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Robin_Watts rayjj: Both halves of the pdfwrite job *are* on the same machine.00:05.25 
  Those lines represent 2 different jobs.00:05.51 
  The first one is blah.xps being written to pdf then that pdf being rendered to ppmraw.00:06.22 
  The second one is that file going straight to ppmraw.00:06.34 
rayjj Robin_Watts: yes, those are two of the 34 examples. but it lists: picas macpro (on the first)00:06.39 
Robin_Watts Right. As I say they are totally separate jobs.00:07.00 
henrys I wonder if the gxps compile is broken on macpro - let me check00:07.15 
Robin_Watts picas = the machine it ran on last time.00:07.19 
  macpro = the machine it ran on this time.00:07.29 
Robin_Watts beds.00:07.51 
rayjj Robin_Watts: ok. thanks. so macpro _is_ the problem in all of these cases00:07.54 
  g'nite, Robin_Watts 00:08.02 
Robin_Watts rayjj: Aye.00:08.03 
rayjj henrys: I'll leave it up to you to re-enable macpro on the cluster00:08.54 
  I'm happy enough now00:09.04 
henrys rayjj: much better to stick your broken files in a bug for marcos I'll look at it also if needed but it is Saturday and I may not remember Monday.00:12.16 
  rayjj: I can confirm gxps runs on macpro - pcl was broken last upgrade.00:13.06 
cryptopsy in mupdf can i get a stick keys select mode? Like instead of press and hold mouse, then drag, then realease. Press a key, navigate with arrow keys its dimensions, then press another key to grab the input15:44.21 
  the mupdf text recognizition is pretty cool,, it pulled text right out of an image as i pasted in vim. How does that work?15:45.41 
  i had a picture of a molecule and put pasted it's atoms15:45.54 
rayjj now it's me having network issues ???18:50.06 
sebras cryptopsy: whatever software created the pdf for put the text inside the pdf. mupdf doesn't do any text recognition as such, though it has heuristics to regonize words, lines and paragraphcs if memory serves me correctly.18:59.23 
cryptopsy thanks18:59.44 
sebras cryptopsy: also I'm curious why you prefer a mode where you can use the keyboard to select the area to copy text from. is it "just" the fact that you want to avoid using the mouse, or is there some problem you want to avoid? :)19:00.49 
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