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nesQuick Hey folks, is this actually the right place for "user questions"? :)06:24.01 
avih nesQuick: it probably is wrt MuPDF and MuJS, but it's weekend so answers may lag. give it a go though ;)08:06.58 
Robin_Watts nesQuick: Shoot08:42.19 
nesQuick @Robin_Watts I've a pdf, containing images, and I want to reduce the resolution of the bigger images in order to limit the filesize in general08:44.37 
Robin_Watts nesQuick: MuPDF (as it currently stands) is not the tool for you then.08:45.25 
  You can probably achieve that using ghostscript, but you have to understand what will be going on.08:45.49 
nesQuick haha, I think that is my problem tho08:46.09 
Robin_Watts When you run a PDF through gs to get a new PDF, it doesn't 'change' the PDF. It completely rebuilds a new PDF that looks like the old one.08:46.25 
nesQuick ah, ok. But that isn't necessarily bad08:46.46 
Robin_Watts Any extra information (like indexes, or bookmarks etc) will be lost.08:46.52 
nesQuick That's fine :)08:47.28 
  this is what I got so far 
Robin_Watts kens is the expert here.08:49.34 
nesQuick But I'm lacking the part where and how I can limit the sizeof bitmap images (jpg/png)08:49.39 
Robin_Watts He's usually around on a saturday. Usually.08:50.05 
  I suspect he may tell you to steer away from -dPDFSETTINGS08:50.29 
  but I can't immediately offer more guidance.08:50.40 
nesQuick @Robin_Watts ok. cool. no worries, thanks for your insight. I learned more about ghostsript already :)08:53.06 
  I'm going to wait for him then, thank you!08:53.21 
kens nesQuick Robin_Watts is correct IMO, you don't want to use PDFSETTINGS, those set a bunch of variables, many of which you don't need or (probably) want. You are spot on with the DownsampleColorImages, ColorImageResolution but you will also want to set ColorImageDownsampleThreshold and ColorImageDownsampleType. You may well also choose to set ColorImageFilter so as not to use JPEG.09:09.26 
  There are of course similar settings for Gray and Mono images. I'd apologise for the slew of required settings, but these are available to match Adobe Distiller, its not our choice.....09:10.35 
  Note that NumRenderingThreads only affects rendering, and since pdfwrite doesn't render to a bitmap, that setting has no effect at all. By selecting a CompatibilityLevel of 1.3 your are forcing any transparency to be converted to an image, which will potentially *increase* the file size.09:12.19 
  You cannot limit explicitly the size of the images containerd in the output PDF file, all you can do is select a new resolution for them.09:12.59 
  Here's a similar request on Stack Overflow:09:14.13 
nesQuick @kens: wow, thanks for the answers, so what CompatibilityLevel would you reccomend?10:18.37 
avih tor, should this return int? : double js_tointeger(js_State *J, int idx);10:18.39 
kens nesQuick : I'd leave it untouched, or at least set it to 1.4 so transparency is not converted to an image10:19.00 
nesQuick I'd like to add a question to this, anc I limit the memmory consumption anyway? :)10:20.41 
kens Hmm limit which memory consumption ? YOu mean while processing the input PDF file ?10:21.19 
nesQuick yeah10:21.28 
kens THen the answer is no, there is no way ot limit the memory used by pdfwrite.10:21.44 
  It stores a metric tonne of stuff in meory for performance reasons.10:22.00 
  We assume it will always be running on a 'desktop' or better class of device, rather than say a mobile platofrm10:22.22 
  OTOH it shouldn't normally be using monstrous amounts of memory10:22.38 
nesQuick Actually i use it on heroku where a dyno is limited to 512mb otherwise they kill the dyno when exceeding 200% of that10:22.56 
kens THat usually only happens when converting transparency to a bbitmap, and IIRC the recent versions should be a lto better about that too10:23.03 
nesQuick w0000t :D with your tweaks it ran amazingly fast :O10:23.43 
kens pdfwrite doesn'#t 'usually' use that much memory, but it depends hugely on the file and how you process it. Also, are you using a recent version of GS ?10:23.50 
  nesQuick : Rendering the transparency is slow (bit images, default resolution is 720 dpi) and uses large amounts of memory, particularly in older versions10:24.21 
nesQuick from 153M to 1.8M10:24.34 
kens Yeah well that sounds like your PDF file has transparency in it all right10:24.51 
nesQuick yeah, all my odfs are slidedecks, there is often lots of transperency in there10:25.25 
kens The later versions of GS are supposed to use a display list to reduce the memory requirement for that rendering, so it shouldn't get *that* big any more. I'm not certain if the memory controls work for that, I assuem they do, but I didn't write that code10:25.37 
nesQuick I think lots of the stuff were caused by the transperency as you mentioned10:26.06 
  Î» git:(master) heroku run "gs --version"10:26.17 
  Running `gs --version` attached to terminal... up, run.444810:26.17 
kens Yeah, going to 1.3 would be bad for that purpose.10:26.18 
nesQuick Is that recent?10:26.21 
kens Its recent, I'm not certain if its recent enough, the current version is 9.1510:26.45 
  There are switches to control memory usage of display lists10:27.03 
  -dMaxBitmapSize is one, but I'm having trouble finding that documented10:27.59 
nesQuick I will implement the stuff you mentioned and then I might come back with more questions regarding memory. But as of now, it's blazingly fast and amazingly small. Thank you so much kens!10:28.13 
kens Oh, hsould be -dMaxBitmap10:28.13 
  NP, glad its working for you10:28.25 
nesQuick Thanks again :)10:28.41 
jas_ hiii11:42.13 
  sir 11:42.16 
  i m working on 11:42.26 
  android pdf viewr 11:42.35 
  and i want some fetures like seach 11:42.46 
  optimazation 11:42.53 
ghostbot Welcome to #ghostscript, the channel for Ghostscript and MuPDF. If you have a question, please ask it, don't ask to ask it. Do be prepared to wait for a reply as devs will check the logs and reply when they come on line.11:43.12 
jas_ hi11:43.24 
ghostbot Welcome to #ghostscript, the channel for Ghostscript and MuPDF. If you have a question, please ask it, don't ask to ask it. Do be prepared to wait for a reply as devs will check the logs and reply when they come on line.11:43.24 
jas_ hel 11:44.19 
  hello 11:44.22 
ghostbot Welcome to #ghostscript, the channel for Ghostscript and MuPDF. If you have a question, please ask it, don't ask to ask it. Do be prepared to wait for a reply as devs will check the logs and reply when they come on line.11:44.22 
nesQuick does these things happen more often? :D11:45.09 
jas_ hi12:04.17 
ghostbot Welcome to #ghostscript, the channel for Ghostscript and MuPDF. If you have a question, please ask it, don't ask to ask it. Do be prepared to wait for a reply as devs will check the logs and reply when they come on line.12:04.17 
jas_ hi12:04.30 
ghostbot Welcome to #ghostscript, the channel for Ghostscript and MuPDF. If you have a question, please ask it, don't ask to ask it. Do be prepared to wait for a reply as devs will check the logs and reply when they come on line.12:04.30 
jas_ mupdf12:05.00 
  how to use in android 12:05.20 
  i want ti use it in android activity 12:05.40 
  and use features like seach bookmark 12:05.56 
  etc 12:05.59 
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