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avih i'm evaluating mujs for a project, and noticed that on compile errors i get the file/line of the error at the message, but on other errors (such that reference errors) i don't. is there a way around this? any plans to improve this?02:51.30 
  (regardless, i find mujs really nice overall)02:52.35 
  also, noticed that there are about 7 functions which could be declared static (used only at the file, no decelerations outside the file), but which are not static. this can generates some warnings depending on warning levels02:54.07 
  the functions are numtostr, js_isiterator, js_rot4, jsR_dumpstack, jsR_dumpenvironment, js_trap02:55.44 
  making them static removes the warnings02:57.00 
OmSai Hi all, can anyone tell me if ghostscript installs `ps2write' or `epswrite' in recent versions? I'm trying to fix but ghostscript 9.10 and 9.14 don't create / install either of those files on my distribution (Gentoo).04:51.57 
chrisl OmSai: ps2write and epswrite are/were Ghostscript devices. epswrite has been deprecated for some time, and was removed in a recent version (can't remember exactly which one), ps2write is included in the default build (as is eps2write which is the replacement for epswrite).06:35.45 
  OmSai: and looking at the bug report: we no longer have any PS Level 1 output.06:37.36 
OmSai chrisl: Thanks for your help in confirming those files are built and the PS 1 removal. So then the sane fix for that octave bug is migrating to ps2write. Now I just need to fix my distro build to generate ps2write, then work on the patch for the octave bug.07:40.52 
chrisl OmSai: unless the maintainer takes special action to drop it, ps2write should be built into Ghostscript07:42.49 
OmSai chrisl: Ah, I reread your statement and you say they are ghostscript devices. Does that mean they are not necessarily executable files? Is there a /usr/bin/ps2write?07:43.20 
chrisl No, they are not executable files07:43.43 
OmSai chrisl: Ok, thanks for clearning my misunderstanding. That's everything I needed to know for now07:44.28 
chrisl OmSai: if you do "gs -h" that'll give you (amongst other things) a list of the device build into gs07:45.03 
OmSai chrisl: I see ps2write listed in `Available devices'07:45.46 
  so it would seem I only need focus on octave07:46.10 
chrisl It depends on how octave calls gs - there are "helper" scripts like "ps2ps2", but we tend to discourage their use07:47.03 
kens2 I htink the scripts got rewritten to use ps2write, but I may have missed some07:55.24 
malc_ chrisl: why? (discourage the scripts that is)08:20.52 
chrisl malc_: because they hide the details of what gs is doing, and often cause confusion about people's expectations08:22.32 
malc_ i see, thanks08:23.25 
kens2 There's also confusion over whether its one of our scripts, or some other applicaiton or script from another application08:23.51 
  ps2ps or pstops for example08:24.05 
malc_ uhm.. yeah xpdf had something like this08:34.17 
chrisl I'm generally more concerned with people using it from a utility or script, rather that those doing a one-off conversion. If you're calling from a utility/app or script, I *strongly* encourage folk to use gs directly08:36.40 
_wiz_ hi.08:37.29 
chrisl Why, in the name of hell, do the gp_* file functions not take a memory parameter??08:44.29 
kens2 No idea, many things don't seem to08:44.48 
chrisl So, there's no (easy) way to add -Z.. debug code to the platform specific file handling :-(08:45.49 
kens2 THat's less than ideal. Add it to the list of things that should get changed.....08:47.18 
chrisl Do we have such a list?08:47.52 
kens2 I'm making one for the devices stuff, as comments in the C file :-)08:48.19 
  Hmm, looks like I'm going to have to make my own 'do nothing' compositor device08:49.25 
  Hmm, or maybe not, the nulldevice seems to simply assign itself to the compositor device, intriguing08:50.20 
chrisl Or could you just "force" the normal compositors into "passthough" mode?08:50.48 
kens2 Doe sit have a passthrough mode ?08:52.03 
  I htink defining my own device as the compositor probably works, I@ll find out in a minute08:52.35 
chrisl Yeh, that's how we get away with the pdf14 compositor being installed for the entire file, but only actually used when the page has transparency08:52.47 
kens2 Ah, I didn't know that one.08:53.01 
  I'm going to try the same as the nulldevice, after all, at this point my device effectively is the nulldevice08:53.43 
  Well, no seg fault, so that's a good thing. Now to try a more complex test08:54.35 
  Oh, that caused a crash with pdf14 relocating pointers. :-(08:55.14 
  Strange, considering it had already run 7 pages, some of which use transparency08:56.12 
  Oh, its trying to reloc the device, why on earth is it doing that ?08:59.43 
  Well if I stop pdf14 trying to relocate the device(s) then everything works just fine. If only I understood why it was trying to do that ;_(09:03.22 
tor8 avih: regarding runtime errors; there are ways to get the line information but they require storing debug information to associate every instruction with a source line09:04.48 
kens2 chrisl, so why do I get create_compositor called for every page, if pdf14 is installed at startup, and deactivated for pages without transparency ?09:09.07 
chrisl I *think* that behaviour changed when the PDF interpreter was changed to surround each page with save/restore.09:09.55 
kens2 OK I guess that makes sense.09:10.14 
chrisl So, I think the "passthrough" mode now only applies in banded mode, to differentiate between bands with transparency, and bands without09:10.36 
kens2 I wish I understood what the reason for relocating the device is, the device in this case *can't* be relocated, because its a copy and the copy was made in non-gc memory.09:10.46 
  I'm going to work around it for now and hope it doesn't cause a problem.09:11.05 
chrisl But it's referenced from the graphics state09:12.07 
  Or is referenced by another device, which is referenced by the graphics state.....09:12.33 
kens2 Its refrernced by another device, which is referenced from the graphics state (potentially multiple links in that chain)09:16.09 
  So why do we need to relocate any opf the devices ?09:16.30 
chrisl Because devices are allocated in gc memory09:16.43 
kens2 Hmm, well the top level debice is09:16.57 
  All the children are allocated in non-gc memory09:17.08 
chrisl I thought all devices were allocated in gc memory09:17.31 
kens2 I guess what I mean is why does the compositor device need to reloc the device in the gsstate ?09:17.32 
  Not the ones I'm creating manually09:17.43 
  The original device is created in gc memory09:17.57 
chrisl So how does the garbage collector know that in certain cases the "target" pointer is to gc memory, and in other cases it isn't?09:18.43 
kens2 I'm unclear why it cares09:19.01 
chrisl Because the passthrough device prototype tells the garbage collector to care09:19.32 
kens2 More reason to get rid of it IMO, except that other devices do the same, so I have to cater for this09:19.54 
  Its easy enough to tell anyway (which is what I'm working on now), if there's subclass_data, then the device is not GC'ed09:20.29 
  So presumably I cna just tell the device_reloc code to not reloc any such device09:20.50 
  Err, I should say if thre's subclass datga and the parent is not NULL09:21.14 
chrisl Oh, ick, more special cases?? Surely it would be easier/better if you just use gc memory like you're supposed to09:21.34 
kens2 I really don't want to use GC memory for the child devices because then I get into having to have GC descriptors for them09:22.29 
chrisl Aren't there already prototype gc descriptors for default and passthrough devices?09:23.52 
kens2 These devices are copies of the original device, which I'm sotring when I overwrite the original device with my new device.09:24.17 
  The subclassing stuff first makes a new copy of the existing device09:24.46 
  The copy is not (currently) in GC memory09:24.59 
chrisl That's not going to work......09:25.46 
kens2 Why ?09:25.51 
chrisl What if the original device references objects in gc memory?09:26.07 
kens2 I'm not sure why that's a problem ? The device maintains its own pointers still, and has reference counts and enumerators and so on09:26.56 
  Hmm, but I suppose the GC can't find the devcie09:27.13 
  I *hate* dealing with GC memory09:27.32 
chrisl yes, so objects that get relocated won't have their pointers updated in the device, and if the device holds the only reference, the object will be freed (due to not being marked)09:28.06 
  But you shouldn't need new descriptors for these cases, all the devices already need descriptors.09:28.38 
kens2 That's going to be a major problem then, because if I have a device copy an existing copied device, I'm not sure how I can have the GC enumeration and relocation work.09:28.54 
  chrisl I need the device to maintain a pointer to the next device, (and the previous one) and both those poitners need GC enumeratora and reloactors09:29.29 
kens2 goes off to look in gxdevice.c again09:29.58 
chrisl Okay, but your new "filter" device must be in gc memory, so must have a gc descriptor09:30.26 
  kens2: ^^]09:30.30 
kens2 Well, the copy is currently in non-GC memory, so I need to change that. And somehow the copy needs to enumerate and relocate the parent (and if present, child) pointers to/from other devices, so it needs a GC descriptor for those. I'm not clear on how I can add those to an existing device. WHich is why I'm off looking at how devices are declared again. I'd hoped to avoid all this mess.09:32.07 
chrisl I assumed you've added the parent/child pointers to the gx_device_common list?09:33.19 
kens2 No.09:33.36 
  I'd added a void * to a common data structure, the idea beign that the pointers are stored there, along with a size of the data structure, and devices could store device-specific stuff there09:34.17 
  THey can't use the existing device memory, because it may not be big enough09:34.33 
  Obviously I can alter that and have three new pointers, parent, child and data09:35.45 
chrisl kens2: if the new opaque ptr is for device's private data, then how does your "filter" device change it?09:38.09 
kens2 If the child already has one, it doesn't, it just updates the parent and child pointers as required. Then allocates a new one for itself and stores it in the pre-existing device structure. When we finalize the device we free the data poitned to by it, copy the child device up and finalize that.09:39.34 
chrisl So, it's not really for data private to the device09:40.22 
kens2 It is, honestly09:40.41 
chrisl So, your device can't really modify it09:40.54 
kens2 See PM09:41.05 
  Lunch time, back in a bit11:30.22 
avih tor8: yeah, obviously it will require some runtime memory, but debugging script without them could be a nightmare... maybe some runtime option to compile with or without debug info?14:14.57 
tor8 avih: yes. I have considered such an option.14:19.34 
  at one point I had a LINE op-code that just set the currently executing line number. slow and inefficient, but it got the job done.14:20.08 
avih tor8: an interesting starting point could be to support __line__ ;)14:21.28 
  (though i don't think it's common is js).14:21.53 
tor8 avih: which js has that?14:22.26 
avih tor8: none that i know of, but then again, all of them show errors with line numbers ;)14:22.54 
  tor8: how would you evaluate the runtime memory increase and complexity of coding such "debug info" support?14:23.49 
  the former probably not more than.. 10-20% ram i guess? the latter - no clue14:24.20 
tor8 avih: it should be a fairly small impact. at most it would double the code size of functions, which is already pretty minimal compared to the amount of memory used by actual runtime objects.14:24.44 
avih right14:25.04 
  would it have a non-negligible effect on runtime speed?14:25.21 
  i'm guessing not since this info only needs to be accessed on errors/warnings14:25.51 
tor8 it would just bump the memory use, no effect on runtime speed14:26.47 
  since as you say, it'd only be accessed when creating errors14:27.05 
  hm, on second thought, it might be more trouble since I'll need to start being able to track the 'pc' outside of the interpreter14:28.47 
  since the errors are usually created inside C functions (builtin or otherwise) there's no access to the call stack14:30.56 
avih hmm... i'm not familiar with the internals of mujs to understand this ...14:35.11 
tor8 avih: it means I have to track call info somewhere explicitly, which will have an impact or runtime speed14:35.42 
  anytime there's a call-out to a C or JS function, I have to save the source line and location for debugging14:36.11 
  so you can get a stack trace14:36.33 
avih hmm...14:36.35 
tor8 and this is also for internal functions that implement the opcodes14:36.55 
avih yeah.. but stack trace will take more resources i think than just logging the line of the error14:37.10 
  (though stack traces would definitely be cool to have :) )14:37.59 
tor8 something like a ReferenceError can occur in the OP_GETPROP opcode14:38.02 
Robin_Watts tor8: You could consider having something whereby you either build a debug capable version or not.14:38.28 
avih can you access the call stack internally?14:38.36 
tor8 which has a chain of C function calls to resolve stuff based on the data types14:38.41 
Robin_Watts so for stuff where debugging is never an issue (like mupdf), you'd use the non-debug capable version.14:38.54 
tor8 and in those C functions, I will need to look at the last 'program counter' 14:39.04 
  there's no need for a full stack, but I do need to stash the program counter and last function somewhere so I can look up the last location in JS14:39.32 
avih Robin_Watts: actually, i was thinking of this feature for at least some release configurations, e.g. when an applications embeds js and the user creates the files, being able to debug errors in user files is extremely useful14:39.37 
tor8 Robin_Watts: yeah, I'd imagine a debugging flag toggle when creating the js_newstate14:40.00 
avih e.g. right now i'm trying to add js scripting support to mpv (video player derived from mplayer), and not seeing error lines can make it real hard to work with14:40.27 
Robin_Watts tor8: I was thinking a compile time thing for mujs itself.14:40.36 
tor8 Robin_Watts: I expect the easiest way to do this is by telling the compiler to emit a special opcode to record the current file and line number14:41.20 
avih yeah, compile time is definitely better than nothing14:41.20 
tor8 that'll slow down execution some, but it's the trivial way to do it without needing to add debug information data structures and call stack tracing14:42.09 
avih tor8: did you also see my comment on static files? 
tor8 avih: yes14:43.04 
malc_ avih: lua is not good enough?14:44.58 
avih btw, i do find the language implementation very solid. i tried few other embedded js engines, and none so far was as smooth to work with as mujs is. cheers.14:45.31 
  malc_: it is, for devs who speak lua. there are many who speak js but not lua14:45.59 
tor8 malc_: in a perfect world, everybody would use lua instead of js14:46.57 
  but since we're stuck with js, I tried to do the best of the situation with mujs14:47.13 
malc_ tor8: how come?14:47.21 
tor8 the PDF spec requires it, and a lot of people prefer JS for insane reasons14:47.57 
  malc_: mujs has an API and design heavily inspired by the lua API14:48.33 
Robin_Watts The fact it's in every browser is a killer one.14:48.33 
malc_ tor8: no, i meant why do you think js is worse than lua?14:48.48 
tor8 malc_: JS has way too many ugly warts14:49.02 
  Eich should have spent more than a week on it before shoving the first version out the door14:49.24 
avih heh14:49.42 
tor8 and the lua metatables is so much more useful than JS prototypes14:50.00 
malc_ tor8: well, afaik his initial version was more scheme like (syntax wise), should it have stayed that way -- would have stopped some of the insanity14:50.50 
tor8 if you can ignore the warts, and live with the limitations of prototypes vs metatables, they're not all that much different14:50.56 
  but the one feature that is the major killer of JS as a good language is that all dictionary keys are strings and only strings14:51.29 
avih btw, what's the relation between mujs and ghostscript?14:51.31 
  same developers? same company?14:51.49 
tor8 avih: mujs is the JS interpreter I wrote for use with MuPDF, which is a product by the same company as Ghostscript14:52.00 
malc_ tor8: i was considering adding some scripting stuff would you say lua or js (in form of mujs) would be a better choice?14:52.03 
tor8 malc_: if you have the option -- go with lua14:52.14 
avih tor8: gotcha. thx14:52.20 
malc_ tor8: hum hum.. tack14:52.38 
tor8 lua is faster, has luajit if you really need performance, and it's a better spec'd language with way fewer surprises and limitations14:52.59 
malc_ tor8: sure lua(jit) is faster than mujs (probably), yet money and man power poured into v8 and suchlike make me doubt the validty of your assertion (in general)14:54.28 
tor8 if you don't like lua (because of silly reasons like arrays starting at 1) and don't mind not having actual arrays (js arrays are just magic foo based on strings that look like integers)14:54.33 
malc_ hey.. my inner fotranner rejoyces at 1 based arrays14:55.03 
tor8 JS jit compilers still have to deal with JS crap like what I just mentioned -- in the best case they can get comparable performance to luajit, but in the general case, I believe luajit will beat them any day14:55.41 
  not to mention -- luajit is what, 250K, and v8 is 25M14:56.14 
  and pulls in crazy C++ and multi-threading dependencies14:56.29 
Robin_Watts 1 based arrays? jeez.14:56.45 
malc_ tor8: 
avih how many/which projects other than myPDF use mujs?14:57.05 
Robin_Watts If someone asks you how many people are in the room, and you don't start counting from 0, you are not a programmer :)14:57.09 
malc_ tor8: heh, i've browsed through v8 once, ran away in horror14:57.19 
avih it seems to me it has less buzz than it should have14:57.28 
Robin_Watts avih: muhs has only been out for a month or two.14:57.45 
avih s/myPDF/muPDF/14:57.48 
tor8 Robin_Watts: it's the only questionable design feature of lua :) that, and a sadly necessary bit of evil with variables being global by default (due to the way scoping and modules work)14:57.52 
avih Robin_Watts: oh.. though i've seem commit messages going back at least 9 months..14:58.30 
tor8 avih: make more buzz :) it's a very new project, it's only been released for a couple of months. development started last christmas.14:58.33 
avih good to know :)14:59.07 
  tor8: in that case, i've heard mpv people asking if it has pkg-config ;)14:59.37 
tor8 avih: I was fed up with the giant monster JS implementations (I don't care about or want JIT compilation, and we try very hard to avoid C++ dependencies)14:59.40 
  and all the small implementations were as you say, incomplete14:59.50 
  malc_: asm.js is a different beast :)15:00.36 
avih yeah, i think the closest to working nicely was duktape. tbh i don't recall why i didn't pick it up.. maybe the code base seemed way bigger than mujs?15:00.36 
tor8 avih: I only discovered duktape after I'd gotten mujs to the stage where it actually worked15:01.06 
avih :)15:01.13 
tor8 it seems to have very similar goals15:01.14 
avih yes15:01.18 
  though different api. mujs api is very nice on one hand to add js support where lua support exists, but then again it's just different enough such that refactoring existing code to support both languages is not somehing i wanna venture into15:02.13 
  and duplicating big chunks of code only to modify few lines on each function is ugly15:02.57 
tor8 avih: yeah, the runtime models of lua and js are different enough that you don't really want to support both using mechanical transformations15:03.06 
  the way 'this' works in JS, and prototypes vs metatables15:03.22 
avih yeah15:03.39 
tor8 it would probably be easier going the other way, retasking mujs interfaced code to work with lua as well15:04.26 
avih overall though, these are "rich people's problems" to be able to duplicate almost verbatim instead of having to implement embedding from scratch :)15:04.30 
tor8 prototypes map easily to metatable.__index15:04.37 
  and dictionaries in js are a subset of what tables in lua can do15:05.05 
  having only string keys15:05.13 
  avih: if you don't mind my asking, where are you using mujs?15:05.53 
avih you mean for supporting both apis automatically?15:05.54 
tor8 avih: yeah.15:05.58 
avih trying to add js support at mpv movie player)15:06.16 
  which already has lua support15:06.27 
tor8 or creating a common wrapper or translation layer between mujs/lua15:06.39 
avih yeah. one thing at a time, first et me get it working, then, maybe, maybe, i'll try to unify them :)15:07.08 
  (fwiw, i work for mozilla, but i still value small code bases and easy integration and wouldn't think of trying to embed spidermonkey into mpv ;) )15:08.44 
  nor v8 :)15:09.42 
tor8 :)15:09.57 
avih v7 actually sounded interesting (same dev who wrote the mongoose web server), and he has nice complementary c++ packages which could integrate into the implementation as modules (socket, crypto, etc), supposedly exposing it all as a single small "Smart js" embedded js, but it's.. not smooth. the js itself doesn't seem stable enough, and smart js is in a weird state where it's not clear what's released and what isn't..15:13.48 
  tor8: btw, i extended require a bit to also support node.js style modules, and emit the line number on syntax errors ;) feel free to take it15:17.52 
  well.. it emitted the line numbers already, but not the file name15:19.42 
tor8 avih: check the 'debug' branch on git:// 
avih tor8: will do :)16:17.31 
  tor8: so the only change is js_setdebug, right? no defines which i missed to check debug support, yes?16:31.55 
  (that was quick! :D)16:34.21 
  works very nicely on the simple cases i tested before this patch :) thanks16:38.07 
tor8 avih: great!16:56.11 
avih tor8: btw, just noticed that there's a pretty print dump, how do i invoke it? it's not on mujs.h, and also 'dump' is not defined when called from within js code16:56.54 
  (trying to read jsdump.c now)16:57.30 
  same for jsR_dumpstack, is there an e.stack property of exceptions?17:03.02 
zauberparacelsus How do you access the help window in MuPDF? A friend of mine was able to access it on Windows through the icon at the top-left of the window bar, but doing it that way doesn't work on Linux.17:58.24 
henrys random rant: gdev_vector_stream() ... why do we still have code like this? What do streams have to do with beginpage?18:28.52 
avih re TODO: lifetime of js_tostring <-- till gc?19:09.21 
marcosw I'm going to reboot casper in a few minutes so that the pending updates can occur. It should be back up momentarily.21:44.47 
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