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mahtab Hello09:45.45 
ghostbot Welcome to #ghostscript, the channel for Ghostscript and MuPDF. If you have a question, please ask it, don't ask to ask it. Do be prepared to wait for a reply as devs will check the logs and reply when they come on line.09:45.45 
mahtab I have a query regarding Mupdf android sample application09:46.33 
  could anybody please help me 09:46.39 
  how can I reduce or remove gap between pages in the reader view09:47.20 
jogux mahtab: probably Robin or Paul can say something helpful about that; they'll probably be around in the next few hours09:49.46 
mahtab okk thanks09:50.07 
henrys helmut is becoming a "regular"15:05.13 
kens I htink its all the same problem, he doesn't understand how the font code searching works15:05.34 
  (not surprising, since its complicated)15:05.43 
Robin_Watts kens: Is there a "Here is how Ghostscript font searching works" document ?15:16.05 
  One suspects that writing such a thing would save time in the long run.15:16.18 
kens Nothing as simple as that, unfortunately15:16.19 
  Part of the problem is that it truly is complicated15:16.33 
Robin_Watts Kens: I understand that; but if we were to write such a document, we could update it each time a question came in that it did not cover.15:17.09 
kens THere are several differnt kinds of searches, and people tend to get confused because Fonts are not the same as CIDFonts, and TrueType fonts are 'none of the above', yet can be used as either fotns or CIDFonts depending how you define them15:17.22 
Robin_Watts The problem is that without it, people will continue to misunderstand and only get more and more confused.15:17.37 
kens TBH it doesn't matter to most people, Helmut's problem is, at least in part, that he is dealing with installations which already have Ghostscript installed on them15:18.12 
  Which goes back to what Chris was pointing out before, that we only have one environment variable for GS, no matter whic hversion it is.....15:18.33 
chrisl There is a section on "how Ghostscript finds fonts" in the docs - I don't know how accurate it is, nor whether it properly covers CIDFonts15:18.48 
kens Most people are unaware that CIDFonts are not Fonts....15:19.11 
Robin_Watts "TBH it doesn't matter to most people" - but for those people for whom it matters, it really matters.15:19.31 
chrisl Robin_Watts: Reviewing the docs is on my to-do list15:20.04 
kens THe fonts.htm doc is quite basic15:20.12 
  The 'platform fonts' section seems to have disappeared, though the link at the top of the page is still there, which is puzzling15:20.51 
  And that document doesn't mention CIDFonts at all15:21.12 
chrisl Oh, I removed it since we no longer support it - I thought I'd removed the link, too15:21.19 
kens Its in the bullet list at the top, but if yo uclick it, nothgin happens15:21.40 
  That does look like the right file to put a revised set of documentation in though15:22.10 
  Use.htm should probably then reference that file, rather than containing informaiton itself. Having the info in 2 places can't be good15:22.51 
chrisl The trouble is there is overlap there15:23.51 
kens Looks like there are 6 different ways to specify search paths for fonts, is it surprising people are confused ?15:24.00 
  Oh, and CIDFonts are differnt again :-)15:24.32 
chrisl IIRC, we never "search" for CIDFonts15:25.00 
kens THe docs just ssay 'are fgound using a different method'15:25.22 
chrisl Well, that'll be the method defined in the PLRM, I expect15:26.11 
kens Seems we only look in /Resource/CIDFont (but also presumably anyhting directly specified in cidfmap)15:26.15 
henrys the last sentence in 8.3 CID fonts ... why is that not sufficient?15:26.33 
kens sufficient for what ?15:26.50 
henrys sufficient for documentation?15:27.13 
kens Bear in mind that /Resource is a ROM file system *unless* you specify -I15:27.15 
chrisl I think that is sufficient - the deficiency is/may be in describing CIDFont substitutions15:27.27 
kens Its also important that people are aware that using -I can override the location of /Resource15:27.57 
chrisl Only under certain conditions.....15:28.19 
kens Yes, and I'm not sure that's clearly documented either15:28.36 
chrisl It is not, as far as I'm aware15:28.57 
henrys it looks to me like eveything is documented somewhat, if we don't simplify the process folks are always going to trip over something.15:29.01 
Robin_Watts Twiki page!15:29.09 
kens prefers documentation to be supplied with the application15:29.41 
Robin_Watts That way it can easily be tweaked/expanded etc, and when it stabilises we can roll it back into the release.15:29.51 
kens I kind of doubt anyone would alter it, but I'm not averse in principle15:30.22 
  Up to CHris though, its his area15:30.30 
henrys chrisl: The last sentence if 8.3 seems wrong, well at least you should say something about -I causing the interpreter to look in a "different" /Resource directory.15:31.57 
chrisl henrys: the -I does not *always* have that effect15:32.22 
kens It only does that if you direct it to a directory which includes the init files15:32.27 
chrisl No, that's not correct - it only does it if a search finds the string "Resource" (or similar) in the path15:33.07 
  Which is just insane.......15:33.32 
kens Hmm that seems a little prone to error :-)15:33.35 
chrisl Well, that's why I would never have allowed that code out the door15:33.52 
henrys chrisl: we've had several of these conversations about -I and friends... I wonder how all that will work with mooscript?15:34.01 
chrisl henrys: we'll have to make it work the same15:34.19 
kens At the moment, not at all15:34.21 
chrisl With muscript, it'll only be fonts we need to worry about, though15:34.43 
  or mooscript15:34.50 
kens Might need CMaps too, but that's kind of fonts15:35.10 
henrys chrisl: fonts are a good amount of worry ;-)15:35.11 
kens Hmm, and ICC profiles ?15:35.34 
  Oh they aren't in Resource15:36.01 
chrisl henrys: the problem is, over the years, lots of people have added these options, and special cases to these options, and no one has kept an eye on things to keep them consistent and sane15:36.27 
henrys chrisl: I don't know how we got in this mess but a reading of 8.2 Font lookup paragraph 1, it's clear, no amount of documentation is going to make this easy to use. 15:42.49 
kens THat's pretty much what I was trying to get across earlier.15:43.15 
  We can certainly improve what documentation we have, and it wold be excellent to do so, but... its complicated.15:43.37 
chrisl henrys: I agree entirely - like I said, there are just too many things that influence the behaviour in unexpected (and often subtle) ways15:43.59 
kens Helmut, like may people is placing *way* too much trust in the Acrobat preflight.15:44.28 
chrisl Also, we haven't changed *any* of this since 9.10, to the best of my knowledge, anyway15:45.47 
kens And of the files he has sent, one does not display properly in Acrobat, and the other does not contsain the fonts15:45.59 
chrisl kens: it may display correctly if you have the appropriate font(s) installed15:46.24 
kens Hmm, I doubt it, but let me look closer15:46.45 
Robin_Watts Might I suggest we document the current mess as best we can, and give a 'best practice' section on how it should be done.15:47.13 
kens The missing fonts are CIDFonts15:47.14 
chrisl Robin_Watts: When I get time, I will - if you feel strongly about it, have at it15:47.34 
Robin_Watts We can then mark the other sections as deprecated, and look to remove them/fix them in future.15:47.41 
kens OK its probably because I don;'t have a CenturyGothc font available15:47.54 
Robin_Watts chrisl: Ordinarily I would. But a) I don't do fonts, and b) I'm kinda busy :(15:48.20 
kens As are we all :-(15:48.32 
chrisl Robin_Watts: we're *all* kinda busy15:48.33 
Robin_Watts I appreciate that we are all busy though (you beat me too it)15:48.46 
  but this sounds like something that should be on a to do list somewhere.15:49.00 
kens Chris did say it was on his15:49.09 
chrisl Robin_Watts: Besides, I don't think documenting it would help much, bearing in mind he keeps saying 9.10 worked and 9.15 doesn't - and as I said, we haven't changed this stuff15:49.34 
kens I suspect he is confused as to what he has tested and on which setup15:50.06 
  Its very easy to get confused by all this15:50.25 
Robin_Watts I suspect that in order to shut Helmut up (sorry, "solve his problem"), we're going to need to explain a sizeable proportion of what would be in such a doc.15:50.50 
henrys the documentation isn't lacking we need to go straight to the deprecation!15:50.54 
chrisl Robin_Watts: Can you remember: did we have a bug that stopped the registry key retrieval working properly with a Unicode enabled build?15:51.17 
kens Deprecating and removing some of this, and rationalising the rest would make me happy, but how many people would scream ?15:51.25 
chrisl Every one that some random bit of it was added to help out15:51.56 
Robin_Watts kens: How many people that we care about? :)15:52.02 
kens WHo knows ? THa'ts part of the problem.....15:52.21 
  bizarre apostrophe placement r me15:52.43 
Robin_Watts chrisl: I can remember no such bug. But then I have my name tattooed on my right thumb so I can remember it...15:53.12 
henrys I think this is so extreme it needs to be fixed (and broken for some) ... sometimes you have to do it the Apple way ;-)15:53.24 
kens There's a couple of prospects when I do a search, but nothing leaps out15:53.42 
chrisl henrys: that will p*ss off a lot more people than changing the device API....15:53.59 
kens Which most people never see :-)15:54.14 
chrisl Exactly......15:54.21 
  Robin_Watts: I have a *very* vague memory of something related to either environment variables or the registry keys not working correctly - but I try to forget everything Windows related as quickly as I can15:55.14 
henrys chrisl: we can get a sense of open source usage by searching SO for the parameters right?15:56.00 
chrisl henrys: maybe - I'm more concerned about customers15:56.28 
kens suspects most of those will have my name attached :-)15:56.35 
chrisl Anyway, I will get around to reviewing the docs, and writing a "do it this way" section at some point15:57.39 
  In the meantime, I have to go to the post office, and then squash.......15:58.03 
henrys chrisl: my instinct is open source users are challenging this part of the code more than customers but I don't know for sure.15:58.03 
  chrisl: okay15:58.14 
chrisl henrys: you may be right, but I, for one, don't have a clear picture15:58.48 
rayjj chrisl_away (for the logs): kens: Note that you can use -sGenericResourceDir=... to set the Resource path independent of -I... That's what I usually recommend to customers17:01.59 
kens True, but that just adds to the complexity of interacting path definitions17:02.29 
rayjj rather than relying on the 'automagic' wonky method that "tries" to find one using the -I path17:02.52 
kens heads off for the night.17:04.07 
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