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rayjj hi, marcosw -- Are you testing the cluster ? I see jobs coming and going for you04:41.23 
  I wouldn't usually notice, but I'm just watching my jobs go through04:42.00 
matu Hello08:41.11 
ghostbot Welcome to #ghostscript, the channel for Ghostscript and MuPDF. If you have a question, please ask it, don't ask to ask it. Do be prepared to wait for a reply as devs will check the logs and reply when they come on line.08:41.11 
matu I'm using trying to use ghostscript with a automated printing solution08:42.12 
  C:\Program Files\gs\gs9.15\bin\gswin64c.exe" -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=ljet4 -sOutputFile="%printer%hp" C:\www\Litsentskawe.pdf08:42.16 
kens matu and ?08:51.46 
matu i can't user newer printres09:05.54 
  nothing is coming out09:06.05 
kens Sounds liek the printer isn't compatible with LaserJet 4 language.09:06.41 
matu yes09:06.48 
  is there a way to update built in devices?09:06.59 
kens Sure, download the source, alter the device, and rebuild09:07.17 
  You could also try the pjxl device, but as far as I know, the ljet4 device works with modern printers09:08.18 
matu ok09:44.04 
  will try09:44.06 
  thank you!09:44.08 
kens Our PCL expert will be online in a few hours you could come back and ask again then. Probably in around 4 hours or so09:45.00 
matu perfect!09:45.25 
tor8 Robin_Watts: gah. I regret caving to your suggestion to make fz_matrix and fz_rect pass by pointer... it makes writing code so much more tedious, having to always create temporary storage to mutate them10:08.29 
Robin_Watts tor8: code is better performing for it though.10:15.21 
tor8 possibly, the original pre and post measurements weren't reproducible were they?10:16.57 
  still, not significant enough to warrant the inertia of writing code using the new api:s, IMO10:17.13 
Robin_Watts I think there is a discipline that comes from maintaining your own storage for stuff, rather than forcing the compiler to repeatedly copy structs.10:35.33 
  And my memory is that the performance difference was clear, especially on ARM.10:35.52 
paulgardiner Not sure I get that. I wasn't aware of any advantage other than performance.10:39.27 
tor8 in the end it's storage on the stack no matter whether it's an auto variable or a parameter10:40.17 
paulgardiner ... but then I'm increasingly moving to the "don't use C unless you have to" camp.10:40.23 
Robin_Watts Yes, it's a pure performance thing. It's malloc vs gc all over again.10:40.36 
nsz paulgardiner: why not?10:40.46 
  Robin_Watts: why again?10:41.27 
Robin_Watts nsz: Why is malloc better than gc?10:42.07 
tor8 Robin_Watts: at least it's not like java where every single matrix or rect would have to be heap allocated and garbage collected.10:42.12 
Robin_Watts It's horses for courses. gc makes it very easy to produce programs - it removes lots of worries about remembering to deallocate etc.10:42.49 
nsz i mean it was always like that10:42.52 
  at least i didnt notice significant changes in the malloc vs gc thing for a long time10:43.11 
Robin_Watts But it's necessarily inefficient.10:43.20 
paulgardiner nsz: because it is hard enough to get things right even when you aren't worrying about where things are stored, plus, although you can do OO in C, it is really nice to have language support for it and lastly having blocks (or closures) is just wonderous10:43.25 
Robin_Watts nsz: yes, I'm not claiming any recent changes in this stuff.10:43.31 
nsz ok10:43.44 
tor8 malloc vs gc only really matters when you can't have the periodic performance stalls while the gc runs10:44.03 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: All of which are arguments for convenience over performance. And all valid in that context.10:44.07 
  but we want mupdf to be performant.10:44.22 
nsz paulgardiner: closures are evil in libraries that can do lowlevel things10:44.30 
  actually any callback is10:44.35 
tor8 i.e. video and audio playback if you're cpu limited, and all animated graphics10:44.46 
  but we've never considered gc for mupdf, being C and all10:45.17 
jogux tor8: Apple got some massive performance gains switching OS X apps from GC to automatic reference counting iirc. like performance of some tasks in xcode got 10 times faster.10:45.26 
paulgardiner Robin_Watts: yeah I don't think I'm disagreeing with you (I rarely do). I was just wondering what you meant by "there's a discipline"... if there was something else that was good about arranging storatge yourself10:45.32 
nsz my position is that you must use c if you want to write a library that solves a single problem that will be widely used10:45.35 
tor8 jogux: sounds backwards to me... ARC needs to touch memory -all- the time a pointer is copied10:45.55 
  unless they're smarter about it than a naive ARC approach would be10:46.07 
nsz gc touches memory all the time too, no?10:46.22 
jogux the compiler does a lot of static analysis AIUI.10:46.24 
paulgardiner nsz: yes very true. Although I don't use C unless I have to, I accept it is very often the best language to use10:46.54 
jogux [it also often outperforms manually managing memory, at least if you're using autorelease pools, which are pretty much unavoidable]10:46.55 
Robin_Watts paulgardiner: A mental discipline. It's a certain amount of pain for a certain amount of benefit.10:47.02 
tor8 nsz: only at periodic intervals; gc doesn't dereference the pointer to read/write a reference count every time the pointer is accessed10:47.03 
  jogux: autorelease pools are a fantastic idea; probably the only thing I like about ObjC :)10:47.38 
jogux :-)10:47.47 
Robin_Watts tor8: depends how you implement gc.10:47.49 
paulgardiner Robin_Watts: right10:47.57 
Robin_Watts When I did the actionscript engine for the picsel flash player, that had gc in it.10:48.11 
paulgardiner tor8: nothing else you like about objC?10:48.26 
Robin_Watts It was a combination of reference counts and then mark/sweep to remove cycles.10:48.26 
  the cost of the reference counting was more than made up by the fact that mark/sweep had to do so much less.10:48.49 
tor8 paulgardiner: the selector dispatch mechanisms are neat, but not enough to make me want to use the language10:48.53 
  Robin_Watts: my xhtml+css mupdf module is at the stage where it can be used to read HTML documents!10:49.55 
paulgardiner tor8. I like having blocks. I like the way it makes reference counting trivial (although gc would make that unnecessary). I like the way it makes accessors so low maintenance10:50.21 
Robin_Watts Wow! Nice one.10:50.23 
tor8 with proper margins, padding and text-indent10:50.23 
nsz hm i assumed ref counting could elide a fair amount of ref count modification by 'borrow without taking ownership' semantics10:50.56 
tor8 paulgardiner: I'm just not into the object oriented programming style, so most of what objc gives you I don't care about :)10:51.01 
paulgardiner tor8: that's astounding10:51.01 
nsz and then the memory access should not be that bad10:51.12 
tor8 paulgardiner: but yes, blocks are neat for multi-threading, I'll have to give them that10:51.17 
paulgardiner I find blocks useful for all sorts of things10:51.47 
nsz well it's ok if you dont use it in apis10:52.25 
tor8 and font styles and sizes, etc10:52.39 
jogux henrys: I have a skype question about newsletter when you have a minute :)12:41.49 
henrys open source .net ... huh15:30.07 
kens When you cna't beat htem....15:30.35 
Robin_Watts henrys: eh?15:33.14 
kens MS is open sourcing .NET15:33.26 
Robin_Watts open sourcing. will that lead to cross platform support?15:33.47 
jogux they're putting some of it into mono apparently. so yeah.15:33.59 
kens WIndows Linunx and OS/X yes15:34.02 
Robin_Watts So, how does that leave mvrhels windows gsview?15:34.32 
  The reason that wouldn't work cross platform was cos of the lack of .net on linux/macosx.15:35.09 
rayjj such as can we have a Windows style UI for linux users -- they'll love that :-/15:35.26 
  mvrhel_laptop: were your earrs ringing ?15:36.06 
mvrhel_laptop uhoh15:36.14 
rayjj Robin_Watts and henrys were just mentioning .NET on linux and OS/X -- so we could use your gsview there15:37.00 
  (oh, and kens actually posted the URL)15:37.34 
kens I posted *a* URL, there are several15:37.45 
mvrhel_laptop right15:37.50 
kens THe Reg had about 3 articles on it yesterday, that was just the 1st one I found15:38.21 
henrys well they've open sourced it... I imagine it'll be a little while before we see anything working on linux or osx ... 15:38.45 
mvrhel_laptop yes15:38.55 
rayjj so MS is probably going to be hiring some people with open source and linux experience :-)15:38.58 
henrys rayjj: they are supposed to be assisting the mono group15:39.25 
kens Another link:15:41.14 
rayjj chrisl: we probably had this discussion (at least two times before), but I'd like to bring it up again -- For cust 532, we are loading the font once per page, even though every page uses the same object15:42.53 
  chrisl: obviously, the reload is due to the "PDFSave restore" at the end of each page that causes us to "forget"15:43.27 
chrisl rayjj: yes, we can't safely hold onto the fonts between pages15:44.19 
henrys this -20 C stuff is getting old fast...15:45.11 
rayjj I removed the PDFSave save ... PDFSave restore and even on my laptop it is measurable on this 16p test file (> 10%) and on the full PLRM-3rd it results in 1.8x parsing improvement.15:45.12 
chrisl rayjj: we have at least a couple of files in our regression tests that will fail to render correctly with that change15:45.56 
kens But is that any use if the output is incorrect ?15:45.58 
  Fast but wrong is not better than slow but correct15:46.15 
rayjj chrisl: actually, I ran a regression and it only showed 9 pages with minor differences15:46.29 
  and that's with the "brute force" approach that just zaps the save...restore15:47.11 
chrisl rayjj: I can assure you, it will cause problems15:47.24 
Robin_Watts "We can't safely hold onto fonts between pages" - why is that? Is that because of the architecture of the PDF interpreter? Is there something that could be done within the interpreter to make it safe?15:47.36 
kens I no longer remember the details of this, if someone can dig it out of Git I'll look again15:47.59 
rayjj chrisl: I understand font names aren't useful, but PDF objects s/b safe, right ?15:48.08 
kens The commit that changed it I mean15:48.09 
chrisl rayjj: it stems from the fact we load font resources by name, and font names in PDFs are not sufficiently unique15:48.22 
rayjj kens: dig "it" out of git ???15:48.24 
kens Find the commit that added the page level save, I can't remember why it was done15:48.44 
  Presumably you oculd use Git blame since you have the line number15:48.57 
chrisl "PDF objects s/b safe" - huh?15:49.00 
rayjj chrisl: for PDF font resource objects, we keep the PSFont in the object dict and re-use it during the page15:49.06 
kens We don't load PDF fonts by 'object' we load them by name15:49.18 
Robin_Watts chrisl: So we might have several font objects within a PDF file that specify the same name, but different contents?15:49.38 
rayjj kens: once we resolve a "resourcefont15:49.40 
chrisl Robin_Watts: yes15:49.44 
rayjj kens: we retain whatever (substituted, munged, etc) font as PSFont in the object15:50.05 
chrisl Robin_Watts: Luckily, so far, we haven't hit any that clash on the same page15:50.11 
kens rayjj what Chrisl is saying15:50.23 
rayjj kens: chrisl: the same object ALWAYS resolves to the same font, AIUI15:50.53 
Robin_Watts chrisl: So, (and forgive me if I am showing my ignorance here), we could change from using the font name specified in the PDF object, to using a faked up name derived from the PDF object/gen number?15:50.57 
kens rayjj if we get a sedonde font object, using the name of an already laoded font, we don't want to take a copy of the already loaed font, it may *not* be the same font15:51.27 
rayjj Robin_Watts: we don't even need that -- we retain the font in the object dict for the resource15:51.35 
chrisl Robin_Watts: we could, and I have branch somewhere that has the beginnings of that approach - but no one was interested, so I had to stop work on it15:51.36 
kens s/sedonde/second/15:51.40 
rayjj kens: it _does_ also check the UID for the loaded font15:52.00 
kens Robin_Watts : chris and I have discussed that approach at length, and its the only 100% sure way to proceed, but its not how things work at the moment15:52.12 
  rayjj IIRC that makes no difference15:52.25 
Robin_Watts chrisl: OK, so this is a "it's a limitation of the PDF interpreter. It could be lifted with sufficient investment of time and effort." bug then.15:52.35 
rayjj kens: and I am not talking about a _second_ font object, but EXACTLY the same PDF object 15:52.43 
chrisl Robin_Watts: indeed, yes15:52.48 
Robin_Watts chrisl: Gotcha. Ta.15:52.53 
kens rayjj But we don't *know* that its the same font object. as far as I recall15:53.04 
rayjj 1.8x on the PLRM seems pretty useful15:53.09 
kens rayjj fintd the commit that added the save/restore andwe can discuss this better.15:53.40 
  The point is not reuse of the same object, its encountering a *different* object with the same font *name*15:54.08 
  In that case, we would load the already instantiated font, and that can cause trouble15:54.26 
rayjj kens: we get the object resource for the font. That dict has PSFont (if it has been loaded for that page) and we re-use it. I am talking about that not going away across pages15:54.39 
chrisl rayjj: when we create a PDF font object, we do, in at least some cases, a findfont to find the PSFont object - that relies on the font name, which isn't reliable15:55.02 
kens If you are not talking about going across pages, then why do you care about the page level restore ?15:55.08 
rayjj kens: PDF Font Resource resolves to an object (dict) *NOT* a name15:55.13 
kens And what's your problem with the page level restore then ?15:55.30 
rayjj kens: sorry bad phrasing. Currently it doesn't go across pages. It gets "forgotten" by the "restore". I *want* it to be remembered across pages15:56.15 
kens If you aren't going across pages, the p[age level restore is irrelevant, if you are going across pages then the point is that you may load a new object, which uses the same name as the font on a preceeding page, if you do, then a dindfont will find the existing font, and that can be incorrect.15:56.33 
  rayjj, the point is that if you don't forget existing fonts at the end of page, then a new font object can reuse an existing font, incorrectly15:57.05 
rayjj kens: you can't (or shouldn't) load a different font for the same object15:57.09 
kens rayjj NO15:57.16 
  Object 1 uses font foo15:57.48 
  enf od page, new page15:57.53 
  page 2 uses object 215:57.59 
  object 2 is also a font called 'foo' but it is not the same font as object 115:58.20 
rayjj kens: I don't care about a different object. The optimisation is only for objects (currently effective only for within the page)15:58.33 
kens If we don't forget the font for object 1, then we load it for object 215:58.38 
  rayjj you most certainly do care about a different object, if it resolves to the wrong font15:58.58 
Robin_Watts rayjj: The problem is, AIUI, that the PDF interpreter does not find fonts at the object level. It finds them (at least partially) by name.15:59.37 
kens If you remove the save/restore then you leave teh font object behind, which leaves it possible for a new font object to load the existing PostScript font15:59.40 
rayjj kens: I don't care about (or want to change) the way an object resolves to an actual font object. I just want to avoid all the work of preparing (finding, munging, etc) the font for a particular obect16:00.09 
Robin_Watts rayjj: If I'm following this properly, when a font is requested, the pdf interpreter does a findfont for that fonts name. If it exists, it is reused. If it does not exist, it sets it up again from the font object.16:00.40 
kens rayjj unless you can arrange that a new PDF font object cannot find the existing PostScript font (loaded for the preceding font object) then you can potentially load the wrong PostScript font.16:01.12 
rayjj kens: I _don't_ want to get rid of the restore. That is critical for other reasons. I just want to pass the PSFont font in an object around the restore16:01.17 
kens rayjj I don't know how you can do that, but that doesn't seem to be what you were saying before.16:01.43 
chrisl rayjj: the solution to that is to load the font into global VM - but that is a *huge* nightmare16:01.49 
kens I've a feeling the fonts in global VM won't work for other reasons, though the details escape me now16:02.11 
rayjj kens: getting rid of the restore might result in what you are saying (a new font object getting the wrong font by name)16:02.14 
kens rayjj yes, I was under the impression you wanted to get rid of the page level restore16:02.30 
chrisl rayjj: the problem with loading fonts into global VM is that by the time we know creating a font object, we have already created a *lot* of (composite) objects in local VM16:03.21 
  Also, some fonts don't work well in global VM, but I suspect we don't have to worry about those16:03.46 
rayjj chrisl: IIRC that fonts not working in global VM is mostly having to do with the loading process of Type 1 fonts (that play games)16:07.35 
chrisl rayjj: yeh, like I said, I don't think we have to care about those. But the problem of not knowing it's a font until we're a long way through reading it, that's a problem16:08.31 
rayjj chrisl: what about copying the font to a global dict after it was loaded into local VM? Then the PDF interp would have the global copy to re-use16:08.38 
kens Hmm, if we load a font into global VM, won't it still persist after a restore ? In which case we're back to potentially finding it via fndfont, aren't we ?16:09.13 
rayjj in the PDF interp ( the last thing we do is tuck the font away as PSFont in the object dict16:09.23 
chrisl rayjj: I did briefly try that, but I couldn't get it to work - again, no one cared at the time I raised it, so I had to stop working on it16:09.43 
kens I seem to recall the PS font object carries some important stuff around with it, which the interpreter accesses directly16:10.05 
rayjj kens: I don't think so. We use the FontDirectory -- we don't search all dicts for something named "Helvetica"16:10.08 
kens rayjj as long as its no longer loaded into FontDirectory, yes16:10.29 
  WHich I guess is subject to save/retore16:10.38 
rayjj kens: exactly -- FontDirectory _is_ one of the things that 'restore' takes care of16:11.04 
chrisl if the font isn't in the FontDirectory we have to do a definefont don't we? In which case, we're pretty much back to recreating the font16:11.16 
  rayjj: But GlobalFontDirectory isn't which is where the font will end up if it's in global VM16:11.46 
kens I'm unsure, I recall running across some strange dependencies in the PS interpreter, but I no longer remember what they were16:11.59 
rayjj kens: ideally we'd not want to bother making a global copy of the font unless that object was shared on another page, but that's a bit more work (but not that much more than checking for transparency)16:12.14 
kens and yes, I thought the font woudl still be a font, until the EOJ restore16:12.18 
chrisl However, we *can* store the object number in the font dictionary, and use that to validate the font before we use it a subsequent time16:12.29 
kens Yes, the object number is a *much* better way to proceed on this16:12.47 
rayjj chrisl: we don't need the font in *either* FontDirectory if we get it from the PDF object number16:13.03 
  (sort of what Robin_Watts mentioned)16:13.21 
chrisl rayjj: but we can't use a font that's not in one or other FontDirectory16:13.26 
kens rayjj I have a sneaky suspicion that won't work, though I cannot currently remember why16:13.31 
henrys does anyone know if adobe puts cached fonts in global vm? A font with a buildchar procedure that had a side effect could show that. Check if buildchar is called after restore again?16:13.35 
kens I have a feeling the font carries a pointer to the cache, that might be the problem16:13.50 
rayjj chrisl: are you sure ? 'scalefont' doesn't refer to the font directory16:14.17 
chrisl rayjj: Hmm, I could be getting confused with another PS interpreter......16:14.46 
rayjj kens: why is the cache a problem (I'm not sure that the font _does_ point to the cache, btw)16:14.48 
  font cache hits are resolved by font-id,glyph-id,matrix as keys AIUI16:15.48 
chrisl rayjj: I'm also not sure that copying the font dictionary will also copy the internal font object in a useful way (gs_font *)16:15.49 
kens rayjj I'm pretty sure it does point to the cache, because I trip[ped over it while trying to do the 'no output fonts' stuff for pdfwrite (the equivalent of -dNOCACHE with pswrite). It may not be a problem *unless* you need to use the cache, just saying that I remember it causing me problems16:15.50 
rayjj and that font-id is our internally generated gs_id, so _is_ unique16:16.29 
henrys it does reference the cache - see gsfont.c line 72 ...16:16.33 
kens WHile it may be possible to work around the problem, my own preference would be to fix it so that we check the object number as well, when dealing with PDF fonts16:16.46 
rayjj henrys: that comment is about GC16:17.33 
henrys the enum ptr procedure references the cache.16:18.09 
rayjj henrys: I think that font directory is different than the PS level FontDirectory that is subject to restore16:18.45 
kens Neverhteless, a gs_font carries a pointer to a gs_font_dir16:19.27 
  Its not clear to me that you can have a font which isn't in a gs_font_dir, though whether that is visible at the PostScirtpt level I have no idea16:20.10 
chrisl I'm fairly sure that once you copy a font dictionary, the new copy is not a usable font - it needs to be definefonted again16:21.16 
rayjj chrisl: I can try that readily enough ...16:22.37 
henrys chrisl, rayjj : len said 5 seconds? what percentage slowdown?16:23.59 
rayjj henrys: 5 seconds ??? the problem is < 2 seconds for 16 pages (the entire job is 24 seconds with 906)16:25.29 
chrisl rayjj: "/Helvetica findfont dup length dict .copydict 10 scalefont" -> Error: /invalidfont in --scalefont--16:25.50 
henrys rayjj: he wrote GS871 is faster by about 5 seconds on the target ...16:26.08 
kens I thikn 5% maybe ?16:26.19 
rayjj henrys: gs871 is about 22.5 seconds. gs906 is 24.516:26.26 
kens Or which mail is htis ?16:26.28 
chrisl I saw the mail where he mentioned 5 seconds, but I've never seen overall times16:26.51 
rayjj that's from the email with the JPG's of the instrumented code16:27.07 
  from 11/7 (1.9Mb -- 6 attachments)16:28.05 
henrys if 24.5 and 22.5 are correct and I assume this is all text jobs effected that is quite a hit. 16:28.49 
rayjj the JPEG files are charts, but come from actual target numbers16:29.01 
chrisl I'm not at all clear where the slow down is occurring16:29.15 
rayjj now that thing is that 871 text processing was the same in this respect as with 906 -- both reload the font. In parallel I am looking (with Len) into potential color setting issues16:30.09 
  but if we can speed up the text processing, that's good as well.16:30.36 
chrisl Avoiding reloading the fonts is a non-trivial project16:30.49 
rayjj (or even better since it helps us overall)16:30.50 
chrisl It's not a quick or easy fix16:31.21 
kens We'd love to get rid of the font laoding, but its not easy, as chrisl said, he and I have discussed this several times16:31.22 
chrisl I'm also concerned that since the page level save/restore was introduce a considerable time ago, there *may* be a lot of newer code that relies on it to work correctly16:32.32 
kens That wouldn't surprise me either, though again if that's the case, it should be undone and made to work better :-) Another large project probably, although Ray's cluster push is encouraging16:33.19 
chrisl Fonts are the biggest concern - but I doubt my old patch would work or even apply now16:34.07 
rayjj kens: I also don't want to get rid of page level restore16:34.40 
henrys do we have profiles there are some other things that have changed. Robin_Watts changing mem_copy_mono which is very important to font rendering changed as well?16:34.56 
kens I think getting rid of that save is the way to go myself, trying to make fonts persist without that looks like a nightmare to me16:35.18 
chrisl henrys: the VS profiler output was complete nonsense, even when I eventually got it to run16:35.34 
henrys chrisl: we have a file right? we can profile on linux no?16:36.01 
chrisl henrys: I've never got their code to build on anything other than the simulator in VS16:36.30 
kens Is there a measurable difference on standard GS ?16:37.08 
henrys chrisl: I was just thinking of doing 871 and 906 compare not their stuff...16:37.15 
chrisl henrys: I doubt that will give meaningful results16:37.34 
  kens: not that I could detect using as close to similar configurations as seemed reasonable16:38.00 
kens THen profiling on Linux is a non-starter I guess16:38.13 
chrisl Stock 9.06 is a lot slower because we *always* applied all the TTF hints in that, while cust 532 disable TTF hints16:38.55 
rayjj chrisl: I tried: /Helvetica findfont true setglobal dup length dict copy /X1 exch definefont false setglobal /X1 50 selectfont 100 500 moveto (X) show showpage16:38.57 
henrys I guess I don't understand it seems pretty clear there is a performance regression. Why wouldn't we see it.16:39.02 
rayjj henrys: you're kidding, right ?16:39.21 
chrisl rayjj: yes, so you repeated the "definefont" which is one of the most time consuming parts of the process16:39.46 
rayjj 9.xx _is_ slower than 871 -- we *know* that16:39.50 
  chrisl: is it ?16:40.09 
chrisl rayjj: definefont is where almost all the validation happens, and where we build the gs_font object16:40.42 
henrys rayjj: then why wouldn't it be useful to create 871 and 9.xx profiles on linux?16:40.54 
rayjj henrys: profiles for just this 16p file ?16:41.34 
chrisl henrys: 9.xx does more stuff than 8.71 - doing more stuff takes more time.......16:41.48 
henrys yes but we'd like to know if it is save/restore, mem_copy_mono, icc profiles, you should see that quite clearly in a profile.16:43.04 
rayjj henrys: for cust 532, their code is really *not* our 8.71 16:43.07 
  and we have some 'pseudo profiles' from their target that is the primary thing I'm using. Anything else is mostly misleading16:43.56 
chrisl rayjj: the thing point is, I agree entirely that what we have now (page save/restore) is not the right solution, and I would be happy to take it up as a project (given that I started on it >2 years ago), but it's not going to be a quick fix.16:44.48 
rayjj the difficulty is that the pseudo profiles are from instrumenting the code and it's hard (impossible) to get exactly the same instrumentation16:45.00 
chrisl rayjj: my reading is that the manually instrument the code - is that correct?16:45.35 
rayjj chrisl: I'm not sure that getting rid of restore per page will ever get there. mooscript is probably a better place to spend time16:46.10 
chrisl rayjj: I'm not sure that keeping the save/restore and fiddling with fonts would be best, either. It would need investigating16:47.05 
rayjj chrisl: it depends on which set of docs you are looking at, but the JPEG charts and the .csv files are from instrumented code on the target. The XLS files are from the "AQtime" tool on Windows simulator and are best to take with a pound of salt16:47.48 
chrisl rayjj: it just seems to me that instead of using a profile to work out where to investigate, they guess at where the problem is, and add instrumentation in there to prove or disprove the guess16:49.05 
rayjj chrisl: on the time needed for 'definefont' that would only be to create the copy that gets retained (by object number) for re-use16:49.13 
  so that would only be done once for all pages16:49.28 
chrisl rayjj: but the definefont puts the font in the FontDirectory, and we're back to needing a way to validate the font16:50.29 
rayjj chrisl: yes. The problem is that their 'hprof' profiling tool is a piece of crap that doesn't give us actual function names reliably -- never been resolved16:50.34 
  chrisl: "validate" ?16:50.54 
kens "Make sure we aren't loading an existing font for a new object"16:51.20 
chrisl Wot kens said......16:51.32 
rayjj a PDF Font Resource comes from a PDF object/generation number that *is* unique16:51.49 
chrisl But we don't store that in the font dictionary16:52.02 
kens rayjj, yes, but its not the PDF font object we're discussing16:52.04 
rayjj so as long as we pull in the font saved for that object, we are "valid"16:52.23 
  kens: it is _exactly_ the PDF object that I am looking to re-use, avoiding reloading16:52.51 
chrisl When we're loading a new font object, we don't have a font saved for it16:52.54 
kens When we load a new PDF font object, we may try to find an underlying PostScript font for it (ie findfont). If a previous font object has already loaded that PS font it will be in FontDirectory, which can lead to us using an inappropriate font for the new object16:52.57 
  rayjj you are trying to acoid reloading a font for an existing object, we are trying to avoid using an existing font for a new object16:53.39 
  Your interest is in getting performance, ours is in getting correct output16:53.56 
rayjj kens: I don't care about a new object16:54.14 
kens rayjj, you will if you run across one of these files.16:54.27 
chrisl rayjj: so you're happy using the wrong font?16:54.34 
rayjj when we do a page level restore, the elements in FontDirectory get forgotten16:54.45 
chrisl Not if they are in global VM16:54.55 
kens ANythign you do which results in a PS font remaining in FontDirectory means that potentially a new PDF font object can use that font, instead of laoding a new font16:54.59 
  rayjj and the global VM fonts are in GlobalFontDirectory ? WHich I think we also search with findfont16:55.30 
rayjj kens: but they are in global VM in globaldict, not FontDiretory and the 'definefont' is done with a different key16:55.47 
chrisl A font created in global VM will end up in the GlobalFontDirectory16:56.02 
kens chrisl beat me to it16:56.21 
  rayjj copying the font dictionary in a way which removes the font name from all places where fiondfont might find it is absolutely safe. Anything else isn't.16:57.50 
  The problem seems to be that if you copy the font dictionary that way, you can't then use the font, which makes it less than useful for rendering text, so you have to 'findfont' it or similar again. WHIch chrisl believes is the largest part of the time anyway16:58.40 
chrisl We remove a font from the FontDirectories, but I don't know what implications that might have for future uses of the font16:59.07 
rayjj kens: findfont _is_ a problem. chrisl mentioned 'defineifont'16:59.18 
kens He did also mention findfont, as did I. The problem is for a new PDF font object, which will start by trying to see if it already exists, by using findfont on the font name (potentialyy, at least)16:59.55 
  The problem is that (for some very bad PDF files) the font *does* already exist (from an earlier page) and has the same name, but its not the same font.....17:00.35 
chrisl rayjj: as I've said, these problems can all be worked out, *but* it will take time17:01.42 
rayjj kens: so we need to get rid of the font names that we don't want (not the object # based one) from GlobalFontDirectory ?17:01.52 
kens rayjj from GLobalFontDirectory if you ptu the fonts in global VM, and from FOntDirectory if you put them in local VM17:02.20 
  But as I said before, I'd rather see Chris spend time on his approach than adding more hairy code that does weird special sh*t behind the scenes......17:03.02 
rayjj kens: AIUI, FontDirectory gets handled by the page level restore17:03.11 
kens Yeah, if you put the fonts in global VM you don't need to worry about the local VM FontDirectory.17:03.41 
rayjj kens: I agree that chrisl probably shouldn't spend time on it (mooscript is more useful)17:03.47 
chrisl Er, actually, IIRC, at least in some cases we put global fonts in the local FontDirectory, too.....17:04.22 
kens rayjj I think getting the existing PDF interpreter to work with object numbers for fonts would be more suseful. Mooscript is a long, long way from being useful, and not getting any closer17:04.30 
chrisl Argh, git blame is less than helpful tracking down the reason for the PDFSave addition.... :-(17:05.55 
kens TBH I've never had a lot if success with Git blame, I assumed it was because I just don't know how to use it properly17:06.22 
chrisl The problem is, it's not clear in this case, if the lines were added in the commit, or moved to their current location in the commit17:07.16 
kens Oh.....17:07.30 
  oh, no, actually, the lines were moved.... but how do I find the history before that17:08.11 
rayjj chrisl: it's been in place since before 2002 as far as I can tell17:08.17 
kens Yeah, seems they were moved17:08.19 
  I notice there's at least one other thing there about needing tro be inside the page save17:08.47 
chrisl rayjj: yeh, I'm guessing it's been there since the original commit to cvs in '98 or so17:09.02 
  kens: I don't really want to push fonts onto the stack between pages - even it would work ;-)17:09.46 
  s/even/even if17:09.55 
kens didn't think I'd suggested that.....17:10.22 
rayjj kens: I confirmed that I _can_ still use the font defined as X1 in GlobalFontDirectory even if I 'undef' Helvetica and NimbusSanL-Regu from GlobalFontDirectory17:10.39 
chrisl I assumed you meant the Repaired flag17:10.39 
kens Oh no, I was just looking at the comment for pdfshowpage_setcspacesub17:11.00 
rayjj chrisl: right. invalidrestore17:11.06 
henrys I was sort of curious so I went back to earlier version 8.71 and it seems to be significantly slower than the latest for text dominant stuff. Huh17:11.36 
kens rayjj are you doing the undef in PostScript ?17:11.43 
rayjj kens: yes (I zapped gs_init so that GlobalFontDirectory was not readonly)17:12.11 
kens Hmm, that's not ideal really17:12.29 
rayjj kens: "ideal" ??? we are talking about Ghostscript's PDF interpreter here17:13.00 
kens Thoguh I'm happier with a PS solution in the PDF itnerpreter than some hacky code in C in the PS interpreter17:13.01 
  rayjj you're talking about the PS interpreter there, maing GlobalFontDirectory read/write17:13.34 
  The PDF interpreter is impossible to make worse17:13.52 
rayjj kens: but yes, I'm coming around to something that *might* work with mods to pdf_font.ps17:13.57 
  internally we have .forceundef17:14.29 
kens While it would be nice to have, it doesn't really address Len's problem, it just hides it. Though maybe that's good enough17:14.42 
rayjj kens: Len is looking for any and all solutions, including "hiding"17:15.15 
kens Well, utilising nasty PS extensions in the PDF interpreter has plenty of provenance :-(17:15.16 
rayjj I'm going to let this percolate in the "little gray cells" and look into the colorspace issue now, but thanks for the discussion (in particular the hint about 'definefont', chrisl)17:17.15 
  BTW, I did confirm that just copying a font loaded with findfont doesn't make a usable font -- I *do* need to use definefont, but then it is OK17:18.16 
kens If you can knock something up quick, it would be interesting to see what effect doing that has on their file17:19.10 
rayjj kens: yes, and also the PLRM17:19.35 
kens Yes, I thought that might be harder as there are more fonts and font types to worry about17:19.53 
chrisl For the couple of examples I got to work way back when, the performance improvement was useful - in one case, dramatic, but that was a bonkers file.17:20.14 
rayjj kens: maybe, but just zapping the PDFSave restore with the PLRM was dramatic 17:20.29 
kens Yes, but that knocks out a lot of stuff, you probably won't get as much from just fonts, but it would be interesting to know17:20.59 
rayjj but I don't know how much time was actually the save/restore time17:21.14 
kens THat's what I mean yes17:21.21 
rayjj (as kens said)17:21.25 
chrisl PDFSave does, indeed, date right back to '9817:21.35 
kens :-(17:21.46 
  OK I'm off, night all17:22.06 
henrys chrisl: about caching across jobs - at one time I had the pcl interpreter using the ufst cache and it would shove bitmaps in the gs cache. I haven't looked at that code in a long time but I wonder if that would be away to get some benefits of caching across pages without messing with gs.17:31.38 
chrisl henrys: it's possible, but I doubt it would have a great deal of benefit in the PS/PDF world these days. Embedded fonts are the order of the day17:33.02 
henrys chrisl: yeah just a thought...17:33.26 
chrisl henrys: case in point, the file from Len uses Helvetica, but embeds a TTF version of it17:34.05 
  henrys: I've never messed with the ufst cache, though. I briefly played with the Freetype one, and didn't see any benefit (given our existing cache arrangement)17:35.25 
henrys chrisl: no problem you were going to fix the ufst embedded stuff anyway ;-)17:35.43 
chrisl henrys: I'd love to, but I think it's an impossible task without major tweaking to their code - so I gave up......17:36.35 
henrys chrisl: I never understood how anyone could get it to work with PS and PDF17:37.43 
chrisl henrys: with the code as it ships, you can't, really, genuinely can't.......17:38.31 
henrys I suspect the UFST is mostly a PCL tool and most folks have Adobe or their own font solution for the other languages.17:38.36 
chrisl Everyone I know that's used it as their main solution has made more than trivial changes to it to work with Postscript, at least17:39.37 
henrys now that monotype is partnered with adobe there's little reason to improve it, I can't imagine Adobe handing over font rendering to the UFST.17:40.53 
Robin_Watts Adobe handed over some font rendering code to freetype recently IIRC.17:41.41 
  Possibly that may be a sign that they are moving to using freetype.17:42.02 
chrisl Interpreter, not rendering, I think17:42.12 
Robin_Watts chrisl: Sorry, yes.17:42.21 
chrisl I think it was the CFF interpreter17:42.29 
  And, IIRC, they handed over the bare code, and someone else was left to integrate, but I could be wrong......17:43.42 
  Is there a way in bugzill that I can search for bugs that I've attached a patch to?17:45.52 
henrys chrisl: attachment is patch in custom search17:47.26 
  I haven't tried it myself17:47.41 
chrisl Aha! So it is. Thanks henrys 17:47.56 
henrys rayjj, chrisl while I'm sticking my nose in... wouldn't it be better to expand that pdf file out to say 200 pages or so and having len do his profile again?17:53.37 
chrisl henrys: I don't have the confidence in their profiling that it would buy us much......17:55.22 
mvrhel_laptop henrys: I am going to try to get my xps device changes committed today17:57.31 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: yeah I was going to ask you about that. I have a large change too and I didn't want to force you to merge.17:57.59 
chrisl rayjj: do you know if the major time delay is due to recreating the font, or due to discarding and recreating the cached the glyphs?17:58.32 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: have you pushed without problems, I would expect a lot of pixel shifts with your code, at least.17:58.57 
mvrhel_laptop henrys: not yet. I was just cleaning up a few things. 18:04.18 
  marcosw: are you here?19:10.03 
  henrys: so the cluster push says there are lots of diffs. unfortunately, bmpcmp does not seem to work 19:11.21 
  one segv that I will look at now19:12.52 
  it does not have any images but I am wondering if this has always been here since this appears to be the first run of this19:13.30 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: do you have to do anything special to get it tested? does xpswrite have to change?19:14.23 
mvrhel_laptop henrys: no I just did a clusterpush19:14.49 
  I don't know if xpswrite had to change19:15.05 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: if it isn't the image stuff assign a bug to me19:15.19 
mvrhel_laptop ok let me verify it first19:15.35 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: marcos has reported 5 bugs but no crashes19:16.18 
mvrhel_laptop ok19:16.25 
  well let me make sure19:16.31 
  hmm file ran fine here19:17.51 
  other than the fact that the output is giant...19:18.29 
  3K goes to 132,000K19:19.06 
  oh and the xpsviewer will not open it19:20.24 
  it is a file with shading19:20.46 
  I am going to do a clean push just to see what comes out19:21.15 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: this is before your changes?19:21.15 
mvrhel_laptop no this is after my changes19:21.24 
  henrys: I will check from before too19:21.37 
rayjj chrisl: aargh!! seems that even though we are in a long TJ operator we are doing the ENTIRE text setup for EVERY string in the TJ (Show is doing the entire showfirst procedure)19:21.43 
chrisl rayjj: Yeh, I noticed that a few weeks ago. I was meaning to see if there would be a way to do it more efficiently19:23.03 
mvrhel_laptop my fixes were not for shading. that will be another issue. xps is limited compared to pdf for its shading. we may be able to pack in some of the stuff in vector form (same for transparency). The rest we should pack in as an image (which is the part that I did add)19:23.27 
chrisl rayjj: I figured it would be easy enough for Tr, but not sure what else is required19:23.37 
rayjj chrisl: AFAIK, there is no way to change anything except text position when processing the TJ params19:23.41 
  chrisl: I'm going to see if there's a rabbit down this hole :-)19:24.33 
chrisl rayjj: I was hoping we could avoid the text setup for all the operators unless something had changed - probably easier/safer to just target TJ though19:24.33 
rayjj chrisl: If this works, I'll cc you (of course) and maybe leave more general optimization in side of BT/ET to you ?19:25.53 
chrisl rayjj: Okay, if it looks like it's going to be useful, maybe put it in a bug? So we don't forget.....19:26.44 
rayjj chrisl: right.19:26.53 
  tome for some food.19:27.08 
chrisl FWIW, I *think* we need to smarter than just doing the setup on a BT operator, stuff can change inside BT/ET IIRC19:27.40 
  Right, my screen is starting to look fuzzy, so I better stop.....19:30.13 
  Goodnight all19:30.23 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: we do need bmpcmp, I'll send marcosw email19:31.41 
mvrhel_laptop ok thanks19:31.52 
  henrys: so a clean cluster push gives me this19:42.12 
  tests_private/pdf/PDF_1.7_FTS/fts_06_0626.pdf.xps.ppmraw.300.0 beards Seg_Fault_reading_Ghostscript_produced_PDF/PS/XPS_File19:42.14 
  oh it segv's on the reading of the xps file19:42.35 
  the xps file can't be read either by the MS xps viewer. So really there are 2 issues with this19:43.15 
  1) we should not be doing the segv with gxps 2) the xps output from xpswrite is not good19:43.45 
  henrys: so once marcosw has bmpcmp working then I will go through my diffs19:44.43 
  I will open a bug about the above19:44.57 
  henrys: bug commited. Number 695680 assigned to you19:48.00 
  in the mean time, I will look at the ones that apparently resulted in errors with xpswrite19:51.43 
  which must be from my change19:51.53 
  330 of them, hopefully a single issue...19:52.04 
  hmm I may have mucked up something. 20:01.04 
  ok yes. my change screwed up something20:11.06 
  found the issue21:16.34 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: any other parameters when creating that crash file for gxps? I am not seeing it.21:42.24 
mvrhel_laptop henrys: I don't get it locally either21:42.45 
  it just occurred though on a clean cluster push21:42.57 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: it's just a whole lot of rectangle so it's a memory thing I suppose.21:43.05 
mvrhel_laptop henrys: and that is for gxps21:43.17 
  xpswrite creates an output21:43.24 
  but the MS viewer wont view it21:43.34 
  and gxps crashes on it21:43.37 
  henrys: I have to head out for a few minutes21:44.37 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: no parameters to gs when creating the xps other than -sDEVICE=xpswrite?21:45.03 
mvrhel_laptop that is all I had21:48.12 
  that wont crash though21:48.46 
  I think the crash is occurring when gxps tries to read the output of xpswirte21:49.05 
henrys I understand - the page size is 10x the usual, could that be it?21:49.59 
  I wanted to make sure I was looking at the same xps input as you are. If you changed stuff on the gs command line my file would be different21:51.02 
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