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avih hmm :/04:00.26 
  > String.fromCharCode(65,0,97).length;04:00.30 
  > String.fromCharCode(65,66,97).length;04:01.47 
tor8 avih: the catch variable shadowing is a bug that only applies to 'light weight' functions,10:53.30 
  if you add an eval() call or inner functions then it will behave as expected. I'll fix the bug.10:53.57 
avih tor8: if you mean that it does shadow global vars, then yes, noticed it too. still, looks like a bug, isn't it?10:54.12 
tor8 no, the catch argument should shadow everything, but in light weight functions local variables shadow it instead10:54.54 
  which is wrong10:54.57 
  strings have no hardcoded length limit, but I do cheat and use zero-terminated strings so embedded zeroes won't work10:55.23 
  typed arrays -- not implemented but there's nothing to prevent you from implementing them using the extension API10:55.44 
avih yeah, noticed it. that kinds of limits applications with binary data, even if strings are not as good for it as typed arrays are10:55.58 
tor8 (if you're talking about WebGL and asm.js style arrays of typed data)10:56.12 
  I'd not use strings for binary data; the strings are UTF-8 unicode data10:56.35 
avih yeah, that kind of typed data, though for plain binary data, unrelated to asm or webgl10:56.46 
tor8 yeah. I think both asm.js and WebGL use the same basic data type interfaces though10:57.02 
  basically a chunk of memory, initialized somehow, with differently typed 'view' objects on the same chunk10:57.28 
avih it's basically a buffer with views of different fixed types10:57.32 
tor8 I guess the difficulty with typed array is how to make the array accesses in the views use a C function10:59.20 
  normally you have a prototype object with get/set property accessors11:00.12 
avih so why wouldn't this work here?11:00.31 
tor8 for typed arrays you'll need a way to override *all* property accessors with a function11:00.32 
  since you don't want to add a get/set property for *every* possible numeric index11:00.50 
avih are there other property accessors other than index?11:01.17 
tor8 all object and array accesses eventually fall down to two primitive operations in the JS spec: HasProperty and PutProperty11:02.10 
avih i don't recall exactly what's allowed with typed arrays TBH, but it's more limited than arrays iirc11:02.13 
tor8 allowing userdata objects to override the has/putproperty accesses with a function pointer would let you implement typed arrays trivially using the public API11:03.05 
avih though yeah, it shouldn't be hard to expose some opaque buffer type with access functions if i really need to use binary data11:03.31 
tor8 the other way would be to add typed arrays to the core MuJS but that's not really where I want the project to go11:03.38 
  much rather give the flexibility to the API11:03.45 
  avih: yeah, if you can live with get() and put() functions rather than the syntactic sugar of [] you can do the equivalent today already11:04.16 
avih yup11:04.40 
tor8 just make a userdata object for the buffer and add putU8, getU8, getF32() functions to its prototype11:04.58 
avih why do you say that's not where you want mujs to go? as embedded implementation, accessing c buffers could come quite useful imo11:05.18 
tor8 it's going beyond the scope of the ES5 spec11:05.40 
avih true, but is very useful for embedding, and more recent spec does define it11:06.06 
tor8 if by more recent spec you mean that monstrosity ES6?11:06.36 
avih :)11:06.40 
tor8 but I expect typed arrays would be a minimal addition and possible well worth adding11:06.54 
avih hey, you already support-ish parts of it which you considered useful/easy to implement :)11:06.59 
  but that probably shouldn't come before proper error info, possibly with stack traces ;) being able to trace errors is an important tool during dev, and if your only test env is via mujs, then it's a non trivial limitation to not have this11:08.41 
tor8 avih: yes. better debugging info is #111:09.16 
  string garbage collection #211:09.25 
avih hmm.. i like your priorities :)11:09.39 
tor8 and customizable has/setproperty #311:09.47 
  though #3 is probably the easiest of the two11:09.55 
  ahem. I can't count today it seems :)11:10.09 
avih :)11:10.43 
tor8 and with #3, an example typed array extension should be a trivial addition11:10.52 
avih it's monday. doesn't count.11:11.01 
  pardon the pun.11:11.15 
tor8 :)11:11.21 
avih :)11:11.26 
  tor8: btw, i mentioned it in the past, i think you could really benefit from allowing people to file issues on githug. i assume you want users, and i'm guessing github users could be good for you. even if it creates management overhead for yourself.11:16.57 
tor8 avih: okay, the try/catch shadowing is a trivial fix but it does mean using catch() will make a function somewhat slower (due to needing to set up the full environment record for chained variable lookups)11:17.09 
  avih: not enough?11:17.46 
avih i think correctness is better, though that depends how much slower it actually is. if it's 10x slower, then personally i think i'd live with this as a documented bug.. maybe11:18.17 
tor8 avih: yeah. fixing it with lightweight functions would be non-trivial.11:18.41 
  so it's probably just that I forgot this case when analyzing whether a function can be lightweight (and cheat with fast local variable accesses)11:19.04 
avih tor8: bugs.ghostscript is good for you. from users it requires registration, and takes them out of their "home" which is the github echosystem. i'd think11:19.36 
kens thinks 'echosystem' is a wonderful description of Github11:20.12 
avih was that sarcasm?11:20.27 
kens No, seriously11:20.34 
  I like it :-)11:20.45 
avih :) i just came up with it11:20.54 
  anyway, gotta go now. later.11:21.37 
tor8 echosystem is hilariously accurate for large parts of github :)11:21.45 
  avih: fix for the try/catch issue is live.11:22.19 
avih cool. cheers :)11:22.28 
  tor8: btw, while i'm not familiar with the internal representation and (probably) therefore the exact meaning of lightweight functions, could that non-lightweight mode be applied only to the catch block?11:23.52 
tor8 avih: sadly not11:24.02 
avih k11:24.11 
tor8 all lightweight does is make all local variable accesses into direct stack accesses11:24.21 
avih and this mode doesn't support shadowing?11:24.56 
tor8 and heavyweight means we have to create an environment record object to hold the local variables because they might be used from closures created by inner functions or eval11:25.01 
avih like, the name resolution is.. "random" or flat?11:25.17 
tor8 avih: yeah. it makes name access completely flat.11:25.24 
avih k11:25.37 
tor8 so it only works for a subset of functions11:25.39 
avih anyway, really gotta run. later :)11:25.46 
tor8 lookups for variables that are not part of the local scope are looked up using the environment records11:26.16 
  and the spec says the catch() block adds a new environment record11:26.32 
  so we can't flatten that into the 'lighweight' variable stack11:26.57 
avih tor8: btw, JSLint errors on catch variable shadow, apparently since some (old?) implementation do exactly what your (pre patch) code does.14:13.21 
  but jslint is known to be super strict when it comes to known compatibility issues14:14.12 
  though i think most modern implementations get it right. didn't research though.14:14.49 
  also, just in case you missed it last time, there are some warnings you might wanna handle. and the win32/unix ifdefs (preferably start with unix and put the win32 part as elif rather than a new ifdef) for cygwin compatibility14:18.21 
  iirc only on jsdate.c14:18.56 
  so the js_newerror and the inst/save are trivial. not sure how to prevent the overflow warnings14:20.28 
  maybe a directive? sine i think it's probable safe as it is.14:21.17 
tor8 avih: I'll fix newerror. inst/save are just gcc being stupid (or are you using another compiler?)14:21.45 
avih gcc14:21.56 
  is it stupic? didn't actually look at the code it warns about14:22.22 
tor8 yeah. gcc fails at flow analysis when looking for warnings.14:22.26 
  the inst warning might be impossible for it to know about (since the condition is impossible, but that's set up in a different function)14:23.03 
  but it should be smart enough to catch the save, at least14:23.34 
  still, it's easy to shut them up14:23.43 
avih maybe it's too old? 4.8.214:24.11 
  though it's not that old...14:24.29 
tor8 no. gcc is just a steaming pile :)14:24.33 
avih heh14:24.37 
tor8 avih: does jsdate.c build with cygwin if you change #ifdef _WIN32 to #ifdef MSC_VER ?14:28.05 
  in both locations of _WIN3214:28.25 
avih and ms vc2013 compiler gives some "different const qualifier" warnings14:28.29 
tor8 or does that break msys?14:28.31 
avih i don't have an msys environment. only cygwin14:29.06 
tor8 changing the order might be more robust14:29.07 
avih (and msvc..)14:29.23 
  isn't MSC_VER only for msvc?14:29.44 
  with cygwin it compiles using gcc14:29.51 
tor8 MSC_VER is only for MSVC, yes14:30.06 
avih oh, i see your point14:30.17 
tor8 I'm wondering if MSYS supports both time.h and timeb.h14:30.18 
  since cygwin according to your report only supports time.h14:30.32 
avih it supports both, but a function definition was missing14:30.55 
  _timeb iirc?14:30.59 
  let me try to remove my patch and give you the exact issues.14:31.25 
tor8 avih: or pull from tor/master and see if the latest patch solves the problem for cygwin14:31.47 
avih compiles with msvc. checking cygwin/gcc14:34.24 
  cygwin/gcc works too. let me see what the patch does.14:35.14 
  yeah, identical to my own patch. thx14:35.51 
  hmm.. gcc didn't give any warnings.. oh, i compiled manually instead of via the mpv build script which sets all the warnings on14:37.08 
tor8 avih: thanks.14:37.26 
avih np14:37.29 
  hmm.. i think the catch fix does make it slower... maybe 2x slower for function calls with catch. possibly more.14:48.24 
  though of course the actual slowdown depends on the application.14:50.13 
wordToDaBird Are there any known crash issues for mupdf crashing on devices running Android 4.4?15:57.49 
  I checked the bug tracker and didn't notice anything, but...15:58.04 
kens If its not in the bug tracker, its not known15:58.24 
  If you think you've found a bug, best to report it15:59.03 
wordToDaBird what's the github?15:59.24 
kens I don't remember, best to report it at, I'm not certain its even possible to report bugs at gihub16:00.02 
wordToDaBird Best for me to do a little investigation. Better to be sure of the scenario and circumstances before raising a false flag.16:00.12 
kens Well, I admit we'd be appreciative :-)16:00.31 
wordToDaBird Want the github so I can check the source. I have the stack trace.16:00.34 
kens Urgh, tor8 Robin_Watts ? Github sources for MuPDF ?16:00.54 
wordToDaBird !source16:01.08 
kens You can get them from, but I know little about Github16:02.15 
Robin_Watts wordToDaBird: There is no github. We have our own git repo.16:04.19 
wordToDaBird just grabbed it16:04.32 
Robin_Watts wordToDaBird: We are not aware of any 4.4 specific problems.16:04.42 
wordToDaBird 4.3 forward I see it, but 4.4 it goes crazy16:05.17 
kens I'm afraid its not really my project, you really need tor8 to wake up and discuss it, or failing that Robin_Watts16:05.55 
wordToDaBird It seems like its the bug that was fixed in 1.6 that happened when the processing was kind of behind. 16:06.10 
  I'll keep looking around.16:06.44 
  kens I am not sure what ghostscript is, please enlighten me.16:07.31 
kens Oh its a PostScript (and PDF) interpreter16:07.46 
  There are also fonte end interpreters for XPS and PCL16:08.08 
Robin_Watts wordToDaBird: So you're saying that a bug fix in 1.6 has broken operation on 4.4 ?16:08.50 
tor8 kens: if it's got to do with android, Robin_Watts or paulgardiner are the best bet for sane answers16:20.15 
kens Well it was Github that I was asking about :-)16:20.37 
tor8 kens: right. I have a private mirror of mupdf on github, but we don't have an actual official presence there16:20.58 
chrisl It's not often I see "Android" and "sane" in the same sentence.......16:21.09 
kens That's sort of what I thought16:21.11 
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