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henry__ Hi all, how can I save the pdf file into filesystem after MuPDFCore_addInkAnnotationInternal ?01:21.38 
  ps: I am using mupdf-1.601:22.19 
tomty89 chrisl: hello07:01.11 
chrisl tomty89: hi07:01.51 
tomty89 chrisl: i have some questions about the urw fonts07:02.08 
chrisl I'll answer if I can....07:02.40 
tomty89 chrisl: what are the relationship between the font files in Resource/Font and the urw-core35-fonts.git07:03.00 
  like, how are they maintained respectively07:03.24 
chrisl They are the same fonts, only the file names are different07:03.30 
  Oh, actually, the font names are different, too. But the outlines are the same07:03.55 
tomty89 but it seems to me the file sizes are a bit different07:04.32 
chrisl Because the names are different07:04.40 
tomty89 oh07:04.55 
  so when there're updates, i suppose urw-core35-fonts.git would also get updated?07:05.19 
chrisl Basically, the urw-core35-fonts.git is *exactly* what we get from URW, whilst the Resource/Font ones have some tweaks to the names for Ghostscript07:05.53 
tomty89 hmm okay07:06.18 
chrisl Yes, every time we get an update from URW, that update will go in urw-core35-fonts.git07:06.30 
  Note that this will *probably* change with the next update: I *think* I'll keep the font names the same (but still rename the files) and modify Ghostscript to use the new URW names07:07.20 
tomty89 do you know what are difference between them and these ?07:07.29 
  seems these are much larger in file sizes07:07.38 
chrisl Those have (very badly designed) Cyrillic glyphs in them07:07.54 
tomty89 so i should switch to those in the git without losing any "features"?07:08.34 
chrisl You will lose Cyrillic.... but really, you shouldn't be using them for Cyrillic glyphs, given the poor quality07:09.12 
tomty89 i see07:09.35 
chrisl And Cyrillic glyphs are not required to be present in the Postscript base fonts07:10.16 
tomty89 so one more question, any reason that only the pfb goes into Resource/Font? (is that a dumb question? because ghostscript only needs pfb?)07:11.10 
chrisl Yeh, GS only needs the font files07:11.42 
  That's one of the main reasons that urw-core35-fonts.git exists07:12.08 
tomty89 hmm so urw is still maintaining the fonts...i thought they just donated them and let you guys maintain it07:12.25 
chrisl We occasionally *pay* URW to update the fonts07:13.00 
kens We aren't a font foundry, we don't have the time to maintain fonts07:13.13 
tomty89 oh07:13.19 
  but urw-core35-fonts.git is the most "upstream" source anyway, right?07:13.54 
kens We are acting as upstream providers simply because nobody else will, its a conscious decision but not one we are totally happy with07:13.59 
chrisl tomty89: yes, urw-core35-fonts.git is the upstream source07:14.22 
tomty89 i see07:14.25 
chrisl As I said, the relationship between the Resource/Font files and the contents of urw-core35-fonts.git will closer in the future07:15.04 
tomty89 okay thanks a lot. i was quite confused because seems not me quite some linux distros still stick with "1.07pre44"07:16.58 
henrychan how to save pdf file into file system after call MuPDFCore_addInkAnnotationInternal ??09:10.09 
dinamic tor8: do you have a fewm minutes ?10:44.24 
kens chrisl I think this idea of subclassing gdevvec and gdevprn isn't going to work. THe problem is that, unlike our former experience, we cannot modify the device pipeline. In order to install a 'forwarding' device, I need to create a device which forwards itself to the final device. I can't insert a forwarding device before the current one.10:45.18 
  So I'd need to modify every instance of the device we want to create a forwarding device, then point itself to the device we actually intended to create in the first place. I'm more than somewhat dubious about this.10:46.13 
tor8 dinamic: sure10:46.45 
dinamic tor8: I'm thinking of possibilities of a js_async_call(state, args, _callback_finish(), user_data), would it be possible by having a state = js_copystate(state)10:46.56 
kens The only solution I can think of at present is to have the initial device make a new device based on the original, then rewrite itself into a forwarding device.10:47.13 
dinamic tor8: the problem im trying to solve is: i have a global object in js space with a function that is ansynchronous10:47.49 
kens But that would copy all the pointers and stuff from the original device, which in the case of pdfwrite is somewhat horrifying10:47.51 
dinamic tor8: during time something could potential call function from js space which would use same state and corrupt stuff..10:48.28 
chrisl kens: I remember discussing it, but I can't now remember the details of what I was thinking - I'd have to ponder it again10:48.35 
kens I've3 been banging my head against this particular brick wall all morning, and I can't see a good solution :-(10:49.05 
tor8 dinamic: that would be most difficult, since any form of pre-emptive multi-threading would have to have locks around the garbage collection structures and any shared environment records10:49.16 
  not to mention all objects shared between the contexts10:50.20 
dinamic tor8: i was afraid of that answer.. but could it copy everything ? and not beeing shared ?10:50.50 
tor8 or you could make a complete copy of the entire state, but then you'd lose all communication between threads10:50.55 
dinamic ^ thats what i want and is an restriction that could be lived with10:51.19 
chrisl kens: it *must* be possible to insert a device before the already installed one, otherwise compositor devices wouldn't work10:51.28 
dinamic tor8: thats why is isolated it to a js_async_call() which is the only thing that would run on a isloated copy of a state10:52.03 
tor8 dinamic: I guess you want to be able to fork the state to keep variables around for the new function?10:52.44 
  dinamic: it's not something I'm going to add to the main distribution, but it should also not be too difficult for you to write yourself10:53.12 
  dinamic: there are global lists that have pointers to all the objects used for the garbage collector that you can use, but you'll need to have a 'remap' data structure to rewrite all the pointers in the objects10:54.15 
  and also make a copy of the string interning table10:54.24 
dinamic tor8: that sounds like what i should do... 10:54.37 
tor8 dinamic: if you don't mind a heavy weight solution -- have you considered using fork() instead?10:55.10 
dinamic hmm10:55.46 
tor8 I expect that would be about the same startup penalty (or less) than making a complete copy of the runtime state10:55.53 
dinamic maybe that's easiest approach, ill look into it..10:56.14 
  but it could be hard, my service uses mujs for plugins which provides implementations 10:56.59 
tor8 why do you need async calls?10:57.22 
dinamic so it's not the most elegant approach10:57.22 
tor8 neither approach would be elegant; the elegant solution would be to add multi-threading to mujs but that's not really part of the scope for mujs10:58.09 
  it would add a significant amount of extra complexity10:58.17 
dinamic agreed ^10:58.24 
Robin_Watts tor8: Does mujs admit of a similar threading solution to mupdf?10:59.16 
tor8 dinamic: if you just need the illusion of async calls, you could split the js stack and do co-operative multi-threading10:59.41 
Robin_Watts Namely that a user could provide lock/unlock hooks in the context, so mujs remains threading agnostic?10:59.41 
dinamic my main process is singel threaded, and i dont want my plugins to hang the mainloop10:59.45 
tor8 Robin_Watts: there'd be so many locks around object manipulation that performance would be significantly hampered11:00.09 
  Robin_Watts: not that we *really* care about performance11:00.22 
  but it'd get ugly fast11:00.26 
Robin_Watts tor8: lock at a higher granularity?11:00.36 
  on entry to the interpreter?11:00.43 
tor8 dinamic: so stick mujs in a worker thread, and hand off jobs from the main thread to it and then monitor its progress11:01.00 
dinamic hmm11:01.28 
  maybe its my design that is wrong11:01.42 
tor8 dinamic: or you could set an instruction limit in the interpreter to bail if the runtime exceeds what you expect11:02.23 
dinamic tor8: thanks for your input on the matter, i need to check the options you give..11:03.46 
tor8 dinamic: I'd either set a time limit for the js_call or call mujs from a worker thread. it's trivial to add a counter to the interpreter main loop, if that's what you need.11:05.23 
dinamic actually, i might just create a thread worker per plugin, and live with all operations on plugin is synchronous11:05.24 
tor8 dinamic: what's the project you're using mujs for, if you don't mind my asking?11:05.51 
dinamic prototyping for a media service for chromecast11:06.18 
  tor8: will your iterator patch will be pushed upstream ?11:07.28 
tor8 dinamic: yes11:07.39 
dinamic great11:08.09 
  anyway, thanks for your time..11:08.56 
tor8 dinamic: glad to be of help11:10.41 
dinamic oh one more thing :)11:12.36 
  it would be awesome if js_try() / js_endtry() also was public11:13.37 
Robin_Watts New adobe reader.11:31.49 
tor8 nsz: thanks for your patches!12:00.16 
kens Robin_Watts : new reader, or new version number ? I already have reader XI12:01.14 
Robin_Watts Just XI. I didn't know about it.12:02.47 
kens Ah OK, I've had it a while. Did you notice they are pushing their web conversion tools in it ?12:03.18 
Robin_Watts They were in X too.12:13.56 
kens They seem to be pushing it a bit harder....12:18.46 
rayjj kens: I saw in the logs that you are struggling with the device chain. AIUI the 'compositor' devices (such as pdf14 or overprint) _do_ stick themselves in as the current device, and then forward selected calls to their 'target'15:41.16 
  kens: isn't that what you need for the PCL FirstPage implementation ?15:41.40 
kens rayjj, yes that's what I need, but they don't do it themselves, the interpreter does it. I need the device to insert a new device in front of itself. It can't be done. At lreast not simply15:42.24 
rayjj basically a compositor that eats marking ops until the FirstPage is reached15:42.36 
Robin_Watts kens: I have a trace device that cheats to do it.15:43.10 
rayjj kens: so why can't the PCL parser insert the compositor ?15:43.14 
  that's the interpreter level15:43.39 
kens rayjj I want the device to do it so the interpreter doesn't have to, otherwise I have to rewrte all the interpreters, and it isn't easy to get the PostScript interpreter to do it, since it relies on an entry in systemdict (FirdtPage)15:44.11 
  Robin_Watts : I'd be interested to know how you do that.15:44.31 
  I have one idea left, and its nasty15:44.46 
Robin_Watts kens: I stash the function pointers, then rewrite them function pointers15:45.34 
  So my new function pointers do what I need, then pass on control to the old ones.15:46.09 
kens THat's what I was considering, but you also have to worry about the data from the device15:46.16 
Robin_Watts The really 'hacky' bit is *where* I store the old function pointers.15:46.29 
  kens: That didn't matter for my purposes.15:46.46 
kens Hmm, OK so you don't rewrite the device, hadn't thgought of15:46.55 
rayjj kens: and you've discarded the notion of having the pdfwrite device have a unique set of procs to plug in when FirstPage is > 1, and plug in the "real" procs when the number of pages is reached ?15:46.57 
kens rayjj pdfwrite isn't the problem.15:47.11 
rayjj we have several devices that keep multiple sets of procs (and orig_procs)15:47.31 
henrys rayjj: we want it to work with all device, pcl performance sucks as it works now with raster devices...15:48.10 
rayjj kens: I thought that pdfwrite/ps2write *was* the problem (that they accumulated all of the stuff up to the FirstPage)15:48.18 
henrys rayjj: that was the original problem but then we thought the entire business was not done well.15:49.02 
rayjj kens: FirstPage with raster devices is really only debugging15:49.04 
kens rayjj I'd like to solve it for all devices, so we don't waste time rendering stuff and calling erasepage15:49.19 
rayjj no "real world" printer uses it, and we don't care about performance for those that want to use it on computers15:49.48 
  the problem (AIUI) was that the pdf we created was bloated15:50.07 
kens I think we do worry about performance, ask norbert, he uses FirstPage too I belive15:50.27 
rayjj hmm... I wonder why norbert would be using it ???15:50.55 
kens Robin_Watts : Its an intersting idea. I'll explore it more tomorrow.15:51.04 
henrys rayjj: I'd like it work well, I think it's horrible as it is now.15:51.32 
kens henrys even if I get this to work it'll be horrible :-)15:51.53 
henrys kens: it should be an improvement over erasepage15:52.28 
rayjj Robin_Watts: kens: the prn device swaps procs for going back and forth from page rendering to clist rendering15:52.37 
kens henrys it'll be faster at least15:52.39 
rayjj clist erasepage (recent) actually clears the clist files (it used to accumulate stuff)15:54.02 
  iirc, norbert always uses clist mode, so he won't be rendering stuff to then erase it (but it will be writing the clist and resetting the file pointers)15:55.28 
  since the prn device already keeps orig_procs (for swapping to/from clist procs) handling a set of 'non-marking' procs there should be easy to add15:56.54 
Robin_Watts kens: If you are in control of both the device that wants to have a new device put in front of it, and the device that you want to put in front, you're in good shape.15:59.00 
  If you only have control of the device that you want to put in front, then it's trickier.15:59.16 
kens Robin_Watts : Like I said I'll look at it tomorrow15:59.17 
Robin_Watts Cos where do you put the function pointers you are replacing?15:59.33 
kens In a new place in the device structure, which I will add15:59.54 
Robin_Watts I hid them in the place of one of the unused function pointers. Possibly one of the pattern managing ones.16:00.05 
henrys can they be stuck in the library context in mem?16:00.06 
rayjj kens: if you want to hand off doing it for prn devices to me, let me know. It seems pretty straightforward. I thought you were working on it only for pdfwrite16:00.31 
Robin_Watts henrys: Ew.16:00.37 
rayjj why not add orig_procs to the device structure (not just the prn_device) ?16:01.22 
kens rayjj : I want it for all the devices I can, that means device from gdevprn.c and gdevvec.c. If a device isn't derived from one of those it won't work, and TBH I don't think I care about those.16:01.23 
  rayjj see above^^16:01.35 
Robin_Watts Oh, actually, there is a big drawback to working this way.16:02.17 
rayjj how far above (about adding an extra pointer to all devices ?)16:02.18 
Robin_Watts In order to work properly, when you pass control onto the other device, you should put all the function pointers back, then pass it on, then take 'em out again.16:02.57 
  That can be painful.16:03.01 
kens Where I said in a new place in the device structure, which I will add16:03.21 
rayjj kens: OK.16:03.36 
kens Robin_Watts : for your device that's a problem, for mine its not.16:04.33 
rayjj Robin_Watts: I don't quite follow that. We do this for clist/page mode in the prn devie and it isn't that bad. Recall this "switch" is only on page boundaries16:05.17 
henrys kens: so your saying add non marking procs to all devices? Well a pointer to an structure of non marking functions.16:05.40 
kens henrys, more or less yes16:06.05 
  Only not like that. Swap the pointers to the procs so they either pass on or not16:06.25 
rayjj henrys: actually we probably need to be "smart" about swapping in the non-marking procs (as the prn device is)16:06.42 
  some procs get retained for the non-marking device (kept the same as normal)16:07.21 
  s/non-marking device/non-marking mode/16:07.41 
henrys good luck kens I'll return to my salt mine.16:08.19 
kens Thanks henrys16:08.29 
rayjj and I back to cust 532's latest mess16:08.46 
henrys as I do this refactoring chrisl pointed out I just want to rip out everything of plmain, what a mess.16:09.23 
rayjj I assume all of you got the email to MQ. Interesting that mupdf did so well on performance.16:09.48 
  henrys: I wouldn't be sorry to see plmain get re-done. It sort of grew over time and shows it16:10.39 
Robin_Watts ray: "However, since PDF files must be completely downloaded and stored before processing can begin"...16:12.21 
zlnk Hi, is there someone?16:12.31 
Robin_Watts mupdf can work on linearised stuff and hence be faster.16:12.38 
rayjj Robin_Watts: yes?16:12.42 
Robin_Watts it could even arrange to optimise the transfer to the printer given a smart enough driver.16:13.07 
henrys zlnk: was the a philosophical question?16:13.08 
zlnk Hi, I want to make a question, It happens that I have problems using the function get_globals16:13.08 
rayjj Robin_Watts: only if the file is linearised _and_ the file is sourced from HTTP16:13.27 
Robin_Watts zlnk: This is MuPDF on Android, I'm guessing.16:13.30 
zlnk yes16:13.36 
  I followed the idea of ChoosePdfActivity16:13.54 
Robin_Watts rayjj: HTTP or some other "directable" source.16:13.56 
zlnk with the difference, that on mupdf.c I have an array of globals structures16:14.15 
rayjj Robin_Watts: yes, we could use gs on the host to create pdf in the "ordered" form (streamable) as we do for ps2write16:14.35 
zlnk so, on the function get_globals, I can not return the structure for one16:15.22 
rayjj Robin_Watts: but I'm working with "current" code. GS could also process linearised PDF's from a suitable source without too much difficulty16:15.32 
  Robin_Watts: and actually I realized that mupdf -B should really be compared to gs using -dBandHeight= (not -dBufferSpace=) to be equivalent16:16.35 
  I'm going to compare RAM and performance for gs in that mode and send an update if it differs much16:17.30 
  Robin_Watts: mupdf _could_ also, fairly easily I would imagine, do the equivalent of BGPrint (rendering the display list in a separate thread while loading a new display list in the main thread), right ?16:18.55 
Robin_Watts rayjj: oh yes.16:19.25 
  and we can run on multiple threads for rendering too.16:19.44 
rayjj but given the VERY high level of the display list for mupdf, the amount of time creating the display list for a page is probably much smaller than gs creating the clist16:20.04 
Robin_Watts yes, which means the important time is the rendering time, and that does get divided up nicely.16:20.48 
rayjj Robin_Watts: mudraw can't (currently) -- also fairly easy to add. It's all sort of wrapped up in "it's newer different code" 16:21.07 
Robin_Watts mudraw is deliberately free of threading, yes.16:21.41 
rayjj Robin_Watts: unfortunately, if a feature isn't there, it's hard to justify adding it just to do performance benchmarks for a non customer on speculation16:23.06 
Robin_Watts rayjj: True, I wasn't suggesting we add any of this.16:23.45 
  just mentioning that the possibilities exist.16:23.59 
rayjj Robin_Watts: and the problem is that for a "real world" printer, PS and PCL are the main formats (except maybe for linux). PDF is still just getting started16:24.27 
jogux rayjj: the best selling 'PC' last year can /only/ print to pdf ;-)16:25.38 
rayjj Robin_Watts: right. I realize that a lot of these could be added fairly easily to the mupdf code base (more easily than adding stuff to gs).16:25.49 
  jogux: yeah, but that *usually* uses the cloud to process the PDF to what the printer wants16:26.24 
  but our customer 532 _does_ take AirPrint PDF's directly16:26.53 
  the screwy PDF's we get from iPad's was a source of some bugs16:27.25 
jogux rayjj: :-) yeah, airprint / ipad was what I was referring to.16:27.27 
rayjj jogux: I guessed that from the "PC" :-)16:27.42 
jogux :-)16:27.44 
rayjj for company M's customer base, offerering *both* mupdf (for PDF) and GhostPDL (for PCL or PS) isn't that bad. mupdf is only an extra 10Mb and if we share fonts and CMap resources, could be MUCH less overhead16:29.21 
  certainly no worse that cust 532 that has 3 different graphics engines (us for PDF, their own PS+PCL and a third party for XPS)16:30.17 
  but at least they share fonts16:30.39 
  and Adobe PS + GhostPCL is in some real world printers, too16:31.02 
  Robin_Watts: BTW, I did look at memory usage and performance numbers for the timing files in XPS with mupdf and they were so horrendous I decided to just leave XPS out and mention it only in passing16:32.49 
Robin_Watts More horrendous than anything else doing xps?16:33.11 
  or just that xps is hideous compared to pdf ?16:33.22 
rayjj yeah, surprisingly even worse than gxps16:33.28 
Robin_Watts That's... odd, given it's the same code, essentially.16:33.46 
rayjj but I don't want to waste any time on XPS16:33.52 
  I'll leave it for Tor to investigate ;-)16:34.35 
rayjj bets tor8 is fervently hoping we never get a real XPS customer16:36.15 
  Robin_Watts: when using threads to render bands, does mupdf use a common (shared by all threads) memory allocator that locks on each alloc/free ?16:39.00 
  mutex locks are a killer on Windows16:39.49 
Robin_Watts rayjj: mupdf calls user specified alloc functions.16:48.39 
  The user is free to implement how he would like.16:48.55 
  but there is no specific support for 'different' allocators per thread.16:49.06 
rayjj Robin_Watts: I see. So the memory allocator isn't part of the rendering context ?16:50.01 
Robin_Watts indeed not.16:50.39 
rayjj Robin_Watts: but does the allocator get the context passed to it ?16:50.43 
Robin_Watts No, and that wouldn't help if it did.16:51.57 
  Cos you render to the display list in one thread (so the allocs are done there)16:52.15 
  then you use and destroy the display list in another thread (so the frees are done there)16:52.31 
rayjj Robin_Watts: do the calls get the fz_alloc_context passed to them ?16:52.33 
Robin_Watts No, they get the 'user' passed to them.16:52.44 
rayjj Robin_Watts: OK, so at least the 'user' struct can handle making locking less frequent than just calling system malloc/free16:53.48 
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