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OliverUv Hello! Is it possible to see which page of a pdf I'm on in mupdf?02:12.26 
avih does mupdf have its own font rendering module? does it support subpixel AA ?07:14.43 
  (thinking of sumatra)07:14.50 
  (which on my win 8.1 system doesn't have subpixel AA)07:15.17 
kens avih as fart as I'm aware MuPDF uses FreeType for font rendering, as does Ghostscript.08:02.39 
  s/far/fart/ :-)08:02.52 
avih heh thx08:03.05 
tor8 avih: if by "subpixel" AA you mean cleartype, then no, we don't support it by design.09:43.35 
avih tor8: well, cleartype and *nix AA09:43.59 
  and osx AA etc09:44.06 
kens Oh coloured fringes :-(09:44.21 
tor8 we do better AA than most font rendering, by actually rendering the characters at subpixel-accurate (i.e. not rounded to integer) coordinates09:44.34 
  so we don't get the odd awkward spacing that web browsers, adobe and evince have09:45.17 
avih kens: fact is, windows, osx and some popular linux distros use subpixel AA by default, so i'd think subjectively most users prefer it over greyscale AA09:45.19 
kens avih I spent a lot of time carefully tweaking the ClearType values, then turned it off.09:45.52 
tor8 avih: most users wouldn't know what AA is if it slapped them in the face ;)09:45.55 
kens I very much dislike the coloured fringe effect.09:46.02 
avih tor8: subpixel rendering and subpixel AA are tangential09:46.05 
  AFAIK for instance OS X does both09:46.26 
tor8 avih: orthogonal, I think you mean :)09:46.34 
  OSX does both, in some places. not Safari though.09:46.49 
avih tor8: same :)09:46.50 
tor8 which is a huge disappointment... that they didn't bother to fix the integer text coordinate assumptions in KHTML when they forked it into webkit09:47.34 
avih anyway, IMO the evidence suggests that subpixel AA is subjectively preferred or else major OS will not have it by default, as it's definitely extra work09:47.47 
tor8 anyway, like Ken, I also can't stand the color fringing09:47.55 
chrisl A *large* number of users we talk to use MuPDF specifically *because* of the text rendering, which they almost universally seem to feel is better than other applications. Which suggests a lot of users do *not* prefer sub-pixel AA......09:48.12 
tor8 we always say, if you're really desperate for it, you can render at 3x the width and do the color filter downsampling on the full page09:48.28 
kens avih yes, the vendors think its a great idea, most people have no idea its there, and just get by with what they have, whether they like it or not. Few users would even be aware it can be altered.09:48.40 
avih chrisl: i haven't seen studies, but at the very least the fact that OS X uses it by default would suggest to me that users will prefer it. of course, subpixel rendering is still very good, and sometimes better tha the heavily kerned windows fonts rendering09:49.21 
tor8 avih: most people compare windows old pre-cleartype rendering (which is absolutely atrocious) with microsofts cleartype (which is slightly better, if you can live with the color fringes)09:49.46 
chrisl avih: that kind of faith in Apple is what keeps making them loads of money ;-)09:49.48 
kens avih I don't htink that the fact that OS's ship it says much about whether pepole prefer it.09:49.49 
  Like I said, most people just use what they get, they don't even realise they can change it.09:50.21 
tor8 and linux has sadly tried to emulate windows font technology rather than apple's (with strong font hinting)09:50.28 
kens Personally I loathe it09:50.35 
avih chrisl: i'm very far from an apple fanboy or even fan, but i can appreciate their work still :)09:50.41 
tor8 ...mostly because with strong hinting, the lack of floating point positioning and rendering is not as bad09:51.00 
kens avbih I'm pretty sure that was MS work there on ClearType.....09:51.09 
tor8 ...which means the old bitmap font APIs don't have to change09:51.10 
chrisl avih: as I said, I'm only going by the feedback we get from mupdf users......09:51.10 
avih well, perfonally i find good subpixel AA superior to grayscale AA. though that's subjective09:51.13 
  chrisl: yeah, i don't disagree with that approach.09:51.39 
tor8 moving to using floating point precision for text rendering necessitates API changes, which the people designing Qt and Gtk+ weren't aware of and now it's too late :(09:52.03 
  windows has made the right switch, with DirectWrite09:52.24 
avih yeah, that's unfortunate09:52.29 
  yes, it now has vertical AA09:52.40 
chrisl avih: besides, the other big problem is that to implement it properly would mean breaking mupdf core's platform independent09:52.49 
kens Crikey, where does the morning go.... I have to go, back in a few hours.09:53.02 
tor8 and kerning! and proper font spacing. lots of people dislike DirectWrite, because it looks different than they're used to09:53.05 
  avih: there are also patents involved in cleartype09:53.25 
avih chrisl: i bet :/09:53.44 
tor8 which is why linux has a worse color filter algorithm which makes the fringing even worse than on windows, last I looked09:53.49 
avih tor8: ^ sorrt09:53.50 
  dunno, recent ubuntu gets font rendering very good imo.09:54.20 
tor8 cleartype also doesn't work too well with non-black text on a non-white background09:54.34 
avih which is definitely not something you could say of ubuntu few years ago, or even many distros today09:54.45 
tor8 red text would fail spectacularly09:54.46 
avih does it??09:55.11 
tor8 using red colored text with cleartype would mean you can't use the blue spectrum for the color fringes, and thus lose the cleartype benefits09:55.59 
avih tor8: would you expect cleartype to also fail with orange?09:56.09 
tor8 avih: any saturated colors, really09:56.23 
  avih: another problem is that since we do completely unhinted rendering (by design) in mupdf, the color fringing would be worse off09:57.49 
  with hinted text, most of the stems align with the pixel grid, so the color fringes mostly only appear on diagonals and curves09:58.05 
  this suggests to me that other than subpixel AA, there's also subpixel rendering (though probably with hinting)10:00.15 
tor8 avih: yeah, as you can see the left edges which are supposed to be blue are really faded out10:00.25 
avih it looks very good to me from a normal reading distance.10:00.48 
tor8 that is not subpixel rendering, the e's look identical and they're also strongly hinted10:00.51 
avih though again, that's subjective. i do know the differences between properly kerned, hinted, and subpixel aa/rendering :)10:01.14 
  re sp rendering, i was judging by the vertical parts of the curly braces10:01.39 
  though i agree it's not a good enough proof. i'll need to see the same glyph rendered differently to say that10:02.15 
tor8 avih: the problem is, it's impossible to talk about rendering fonts with subpixel positioning because everybody associates "subpixel" with cleartype10:03.26 
avih obviously not everybody :)10:03.51 
tor8 avih: enter "iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii" in TextEdit on your mac10:04.13 
avih tor8: i did10:05.35 
tor8 do the i's look different?10:05.58 
avih not to me10:06.06 
tor8 if you magnify?10:06.13 
avih i am magnifying10:06.19 
tor8 it might be that the default font has turned off the accurate positioning10:06.26 
  or just the newer versions of osx, since they've been adding more font hinting every macosx release10:06.49 
  back in the early (< 10.4) releases, they didn't use font hinting at all10:07.08 
  then they started adding font hinting for a subset of fonts (the microsoft web fonts, verdana, etc)10:07.28 
avih in fact every two instances of the same letter look the same to me, while magnifying, with the default font in textedit10:07.42 
tor8 then they started adding vertical font hinting (like the new freetype subtle autohinting)10:07.45 
  what is the default font?10:08.07 
avih don't know. sec10:08.18 
  menlo regular10:08.49 
tor8 try helvetica10:09.25 
  menlo is a monospaced font10:09.30 
avih funny how even textedit offers font rendering options... e.g. under kern it has: default, none, tighten, loosen10:09.47 
  so helvetica has vertical aa10:11.09 
tor8 bah, internet hickup10:11.46 
avih i'm looking at the same letter at different places at the same line, and at different lines, and the rendering looks identical to my eyes, while magnifying10:12.29 
tor8 then apple's messed up the only good remaining part of osx... even less reason for me to go back :)10:13.12 
chrisl You need to take a screenshot and magnify the screenshot10:13.14 
avih i'm magnifying the screen, isn't this the same? the pixels themselves are magnified, including aa10:15.25 
  i.e. it doesn't render the text at a different scale, it just does screen scaling with nearest neighbor10:15.57 
chrisl I dunno, I've just had so many people "zoom in" in Acrobat, I find it best to recommend a screenshot.....10:16.44 
  But if subpixel AA is in force, the characters should not look exactly the same across the screen10:17.35 
avih when i zoom it looks like the screenshot i posted some minutes ago, just on os x (with the accessibility zoom and without "smooth image")10:18.23 
  chrisl: true. is that a problem?10:18.58 
chrisl Sorry I stepped away from the conversation for a bit: I thought you were advocating subpixel AA......10:19.32 
avih screen rendering could have specialized rendering to screen which is different than for print10:19.34 
  anyway, this is not a discussion of what is better :)10:19.57 
  this is a very subjective matter :)10:20.05 
  chrisl: i like subpixel aa, but i understand that some dont. not advocating.10:20.36 
chrisl But what you are reporting suggests you are not using subpixel AA on OSX10:20.57 
tor8 there's that terminology confusion again...10:21.14 
avih chrisl: it uses subpixel aa, but apparently not subpixel rendering (=alignment)10:22.20 
tor8 avih: better to say cleartype and subpixel positioning10:22.51 
avih cleartype is windows TM thingy10:23.07 
  and just one implementation10:23.20 
tor8 avih: yeah, but it's clear what you mean (pardon the pun)10:23.20 
chrisl Ah, okay, I guess I missed that. TBH, as I dislike AA text, I tend not to pay as much attention as I should.....10:23.27 
avih :)10:23.28 
tor8 as much as I like nicely AA text, I do use non-AA bitmap fonts for my text editor...10:23.56 
avih tor8: you hear that? you should move to black and white fonts :)10:24.03 
  ah, you did lol10:24.20 
tor8 avih: 
avih i also prefer aa on text editors and terminals :)10:24.41 
tor8 nothing I've used beats that font for clarity10:25.00 
avih what about that link?10:25.10 
tor8 the bitmap font I use10:25.18 
  in various formats. so I don't ever lose it.10:25.30 
avih oh10:25.37 
  that's how my zoomed editor looks 
  though it's on a BGR pixel order10:30.22 
tor8 yuck. syntax coloring ;)10:30.52 
chrisl See, that sort of setup give me a headache.....10:30.55 
tor8 and light text on a dark background, that tires my poor astigmatic vision way too quickly10:31.10 
chrisl But that's why it's all just so personal.....10:31.38 
tor8 I need a bright window to flood my vision with photons so my pupils contract and increases the depth of field 10:31.40 
avih i was with dark text on light background, and tried light text on black background, but eventually settled on light text on grey bg.10:32.10 
  this way the colors don't "shout"10:32.36 
  tor8: seriously? you don't use syntax coloring? :)10:33.15 
chrisl The colour scheme isn't offensive to me, but the fuzzy edges on the text make my eyes think they're not focussed properly10:33.32 
tor8 avih: can't stand it. too distracting with candyland colors everywhere.10:33.42 
avih chrisl: your monitor probably has an RGB pixel order, and this was rendered for a BGR monitor10:33.59 
tor8 if your code needs syntax coloring to look good, you're not trying hard enough...10:34.05 
  avih: zoomed in, the subpixel color order is irrelevant :)10:34.24 
avih man, i almost break the kb when i type. you can't say that :)10:34.27 
chrisl avih: I don't mean your screenshot specifically.....10:34.30 
avih tor8: indeed re order10:34.44 
  anyway, i never claimed it's absolutely better, just that sibjectively i prefer it and the fact that OS vendors put effort and use it by default suggests that i'm not the only one. but it still remains a subjective thing :)10:35.46 
tor8 avih: as you can see, there are too many of us here that don't like it :)10:36.33 
  and the people who do have learned to keep quiet once we get going...10:36.52 
avih all so far :)10:36.53 
chrisl OS vendors spend a lot money looking for ways to differentiate themselves - not always to the benefit of users.....10:37.12 
avih dunno. i don't keep quiet, but i also never claimed my perspective is superior10:37.28 
  though in that case it might be ;)10:37.33 
  chrisl: fair point10:38.50 
chrisl avih: plus, arguing with tor8 is *definitely* a quick way to insanity ;-)10:39.45 
avih good thing i'm not arguing then :)10:40.10 
tor8 avih: this is one of my arguments against syntax coloring...10:40.18 
  I don't like syntax coloring for english, why would I like it for code?10:40.42 
  chrisl: heeey!10:41.09 
avih tor8: why would you like a guava? some people fine it nice, others don't :)10:41.57 
tor8 s/guava/guano/ and I might agree ;)10:42.15 
avih :)10:42.27 
chrisl Whereas, I like (subtle) syntax coloring.....10:42.48 
avih tor8: ultimately though, i fully agree that if your customers prefer grey AA, then sibpixel AA is probably not something you should put effort into.10:44.15 
tor8 avih: there is a way to get it; render at 3x the width and filter the full page10:44.42 
  adding cleartype-style font rendering to the mupdf renderer would mean a lot of invasive changes10:45.22 
  since we'll need to support 3-channel alpha10:45.30 
avih i guess. never thought of SP AA algorithms. but that sounds plausible10:45.37 
tor8 since there are a *lot* of ways to render text in PDF10:46.08 
  text used as a clip mask, type 3 bitmap fonts, etc10:46.22 
  easier to just do it as a post process10:46.33 
  and that gets you the same benefits for line art and full page bitmap scans10:46.54 
avih i don't disagree because i'm not familiar enough with the field to assess the technique TBH10:47.09 
  but like i said, it does sound plausible to me10:47.23 
Robin_Watts I've coded a cleartype equivalent in the past.10:49.20 
  It worked nicely, it gave nicer (subjectively, to me) results than the others out there, but it's all blown to hell by modern screens which are more complex than simple RGB triplets.10:50.04 
avih tor8: however, seeing how much cleartype can be fine tuned, i'm guessing that a "naive" approach like you suggest might not be the best looking one. but that's a guess.10:50.11 
Robin_Watts So the only way to do it nicely these days is to render to a bitmap 3 times as wide and to filter down.10:50.40 
avih Robin_Watts: yeah. not to mention pentiles :)10:51.27 
tor8 I'm just waiting for a decent 24" 16:10 aspect ratio 4K monitor to come along...10:51.38 
Robin_Watts pentiles were what I was thinking of.10:51.42 
tor8 or better yet, 4:310:51.50 
avih 19:10 is fine IMO10:52.03 
Robin_Watts avih: All the same tunings that can happen for clear type can happen for bitmap filtering, I believe.10:52.19 
tor8 16:9 (which is all that exists for 4K) is just too damn narrow10:52.23 
avih is the new apple 5K 16:9?10:52.25 
  tor8: yeah, i don't disagree and also prefer 16:10 over 16:9, and have such monitor. but one gets used to anything. ultimately, that's not what really counts :)10:53.26 
  anyway, gtg now. thx for the chat. later :)10:54.02 
tor8 avih: it's 16:9 (and too big at 27")10:54.02 
  avih: not to mention that it's got a mac attached...10:55.13 
avih heh, true that10:55.22 
chrisl tor8: those headphones I couldn't remember the name of the other week: 
tor8 chrisl: oh, right. are these over-ear on on-ear?10:59.09 
chrisl Over10:59.18 
tor8 chrisl: now you made me curious... must... not... open... wallet...10:59.51 
chrisl But as I said, they are not the largest/deepest cups, hence all the reviews saying to try them with that in mind10:59.58 
tor8 yeah, they do look a bit like on-ear (hence my question)11:00.13 
  but now I remember you mentioning the shallowness of the cups11:00.26 
chrisl tor8: I'll get a set before the next meeting in the US (if they fit, I'll bring them), and you can try them11:00.38 
tor8 chrisl: I'd appreciate that :)11:02.10 
chrisl If they are as good as is claimed, I'll be very happy11:03.04 
Robin_Watts Remember, it's hifi. 50% hype, 30% utter bollocks and 20% lies.11:08.49 
chrisl Robin_Watts: you are just describing "Sales and Marketing".......11:10.05 
Robin_Watts no, hifi takes it to the next level.11:25.59 
chrisl I think television vendors are catching up fast!11:29.02 
Robin_Watts My favourite thing about TV adverts is when they do TV adverts on telly, saying "look how great the picture is!" :)11:31.26 
chrisl The first time I remember that was when the first 100Hz TV was released: "note the lack of flicker"......11:37.27 
OliverUv oh cool, activity, does anyone know of a way to make mupdf display the page i'm currently on?12:04.34 
chrisl OliverUv: presumably you mean display the page number in the application? On what platform etc?12:20.50 
OliverUv on linux12:21.00 
chrisl Them I suspect the answer will be "you can't" but tor8 would be the one to answer for sure12:21.31 
OliverUv ok, thanks12:21.52 
tor8 OliverUv: the page number is in the window title bar12:26.06 
OliverUv oh!12:26.45 
tor8 OliverUv: sebras has a patch to display page numbers on-page (since he uses a wm without title bars) but you'll have to ask him where he keeps it12:27.18 
OliverUv i can get titlebars on my windows very easily, so it is not necessary12:28.28 
henrys tor8: miles wants a table comparision with v8 tinyjs and another vs. mujs. I think reasonable rows for the table would be size, speed, supports ios, android, memory etc.12:28.33 
OliverUv btw, this is the best pdf reader i've found so far - thanks!12:28.50 
henrys tor8: we might be able to do a bounty for it.12:32.16 
  tor8:having a full blown article on wikipedia would help also but you shouldn't write that.12:35.18 
Guest16843 hi12:36.00 
ghostbot Welcome to #ghostscript, the channel for Ghostscript and MuPDF. If you have a question, please ask it, don't ask to ask it. Do be prepared to wait for a reply as devs will check the logs and reply when they come on line.12:36.00 
sebras tor8: I though my 'P' patch was still on origin/master..?12:38.42 
  tor8: maybe you lost it again in some code reorgnization though. I haven't checked recently.12:39.06 
tor8 sebras: OliverUv: oh yeah, shift-P12:39.15 
OliverUv huh, can't believe I missed that12:40.06 
  i thought i even /page in the manpage for it 12:40.23 
  what is "presentation mode" ?12:40.45 
  ah, pages will change12:41.03 
sebras OliverUv: I'm not sure shift-P is mentioned on the manpage though.12:41.30 
OliverUv it is on this computer, maybe I have an older version on my other computer (which does run an older dist)12:41.59 
  ah yeah ok, it depends on the version12:42.26 
tor8 henrys: yeah, a wikipedia page is difficult to keep alive without plenty of secondary sources to point to12:43.39 
  the wikipedia deletionists are pretty hard core12:43.48 
  henrys: I'll take a look at compiling a table with data for various js implementations12:44.20 
henrys tor8: but we would show the implementation being slower than say v8 I wonder if that would make it less advertisement like.12:45.36 
tor8 henrys: can do "startup" speed ;)12:46.43 
  and showing we're not any slower than spidermonkey in bytecode mode12:47.06 
henrys kens:if you want me to answer rons questions I will let me know.14:18.17 
kens henrys yes please, I did just send a reply, but if you could point him to the PCL in question that would probably help14:18.37 
  And I cna get back to chasing the 3 cases that still don;'t work properly14:19.12 
henrys kens: or I can walk down there and slap him, trying to decide.14:22.35 
kens LOL are they near you then ?14:22.47 
henrys 7 miles14:23.06 
kens Wow, that is near14:23.17 
henrys not annoyed because he doesn't understand it, but it would be wise to let us just focus on the issue...14:23.57 
kens Indeed! I am working on it, I don't expect it to take long, but I'm not willing to promise anything14:24.27 
henrys kens: well we can always just fall back to "if high level device print as usual", I looked at the test diffs and it's nothing pdfwrite is going to get completely correct because of the rop/transparency etc.14:26.15 
  i.e. it doesn't create new problems just changes them a bit.14:26.52 
kens But... This is clearly a bug in pdfwrite. Nothing in the change I made in the PCL interpreter should change the result, and it does, so there's a bug. THe first one (which I've fixed) was definitely a potential bug for PDF input.14:27.28 
  THe three files which have problems (22-09, 22-10 and 30-05) all have 'text' which shouldn't be there14:28.15 
  It probably all the same problem, the other file 'enter.test' had missing text instead14:28.39 
henrys in your bmpcmp?14:29.44 
kens Yes14:29.48 
  the first results are just slight shifts in text position. Probably caused by the fact that I now flush text before a grestore takes place (that was the first problem) which presumably causes some fractional floating point difference in the position14:30.55 
  The PostScript tests are known indeterminisms, that just leaves the 3 files I mentioned14:31.32 
henrys kens:as if your parameter is not taking effect?14:32.17 
kens Yes, pretty much14:32.27 
  The content was missing previously, now its not14:32.37 
  Eg the club symbol in 22-10.bin14:32.54 
henrys kens: that might be a bitmap or intellifont - will that matter?14:33.01 
kens I shouydl say the *black* club symbol14:33.08 
henrys I'm not sure where the parameter takes effect in the pipeline.14:33.34 
kens The text render mode ? its associated with the text14:34.04 
  But I need to reduce these files a bit before I can see what's really going on14:34.29 
  Pag11 of two files, page 14 of the other....14:34.44 
henrys kens: well I'll do that piece just tell me which graphic you want.14:35.08 
kens Ideall the line of text with the clubs in it on page 14 of 22-10.bin14:35.38 
  Since all the 'algorithms' seem to be the same, any one will do I guess14:35.59 
henrys okay give me a few minutes14:36.14 
kens Thanks, I'll grab a quick coffee then14:36.25 
tor8 avih: wow, duktape is *really* slow...14:43.22 
avih tor8: :/ didn't test it yet.. is it?? :/14:43.45 
  it says someplace that it's comparable to lua, which i think is reasonably efficient for an interpreter (not luajit)14:44.15 
tor8 running a fibonacci test (fib(1) through fib(20)) 1000 times14:44.31 
avih it does have different performance bottlenecks than mujs14:44.53 
tor8 with mujs compiled with exactly the same flags as duktape's default (-Os -fomit-frame-pointer -fstrict-aliasing)14:44.53 
  mujs takes 4s14:44.57 
  duktape takes 14s14:45.00 
avih hmm14:45.04 
tor8 spidermonkey without jit takes 4.5s14:45.16 
tor8 mujs with -O2 takes 3.5s14:45.30 
avih though i think in most fib implementations it shouldn't hit noticeable perf bottlenecks14:46.20 
  but then again, i didn't actually use it yet14:46.29 
tor8 nope, a fibonacci test should be a pretty raw interpreter overhead performance indicator14:46.52 
  i.e. how fast are recursive function calls and simple arithmetic14:47.13 
avih also, it's main goals, other than completeness and real world compatibility, is low memory usage, which trades off speed i think14:47.46 
  tor8: and besides, mujs is fast-ish :)14:48.16 
tor8 yes, I'm just surprised it's 3x slower...14:48.19 
  mujs and spidermonkey byte code interpreters are pretty much equivalent in performance14:48.31 
avih yeah, i recall similar numbers too when i compared some stuff14:48.52 
tor8 I'd have imagined any bytecode based JS would be in the same ball park, give or take 50%14:48.53 
avih yeah, i guess they have more overheads.14:49.35 
tor8 mujs is also smaller than duktape, but duktape does implement a fairly large set of non-standard extensions14:50.26 
avih yes, and seems to be compatible with amiga os too :)14:50.49 
tor8 203kb vs 240kb with same build options14:51.05 
avih and indeed, code size is about x3 compared to mujs.14:51.08 
  roughly the perf difference ;)14:51.13 
tor8 must be a coincidence!14:51.24 
avih sure, though a funny one :)14:51.33 
tor8 though a significant chunk of mujs size are the unicode conversion tables14:51.39 
  eh, no, I take that back. the tables are only 7k14:52.16 
avih i think the duktape api is cluttered. it mixes essentials with convenience functions and non negligible overlap between APIs, and it ends up quite bulky imo14:52.52 
  iirc mujs is ~15LOC and duktape is ~40k, right?14:53.57 
  15K* LOC14:54.08 
tor8 yes.14:55.12 
  sloccount puts mujs at 12.5kloc and duktape at 43kloc14:55.57 
avih i guess your design is better than, or duktape's extra functions end up hitting performance14:57.01 
  for searching properties, you have O(log n) with relatively small factor, and they use IIRC straight linear search arrays upto 36 properties, and string hashes for more properties14:58.19 
  but for normal non sparse arrays they have O(1) access. they only change it to named property based if the array becomes sparse enough14:59.08 
tor8 okay, espruino can't even take fib(8) without asserting (stack overflows I guess)14:59.22 
avih heh14:59.31 
tor8 which is disappointing, but not unsurprising given their target platform15:00.08 
avih never tried it, but failing for fib(8) sounds like a major issue.15:00.09 
  OTOH, until 50 days ago you could easily crash mujs with splice or end up with incorrect array values after some array manipulations ;)15:01.08 
tor8 cannot have more than 15 'locks' on a variable in espruino... I guess they do variable scoping in some funny way15:01.36 
avih and pop was terribly slow :)15:01.40 
tor8 *nothing* can be as slow as espruino...15:02.58 
avih IMO the requirements for a general JS engines are 1. stability 2. features. 3. speed.15:03.04 
tor8 I bumped the stack limit15:03.08 
  it's still running...15:03.24 
avih so usually 1 is taken for granted, but in practice, in several "small" engines which i tested that was not the case15:03.45 
tor8 avih: I hope mujs now satisfies 1, at least better than 2 months ago15:04.19 
avih tor8: i haven't experienced a single crash since your last stability fix, despite running it many many times (albeit with the js code not significantly changing between the runs), and it seems stable. 15:05.32 
  is that for fib(1000)? or 8? :)15:05.45 
tor8 1000x fib(1..20)15:05.54 
avih well.. you should do 1x first, then go through 10x, 100x, it would seem ;)15:06.33 
tor8 1000x was the smallest to get meaningful results from 'time' on mujs/spidermonkey/duk15:07.09 
avih what's obviousl anyway? who uses it?15:07.46 
  espurino* (wtf??)15:07.56 
tor8 it's competition in our target, internet-of-things15:08.16 
avih oh. doesn't sound too fierce :)15:08.30 
tor8 but as it stands, I'd say it's pretty much a joke if you want serious scripting15:08.34 
  but it *is* impressively small15:08.45 
avih what good is small if it doesn't do what you like it to do?15:09.04 
tor8 oh, wait, something must be wrong...15:09.04 
  the espruino binary is >400k15:09.14 
avih so is it written in python and statically linked to it? ;)15:10.06 
tor8 it's written in C15:10.35 
  but it interprets directly from source, never builds bytecode or a parse tree15:10.47 
  which makes it dreadfully slow, but saves RAM15:10.58 
avih yup15:11.04 
  i guess it could be a useful tradeoff on some cases15:11.25 
  depending on how much is being traded off15:11.39 
kens got the file henrys, about to start on it, thanks!15:18.56 
  Hmm, that's odd....15:20.14 
henrys your output should start with a black club if not I screwed it up.15:20.15 
kens That file doesn't draw the clubs at all in PDF. I'll just check the raster output15:20.40 
  OK so it draws the clubs in raster mode.15:21.17 
tor8 avih: mujs uses 165k for the fib test, duk uses 410k15:21.43 
  and v8 uses 18m15:21.48 
avih :)15:21.59 
tor8 valgrind doesn't like spidermonkey, it can't trace its memory allocations :/15:22.08 
avih tor8: see, duk is consistently 3x worse ;)15:22.11 
henrys kens: pdf works for me.15:22.32 
avih tor8: weird with valgrind. it's main maintainer works for mozilla...15:22.47 
kens Yeah, but you don't have my patch :-)15:22.50 
tor8 avih: I expect spidermonkey uses its own allocator15:23.00 
  espruino uses 34k :)15:23.12 
kens OK now I'mpuzzled foo.pcl doesn't go through gthe code I changed15:23.23 
tor8 so yes, there's definitely a memory/performance tradeoff there15:23.25 
avih tor8: possibly own allocator, but i'm 99% sure it should work with valgrind, or at least can be made to work with some config options maybe15:23.50 
kens decides to do a full rebuild15:23.52 
avih tor8: i think mujs has a very good balance of speed vs code size vs runtime memory. it lacks a bit on features compared to more established engines, but very promising indeed :)15:25.11 
tor8 avih: I think the biggest lack at the moment is documentation...15:25.31 
avih dunno about it. it's not too bad imo15:25.49 
tor8 and "use strict" would be nice to have15:25.49 
avih and the fact that such small docs covers it reasonably well is a testament to its simplicity15:26.24 
  maybe it needs a bit more examples and possibly deeper explanation at places, but i think it just got enough (docs) to be reasonably useful15:27.09 
  anyway, gtg, meeting. later.15:27.58 
kens henrys, when you run foo.pcl it goes through 'pcl_show_chars_slow' for you ?15:30.16 
  D'oh, I'm running the wrong file.....15:31.01 
  OK that's fine, the PDF has the first black club showing, so now I cna look at it15:32.24 
  Looks like the opposite screwup to the first problem, its never emitting the altered Tr. I suspect its a similar problem.15:33.07 
henrys but why does it turn black that's what I was trying to figure.15:34.24 
kens Well previously we just didn't draw it, now we do. I suspect its black because that's the inital color in the graphics library. If you don;t specify something else, that's what you get15:35.06 
henrys yeah but the color was specified.15:35.31 
kens Oh, I haven't looked at the PCL, just the PDF output15:35.48 
henrys well no matter15:35.49 
  you may lazily set the color15:36.06 
kens It coudl well be related, we aren't setting the graphics state properly, which is why the Tr goes missing15:36.06 
  We set *everything* lazily in pdfwrite, including buffering the text until we have to emit it.15:36.41 
  Ah, it looks like hte problem is we 'fall back' to the default implementation, because we can't deal with the font, I'm not sure why. I can special case that for text rendering mode 3 anyway and just drop it.15:46.22 
  We don't like the character code, its > 255 so we can't deal wiht it in a simple font.15:48.32 
  So we build a type 3 bitmap font from the glyph.15:50.57 
henrys kens: I can live with that broken in the cet in exchange for the other improvements, we can make a low priority bug15:54.17 
  of course I never checked it fixed his original problem ;-) I assume you did15:55.08 
kens I cna fix it by testing Tr before doing the fallback. We can't apply Tr to the fallback if its a bitmap, so that's as good as it gets.15:55.09 
  Yeah, his original problem is fixed.15:55.17 
  I'll do another cluster test in a second, just writing a few comments so I have some chance of figuring this out in future.15:55.49 
  Hmm, that seems to be messing up the customers file :-(16:03.17 
kens wonders what I've done wrong16:03.26 
  Oh. The customer's file also triggers the fallback, but does not emit a bitmap font, it emits a vector type 3. Damn, more discrimination required.16:06.53 
McErroneous Hi, again i am having problem to create a "printer-specific-file" with "gs". And again it does not creates an output-file. I typed "gs -sDEVICE=bjccolor -sOutputFile=Test.prn Address.ps16:17.23 
kens What platform, what version of GS, where can we see the PostScript file, did you try any other PostScript input ? If not try the tiger in the examples folder16:18.16 
McErroneous 8.7116:19.14 
kens Then the firast thing you need to do is try the current version, 9.1516:19.29 
McErroneous crunchbang 10 (codename statler)16:19.36 
  Hi, i can't create a "printer-specific-file" with ghostscript, since i am a noob i am using version 8.71 and it happend to me before, but worked later without updating "gs", is any of you able to see a mistake in following command in my home-folder: gs -sDEVICE=bjccolor -sOutputFile=Test.prn ?16:47.58 
  It is display correctly on my screen16:48.12 
chrisl Presumably that drops you back to the gs prompt?16:48.33 
McErroneous but the file does not get created.., yes...(-dBATCH)16:48.58 
kens You didn't mention -dBATCH, please be *very* specific about hte command line, it maes a difference16:49.21 
tor8 avih: just for comparison, the equivalent code in lua takes plain lua 1.6s, and luajit 0.1016:49.48 
kens When you say it displays correctly, what do you mean ? DO you mean you tried it without -sDEVICE=bjccolor ?16:49.50 
tor8 which makes luajit 50% faster than both v8 and smjs with JIT16:50.01 
McErroneous i displayed the ps-file with gv...16:50.57 
kens GV is no use at all16:51.10 
Robin_Watts McErroneous: OK, Give us the *exact* command line you are trying.16:51.12 
kens Try it with "gs" assuming you have a build of GS which will display on your system16:51.43 
McErroneous i gave it to you already...16:52.26 
kens Ahem, you didn't mention -dBATCH, anything else you would like to mention ?16:52.46 
Robin_Watts McErroneous: No, you didn't. You gave a command line, then said "oh, and there is -dBATCH".16:52.50 
  so, give us the exact command line you are using.16:52.59 
McErroneous gs -sDEVICE=bjccolor -sOutputFile=Test.prn Adresse.ps16:54.10 
kens So no -dBATCH then ?16:54.23 
Robin_Watts OK. So instead of that, please try:16:54.31 
  gs -sDEVICE=bjccolor -o Test.prn Address.ps16:54.47 
  Damn. Got to step away.16:54.52 
avih tor8: maybe the web should move to lua then :)16:55.08 
kens The first problem I see is that there is (now at least) no bjccolor device16:55.12 
  We have 4 other bjc devices, but not that one.16:55.32 
chrisl bjccolor must only be on the Unix builds16:55.51 
kens Possibly, its not on my WINdows build16:56.03 
  I see it in contrib16:56.12 
  So possibly it has simply bit rotted and doesn't work16:56.29 
avih tor8: for luajit including the compilation? (i'm guessing yes?)16:56.48 
kens Try -sDEVICE=tiff24nc and see if that produces output16:56.49 
chrisl bjccolor does output a file for a simple showpage16:57.49 
kens <shrug> maybe its a broken GS then.16:58.11 
  Try gs -sDEVICE=tiff24nc -sOutputFile=out.tif -c "showpage" -f16:58.46 
McErroneous okay...., got a file created now..., "showpage was missing in the ps-file" hopefully that is the origin of the mistake....17:00.29 
  but, i think it is wired... for the mistake to be in the ps-file..., why does gs- cares at all ?17:02.02 
kens THat's what the spec says, no showpage, no output17:02.20 
chrisl showpage is the operator that says "eject the page"17:02.40 
  gs is just doing what it's told17:02.53 
McErroneous it told it to produce a file.., did i ?17:03.38 
kens SO you'd be OK with a 0 byte file ?17:03.52 
  You didn't tell GS to print and eject the page, so it did not transfer any bits to the device.17:04.08 
McErroneous hmm..., , well that at least could have given me a hint.., sorry , iam such a noob17:04.29 
chrisl The thing is, there is nothing wrong with your file - it's perfectly valid, just doesn't emit a page17:05.00 
  I have a lot of utilities written in Postscript that don't emit pages17:05.19 
  I'd get quite annoyed if every time I ran one of those utilities, it insisted on creating an output file17:05.50 
McErroneous is it, that the switch -sOutputFile or -o would tell ghostscript to create a file..., or am i wrong, and just missing knowledge ?17:07.51 
kens That just tells it the name of the file to create, if it needs to create a file17:08.11 
Robin_Watts McErroneous: The -sOutputFile and -o says "When you have data to output, this is where to put it"17:08.17 
  You never did a showpage, therefore there never was pagedata to output, so no data was produced.17:08.37 
kens Not emitting a file is broadly equivalent to not emitting a blank sheet of paper17:08.40 
Robin_Watts You can rail against postscript and say "that's not what I expected", but it's broadly like writing a C program and not providing a "main" and then wondering why your program doesn't work.17:09.29 
McErroneous well..., i hope i got it right this time..., thanks to everybody17:10.05 
kens henrys trying to distinguish the 2 cases (customer file and foo.pcl) is proving awkward. I can't currently see why we are not emitting the rendering mode for the reduced FTS file, I'll have to dig deeper. Its getting late here, so I'll get back to it tomorrow.17:12.23 
  translation: I've had enough for the day and I'm off.....17:12.40 
  Goodnight everyone17:12.45 
Robin_Watts night kens17:12.54 
mvrhel_laptop aha! now I see why my xpswrite output is failing for planar source images. it turns out that xps only supports chunky tiff image no planar so I will need to repack the data17:35.44 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: or punt to rectangles if you don't want to spend the time on it.17:44.19 
mvrhel_laptop henrys: it wont take long17:44.32 
  I am about done to the point where we will support all bit depths and configs. the only thing missing would be masks17:45.01 
  I am sharing the decode / map stuff out of the color monitoring code that was happening in the clist image enum which allows me to support just about everthing17:46.07 
  henrys: then I will get back to work on SOT. promise17:54.09 
henrys mvrhel_laptop: oh don't worry about it. I'm concerned doing anything with this because of MS, if they would just do something that indicated XPS is not going into the trash bin I'd be happy18:00.21 
mvrhel_laptop henrys: I think we are stuck with it in terms of printing which is my motivation here for gsview18:00.58 
  gsview printing is pretty decent speed wise now with the image code and the -dNOCACHE setting18:01.35 
  I suspect shadings may be slow still though18:02.01 
  but I am not as worried about that as I was with the images18:02.18 
Robin_Watts henrys: come to skype.18:02.25 
mvrhel_laptop come to the dark side18:02.33 
mvrhel_laptop_ off to dr. appt. bbiaw18:20.54 
stenci i am having a problem with ghostscript, where can i find some help?19:21.30 
chrisl_away stenci: state your problem, someone here may be able to help19:22.07 
stenci i have an excel addin that creates postscript files and puts them together into one pdf with "gswin64c.exe @gsparams"19:23.15 
  it usually succeed also with 1000 pages or more, today it fails after 135 pages19:23.38 
  with the following message:19:23.44 
  ERROR: limitcheck OFFENDING COMMAND: .makeoperator STACK: {--dup-- /FontType --eq-- 2 --index-- 32 --eq-- --and-- {--pop-- --pop -- false }{--resourcestatus-- }--ifelse-- } /resourcestatus /resourcestatus -dictionary- ( Version 5.2.2) /Creator -dictionary- -dictionary- 19:23.53 
chrisl_away stenci: that really isn't enough information to go on: we'd need the Postscript input and the exact ghostscript command line19:26.19 
  Your best bet would be to report the problem to the author of the plugin, and they can report it to us if it turns out to be a gs problem19:27.13 
stenci it's a folder with 408 files, including the gs.cmd that does the job, should i zip it and... ?19:27.30 
chrisl_away Well, if you want us to look at it, you would be best to try to reduce the problem to the smallest set of files (and pages) you can manage.19:28.47 
  stenci: also, what version of Ghostscript are you using?19:28.58 
stenci 9.1519:29.17 
chrisl_away It looks like the job in question is just exhausting a particular resource - there is probably not a good solution for it19:32.21 
  stenci: if you want to open a bug report, with a minimal example of how to reproduce the problem, you can do so at bugs.ghostscript.com19:33.30 
stenci i tried to run it with the files 1-100, 101-200, etc. and it always works, but if i run it with more than 135 files it crashes, so the "minimal" example involves many files19:44.42 
  i will report a bug19:44.50 
chrisl_t530 stenci: FWIW, the error message makes me suspicious: no PS input should be called the .makeoperator operator - it's really a Ghostscript "internal use only" extension19:57.30 
stenci i modified the gsparams file and ran it many times with the first 100, second 100, etc .ps files, and they all worked well20:01.49 
  i couldn't find any .ps file that fails20:02.16 
  and this is an excel macro that we used every day to create pdf files with hundreds or thousands of pages, and never had a problem for more than one year20:03.05 
chrisl_t530 Hmm, actually, I think I might know where the problem is.....20:03.08 
stenci :)20:03.17 
  i just reported a bug: 
chrisl_t530 Thanks, okay. I'll take a look - but probably tomorrow (I finished work a couple of hours ago)20:04.23 
  Grr, it's not a crash, it's an error!20:04.47 
stenci ?20:05.06 
  it exits half way, isn't that a crash?20:05.15 
  i'm just asking, perhaps i'm using the wrong word?20:05.47 
chrisl_t530 What you have is a graceful exit with an error condition. A crash, it would just exit without error or warning20:06.33 
stenci i usually call errors wrong results, crashes incomplete results caused by an early unexpected exit20:06.38 
chrisl_t530 You'd probably get the Windows "program caused a problem....." dialogue20:07.06 
  with a crash20:07.10 
stenci ok, makes sense20:07.42 
chrisl_t530 "Crashes" are generally more critical as they can indicate security problems, amongst other things.20:08.40 
stenci should i edit the bug description?20:09.39 
chrisl_t530 I've already done so20:09.47 
stenci thanks for your time, see you tomorrow20:10.31 
chrisl_t530 Er, you haven't attached the files20:10.50 
stenci what??? i waited 2 minutes for it to go, and i had...20:11.14 
chrisl_t530 Oh, they might be too big for our bugzilla database - how big?20:11.40 
stenci it's 10MB, the interface says 51MB is the limit20:12.15 
  it's uploading again, 80%20:12.22 
chrisl_t530 Hmm, yeh, that should be fine20:12.26 
stenci now i see it20:12.35 
chrisl_t530 Yeh, me too20:12.47 
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