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Log of #ghostscript at

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tor8 Robin_Watts: 
Robin_Watts yeah, he's right.10:57.11 
  I'll commit that.10:59.07 
kens Yay! fixed the mswinpr2 device with my code, finally......11:12.26 
tor8 Robin_Watts: thanks.13:08.10 
kens wow, GS on Linux has *way* more devices built in than on Windows :-(13:47.10 
chrisl I'd think a lot of them would be "printer" devices rather than "file" devices - so not much point on Windows when you can just install the "real" printer driver13:49.57 
kens SO far they've all been 'contrib' devices. I'm not going to try and test those, if they use gdev_prn_open or the vector device open_file_options then they 'should' work.13:50.55 
  If you don't specify FirstPage or LastPage they will work anyway.13:51.14 
chrisl IIRC, the only slightly weird one in there is the pcl3 one - and all the contrib device are, indeed, printer device13:52.18 
kens SO far everything looks OK, I can't test them of course. I htink the pcl3 one is on WIndows, and I checked it already. Unless I'm thinking of some other device13:52.58 
  Oh, obviously I am13:53.14 
chrisl There is a device called "pcl3" and then a bunch of minor variations on the theme - hpdjplus, hpdjportable, hpdj310 etc etc13:54.55 
kens There are som weird anomalies. THe Windows build includes bit, bitcmyk, bitrgb, the Linux build also cinludes bitrgbtags....13:55.23 
chrisl bitrgbtags is analogous to the customer 532 device, so it's on Linux so we cluster test it - it can go into Windows if we want13:59.32 
kens Not really worried, I know the other bit* devices work13:59.51 
  I'm only going to dek check these devices I think, I did a thorough job with teh WIndows devices and it looks like most of them are based off gdev_prn_open, so thay shold all work OK as long as they don't do weird stuff like the mswinpr2 device.14:01.09 
chrisl kens: well, when it reaches that point, I can always test the contrib devices for you - of course, I can't check the output, but I can see they don't crash14:08.09 
kens Well, they won't crash (or at least they shouldn't!) but the FirstPage/LastPage stuff 'might' not work.14:08.49 
  And the only way to tell is (probably) to have a device to print to14:09.02 
chrisl Precisely - I *may* be able to try the pcl3 output on my DeskJet, but that's all14:09.36 
kens FWIW I noticed in passing that a fair number of our devices have the same problem with '%d' syntax as was complained about for pdfwrite, they produce an extra file of output with nothing in it (except some HP devices produce a reset in the file)14:09.59 
Robin_Watts kens: If only we knew of a product that would do software rendering of pcl..14:10.38 
kens SwiftView14:10.46 
  Or GS of course14:10.56 
Robin_Watts or pcl6? :)14:10.56 
kens But that doesn't help at all with most of these devices14:11.16 
  I'm not even sure what a 'cif' device is....14:11.53 
chrisl Even those that are PCL based almost certainly won't work with our PCL implementation14:12.01 
Robin_Watts I would hope it might work with pcl3.14:12.53 
kens PLC3 might work, but that's the least of the devices to worry about14:13.11 
chrisl No, *definitely* not. DeskJet PCL3 is *far* from being a subset of PCL514:13.25 
kens THe device list on Linux runs to 26 lines14:13.38 
  99,02If you assume 10 devices per line that's > 250 devcies99,9914:14.01 
  Hmm, that came ou tin weird colours14:14.14 
  Fortunately a lot of them come through the ESC/P device, and that seems to be all OK14:15.13 
  Err make that ESC/V device14:15.33 
chrisl kens: CIF is apparently "Common Intermediate Format"14:15.37 
kens News to me :-)14:15.45 
  That says its a video format14:16.16 
  Really ? We output video ?14:16.25 
chrisl That was the only CIF I could find.....14:16.43 
kens Let me look at the device again14:16.57 
chrisl "used by some digital cameras for either images or video"14:17.06 
kens Oh, well maybe then14:17.18 
  SOurce says:14:18.41 
  CIF output driver14:18.41 
  The `Fake bitmapped device to estimate rendering time'14:18.41 
  slightly modified to produce CIF files from PostScript.14:18.41 
  So anyone can put a nice logo free on its chip!14:18.42 
  Frederic Petrot, */14:18.42 
chrisl kens: FWIW, I make it 343 devices in a default Unix configuration.....14:19.31 
kens Possible, I was only estimating14:19.43 
  some lines might have a lot of devices.14:19.53 
  I'm up to escp now14:20.21 
chrisl Phew, I think I have my Windows laptop functioning again - but still "Installing 17 of 52...." updates <sigh>14:21.13 
kens Didn't realise you'd broken it14:21.25 
  Did you see the Windows 10 consumer preview ?14:21.37 
chrisl Well, I would argue I didn't break it, but it stopped booting just before my Christmas break14:22.01 
tor8 kens: free for the first year to lure people in, then hit them with a subscription fee?14:22.12 
kens Well that's pretty normal for Windows.14:22.15 
  Last night I had to 'fix' 3 different things on the home computer14:22.32 
chrisl I haven't read much about Win10. I think things might still change quite a bit before the final release14:22.54 
kens Admittedly one of them was 'why won't the pritner feed' to which the answer is 'because some twit has dropped a pencil into its innards......14:22.57 
  The 'holographic display' amused me.14:23.18 
  OK so the PCL3 devices (eventually) call gdev_prn_open but it looks like they mess with the device after opening it, which might be a problem.14:33.04 
chrisl kens: that device is the one that has a dependency on the PS interpreter, so I would say it's "broken" anyway14:34.59 
kens Well I cna fix it I think. I probably should.14:35.23 
  FOr my stuff I mean14:35.28 
chrisl I need to revisit that dependency on PS - it's *really* bad14:37.40 
kens It certainly seems like a bad thing. How else can we input PCL6 and export PCL3 ? :-D14:38.12 
chrisl Well, I may need to drive my DeskJet from a LaserJet driver.... or something14:39.37 
kens I'm sure we'll find a customer that wants to do it.....14:39.52 
chrisl Customers don't get contrib devices14:40.23 
kens I *love* the informative description in the devices :14:40.46 
  Contents: Implementation of the abstract ghostscript device 'eprn':14:40.47 
  general functions and page layout14:40.47 
  Apparently the 'eprn' device is only used by the PCL3 device.14:41.07 
chrisl Yes, I believe so14:41.25 
kens Which makesthe abstraction kind of pointless14:41.38 
  Well, I believe I've 'fixed the pcl3 device for my code, I guess I'll need to checkout my branch to find out14:42.12 
chrisl Possibly eprn abstraction makes things easier for some of the pcl3 sub-devices - there are quite a few of them14:42.46 
kens Well, they all seem to go through pcl3_open which calls eprn_open so as long as I fix those two they should all be OK. Oh, I need to check get_params and put_params as well, to make sure they use the defaults14:43.39 
  (I'm sure thye wouldn't work at all if they didn';t, but still...)14:43.54 
chrisl Well, given the relative size of the eprn/pcl3 device, I'm not inclined to try to audit it all14:44.54 
kens No way!14:45.03 
  I did check through a few of them, and they look like mostly boilerplate14:45.19 
chrisl And I don't think the original author is still interested, either14:46.00 
kens Martin Lottermoser ?14:46.35 
chrisl Possibly....14:46.50 
kens After 13 years, I doubt I woudl be either14:46.52 
  OK so the eprn device uses gdev_prn_get/put_params so that will work OK14:48.32 
  What's the 'correct' way to get the branch I'm working on from my repository on casper into my Linux VM. Preferably in a way which means I don't have to clone 'golden' from casper again afterwards ?14:52.53 
chrisl Do you have your repo setup as a remote in the VM?14:54.02 
kens I do, but I haven't actually checked it works. Its set up as 'kens'14:54.25 
  I also have a 'chrisl' and a 'henrys'14:54.34 
chrisl So, IIRC, "git fetch kens" should get the new remote branches 14:55.14 
kens Hmm, OK let me see.14:55.23 
  man page looks right14:55.45 
  Hmm, but it doesn't work, loosk like my remote is wrong14:56.14 
  ah, mis-spelling14:56.37 
  OK seems to have pulled loads of stuff, lets see what's on my branch14:59.14 
chrisl "git branch -a" will list all branches15:00.04 
kens NP, it listed them when it fetch'ed from the repo15:00.24 
  Just seeing if my latest commit is there15:00.38 
  Hmm, to which the answer is 'no'15:00.54 
  I wonder if I forgto to push it15:01.03 
chrisl The latest commit on your repo is: "update the mswinpr2 device for FirstPage and LastPage"15:01.34 
kens Yeah, I just pushed the last commit15:01.47 
chrisl Your commit for eprn/pcl3 isn't on your branch, it's on master15:02.20 
kens Oh for pity's sake15:02.27 
  Can someone kill that please ?15:02.33 
chrisl It's on *your* master15:02.50 
kens <sigh> Not on a branch, oops15:03.07 
Robin_Watts kens: For the avoidance of confusion, it's worth referring to the main repo as 'golden', yours as 'kens'. 'master' is a branch name, not a repo name.15:04.20 
kens I did call it golden up above.15:04.45 
chrisl I don't really like "golden" - that suggests "ready for release" to me..... but, hey.....15:05.45 
kens I'm just syncing my branch to my master, then I'll push my branch, then revert the commit on my master. Then everything should be OK15:05.48 
Robin_Watts chrisl: 'golden' is our public git repo.15:06.47 
  When commits hit that they are released, at least in some sense.15:07.08 
  That's why we never(*) force push to golden.15:07.22 
  (* for some definition of never)15:07.28 
chrisl No, they are not "released" until we tag and ship. There are plenty of times when our golden repo master is not ripe from "prime time" consumption15:08.12 
kens OK so I reverted the commit on my master. If I now pull or push, will everything on golden remain untouched ? Or should I squash the commit and the revert commit ?15:08.44 
chrisl How did you revert the commit?15:09.17 
kens git revert15:09.22 
chrisl That doesn't undo commits15:09.57 
Robin_Watts aargh. git revert is almost never what you want.15:10.00 
kens Really ?15:10.10 
Robin_Watts git revert makes a new commit that reverts a previous one.15:10.20 
kens Indeed15:10.25 
  The two are back to back15:10.31 
  I could just reset to the last commit form chrisl I guess15:10.44 
Robin_Watts "git rebase -i HEAD~10" and just remove the commits you don't want.15:10.53 
kens Just delete the lines ?15:11.34 
  In the editor I mean15:11.41 
chrisl Yes, removing the lines drops the commits from the rebase15:12.11 
kens OK thought so, but didn't want to mess that one up15:12.28 
  Well, it all looks ok15:12.49 
chrisl So you should now be able to "pull" from golden15:13.45 
kens I'll try in a second, just forcing the PCL3 change over to my repo15:14.10 
chrisl And everything should look the same.....15:14.21 
kens "current branch master is up to date"15:14.44 
chrisl Good, top commit is my spurious debug code one15:15.11 
kens Yep15:15.17 
chrisl Sounds good15:15.30 
kens and my pull in Linux came up with the 2 files I wanted changed, so tha'ts good too15:15.31 
chrisl Your device_subclassing branch still doesn't list the eprn commit......15:16.18 
kens Hmm, odd,15:16.32 
chrisl Oh, actually, it is there, it's just a long way down15:17.08 
kens It should be the last one15:17.19 
  I'm not sure how it orders those, it seems ot be backwards15:17.33 
chrisl No, it's the "oldest" commit on your branch15:17.42 
kens Probably because of the way I did it15:18.00 
  Not the best idea in the world15:18.07 
chrisl Probably because of the direction of the branch rebase15:18.13 
  You can easily get it back to the top if you want15:18.27 
Robin_Watts You rebased the branch on master, when that commit was on master, I'd guess.15:18.34 
kens Yes Robin_Watts correct15:18.43 
  And I would like to correct the order15:18.48 
  Otherwise I'll end up with broken history/commits15:19.01 
Robin_Watts Then git rebase -i HEAD~10 and just move the line.15:19.03 
chrisl Probably rather more than 10......15:19.19 
Robin_Watts (where 10 may need to be more depending on how many commits you have on your branch)15:19.22 
kens I wonder what editor it will use on Linux.....15:19.25 
  I'll probably need 50 or so15:19.31 
Robin_Watts $EDITOR or $VISUAL.15:19.34 
chrisl Probably vi unless you say otherwise15:19.41 
Robin_Watts chrisl: Often nano on recent linuxes.15:19.53 
kens nano woudl be better but I suspect vi15:20.10 
chrisl Ugh, I dislike that even more than vi :-(15:20.12 
kens $EDITOR is emtpty15:20.20 
Robin_Watts kens: export EDITOR=kens_favorite_editor :)15:20.41 
kens Hmm, the ordering of these commits makes no sense to me15:21.22 
Robin_Watts When they appear in the editor, most recent is at the bottom.15:22.00 
kens For me git log shows hte commit I want as the most recent one15:22.03 
chrisl I'm looking at the list on the website15:24.00 
kens I'm looking at git log15:24.09 
chrisl So, I just pulled the device_subclassing branch from your repo15:24.50 
kens And if I look with git rebase -i HEAD~60 I see it as the most recent commit15:24.51 
chrisl The most recent commit on your branch in git log is: "update the mswinpr2 device for FirstPage and LastPage"15:25.28 
  And the same commit is the most recent in the rebase -i editor15:26.23 
kens It didn't say that for me before, but now I've got a 'merge' in the log15:26.27 
  Essentially, I htink I broke my checkout15:26.50 
Robin_Watts kens: git rebase -i and delete the merge.15:27.38 
  git logg -50 should give you a little ascii art diagram on the left.15:28.07 
  or gitk15:28.16 
kens I htink I'm back seeing what chrisl did15:28.16 
  Hmm, well I don't htink its showing me enough 'pick's in vi15:29.13 
  Ah, its just vi's crazy UI15:29.43 
chrisl Do you have a gui editor in your Linux VM?15:30.08 
kens I think I'll do this in msys15:30.12 
chrisl You'll still end up vi won't you?15:30.42 
kens vim, but that's OK15:30.56 
chrisl Should be vim on Linux, too15:31.10 
kens Possibly, but I feel happier in msys15:31.28 
  I use it more15:31.31 
chrisl kens: in your msys bash shell, can you run "cmd.exe"?15:34.32 
kens Err maybe, just a minute, its busy rebasing at the moment15:34.47 
  OK git log looks right now, let me try cmd.exe15:35.41 
  Yes, that works and produces what looks like a windows command shell15:36.01 
  Control-C gets me back to msys15:36.30 
chrisl Indeed, so exit that, and then try "cmd.exe //c notepad.exe" and see if it still returns to the bash prompt immediately15:36.44 
kens No, its waiting, just a moment while I exit notepad15:37.11 
  And gfoes back to bash on exit.15:37.22 
  That looks interesting :-)15:37.29 
chrisl So, that might be an option to get you an editor you're comfortable with15:37.45 
kens Yes, looks like that would work15:38.10 
chrisl Reduce the amount you have to fight with vi/vim15:38.43 
kens Which woul be nice :-)15:38.52 
  Canyou take a quick look at my branch now ? I think the ordering should be OK15:39.23 
chrisl Yep, that looks like how you want it15:40.09 
kens Great! thanks15:40.17 
rayjj morning, all15:54.27 
kens Morning15:54.32 
rayjj Robin_Watts: thanks for the review. I pushed the plib fixes just now15:54.47 
Robin_Watts rayjj: np.15:55.14 
rayjj I noticed that plib is now added to the linux build. 15:55.17 
  kens: there wasn't a bug for that plib problem was there ?15:55.43 
kens I was going to say the commit looked good to me, it fixed the places I'd identified as problematic15:55.52 
  rayjj, no bug15:55.57 
rayjj kens: ok, thanks15:56.05 
kens Nor for the cdeskjet fix15:56.07 
  Possibly others that I've done in passing15:56.19 
rayjj kens: is the FirstPage stuff getting close ?15:57.16 
rayjj hasn't read all the logs yet15:57.33 
  oops. scared kens away ;-)15:57.49 
henrys chrisl: urw don't make type 1 fonts but instead open type type 1 so they've remade all 35 in open type T1. Not sure how much this is going to bite us: 
  chrisl: fonts are in my home on casper with the strange name 16:11.50 
kens Can't be type 1 if they are OpenType, must be CFF16:12.34 
henrys kens: looking at the fonts they are indeed type 116:13.30 
kens Then I'm baffled by the open type reference16:13.47 
  Maybe I'm wrong but I thought OpenType only supported CFF16:14.19 
henrys I thought that as well.16:14.54 
chrisl The OTF docs only state CFF outlines, so......16:15.48 
rayjj FWIW, the default editor I end up with on linux is emacs (which I detest)16:16.26 
kens It always shakes my confidence when a type foundry can't get terminology correct.16:16.33 
chrisl It rather shakes my confidence that we should be buying "Postscript fonts" and they give us OpenType.....16:17.15 
kens But henry says they are type 1.....16:17.35 
chrisl Even if they *are* Type 1 outlines, Postscript does not support OpenType16:18.13 
rayjj but gs does, right ?16:18.24 
kens They are opentype fonts ? with type 1 outlines ? Mind-blowing16:18.45 
rayjj hopes so because we've been telling people that for years16:19.01 
kens Hmm, I can't open the ziip file16:19.07 
chrisl rayjj: "sort of" and "mostly" would be the answer to that......16:19.24 
rayjj chrisl: close enough for marketing purposes :-)16:19.45 
kens chrisl can you copy the zip file ?16:20.06 
chrisl rayjj: the place where we fall down is in CIDFont substitution - you can't use a CFF OTF for CIDFont substition16:20.32 
  Erm, why does the file name suggest a date in 2013??16:21.54 
kens I assumed that's why henry said it was an odd name16:22.12 
  But can you copy it ?16:22.24 
henrys chrisl: don't know maybe the change over to open type16:22.25 
rayjj henrys: the file isn't readable16:22.26 
henrys readable by group.16:22.35 
kens Well *I* can't open it to copy it16:22.45 
henrys are groups screwed up on casper.16:22.47 
rayjj yeah, but 'group' is henrys16:22.49 
chrisl Permission denied16:22.53 
rayjj -rw-r----- 1 henrys henrys 2544110 Jan 22 15:54 deliver_2013_06_25_otfstd.zip16:23.09 
henrys oh okay I'll fix it.16:23.22 
Robin_Watts Try now.16:23.32 
  (made it gs-priv group)16:23.37 
rayjj works no16:23.47 
kens Yeah copies now16:23.50 
rayjj now16:23.50 
kens Well the zip is full of .pfb files16:24.21 
  So not OTF at all16:24.28 
  And they do appear to be genuine type 1 PFB encoded font files16:24.49 
chrisl Yep, just Type 1 - jeez :-(16:24.59 
kens Certainlky they are PostScript not OpenType16:25.03 
  So, really *quite* a misleading zip name16:25.25 
rayjj henrys: so those are the ones with the extra glyphs ?16:27.12 
henrys rayjj: yes16:27.30 
  chrisl: a cluster push might be enlightening16:27.48 
chrisl henrys: we'll need to decide what to do about names again.....16:28.12 
henrys chrisl: other than cry you mean.16:29.59 
chrisl Well, after the crying16:30.18 
  I'm half tempted to say we keep the file names, keep the font names (whatever they are) and rely on Fontmap.GS - I don't know if that brings other implications16:31.03 
kens rayjj bandheight/plib fix causes compilefail on cluster16:31.40 
rayjj kens: I cluster pushed it and it was OK16:31.59 
henrys chrisl: I'm fine with that.16:32.02 
kens I just got he mail from the commit test16:32.09 
rayjj oh, nm that was before plib was built on linux16:32.18 
rayjj I didn't realize it wasn't included16:32.29 
kens rayjj :-)16:32.30 
chrisl I fixed it, it worked!16:32.49 
  error: macro "emprintf1" passed 4 arguments, but takes just 316:33.18 
henrys chrisl, kens : I wonder if urw is referring to font changes that came about with opentype conversion - if they've brought those changes back to the type 1 format? See the adobe link above?16:33.51 
kens henrys that is possible I guess.16:34.12 
chrisl henrys: that's still not excuse for having otf in the archive name!16:34.37 
Robin_Watts henrys: I bet they have designed the font as an opentype to match the latest versions,and have exported a T1 from it.16:35.10 
chrisl henrys: I'll do some testing and see if there are problems just using the Fontmap.GS to get everything "right".16:35.21 
henrys Robin_Watts: yes that's what I meant, applied the changes documented at the adobe link and exported as type 1. but this is very odd.16:36.51 
rayjj chrisl: you didn't commit the fix for the compile fail did you ?16:37.39 
chrisl rayjj: well, plib didn't work on the cluster originally, I fixed that, and added it to the default build16:38.17 
  rayjj: but I haven't fixed the issue with your commit, no16:38.31 
  henrys: it may mean they don't use the hinting features that are available in Type 1 and not in CFF - so the Type 1 and CFF outlines match exactly16:38.59 
rayjj chrisl: that's why I didn't understand your comment "I fixed it"16:39.27 
chrisl rayjj: at first I thought you'd overwritten my fix in the source file16:40.01 
rayjj chrisl: I'll push the fix for the compile fail. 16:40.11 
  how come it is "Building GhostXPS" when all I asked for was 'gs' ?16:40.43 
chrisl To test the XPS output16:41.04 
rayjj I'm not going to wait for the results (now that I know it compiles) since a regression doesn't test plib anyway16:41.37 
chrisl It should now at least do *something* with plib, which is why I added it16:42.16 
rayjj chrisl: maybe one of the nightly runs tests all devices16:42.38 
kens Presumably one of Marcos's scripts tests all the devices16:42.40 
chrisl Yes, I thought marcosw said on Tuesday it runs on each commit - but maybe it was nightly16:43.14 
  rayjj: it seems it was you that added the URW fonts into "Resource/Font" and did so using file names derived from the actual font names - any recollection of the reasoning for that?16:45.54 
henrys chrisl: I know that I did that in PCL because I didn't like that the filenames had no relation to the contents of the file.16:48.31 
  we might have agreed to do the same with gs... but I don't remember.16:49.38 
chrisl It also may work better for Postscript resource enumerating, which is one area I have concerns about it16:50.18 
  I mean, personally, I *prefer* to have the file name match the font name, anyway16:51.37 
kens OK the eprn/PCL3 device(s) seem to be working now16:59.09 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: Are you here?17:29.44 
  We've just got a message to support chasing the message to support that came in on the 20th.17:30.35 
  "Getting Started with MUPDF using .NET"17:30.54 
rayjj Robin_Watts: that's from cust #1, right ?17:31.14 
Robin_Watts The only .net stuff we've got is yours, I think, so tor and I are probably touching our noses on this one :)17:31.24 
  rayjj: I haven't looked up the number, but it's possible, yes :)17:31.38 
chrisl That's probably another argument for having GSView in a separate repo - it's never going to be a good "example project"......17:40.00 
rayjj chrisl_away: sorry I missed your question about the font naming. I don't recall exactly, but ISTR that some of the CET tests were happier when the contents of the directory matched the Resource name that was enumerated. The "Fontmap" approach is rather opaque. Also the enumeration logic is more straightforward (I suspect)19:14.11 
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