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mvrhel_laptop hmm I do see that VS 2015 has git even more integrated with it00:35.03 
  and they supposedly have most of c++11 and c++14 supported not sure where they are on c99 though00:42.03 
rayjj I am totally impressed with the state of technology. A battery powered projector that is DLP based, rated at 1200 lumens (and it looks like it is that) that is about the same size as a thick cell phone that has a touch pad and is android based, wireless or wired04:21.40 
  oh, I forgot to mention it is 1920x1080 (1080p)04:22.48 
mvrhel_laptop rayjj: that is impressive04:46.01 
rayjj mvrhel_laptop: I'll bring it to the staff meeting05:02.44 
mvrhel_laptop cool05:02.52 
  I was wondering if you might think about bringing the saxaphone05:03.12 
rayjj if nothing else, we won't have to look at a small tablet or cell phone screen. I haven't loaded SO on it yet, but I am going to.05:03.26 
mvrhel_laptop cool05:03.44 
rayjj mvrhel_laptop: hmm... are you sure you want to cart a tenor around?05:03.58 
  mvrhel_laptop: I'll check into shipping it05:04.18 
mvrhel_laptop with a 15 person minivan it would not be too much trouble 05:04.20 
  oh that might work. I would be curious what it would be. might be less than the bag check fee05:04.48 
  there and back here05:04.59 
rayjj what is your ZIP ?05:05.51 
mvrhel_laptop 9807405:06.00 
rayjj just a minute..05:06.08 
  mvrhel_laptop: I think it will be about $4005:08.14 
mvrhel_laptop that is reasonable. that is what I pay per month for rental....05:08.28 
rayjj that's probably less than two check fees05:08.45 
mvrhel_laptop you said it need just some minor repairs?05:08.48 
  yes. $50 for bag checks05:09.04 
  if you want to think about a price that you will take for it, let me know05:09.22 
rayjj mvrhel_laptop: actually, the body, pads, etc is fine. It *might* need a gooseneck05:09.24 
mvrhel_laptop ok05:09.29 
rayjj I've had a "tune up" on it and it plays. It's a shame that it just sits there.05:10.17 
  I can take a few pics of it and the case, then send them05:11.02 
mvrhel_laptop ok thanks rayjj05:11.16 
rayjj I'll get some pics tonight (so I don't forget)05:11.41 
mvrhel_laptop thanks05:11.46 
  also, let me know if you want me to send you any money ahead of time for the rental in Colorado05:12.17 
  or we can all settle up at the end. I am fine either way but you are likely paying the largest fee up front05:12.45 
rayjj mvrhel_laptop: We can settle later after van, gas, etc. if it's OK with you05:13.11 
mvrhel_laptop that is probably easier05:13.17 
rayjj yeah. we'll use th SO excel ;-)05:13.46 
mvrhel_laptop let me make a few commits first05:14.05 
rayjj of course, we might trip over a few functions that are TBD ;-)05:14.24 
mvrhel_laptop if (name == "michael") amount_owed = 0;05:14.54 
  ok all set05:14.59 
rayjj :;)05:15.05 
  bbiaw (maybe)05:15.47 
  mvrhel_laptop: I put a few pics of the sax: 3 mouthpieces, 2 ligatures, one cover, one neckstrap, swab for body and gooseneck, ~7 reeds (medium hard), and somewhat beat up case. The finish on the sax itself is in better shape than I remembered.06:06.20 
  mvrhel_laptop: I'll email the liink to the pics06:06.30 
mvrhel_laptop rayjj: thanks06:21.50 
  off to bed now06:21.52 
KunMyt Hi, i have a problem with MuPDF for devices has srceen full HD, "Bitmap too large to be uploaded into a texture (5760x3600, max=4096x4096)"09:13.15 
kens Seems pretty self-explanatory to me09:13.47 
KunMyt help me plz!09:25.12 
kens I don't know what you need. The error seems clear to me, the bitmap is too big to be treated as a texture. YOu need to increase the texture limit (if possible). Since I don't know what OS you are using, I have no idea if this is even possible. Or if the texture is internal to MuPDF, in which case it'll be a compile time limit you need to increase09:26.43 
  Have you looked in the code to see where the error comes from ?09:27.00 
  I also can't find that error string in the MuPDF source that I have here, what version of MuPDF are you using ?09:28.50 
KunMyt public PageView(Context c, Point parentSize, Bitmap sharedHqBm) { super(c); mContext = c; mParentSize = parentSize; setBackgroundColor(BACKGROUND_COLOR); mEntireBm = Bitmap.createBitmap(parentSize.x, parentSize.y, Config.ARGB_8888); mPatchBm = sharedHqBm; mEntireMat = new Matrix(); }09:28.57 
kens Oh, its Java09:29.08 
KunMyt i think the error from Config.ARGB_8888 ?09:29.27 
kens Can't understand that stuff, but it looks to me like you're stuck, its an OS limitation09:29.33 
KunMyt java.lang.OutOfMemoryError09:29.43 
  i using mupdf for android09:29.51 
kens If you hang around someone who understands a bit of Java might be able to help later when they come online09:30.10 
KunMyt i hope reslove it, 09:30.40 
kens paulgardiner : can you read the logs and see if you can help with the question regarding textures on Android please ?09:56.30 
paulgardiner sure09:56.48 
kens Thanks, its well beyond me.....09:57.14 
KunMyt In HD screen with ARGB_8888 each bitmap has 1920 * 1080 * 4 = 8Mb -> Too large :(10:07.17 
paulgardiner Devices with very high resolution screens usually have a large amount of memory too.10:15.45 
Robin_Watts KunMyt: 8Meg is not too large, AIUI.10:17.23 
  From your earlier error message, it sounds like we're trying to create a bitmap much larger than that.10:17.48 
  "Bitmap too large to be uploaded into a texture (5760x3600, max=4096x4096)"10:18.03 
  So the question is why are we trying to make a 5760x3600 bitmap ?10:18.19 
kens 3x screen resolution, some kind of AA ?10:18.43 
Robin_Watts I didn't think we ever made a bitmap larger than the screen.10:21.29 
paulgardiner Are you a developer? What are you using MuPDF for? Is this our code, or have you made alterations?10:21.31 
KunMyt i using MuPDF for android, when a start app with LG G Pro (Full HD) has problem, LG G (mHD) not error10:25.31 
Robin_Watts KunMyt: What version of Android? And does this happen with all files, or just a particular one?10:33.27 
KunMyt using android 4.4.2 problem with class PageView10:34.22 
Robin_Watts KunMyt: So, you're changing the source?10:34.55 
  I meant does it happen with all PDF files, or just a particular one?10:35.15 
guanche hi10:37.28 
ghostbot Welcome to #ghostscript, the channel for Ghostscript and MuPDF. If you have a question, please ask it, don't ask to ask it. Do be prepared to wait for a reply as devs will check the logs and reply when they come on line.10:37.28 
guanche there is people from the uk here, iirc?10:38.02 
kens several10:38.10 
guanche can somebody tell what are these called? 
  both the beds and the umbrellas10:38.52 
kens sun bed or lounger probably10:38.55 
guanche deck chair?10:39.02 
kens No, a deck chair is different10:39.10 
guanche and what's more common sun bed or lounger?10:39.29 
kens It folds and unfolds in a way guaranteed to confuse you and break your fingers10:39.33 
guanche haha10:39.40 
chrisl Deckchair: 
guanche ok, ceratainly not the same hehe10:40.16 
kens The umbrella would be 'umbrella' or possibly 'beach umbrella' if you wanted to be specific10:40.24 
chrisl Or parasol10:40.58 
guanche ok, what about the sun bed? 10:41.04 
KunMyt yes, all file PDF same error 10:41.10 
kens I would probably not say sun bed actually, that often means a device for getting a nice tan10:41.28 
  Lounger would perhaps be better10:41.36 
KunMyt i'm using source clone from git 10:41.47 
kens Why do you need to know what they are called ?10:41.55 
guanche ok, thanks a lot, goona look for it's pronunciation now10:41.58 
  ah, because10:42.00 
Robin_Watts An unchanged source clone?10:42.07 
guanche I'll start working there soon, hopefully10:42.10 
kens Ah, then you won't need one, we don't get sun here :-)10:42.23 
  All you need to know is 'umbrella' and 'raincoat'10:42.36 
guanche I'm from the Canary Islands, so I need to know how are they called both, for the interview and for asking foreigners10:43.05 
paulgardiner KumMyt: Just a random idea - does this phone have a mini display port to which a monitor can be connected?10:43.12 
guanche once I'm there, if I get the job10:43.20 
kens Best of luck guanche!10:43.34 
guanche hehe, thanks, I hope so, it's actually quite a nice job10:43.54 
  and how do you say to the fact of getting into the sea?10:44.17 
kens swimming, bathing, jumping in the sea....10:44.34 
  'bathing' is a bit old fashioned10:44.47 
guanche jumping into the sea perhaps is more common, as most kids cannot swim I guess10:45.17 
  I mean small kids10:45.32 
kens Most kids can swim, they get taught in school10:45.34 
  I wouldn't worry too much about terminology, people will undertand you easily enough10:45.51 
guanche ok10:46.04 
chrisl guanche: so what part of the UK are you looking at?10:46.20 
guanche no, I live in the Canary Islands, but we got plenty of people from the UK chrisl 10:47.03 
chrisl guanche: I mean where in the UK is the job you're going for?10:47.24 
guanche the job I'm going for is in Las Palmas (Gran Canaria, the Canary Islands) chrisl 10:47.57 
kens I think maybe the job is in the Canary Isles? Talking to us Brits (because we don't speak foreign lanuages)10:48.01 
guanche yes10:48.15 
chrisl Oh, I thought you said you might working in the UK....10:48.47 
guanche no, I just need to know the terms, both, for the interview, and for talking to foreigners10:49.20 
chrisl Ah, well, I hope it goes well.10:49.49 
guanche thanks, I whish I could get the job10:50.28 
kens Well that's annoying, a simple change that causes 4,500 diffs :-(10:50.52 
  I wonder what I did wrong.....10:51.21 
chrisl ... touched the pdf interpreter, probably10:51.56 
kens How did you guess ? :-D10:52.05 
chrisl That's usually what happens when I touch it10:52.35 
Robin_Watts Welcome to #ghostscript, the channel for Ghostscript, MuPDF and help with random english vocabulary questions.10:53.04 
kens Its an amusing diversion from real work :-)10:53.24 
chrisl I prefer that to: "it broke, you fix.... now!"10:53.33 
Robin_Watts The freeclimbing nutters made it up El Capitan.11:05.57 
kens Yeah I heard that this morning11:06.06 
  <sigh> OK so I missed an 'ifelse' operator :-(11:07.44 
tor8 kens: so I take it you've booked flights?11:21.48 
Robin_Watts kens, chrisl: I spouted this last night: (probably after you'd left)11:22.05 
kens Hi tor8, not quite yet, I was just waiting for you, didn't realise you'd come online11:22.10 
Robin_Watts If anyone has any comments...11:22.15 
kens Robin_Watts : I saw it in the logs, ahve not read it yet11:22.20 
tor8 kens: just got through reading the logs :)11:22.27 
kens tor8 I'm off to now11:22.35 
kens runs off to find wallet11:23.09 
  OK so that's BA0219 out (departs 12:20 Heathrow, arrives 15:10 Denver)11:25.06 
  BA0218 back (departs 18:40 denver, arrives Heathrow Monday 09:30)11:25.41 
tor8 BA219 on march 2nd, BA218 on march 8th?11:25.53 
kens Depart Heathrow on Mon 2nd March, depart Denver Sunday 8th March11:26.10 
  Comes in at £666.66 LOL11:26.35 
tor8 airlines and their crazy pricing... on the leg back, business is cheaper than economy plus11:28.23 
kens Bizarre11:28.34 
tor8 I'm tempted to splurge for economy plus on the leg out though11:28.48 
  it's not hugely much more expensive11:28.56 
kens What's economy plus ? That's not showing for me, just premium economy and that £500 more11:29.27 
tor8 kens: ba serves me up with the swedish website11:29.45 
kens Ah.....11:29.53 
tor8 so I guess world traveler plus, premium economy11:29.56 
kens Hmm, let me check mine again11:30.08 
  PE is +£446 on the outbound leg for me11:30.34 
  +£377 inbound11:30.48 
tor8 I wonder if you can upgrade after making the reservation11:31.25 
  for just the two long legs11:31.29 
  (pardon the pun)11:31.36 
kens Almost certainly, Virgin always rung me up11:31.43 
  At that price I'll be sticking with economy11:32.09 
tor8 inbound, it quotes me 2700 dkk for economy, 11000 dkk for plus11:32.17 
  outbound, it's 2700 vs 500011:32.25 
kens A lot less than mine I think11:32.48 
  Actually, maybe that's the same11:33.09 
tor8 divide by ten, roughly11:33.12 
kens Still too much for me, I'll just suffer11:33.38 
tor8 it's pre-tax money... so divide by half :)11:34.05 
kens Ah and BA want to charge me £30 to book a seat, another one ripping off passengers11:35.00 
  Makes Virgin's rip off look cheap at the price11:35.39 
tor8 kens: you're looking at the future of economy flying11:36.03 
kens :-(11:36.10 
  Ryan Air here we come11:36.14 
tor8 anything extra will cost you, but the standard fare is cheap11:36.18 
  hah, I can use my avios to save a whooping 45 gbp11:36.45 
kens So centre seats are 30, the others aew £35......11:37.01 
tor8 kens: and of course, no way to book an emergency row or bulkhead in std economy11:38.09 
kens Nope, I noticed that11:38.16 
  Thought at first those were the £35 ones, and was happy, didn't last long11:38.30 
tor8 which is why I'm going with E+ for the outbound leg where it's < 100% extra11:38.47 
kens So, right behind the squalling kids, or right in fornt of hte toilet, hmmm......11:38.56 
  return flight seems busier11:40.16 
tor8 kens: on the short cph-lhr flight I could pick an emergency row seat for free11:40.17 
kens Nice11:40.26 
tor8 kens: probably why premium economy is full and they've only got business price left11:40.39 
kens oh....11:40.49 
tor8 should've booked monday when we first checked... they still had cheap premium economy on the return leg then :/11:42.23 
  oh well... I'll suffer11:42.27 
kens SOrry, wanted to be sure about the arrangements with Michael and Ray11:43.02 
tor8 kens: no no, that's alright!11:43.33 
  not playing the blame game, just griping :)11:43.43 
kens OK all done11:45.00 
tor8 okay, I'm booked.11:45.25 
kens Me too, just doing the advanced passenger stalking info11:45.44 
  Must remember to get a new ESTA too11:45.56 
tor8 kens: got a new ESTA for the last trip11:46.11 
  but thanks for the reminder :)11:46.18 
  kens: where are we staying with miles?11:46.29 
kens Stupid info wants to know my address in the US11:46.32 
tor8 for the stalker info...11:46.35 
kens Miles didn't tell us yet (I only just mailed him with my details)11:46.58 
  Guess I'll need to fill that in later11:47.06 
dzhr hello. i have a program called Charly. it's software for dentists. however, if i want to print something, i need a postscript-driver. i have an hp laserjet p3005n, but it has a shitty postscript functionality. my solution: i use pdfcreator (it uses ghostscript) and create a pdf-document. then i print the document in adobe reader or sumatrapdf, after rotating it by 180 degrees. i need a program which does this automatically, i mean11:54.58 
  into pdf or postscript file, then rotating it to 180 degrees, then printing it.11:55.33 
tor8 dzhr: why do you need to rotate it? most printers will pick the right rotation depending on the page size.11:57.29 
Robin_Watts 180 degrees?11:57.50 
tor8 oh. my brain just had an accident :)11:58.07 
dzhr because if i get the pdf-file from pdfcreator and then print it on A4 format, then bottom will be printing, but the top has to be printed11:58.33 
Robin_Watts dzhr: Why does it matter which way it comes out the printer?11:58.52 
dzhr because this situation is only for receipts11:59.19 
  receipts are A611:59.28 
  receipts = prescription12:00.07 
tor8 I've seen waybill software generating upside-down prints12:00.22 
  which is probably a similar situation12:00.34 
Robin_Watts Well, ghostscript is capable of rotating and printing ps/pdf files.12:00.50 
dzhr that's great. if it's possible to generate a virtual printer like pdfcreator does and if I print on it, it will be rotated and then directly transfered to the hp printer, then everything is good12:02.23 
kens Yes its possible, you are aware that Ghostscript is AGPL ? I'm assuming you are planning this as commercial softweare12:02.59 
dzhr or better: when I use the virtual printer, a windows appears which asks me, if i want to print a prescription or not, because if not, it doesn't need to be rotaed, only for prescriptions.12:03.29 
  charly is commercial12:03.33 
kens So you need to abide by the AGPL or get a commercial licence for Ghostscript (or MuPDF) from Artifex.12:04.04 
Robin_Watts dzhr: Are you the developer of charly? Or simply a dentist that uses it?12:04.05 
dzhr everything i program can be licensed under agpl. charly is owned by a german company (solutio)12:04.24 
  i'm just a dentist12:04.27 
Robin_Watts dzhr: Cool, so no commercial license required then.12:04.41 
kens Creating a virtual printer is a non-trivial task under Windows though, you need to program a Port Monitor and that's hairy12:05.21 
  The alternative is to print to FILE: in a hot folder and have a process watch the folder for new jobs12:05.52 
  Depending on the versio of WIndows you are using you might be able to use RedMon for the Port Monitor12:06.23 
dzhr there must be first something like a virtual printer, otherwise it won't be shown up in the list for supported printers on charly12:06.25 
  ok i try it with file12:06.41 
kens You either create a printer which prints to FILE: in a specific place, and have a prcoess which watches that place for files, or you create a Port Monitor (NB this is no longer possible, or at least not easy, with Windows 8)12:07.20 
dzhr every file, which is in that specific place, will be transfered to the hp printer directly?12:08.33 
  with no extra click?12:08.44 
kens You will have to write hte application which watches the hot folder, so its up to you12:08.56 
Robin_Watts PDFCreator is open source. So the easiest thing is probably to tweak the way that calls gs to do the rotation too?12:14.10 
kens That probably works yes12:14.23 
  What I don't understand is why bother to create a PDF file12:14.44 
  You can print to the HP printer from Windows directly12:15.08 
kens wonders *which* PDFCreator is being used.....12:16.15 
dzhr i can print from firefox, word, windows picture viewer, etc. windows in general directly, but i can't print from charly12:16.15 
  pdfcreator opensource 2.0.112:16.28 
kens If you can't pritn from CHarly, how do you plan to print to a PDF Creator virtual printer ?12:16.39 
dzhr pdfcreator is shown up in charly. i can only create a pdf or ps file with it12:17.11 
kens So far I've found at least three applications calling themselves PDFCReator, its not clear which one you're using12:17.21 
dzhr then i open it with adobe reader and print it on hp12:17.23 
kens Which version of Windows is this ?12:17.40 
  windows 8.112:17.48 
kens THen it sounds like you shold contact the makers of the Charly software. Seems like they are out of date wrt Windows and need to update the software12:18.20 
dzhr since windows xp won't be supported anymore, we had to spend extra money to renew all of our pcs12:18.21 
  i contacted charly and these jerks said "we only work with brother, you have to contact hp"12:18.55 
kens <shrugs>12:19.06 
dzhr we have also a brother printer but we use it only for emergency12:19.18 
kens SOunds liek the software isn't working with the new print path12:19.21 
  And I'm fairly certain that the old print path won't be supported much longer. What kind of HP printer is this ?12:19.55 
dzhr we contacted hp and they said "our drivers are universal, you need a specific driver for your (old) model, which we doesn't support anymore, OR you buy a new hp, which we support"12:20.11 
  hp laserjet p3005n12:20.23 
  it's a good printer, we still have lots of toners, which we want to use, then we can buy a new hp12:20.45 
  the hp is about 7 years old and still good12:21.02 
  i tried to look for an older driver but couldn' find it, well, for windows 8.112:21.37 
kens It says it accepts PostScript as an input, so you shold be able to print to PostScript on FILE: and then send the PostScript file directly to the printer12:21.43 
dzhr how can i do this?12:22.51 
kens set up a printer, set it to FILE: and give it a specific filename.12:23.15 
  Then print to it, that will create a file on disk12:23.22 
  Named as you set it up12:23.31 
dzhr and this file will be printed directly with no extra?12:23.54 
kens You should then be able to 'copy <filename> ETH0:' or whatever port your printer is on12:23.59 
dzhr LAN112:24.10 
kens You are always going to have to put some software in place to deal with the intermediate file.12:24.18 
kens well you can try 'copy <filename> LAN1:'12:25.15 
dzhr ok12:25.26 
kens probably copy /b for binary mode just in case12:25.37 
dzhr copy /b <filename> LAN1:12:25.59 
kens Oh and you need to set the printer on FILE: to be a PostScript printer12:26.01 
dzhr ok12:26.07 
  thank you guys, i understood it now and will try it on weekend12:26.38 
kens OK12:26.45 
kens heads to lunch12:26.51 
dzhr goodbye and have a nice day12:26.51 
chrisl ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++13:48.55 
kens O.O13:49.05 
chrisl Hmm, I guess the neighbours cat decided to join in.....14:01.06 
henrys chrisl, kens : darn I did mean to bring up hin tak and at the meeting can it wait until next Tuesday's meeting?15:42.57 
kens I would think so, it can't be urgent15:43.15 
Robin_Watts it's only chris' sanity at stake :)15:44.14 
kens The 'worrying' thing is that if he's using a '' email address he actually looks (to an untutored eye) more 'official' than we do with '' mail addresses. And frankly he's being outstandingly rude15:44.20 
  Robin_Watts : ita worse than that, he really is being quite nasty (as well as saying stupid stuff)15:44.58 
chrisl henrys: I mentioned it to Marcos on Tuesday, he said he was going to look at the matter in the afternoon - dunno if he got to it15:45.02 
henrys chrisl: oh great15:45.22 
  nobody should be using least of all hin tak.15:45.49 
chrisl henrys: my address no longer works - I suspect none of them do now15:46.50 
Robin_Watts I suspect the simplest solution is probably for a bugzilla admin to change hintaks email address in bugzilla from '' to ''15:47.06 
kens Probably true, but we need to tell Hin-Tak to use a diufferent address. Or just unregister him from Bugzilla so he has to15:47.19 
Robin_Watts That way he'll have to contact us for us to update it.15:47.20 
kens Hmm, I gues that would work too15:47.36 
chrisl I don't really care how we do it, it just needs done.15:48.13 
kens How about ?15:48.15 
chrisl How about we just ban him.... that's what he would have done15:48.55 
kens Yeah, biut we shouldn't act like him15:49.12 
  Oh oops, clang just spotted a dumb mistake :-(15:49.51 
chrisl I don't have full admin privs on bugzilla.....15:50.30 
henrys chrisl: if you'd like I'll send him email and tell him to change it.15:53.36 
chrisl henrys: I was hoping marcos would either do it, or say someone else should - I'd rather not have two or more us contact Hin-Tak about it15:54.55 
kens I htink Marcos is too busy atm15:55.13 
chrisl Which is fine, as long we don't get wires crossed15:56.23 
henrys chrisl: okay let's give marcosw a little to work on it. I know he has a list of stuff.15:57.08 
Robin_Watts marcosw has his viva today or tomorrow, I think.15:57.42 
kens Night folks17:18.47 
Robin_Watts night kens17:19.47 
cryptopsy is there a mupdf that can do the same as W but expands to the text rather than the document border?20:45.41 
  mupdf function20:45.45 
Robin_Watts W being a viewer key?20:49.03 
cryptopsy W makes the zoom level so the width becomes the width of the screen20:49.26 
Robin_Watts W being a key in the viewer, was my point.20:51.13 
  No, there is no equivalent to fit the text width.20:51.28 
cryptopsy thanks20:54.50 
  bye for now20:54.51 
mvrhel_laptop Robin you around?21:05.49 
  there are 2 commits on my mupdf.git repos. Top one is just fixed to VS 2013 files so that everything builds. Second one are changes to the print dialog stuff (an interim commit) and is only in the xaml/c# code21:10.45 
  If we can push these in, then we could try to get gsview off on its own repos as I wont have anything hanging around loose21:11.43 
  Robin_Watts: if you can have a look I would appreciate it. 21:12.37 
  I did read through your git doc last night and also started reading the git manual since I figured I should do so. 21:13.05 
  My last gs commit I do feel might have been better set up as 2 commits. One a refactor and the other new stuff. It was no where near big enough for a branch but ended up being a bit more involved then I originally planned.21:14.24 
  Anyway, I think I understood just about everything except for the exact process of how the branch is pushed and then collapsed and pushed as a single commit. As I read the manual I am hoping that will be a little clearer21:15.24 
mvrhel_laptop_ Robin_Watts: and there is a third commit on there. An issue that Fred had found21:41.52 
mvrhel_laptop bbiaw22:17.50 
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