9.10 release14:00.49 
  henrys 9.10 is OK, 9.14 isn't so jump forward surely ?14:01.10 
  Or start at 9.14 and go back....14:01.24 
norbertj kens: thanks, will start with that.14:01.30 
jogux zlnk: hm. oh. well there is a fitz.h in the mupdf source code.... so the problem is your build is not finding it. I think you need to identify a) where fitz.h is, and b) where your project is looking for it.14:01.30 
henrys kens: you yes sorry start at 9.1014:01.50 
kens norbertj : FWIW the current HEAD takes 187 seconds on my PC, debug 32-bit14:01.58 
tor8 jogux: zlnk: we rearranged the directory structure in version 1.314:02.58 
  all the header files were moved into a separate 'include' directory14:03.13 
zlnk I could see thta14:03.16 
kens The job seems to run progressively slower for the first pages, page 116 is especially slow14:03.21 
henrys git gheckout ghostscipt-9.10 and like names works fine so you could go a release at a time forward firs14:03.32 
zlnk I see jogux, tor814:03.39 
kens Release at a time seems like a good bet14:03.56 
tor8 so if you've got a custom makefile (or project) that builds native code, you'll need to add the appropriate path to -I compiler flag14:03.57 
norbertj kens: probably because the are a huge number of macros in it, each page create a number of macros that get never deleted., So searching for a macro could get slower?14:04.42 
kens norbertj : that woudl explain a lot certainly14:04.56 
norbertj But strange that 9.06 does not show the problem.14:04.56 
zlnk Now seems more clear, I was trying to follow this tutorial 
kens hasn't tried 9.0614:05.06 
norbertj kens: current GIT prodbuild gives me 86 secs.14:05.16 
kens Hmm14:05.25 
henrys norbertj: if this is a slowdown for us in the regular code, I can certainly do it.14:05.31 
  norbertj: or someone else if it is not pcl.14:05.53 
kens Oh yes, well a release build will be faster of course, I was going to use a profiler, so I wanted the suymbols14:05.53 
  Annoyingly the first bisect I tried is bisecting a merge base.14:06.29 
norbertj henrys: it's standard code, I only add a pl_print_usage(&inst, "Finished :"); just before the /* End Main Loop */ comment in plmain.c14:06.44 
kens So I think trying to isaloate to a release first might be a better way to start14:06.47 
henrys should read his mail.14:07.14 
kens norbertj : I forgot to say, when you are finished bisecting, you need to do a "git bisect reset"14:07.46 
norbertj kens: yes, I looked up the git bisect documentation.14:08.09 
kens Ah, OK then, NP14:08.16 
norbertj didn't know it was a git command.14:08.23 
henrys okay so there is a bug assigned to me let me know if you want me to look norbertj 14:08.32 
norbertj henrys: if you could have a look. It's my end-of-day here. And I still have some perfresults to stuff in a report.14:11.01 
henrys norbertj: will do sometime today14:11.27 
kens 9.12 looks like its quick to ,e14:11.40 
  It still gets progressivley slower, but it seems faster overall, just waiting till it finishes14:12.06 
henrys norbertj: I assume the fast one is correct ;-)14:13.06 
norbertj henrys: yes.14:13.14 
  henrys: note that 9.14 rips empty backsides, which is corrected in 9.15 (conditional ff on pagesideselect).14:13.59 
kens oddly 9.12 is not faster14:14.27 
  I should checkout 9.1014:14.33 
norbertj have to go home.14:27.05 
kens henrys for me, 32-bit debug build on WIndows, 9-10 - 182.23, 9.12 - 185, master - 203 seconds14:27.06 
  So it is slower, but not so much as norbertj sees14:27.23 
chrisl kens: the comparison should be with 9.0614:27.48 
kens chrisl norbertj says 9.10 is the same in the bug report14:28.03 
  same as 9.0614:28.07 
jogux I guess the difference may be less pronounced in a debug build?14:28.25 
kens Seems like it is, yes14:28.37 
  marcos says he's going to bisect it....14:29.06 
rayjj norbertj: you may want to pull in the 'parse done:' message recent change so you can isolate the parse vs render time. (commit 75a183f)14:31.08 
  that way we can see which is causing the slowdown14:31.43 
chrisl So, for 9.06 I see 6m5.913s and current head 7m29.278s14:32.59 
kens Not as much as norbert sees, more like what I see by the sound of it14:33.27 
chrisl I'll try 9.10 when I get it built14:33.46 
  That's debug, of course14:34.26 
kens I htink norbert was using release builds, your numbers seem close enough to mine, and I'm using a debug build as well14:34.48 
mvrhel_laptop good morning14:35.11 
rayjj I find it interesting that he is using afs (rather than freetype)14:35.20 
  I wonder why, and which is faster14:35.35 
chrisl That will still be using freetype, iirc14:35.42 
kens I think so too14:35.57 
rayjj chrisl: I did wonder if afs was still supported14:36.04 
kens Its still there, at least partly because pdfwrite uses it :-(14:36.25 
  Well, the interpreter part of it14:36.31 
chrisl rayjj: you can get it with a configure option - or maybe some makefile tweaking.... can't remember right now14:36.46 
rayjj chrisl: but not simply with PL_SCALER=afs ?14:39.56 
chrisl rayjj: no14:40.21 
rayjj chrisl: did that used to work (such as with 9.06) ?14:40.56 
chrisl rayjj: with 9.06 afs was the default14:41.13 
rayjj was wondering if that was part of the performance14:41.21 
chrisl with 9.06, freetype was not an option14:41.25 
kens boggles14:45.29 
  On of the commits I tested is producing fewer pages.14:45.45 
  So I don't know if that's good or bad :-(14:46.04 
norbertj kens: 9.14 produces more pages (empty backsides, because of pageside-selections, whichis fixed in 9.15),but that does not account for the perfdrop.14:54.32 
kens I wondered if this was the case. Makes it hard ot know whether its a good or bad bisect though14:55.04 
norbertj And I'm indeed compiling with afs (because of 9.06), How do I switch to freetype? B.t.w. I also tested with ufst50/ufst63, and there is the same perfdrop.14:55.29 
chrisl norbertj: with 9.06 you can't use freetype14:55.57 
kens As chrisl said, you don;t need to do anything with new code, the code uses FreeType now. If you wanted to go back to the Artifex code you would have to do more work.14:56.13 
norbertj chris;: I know, that's why I stayed with afs, but how do I switch to freetype for 9.14 eg14:56.28 
  chrisl: is that PL_SCALAR =freetype?14:56.45 
chrisl norbertj: you are using freetype with 9.1414:56.50 
norbertj so PL_SCALAR=afs on 9.14 is actually freetype?14:57.08 
kens Setting PL_SCALER=afs will use FreeType in later releases14:57.09 
chrisl norbertj: yes14:57.15 
rayjj just to be clear, there are supposed to be 117 pages ?14:57.28 
kens rayjj : depends on whether you are using 'certain' versions14:57.50 
rayjj kens: I'm using HEAD for now14:58.08 
kens THen yes, 117 pages I believe is correct14:58.18 
  Something like that anyway14:58.30 
norbertj rayjj: yes, 9.06 and 9.15, but during 9.14 development my duplex support was added, and later on henrys added conditional ff on pageside selection (which corrects again so you get 117 pages).14:58.36 
kens The code I'm currently running gets 229 or so14:58.52 
norbertj kens: thats because of the duplex support (that wrongly emits empty backsides on a pagesideselect=front).14:59.28 
kens Indeed14:59.34 
  actually 231 it appears15:00.05 
  3 more steps after this one....15:00.34 
chrisl So, do the slower versions coincide with the extra pages?15:00.43 
kens No15:00.50 
  My last run was 185 seconds (fast) and had 231 pages15:01.05 
jogux tor8: did you want me to try doing an iOS release of mupdf 1.6?15:01.40 
norbertj going home now for real.15:02.22 
tor8 jogux: yes, please :)15:02.38 
  it's you or paul, I think, who can do ios releases15:02.58 
jogux yeah. I was playing with it on ios 8 anyway (and have more test devices than paul :-) )15:03.21 
  I already added iphone6/6+ support to it.15:03.28 
  tor8 (and anyone else, I have completely forgotten who was actually asking about this at the meeting): paul has some promo codes for SO2, if you wanted to try it on your ipad.15:04.04 
henrys kens, chrisl : marcos said he'd bisect it. let's just wait and see what he finds. He has the exe's, he can do it really fast.15:04.09 
tor8 jogux: yeah, I saw you had pushed a bunch of ios commits15:04.14 
rayjj I observe that the time per page increases steadily (with HEAD) as it progresses. Initially 0.03 sec, increasing to over 3 sec (on my machine the total release build is 165 sec)15:04.16 
jogux tor8: paul did review them first, I am following process :-)15:04.37 
kens rayjj yes I mentioned that above in the logs. Norbertj theorises that its macros on the pages which are never cleared15:04.46 
tor8 jogux: oh, that'd be good.15:04.50 
chrisl henrys: what I'm seeing is 9.10 is spending 215 seconds in pl_dict_lookup_entry(), whilst HEAD is spending 260 seconds15:05.22 
  Also 9.10 spends 25 seconds in pl_dict_undef_purge_synonyms() whilst HEAD spends 32 seconds15:06.04 
jogux paulgardiner: one promo code for tor8 then please :-)15:06.11 
rayjj kens: chrisl: watching it on the windows display device it paints the signature above Dr. Michael Siegart more and more slowly (otherwise the pages look the same)15:06.42 
kens I'd guess tha't the macro15:07.09 
henrys well it's good to know we have the entire staff working on this ;-)15:07.10 
kens The day after a long haul flight, its about all I'm up to....15:07.41 
chrisl henrys: well, I'm done with it now...... I wanted to check it wasn't obviously a FAPI problem15:07.48 
paulgardiner There you go: MWRT7LY4HPJE15:07.56 
rayjj that doesn't seem right, however. henrys, you may want to examine the PCL to see what might be causing that (I can see the slowdown even at 90 dpi)15:08.33 
chrisl I don't know what PCL uses dictionaries for....15:09.26 
kens Maybe the macro ?15:09.37 
henrys rayjj: I'm not looking at it because marcos is going to tell me exactly where it slowed down and then it will take me all of 2 minutes to understand what's hapenned.15:09.43 
chrisl admires henrys's optimism15:10.43 
  kens: but it would be odd if we were suddenly storing more stuff in there with different versions of the source....15:10.50 
kens agreed, certrainly15:11.02 
rayjj henrys: well, I'm looking at HEAD, and just observing that it looks "funky" that pages that look so similar are getting slower and slower just painting that one area (the signature image). It goes from what looks ike a 'blit' to very slow line-by-line15:11.08 
  if we are doing something funky (unexpected) it could be tripping over something that is entirely unoptimized15:11.52 
  and that can vary due to seemingly unrelated changes15:12.16 
henrys rayjj: yes but I'll look at it, it's my problem.15:12.24 
chrisl Or I'll look at it if it does turn out to be a font problem.....15:13.10 
kens I started doing a bisect just so I could follow along with Norbert, if he was going to do one. I may as well finish now15:13.19 
henrys rayjj: you have the boards, chrisl has the library and I have pcl... it's all good.15:13.49 
rayjj henrys: I know. I was just doing this while seeing if anything else came up from our non-meeting (since everyone was around anyway).15:15.04 
henrys rayjj: are you feeling better? Just a 24 hour thing?15:15.39 
Robin_Watts rayjj was ill? I completely missed that.15:16.12 
  Aeroplane food?15:16.17 
chrisl Robin_Watts: that's why Ray stayed Friday night15:17.43 
henrys aeroplane - is that a word?15:18.07 
Robin_Watts oh. I utterly missed that.15:18.12 
kens henrys, yes :-)15:18.19 
  Its hte proper way to spell airplane15:18.34 
rayjj henrys: I've pretty much shaken it off. Getting back to decent weather. I took loads of Zicam and that got me past it15:18.57 
Robin_Watts English -Traditional, as opposed to English - Simplified.15:19.05 
kens likes that definition15:19.20 
henrys some of your spellings make you seem more sophisticated others make you sound like a 5 year old. This would be the latter.15:20.20 
rayjj spelling in English can hardly ever be called 'simplified' (compared to something like Spanish). But Chinese simplified isn't all that simple, either15:20.35 
kens chrisl bisect threw up c88ded04 as the offending commit for me.15:20.57 
  henrys the word in English has an o in it. Airplane is American15:21.14 
Robin_Watts cannot be held responsible for how words are spelt in proper english.15:21.36 
henrys proper english is american we're bigger and have more money15:22.09 
chrisl kens: that seems an unlikely candidate.....15:22.17 
kens chrisl agreed, but its what came up. I could have made a mistkae with the bisect though. Obvious thing is to try the commit before, and then that one.15:22.49 
Robin_Watts henrys: Technically, no.15:23.18 
  You have a much larger national debt than us :)15:23.30 
kens The US has a larger national debt than anyone....15:23.46 
Robin_Watts Yours might be more serviceable than ours though... :)15:24.02 
  In terms of people speaking "proper" english, we win in numbers of people, because of India, I think.15:24.47 
kens I wonder how long before we have an official 'Indian English'.....15:26.21 
henrys I suppose you could count the aussies as well don't know how many that adds.15:26.59 
kens Nope, Autralian English is separate, like American English15:27.21 
henrys not many compared to india15:27.22 
Robin_Watts I think we refused the Aussies on the grounds that they say things like "Fair dinkum" and "Dunnie"15:27.48 
henrys kens: really but India is proper?15:28.09 
kens dunnie is legitimate15:28.13 
  Its an English word we no longer use (cf dunnikin diver)15:28.34 
  henrys I believe os yes, because English in India is a second language to most users so is 'fossilised'15:29.01 
Robin_Watts India certainly 'was' proper English (they were part of the empire until quite recently).15:29.15 
kens Whereas its the native tongue in Australia15:29.15 
henrys rayjj: I've never tried zicam maybe I'll give it a go when I feel something coming on.15:29.24 
Robin_Watts Technically, English is (or at least was) the official first language in India, I thought.15:29.47 
kens Its the official language of government15:30.07 
  Because there are os many other languages15:30.18 
Robin_Watts because it's the language that everyone speaks rather than the language that everyone speaks everyday.15:30.27 
  Ah, pointless etymological discussions. So much more interesting than the FBS...15:31.10 
rayjj henrys: just another data point, then I'll go back to the boards -- with a debug build of HEAD, using -Z: the clist file size remains fairly constant from page 2 to 100 (at 214K), then it *drops* to 175K even though the pages get slower. That points to the parser15:31.50 
chrisl kens: backing out that commit from HEAD gave 7m28 (vs 7m29 with it)..... so I don't think that's the culprit15:35.08 
kens2 chrisl I'm jsut about to try it. The previous commit was *very* fast at 166 seconds.15:35.39 
  Testing that commit now to see what it look slike15:36.08 
  huh both those commits are faster than the current head by a wide margin. They come in at 168 seconds and 166 sedonds, as opposed ot head at 20515:38.52 
  So I must have messed up the bisect somewhere15:39.05 
  well I'm puzzled, head now also gives me 168 seconds. Which is faster than 9.0615:46.19 
  Of course this is why I don't try and do real work after a long trip :-)15:47.45 
jogux kens2: btw, was reading something earlier about using valgrind's cachegrind plugin to do measurements like these as the result is much more reliable/repeatable than other ways of timing things.15:49.20 
kens2 jogux : GS/GhostPCL is consistent enough when faced with an alleged 40% slowdown :-)15:49.55 
chrisl jogux: yeh but.... running under valgrind is soooooo slooowwww15:50.20 
jogux hehe15:50.33 
kens2 And it would mean I would have to boot a Linux VM :-)15:50.37 
jogux :)15:50.41 
chrisl If Marcos struggles to turn up results, I'll look at it again......15:51.35 
rayjj going for (more) coffee -- bbiab16:00.18 
kens2 O I'm going to head off I'm not getting far today.16:05.48 
  Night all.16:05.53 
rayjj hi, paulgardiner 16:55.31 
  paulgardiner: I don't know if you saw the discussion yesterday about the performance hit seen on the nightly regression run with the temp file fix16:56.25 
  paulgardiner: unless you want to do it, I'll take on implementing a cache for the clist file I/O16:57.33 
  (there's already a cache in the memfile that I would probably reuse)16:57.59 
paulgardiner rayjj: Oh right. I'm easy either way, but I imagine it would be best for you to do it.17:01.08 
rayjj paulgardiner: yeah, that way you can continue with your SOT fun :-)17:08.23 
paulgardiner yeah, the thought of one moment more away from it fills me with anguish :-)17:09.37 
  rayjj: do the reader threads ever call clist_fclose with the delete flag set?17:15.01 
rayjj paulgardiner: I've opened bug 69557517:26.16 
  paulgardiner: yes, they call it with the delete flag set sometimes17:26.57 
  in gxclthrd.c setup_device_and_mem_for_thread17:28.02 
  line 148, 14917:28.33 
paulgardiner There's a little tweak I should make then. I seem not to be coping with that correctly.17:28.34 
rayjj paulgardiner: it's only with multi-threaded rendering, BTW17:28.57 
  paulgardiner: or BGPrint17:29.07 
henrys bbiaw17:29.30 
paulgardiner rayjj: might a reader call clist_fclose with the delete flag set while the writer still has the file open? I'd guess not.17:42.12 
rayjj paulgardiner: sorry -- I was not paying attention. This usage is only to get rid of extra temp files created when we open the printer/clist device for a rendering thread. We are going to use the clist files created by the parser, so don't need/want these17:48.15 
Jt__ Hello, i have a question would anyone be able to help20:48.02 
Guest51034 i am using Ghost4j, i am using ps2write my pdf displays landscape and prints landscape however when i convert using ps2write the PS File does not print landscape...any suggestions?20:49.41 
  is any one able to help?20:52.25 
henrys I wasn't able to understand your question. you say you are using ps2write in both cases.20:53.20 
Guest51034 sorry, yes i am using ps2write 20:53.47 
  i have a pdf that is landscape mode and i convert to ps20:53.58 
  if i print that PS, it prints portrait20:54.12 
  i have to use version 8.70 as i am using oel5 hope this makes sense20:55.05 
henrys oh well you need to reproduce problems in a reasonably current release. preferably the latest. let us know if you can do that then we'll have a look - will guide you to a release.20:57.18 
Guest51034 ok, guess im just looking for an appropriate command to make sure the PDF gets converted into a PS in landscape mode, are you able to give me the relevant command. i have tried several but to no avail20:58.32 
  if not, dont worry will go away and investigate20:58.53 
henrys Guest51034: hard for me to say off the top of my head what is going, ken sharp will be here during work hours GMT and he's very used to fielding these questions from users and might know right away.21:00.14 
Guest51034 Ok, i will revisit then21:00.35 
  many thanks for your help21:00.40 
henrys Guest51034: sure21:00.47 
rayjj Guest51034: (for the logs) the issue is probably that yoy need -dAutoRotatePages=false22:05.00 
  If the text on a page is portrait (or there is no text, as actual text in the PDF as many scanners produce) then AutoRotatePages defaults to portrait. Please see: (BTW, that is -dAutoRotatePages=/None22:08.27 
  (not false)22:08.34 
  chrisl_away: (for the logs) How about a (link to the latest release)22:09.24 
rayjj has trouble remembering all of the pdfwrite option syntax and should check the docs22:10.43 
chrisl_away rayjj: (for the logs) *does* contain the latest release docs22:37.34 
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