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tor8 avih: d'oh!00:17.16 
  avih: github is updated manually00:19.34 
avih tor, apparently, when compiling with cygwin, both WIN32 and __unix__ are defined, but then it doesn't find _ftime at jsdate.c . so i modified both ifdefs to check __unix first, and added elif at one of them (one of them tries both unox and win32 without elif). also, js_newerror is declared twice at mujs.h05:44.27 
  and there are few warnings which could be valid: 
kens Hmm, that would seem to be bad news for us..... Presumably there will also be a free Android version in time15:24.06 
nsz it's good news in the sense that it shows microsoft feels that their end is near..15:27.23 
henrys tor8: crazy stuff going on with them, the infinite storage too whatever that really means.15:49.20 
tor8 henrys: I imagine what would happen if you piped /dev/random to a file on their infinite storage, and let it run forever15:51.54 
henrys tor8: I think you have to mirror right? put up as much disk space as you use? but not sure. I am a subscriber we can try it ;-)15:52.29 
tor8 :D15:52.52 
henrys tor8: my idea was to start an ad based backup company.15:53.10 
tor8 cat /dev/random > /cloud/secret-encrypted-file.dat15:53.19 
  henrys: we should have our next meeting in Berlin, Miles could get his tropical fix here: 
henrys tor8: right snorkeling looks good ;-)15:55.27 
Robin_Watts tor8: ooh, I'm going to Berlin over new year.16:02.05 
kens Berlin was good, we enjoyed it.16:02.26 
Robin_Watts and Helen needs to learn to snorkel before next years holiday.16:02.27 
kens Where to next year ?16:02.54 
Robin_Watts Tahiti, Moorea, etc.16:03.06 
kens OK snorkeling sounds good in that case16:03.42 
  If you're planning on doing touristy stuff, I reccomend the Berlin Card16:05.02 
  Robin_Watts : I suspect Helen would enjoy a visit to Fassbender and Rausch as well16:08.18 
Robin_Watts Ah. Very probably!16:08.54 
kens I was quite amusing to look at inside16:09.07 
  Melanie was more interested in the Ritter shop16:09.36 
avih tor8: , apparently, when compiling with cygwin, both WIN32 and __unix__ are defined, but then it doesn't find _ftime at jsdate.c . so i modified both ifdefs to check __unix first, and added elif at one of them (one of them tries both unox and win32 without elif). also, js_newerror is declared twice at mujs.h . and there are few warnings which could be valid: 
Robin_Watts Ritter = Marzipan, right?16:10.38 
kens Not really, no its a brand of chocolate16:10.52 
  Ritter Sport16:11.01 
Robin_Watts Ok, but they do do chocolate covered marzipan.16:11.10 
chrisl I always preferred Milka.....16:11.15 
kens The Ritter place has every kind of chocolate they make, and the opportunity to make your own combination16:11.46 
  More of a kids thing really16:12.05 
roboso hello16:19.43 
ghostbot Welcome to #ghostscript, the channel for Ghostscript and MuPDF. If you have a question, please ask it, don't ask to ask it. Do be prepared to wait for a reply as devs will check the logs and reply when they come on line.16:19.43 
henrys wonders if ghostbot can respond to the name that triggered him to say something....16:21.24 
avih tor8: also, i noticed that pop is considerably slower than push (~10x?). is this due to the data structure used?16:27.45 
tor8 avih: you mean array push/pop?16:29.07 
avih yes16:29.14 
  are there other push/pop in js?16:29.19 
tor8 plenty of push/pop in the bytecode16:29.47 
avih e.g. this prints the array with 1000 numbers practically instantly, but then takes several seconds to display the empty final array:16:30.09 
  x=[]; for (i=1; i<1000; i++) x.push(i); print(x); for (i=0; i<1000; i++) x.pop();16:30.09 
Robin_Watts henrys: a private message you mean?16:31.30 
tor8 I would expect pop to be about 2x slower (it needs to both look up and then delete a property) whereas push only needs to insert one16:31.33 
avih tor8: try the line i just posted. it's hard to assess because push happens so quickly. it feels to me like pop is exponential of length16:32.23 
Robin_Watts henrys: Or to say "roboso: Welcome to #ghostscript..." ?16:32.39 
henrys Robin_Watts: yes that.16:32.52 
Robin_Watts That should be doable.16:33.01 
avih or, it feels like push is O(1) but pop is O(n)16:33.53 
tor8 avih: objects use a self-balancing binary search tree to store properties, so I'd expect both insert and delete operations to have the same O(log n) complexity16:34.20 
avih tor8: did you try the line i posted? you see how the pushes finish instantly but the pop loop takes quite a few seconds?16:34.57 
  (i understand both should be O(log(n)), it just doesn't feel like it)16:35.31 
tor8 avih: yes, it's significantly much slower16:35.44 
avih and if you add prints per iteration, you'll see that it feels proportional to the current length of the array16:36.19 
tor8 could be bugs in the binary search tree deletion... that stuff has not been tested exhaustively16:36.34 
avih yeah16:36.48 
  same goes for splice etc. whenever an object has to be deleted16:37.09 
  (ii only tested arrays though)16:37.45 
tor8 avih: arrays use the same representation as objects16:43.52 
  just magic handling of the 'length' property16:44.01 
  I'll have to look into this slowdown16:44.08 
avih tor8: yes, i followed the implementation of the array index wrapping around objects when i was looking for the splice bug. also found the s/del/add/ bug but forgot to mention it since i managed to reproduce the crash regardless.16:46.13 
nsz another bug in ecma-262: Number.prototype.toString ( [ radix ] ) radix other than 10 is implementation defined but "Letters a-z are used for digits with values 10 through 35" and "the algorithm should be a generalisation of that specified in 9.8.1"16:48.05 
  9.8.1 is the tostring spec that uses 'e' for exponent.. which cannot workif radix >1416:48.42 
  (i use c99 hexfloat formatting for now which is good for debugging purposes)16:51.06 
avih nsz: hmm.. that's weird... so how does it handle hex fractions?17:16.59 
  or rather, how should it handle hex fractions>17:17.11 
nsz ppl dont implement it, that's how17:17.58 
  it's a useless piece of spec17:18.17 
  (but i like to debug fp issues with hexfloats so i have it there for now)17:19.02 
avih nsz: there could be hacked parsing where if all non numerals are caps and there's a single 'e' which isn't, interpret it as exponent rather than digit :)17:35.11 
  that's fcckued up17:39.31 
henrys tor8: now you got me looking at the verge, now folks know how to user their surface: 
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