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avih tor, mujs Makefile fix to make make and make install work on cygwin and osx. on cygwin clang is not typically available (but cc is) and on osx the darwin install doesn't have -t. the current patch should also work on linux and supports configurable cc. 
  fwiw, on cygwin prefix=/user works better than /usr/local, but since prefix is a variable, the (patched) Makefile is good enough as is02:25.37 
  and the default prefix is good for osx02:27.03 
mvrhel_laptop finally I have figure out how to ensure that the unique printer properties are maintained when the user changes them. One would think this would not be an issue but in windows I have stopped being surprised by this sort of thing. bed time for me now06:04.08 
kens Great, Aaron sends another 30Mb zip file with 'the files you need' which turns out to contain the stdout and another copy of the 50Mb PostScript file he's sent 3 times before.08:38.39 
avih kens: has tor been around recently?10:02.49 
  !seen tor810:03.07 
kens He has been travelling, we had a staff meeting last week. I believe he got back last night10:03.09 
avih oh10:03.18 
kens NP10:03.38 
  OK so that's today's support stuff dealt with, back to real work.10:13.33 
kens wonders where Henry is, still in the UK I guess10:14.15 
chrisl I thought they headed off to Strasbourg over the weekend.....10:14.54 
kens Oh yes, you're probably right10:15.05 
Robin_Watts Henry was in the UK when we all went to the tower last night :)11:33.24 
kens Did you enjoy the trip ?11:33.39 
Robin_Watts He goes to Strasbourg today, then will be back for 2 nights later in the week, I think.11:34.01 
  Yeah, was nice.11:34.14 
kens Not a problem, just means I have to remember to deal with all the support requests for the next few days11:34.34 
chrisl Robin_Watts: Have you read Hugh Howey's Sand?13:39.23 
Robin_Watts chrisl: I have not.13:43.32 
chrisl Robin_Watts: Oh well, I'll just order it, then....13:44.16 
  Robin_Watts: And Gary Gibson, Marauder?13:45.11 
Robin_Watts chrisl: That's the 4th in the stealing light series.13:45.32 
  Read that a couple of months ago.13:45.42 
  It's akin to the others in the series13:45.47 
chrisl So, worth the time, then - cheers.....13:46.04 
Robin_Watts I wonder if I have that as an ebook.13:46.42 
  I do.13:46.56 
chrisl I'll want it on dead tree, anyway13:47.08 
Robin_Watts ok.13:47.16 
  Did you read "The Twelve" ?13:47.32 
  or "The Passage"?13:47.38 
chrisl No, haven't read those13:47.44 
Robin_Watts (The Passage is the first book, The Twelve is the second)13:47.49 
  The Passage is sensational.13:48.05 
  And the Twelve suffered a bit by it having been 3 years since I read The Passage, but is good too.13:48.32 
chrisl Hmmm, vampires and stuff - not usually my bag.....13:49.17 
Robin_Watts yeah, likewise.13:49.27 
  It reads like "The Stand"13:49.37 
  (which I think is a very good thing indeed)13:49.45 
chrisl I haven't read much Stephen King either13:50.30 
Robin_Watts When Stephen King is on-song he's amazing.13:50.55 
chrisl I should read "Salem's Lot" at some point13:51.15 
Robin_Watts but a lot of his later stuff feels a bit "yeah, been there, done that"13:51.31 
  Hi mvrhel_laptop. Safe trip home I trust?13:52.06 
chrisl I really like his writing, but not so much the subject matter....13:52.14 
Robin_Watts Well, if I had to recommend any one of his books, it'd be The Stand.13:52.51 
mvrhel_laptop Hi Robin_Watts. Yes it was thank you13:53.09 
avih tor8: supporting JSON replacer would be nice ;) currently for debug i use json3.min.js with a replacer which shows functions and undefined values. but the only thing missing from mujs to do the same is the replacer function.13:56.23 
Robin_Watts avih: Does that require mujs changes?13:57.20 
  Is that not just another library function?13:57.30 
  (I mean, something that can be added at the javascript level)13:57.47 
avih Robin_Watts: JSON replacer? yes. it's part of the definition of JSON.stringify.13:57.54 
  and mujs currently ignores this argument13:58.11 
Robin_Watts avih: But it's not part of the core javascript language, right?13:58.38 
avih Robin_Watts: not sure. but mujs has JSON.stringify which accepts 3 arguments, of which replacer is the middle one. it just does nothing with it right now13:59.19 
Robin_Watts avih: Right. I guess if we provide the function we should provide all of it.13:59.44 
avih it would be nicer if you would :)14:00.15 
  Robin_Watts: it can be added at the JS level, as the entire JSON object can be added the same way. it's just not fun to include an external implementation when the internal one is so close to be fully compliant14:01.42 
  and the internal one would be faster, i'd guess14:02.26 
tor8 avih: ah, yes. JSON replacers are on my todo list, I'll make sure to bump them up14:11.42 
jordyd In “doc/Ps-style.htm”, what is a “Vienna style name”?15:42.44 
kens No idea, but I don;'t believe anyone has ever followed the PS coding guidelines anyway15:44.28 
jordyd Lol alright15:44.36 
kens THis one is particularly laughable:15:44.56 
  Comment every procedure with the arguments and result, and with the function of the procedure unless it's obvious.15:44.57 
jordyd Lol15:45.27 
  Should I take the C guidelines seriously?15:45.47 
kens More seriously at least15:45.56 
  I mostly try to follow those I think15:46.08 
jordyd They seemed like good guidelines so I thought as much15:46.30 
kens Main thing with C is not to use tabs for indent, use spaces. Also no trailing spaces. Otherwise Git will reject it15:46.34 
chrisl The C style has drifted in various places, I'd suggest applying common sense, as well as the guidelines, based on other code near where you're working15:47.24 
kens The PS guidelines are fairly sensible too, our actual PostScript code, however..... isn't......15:47.33 
jordyd I prefer spaces to tabs anyway and my editor highlights trailing space15:48.24 
kens VS fixes this stuff for me :-)15:48.42 
jordyd I’m on a mac so I’ve never had the opportunity to try out VS15:49.16 
  I’ve always heard good things about it15:49.20 
  Particularly the debugger15:49.30 
kens Its OK, its an IDE so it never satisfies everyone15:49.32 
chrisl I guess we should rephrase the "Vienna style names" requirement......15:49.43 
kens The one thing I wish the debugger had was macro expansion :-(15:49.48 
jordyd chrisl: What is it supposed to mean?15:50.00 
chrisl Haven't a clue..... :-(15:50.13 
jordyd Lol15:50.19 
chrisl So, rephrase or remove...15:50.36 
jordyd I thought maybe it was camel case, bc I see some camel case code in here15:50.40 
chrisl I can probably ask LPD15:50.56 
kens You'll see lots of different styles in the PS code. Main thing here is 'comments are good'15:51.13 
chrisl And try not to build non-standard assumptions into the PS, and if you have no choice, comment it loudly and clearly15:52.05 
  I guess Ray might remember what Vienna style is/was15:53.24 
kens I don't remember it, and Google isn't helping either, nor Wikipedia15:53.41 
chrisl No, it's just Ray's worked on gs longer than any of us, so.....15:54.49 
kens There is a Vienna project ( and a ViennaStar) both of which seem to use camel case names, but both are C++15:58.18 
jordyd An RSS reader?15:59.55 
kens Err, possibly16:00.04 
  I wasn't really looking at its purpose16:00.14 
  Neither seems likely anyway16:00.29 
chrisl Right, I am off to play a squash match, and then spend a couple of hours watching people who can *really* play squash.....16:05.01 
kens :-)16:05.10 
chrisl World No. 2 is supposed to be playing tonight, and he's quite good16:06.05 
kens Err, yes that seems likely....16:06.22 
chrisl It'll either be inspirational, or depressing, not sure which16:06.55 
kens bb16:07.09 
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