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Log of #ghostscript at

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jordyd Robin_Watts: I want to reference a value in the system VM00:25.40 
  Robin_Watts: Specifically, GenericResourceDir00:25.52 
  I’m looking into fixing this: 
rayjj jordyd: (for the logs). Ken (kens) is probably a better person (or me, if TZ is better for you) for PS questions such as GenericResourceDir First, GenericResourceDir is _not_ in systemdict, but rather is a "systemparam" which is read using currentsytemparams (returns a dict)03:38.23 
  A systemparam is changed by putting the key/value pair(s) in a dict and calling setsystemparams03:39.01 
  as in: << /GenericResourceDir (c:/xyz/MyResourceDir/) >> setsystemparams03:39.46 
  jordyd: if you are looking at fixing the bug, I suggest first writing a comment with what you intend to do to fix it (before doing it and having us point out why it isn't acceptable) so we can comment on the "spec"03:40.59 
  jordyd: an important point is to make sure that what you do is a clear extension to the PLRM GenericResourceDir systemparam since Ghostscript is intended to conform to the PLRM-3rd edition (PS LL3 / 3017) and we test for compliance03:42.47 
  jordyd: to avoid interfering with the specified current operation, I suggest that maybe a "ResourceDirList" systemparam addition that would be an array of strings of alternates to search in order. That way the GenericResourceDir being a string that giving a single path that is searched first doesn't change03:46.28 
  then IFF the ResourceDirList array isn't [ ] we will continue to search alternate paths for the given resource03:47.16 
  IMHO the "Generic" part of the name has no meaning03:48.03 
ghostscript755 hello , 04:17.57 
  I am facing problem with touch after zooming , if i use MuPDFReaderView inside a ViewPager in android04:19.43 
  could anybody please help04:19.48 
ghostscript698 hello...05:51.45 
ghostscript380 hello... 09:40.44 
kens ghostscript380 : you are going to have to give a lot more information than that. What applicaiton are you using ? DId you build it yourself or are you using one of our examples ? WHat OS is this ? THat version of our code are you using ? WHat *exactly* is the 'problem'09:47.24 
ghostscript105 hello .. kens: sorry for late, i have got disconnected from here10:09.51 
  kens: I am working on android app , using the example code given for android 10:10.15 
kens OK so what is the problem ?10:10.32 
  Not that I can help you,but when someone comes online who understands Android, they'll want to know this....10:11.08 
ghostscript105 kens: I have to show several single page pdf files , so I have added the MuPDFReaderView into a view pager 10:11.28 
ghostscript103 kens: sorry again got dc 10:15.08 
kens You're still connected here :-)10:15.17 
  I see 2 of you....10:15.22 
  But its not important10:15.34 
sebras is the meeting over by now? I have yet to sport mr Andersson in .se13:39.00 
  sport is not really his kind of thing I think. :)13:39.16 
kens THe meeting finished Friday, but Tor went to visit Helen and Robin13:39.22 
  I'm not sure when he's returning13:39.38 
Robin_Watts sebras: he left us this morning.13:39.53 
  he's flying at 4pm (ish)13:40.02 
kens Hi Michael, are you home now ?14:23.24 
mvrhel_laptop hi kens. yes we got home saturday afternoon14:24.12 
  overall a good flight14:24.16 
kens THat's good, its a long way to go, especially with children14:24.31 
mvrhel_laptop yes. the kids did pretty well actually. I was a bit worried about it. luckily going this way for the return is a bit easier to adapt to14:25.08 
  my son slept 13 hours after we got back14:25.21 
kens And back to school now :-(14:25.30 
mvrhel_laptop yes. they are getting ready now14:25.47 
  he was doing all his make up work yesterday14:26.02 
kens Ah well.....14:26.05 
jordyd rayjj: Thanks for the advice14:57.11 
kens Morning Ray15:07.09 
sebras Robin_Watts: aha, thanks!16:11.50 
rayjj So far I've dodged the jet lag. I slept on the plane a fair amount, then stayed up until 11pm PST last night (7am UK time). Woke up fairly normally this AM. I'll know for sure this afternoon + evening19:09.27 
  does anyone know when henrys comes back ? (and are we having a meeting tomorrow? )19:12.14 
rayjj hopes not19:12.26 
  w.r.t. the meeting -- not henrys returning :-)19:12.54 
  have to run across the street to the library -- bbiab19:13.35 
mvrhel_laptop rayjj: henrys is not back until next week I think. There is not a meeting tomorrow19:31.30 
rayjj mvrhel_laptop: thanks for the good news (about the meeting). Not that I will be able to notice whether or not henrys is back ;-)19:42.46 
  have to run something to the school. l8r19:43.22 
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