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vimmonkey Can u specify ICC profiles with ghost scripts during conversions?00:36.30 WOW that was burried int the documentation lol00:40.13 
mvrhel_laptop vimmonkey: yes00:40.39 
  lots of flexibility when it comes to color management in ghostscript00:41.03 
vimmonkey -sDefaultGrayProfile, -sDefaultRRGBProfile, -sDefaultCMYKProfile and -dOverrideICC 00:41.03 
  -sOuputICCProfile too (typed these in so someone goolign can find the answer =)00:41.32 
rayjj vimmonkey: and -dUeFastColor (reverts to pre-icc type color conversion)01:12.24 
  vimmonkey: and -dUeFastColor=true (reverts to pre-icc type color conversion)01:12.39 
vimmonkey rayjj: hm, thanks. i'm working with illustrator files… and i just noticed that the blacks are marked as "spot colors" in illustrator. When i use gs they come out as a greyish…was thinking it was a ICC profile, not sure though. I'll try -dUseFastColor01:14.09 
rayjj vimmonkey: if you are used to "old" (pre 9.00) gs, then -dUseFastColor might be closer to what you want01:15.27 
vimmonkey erm, s/spotcolors/processcolors/g. I am using 9.2. Erm, basically the issue I'm working around is when the -dUseCIEColor is specified, it takes around 8-9 seconds.. without the option its under a second.01:16.32 
  erm sorry, using 9.0501:16.49 
rayjj vimmonkey: I'd have to check when UseFastColor got added. just a sec.01:18.37 
  vimmonkey: it was commit 592047 Tue Dec 6 12:52:31 2011, so it would be in the release that following Feb 2012, which was the 9.05 release -- you should be OK01:21.19 
vimmonkey hm i'll try it01:21.44 
rayjj vimmonkey: and for "fast" approximate colors, don't use -dUseCIEColor01:22.01 
  mvrhel_laptop: please correct me if I mis-stated :-)01:22.37 
vimmonkey yeah, imagick defaults to using that value <_<01:22.50 
rayjj vimmonkey: by "approximate" colors, it means using the old approach for CMYK->RGb rather than using an ICC profile01:23.31 
vimmonkey yeah, if i use UseFastColor i lose my grays (which are black in the illustrator file....)01:25.30 
  again it's a process color, so not sure what that means, got to read up more on printing and stuff <_<01:25.49 
rayjj vimmonkey: do you mean that the grays are white ?01:26.20 
rayjj isn't sure what "lose my grays" means01:26.44 
vimmonkey erm…bascially my black colors in illustrator are turning really light grey, whites are fine. i think this might be image magick though, one second have to run p-trace and get the command it's using again01:27.59 
rayjj vimmonkey: BTW, are you starting with an Illustrator PS file or PDF file ?01:28.08 
vimmonkey *strace01:28.09 
  rayjj:'s a .ai file, but theres an option in illustrator which saves the document as a pdf more or less, and then incodes all the ai stuff into the pdf document01:29.59 
rayjj vimmonkey: right, new Adobe apps (Illustrator and other CS apps) have PDF as the native format01:30.40 
  at least it's more "portable" than the PS was01:30.56 
vimmonkey yeah…and dis regard everything i said earlier. i think gs is working fine, i forgot my php script was using imagick and not gs…01:31.34 
  so my colors are being modified by imagick <_<01:31.46 
rayjj vimmonkey: for PDF, I'm not sure what imagemagick uses, I know it uses gs for PS input01:32.15 
vimmonkey yeah, ghost script looks like it's working fine, it's some imagick settings that are wrong <_< my bad, sorry for wasting your time01:33.20 
  ok, i need to take a break01:35.10 
  thanjks again for your help guys =)01:35.15 
kens chrisl do we create man pages for Unix systems ?10:20.11 
chrisl kens: erm, sort of...10:20.50 
kens Oh, that's unfortunate.10:20.57 
  THe one for 'ps2ps' ?10:21.18 
chrisl I guess so....10:21.34 
kens Can I modify it ?10:21.40 
  And where do I find it ? :-)10:21.50 
chrisl It's in gs/man/ps2ps.110:22.25 
kens OK I'll have a poke, thanks10:22.33 
chrisl You can modify it. I don't know nroff, so whenever I change them it's monkey see/monkey do......10:23.06 
kens OMG well I guess removing bits should be easy10:23.22 
  Hmm, the ps2ps in there doesn't seem to mention LanguageLevel10:24.11 
  Oh no, there it is.10:24.17 
chrisl Erm, that whole section is b*llocks.....10:25.00 
kens I removed the reference to LanguageLevel and said 'The output is level 2 DSC 3.0 conforming PostScript.'10:25.39 
chrisl It says "Normally the output is allowed to use PostScript Level 2 or Level 3 constructs, but the -dLanguageLevel=1 option restricts the output to Level 1"10:26.31 
kens Yeah I deleted all of that10:26.40 
  And replaced it10:26.44 
chrisl But that's never been true......10:26.56 
kens Nope, not ever, I don't know who wrote it10:27.06 
chrisl It clarifies why so many people have been using -dLanguageLevel=X though10:27.36 
kens I guess it does. I'm also removing the section on pswrite....10:27.57 
  Well, the whole .SH BUGS section in fact10:29.01 
chrisl Don't forget to the change the date and the gs version before you commit it10:29.52 
kens I'm doing both10:29.59 
chrisl Ta10:30.04 
kens And also checking if we even ship an 'eps2eps' script10:30.08 
chrisl We do - dumb idea :-(10:30.41 
kens apparently we do, who knew ?10:30.44 
  But not a ps2eps....10:31.39 
  So is there any way I can look at the actual output ?10:34.46 
  On Linux obviously10:34.54 
chrisl Er, possibly......10:35.06 
kens I can live with a 'no' :-)10:35.19 
chrisl I can't remember how you get it formatted like a man page10:35.46 
kens I'll have a google10:36.00 
chrisl Ah, it looks like if you do into the man directory, and do "man ./ps2ps.1" it's show you10:36.36 
kens OK let me try that10:36.49 
kens launches VM10:36.58 
chrisl Yeh, that does it10:37.21 
kens Great I'll let you know in a second10:37.32 
  Well it looks OK to me, I'll commit it10:39.15 
chrisl Well that's, um, weird.....10:46.37 
kens ?10:46.40 
chrisl clusterpushing with the CFF versions of the fonts, I get segfaults in ps2write.....10:47.16 
kens :-(10:47.27 
  I can look into it if you like10:47.36 
chrisl But when I debug it, it's actually handling a type 3 font10:47.56 
kens Err yeah that's odd10:48.04 
  Is they type 3 based off a built-in font or something ?10:48.16 
chrisl Not that I can see, no10:48.52 
kens is confused then....10:49.06 
chrisl In fact, the Type 3 font only seems to have one glyph.....10:49.55 
kens Well I've just finished the man pages stuff, so if you push it to your repository I cna take a poke10:50.38 
chrisl There's a branch in my repo called "cff-fonts-experiment", that's got the fonts, and some Postscript changes needed for them to work "properly"10:51.52 
  The test file I'm looking at is: 14-02.PS10:52.19 
kens OK give me a minute. I may come back asking for Git help butI *think* I know how to do this....10:52.22 
chrisl "git fetch chrisl" should get the stuff from my repo10:53.53 
kens Yeah done tha,t I was having trouble getting the branch cheked out, turns out I can't spell fotns10:54.48 
  Quick clean and rebuild....10:55.09 
chrisl Strange, fotns isn't that hard to spell....10:55.12 
Robin_Watts I oftsn get fonst wrong.10:55.44 
kens twiddles thumbs impatiently10:56.31 
chrisl My spilling is usual quote good, it's my tipping that I straggle with10:58.33 
kens 'Allo 'Allo ?10:58.51 
chrisl I does rather smack of that, doesn't it?10:59.25 
kens OK build done and I grabbed the test file, let me see10:59.38 
  GPFs in cos_stream_add for me10:59.51 
  Way down deep from doing a fill11:00.20 
chrisl It wasn't there for me, but it sounds a similar area11:00.32 
kens pdev->streams is borked11:00.37 
  In fact, pdev is NULL11:01.00 
chrisl For me it went bang in cos_release()11:01.07 
kens Hmm, it sort of sounds like a memory problem of some kind11:01.29 
  dev is OK when the fill takes place, it obviously gets stomped on11:01.58 
chrisl It sounds like a real problem that's just been exposed by doing things a bit differently....11:02.48 
kens Maybe not11:02.54 
  The device is actually stored in the cos stream object11:03.05 
Robin_Watts valgrind show anything useful?11:03.05 
kens And its wrong in there (ie null)11:03.15 
chrisl valgrind doesn't give much more information - invalid read size 8 then segfault11:04.11 
kens The composite object referenced by the stream is not valid, that's the basic problem11:04.42 
  I think I need to look at the stream_open to find out why11:04.57 
chrisl kens: there's no major rush, the CFF or OTF, or whatever, won't be going out in the March release!11:05.46 
kens Its a reasonably convenient time to look, its this or the /Pattern colour space.....11:06.08 
  OK when we complete the CharProc accumulation we close an 'aside' and set the current stream back to the 'saved' stream. However, thestream we go back to appears to be broken in some way, I'm not sure why yet.11:38.30 
  It looks like something is definitely overwriting pdev->strm, it always has hte same value, when we get to the error point, and that's not possible with address space randomisation. So something must be overwriting it. Sadly it gets changed a *lot*, so this may take a while.11:58.27 
  Err, no, that;s nonsense :-(12:00.18 
  Back to square one.12:00.33 
  lunch, bbiab12:11.25 
henrys kens: I was foolling around with the otf's not sure what font type I should use for pdfwrite - declaring them truetype for the graphics library is okay because freetype sorts it out but pdfwrite wants something different. Do you know off the top of your head. Don't spend time on it, I can look if you don't know.14:29.57 
kens pdfwrite is happy (or shold be) with *any* type supported by PostScript14:30.25 
  Of course, if you use TrueType all sorts of fallbacks and heuristics will come into force14:31.06 
  because PostScript doesn't support TrueType directly14:31.20 
Robin_Watts do otfs (with cff outlines) count as truetype in that statement?14:32.05 
kens Almost certainly, yes14:32.19 
henrys kens: I'm using otf's with cff outlines and am trying to figure out what value in the enumeration font_type in gxftype.h I should be setting.14:32.35 
chrisl I doubt pdfwrite ever have seen an otf with CFF outlines before......14:32.54 
Robin_Watts Could pdfwrite be made to recognise otfs with cff outlines as cff? (and would there be a benefit to doing so) ?14:33.15 
kens I'm sure pdfwrite will never have seen such a thing. In PostScirpt it would be either a type 2 or a type 42, in PDF it would be a type 1c14:33.38 
  Robin_Watts : its not pdfwrite, it just looks at what the graphics library presents it with. As CHris and I keep sayign, you can't do TrueType in PostScript, so you get compromises14:34.13 
henrys kens: so if I add an otf with cff outliines to the gs fontmap use it and create pdf what is put out?14:34.28 
kens I suspect pdfwrite doesn't understand the font its been handed by the graphics library14:34.31 
  henrys I have no idea14:34.38 
chrisl henrys: all else being equal, you'll get a PDF with a Type1C font in it14:35.02 
kens But my answer will (as always) be that OpenType and TrueType are not directly supported by PostScript, so anything we choose to do is an extension to the language and inherently unsupported14:35.08 
  SO if it doesn't work, then we *may* fix it, or we may not14:35.28 
Robin_Watts kens: Right, except the current plan (which I thought you and chrisl had signed up to) was that we would be using otfs with cff outlines as our standard fonts.14:36.12 
kens henrys you cna try ft_encrypted214:36.12 
  Robin_Watts : We said we would make it work, we never said it *did* work14:36.27 
chrisl Robin_Watts: If you load an OTF/CFF via the fontmap, the PS front end makes it into a Type 2 font, so that's what pdfwrite sees14:36.48 
Robin_Watts Right, so it might not be supported now, but it could be.14:36.49 
kens We cna make it work by stripping off the OTF and loading it as a CFF14:36.57 
henrys I'll look at it. Don't make a fuss about it just yet.14:37.46 
kens chrisl so why is Henrys having problems ? A type 1c should emerge I'd have thoguht. Also I thought you tried this on the cluster. While I know ps2write threw a fit, didn't pdfwrite work ?14:37.46 
chrisl kens: henrys isn't working through the PS interpreter14:38.07 
kens Ah, so this is PCL input with pdfwrite.14:38.24 
chrisl Yes14:38.28 
kens Light dawns.14:39.01 
chrisl So the graphics library gets a font labelled as being Truetype, but it really isn't, it's OTF14:39.06 
kens OK well pdfwrite will have no idea what to do with that.14:39.19 
chrisl As henrys points out, the way the FAPI code works, that will just work, but high level devices, probably not14:39.50 
kens In order to handle it it needs to be one of the font types available that we already handle. In short you need to strip the CFF out of the OTF and pass it as a type 214:40.04 
rayjj chrisl: as build master, when you have a chance, can you have a look at;a=commitdiff;h=9bcd6f76dcb6d25c90b6c273b1e9c6b0082bb53f14:40.49 
henrys chrisl: I did some comparisons with courier the new fonts look good against the truetype we have now. Looks like your results. 14:41.20 
rayjj chrisl: as you can see, I fixed the problem with needing pdfwrite14:41.42 
chrisl rayjj: when tried the minimal build, I got a missing symbol "update_spot_equivalent_cmyk_colors", do your makefile changes fix that?14:42.44 
henrys rayjj: the email response is pretty high priority ini the scheme of things. 14:43.01 
chrisl henrys: I'm actually very surprised at how few rendering differences there are between the Type 1 and CFF versions14:45.43 
kens henrys we can probably handle the font in pdfwrite by defining a new font type (eg 52) which is a TrueType with CFF outlines. pdfwrite can then simply pull the CFF out and use it. It will not be totally trivial though. I htink this will have implications for ps2write also as it will need to convert the CFF back to type 114:46.33 
chrisl s/TrueType with CFF/OpenType with CFF14:47.16 
henrys kens: oh yeah I didn't even think about pswrite14:47.21 
  well courier is a dull beast we'll see with the others.14:48.14 
Robin_Watts henrys: When you get a mo, can we speak on the skype sot room please? no hurry14:49.34 
chrisl I'd expected just the fact that the interpreters are *completely* different would result in more significant rendering diffs14:49.48 
kens chrisl yes sorry, was too busy looking at the problem14:50.55 
chrisl kens: we bitched at henrys for it, so..... :-)14:51.36 
kens henrys we do already have code in ps2write to handle CFF fonts (I think) because we can get those in PDF input. Its just a case of making sure it all works. There's plenty of work to do to get this all working properly.14:51.58 
chrisl We can get CFF input from PS, too.......14:52.31 
henrys HA we should go back to the TT option for internal fonts ;-) ....14:52.54 
  less work14:53.11 
chrisl henrys: less work for who? It would be at least a couple of weeks (plus a bug tail) for me14:53.34 
henrys joking ...14:53.52 
chrisl henrys: sorry, getting a bit punch drunk from the font arguments!14:54.38 
henrys Robin_Watts, chrisl: is there some way to run the cluster without testing pdfwrite at all? I know my current code segv's with pdfwrite but I'd like to see all the glyph changes with the raster devices. I only get one page of output when I do a bmpcmp I think that's because all the crashes in pdfwrite get me over some limit but not sure.15:05.45 
Robin_Watts henrys: You run the cluster job as normal.15:06.10 
  Then when you call bmpcmp add -filter=ppmraw15:06.19 
henrys Robin_Watts: yeah that's what I did.15:06.47 
Robin_Watts and that will filter the failed jobs so that bmpcmp only tests ppmraw ones.15:06.52 
  I *thought* the limitation to 1000 jobs happened after the filtering rather than before.15:07.10 
chrisl I did it the other way - I filtered the normal cluster run, then did the bmpcmp15:07.15 
Robin_Watts chrisl: Does -filter work on the normal cluster run?15:07.34 
chrisl Seems so, yes15:07.43 
Robin_Watts only wrote that code.15:07.43 
  So henrys, try that?15:08.01 
henrys wiat it's fixed nvm.15:08.03 
chrisl Robin_Watts: I couldn't get bmpcmp to do both filter *and* take the fuzzy parameters15:08.16 
Robin_Watts chrisl: hmm, ok.15:08.28 
chrisl Robin_Watts: I meant to look into it, but have been rather distracted15:08.57 
henrys is there some sort of delay with bmpcmp? cause I swear I only had one page of output when I first got the report now I have all the pages?15:09.02 
kens You had a cahed version, you sometimes need to clear out the cache manually15:09.24 
  Or force a page reload15:09.31 
Robin_Watts henrys: Yes. The creation of the html happens 'in the background' after the cluster job ends.15:09.33 
  hence it can take a couple of minutes to run through.15:09.49 
henrys Robin_Watts: thanks that's what it was then.15:09.50 
Robin_Watts np. It's all held together with duck tape and spit, you know.15:10.10 
henrys chrisl: courier differences are in my bmpcmp15:10.20 
chrisl Robin_Watts: And don't forget the bits of string.....15:10.33 
henrys TT vs CFF15:10.34 
Robin_Watts chrisl: We don't have budget for string...15:11.05 
chrisl Robin_Watts: I thought we got some bits of string free with the amazon subscriptions15:11.55 
  henrys: it looks like PCL is going to need some massaging for this work fully15:13.52 
henrys chrisl: euros in a different postion.15:14.25 
chrisl And a few other glyphs either different or missing15:14.43 
henrys it isn't that bad though. I thought it would be worse.15:15.12 
chrisl It may simply mean experimenting to find the right encoding to use15:15.29 
kens I always expected there would be *some* work to do. I'm a bit surprised the encoding is different to the type 1 version though15:16.42 
  D'oh, this is the CFF vs TT isn't it, so an Encoding difference isn't surprising15:17.02 
chrisl Yeh, actually, the encoding might be an issue - only 255 glyphs available......15:18.15 
henrys but the rendering is pretty close15:18.15 
kens chrisl I thought PCL was only 8-bit, sop presumably 255 glyph positions ie enough ?15:18.44 
henrys PCL supports 16 bit character 15:19.34 
kens Oh, well that vould be a problem then15:19.41 
  Should be doable though, if we treat the OTF as a TT15:20.13 
henrys PCL converts everything to a unicode short through it's internal symbols sets then uses that to index the font.15:20.53 
  a few exceptions to that but15:21.31 
kens I guess we can use the 3,0 CMAP to go from a Unicode code point to a glyph, I'm just not sure with CFF outlines how we go from a GID to a CharString. Probably we don't have to, CFF CharStrings use integers for the keys as I recall, so I imagine the CHarString uses the same GID as is in the CMAP15:22.41 
  I'm not sure how this is going to work with pdfwrite, we'll probably end up with lots of fonts defined15:23.04 
  Shouldn't be any worse than with TT fonts though15:23.24 
vimmonkey rayjj: forgot to mention, i ended up using -dUseCIEColor and switching the device type to pngalpha, that sped up generation by order of of magnitueds ( ~ 8 seconds to < 1 second)15:33.06 
  (was defaulting to pam device)15:36.23 
  erm..was set to pam device15:36.43 
kens chrisl its definitely a memory corruption problem with ps2write. I see that data in a stream structure is being overwritten in pdf_set_charproc_attrs while capturing a CharProc. When we finish the charproc and return back to the previous stream state, it has been corrupted, next time we try and write something to that stream, it crashes.15:40.01 
chrisl kens: is that stuff subject to relocation?15:40.33 
kens I'm really not sue15:40.43 
  I cna say that the stream hasn't been relocated in the interim15:41.02 
  I don't think streams are relocatable15:41.46 
  Actually yes,these streams *are* relocatable15:42.47 
  Which is interesting.....15:43.16 
  I'm not certain that these are enumerated15:43.27 
chrisl First thing to check would be if there is actually a gc run in there15:44.02 
kens Hmm, any easy way to do that ?15:44.14 
chrisl I usually put a breakpoint in the garbage collector code......15:44.50 
kens THere's an awful lot taking place between teh allocation of the top level streams and the time we get to the problem.15:45.18 
  But if you can give me a name ?15:45.25 
chrisl I think I usually use gs_gc_reclaim()15:46.13 
kens OK let me try that15:46.19 
  That breakpoint never gets hit, I guess no GC15:47.18 
chrisl So hopefully a simple watch point will be a good hint at the problem15:48.18 
kens Well, tha's how I discovered where the memory was being overwritten15:48.43 
chrisl So, you could add -Z@ and the watchpoint, and that would indicate if and where the memory is being spuriously freed15:49.44 
Robin_Watts kens: This is where I make my obligatory plug for memento.15:50.10 
kens Robin_Watts : I've only just proved it was a memory problem15:50.29 
  Its taken quite a bit of digging to get this far15:50.41 
Robin_Watts When you run and you detect that it's overwritten, check globals.sequence15:50.51 
  That will tell you how many malloc/free events have happened.15:51.01 
kens It'll be a lot15:51.10 
Robin_Watts Then you can run again with a breakpoint in Memento_inited15:51.16 
  and in Memento_breakpoint.15:51.27 
  When the first breakpoint goes off, Alt-Shift-Q and call Memento_breakAt(whatever that number was)15:51.49 
  That will run and stop you at the memory event before the overwrite.15:52.11 
  hopefully you can then step through usefully.15:52.20 
kens chrisl after digging back to the vector device, the stream in question defintiely is relocatable, and it has proper enumeration and such like.15:52.48 
  Robin_Watts : I'll try that in a bit.15:53.01 
  I'll need to rebuild with memento and I'm going to guess that the problem will either go away or move somewhere else, meaing I get to debug it all over again15:53.32 
Robin_Watts kens: maybe, yes.15:54.20 
kens I'll find out in a minute or two15:54.29 
chrisl I'd have tried the -Z@ approach first - it will almost trivially eliminate the possibility of erroneously freed memory, and doesn't slow everything down massively15:55.36 
kens I;'m not familiar with -Z@ what does t do ?15:56.01 
chrisl Writes bit patterns to newlly allocated, freed and garbage collected memory15:56.31 
rayjj chrisl: sorry -- I was running the kids to school and getting coffee. Yes, the addition of $(GLOBJ)gsequivc.$(OBJ) to translib_ fixes that. I tried it with --with-drivers=ppmraw,pgmraw,pbmraw and it builds and now runs15:56.32 
kens chrisl yes I just read the docs15:56.39 
rayjj chrisl: that may only work with debug builds15:56.54 
kens OK so I can try that afterwards, I still have all the breakpoints in place for finding the memory location to trigger on15:57.08 
Robin_Watts In this instance I wasn't pimping memento for its memory checking facilities so much as being a way to easily get you to 'stopped in the debugger just before it crashes'15:57.16 
chrisl rayjj: as kens is debugging, I assume he's using a debug build.....15:57.18 
rayjj kens: so you have a debug build, right15:57.30 
kens Oddly enough, yes :-)15:57.33 
chrisl rayjj: your commit all looks good to me15:57.56 
rayjj chrisl: OK.15:58.02 
  henrys: that commit was to allow me to build a minimal gs for the ROM footprint, related to the email. I'm trying to collect the data in the background while pursuing cust 532's issue which is a current P1 customer (not a potential P1)15:59.44 
  henrys: I will get the email out as soon as I have runs that I can trust16:00.21 
henrys rayjj: great.16:01.01 
kens well memento threw a totally differnt problem, unrecoverable error, non stack trace16:01.18 
  SO back to -Z@16:01.26 
rayjj chrisl: BTW, the comment about "Fix some (probably not all) dependencies" is because I suspect there are some other devices that have broken dependencies if built alone. Maybe someone (marcosw?) can cycle through doing builds with only a single device for all devices to see what else is broken16:06.17 
  if marcosw doesn't get around to it, I might set up a job to crank through that after the higher priority work is done16:07.05 
  kens: sometimes -Z@$? (usually escaped as: -Z@\$\? ) helps as well. -Z? validates pointers and may turn up "object not in any chunk" problems16:12.47 
chrisl rayjj: I do have dependencies on my to-do list.....16:13.29 
rayjj chrisl: OK. thanks. I'll go back to ignoring it then, as I mostly have over the last many years ;-)16:15.58 
vimmonkey Can you specify larger writes? ie only 1 4096 bytes are written out at a time...19:30.03 
rayjj vimmonkey: sorry, I don't understand the question (maybe something hasn't posted to the logs yet before I signed back in)19:31.30 
vimmonkey rayjj: oh, it's a new issue, was using strace and saw a bunch of writes and each writing out 4096 bytes, was wondering if I could write more data at a time 19:32.42 
Robin_Watts vimmonkey: That's just buffered IO.19:35.14 
  what device?19:35.18 
rayjj vimmonkey: why? it doesn't (IME) help performance19:37.20 
Robin_Watts vimmonkey: In general, most devices output in whatever blocksize is most convenient for them.19:37.54 
  This goes into an OS buffer, and when it fills that buffer the OS writes it out in a lump.19:38.35 
  as ray says, writing 4K at a time is NOT going to be bottleneck, I'm sure.19:39.10 
vimmonkey Robin_Watts: ah ok, my bad19:41.56 
Robin_Watts np.19:42.09 
vimmonkey rayjj: for the file write it was taking around ~0.7 seconds, was just wondering if it was possible to trim thigns down19:43.05 
Robin_Watts vimmonkey: Which device?19:43.44 
vimmonkey 0.846691 open("/tmp/magick--nYFbVF0-00000001", O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, 0666) = 4, another 0.8 seconds here… here19:43.50 
  vimmonkey: was using png16m19:43.55 
  erm, Robin_Watts was using png16m19:44.03 
Robin_Watts The writing in 4K lumps is not going to be a problem.19:44.10 
  The device may be writing out in smaller lumps than that though.19:44.22 
  (almost certainly is)19:44.26 
vimmonkey hm, this one vector artwork file I have takes around 5.499 file to convert, was just trying to trim things down. I am on 9.05 19:47.06 
Robin_Watts vimmonkey: PDF or PS as input?19:47.54 
vimmonkey Robin_Watts: it's a pdf19:48.04 
Robin_Watts and you want a bitmap out?19:48.15 
  I'd be tempted to try mupdf.19:48.21 
vimmonkey Robin_Watts: hm ok, i'll give it a shot.19:49.11 
Robin_Watts it's less powerful than gs (no color management), but it's possibly a better bet for this job.19:49.23 
  and you'll get AA for free.19:49.35 
rayjj vimmonkey: how many pages ?19:49.35 
vimmonkey vimmonkey: it's just i mentioned it's an illustrator file, and im using the pdf portion of it19:49.52 
  (erm mentioned yesterday)19:49.59 
rayjj vimmonkey: and what resolution ?19:50.00 
  what size png ?19:50.27 
vimmonkey 1 second, i'll give you the exact command =). ty for your help...19:50.51 
  gs -q -dQUIET -dSAFER -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -dNOPROMPT -dMaxBitmap=500000000 -dAlignToPixels=0 -dGridFitTT=2 -sDEVICE=png16m -dTextAlphaBits=4 -dGraphicsAlphaBits=4 -r300x300 -sOutputFile=/tmp/magick--nYFbVF0-%08d -fslow19:51.40 
rayjj if it's low res then mupdf (as Robin says) is probably faster. If it's a large bitmap (high res) then gs -dNumRenderingThreads=3 might be faster (if it is large enough to go to be using a display list / clist)19:51.45 
  vimmonkey: oh, AlphaBits, yep -- try mupdf19:52.07 
Robin_Watts rayjj: Or maybe gs using the downscaler.19:52.26 
rayjj vimmonkey: and MaxBitmap=500m is not going to be using the clist19:52.44 
vimmonkey ah..yeah i'm hacking away at a image magick delegate file (the ~5seconds i qutoed is just the ghost script portion, got the command by runnign the php script and using ps)19:53.48 
rayjj Robin_Watts: vector data is probably pretty sparse, so downscaling processes a lot of raster that just painting vectors probably doesn't19:53.57 
Robin_Watts rayjj: yes... but it's illustrator so there could be gradients etc.19:54.20 
rayjj Robin_Watts: mupdf, once again, IME, is much faster on gradients than gs19:54.47 
  Robin_Watts: and gradients in the scaled up bitmap (prior to downscale) are going to be painful19:55.15 
vimmonkey hm, the -dNumRenderingThreads=3 stripped out 2 seconds, so around 3.3 now ..i'll try mupdf now19:55.36 
Robin_Watts vimmonkey: How long does: gs -sDEVICE=png16m -r900 -dDownScaleFactor=3 -o out%d.png in.pdf take ?19:55.36 
rayjj vimmonkey: note in the command line from Robin_Watts, there is *no* -dGraphicsAlphaBits=4 -dTextAlphaBits=4 (the downscaling does that)19:56.54 
  vimmonkey: and Robin_Watts' command line will probably benefit from -dNumRenderingThreads=319:57.26 
vimmonkey 5.10user 0.02system 0:05.14elapsed 99%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 19216maxresident)k19:57.57 
  0inputs+1896outputs (0major+5299minor)pagefaults 0swaps19:57.57 
  (without the -dNumberRenderingThreads)19:58.12 
rayjj vimmonkey: note it's not NumberRenderingThreads, but -dNumRenderingThreads=319:59.05 
Robin_Watts So the downscaler is faster than alphabits ?19:59.20 
rayjj sounds like it's about a wash19:59.42 
vimmonkey gs -sDEVICE=png16m -r900 -dDownScaleFactor=3 -o out%d.png -dNumRenderingThreads=3 -fslow 19:59.49 
Robin_Watts 5.1 vs 5.520:00.10 
vimmonkey erm 1 sec20:00.14 
  ~ 4.817 user 20:00.35 
  i might do some pre processing to the artwork file actually to speed things up to ..but , alright mupdf time heh20:01.02 
rayjj vimmonkey: strange that the user time is less -- I expect -dNumRenderingThreads=3 elapsed to be less20:01.15 
vimmonkey yeah….20:02.00 
rayjj vimmonkey: unless you get billed per CPU cycle, you don't care about user time :-)20:02.01 
vimmonkey lol20:02.09 
rayjj vimmonkey: what was the elapsed gs time with downscaling and multiple threads ?20:03.07 
vimmonkey erm 1 sec20:06.15 
  time gs -sDEVICE=png16m -r900 -dDownScaleFactor=3 -o /tmp/out%d.png -dNumRenderingThreads=3 -fslow20:07.36 
  real 0m4.847s20:07.48 
  user 0m5.248s20:07.48 
  sys 0m0.07220:07.48 
  this is odd..installed mupdf-tools w/ debian but mudraw isn't in my path heh…. 20:08.24 
Robin_Watts mupdf-tools is a different package.20:08.43 
  mupdf-tools is stuff like mutool (or pdfclean, pdfextract etc if it's an old version)20:09.11 
  You want mupdf20:09.16 
vimmonkey ah, yeah i installed mupdf, and have access to mupdf, but it ants to use X and i don't have it on this box20:10.42 
  let me rad the man page...20:10.46 
Robin_Watts Try pdfdraw ?20:11.05 
  debian might be VERY old.20:11.12 
  vimmonkey: Probably easiest to just build it from source.20:11.33 
vimmonkey yeah pdfdraw exists20:11.57 
rayjj vimmonkey: and the gs elapsed time with -dTextAlphaBits=4 -dGraphicsAlphaBits=4 -dNumRenderingThreads=3 was 3.3 sec ?20:12.00 
vimmonkey rayjj: i'll run again20:12.24 
Robin_Watts vimmonkey: If it's that old, speed/quality will not be as good as it is these days.20:12.42 
vimmonkey Robin_Watts: yeah, i had arch on the system but when i was setting it up realized maintainence was going to be really high lol.. 20:13.23 
rayjj we're always interested in which of our products is better ancient gs or wet behind the ears mupdf ;-)20:13.34 
vimmonkey lol20:14.27 
rayjj mupdf is not even a teenager yet. gs is almost 3020:14.39 
vimmonkey dang, didn't know mupdf was related to ghost script, sorry 20:14.56 
Robin_Watts mupdf is easy to build from source. There is a single .tgz with all the dependencies in. just unpack it and "make build=release"20:14.58 
  vimmonkey: Not related. Just flatmates :)20:15.09 
  with the same cleaners :)20:15.24 
rayjj vimmonkey: they are both products developed/maintained/supported by Artifex Software20:15.29 
  and some folks work on both (if forced to)20:15.56 
vimmonkey time gs -q -dQUIET -dSAFER -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -dNOPROMPT -dMaxBitmap=500000000 -dAlignToPixels=0 -dGridFitTT=2 -sDEVICE=png16m -dTextAlphaBits=4 -dGraphicsAlphaBits=4 -r300x300 -sOutputFile=/tmp/out.png -fslow -dNumRenderingThreads=320:16.49 
  real 0m3.970s20:17.15 
  user 0m3.884s20:17.15 
  sys 0m0.076s20:17.15 
rayjj vimmonkey: -dNumRenderingThreads=3 AFTER the -f slow will have no effect, AFAIK20:17.23 
vimmonkey oh.. ok20:17.39 
  time gs -q -dQUIET -dSAFER -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -dNOPROMPT -dMaxBitmap=500000000 -dAlignToPixels=0 -dGridFitTT=2 -sDEVICE=png16m -dTextAlphaBits=4 -dGraphicsAlphaBits=4 -r300x300 -sOutputFile=/tmp/out.png -dNumRenderingThreads=3 -fslow20:18.19 
rayjj vimmonkey: but, as I said, I expect that with -dMaxBitmap=500000000 NumRenderingThreads won't have any effect20:18.22 
vimmonkey real 0m3.960s20:18.31 
  user 0m3.880s20:18.31 
  sys 0m0.072s20:18.31 
rayjj vimmonkey: OK, that makes sense. Now leave out -dMaxBitmap=500000000 20:18.53 
vimmonkey time gs -q -dQUIET -dSAFER -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -dNOPROMPT -dAlignToPixels=0 -dGridFitTT=2 -sDEVICE=png16m -dTextAlphaBits=4 -dGraphicsAlphaBits=4 -r300x300 -sOutputFile=/tmp/out.png -dNumRenderingThreads=3 -fslow20:19.26 
  real 0m3.744s20:19.34 
  user 0m4.028s20:19.34 
  sys 0m0.016s20:19.34 
  better ...20:19.36 
  still had to try drawpdf heh20:19.51 
  then building a new version from source 20:19.57 
rayjj vimmonkey: and one last thing, try -sDEVICE=ppmraw -o /dev/null20:20.01 
vimmonkey ok20:20.11 
Robin_Watts gs -q -dQUIET -dSAFER -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -dNOPROMPT -dAlignToPixels=0 -dGridFitTT=2 -sDEVICE=png16m -r900 -dDownScaleFactor=3 -sOutputFile=/tmp/out.png -dNumRenderingThreads=3 -fslow20:20.21 
rayjj (get rid of -sOutputFile...20:20.30 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: ping20:20.39 
Robin_Watts pong20:20.44 
rayjj we are keepng vimmonkey busy :-)20:20.52 
vimmonkey i don't mind being a interactive shell =) lol20:21.11 
mvrhel_laptop do you have any idea what sort of "font information" the customer wants mpudf to provide in the email about the dot net stuff?20:21.24 
Robin_Watts mvrhel_laptop: Not a clue.20:21.39 
mvrhel_laptop Robin_Watts: :)20:21.43 
rayjj The ppmraw device will tell you how much time is spent compressing the bitmap to PNG20:21.45 
Robin_Watts I think we need to ask exactly what he wants to know.20:21.52 
mvrhel_laptop ok I will reply20:22.00 
Robin_Watts cos it may not be readily available from the fz_font.20:22.06 
vimmonkey Robin_Watts: for your command, ime gs -q -dQUIET -dSAFER -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -dNOPROMPT -dAlignToPixels=0 -dGridFitTT=2 -sDEVICE=png16m -r900 -dDownScaleFactor=3 -sOutputFile=/tmp/out.png -dNumRenderingThreads=3 -fslow20:22.08 
mvrhel_laptop right20:22.12 
vimmonkey real 0m4.843s20:22.19 
  user 0m5.272s20:22.19 
  sys 0m0.044s20:22.19 
  rayjj: let me try yours now..20:22.25 
rayjj vimmonkey: OK, so downscaling to a 300 dpi image is slower than GraphicsAlphaBits for your file. Sort of what I expected20:23.04 
vimmonkey time gs -q -dQUIET -dSAFER -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -dNOPROMPT -dAlignToPixels=0 -dGridFitTT=2 -sDEVICE=ppmraw -dTextAlphaBits=4 -dGraphicsAlphaBits=4 -r300x300 -sOutputFile=/dev/null -dNumRenderingThreads=3 -fslow20:23.52 
  real 0m1.241s20:23.59 
  user 0m1.368s20:23.59 
  sys 0m0.020s20:23.59 
rayjj vimmonkey: and FYI, -Z: will print out OutputPage start and end times. The OutputPage start tells you how much time was spent writing the clist20:24.02 
  vimmonkey: OK, so of the 3.9 seconds, all but 1.4 seconds is spent doing the png compression. Not much room for improvement20:24.53 
vimmonkey time pdfdraw -o /tmp/out.png slow20:25.17 
  real 0m0.226s20:25.17 
  user 0m0.212s20:25.17 
  sys 0m0.012s20:25.17 
rayjj since PNG compression is done in the main thread and doesn't benefit from multiple CPU's20:25.25 
  vimmonkey: add -r300 to be equivalent20:25.46 
vimmonkey ah 20:25.50 
  sysadmin@designerimagecreator2:/var/www/unified/public/images/headstoneEditor2/uploaded$ time pdfdraw -o /tmp/out.png -r 300 slow20:26.02 
  real 0m2.651s20:26.02 
  user 0m2.516s20:26.02 
  sys 0m0.128s20:26.02 
  ha, disregard file paths =P lol20:26.20 
rayjj more believable, and also what we expect20:26.23 
vimmonkey hm that is a bit better though20:26.55 
rayjj since AA is part of mupdf (mudraw == pdfdraw) and it works in RAM more, it's closer to just the PNG time20:27.35 
fredross-perry Hello. Tryng to push to a newly-created repo, and I’m getting “remote error: access denied or repository not exported:”20:27.36 
vimmonkey i'm using it as image masks, so throwing in -g actually is a bit quicker20:27.36 
fredross-perry thoughts?20:27.40 
vimmonkey oh and bmp is actually a lot faster, so i don't need to go with png =)20:28.11 
  time pdfdraw -o /tmp/out.bmp -r 300 -g slow 20:28.20 
  real 0m0.889s20:28.20 
  user 0m0.844s20:28.20 
  sys 0m0.040s20:28.20 
rayjj vimmonkey: gs has -sDEVICE=pnggray if that's really what you want20:29.01 
  that'll be closer to pdfdraw with -g20:29.25 
  vimmonkey: and if you don't need png, pgmraw is the fastest20:29.52 
vimmonkey not sure if image magick can understand pgmraw...20:30.08 
  bmpmno is actually quite quick!20:30.14 
rayjj it sure ought to20:30.17 
vimmonkey time gs -q -dQUIET -dSAFER -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -dNOPROMPT -dAlignToPixels=0 -dGridFitTT=2 -sDEVICE=bmpmono -dTextAlphaBits=4 -dGraphicsAlphaBits=4 -r300x300 -sOutputFile=/dev/null -dNumRenderingThreads=3 -fslow20:30.23 
  real 0m0.464s20:30.30 
  user 0m0.452s20:30.30 
  sys 0m0.012s20:30.30 
  i'll try pgmraw20:30.40 
rayjj vimmonkey: it'll be about the same I expect20:30.55 
vimmonkey time gs -q -dQUIET -dSAFER -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -dNOPROMPT -dAlignToPixels=0 -dGridFitTT=2 -sDEVICE=pgmraw -dTextAlphaBits=4 -dGraphicsAlphaBits=4 -r300x300 -sOutputFile=/dev/null -dNumRenderingThreads=3 -fslow20:31.16 
  real 0m1.517s20:31.23 
  user 0m1.824s20:31.23 
  sys 0m0.016s20:31.23 
fredross-perry oh, I think I have it. using https:// instead of git://20:31.40 
vimmonkey fredross-perry: ah, yeah i generally use https.. (not for ghost script, but other repos)20:32.23 
rayjj vimmonkey: bmpmono is *NOT* gray shade. it's the equivalent to pbmraw (1-bit) bmpgray is 8-bit gray (for soft masks)20:32.29 
vimmonkey oh..20:32.34 
  yeah bmpgray is about 1.5 seconds =)20:32.55 
rayjj and pgmraw or bmpgray will probably be faster with -dMaxBitmap=500000000 20:33.02 
vimmonkey actually, with -dMaxBitmap its ~400ms slower heh 20:34.16 
rayjj so, still, mudraw/pdfdraw is < 0.9 sec, and gs equivalent is (best case) 1.5 seconds to a gray image. 20:34.41 
vimmonkey yeah =) 20:34.48 
  thanks for all the help! i really really appreciate it20:34.59 
rayjj vimmonkey: there you go. Have fun20:35.01 
  vimmonkey: and it's another data point for us20:35.14 
vimmonkey ha, i'm surprised you care about older versions, like i said I'm on 9.05 for gs20:35.53 
  erm pdfdraw dosen't have a —version thing20:36.44 
  says mupdf copyright 2006-20012 @ button heh20:37.00 
  *@ bottom of man page20:37.06 
  btw, do you guys take donations?20:43.12 
Robin_Watts fredross-perry: hi.20:43.14 
  You can't push to your git repo on casper using http: or git:20:43.38 
  You want something like: git remote add golden 
  git remote add oriigin 
  So you'll be using ssh.20:45.01 
fredross-perry I tried that, but now I get “Permission denied (publickey).21:12.32 
  fatal: Could not read from remote repository.”21:12.33 
  I suspect I need to tell my system, or git, about how to use SSH?21:13.23 
  heading out...21:25.08 
catgetsdown I may be looking at the wrong area but for nothing programmers, it is really difficult to figure out which one of those files to download for your program? I have an Android tablet that I was hoping to use your product on but I can't figure out which file to download. Thank you21:43.24 
Robin_Watts fredross-perry: hey.23:45.29 
  you still here?23:45.33 
fredross-perry yes, back now23:45.38 
Robin_Watts ok, so first off, we need to arrange that your system knows about how to ssh to ghostscript.com23:45.56 
  We set up a private/public key pair, right so you can ssh in?23:46.18 
  If you go to the command line and do: ssh do you get in ?23:46.51 
fredross-perry yes I do.23:47.01 
Robin_Watts OK. so git remote -v and paste it here.23:47.21 
  (assuming it's not huge)23:47.28 
fredross-perry (fetch)23:48.02 (push)23:48.02 
Robin_Watts Not fred@ghostscript.com23:48.22 
fredross-perry no. But I can try that, should I?23:48.38 
Robin_Watts git remote rm golden23:48.56 
fredross-perry ok, then…23:49.14 
Robin_Watts git remote add golden 
  actually, even that's not right.23:49.54 
  git remote add golden 
fredross-perry yes I think I had that before. Then when I “git push golden” I get the error.23:50.26 
Robin_Watts do git fetch golden23:50.42 
fredross-perry same error23:51.38 
Robin_Watts what error, exactly.23:51.47 
fredross-perry Permission denied (publickey).23:55.49 
  fatal: Could not read from remote repository.23:55.49 
Robin_Watts Ok, paste git remote -v again23:56.05 
  I can clone from that repo. It's empty, but I can clone it.23:57.47 
  so the repo itself is set up fine (for fetching from at least).23:58.06 
  It's either going to be you having the remote wrong, or you having the ssh setup wrong.23:58.22 
  If you can ssh in with: ssh at the same command prompt that you are failing to git fetch from then that suggests that ssh is picking up the correct key when called directly, but not when called through git.23:59.39 
  That would make me wonder what version of ssh git is calling. You're on a mac right?23:59.56 
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