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dinamic_ avih, are you around ?19:52.06 
  avih if i remeber right you use mujs a bit.. i have a javascript that worked before i updated mujs.19:52.46 
  avih, arr = ["str", "str2"]; assignment seems to be broken, can you confirm ?19:53.08 
  avih, doing; arr = []; arr.push("str"); works as expected19:53.31 
avih dinamic_: not sure i follow you. what do you want me to test, and why do you think my build would behave different than yours?20:01.28 
dinamic_ avih, :) is this a problem you have encountered ? , can you reproduce ?20:02.17 
avih dinamic_: a problem where arr=["str1", "str2"]; is broken? i don't recall i had such issue. on which version do you want me to try this, and how is it broken? crash?20:03.22 
  dinamic_: you're very vague :)20:03.53 
dinamic_ avih, nope im tired.. :) arr=["str", "str1"]; will create a array object but its empty and arr.length = 020:04.43 
  that the issue i have ^20:04.47 
  creating an empty array and push stuff into it works as expected20:05.06 
avih dinamic_: and at which revision does this happen to you? and what was the last revision which wasn't broken to you?20:05.28 
dinamic_ if you havent stumble upon it.. 20:05.41 
  i really dont ment that you need to test anything.20:05.52 
avih i haven't, but i also haven't used mujs much recently, so i can't say it would have been likely that i'd bump into it even if it's broken20:06.12 
dinamic_ same here.. 4 monts since i used it so its a big step in revisions..20:06.46 
avih dinamic_: ok, let's take it one step at a time. 1. did it ever work correctly for you? if yes, which is the first revision where it's broken?20:06.52 
dinamic_ cant say which revision it was.. i dont have track of it..20:07.25 
avih and at which revision are you observing this broken behavior? maybe it was fixed last week (for instance) and you're testing a build from 3 months ago?20:07.53 
  and if you don't recall, just check back revisions. personally i don't recall i bumped into such bug.20:08.33 
dinamic_ a few days ago i updated my 4 months old submodule of mujs and experienced this bug20:08.56 
avih ah, so you think it was ok 4 months ago, but got broken in recent builds?20:09.31 
dinamic_ yes it definitly worked before i made the update20:09.49 
  tested it with 4 months old mujs the same day before the update20:10.05 
  to recent20:10.10 
avih well, i just tested with the latest revision from github (25 days ago) the following code:20:11.39 
  var arr=["str1", "str2"];20:11.40 
  and it prints 220:11.44 
  so i don't think i can see this bug20:11.49 
  dinamic_: create a code sample and post here what it prints vs what it should print with your build20:12.56 
  and also post on which platform you compile it20:13.04 
dinamic_ do you use strict context or not ?20:13.49 
avih not strict20:14.08 
  post code sample with actual and expected output. it would save a lot of time20:14.36 
dinamic_ oh, c side ?, then i need to rewrite one samle example20:15.23 
avih not c side. you have mujs.exe (or just mujs on osx/linux) sample REPL app. just use it to test20:17.20 
  post the sample javascript code which behaves incorrectly20:17.45 
dinamic_ nice20:19.10 
  didnt knew about mujs20:19.19 
avih so, you have a simple js code sample, it's actual output vs its expected output?20:21.33 
dinamic_ var res = ["test","test2"];20:21.51 
  outputs 020:21.57 
  as simple as that20:22.02 
avih great, so on my system it prints 2, but i didn't test strict mode20:22.20 
dinamic_ this is with mujs binary20:22.29 
  as is20:22.32 
  dunno if its strict or not20:22.39 
avih i'm testing on windows (though mujs is embedded into another application and cross compiled on linux)20:22.42 
dinamic_ ah ok20:22.52 
avih which os are you testing on?20:23.09 
dinamic_ im on linux.. 20:23.22 
avih let me try on linux20:23.49 
dinamic_ THis is my rev. 15795e2b58fcb6e801c401795d40c1344517b5ee20:23.56 
  just pulled a update ^20:24.28 
  it works20:24.55 
  when you are tired..20:25.16 
  do something else then..20:25.30 
  avih, im sorry for the buzz20:25.40 
avih np20:26.02 
  so do you know which revision was broken?20:26.21 
  actually, i think i do see this bug on linux:20:30.13 
  $ build/mujs20:30.16 
  > var a = 120:30.16 
  > a20:30.16 
  > var a = ["a","b"];20:30.16 
  > a20:30.18 
  > var a = [1,2,3,4];20:30.20 
  > a20:30.22 
  > 20:30.27 
  > a.length20:30.46 
  > 20:30.46 
  this is with the latest clone from github20:31.11 
dinamic_ yes20:31.49 
  the bug is there..20:31.53 
  i thought i updated to latest but i didnt..20:32.00 
  now im latest revision20:32.04 
  and there is the bug again..20:32.09 
  taths broken..20:33.11 
  length is wrong to when adding numbers..20:33.21 
  if you do var a = []; a.push("str"); it works as expected20:34.30 
avih fwiw, i think it's broken the same also in non strict mode (i just recompiled main.c without JS_STRICT)20:36.10 
  it was compiled with clang v3.420:36.27 
  (both with and without strict)20:36.39 
  anyway, gtg20:36.56 
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