IRC Logs

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rayjj henrys: there's code in plmain.c that 'blame' has your name for following: /* NB this needs a better solution */ where it sets the pti->high_level_device. Does this need to include xpswrite ?04:21.16 
henrys rayjj: I think it's for high level patterns so probably wouldn't effect xpswrite yet. Obviously we should have a parameter that asks for that - not if it is just some device string.04:30.42 
rayjj henrys: right -- it's probably better done with a dev_specop04:31.14 
henrys off for some tv time see you tomorrow04:31.53 
rayjj yuck. pl_main_process_options TOTALLY ignores NULL returns from arg_copy (arg_heap_copy)05:24.48 
  If I start MEMENTO_SQUEEZEAT at 400, I get past all arg allocations and I'm actually able to start the xps processing. All the way up to sequence 1136 :-)06:18.30 
  fixes in 7 files so far. Many of these would affect ANY parser (plmain and gsicc issues)06:19.52 
  time to call it a night.06:20.17 
marcosw1 I've managed to bork (again), so I'm switching to the hot spare. It will take a while for dns to sort itself out.06:36.13 
Robin_Watts tor8: 2 commits on mupdf robin/master. The JPEG resolution one, and one to remove a dead structure.11:28.54 
tor8 Robin_Watts: dead struct LGTM11:33.50 
  Robin_Watts: image res should be fixed for mucbz as well11:34.00 
Robin_Watts ok.11:34.17 
tor8 Robin_Watts: zenikos fixes also look reasonable11:34.51 
Robin_Watts ah, cool. I haven't looked at them.11:35.08 
tor8 Robin_Watts: don't take my mujs patch yet, I have some more work on mujs that should be included shortly11:46.58 
henry___ Is anyone know how to add a circle/rectangle annotation ?13:40.03 
henrys welcome back chrisl happy new year14:15.53 
chrisl henrys: thanks, happy new year to you, too14:16.16 
henrys rayjj for the logs we agreed some time ago we would not check every single return call. Why are we undertaking this task now?14:30.07 
  Robin_Watts: feel free to ask fred to use irc for his project questions, I'd prefer it but whatever is best for you and paul.14:37.43 
Robin_Watts henrys: We did?14:41.36 
  Sounds like the kind of decision I'd have railed against.14:41.59 
henrys I guess that is not about fred14:44.10 
Robin_Watts henrys: About checking every return value :)14:45.43 
henrys yes we felt every third line would have been if code < 0 return ... do you really check things like printf etc? anyway we can resurrect that argument next meeting if you like14:45.45 
Robin_Watts henrys: Nah, not printf, but you've got to check for errors like memory failures etc.14:46.39 
henrys I'm off to chicago today and tomorrow not sure if anyone pays attention to the joanne vacation notice emails14:47.10 
Robin_Watts Either you live with the fact that every 3rd line is "if (error < 0) ..." or you adopt an exception handling system like mupdf does.14:47.20 
  I like to think it's obvious which is better :)14:47.45 
chrisl Hmm, I prefer explicit error handling..... I hate stuff being hidden14:48.33 
tor8 Robin_Watts: handling errors at the source and not propagating them all the way? ;)14:48.54 
  I'm still in two minds about the whole exception thing14:49.07 
Robin_Watts tor8: How do you handle malloc failures at the source?14:49.18 
tor8 Robin_Watts: by ABORTING! :D14:49.30 
  printf errors should be checked for output devices14:49.52 
  or at least check the ferror status at the end of a bunch of printfs14:50.19 
  or we could silently generate crap/truncated files14:50.29 
rayjj morning, all15:31.47 
  henrys: I wasn't going to bother to re-write the plmain startup issues, but IMHO once a parser starts processing, not handling OOM properly should be detected to prevent SEGV15:33.12 
  and I'm not spending a lot of time on it -- just when I get frustrated with cut 532's performance issues late at night15:34.29 
  the most frustrating thing about Len's performance problem (871 vs 906) I suspect is not our problem.15:35.34 
henrys rayjj: yesterday's regression though really makes me feel review is needed for these types of changes. That bad change could have easily shipped. It passed all the linux machines I have no idea how.15:35.34 
rayjj henrys: right. I'll go ahead and get review on the changes. I still don't know how a bare "return" from a function that returns a pointer didn't cause a compiler warning, but it may have and just the "new warnings" detection is broken15:37.46 
  or maybe gcc was smart enough to do what I meant to (return item) ;-)15:38.34 
graphicore Hi, anyone there?15:51.54 
Robin_Watts graphicore: Yes.15:52.18 
graphicore ah, cool15:52.25 
  I filed a bug a while ago15:52.35 
  its still unconfirmed15:52.45 
Robin_Watts In general on irc, if you have a question, ask it, and hang around, don't ask to ask it :)15:52.46 
  What bug number?15:52.52 
graphicore ok!15:53.02 
  Can anyone confirm 
  It blocks a project of mine.15:53.29 
Robin_Watts That would be a question for mvrhel, I think.15:55.27 
  What version of gs are you using?15:55.42 
graphicore I just compiled from master15:56.08 
Robin_Watts Ok, so git head.15:56.24 
graphicore yes15:56.28 
Robin_Watts I'd be tempted to try using gs -o out.png -sDEVICE=png16m tritone.pdf15:57.01 
  and comparing the output pngs.15:57.14 
  Just in case it's a specific problem with the display device.15:57.21 
  But that's just a wild guess.15:57.30 
graphicore gives the same results15:59.34 
Robin_Watts ok, so you need to wait for mvrhel to have a spare moment to look at it.15:59.57 
rayjj The display device is a DeviceN aware device, but the way it *mashes* the planes together to get the display view is just an approximation. 16:00.08 
graphicore basically yes16:00.21 
rayjj you can examine the planes directly to make sure they are correct and that the profile is being applied16:00.54 
Robin_Watts rayjj: So use -sDEVICE=tiffsep then?16:01.20 
rayjj AFAIK, mvrhel never looked at the algorithm that Russell uses to get the RGB from the planes16:01.46 
graphicore I don't think the profile is applied, at least one of two examples in the bug should show differences.16:02.37 
rayjj Robin_Watts: yes, the tiffsep or the psdcmyk device (the latter will let you view with Adobe's algorithm for DeviceN->RGB on the screen)16:02.38 
graphicore Also, about the approximation, isnt there a way to give a display profile as well? then it should be all color managed I suppose16:03.11 
rayjj *if* I were to looke at it, I would check the psdcmyk device16:03.21 
Robin_Watts Can we use pam? If so, you can view the planes using: 
graphicore I have an old photoshop cs2 running on wine (on linux). The results still don't differ there with -sDEVICE=psdcmyk 16:16.10 
chrisl So, by my reading of the docs, the -sDeviceNProfile option supplies a *source* profile for DeviceN input, not an output profile for DeviceN output......17:14.34 
rayjj graphicore: you posted the EPS, but not the "artifex_tritone.icc" your example needs17:32.48 
graphicore the icc profile is in the git repository17:33.33 
chrisl toolbin/color/icc_creator/example/artifex_tritone.icc17:33.49 
graphicore it's possible that I use it wrongly in the eps file, but the pdf file belongs to the profile17:34.35 
rayjj chrisl: Oh, I was looking in iccprofiles. graphicore did you move artifex_tritone.icc to the iccprofiles directory ?17:35.11 
graphicore no, I just symlinked it into my testdirectory17:37.06 
  chrisl: yes, right, so I thought. The output should use -sOutputICCProfile I think17:41.33 
chrisl graphicore: Yes, with a suitably tailored profile17:42.13 
graphicore chrisl: But shouldn't the output still differ when the source profile is different, even if it uses a default conversion for the output?17:45.16 
Robin_Watts unless the profile is the default one?17:46.56 
chrisl graphicore: I really don't know enough about the area to say - hence my quoting the docs.... for example, in your example, the fact the DeviceN space is inside an indexed space might cause problems....17:47.04 
graphicore chrisl: yeah, that's part of my problem, that I don't know enough either. If I had a working example I could find my way using that. From my understanding, the DeviceN in the EPS is used correctly. All examples in the PLRM that use DeviceN put it into an indexed space.17:58.35 
rayjj graphicore: Note to see the separations on the display device you need -dDisplayFormat=16#a080018:22.38 
  Also, the tint transform for Artifex Orange is messed up -- is that intentional ? 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.0 (Artifex Orange) should be: 0.0 0.5 1.0 0.0 (Artifex Orange) to make an actual orange18:24.24 
  Note the tint transform is what the display device uses to create the separation color and to "mash" separations to RGB -- it NEVER uses ICC profiles18:25.47 
graphicore rayjj: yes, it is intentional, to see the cm working. " it NEVER uses ICC profiles" so the display device it is not colormanaged?18:33.10 
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