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user2106 hello. first time using irc so i am clueless. is there a way to do bookview in MuPDF? it's like fullscreen but two pages are displayed. nothing was found in mupdf(1). i am going to read the irclogs and see what it says. thank-you.05:28.04 
pedro_mac I guess most US folks won’t be on here today, but Happy Thanksgiving!09:34.10 
kens Henry often pops up, later09:34.34 
t4nk772 hello09:35.57 
ghostbot Welcome to #ghostscript, the channel for Ghostscript and MuPDF. If you have a question, please ask it, don't ask to ask it. Do be prepared to wait for a reply as devs will check the logs and reply when they come on line.09:35.57 
t4nk772 is there anybody to help 09:38.39 
kens See what ghostbot said ^^09:38.53 
t4nk772 :D09:38.59 
  I am trying to use MuPDFReaderView inside a Fragment , which would be a page in ViewPager 09:40.27 
kens What OS is this ?09:40.58 
t4nk772 but if I load it , the MuPDFReaderView is loosing the aspect ratio, means sometimes it's being bigger in width09:41.23 
  it's in Android09:41.27 
kens Hmm, well *I* cna't help you, you'll need someone with Android experience.09:41.59 
t4nk772 ohh09:42.23 
kens However, I doubt that MuPDF is messing up the aspect ratio.09:43.16 
t4nk772 may be it's doing okay in native library side , but in android side , because of using it in some other views . 09:44.05 
  so , you are right would be better to have some android guys here09:44.27 
kens I suspect you mean at the Java interface, 'native' is still 'Android'. In fact its much more 'Android' than Java is09:44.39 
t4nk772 hmm... who have android exp. here, I might ask09:45.34 
  to help09:45.40 
pedro_mac t4nk772: I’d probably start by looking at the point you set the content for your Fragment, are you using a relativelayout with other elements which could affect the size or positioning of the MuPDFReaderView, or an AbsoluteLayout?09:52.10 
  it would help to getthe view container you’re inserting the MuPDF view into, and check that the dimensions you expect are what you actually get09:52.59 
Amokkx hey10:01.17 
ghostbot Welcome to #ghostscript, the channel for Ghostscript and MuPDF. If you have a question, please ask it, don't ask to ask it. Do be prepared to wait for a reply as devs will check the logs and reply when they come on line.10:01.17 
Amokkx anybody here?10:01.20 
kens What ghostbot said ^^10:01.32 
Amokkx fot this error: /syntaxerror in -file-10:01.51 
kens Presumably this is PostScript and Ghostscript ?10:02.11 
Amokkx ghostscript10:02.44 
kens And teh input is PostScript ?10:02.57 
Amokkx I think yes10:03.23 
kens Then it sounds like your PostScript porgram has a bug.10:03.43 
Amokkx The command in cmd I used to start ist the following:10:03.45 
  "C:\Programme\gs\gs9.15\bin\gswin64c.exe" -q -dBatch -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dNOSAFER -dAutoRotatePages=/PageByPage -dPDFSETTINGS=/prepress -dCompatibilityLevel=1.4 -sOutputFile="C:\Windows\TEMP\EFPDAD7.tmp".pdf "C:\Windows\TEMP\EFPDAD7.tmp"10:06.26 
kens Can't comment without seeing the PostScript program. If you think this is a bug I suggest you open a bug report and attach the file to it.10:07.08 
  Though the placement of your speech marks makes me suspect that -sOutputFile="...".pdf is invalid10:08.16 
  Try it again with -sOutptuFile=".....tmp.pdf"10:08.38 
t4nk772 @pedro_mac : I have inserted a ViewPager inside LinearLayout which have width,height of match_parent and weight is 110:16.42 
pedro_mac t4nk772: cool. I guess the next step is to check the actual dimensions of that LinearLayout once it has been loaded, and see if that matches what you expect it to be (and then check that the MuPDFReaderView is being created the same size)10:23.21 
t4nk772 pdro_mac: I have checked with layout dump tool in android studio in run time , found that the LinearLayout which is set as the contentView of the activity takes whole screen as match parent 10:30.55 
  pedro_mac: inside which I have a ViewPager which is also taking up the full space of the LinearLayout as match_parent , inside this there are some nested layout , like : LinearLayout -- FrameLayout -- AdapterView (I guess this the MuPDFReaderView)10:34.13 
pedro_mac t4nk772: yeah, I was suggesting that you check the actual pixel dimensions when it runs so that you can figure out whether the actual rectangle the MuPDF view is using matches what you expect10:36.22 
t4nk772 pedro_mac: till AdapterView the dimensions are same as LinearLayout , but after that AdapterView have View hierarchy like , AdapterView -- View -- ImageView 10:36.42 
  pedro_mac: I have checked in runtime the last two View in the hierarchy . the View -- ImageView is varying in width sometimes it gets bigger width in dimension , I guess last one is the PageView class right?10:40.33 
  pedro_mac: my exception is to have the smaller width , t'gets some times, but it's width being bigger some times10:42.09 
Amokkx kens: I got the error :)10:52.47 
kens You mean after modifying -sOutputFIle the error persists ?10:53.10 
pedro_mac t4nk772: are you able to share the project? (I’m not working on muPDF but have had the pleasure of android layout fun) 11:04.40 
t4nk772 pedro_mac: sorry I can't share the whole project :( , it's a company ownership11:09.03 
pedro_mac nods - no problem. It’s just more tricky to work through this kind of thing without example code/layout files11:09.44 
t4nk772 pedro_mac: I fully understand .. it would be so much comfortable for me , if i could have shared , :(11:10.35 
Amokkx kens: yes.11:10.38 
kens Amokkx : Then I suggest you open a bug report, as we'll need to see the PostScript.11:10.58 
Amokkx I also got the solution now11:11.17 
kens OH, well that's OK then11:11.27 
t4nk772 pedro_mac: sorry again .. well I can share the portion of code i guess : 11:11.48 
Amokkx To understand the whole process: We have configured an own printersoftware. When configuring the printer u have to choose an existing driver. When u choose the wrong driver u get this error. 11:12.26 
  So our solutuon was: Choosing the right driver ;)11:12.36 
t4nk772 pedro_mac: I have a Activity which have set a Linear layout : like : <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <LinearLayout xmlns:android="" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent" android:orientation="vertical"> < android:id="@+id/id_page_view_pager" android:layo11:12.50 
kens t4nk772 : You are aware that MuPDF is licenced under the AGPL ? Will you be seeking a commercial licence, or making your own code available under AGPL ?11:12.50 
t4nk772 kens: yes I am aware of it and company already taken the commercial licence , thanks for the reminder :)11:13.55 
kens No problem, just liek to make sure people know where they stand before they commit lots of time ot it11:14.16 
t4nk772 +kens: agree with you11:14.57 
kens NB if you have a commercial licence with us, then you can get support by mailing, we have a strict NDA policy, so you cna safely share code with us that way too. Many of our customers do.11:15.35 
t4nk772 +kens: thanks for your suggestion , in fact am new here with you , so didn't know that process, I would try that way... 11:16.42 
kens THere's nothing wrong with IRC, you might get a faster response that way, but email is less public :-) And as a customer you are entitled to support, which is a little less guaranteed here on IRC11:17.35 
t4nk772 +kens: you are so helpful and responsive here also :)11:18.42 
kens is a MuPDF noob though :-)11:18.56 
  We do like to help out though, and it can be quicker to poke us here11:19.26 
kens is hungry, why isn't it lunch time yet ? :-(11:20.13 
t4nk772 +kens: it's really nice to get attached here and surely I will ... :) .. here it's evening time .. I am from Bangladesh , .. Asia 11:20.38 
  +kens: okkay , thanks bbro ... c ya 11:21.00 
kens Ah yes, then you are several hours ahead of us. Email can be your friend in this case, as we can work on the problem while you sleep, and have a reply for you when you get back to the office :-)11:21.22 
t4nk772 +kens: yahh.. perfect idea, .. well shall I mail to support@artifex... for this .. or I can get your mail .. if it is okay11:22.24 
kens I wouldn't email me, I know nothing L:-) If you mail all the developers will see it, and someone appropriate can pick up the provblem11:23.07 
t4nk772 +kens: okkay... i got the point :-) no problem ... 11:24.28 
Robin_Watts t4nk772: Speaking as one of the MuPDF devs, it sounds like your problems are more to do with generic android layout issues that mupdf specifics.11:24.40 
  but send along what you can and we'll see what we can do.11:25.28 
t4nk772 Robin_Watts: I also guess so , and thanks in advance for your help 11:25.45 
  I liked :11:46.20 
  "While we're on the subject of printing, perhaps either push XPS as a viable technology or abandon it for the half-dead animal that it already is"11:46.21 
chrisl It's not really "news" to most of us, though......11:47.46 
kens No but its amusing that other developers are also frustrated by it :-)11:48.16 
chrisl It's more surprising that there hasn't been a rather louder outcry11:49.15 
kens I guess nobody really noticed until MS forced XPS on them with Windows 8. I imagine everyone used the legacy path up until 711:50.07 
chrisl True, but I think the point of the comment is that XPS (and the print pipeline nonsense around it) is just one example of the mess M$ have made of development - like having different, incompatible APIs on x86 and ARM.....11:51.56 
kens Quite true, and as the article says, especially true fore desktop applicatiosn, and doubly so for those that need to support older versions of Windows, not just the new shiny shiny touch tablets.11:52.45 
rayjj chrisl_away: (for the logs) I found the cause of the BGPrint=true segfaults. Mostly a bug tail of commit 6ecc8536 where you copied the fname to allocated o*fname -- they were being used after being freed and were missing the trailing NUL17:21.01 
  chrisl_away: refer to bug 69566917:21.17 
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