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henrychen dear all, how can I improve the performance of 'MuPDFCore_saveInternal' ? It spends lots of time to save the file .02:17.39 
kens Great, so we actually already have a convenient place to do device-specific initialisationof data, but its less than obvious. The easy place to do it is in the finish_copydevice method.08:26.24 
  We can't do an 'init' routine in gx_device_init, because the device procs aren't set up at that time (that is, any procs which are 'default' aren't set up, they are still NULL). Those don't get set up until we do a setdevice. The initialisation of devices is totally insane.08:27.45 
  Goodness knows when devices get set up by non-PostScript interpreters, I guess I'll have to find out :-(08:28.11 
rayjj kens: I saw the comment about initialization. I knew that device procs weren't set yet -- fill_in_procs is one of the things that I would think that a device specific init would do.15:34.39 
kens rayjj the vcei procs is a different problem.15:34.59 
  device procs*15:35.05 
rayjj but it sounds like you have found a method15:35.13 
kens I opted (so far) not to have a init method, turns out that we can initialise device specific data in the finish_copydevice15:35.41 
rayjj kens: right, that's what I meant by "you found a method" (I saw that in the logs)15:37.31 
kens Yes, it seems ot be reliable enough, it look slike that's pretty much what the proc is intended for15:38.00 
rayjj not such an obvious name :-)15:38.25 
kens Now I'm back to my previous investigation, with support emails for light relief15:38.30 
  Agggh !!! Yet another 'special case' :-(15:39.31 
  Initialisation of parts of devices gets done in *so* many places15:40.40 
  Hmm, so WIndows 10 is going to allow me to use fingerprints or my phone as an authentication device. What if I don't have a fingerprint scanner or a smart phone ?15:48.58 
Robin_Watts kens: You'll need to purchase a mMicrosoftFinger(TM)15:50.24 
kens Well from the rest of the article, it does look like they are going to use security as a reason to force people to use the Windows store15:51.06 
  SO you may be correct15:51.14 
Robin_Watts Fingerprints can only be registered to a single account. If you want to switch account then you'll have to go see a microsoft certified plastic surgeon.15:51.14 
kens That's OK< its MS implementing it, I'll just use someone else's fingers, they'll never know15:51.39 
Robin_Watts kens: but Microsofts fingers won't be entirely compatible with the international standard...15:52.27 
kens Robin_Watts : they'll be compatible in a 'future' version15:52.48 
  After which MS Fingers will become the defacto standard15:53.07 
Robin_Watts Apple will invent a hand with just a single finger and claim it's more usable.15:53.18 
kens Or at least more aesthetically pleasing15:53.32 
  Of course Linux will aloow you to use the appendage of your choice15:54.04 
rayjj Yeah, and Apple can hold up that single finger to Microsoft (we all know which one)15:54.10 
Robin_Watts kens: The Linux power users will have extra fingers grafted on...15:54.30 
kens You mean they don't already ?15:54.39 
rayjj Robin_Watts: they already do, so they can type faster :-)15:54.53 
  and VMware will have a product that lets you slip on alternate fingers15:56.33 
  emacs users will have to scan 4 fingers at once15:57.26 
kens heads off for the night. GOodnight folks16:37.28 
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