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hjklmn Hello, is this MUpdf channel?02:58.24 
tor8 Robin_Watts: a handful of commits on mupdf tor/master for review14:58.26 
Robin_Watts tor8: Did you see the MuPDF thing from the customer last week.14:58.46 
  I sent an email a skype/remote debugging thing I did with them.14:59.01 
tor8 Robin_Watts: probably not, since I can't remember14:59.06 
Robin_Watts They have a file that has been incrementally added to 100s of times.14:59.29 
tor8 oh, that one!14:59.34 
  yes, now I remember14:59.42 
Robin_Watts each one adds a new xref, alters object 1 and adds some new objects at the end.14:59.44 
tor8 paul did the incremental xref work, so I think we should consult him14:59.58 
Robin_Watts We could solve it by having the xrefs be a linked list.15:00.15 
tor8 I thought each new incremental section was limited to just the individual xref chunks not the whole object set15:00.23 
Robin_Watts Each section that read_old_xref reads is a full array from 1... xref_len-115:00.54 
paulgardiner robin: I remember you suggested a different memory allocation scheme... not for this reason, but to avoid pointers to the xref becoming stale15:01.07 
tor8 yeah. one linked list of xrefs for each 'level' of incremental update (or just one global, with the 'level' in each node)15:01.09 
paulgardiner I wonder if the same solution might give us sparseness15:01.20 
  I think rather than a link list, before you suggested a an array of smallish arrays15:02.08 
  Array of pointers to small arrays15:02.34 
tor8 another option (maybe stupid) would be to have a linked list of entries sitting off the main array (so each object has a linked list of its old versions)15:02.55 
  and keep the head inline in the array, to avoid needless mallocs for the common file types15:03.30 
  but that might wreak havoc with the existing code for incremental writes, etc?15:03.39 
Robin_Watts They have just skyped me again, asking for an ETA for a fix.15:03.40 
tor8 Robin_Watts: easiest fix -- make a flag whether to keep or flatten incremental xrefs15:04.14 
  going back to the pre-paul behaviour when you don't care about incremental updates15:04.29 
Robin_Watts tor8: True.15:04.43 
tor8 which is only relevant for digital signatures15:05.03 
  at least, as far as I can remember15:05.13 
Robin_Watts The only problem I can maybe forsee here... if we load a sparse xref from the file, then interpret the file, that will cause various objects to have xref pointers in them, right?15:05.37 
  Then we do something that updates an object. This might pull an object into the latest xref.15:06.02 
  If that's not in the range covered by the current xref, what do we do?15:06.18 
  Do we 'flatten' the sparseness into a single block? Won't that leave stale pointers behind?15:06.46 
tor8 the objects keep pointers to the pdf_document rather than the xref don't they?15:06.53 
Robin_Watts tor8: Honestly, I can't remember.15:07.06 
tor8 I remember having an obj->xref pointer, but that was before we renamed pdf_xref to pdf_document15:07.19 
Robin_Watts Can we have 2 threads running at once? Probably not.15:07.21 
paulgardiner The stale pointers aren't fatal at the moment. I think we just considered them a potential trap15:07.24 
Robin_Watts stale pointers sound pretty fatal to me!15:07.39 
paulgardiner We don't ever hold onto them15:08.09 
Robin_Watts Or are you saying "we don't have the use case where stale pointers are an issue at the moment".15:08.11 
paulgardiner potential stale pointers not actual ones15:08.22 
Robin_Watts OK. So someone needs to spend some time on this.15:08.39 
tor8 touches his nose.15:08.47 
Robin_Watts It could be any of us, I think.15:08.53 
tor8 I'm neck deep in EPUB and HTML, and would like to be able to finish up enough to have a demo going by the meeting15:09.25 
Robin_Watts I'm happy to take some time off SOT to have a go, unless paulgardiner wants to make a bid for it.15:09.31 
  tor8: I understand.15:09.36 
henrys wastes a lot of time campaigning for open source again, almost, but no luck.15:11.06 
paulgardiner I don't mind. I'm maybe getting somewhere with Symantec, so just at the moment less desperate to get away from SOT than usual15:11.15 
kens Henrys, maybe a bit more grief for Miles and Scott, and you'll get your way :-)15:11.37 
Robin_Watts We cannot release open source.15:12.20 
  Our Patent License prohibits that15:12.34 
kens True. Free then.15:12.43 
henrys We'd go back to the patent holder and ask for a GPL exception for the patents.15:14.11 
tor8 henrys: like the DjVu patents?15:14.55 
henrys or raph's patents remember?15:15.09 
tor8 vaguely15:15.38 
paulgardiner open source sounds good: spread the pain!15:15.40 
tor8 but yes15:15.41 
Robin_Watts I would think that at least one of the companies attempting to compete with us are entirely unscrupulous enough to cherry pick fixes out and ignore the GPL.15:16.04 
henrys Robin_Watts: yes that's miles and the obvious argument against.15:16.36 
jogux it's possible that could actually make sorting things out easier.15:16.59 
henrys Robin_Watts: you were very much in favor of open source before and we knew that was a risk all along. Your opinion has changed?15:21.49 
Robin_Watts henrys: When I thought we were pulling the core into MuPDF, I was very in favour of Open Source.15:22.21 
henrys anyway miles isn't ready for it... but someday perhaps.15:22.37 
Robin_Watts When it became clear that we were working on the source 'as is', (and it became clear *quite* how unscrupulous our competition is), I think that idea falls by the wayside.15:23.23 
chrisl I doubt open sourcing would work with the build system as it is now.....15:23.27 
henrys I believe it would establish us the owners of the code, stealing would happen and we'd see it and make clear our competitors are violating the GPL.15:29.26 
  jogux: what exactly did you mean?15:29.49 
Robin_Watts chrisl: Yes, because no open source projects ever have wacky build systems.15:30.05 
  henrys: The people stealing the code would be just as free to claim "but we have a license through another route" then as they are now.15:30.51 
chrisl Robin_Watts: I just mean we'd end up spending *masses* of time talking people through using it - and we're not exactly flush with spare time as it is15:31.37 
jogux henrys: I think very similar to what you are thinking.15:31.48 
  robin_watts: not for code that was created by Artifex.15:31.59 
Robin_Watts jogux: When we get to the stage where even 1% of the code has been created by Artifex, we can revisit the idea :)15:33.05 
henrys I think the owners will probably fall soon so you think btc is the problem?15:34.15 
Robin_Watts has been listening to predictions of the founders imminent demise for a very long time now.15:35.32 
henrys a few fixes cherry picked for gpl is not going to change a thing.15:35.54 
Robin_Watts Their lifespan appears to be about the same of that as that of a "short term hack so we can get it shipped".15:35.58 
henrys s/for/from15:36.01 
  anyway I don't think miles is ready for this change. I'm sorry to hear you aren't for it Robin_Watts... I just assumed you would be on board with it mistakenly. It's not going to be a meeting topic this time around.15:38.30 
Robin_Watts henrys: I'd be on board if it weren't for the founders.15:39.03 
  But they are (one of) the biggest challenges we face with making this stuff pay for itself.15:39.43 
  Anything that helps them has to be bad.15:40.04 
paulgardiner Making it more obvious that we own it could be bad for them15:40.39 
Robin_Watts In getting people to jump from them to us, "they aren't legal" is the stick and "look at what we've fixed" is the carrot.15:40.42 
  open sourcing would remove the carrot.15:40.54 
henrys Robin_Watts: no I disagree, open source is another carrot.15:41.40 
paulgardiner "They aren't legal" may be a huge stick for legitimate OEMs15:41.40 
henrys I do believe it will establish us as the owners.15:42.40 
Robin_Watts It would help us appear to be the owners.15:44.42 
  But would have no legal basis for improving stuff that I can se.15:44.59 
henrys paulgardiner: indeed it is, and I think going open source gives us the grounds to make theat sort of claim. The claim is weak now. We are just a player.15:48.00 
jogux henrys: wouldn't "one of the other things Miles is doing just now" fairly clearly set us apart as the owners too?15:49.43 
kens reboot brb15:50.25 
henrys jogux: yes it would, we did agree that a successful outcome there would be prerequisite to open source.15:50.37 
jogux nods15:50.46 
Robin_Watts henrys: If we get a successful outcome to the thing-that-miles-is-doing-now (and I'm thinking of the same thing-that-miles-is-doing that you two are), then I'd be in favour of open source.15:51.55 
henrys Robin_Watts: good to know thanks.15:52.45 
jogux :)15:53.03 
henrys jogux: thanks for bringing that up I should have said something.15:53.13 
henrys canceled the meeting tomorrow but that isn't the Tuesday before the meeting. so should we miss 2 meetings? I looked at my calendar and mistook my flight day for the meeting day.16:03.24 
Robin_Watts henrys: Let's have a meeting, g'wan....16:03.48 
kens doesn't mind either way, technically we should meet16:04.07 
henrys I'll send out email.16:04.30 
chrisl thinks Robin_Watts is clearly demented..... or replaced..... Stepford Robin_Watts.....16:04.45 
mvrhel_laptop so there is a meeting tomorrow?16:47.23 
kens there is now16:47.29 
  Henry sent an email16:47.34 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: There is. When are you flying?16:47.35 
mvrhel_laptop Thursday16:47.50 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: if you made other plans no big deal.16:48.06 
mvrhel_laptop managed to catch a cold. hoping to get rid of it before then16:48.17 
  no I will be here (at meeting)16:48.24 
  Robin_Watts: so we have two packages that came for helen that we will be bringing16:48.43 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: Thanks.16:49.07 
mvrhel_laptop brb. need to reboot this machine. it is misbehaving16:49.46 
henrys on tuesday the 9th I have to get to London St. Pancras train station by 9:15am from the hotel. Any transportation suggestion?16:51.55 
kens Which hotel ?16:52.09 
  cab is probably easiest16:52.16 
henrys miles' hotel in hyde park.16:52.29 
kens I owuldn't fancy the Underground at rush hour16:52.35 
Robin_Watts henrys: cab. That'll be rush hour.16:52.38 
henrys Robin_Watts: that car company you recommended wouldn't do that sort of trip?16:53.19 
Robin_Watts henrys: The car company I found was specifically an airport car company.16:53.36 
henrys ah16:53.46 
Robin_Watts But they might do transfers like that too.16:53.50 
kens You could get a minicab, but I'd suggest a black taxi myself16:53.55 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: so I booked a car through them for when we arrive16:53.57 
  rather reasonable16:54.02 
  thanks for finding that16:54.06 
Robin_Watts (and I have no personal experience of that company, just that they seemed remarkably reasonable!)16:54.16 
  mvrhel_laptop: No problem.16:54.24 
mvrhel_laptop This will make life easier with two jet lagged kids + luggage16:54.48 
kens I just checked the Tube map, take a cab :-)16:55.43 
henrys kens: will do.16:56.17 
kens You owuld need 5 stops on the Central line, then 3 on teh Picadilly, both lines will be massivley busy at that time16:56.51 
henrys although Robin_Watts has it stuck in my brain I should visit every tube station during my visit, but sabrina is removing that brain section.16:56.56 
kens *every* tube stop would be quite a challenge.....16:57.29 
  Especially the limited opening hours ones (and indeed, teh closed ones ;-)16:58.11 
henrys I got this crazy idea I wanted to do a slow "Tube Challenge"16:58.31 
kens You would probably need the week just to do it, some of the liones go out a long way16:58.49 
henrys we should set up the optimization problem and use the clusters ;-)16:59.25 
kens Hmm, osmone managed it in 18 hours, I am impressed16:59.36 
henrys certainly NP17:00.01 
kens But that was in 1960, there may be more stations now17:00.06 
  wow, 14 hours.....17:00.33 
kens Well that's more recent than wikipedia's entry17:01.05 
Robin_Watts 14? 16 hrs 23 mins or something?17:01.27 
henrys kens: cab it is thanks guys17:01.39 
kens wikipedia has a 1960's time at 14 hours something17:01.51 
  4th July 1964; 14 hours 17 minutes17:03.17 
  But of course, the network does change.17:03.36 
henrys kens: I think I read something about the rules changing and the 14 is no longer considered good for guiness I forget what it was.17:03.43 
kens Its possible, also do they include the Docklands Light Railway for example.17:04.09 
Robin_Watts kens, right. The site you linked figures out the "probable best possible time" as being 15hrs 18mins.17:04.44 
kens that's henrys link :-)17:04.56 
  ANd I notice it specifically excludes the DLR in the rules section17:05.07 
  jogux : pedro_mac just had an email from Miles asking you both to join us for dinner on THursday of the meeting, and would you liek to bring along partners/children. I'll forward his email17:07.46 
henrys anyway sabrina has just about nixed my tube dreams ... it would be warmer than parading around outside but she wasn't convinced that was enough ;-) 17:08.02 
pedro_mac kens: that’s very good of him; I think we’ll be there (and probably jogux’s wife) but I’ll be on my own17:09.10 
kens NP I've forwarded the email to you both, if you could reply to Miles that would be best17:09.31 
pedro_mac nods - thanks17:09.39 
kens Does anyone know *which* Hilton at Hyde Park we are going to ?17:10.18 
  I seem to recall there were 217:10.24 
jogux Bayswater I believe17:10.29 
Robin_Watts kens: The hilton, not the doubletree.17:10.32 
kens Right, that's fine, thanks17:10.39 
Robin_Watts I believe mvrhel_laptop is at the doubletree though.17:10.45 
  they are only 200 yards apart.17:10.56 
kens Indeed, but it's nice to go to the correct one :-)17:11.10 
jogux kens: thanks17:11.18 
  henrys: aw. still, plenty of other fun things to do in London :-)17:11.30 
kens wonders if there's an endurance record on the London Eye17:11.53 
jogux kens: there are emergency toilets and supplies in each capsule ;-)17:12.38 
kens So I've heard :-)17:12.48 
pedro_mac jogux: when you say ‘emergency toilet’ do you mean ‘hole in the floor’ ? ;)17:13.28 
jogux :)17:13.39 
kens We could have leased one for the meeting17:13.45 
chrisl What, an emergency toilet??17:13.59 
kens Hmm they have an ice rink there this year too17:14.44 
Robin_Watts kens: in every pod? :)17:14.53 
kens THat wuold be chilly.....17:15.07 
henrys a toilet on the eye?17:15.22 
kens THough apparently the pods are decked out in a 'frosty' theme17:15.32 
henrys according to the forecast the rains start the day I arrive, just like last trip.17:20.56 
kens I wouldn't worry, it will be raining long before you get here17:21.15 
jogux henrys: on the plus side, the long range forecasts are often fantastically incorrect17:21.33 
kens suspects predicting rain in London during December is a safe bet17:22.01 
jogux kens: snow and thunderstorms remain a distincy possibility ;-)17:22.36 
henrys temperatures seem to be holding above freezing though .... even the lows17:22.46 
kens Snow is possible, but really pretty rare17:22.49 
  henrys it usually is above freezing in December, most of the time17:23.05 
  Especially in the city which is a couple of degrees (Centigrade) warmer than the country17:23.24 
  It may not feel much warmer by the time you add the wind and rain though17:23.53 
jogux looks like it'll (just) be warmer than Glasgow17:24.25 
kens THe UK residents did point out the likely weather when Miles gave us the destination :-)17:24.53 
  Admittedly, we didn't protest very hard, but then weighing a night in London against a long-haul flight might have been influencing us slightly17:25.27 
jogux :)17:25.40 
chrisl I think the word I used for the likely weather was "grim".....17:26.08 
henrys I do think there is something special about London around christmas time... possibly it is an american thing - 17:27.07 
kens At least Henry won't have to shovel snow (though getting to his front door when he goes home might be tricky)17:27.32 
  (of course, now that I've said that it'll dump a couple of feet, just to prove me wrong)17:28.34 
  OK time to go, goodnight all17:29.39 
Robin_Watts Who will be around for food on friday night?17:30.36 
  We'd planned to be there all day so we could go out and get an early meal on friday with you all before heading home.17:31.21 
  I suspect if there is a group of us heading out for food we really ought to book.17:31.46 
chrisl It sort of depends on what time we finish on Friday - if we finish early, I was thinking of heading off home.....17:32.37 
Robin_Watts chrisl: I was vaguely hoping you might head out with me to a music shop...17:33.00 
chrisl Robin_Watts: well, that would make it worth staying until Saturday :-)17:33.28 
chrisl thinks: must leave credit card at hotel.......17:34.14 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: we (the vrhel's) will be around for food friday night17:37.18 
jogux robin_watts: Yukko & I will probably be around then17:42.33 
  I think I'd probably say "will be very lucky if we have an option other than very expensive fixed-price menu turkey" rather than "probably should book" (given it's the 3rd Friday before christmas we're well into corporate christmas party territory...)17:44.08 
Robin_Watts jogux: Indeed. Turning up with a party of 12 will just get us laughed at unless we have a reservation.17:44.57 
pedro_mac Robin_Watts: I’ll be around Friday too17:45.01 
Robin_Watts R/H, J/Y, P/E, M/S+kids is 10.17:45.43 
  I think Paul and Linda will be around then too.17:45.56 
pedro_mac I’ll be on my own. Its better that way ;)17:46.09 
Robin_Watts Scott + 2 maybe.17:46.12 
chrisl Robin_Watts: if we're hitting Denmark Street, you better count me in, too17:46.28 
Robin_Watts chrisl: Depends how long you think Denmark Street will take, but cool.17:46.51 
pedro_mac reckons I haven’t been to Denmakr street before17:47.07 
henrys hmm I thought helen and sabrina were talking about something for friday night that was already set up. Did I miss somethingj?17:47.13 
jogux ditto17:47.14 
  hm. I bet I never gave Yukko Helen's email address. oops.17:47.37 
chrisl Robin_Watts: well, I don't want to be getting the train after about 4pm on a Friday17:47.47 
Robin_Watts henrys: Helen + Sabrina had vaguely discussed the possibility of going to a 'nice' restaurant on Friday.17:48.22 
  where nice is "nicer than we could expect Miles to pay for".17:48.38 
  Like say Simpsons etc.17:48.47 
  But I think we'd decided that it would be bad form to just head off and leave everyone else.17:49.15 
jogux robin_watts: well a "nice" restaurant would be okay with me (not entirely sure how much this might end up costing me :) )17:51.40 
henrys Whatever you guys think is best sabrina sent me a mail from Helen about going to Simpsons or a few other choices.17:51.53 
Robin_Watts I suspect it's really too late to get a table at Simpsons (certainly for a large party)17:52.43 
jogux robin_watts: partly depends on time17:53.36 
  (they have tables for 6, the most you can check online) at 18:00 or 20:30)17:53.50 
Paul-the-Norther Hello! I'd like to express my appreciation to MuPDF developers. I'm grateful to you! Your app is the best existing. Society needs you.17:54.11 
henrys we were looking at doing a cruise on the river Friday (with dinner) it's a bit expensive but it might be fun.17:54.12 
Paul-the-Norther From Russia with love.17:54.37 
  Sorry for interrupting17:54.53 
henrys we are going out thursday together then I'll be locked in a tower with all of you, that might be enough ;-)17:55.08 
  I'm doing this non Artifex sanctioned activity saturday and 3:30pm if anyone would like to join. Probably a little touristy for the UK'ers.17:58.49 
Robin_Watts henrys: The river cruise sounds like a nice thing to do. You shouldn't feel tied to stay with the rest of us - you see us all the time, but are only in London rarely.17:59.44 
henrys s/and/at17:59.53 
  Paul-the-Norther: thank you 18:00.33 
jogux henrys: I'd be up for that if I was staying long enough. darn :)18:01.01 
henrys I see trying to get rid of me...18:01.17 
  I think we will do the cruise.18:01.42 
Robin_Watts henrys: Oh, right. That tour will probably be bethnal green way.18:11.30 
  Near the London hospital, where Jack the Ripper was operating. Plus the crays, and the pub that had a famous siege.18:12.04 
sebras __tim: if you are around, do you have any opinions on this patchset? (the first ought to be quite noncontroversial, the fourth is the interesting one)19:53.55 
  __tim: slomo has already looked at it a bit, but I think wanted you to take a quick glance at it too.19:54.47 
  gstreamer, ghostscript... same, same right..? d'oh...19:56.22 
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